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CE ® FARUUGH LARGE a 37 7 J oo AMERICA: ARTIST. WINTER 2011 Ta CONTENTS Editor's Note Contributors Sketchbook eo 20 New & Notable 22 Forming the Figure Avg. omneren Whether traditional or contemporary, realistic tr abstract, an artist's choices concerning the ‘model, pose, and form of a figure are guided by expressive purposes. 92 Drawing Fundamentals ‘The Figure in Action: The Rhythmic Relationship of Lines sy sow oe Although they may seem simple, lines provide the foundations for every shape that we draw. Learning which kind of line to implement during ON THE COVER Mapping the Face Through Large Self-Portraits “Mapping the Sein Large-Scale Drawings How to Draw Active, Lifelike Figures Drawing Findanientals Advice for Drawing Leaves + Plants in Perspective Botany for the Arist: Drawing Leaves Employ a Wide Range of Media and Styles. Hamessing the Beauty of Youth Through Whatever Means (and Media} Necessary ‘Spanish Masters From Ribera to Goya ‘The Passionate Line: Drawings by Spanish Masters COVER IMAGE ight Falting on Thirty Dylon, 2008, charcoal and past x 28 ‘ocho Dee a Sandy Basie cach stage of the process can lead to figure drawings that are both dynamic and anatomically correct. 46 Mapping the Self in Large-Scale Drawings ramos sans In his powerful self-portraits fan Ingram combines, obsession, philosophical musings, and scrupulous attention to the texture and details of his face 52 Botany for the Artist: Drawing Leaves 60 The Passionate Line: Drawings by Spanish Masters rsa Pas A recent exhibition atthe Frick Collection revealed te distinct and often idiosyncratic virtues of Spanish drafismen in the 1 through 29) centuries, including Ribera and Goya 72 Hamessing the Beauty of Youth Through Whatever Means (and Media) Necessary In his female portraits and figure drawings. New Jersey artist Borian Vallejo combines media and styles to capture the beauty of the figure: 78 Stitching Together the Past's Hopeful Future Gerrnan-bor artist Bjorn Meyer-Ebrecht creates large ink wash dravvings of buildings on sheets of paper he tapes together to pull the viewer inte-a past that never was, 86 Speaking Volumes With Just a Few Lines rOOURTNEY oRAN Through skilled linework and compassion for his subjects, Brooklyn-based artist Steven Ketchum crafts psychologically complex figure drawings. 96 Coming in,

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