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Good Jobs

do, and which funds propaganda to deny the benefits of renewable energy The initial cost of putting a renewable infrastructure in place (remembering that, once in place, the FUEL IS FREE). Our current energy policy and practices are set up to favor fossil fuels and those jobs force us to choose between work and the health of our families and communities. But what if we could level the playing field? What if we could get good jobs?

Clean Renewable Energy

The introduction of the CLEAN-FIT [proposal] . . . presents New York State a clear opportunity to move forward on a proven successful path to produce local clean energy. . . now is the time to step up and commit to rebuilding our manufacturing base around the technologies of the 21st century. We have a window to progress to the green, clean and efficient industries of the future.
John Shinn, Regional Director District 4, United Steel Workers


(Feed-In Tariff)
We all want jobs good paying jobs that support our families and community, that bring us satisfaction, that are addressing important things -- like jobs in renewable energy. We all want clean, renewable energy. We want energy that doesnt pollute our land, water and air. We want energy that is free like sun, wind, and geothermal. We want energy that will not contribute to the heating of the planet. But we have a few problems in getting this: No national or statewide energy policy and timid politicians A powerful gas and oil industry whose product permeates almost everything we

We Can! WE Can Have A FIT

What is a FIT? A FIT is a pricing strategy that works by setting a fixed price per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity generated that is guaranteed for 20 years. This provides the reliable revenue stream needed to attract investors. A FIT gives businesses, schools, coops, farmers and individuals an equal opportunity to develop and sell energy to utilities like NYPA. A FIT sets a fair price that is intended to cover the cost plus a fair profit, an incentive to produce and install renewable energy.

of a FIT, and it has proved to be the most successful way of generating a renewable energy sector and FITS create jobs! Germany has developed technological dominance in this area with exports of wind, solar, biogas and biomass technologies. They have created over 367,000 stabilized, high wage jobs in 12 years! Our neighbors in Ontario instituted a FIT in 2009. By 2011 they had generated more than $20 billion in new investments and more than 20,000 new jobs. So much renewable energy has been installed that they are on schedule to phase out all their coalfired electrical plants by 2014!

How do we know it will work? Already 80 jurisdictions across the globe have some form

How much will it cost the ratepayer?

Good question, with an interesting answer. The costs of feed-in tariffs are covered by slightly higher electricity rates, but the effect on each ratepayer is small. In Ontario, the effect is approximately one Tim Hortons donut a month. The interesting good news is that, because increased use of renewable energy allows decreased use of expensive peaking power, the overall monthly bill for each ratepayer can be smaller than in the absence of a FIT! Renewables can actually save money.
What if I want to put solar panels on my roof? Will a FIT guarantee me the same price as the big guys?

The Long Island Power Authority has just initiated a FIT for solar energy; we want a broader FIT (wind, biomass, hydro, geothermal, biogas in addition to solar) in WNY. NYPA would then develop 20-year standard contracts written in simple, clear language that would be offered publicly. The Governor has provided great support for WNY with the Regional Economic Development Council and a commitment of $1 billion to our region. This would be a good project/policy to help build a new energy infrastructure while providing much needed jobs, and it would not require any direct subsidy from the State.

YES! In Ontario almost 12,000 families, farmers,

community groups and small businesses are participating Green in the microFIT part of their Green Energy program.

How can I help? Join us in encouraging the governor to institute a FIT in WNY through NYPA. Learn more by downloading our colorful, clearly written explanation of FIT programs and their potential benefits for New York State. Just type <> into your web browser. Inform your State Assembly and Senate representatives that you want a FIT for WNY. Contact the Energy Committee of the Sierra Club Niagara Group for how you might help promote a FIT program. Contact: <>.

Want Good Jobs + Energy? Clean Renewable Energy?

The Sierra Club Niagara Group is proposing that we institute a FIT in Western New York in our energy district, Zone A, that includes all or parts of 11 counties, beginning in January 2013. We are requesting that the Governor instruct NYPA (New York Power Authority) to purchase renewable energy according to a FIT strategy.
Jointly proposed by the Sierra Club Niagara Group and United Steel Workers. Endorsed by the Working Families Party

How do we get a FIT?

Time for WNY To Have a

A FIT, or Feed-in Tariff program, provides a fair price for renewable energy production providing the incentive for anyone -- from homeowners to farmers to schools to large energy producers -- to invest in wind, solar, biomass and/or geothermal.

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