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The Schoolwide Enrichment Model

Lampiran E01

Some Indicators of Ineffective Teaching

A. The teacher as a person:
1. Believes that teaching is just a job. 2. Arrives late to school and class on a regular basis 3. Has classroom discipline problems 4. Is not sensitive to the students culture and heritage 5. Expresses bias (positive or negative) with regard to students 6. Expresses political bias 7. Works on paperwork during class rather than working with students 8. Has parents complaining about what is going on in the classroom 9. Uses inappropriate language 10. Demeans or ridicules students 11. Exhibits defensive behavior for no apparent reason 12. Is confrontational with students 13. Lacks conflict resolution skills 14. Does not accept responsibility for what occurs in the classroom

B. Classroom Management and Organization:

15. Arranges desks and chairs in rows facing forward (without regrouping) 16. Displays inconsistencies in enforcing class and school rules 17. Is not prepared with responses to common issues 18. Ranks student progress on chart for all to view 19. Does not post or is not clear about expectations of students 20. Is unavailable outside of class for students 21. Complains inappropriately about all the administrative details that must be done 22. Maintains an unsafe environment or equipment 23. Keeps an unclean or disorderly classroom 24. Unpredictable, makes up rules according to mood or fancy 25. Does not start class promptly, dallies

C. Organizing and Orienting for Instruction:

26. No (or very few) lesson plans available 27. Student assessment and diagnostic data are not available 28. No differentiated instruction is provided 29. Lesson plans are not aligned with curriculum guides 30. Activities that are not related to the learning objective are selected 31. No plans for or anticipation of potential problems 32. Lesson plans mainly consist of text or worksheets 33. Students are not engaged in learning 34. Lesson plans do not address different learning styles 35. Poor or inconsistent student achievement is the prevalent pattern


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The Schoolwide Enrichment Model

Lampiran E01

D. Implementing Instruction:
36. Experiences student behavior problem 37. Has unengaged students (e.g., bored, off-task, asleep) 38. Has poor student performance 39. Gives vague instructions for projects, and activities 40. Unresponsive to student cues that the delivery is ineffective 41. Lacks variety in instructional methods used 42. Uses outdated material or terminology 43. Fails to implement changes pointed out by peers or supervisors 44. Does not apply current strategies or best practices

E. Monitoring Student Progress and Potential:

45. Does not allow questions 46. Fails to monitor student progress 47. Does not keep log 48. Does not record conferences with students or parents 49. Uses extremes in grading 50. Fails to re-teach after assessment 51. Offers little or no variety of assessments

F. Professionalism:
52. Gives negative feedback routinely at meetings 53. Displays unwillingness to contribute to the mission and vision of the school 54. Refuses to meet with parents, guardians, or colleagues outside school hours 55. Resents or is threatened by peers visiting classroom 56. Does the minimum required to get by 57. Submits reports late 58. Writes inaccurate or unclear reports 59. Does not update record 60. Does not show racial impartiality

Taken and adapted from: Qualities of Effective Teachers, James H. Strong; ASCD, Alexandria, Virginia; 2002


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