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HUMAN RESOURCES ASSIGNMENT Part1 What are some of the specific uniquely international activities an international HR manager typically

engages in? 1. Formulating and implementing HR policies and activities in the home-offi ce of a multinational company. This HRM manager would engage in selecting, trai ning, an transferring parent-company personnel abroad and formulating HR policie s for the firm as a whole and for its foreign operations. 2. Conducting HR activities in the foreign subsidiary of an MNC is another form. Again, local HR practices are often based on the parent firm's HR policie s, fine tuned for local country practices. 3. Focusing on local responsiveness and global integration. 4. Offering promising managers the opportunity to grow and gain experience so that an environment for continuous learning will be created throughout the en tire organization. 5. Identifying top management potential early, identifying critical success factors for future international managers, providing developmental opportunitie s, tracking and maintaining commitments to individuals in international career p aths, trying strategic business planning to HR planning and vice versa and deali ng with multiple business units while attempting to achieve globally and regiona lly. What intercountry differences affect HRM? Give several examples of how each may specifically affect HRM. 1. Cultural Factors. U.S. managers may be most concerned with getting the job done. Chinese managers may be most concerned with maintaining a harmonious environment. And Hispanic managers may be more concerned with establishing trus ting, friendship relationships. 2. Economic Factors. U.S. economic systems tend to favor policies that val ue productivity while more socialistic countries like Sweden would favor policie s that prevent unemployment. 3. Labor Cost Factors. Mexican labor costs (low) can allow inefficiencies of labor, while German labor costs (high) might require a focus on efficiency. 4. Industrial Relations Factors. German law requires that workers have a v ote in setting policies while in Japan the employees do not have a say, but the government may have a say in establishing policies. 5. Global HR outlook need appreciative of different cultures, understanding what motivates people from different societies, and how that is reflected in th e structure of international assignments. In China, for instance, special insura nce should cover emergency evacuations for serious health problems; telephone co mmunication can be a necessity in Russia. Part 2 Give small description on any 1 on the following relating it to some of your rea l life experiences. Goal setting theory Goal setting theory is generally accepted as among the most valid and useful mot ivation theories in industrial and organizational psychology, human resource man agement, and organizational behavior. According to goal theory, to motivate, goals must have Clarity, Challenge, Commi tment, Feedback, Task complexity. Goal setting is something most of us recogniz e as necessary for our success. By understanding goal setting theory, you can effectively apply the principles t o goals that you or your team members set. Locke and Latham's research confirms the usefulness of SMART goal setting, and their theory continues to influence th e way we measure performance today. Use clear, challenging goals, and commit yourself to achieving them. Provide fee dback on goal performance. Take into consideration the complexity of the task. I f you follow these simple rules, your goal setting process will be much more suc cessful, and your overall performance will improve. Real Life experience

My goal during graduation was to pass-out with excellent marks but later on I ap plied above theory to this. Goal was reset to Get percentage above 80% . Around 10% of students get marks above 80 %. So this goal was definitely achievable. L&T Company declared prize to top 10 students in electrical engineering subjects. This challenge motivated every stud ent to work hard on core subjects. I got good marks in prelims which acted as fe edback to formulate strategy to study important part of syllabus.

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