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ABSTRACT The Online Enrolment System was proposed in replacement of the Manual Enrolment Systemof the institution for

it to have an organized flow of transaction and an ease of work especially tothe administrators of Cavite Maritime Institute. The study is concerned on how the manual enrolment performs throughout the companys transaction. The numerous transactions that the manual system covers, such as updating and addingstudent records, generating the advising and assessment slips, and the like are commending themanual enrolment system to be inefficient for the needs of the institution.Since the study involves proper records handling, tracing the constraints and evaluation of themanual system is essential. Thus, the proponents gathered necessary data that will help in theprogress of enhancing the existing system of CMI.

Abstract The study aimed to prove the effectiveness of implementing Computerized Attendance Monitoring with Payroll System and to deal with the problems encountered by the employer during their works. The study gives views of how technology enhances work and to show the big difference of the manual to the new Computerized Attendance Monitoring and Payroll System. This would give the partial view of how computers can help the employer for doing his job easily. More and more people can witness and be inspired to the power of what technology can offer today. The system will be designed to prove an efficient, faster and accurate way of monitoring attendance and computing the salary of the employees. It has been...

ABSTRACT Title : Enrollment System Proponents: Mylene Gonzales PabloJocelyn Lorona MagnoJustine Ann Mendez RodriguezMaricar Acosta Bautista Degree: Computer Science in Information Technology (CSIT) Adviser: Daniel G. Urbanozo


This study aims to come up with an enrollment system for a high school whichalso includes information pertinent data such as name, year, section, miscellaneous fees,etc. This system is design for the use of the staff to enable them to produce informationrequired by different people.T h e s y s t e m w i l l m a k e t h e w o r k o f f a c u l t y a n d s t a f f f a s t e r , e a s i e r a n d m o r e comprehensive. The Enrollment System will also store the data of the students such asname, section, schedule and fees paid. The system will allow the printing of receiptseasily. Conceptual Framework Title: Implementing Successful Enrollment System Successful enrollment management depends on information base that is comprehensivetargeted and continuously updated to conform with enrollment policies and to monitor itseffectiveness. Institutions implementing enrollment programs need to establish an initialinformation infrastructure. This data will identify areas in need of further analysis thatmay suggest policy revision. This approach (1) establishes a comprehensive framework (2) encourages development of enrollment target performance, monitoring system andtracking files (3) identifies areas of the student (4) integrates institutional research intoe n r o l l m e n t m a n a g e m e n t p o l i c y f o r m a t i o n a n d ( 5 ) p r o m o t e s c o n t i n u e s i m p r o v e m e n t through the data analysis policy cycle.

Scope And Limitations This study aims to develop an enrollment system for the school, the study limits on thefollowing and functions: Store data of the students (first name, last name, middle initial, section and tear level). Records fees- collected and uncollected.(Insurance, Red Cross, etc.) Use of the system is limited to principal and faculty and staff designated to do thework.

Statement of the Problem This aims to improve the efficiency of enrollment of Calaba High School, Calaba, SanIsidro, Nueva Ecija. Specifically, it aims to:1.Design a data flow diagram of the existing system;2 . D e v e l o p a n e a s y a n d a d v a n c e d s y s t e m i n p r e p a r i n g f o r t h e e n r o l l m e n t a n d gathering student information with speed and accuracy.3.Facilitate the work of registrar in processing the enrollment and personal

studentinformation.4 . S o l v e p r o b l e m s e n c o u n t e r e d b y t h e r e g i s t r a r o f t h e e n r o l l m e n t a n d p e r s o n a l student information using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.

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