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w w w. u t e x a s . e d u / u t p r e s s / j o u r n a l s / j a r c h .

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the journal of astronomy in culture

Volume XXIV

The maya Calendar and 2012 Phenomenon STudIeS

a SPeCIal ISSue deVoTed To The maya Calendar, CreaTIon myThology, ProPheCy, and The 2012 Phenomenon. J ohn B. C arlSon , e dITor
The Maya Calendar and 2012 Phenomenon Studies: An Introduction J o h n B. C a r ls o n The Maya Long Count Calendar: An Introduction M a r k V a n s to n e Its Not the End of the World: What the Ancient Maya Tell Us about 2012 M a r k V a n s to n e Primordial Time and Future Time: Maya Era Day Mythology in the Context of the Tortuguero 2012 Prophecy C a r l D. C a l l away The Sidereal Year and the Celestial Caiman: Measuring Deep Time in Maya Inscriptions M i C h a e l J. G ro f e Maya Mythology: Only One Reference to 2012? e r i k B oot Holding the Balance: The Role of a Warrior King in the Reciprocity between War and Lineage Abundance on Tortuguero Monument 6 B a r Ba r a M aC l e o D Anticipating the Maya Apocalypse: What Might the Ancient Day Keepers Have Envisioned for December 21, 2012? J o h n B. C a r ls o n New Age Sympathies and Scholarly Complicities: The History and Promotion of the 2012 Mythology J o h n w. h oo p e s 2,012 by 2012? The Impending Apparent End of the 2012 Publishing Phenomenon k e V i n a. w h it e s i D e s
By The




the journal of astronomy in culture


The study of astronomical knowledge and practice, of celestial lore, and of their place in the mythologies, religions and world views of all ancient and indigenous cultures is the essence of Archaeoastronomy. The Center for Archaeostronomy was founded in 1978 to promote research, education and public awareness of ancient and native astronomies and cosmologies.

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