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TO MIGRATE ITEM ON HAND QUANTITY , LOT and SERIAL NO ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Interface Tables are :-----------------------mtl_transactions_interface mtl_transaction_lots_interface mtl_serial_numbers_interface How

to run the Import Pgm : ------------------------------Inventory Super User -> Oracle Inventory -> Setup -> Transactions -> Interface Manager -> SubInventory -> Material Transaction -> Tool from Menu -> Launch Manager -> Process Transaction Interface ----------------------------------If error is occurring go to Transactions -> Open Transaction Interface -> Error -> See error After correcting the error apply the below code /* update mtl_transactions_interface set process_flag = 1, lock_flag = 2, transaction_mode = 3, validation_required = null, error_code = null, error_explanation = null where process_flag in (1,3); */ ---------------------------------------------------------------The script to migrate legacy data into interface tables ----------------------------------------------------CREATE OR REPLACE procedure xxx_onhand_qty_update as x number:=null; l_err_msg varchar2(2000); l_row_status varchar2(3); l_inventory_item_id number:=null; l_organization_id number; l_count number:=null; l_inventory_location_id number := null; cursor c_onhand is select * from xxx_tab_onhand_stg where nvl(row_status,'N') = 'N' order by from_serial; begin for c_onhand_rec in c_onhand loop

l_row_status := 'Y'; begin select organization_id into l_organization_id from org_organization_definitions where organization_code = c_onhand_rec.sub_inventory_code; exception when others then update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set row_status='N' ,error_message=error_message||'No Organization.' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; l_row_status := 'N'; end; select count(*) into l_count from mtl_system_items_b where upper(segment1) =upper(c_onhand_rec.item_name) and organization_id =l_organization_id and inventory_item_status_code='Active'; if l_count=0 then update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set row_status='N' ,error_message=error_message||'No item existing in Given organization.' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; l_row_status := 'N'; commit; elsif l_count>1 then update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set row_status='N' ,error_message=error_message||'Multiple items existing Given organization.' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; l_row_status := 'N'; commit; elsif l_count=1 then select inventory_item_id into l_inventory_item_id from mtl_system_items_b where upper(segment1)=upper(c_onhand_rec.item_name) and organization_id=l_organization_id and inventory_item_status_code='Active'; if l_inventory_item_id is not null then update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set transaction_uom=(select distinct primary_uom_code from mtl_system_items_b where upper(segment1)=upper(c_onhand_rec.item_name)) ,inventory_item_id=(select distinct(inventory_item_id) from mtl_system_items_b where upper(segment1)=upper(c_onhand_rec.item_name) and organization_id=l_organization_id) ,dist_account=(select code_combination_id from gl_code_combinations where segment4 = 1327108) ,userid= (select user_id

from fnd_user where user_name = 'XXXX') ,transaction_interface_id=mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval ,transaction_type_id = (select transaction_type_id from mtl_transaction_types where transaction_type_name = 'Miscellaneous receipt') ,row_status='Y' ,organization_id = (select organization_id from org_organization_definitions where organization_code = c_onhand_rec.sub_inventory_code) where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; commit; else update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set row_status='N' ,error_message=error_message||'Inventory Item Id is not Existing' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; l_row_status := 'N'; commit; end if; else update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set row_status='N' ,error_message=error_message||'Item Name or Organization ID is not Valid' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; l_row_status := 'N'; commit; end if; commit; begin select inventory_location_id into l_inventory_location_id from mtl_item_locations where segment1 = c_onhand_rec.locator and subinventory_code = trim(c_onhand_rec.sub_inventory_code); exception when others then update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set row_status='N' ,error_message=error_message||'Invalid Locator' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; l_row_status := 'N'; end; if l_row_status = 'Y' then --On hand quantity Migration begin insert into mtl_transactions_interface ( transaction_type_id ,transaction_uom ,transaction_date ,organization_id ,transaction_quantity ,last_update_date ,last_updated_by

,creation_date ,created_by ,transaction_mode ,process_flag ,source_header_id ,source_line_id ,source_code ,lock_flag ,flow_schedule ,scheduled_flag ,transaction_header_id ,inventory_item_id ,transaction_interface_id ,subinventory_code ,distribution_account_id ,transaction_cost ,locator_id ,transaction_reference ) select transaction_type_id ,transaction_uom ,'30-DEC-2007' ,organization_id ,transaction_quantity ,sysdate ,userid ,sysdate ,userid ,3 ,1 ,transaction_interface_id ,transaction_interface_id ,'inv' ,2 ,'Y' ,2 ,transaction_interface_id ,inventory_item_id ,transaction_interface_id ,sub_inventory_code ,dist_account ,transaction_cost , l_inventory_location_id ,'Migration' from xxx_tab_onhand_stg where upper(item_name)=upper(c_onhand_rec.item_name) and organization_id=l_organization_id; commit; exception when others then l_err_msg := sqlerrm; update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set error_message = 'Exception While Inserting to mtl_transactions_interface : ' ||l_err_msg ,row_status = 'N' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; end; ---- END -----ON HAND QUANTITY LOTS MIGRATION

begin insert into mtl_transaction_lots_interface ( transaction_interface_id ,lot_number ,transaction_quantity ,last_update_date ,last_updated_by ,creation_date ,created_by ,product_code ,last_update_login ,product_transaction_id ,primary_quantity ,lot_expiration_date) select transaction_interface_id ,lot_number ,transaction_quantity ,sysdate ,userid ,sysdate ,userid ,'inv' ,userid ,transaction_interface_id ,transaction_quantity , expiry_date from xxx_tab_onhand_stg where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; commit; exception when others then l_err_msg := sqlerrm; update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set error_message = 'Exception While Inserting to mtl_transaction_lots_interface : '||l_err_msg ,row_status = 'N' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; end; --- END ---- SERIAL NUMBER MIGRATION ----------begin insert into mtl_serial_numbers_interface ( transaction_interface_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login, fm_serial_number, to_serial_number, product_code, product_transaction_id ) select transaction_interface_id,

sysdate, userid, sysdate, userid, userid, from_serial, to_serial, 'inv', transaction_interface_id from xxx_tab_onhand_stg where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; commit; exception when others then l_err_msg := sqlerrm; update xxx_tab_onhand_stg set error_message = 'Exception While Inserting to MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_INTERFACE : '||l_err_msg ,row_status = 'N' where item_name = c_onhand_rec.item_name; end; end if; end loop; END xxx_onhand_qty_update; /

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