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A Set of Image Processing Algorithms for Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Nuclear Medicine Whole Body Bone Scan Images
Jia-Yann Huang, Pan-Fu Kao, and Yung-Sheng Chen, Member, IEEE
AbstractAdjustment of brightness and contrast in nuclear medicine whole body bone scan images may confuse nuclear medicine physicians when identifying small bone lesions as well as making the identication of subtle bone lesion changes in sequential studies difcult. In this study, we developed a computer-aided diagnosis system, based on the fuzzy sets histogram thresholding method and anatomical knowledge-based image segmentation method that was able to analyze and quantify raw image data and identify the possible location of a lesion. To locate anatomical reference points, the fuzzy sets histogram thresholding method was adopted as a rst processing stage to suppress the soft tissue in the bone images. Anatomical knowledge-based image segmentation method was then applied to segment the skeletal frame into different regions of homogeneous bones. For the different segmented bone regions, the lesion thresholds were set at different cut-offs. To obtain lesion thresholds in different segmented regions, the ranges and standard deviations of the images gray-level distribution were obtained from 100 normal patients whole body bone images and then, another 62 patients images were used for testing. The two groups of images were independent. The sensitivity and the mean number of false lesions detected were used as performance indices to evaluate the proposed system. The overall sensitivity of the system is 92.1% (222 of 241) and 7.58 false detections per patient scan image. With a high sensitivity and an acceptable false lesions detection rate, this computer-aided automatic lesion detection system is demonstrated as useful and will probably in the future be able to help nuclear medicine physicians to identify possible bone lesions. Index TermsAutomatic lesion detection, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD), fuzzy sets, image segmentation, whole body bone scan.

Fig. 1. Illustrations of a nuclear medicine whole body bone scan images in (a) anterior view and (b) posterior view, denoted as I and I , respectively.

I. INTRODUCTION HE main applications of nuclear medicine whole body bone scans include the detection of malignancy with bone metastasis together with bone infection such as osteomyelitis ([1] and [2].) The whole body bone image is acquired in anteand posterior view as shown in Fig. 1 by rior view a scintillation gamma camera. Nuclear medicine technologists may adjust the brightness and contrast of whole body bone images before presenting the images as a lm or on a display
Manuscript received April 6, 2006; revised January 19, 2007. This work was supported in part by the National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., under Grant NSC89-2218-E-155-001. J.-Y. Huang and Y.-S. Chen are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Yuan Ze University, Chungli 320, Taiwan, R.O.C. (e-mail: P.-F. Kao is with the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien 970, Taiwan, R.O.C. Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TNS.2007.897830

system. Nuclear medicine physicians make a diagnosis by inspecting these images and searching for abnormal lesion activity. Such a procedure has one major drawback, which is that different technologists may set different parameters for the image display system, The result of a non-standardized imaging display format is that it may confuse physicians when identifying small bone lesions or determining subtle bone lesion changes in sequential studies. Computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system applications for nuclear medicine whole body bone scans are quite limited in number. Erdi et al. [3] reported a CAD system using the region growing method to estimate the survival time of a prostate cancer patient. That system was a semi-automatic method in which physician put a seed into a specic bone lesion and then computer grew the lesion area. In a recent study, Yin and Chiu [4] employed a characteristic-point-based fuzzy inference system (CPFIS) to locate bone lesions. Radioactivity asymmetry and brightness were chosen as the two information inputs for the CPFIS, which were considered according to physicians expertise and training. In that study, the whole body bone images were segmented into six parts, head, chest, vertebra, hand, pelvis, and leg, manually. Each part applied a different CPFIS. This system had a sensitivity of 91.5% (227 of 248) and the mean number of false positives (FPs) was 37.3 lesions per

0018-9499/$25.00 2007 IEEE



image. The high false positive rate resulted in nuclear medicine physicians having to spend a lot of time discarding false posi tive lesions. Sajn et al. [5] proposed a robust knowledge-based methodology for detecting reference points within the main skeletal regions. The reference points were used for automatic segmentation of the skeleton. The ArTeX and SVM algorithms were applied for diagnosis. To our knowledge, this system was the rst completely automatic method for whole body bone scan diagnosis. After experimenting, the sensitivity was 79.6% and the specicity was 85.4%. The low sensitivity of this system resulted in the nuclear medicine physicians having to spend signicant time looking for undetected lesions. Sadik et al. [6] adopted a set of segmentation algorithms and then used articial neural networks to detect bone lesions. Fourteen features were used as the input to the articial neural networks. With this system, the sensitivity was 90% and the specicity was 74%; thus, because the specicity was low, it had the same drawbacks as the study of Yin and Chiu. Due to the limitations of the above mentioned studies, we wished to develop a fully automatic lesion detection system having high sensitivity and an acceptable false positive rate for use in clinical diagnosis. We developed a CAD system based on fuzzy sets histogram thresholding method and an anatomical knowledge-based image segmentation method that was able to analyze and quantify raw image data and identify the possible location of lesions. Using a more sophisticated segmentation method for the whole body bone scan images and applying different cut-offs in the different regions of homogeneous bone together with fully automatic lesion detection, we expected such a CAD program might be a practical help to nuclear medicine physicians and provide accurate in identication of the potential locations of bone lesions.

Fig. 2. A whole body bone image with noise distribution outside the body frame in (a) anterior view (I ) and its (d) histogram. After the preprocessing procedure, the whole body bone image is displayed in (b) anterior view (I ) with its (e) histogram. The result of the fuzzy sets thresholding are shown in (c) the anterior view (I ).

Noise inside the body region was smoothed by adopting a Gaussian smoothing lter to the histogram. The form was isotropic, zero-mean Gaussian, expressed by:

II. PROPOSED ALGORITHMS The CAD system consists of three main steps: preprocessing, image segmentation, and lesion gray level determination. The rst step includes (a) removing noise outside the body region; (b) application of Gaussian smoothing lter to suppress the inuence of noise inside the body region; (c) adoption of a histogram equalization method to enhance image quality; and (d) determination of the true body frame size in the whole body bone image. The second step is to segment the whole body bone image into 46 homogeneous regions and to remove unexpected areas such as urine activity in bilateral kidney and bladder areas. Finally, the third step is devoted to determining the lesion gray level in each segmented homogeneous region and to determine the location of any lesion.

(1) To smooth the noisy whole body bone image, we applied an approximation involving a 5 by 5 convolution mask with a standard deviation of 1.4. For histogram equalization, a monotonic non-linear mapping was applied to reassign the gray-level values of pixels in the input image. After processing, the output image contains a uniform intensity distribution. The transfer function is dened as:

(2) is the input image that was obtained after the noise reWhere moving procedure, is the maximum gray-level value (255 in an 8-bit gray-level scale), is the maximum gray-level value for , and is the probability mass function of , The true body frame area of the equalized image can be obtained by detecting the rightmost, leftmost, topmost, and bottommost extremities of the body frame, and was denoted as [Fig. 2(b)] in anterior view. Fig. 2(e) shows the histogram of the equalized whole body image in anterior view. The equalized image is helpful when further processing the fuzzy histogram threshold in order to prevent over thresholding.

A. Preprocessing Noise outside the body region was clearly visible on an over adjusted brightness image [Fig. 2(a)]. The histogram of the image revealed a deep valley between two peaks at the low gray level area [Fig. 2(d)]. A threshold value at the valley of the histogram was applied to eliminate noise outside the body region.



Fig. 3. Flowchart of the image segmentation stage.

B. Image Segmentation The owchart of the image segmentation procedure for our approach is shown Fig. 3. It is made up of the following: fuzzy histogram thresholding, locating the reference points, and segmentation based on reference points. The reference points were determined based on human anatomy as well as physicians recommendations. 1) Histogram Thresholding Using Fuzzy Sets: In order to locate typical reference points in the skeleton, the pixels of soft tissue were suppressed and the pixels of bone around typical reference points were reserved. By using fuzzy sets for histogram thresholding, Tobias and Seara [7] successfully separated background from an object in multimodal and bimodal histogram images. In this study, we employed this algorithm to classify soft tissue and bone regions; the thresholding algorithm can be summarized as follows. be the universe of discourse (all pixels in an Set image), with a generic element denoted by . A fuzzy set in is dened as: (3) The fuzzy set is characterized by the function . In this study, the -function is used to model the membership function. The -function is dened as:

Fig. 4. The histogram and the characteristic functions for the seed subsets of a whole body bone image.

is a measurement of distance and is the where is calculated by number of elements in . The

(8) We set , then the IF can be simplied as follows:

(9) denotes the image histogram and and are the where limits of the subset being considered. This algorithm applies the concept of similarity, a fuzzy set with a low index of fuzziness thus indicates that its elements are very similar to each other. model was deTwo linguistic variables ned by two fuzzy subsets, denoted by and respectively. The fuzzy subsets and were associated with the histogram and respectively, where and intervals were the nal and initial gray-level limits for these subsets. and were the lowest and highest gray-levels of the image respectively. For the rst IF measurement, we set , and . We then modied the value of to the gray level where pixels accumulation from to the 97% of total pixels. The gray levels in each of these subsets have the intuitive property of belonging with certainty to the nal subsets of the object (O) or background (F). That is, and . Those subsets were located at the beginning and the end regions of the histogram. A fuzzy region placed between and was dened as depicted in Fig. 4. For classication procedure, a gray level picked from the fuzzy region was added to each of the seed subsets. By measuring the IFs of the subsets and was assigned to the subset with the lower IF. By applying this procedure for all gray levels within the fuzzy region, each pixel was classied into soft tissue or bone. The proposed classication method is a comparison of


The parameter is given by , with The bandwidth of the function is dened as The -function is derived from the -function as below:

. .

(5) The nearest ordinary set of function is given by is denoted as , its membership

(6) In Kaufmans denition, the index of fuzziness (IF) [8] is obtained by measuring the distance between and . Such an index is dened as:




Fig. 5. Normalization step of the indices of fuzziness and decision of the threshold value.

Fig. 7. Reference points demonstrated in image (a) I (c) I . The denoted symbols are mentioned in the text.

, (b) I

, and

Fig. 6. Flowchart for the locating of reference points.

IF measures and we needed to normalize those measures. This is achieved by rst computing the IFs of the seed subsets and , and by computing a normalization factor according to the following relationship (10) Where and are the IFs of the subsets and , respectively. Fig. 5 shows how the normalization works. The result of the histogram thresholding processing in anterior view is illustrated in Fig. 2(c), and is denoted as . The result of the same process in the posterior view is denoted as . After the histogram thresholding processing, the soft tissue regions were suppressed and the thick/wide bones (e.g., shoulder, pelvis, and vertebra bones) were reserved for locating the reference points during the next step. 2) Locating the Reference Points: The reference points of the neck, shoulder, vertebra, pelvis, and arms were determined sequentially as the owchart shown in Fig. 6. The detailed algorithms are presented in the following subsections.

a) Locating the Neck Reference Points: After performing fuzzy histogram thresholding, image was adopted to locate the neck reference points. By scanning each horizontal line from image top to the 25% image height in vertical direction, the horizontal widths formed by the most left non-zero pixel and the most right non-zero pixel in every row were calculated. The coordinates of the both ends of the minimum width were and ; these formed the neck reference denoted as points, which are labeled as a and b in Fig. 7(a), respectively. b) Locating the Shoulder Reference Points: Image was employed to nd the shoulder apexes. From reference to the 25% image height in vertical direction, the horizontal distances from left image border to the rst non-zero pixel were calculated in each row. Once the distance difference was greater than 3 times previous one, then the left apex of shoulder was the located, [ , labeled e in Fig. 7(a)]. In a similar way, this approach was applied to locate the right apex of shoulder, [ , labeled f in Fig. 7(a)]. In the horizontal direction, beginning from reference point to reference point , we found the pixel (same horizontal coordinates with ) that had the least gray-level value, and denoted it as [labeled c in Fig. 7(a)]. In a similar way, the pixel with the least gray-level value between and was found, and denoted as [labeled d in , the screening went along Fig. 7(a)]. Beginning from the lower left direction pixel by pixel, till the pixel which had the same horizontal coordinates as was found and denoted as [labeled g in Fig. 7(a)]. Starting from , the screening went along the lower right direction pixel by pixel, till the pixel which had the same horizontal coordinates as reference point was found and denoted as [labeled h in Fig. 7(a)]. These four reference points were used to construct the boundary between shoulder and thorax. c) Locating the Vertebra Reference Points: Due to the different distances from the collimators, the vertebra are shown with better visibility in posterior view than in anterior view.



Therefore, we adopted image to locate the reference points for the vertebra. By scanning each horizontal line from the 30% to 50% of the image height in vertical direction, the horizontal widths formed by the left most non-zero pixel and the right most non-zero pixel in every row were calculated, the coordinates of both ends of the minimum width were denoted and for the vertebra reference points, labeled as as i and j in Fig. 7(a), respectively. These two reference points and denoted as were directly mapped back to image and , respectively. d) Locating the Pelvis Reference Points: The iliac activity is more prominent in anterior view and the sacral activity is to higher in posterior view. Therefore, we used image locate the left and right extremities of pelvis, and image to locate the apex and bottom reference points of pelvis. in vertical Downward from the reference point direction, the horizontal distances between reference and the left-rst non-zero gray level pixel point were calculated for each row. If the distance difference exceeded 3 times the previous one, then the left-top of pelvis was located. In a similar way, this was applied to locate the right-top of pelvis. [labeled k We denoted the left-top reference point as in Fig. 7(a)], and right-top reference point as [labeled l in Fig. 7(a)]. These two reference points were directly and denoted as and mapped back to image respectively. In image , beginning from reference point to 50% image height in vertical direction, the horizontal distance and the rst was calculated between the reference point non-zero pixel encountered scanning left to right in each row. The right-end of the minimum distance row was the position of pelvis left-extremity [ , labeled o in Fig. 7(b)]. In a similar way, this was possible to locate the right-extremity of pelvis , labeled p in Fig. 7(b)]. These two reference points [ were mapped back to image and denoted as and respectively. In image , starting from the reference point to 60% image height in vertical direction, we accumulated the horizontal counts of non-zero gray level pixels between the reference point and reference point in each row. If the accumulation value was zero, then the left-bottom reference ) point (same horizontal coordinates as reference point was located [ , labeled m in Fig. 7(a)]. Using a similar processing, it was possible to locate the right-bottom of pelvis, [ , labeled n in Fig. 7(a)]. In addition, two reference points [labeled s and t in Fig. 7(b)] were denoted as and and their coordinates were dened as:

Fig. 8. Flowchart of the segmentation algorithm.

Fig. 9. The result of head segmentation in (a) image I to (b) image I .

, and mapped back

(11) These two reference points were used to prevent from the misssegmentation between the arms and pelvis. e) Locating Arm Reference Points: Low activity regions such as arms and legs were suppressed in the global fuzzy subsets thresholding procedure. Therefore, we used image to locate the bottom reference points of arms. Downward from reference point to 60% image height in vertical direction,

we accumulated the horizontal counts of non-zero gray level in each row. pixels between the left image border and If the accumulation value was zero, then the left-bottom arm , labeled q in Fig. 7(c)]. reference point was located [ A similar processing was applied to locate the right-bottom of arm [ , labeled r in Fig. 7(c)]. 3) Segmentation Based on the Reference Points: The segmentation procedures demonstrated below were performed using the posterior view image and then directly mapped back to the anterior view image. The owchart of nal segmentation of the head, arms and shoulders, pelvis, legs, vertebra, and thorax portion are shown in Fig. 8. a) Head Segmentation: In image , the head region was segmented using the reference points and , and the left/right head extremities. The result of head segmentation is shown in Fig. 9. b) Arms and Shoulders Segmentation: In image , the left arm and shoulder regions were conned by the reference points , and , and the



Fig. 10. The result of segmentation of the arm and shoulder regions into ve different parts, namely the shoulder, humerus, elbow, radius/ulna and palm, in (a) image I , and mapped back to (b) image I .

Fig. 12. The segmentation result for the leg region (four different parts: femur, , then mapped back to (b) image knee, tibia/bula, and foot) in (a) image I I . Fig. 11. Results of (a) pelvis segmentation and (b) urine activity removal.

left shoulder region was conned by the reference points , and [Fig. 10(a)]. In arm region, by scanning each horizontal line from the 30% to 70% height in vertical direction, the horizontal arm widths formed by the most left non-zero pixel and the most right nonzero pixel in each row were calculated, As a result, the maximum arm width can be obtained and its position was always at the elbow. Upward from the maximum arm width, if the arm width was less than the 30% of maximum arm width then the end of top-elbow had been reached. Downward from the maximum arm width, if the arm width was less than 30% of maximum arm width then the bottom-end of the elbow had been reached. The humerus region was then obtained between top-end of elbow and bottom of shoulder. Following this, the radius/ulna and palm regions were segmented in the same way. The whole process was then repeated to segment the right arm and shoulder regions. c) Pelvis Segmentation: As shown in Fig. 11, the pelvis image frame was conned by the reference points , and . In clinical practice, residual urine activity in bladder was commonly seen. To reduce the chance of miss-interpreting the bladder activity as a lesion, the urine activity must be removed. We dened the height and width of pelvis region as and respectively, and a sub-region on pelvis was denoted as SP. the upper side from pelvis region to SP was 0.6 h, the lower side , the left side from pelvis to SP from SP to pelvis region was was , and the right side from SP to pelvis region was , Based on anatomy knowledge, SP is the most possible bladder region. Bladder activity can be removed by nding the maximum gray-level [labeled with white spot in Fig. 11(a)] pixel in SP. Region-growing can then start from this pixel, the end of the growing was set to 60% of the maximum gray-level. The result of removing the residual urine activity is shown in Fig. 11(b). d) Legs Segmentation: Image was applied to segment legs, and the reference points , and conned the leg area. Using the center line of legs, the leg area was separated into left leg and right leg [Fig. 12(a)].

In the left leg region, by scanning each horizontal line from the 30% to 70% of the height of the left leg region in vertical direction, the widths formed by the most left non-zero pixel and the most right non-zero pixel in every row were calculated. The maximum width was always at knee. Upward from the maximum leg width, if the leg width was less than 30% of the maximum leg width then the position of top-end of knee was obtained. Downward from the maximum leg width, if the leg width was less than 30% of the maximum leg width, then the position of bottom-end of knee was located. Through the above processing, the femur region can be obtained by positions between the top-end of knee and the top-end of leg region. The knee area was obtained between the positions of top-end knee and the bottom-end knee. By adopting a similar approach to that described above, the tibia/bula and foot areas can be segmented from the left leg area. Thereafter, the method of segmentation for the left leg region can be performed on the right leg region. The results can be shown in Fig. 12. e) Vertebra Segmentation: After the earlier segmentations, the trunk including the thoracic and abdominal parts, is left for further vertebra segmentation. A histogram thresholding using fuzzy sets as mentioned in Section II.B.1 is applied to the local . There is no bone or high activity trunk area on image kidney surrounding the partial vertebra between the vertebra reference points and pelvis. Therefore, this partial vertebra region in this area was obtained by simple segmentation using the above thresholding approach. However, this method of vertebra segmentation meets challenges in the region between the vertebra reference points and the neck reference points due to accumulation of radioactivity over kidneys and/or ribs in most of our cases. A more detailed segmentation procedure was performed in this area and is summarized below. The left vertebra edge detection between reference point and was started from the reference point , and then determined the subsequent upward edge points by moving the reference point vertically to next pixel. If the next pixel is zero in gray-level scale, the coordinates value of left vertebra edge can be assigned to the rst right non-zero gray-level pixel at the same horizontal plane. However, if the next pixel is non-zero in gray-level scale, the rst left zero pixel is presumed



Fig. 13. Vertebra segmentations of (a) a patient with a normal straight spine and (b) another patient with a scoliosis spine.

Fig. 15. Results of 23 segmented regions in (a) anterior view and (b) posterior view, respectively.

Fig. 14. Results of (a) thorax segmentation and (b) urine removal.

to be a possible edge point. The possible edge point will be checked by measuring the horizontal distance between the possible edge point and the beginning point. If the distance is less than 4 pixels, the possible edge point will be marked as the left vertebra edge. On the other hand, if the distance is over 4 pixels, the left vertebra edge is assigned to be the beginning point of this horizontal plane. The vertebra edge obtained by the above method is assigned as the new starting point and the procedures continued till all left vertebra edges are marked. The right vertebra edge points are marked with in a similar way [Fig. 13(a)]. As shown in Fig. 13(b), this algorithm was also able to successfully segment the vertebral region of a scoliosis patient. f) Trunk (Thorax and Abdominal) Segmentation: Through the above processing, the vertebra are segmented as separate from the rest of the trunk (thorax and abdominal) region [Fig. 14(a)]. The rest of the trunk region was further divided into four areas. The mean gray-level values in area-1 and area-3 were calculated. If the mean gray-level value of area-3 was greater than area-1, then there was highly possible that urine remained in kidney region. If true, the urine activity in the kidney was removed as follows. Firstly, the maximum gray-level value pixel in area-3 conned with a vertical range between 50% and 80% height and a horizontal range between 50% and 90% width was found. The maximum gray-level value pixel was then used as the starting pixel of region-growing algorithm to remove the urine activity from the kidney. The end growing gray-level was set to the 60% of maximum gray-level value. The right urine activity in this kidney was removed by the same method. The result is shown in Fig. 14(b). The results for the segmentation phase of a whole body bone image are shown in Fig. 15. They are used during for the further process of lesion detection.

Fig. 16. A wide gray level distribution range in the spine portion of three normal patients.

By applying the segmentation algorithms as mentioned above, the regions of head, hand, vertebra, and thorax were successfully segmented apart from the whole body bone scan image without error. For the pelvis and leg regions, only in 3 images out of 162 patients images did miss-segmentation occur due to urine contamination below the pelvis. C. Lesion Gray Level Determination Differences in bone scan acquisition time, post injection waiting time, distance between patient and detectors, and the constitution of patients resulted in gray level distributions in the same portion of the skeleton among different patients being highly variable (Fig. 16). Therefore, it was impossible to simply use a single gray level threshold to distinguish between pathological lesions and normal bones. The high turn-over rate of the bony components in each segmented bone region resulted in heterogeneous gray-scale distribution. A larger distribution range in gray level histogram resulted in larger standard deviation for each location. In other word, a large standard deviation value might indicate the existence of a possible bone lesion. Therefore, we introduced and dened the following parameters to evaluate the heterogeneity in each segmented bone region (12)



Fig. 17. Two examples of the regression analysis for the head in (a) anterior view and (b) posterior view. TABLE I THE REGRESSION FORMULAS OBTAINED BY REGRESSION ANALYSIS FOR EACH SEGMENTED REGION

(13) Since a high activity area in a test image might also represent a high possibility of existing a bone lesion, we were concerned about high activity lesion areas more than the low activity areas. A more appropriate parameter was dened as follows:

(14) A least squares estimation was adopted to determine the lesion gray levels. We recruited whole body bone scan raw data from 100 normal patients and computed the values of bandwidth and standard deviation (sd) for each normal segmented bone region. Then, a formula was obtained by the least squares estimation as follows:

(15) Where and are the constant parameters of the formula which were different for each segmented region and is assumed to be uncorrelated, with a zero mean and constant variance. Two examples of the regression lines are shown in Fig. 17. All regression formulas are shown in Table I. When we wanted to determine the status of one bone location for a test image, the mean gray-level and the sd in the specic region were calculated rst. Then the normal bandwidth could be obtained by substituting this sd into the equation. Finally, if the bandwidth of this specic region was greater than the normal bandwidth , this region was highly suspicious and might have a pathological lesion. In our system, a lesion was detected based of the on at least 3 connected pixels having gray level region. Two nearby lesions separated by at least 3 pixels having gray level of the region were regarded as two separated lesions. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A. Software Programming and Data Acquisition In order to evaluate the proposed algorithm in this study, we implemented a program constructed using C Builder 6.0, and performed experiments on an image database from the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien, Taiwan. At 3 hours after intravenous injection of 750 MBq Tc-MPD, the whole body bone scan images

were acquired by a dual-head gamma camera model GE Innia with two heads equipped with low energy high-resolution (LEHR) collimators. The scan speed was 10 cm/min with no pixel zooming. Energy discrimination was provided by a 20% Tc-MPD. The whole window centered on the 140 keV of body eld was used to record anterior and posterior views digitally with a resolution of 1024 pixels 256 pixels. Images represented the counts of detected gamma rays at each pixel with 16-bit grayscale depth. To obtain lesion thresholds in the various segmented regions, the ranges and standard deviations of gray-level distributions were obtained from 100 normal patients whole body bone scan images. The 62 random selected patients whole body scan images were used for testing. These 62 test cases were recruited from lung cancer and breast cancer patients who had undergone a whole body bone metastatic survey between January and April 2004. They were selected from a pool of 245 patients. In these 62 cases, there were only 6 disease free scans. Majority of



normal individuals were not included in the testing set. The detection rate of true abnormalities and the number of false lesion detections per scan image as performance indices were used to evaluate the proposed system. B. Results Table II shows the result of the evaluation. There were 241 true abnormalities present within the 62 abnormal images. In total, 222 abnormalities were detected. The detection rate was 92.1% (222 of 241), and there were 7.58 false detections per patient scan image. The nal results of this test for one case are shown in Figs. 18 and 19, where the arrow-pointed regions represent the detected lesions by our proposed set of algorithms. The positions labeled with circles are the false positive lesions detected by our system. IV. CONCLUSION In this study, a fully automatic CAD system for nuclear medicine, a whole body bone scan algorithm was developed. By applying the proposed procedure, we obtain a pathologic lesion detection rate of 92.1% with an acceptable 7.58 false detections per patient scan image. The results of this work achieved the initial goals of progress towards a fully automatic processing system with high sensitivity and an acceptable false positive rate that could be used for clinical diagnosis. Based on this proposed approach, these satisfactory results encourage us to further develop a new and more efcient approach that can also be applied to tomographic images. REFERENCES
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Fig. 18. The anterior view of (a) an original whole body image, and (b) the diagnosis result. The 17 arrow-pointed locations are true abnormal locations of the patient, and the 2 circle-marked locations are false positive locations.

Fig. 19. The posterior view of (a) an original whole body image, and (b) the diagnosis result. The 20 arrow-pointed locations are true abnormal locations of the patient, and the 2 circle-marked locations are false positives locations.

elderly patients had joint arthritis and degenerative spine disease. Only 13 patients have metastatic bone disease. The 100

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