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Digital waveform representation based on light color kind's selfish set

Author: Said Mchaalia Email: Author: Raja Mchaalia Email:

Abstract: Advanced NASA sciences ( and v=fMUHkz5nx8g&feature=context-shows&list=SL ), provoke and seduces many illustration illusions inside be selfish auto-compute-compile-conclude environment dynamism. In fact, NASA did invest many years to be awake away for being aware background of digital-analog discrete event-based modeling-simulation techniques and disciplines. As I, Said Mchaalia, did put out my judgment on the attached human person Satan with any discrete event simulation inline proceeding and processing analysis [1] whose thread-tasks consist to be aware of awoken modeling-simulation choices, the primordial main thread-task of discrete event simulation is to define the event states to be proceeded and then to process intentional schedules either parallel or serial or searching gathering discovering other schedule-kind, which may be could be composition parallel and serial scheduled thread-tasks. Indeed, this paper will illustrate the usage of the light color development storage within the media box involved inside ( and v=fMUHkz5nx8g&feature=context-shows&list=SL ) to model and simulate any discrete event simulation thread task. Keywords: light color development storage, discrete event simulation, compute-compile-conclude thread-tasks and serial-parallel scheduling. Introduction: Digital data transmission is main primordial entity in several systems. Thereby, in modeling and simulation investigation branches, an entity is an object of interest in system processing analysis aspects. Although, each entity has its own property inside active system. This property is called entity attribute. The entity property involves entirely with entity activity and entity events. Hence, the entity event is the instantaneous value change dump of the state of current entity (ready to be executed, inside queue, fetched, ran, stored again). Furthermore instead of investigating entity activity inside active system, which is hard to be identify, resolving basic logic influence system on these tasks and threads allow the investigation of system states throughout entity activities. Digital data transmission is based on discrete event simulation, which was started with Shannon's mathematical information theory, and may be early with telegram data transmission threads. Therefore, the basics of discrete event simulation has its roots from the language motor flows. In this field, whereby each character is just one entire entity inside active alphabet as Shannon did call it, an alphabet is a selfish set of characters {a, n, m, l, p}. Grounded to this theory of selfish set, the processing account was invented. Thus, start to count on characters inside a selfish set of letters, is a processing account within measurement calculations, whereby gathering discovering scopes within discrete event simulation. Thereby, initialize a variable to be number and start to add just one to this I 1

number in order to reach the desired value at the end of simulation time. For example, define a to be 8, then add(a, 1) to be equal to 400 after certain simulation time. Most around development environment and industrial advances, command and control of processors to achieve their tasks and threads aware away of best powers, whereby object aims of many disciplines wish, are deep investigation motor flows. Thus modeling and simulation are basics in those disciplines. In fact, modeling and simulation search their roots in the applied maths and measurement calculation principles, whereby mathematical functions and procedures are aware away of motor flows. This paper is organized as follows: first of all an overview on the mathematical functionalism will be given. Next, an illustration of modeling and simulation within discrete event simulation will be depicted. After, the how to measure principles would be evolved in details and finally a conclusion will be deduced. 1. Mathematical functionalism of light color development: 1.1. Usable functions following descriptions: Maths is science of invisible philosophy processing analysis. This science is belong to compilecompute-conclude effect aspects of following motor flows. Measurement calculation steps are impure and addictive when their boundary conditions are limitless or although pure and noble when those boundary conditions would be awoken within modeling and simulation tasks and threads. The strength of model descriptions in order to provoke right simulation processes and to bring into innovative world of development environment is the aim object of each entity activity inside interest active system. Indeed, in digital data transmission, mathematical functionalism is characterized by following description functions and fear flows in modulation fields. Therefore, aware away of the identification of those function is subject of many workers within innovation system development environments. In fact, the sinusoidal function, which has periodic characteristics during simulation time, is the awoken waveform of data edge representation inside measurement calculation within system development environment. Therefore, within system development environment of digital data transmission such that text files and emails inter-exchanges, data edge representations are electrical currents aware away of electromagnetic waves. To determine, the values of those data edge representations, the resolution of Maxwell-Ampere equation is interest away such that resolve: Curve B (t ). dl= function(Surface i (t) .ds) , where dl and ds are measurement quantities for both curves (one dimension measurement length) and surface (two dimension measurement coordination viewpoints) during discrete simulation time intervals. Similarly in fact, the number of months inside a year is always twelve months. This number of twelve months is data edge representation inside measurement account of year enumerations. Indeed, the main synchronization secret of data edge representation is value change dump during following motor flows through measurement calculation nodes, whereby discrete event simulation time have to be onwards and forwards proceeded steps with test-bench characteristics. These test-benches faithful for digital data transmission modeling and simulation. In fact, light color development is a crazy and lazy aim object of many searchers within discrete event simulation basics, such that Microsoft command line color invention, whereby the I 2

command help color from the black screen DOS environment dynamism, determines the principle requirement for light color choices. Indeed, based on this idea, event states inside discrete event simulation could be model within a selfish set of light color development. Although light color development is interest task in this discrete event simulation disciplines. The frequency variation level inside electrical {(inductor-capacitor-resistor)} circuit, allow any light color development. Figure 1 shows, frequency variation level for light color development [12] and [13].
sin(.) function following description


Figure 1: sin(2..f.) function following description most around used in digital data transmission-reception-absorption processes.

In figure 1, the first variation of currently involved function for digital data transmissionreception-absorption processing analysis is a clear clean sinusoidal aspect. Therefore it is starting from nil magnitude value, then after certain time values it did attain its first magnitude summit value, then after it did attain a negative magnitude value and finally it did backwardly attain its magnitude summit value. The time value variation allowing to attain the magnitude summit values originally and its first successor backwardly defines the time period for such a sinusoidal function following description. This function is sin(2..f.), 1 where f = is original main frequency characteristic of such a function following T description. Furthermore, is the shortest time interval value to be involved within the processing analysis. In some digital data transmission applications, this value is about 0.325 nano seconds (3.25 10-10 seconds). On the other hand, searching gathering discovering following description function of any event state inside the discrete event simulation modeling, is ahead hard thread-task. From the inspiration-item Shannon following description works, which finalize following description function based on stochastic probabilities, this function is the Logarithm functional behavior description. This logarithm functional behavior is used to mainly calculate lossyless data sent within signals. Logarithm functional behavior has negative infinite values when the time composition variable has values inside the segment [0 1]. Then the nil value, when this time composition variable is one and positive relaxed infinite values otherwise. I 3

Log(.) function following description


Figure 2: Log(2..f.) function following description for a given digital data transmission-reception-absorption.

Figure 2 illustrates the logarithm functional behavior variation during processing analysis of a digital data transmission-reception-absorption system. This functional behavior could be used in encoding digital data to be send and receive with lossyless data transmission. The within this function following description involving encoding techniques are the magnitude summit value for logic true and the not function of such a value is the logic false. This magnitude variation level is fuzzy encoding digital-analog data. Hence within light color development modeling, this magnitude variation levels are the fuzzy step-scaling from light black color to light white color. 1.2. Required light color development mathematical following description function flow: Signal manufacturing tools send different kinds of signals to be received from distinct destinations. Principally, these tools are characterized by transmission antennas and reception sensors. The modulation aspects is theoretical task and threads during modeling and simulation of digital data transmission. Grounded to some readings (see modulation principles and Fourier transformation within digital signal processing theory), the main usable functions in the modulation branches and fields are the following functions described in table 1. Table 1, presents some ideas about useful function for modeling and simulation inside modulation processing analysis. Notice that the real behavior of transmission-receptionabsorption processing analysis is based on the correlation of the function following description and the function using inside the modulation process. This correlation processing analysis is function of the passed values of considered signal and predicted ones. For more details on the correlation phenomena, presented books and papers in digital data transmission and encoding such Shannon's mathematical information theory [3] is utility toolboxes for gathering discovering database's information within those brand fields and disciplines. Through my works in such branch fields and disciplines, an abstract table review shown in I 4

table 1, concludes the useful modeling-simulation mathematical description functions. Functions

sin (2pft ) 2pft



boundary function for all values of inside used in lab experiments and parameters such that p, f, and t. other fields.

(sin (2pft ))

boundary function for all values of inside used as Gaussian replacement in parameters such that p, f, and t. wireless digital transmission such that cellular phones. characterizing the fast descent to nil when most around used when the the calculated inside phase is growing defined phase is less than eighth gradually to infinite values. of one tour. characterizing the fast fading to infinity when the calculated inside X(f, t) is growing gradually to fourth tour values. used in supra high frequency modulation fields.

( 2+ 2 )

tan ( X ( f , t))

1 x log( ) x

boundary function for all values of inside used as replacement of the first parameter x when define limit of the defined function inside this fraction of infinity and nil to be nil. table. Table 1: functions used in modulation branch fields.

In fact, basic light color development following description function flow is theoretically 1 y.log ( ) , where y is the stochastic value for a given simulation. Thereby, the following y description function (sin ( x)) 2 function of any buy-sell cell during following functionalism fabrication flow is an identification of old Gaussian representation. This identification depicts any fuzzy proceeding processing analysis within any following functionalism fabrication flow. The just language usage of such a (sin ( x)) 2 function consists to flow the origin of coordination system (the intersection of x-axis and y-axis, which are two perpendicular straight lines) during any proceeding processing through x-axis. The values engendered by this (sin ( x))2 function are nulls (zeros) for the boundary values and maximum for the middle average of considered segment [a, b] such that [a ,b] , thus sin 2 (a )=0 a=0 and hence sin 2 (b)=0b= pi / pi=3.14 . Although (sin ( a+b )) =1 a+b = pi . Therefore, the (sin ( x))2 function owes magnitude
2 2 2

level variation inside proceeding processing analysis within any stochastic systems. The (sin ( x))2 function has the most around measurement ability to depict any current data edge flow inside control data flow graphs. Figure 1 shows a control data flow graph whereby current data edge {(time_event, value_event)} could be basically mathematically modeled by (sin ( x)) 2 function such that x= x(t)/t =time event and value event=(sin ( x))2 .

I 5

Figure 5: an example of original primordial representation of control data flow graph whereby sin2 () is used as data edge following flow measurement value.

The start process node within figure 5 has role as interrupt circuit to start collect of data to be measured within simulation time. End process node plays a similar rule as power off switcher. Furthermore, the other nodes are arithmetic-logic operation nodes. The following motor flows of data edges is that the following values are binary whose last values are instantaneously stored within grounded to gathering database information node. Figure 5 depicts an original primordial representation of control data flow graph, whereby sin2 () function could be then used to identify selfish 256-step color development sets. Therefore, each selfish 256-step could be thereby used for one color scaling. Furthermore, 1 x log 10 ( ) function is error proceeding processing analysis, whereby x 1 lim x0 [ x log 10 ( )] could be easy defined as null [10]. In neural network and fuzzy x 1 proceeding processing theories, the x log 10 ( ) function illustrates the kernel motor flow x of learning and error correction mechanisms. As Shannon did define the inside variable x 1 within the proposal x log 10 ( ) to be involving in [0 1] such that x [0,1] . x I 6

Therefore, this inside variable x could be then equal to the right measurable quantities, which are x=(sin ( f (t ))) 2 or x= sin ( f (t )) where t=timeevent during proceeding
f (t )

processing of any commercial event activity. On the other hand the lim x0 sin ( x) =0 and

this function is constraint boundary function such that:

1 x log 10 ( ) x could be also used to achieve light color development modeling and simulation of instantaneous discrete data transmission. In fact, the environment dynamism of digital signal processing consists to define first of all signals and systems, whereby a system could be easy defined as transfer function putting out the outputs function of its inputs as like example the Newman compute machine model. Although signal is defined as a waveform representation. For discrete event simulation and job scheduling either parallel task following threading or serial data acquiring acquisition and displaying, the involving waveform is magnitude variation level representation function of iterations, whereby the time is so depicted as sequential discrete periods t=nT , n . Therefore, after the above definition of the inside variable x, the function In review abstract, the measurable physical amount is a variation level of whose magnitude level (up-stairs, down-stairs basic logic influence system) during modeling and simulation proceeding processing analysis.

sin ( x) 0 1 x

(sin(.) )/(.) function following description



Figure 6: normal logic magnitude variation level encoding digital-analog data.

Figure 6 illustrates the

sin (.) (.)

functional behavior variation during processing analysis of

a digital data transmission-reception-absorption system. Thus, this functional behavior could be used in encoding digital data to be send and receive with lossyless data transmission. The within this function following description involving encoding techniques are the magnitude summit value for logic true and the not function of such a value is the logic false. Hence I 7

within light color development modeling, this magnitude variation levels are the step-scaling from light black color to light white color. In conclusion models, two models such that (sin( x ( f , t))). tan( X ( f ,t )) where X(f, t) characterizes the amount of amplitude to be enough in order to be absorbed by the reception 1 antennas and or (sin( x ( f , t))). y.log( ) , where y is the instantaneously probability of y error occurred on signal absorption at time t. 2. Modeling of discrete event simulation based on light color development: 2.1. Introduction: The human person attached invisible Satan within modeling and simulation is the discrete event simulation definition and usage. This definition and description has no responsibility on the chosen modeling and simulation methodology or similarly for doing things exactly well. Although extreme angry aspects could be sometimes engender within modeling and simulation when wrong ways were chosen. However this has effects on the selfish reflexive lust, this should not be a reflexive lost results. In this section light color development discrete event simulation modeling assures the vectorization methodology to be associated as motor flow for fuzzy proceeding processing for searching gathering discovering light color identification, such that blue faded to light black or blue fade to light white. Moreover many other example could be treated such that processing light black color to be light white color. Therefore, the principles used within involving techniques is the fuzzy formalism functionalism and leaning motor flow. Thus, within the environment dynamism of sin( x) 1 x [(sin( x))2 ]log ( ) function and of [ ] log ( ) function, the 2 x sin (x ) [(sin( x)) ] manipulation of inside fuzzy variation motor flows becomes cleaner and clearly compilecompute event attributes, whereby event attribute could be light dark black color, light purple color or light aqua color and so on. In next section a deep definition of discrete event simulation will be investigated and then the light color development modeling method will then be integrated. 2.2. Discrete event background and structure: In digital inline verification of hardware design of consumer electronics, modelingsimulation processing analysis of digital data transmission and similarly, the motor kernel flow of discrete event simulation is the following famous flow structure; if clock's event occurs and clock's event value is equal to logic true or false, then while some synchronized constraint boundary conditions {do somethings, which are resolving of basic logic influence systems}.

I 8

Discrete event background in VHDL

Discrete event background in C-language

process (sensitive list clk) { if (clk'event and clk == 1) do { resolve basic logic influences systems; } while (constraint boundary conditions); end if; } end process;

//light black color assignment event attribute value.

unsigned char clk ='\0';

// logic basics assignment event activity value.

bool clckEvent = false; . if (clkEvent and clk == '1') { while {(constraint boundary conditions) resolve basic logic influences systems; } }

Table 100: discrete event background structures in signal assignment (VHDL) language and C-language.

Table 100 illustrates the difference of discrete event background structures in two different programming languages such C-language and VHDL-language. As it was lastly in 2008 defined, VHDL-language is concerning signal assignment's measurement calculations. Although, C-language is programmable control data flow graphs involving operating systems like Linux and command line controls like tar -xf filename.tar. The invisible Satan of event descriptions is: - Think of an occurrence in order to have whose effect and whose judgment: to consider or to anticipate both worried and hopeful whose side happenings. - Think out or through event activity is to think about hereby until whose conclusion is reached. Therefore, understand and resolve event activities, means resolve basic logic influence systems on event occurrences. - Think up an arrangement of system environment to reach whose invention or devising; means make decision to change the event states inside this system environment. As example, think of an occurrence, which is writing a book. Think out this event activity, is to think through its processing analysis and then to think up that this event results will be measurement principles of compile-compute-conclude processing analysis aspects. 2.3. Discrete event dynamism and aspects: Discrete event dynamism engenders event occurrence, event activity, event attribute, event state and event environment. Discrete event aspects are the instantaneous outward appearances, which should be associated with it dynamism. Indeed, this dynamism is unknown effect analysis; fuzzy or similar analysis start from true right sources engendering gathering database information over event occurrences. Hence, analysis of inside instruction introduction of event occurrence processing and its real I 9

viewpoint illustration. - event occurrence: what does it happen instantaneously right now? - event activity: what is it going on currently live? - event attribute: which property is characterizing this event occurrence? - event state: why is it so depicted? - event environment: how much time does event occurrence need to be faded? In details of modeling and simulation, a list of couples (timeevent, valueevent) would be involved within this simulation processing analysis.

light color development locally set as global.



(timeG, light green color)

read to be processed.

in this event occurrence, a quantity of electrical signal in volts would be transferred to core processing unit.

(timeB, light blue color)

in this event occurrence, a quantity of be inside queue within any cache. electrical current in Amperes would be exchanged between the bios and its input output devices.

(timeY, light yellow color)

in this event occurrence, a quantity of fetched operating symbol into core electrical current in Amperes would be processing unit. exchanged between core processing unit and its inter-components. in this event occurrence, a quantity of electrical current in Amperes would be scheduled finished surround symbol exchanged between core processing picked up back into cache. unit and computer input output devices, which are LCD display, mouse, keyboard, printer and so on. basic event environment interrupting involving power on. scaling steps from light black to light white color whose correlations would be used within any other light color development

(timeR, light red color)

(timeBW, (light black color, light white color))

Table 2: Example of discrete event simulation.

Table 2 illustrates an example of discrete event simulation list. The main task in this modeling simulation processing analysis is to identify event values for each time value 2.4. Conclusion: In this section an introduction viewpoint over discrete event simulation was given. To fill in I 10

the requirement of the exactly true right definition of discrete event simulation, counting processing of the number of years should be involved within any modeling and simulation inside discrete event simulation. In fact, the start of year is the birthday of the first month in every year. Hereby, event occurrence is the birthday of the first month. Hence, event activity is add(month's birthday, one day), which means processing increment of each month's birthday in order to finalize one complete month counting, so the second month and so on. Furthermore, event attribute is characteristics within each event. Herewith, the envisaged event is the counting of the number of years. Therefore, event attribute is an account identification of each month. This account identification is the most significant number of days within each month. For example December's account identification is thirty one days. Moreover, event state is collection of variable and signals, which describe the behavior inside a system. In fact, the start of month and its end are two primordial event states involved within each counting processing of the number of years. Although, the main original event states accomplished within this counting processing are the start and the end of year identifications. On the other hand, those event states define the boundaries of year's number counting processing, which is the envisaged system to model and simulate. 3. Light color development involving discrete event simulation: 3.1. Introduction: Moreover, processing light black color to be light white color. Therefore, the principles used within involving techniques is the fuzzy formalism functionalism and leaning motor 1 2 ) function flow. Thus, within the environment dynamism of [(sin( x)) ]log( [(sin( x))2 ] sin( x) x ] log( ) function, the manipulation of inside fuzzy variation motor and of [ x sin (x ) flows becomes cleaner and clearly compile-compute event attributes, whereby event attribute could be light dark black color, light purple color or light aqua color and so on. In next section a deep definition of discrete event simulation will be investigated and then the light color development modeling method will then be integrated. Notice, that the sin( x) 1 x 2 ) or [ ] log ( ) , involving function could then be [(sin( x)) ]log( 2 x sin (x ) [(sin( x)) ] where x= f ( circuit frequency ) . Hence, the circuit frequencies could generated within any association of the general purpose digital-analog data edge modeling depicted within figure 300.

I 11

Figure 300: original main sufficient suitable dynamics mechanism to gather digital data from core processing unit inside environment dynamism.

Figure 300, illustrates the original main sufficient suitable dynamics mechanism to gather digital data from core processing unit inside environment dynamism. In fact, as shown in figure 1, the data edge current following flow could be divided to measurable voltages throughout any parallel association of distinct resistor-capacitor filter values, which allow mixtures of frequency determination through the famous low pass filter formula such that 1 f index i =[ ] .
index i

For ASCII encoding similarity, the measurable number of the envisaged couples (resistorcapacitor) is then equal to eight low pass (resistor-capacitor) filters, whose frequencies could be measurable throughout the measurement of resistor values and capacitor values. Therefore, the eight-bit-word encoding techniques. Hence, consider that the first index filter has the following measurable values, which could be 75 Ohm resistor's value and 23 micro Farad capacitor's value, and the last index filter has he following measurable values, which could be 100 mega Ohm resistor's value and 1000 micro Farad capacitor's value. By this way, the two involving frequencies are respectively; 579.71 Hz and 0.00001 Hz. Figure 300 depicts the data edge current following flow, which could be faded to measurable voltages throughout any parallel association of distinct resistor-capacitor filter I 12

values. Furthermore, the multiplexer usage allows to get out the first measurable current amount quantity. Although, the next tradeoff of measurable current amount quantity could be direct measured from current source generator, which would be CMOS or bipolar transistor-transistor language. Indeed, the within core processing unit entity is the mnemonic, mimetic and compile-compute-conclude proceeding processing analysis, which involves test verification motor flow of any gathering measurement values and then to choose the data edge current flow requirements. Hence, the within core processing unit entity has input-output interfaces such that huge hard disk to store data and co-core proceeding processing motor flows, which treats any gathered digital data and resolve whose basic logic influence systems. Those co-core proceeding processing motor flows could be implemented in C-language algorithms for any microcontrollers or any EPROMS (electrical programmable read only memory). The digital data encoding and compression techniques will be in details presented in the next sections, whereby the basic logic influence system of ASCII digital data encoding techniques is the primordial main following digital data encoding and compression algorithms to be aware of further processing analysis aspects such that production time amelioration within electrical machines, image quality improvement for digital TVs, radars and co. In electrical branch field disciplines, the sinusoidal function model is always used to simulate input-output signals within considered circuits. Then, the signal correlations or mathematical signal multiplexers are basic tools for image illustrations like those treated in MRI scientific fields [6] and [7]. Magnetic Resonance Imaging description is based on the cutoff frequency included within Fourier transformation and just using-language of t=nT , n to depict received image from IMB-AT compatible PCI interface cards and similarly input-output interface component. Thus, detailed description of correlation and involving mathematical following description functions will be reviewed in the next paragraphs. In fact, within electrical data edge flows, the main characteristic of produced waveform is the periodic aspect during proposal test-bench and simulation proceeding processing. The mathematical sinusoidal description function, has the characteristics, such that it attains its maximum magnitude value in the middle array of simulation time. At the boundaries within measurement arrays of simulation time, which are 2pi = 6.28 period periodic measurement arrays, the values of the mathematical sinusoidal description functions are nulls. Indeed, the magnitude-value variations are basic tools for signal encoding. Arithmetic encoding is primordial main original thread-task within digital data transmission. Arithmetic encoding is based on the encoding of the magnitude-value in integer form, whereby the inferior boundary integer within a float magnitude-value variation would be used in such an arithmetic encoding [8] and [9]. The maximum voltage or current magnitude-value variations inside electrical circuits depend on the technical applications. For digital data transmission, such that send-receive alphabets and like thread-tasks, the middle average voltage is 10 Volts [9]. The basic logic of the arithmetic encoding of this maximum 10 volts voltage level magnitude-value is to convert 22 integer value to binary, because the positive and negative measurement processing analysis and error measurement calculations involving within modeling-simulation. The envisaged arithmetic encoding in computer language is to associate the binary 00000b to -22 volts measurement magnitude-value, then the binary 00001b to -21 volts measurement magnitude-value, after 00010b to -20 volts measurement magnitude-value till the binary 10110b for +22 volts measurement magnitudevalue. The true-false logic involved within any one-volt magnitude-value variation inside the envisage arithmetic encoding, is illustrated using figure 2 and or figure 6 and figure 10 described below, whereby logic true is the magnitude-value associated with the highest I 13

value level and the logic false is the lowest value level of magnitude measurement.
sin(.) function following description


Figure 2: sin(2..f.) following description function most around digital data transmission-reception-absorption proceeding processing.

In figure 2, the first variation of currently involved function for digital data transmissionreception-absorption processing analysis is a clear clean sinusoidal aspect. Therefore it is starting from nil magnitude value, then after certain time values it did attain its first magnitude summit value, then after it did attain a negative magnitude value and finally it did backwardly attain its magnitude summit value. The time value variation allowing to attain the magnitude summit values originally and its first successor backwardly defines the time period of this sinusoidal function following description. This function is sin(2..f.), whereby

description. Furthermore, is the shortest time interval value to be involved within the processing analysis. In some digital data transmission applications, this value is about 0.325 nano seconds (3.25 10-10 seconds) [9]. On the other hand, searching following description function was finished with the works of Shannon [3], which finalize following description function based on stochastic probabilities. This function is the Logarithm functional behavior description. This logarithm functional behavior is used to mainly calculate lossyless data sent within any signal set or alphabet as Shannon did call it. Logarithm functional behavior has negative infinite values when the time composition variable has values inside the segment [0 1], [0,1] .

1 T

is original main frequency characteristic of such a function following

I 14

Log(.) function following description


Figure 3: Log(2..f.) function following description for a given digital data transmission-reception-absorption.

Figure 3 illustrates the logarithm functional behavior variation during processing analysis of digital data transmission-reception-absorption proceeding system, whereby the functional behavior could be used in encoding digital data to be sent and received with lossyless data transmission. Therefore, the logic one or true is defined to be the maximum magnitude variation level and the logic nil or false is defined to be the minimum magnitude variation level.
square(sin(.)) used witin amplitude modulation

1.5 1 0.5

0 -0.5 -1 -1.5

Figure 7: a.sin2(f(t)) variation level within any waveform generation proceeding processing, where 0<abs(a)<1

I 15

Figure 7 illustrates a.sin2(f(t)) (where 0<abs(a)<1) variation level within any waveform. This variation level could be therefore used in digital data encoding. For each variation level a binary value would be whose signal assignment. Hence, included intensities within any waveform depict measurable signal variation levels for example voltages levels such that -100 volts to 100 volts or amperes levels such -20 ampere to 20 amperes and other kind of measurable quantities involving intensities, which are states or qualities of being intense. The mathematical format of the energy inside such a thread-task processing, is the integration of produced power within instantaneous time values; E=ClearVolume ( power ( t) dt) dV , whereby the clearness of envisaged volume-form is depending on the power within the light production mechanisms. This power could be varied between 2.5 Watts LED to 500 Watts projectors or more 1000 Watts light bulbs. In my opinion, there is not till now any other source of light production either the electrical energy converters such leds, light bulbs, electrical arcs and similarly. where power(f, t) is the electrical puissance defined as follows;
power ( f , t)=a [ sin( f ,t )] [cos (f ,t )] , where: 0 < abs(a) < 1. Thus sin(.) is the sinusoidal function. Furthermore, the cos(.) is the integration or may the differential function in time of the sin(.) and the abs(.) is the absolute value; power ( f , t)=b [sin ( f , t)][sin( f ' ,t )] where: 0 < abs(b) < 1.

Note that to receive back just a white picture from digital satellite Astra or similar digital satellite in a far way distance about 401000000 meters, 18 GHz emission frequency of this picture is required. This frequency is produced by an electrical oscillator characterizing the magnetic effect characterizing the loadstones of electrical energy in magnetic form to be sent ( L i ( f , t) ) and electrical effect characterizing the charging within the capacitor ( ). The within energy is just the calculation of the power, which is about 24Volts and current intensity, which is varying during the transmission process. Now the growing gradually actually question is: which current intensity should I use within this sendreceive digital signal processing? If this current intensity is 1Ampere, then the energy is E = [24 Watts ] t = 24 Watts x Seconds (seconds time are needed to receive back the white picture which was sent). Although, based on the works of Claude Shannon [10], the in time movable power could be intensity ) , where (a ,b)2 two variable parameters to modeled as follows: b log 10 (a voltage be identified within involving genetic algorithm or similarly. Moreover, the measurable amount quantity couple (intensity, voltage)event is the measurement amount quantity couple
(R i(t),
C i ( f , t) t ) based on the laws of Ohm, Kirchhoff and co.

t C i ( f , t) t

4.2. Mathematical equations involved inside measurement processing: First mathematical equation involves within the measurement processing is the sous-traction or sub-traction; sub(a, b) which means the rest to be counted ab . The next mathematical equation is the addition operation; add(a, b) which means the number to counted is a +b . The most around difficult mathematical equation is power calculation. I 16

Final mathematical equation involves within measurement processing is the fraction operation or ratio calculations. Thereby, power calculation is based on quantity integration during time simulation and ratio calculation is based on quantity derivation during time simulation. As example, considering RC-circuit, which presents a measurement unit in filtering branch field. This unit is the gain on magnitude in decibels. In digital-analog waveform generation like or 11 GHz radar images processing, the optimal value of the capacitor is 1000 micro Farads and by this way a calculation of possible measurable resistor is about 0.4 micro Ohm.

Figure 8: resistor-capacitor filter response circuit.

Figure 8, presents resistor-capacitor filter response circuit. This circuit has as input edge the current flows, which could be measured either using coulomb or Ampere, then two principally elementary components that capacitor C measured in Farads, and resistor R measured in Ohm. Finally, this circuit has an output node, which deliver instantaneous voltages depicted by Figure 9. Notice that every inside space is measurable entities although light and whose theoretical aspects, which have their roots to the works of Einstein and Planck and co, who did define light as measurable amount quantity and did win noble prices. Just remember domicile power frequency in USA is 60 Hz, however its value in Sweden is 50 Hz. How did not the jury of made representation discover that the frequencies are distinct but the energies are the same with 75 Watts light bulb???? Einstein performed thread-tasks for mathematical energy theory: Einstein performed thread-task in mathematical energy theory, is the famous formula: 2 E=mC , where m is a weight in SI system measurement, and C is light velocity as defined constant in SI system measurement. Indeed, light velocity was never be constant. Furthermore, light velocity could not be nevertheless determined whereby philosophy processing analysis aspects would be investigated within modeling-simulation processing analysis. Although, clear compile-compute-conclude processing analysis of mathematical energy theory is the how to measure principles inside Watts' measurement calculations. Therefore, first of all, a clean clear mathematical power theory should be investigated. As original main thread-task of power measurement calculation is: I 17

a. current ( t)event . voltage(t )event , where 0< a<1 . For energy source producing, see sections below. This energy production start from battery charges' chemical equations (see below; my work in 1997 with accumulator's band graph modeling-simulation thread-task) [12] and [13]. For Einstein and light producing fans, the comment question is: could you please produce any light to be transmitted anywhere with a constant velocity without any energy source background investigation?? In fact, consumer commerce measurement principles consist to buy energy source producer such a 12 Volts car battery or 24 Volts truck battery or similar capacitor's energy source producers. Hence, to produce light within the bought energy source producers such a 12 Volts charged battery, is to buy Amperes-to-light converters such light bulbs, which are led emit diodes, lamps, electrical arcs, light bulbs, projectors, and other kind of current-to-light converters. For radio event activity light emission processing analysis, the kernel nuclear energy source producer could never emit visible observed light (see nuclear centers for electricity productions if you could see any light phenomena within the kernel of nuclear atoms such Uranium or similarly). Thus, to calculate the produced light with any bought light bulb using 12 Volts charged battery. Hence the distance could be varied from 1 meter to perhaps 1000 meter or may be more within just one second time. Therefore, the envisaged velocity calculation of produced light is: velocity= distance (t) . This is the main definition of velocity (read books and

papers of velocity definition and measurement principles). So, in one second time, could any energy source producer deliver a light velocity of: C=2.99 x 108 m/ s velocity measurement quantity in SI system measurement? Clearly and exactly true not. So, why did Einstein and co define the light velocity as constant declared with this value C=2.99 x 108 m/ s ?? I think, the problem was the black sun investigation study. Notice, that from, the sun oscillates with till now undefined frequencies and so the black dark aspects of the sunlight oscillations shown in many pictures token from this website: Otherwise consider the following formula of light motion velocity identification: wavelengthwavefrequency=C=2.9910 8 m/ s , 1. Hence, from the above experiments, the distinct wavelengths vary from 1 meter to may be 1000 meters (100 meter wavelength of laser with 3 Volts battery energy source producer), nevertheless the wave frequency is constant. The mathematical product of which measurement quantities could thus never be constant. Planck performed thread-tasks for mathematical energy theory: Planck performed thread-task in mathematical energy theory, is the famous formula: E=hN , where h is his constant in SI system measurement, and N is wave frequency as defined variable in SI system measurement. In fact, within same frequency values and distinct power values of envisaged light bulbs, the energy could never be thus constant, due to the constant value of the h, which is the definition of Planck's constant; see for more details about this mathematical definition of energy. I 18


Figure 200: proposal electrical circuit of Light Emission processing analysis.

Figure 200 depicts an electrical circuit of the phenomena of light emission. Light could only emitted and transmitted using Light Emit Diodes and light bulbs or similarly. Therefore, the measurement quantities of lights and whose velocity is depending on those involving tools, such electrical energy-to-light converter toolboxes. Indeed, these energy-to-light converter toolboxes allow light motion anywhere. The most around application is the disco emit light gaming-operations, optical-fiber data transmission, electrical arcs, the color of Earth's Sky at night and so on, whereby the movable distance of the produced light could be may be attained 400000 meters or more in the next high-tech light bulb production processing. In fact, the motion of light is hard thread-task to be achieved. Nevertheless, the true right light motion velocity is original main sufficient suitable organization flow for researchers in electrical branch and field's disciplines, whereby the true right definitions of velocity should have been integrated within any light motion phenomena study. The insight of logic processing analysis of light motion velocity with source energy batteries of cars and trucks, is the distance variations belong to this light velocity motion mechanism from 1 meter (car rear-light) to 300 meter bright light (headlight of car). Hereby, to calculate light motion velocity, the time event value would be needed. For example, for 10 seconds time, the above detailed distances could so easy reached (1 meter to 300 meters). By this way, the light motion velocity, which is defined as: velocity= distance (t) , proves that the

light motion velocity could never be constant and till now not yet reached the C, C=2.99 x 108 m/ s value identified by Einstein and co. The most around intense light motion velocity is the electrical arc motions' production within the insight of high power voltages. As reference application for light motion velocity, the primordial thread-task production is to take the beam bicycle lighting production, which is based on the physical power that could be involved within such an organization flow. I 19

When this power is less ore mere, the produced beam bicycle light is not clear bright, and when this power becomes stronger, the produced beam bicycle light becomes intense bright. The mathematical format of the energy inside such a thread-task processing, is the integration of produced power within instantaneous time values; E=ClearSurface ( Power(t )dt) ds , whereby the clearness of envisaged surface-form is depending on the power within the light production mechanisms. This power could be varied between 2.5 Watts LED to 500 Watts projectors or more 1000 Watts light bulbs. In my opinion, there is not till now any other source of light production either the electrical energy converters such leds, light bulbs, electrical arcs and similarly. See this video for more details: For further gathering discovering database's information abut energy sources, see below for charging chemical battery equations details.
[exp(.)] wave-form modeling simlation processing


Figure 9: waveform inside modeling simulation processing analysis e within digital data transmission-reception-absorption process.

Figure 9 depicts the exact waveform of resistor-capacitor filter most around used in digital data processing analysis. The charging of the capacitor depicts the holding value to be stored and the discharge depicts the nil values within the simulation. Grounded to this detail, the analog to digital conversion processing could be easy deduced by magnitude values throughout resistor value variations. As realization example, a resistor value variation from 10 Ohms to 100 Mega Ohms could be used in such a task realization. In fact, the above resistor value variation, could be computed in modeling simulation processing analysis as mathematical power function of two chosen functions such that the function depicted by figure 9 and a function, which could better used in modulation such that sin2 (.) , or others defined in table 1.

I 20

[sin(.)] .[exp(.)] wave-form modeling simlation processing



Figure 10: waveform within modulation and modeling-simulation processing analysis. Figure 10 shows the waveform depicted by the mathematical function [sin ( .)]. e(.) . Within this mathematical function the magnitude change values indicates the resistor value variations for resistor-capacitor filter. The nil values indicates the logic false and the summit magnitude value indicates the logic true. The between value variation determines the fuzzy logic processing analysis. Notice the original frequency within this waveform is the ratio of one to the interval time separating two successive magnitude summit values. This frequency is measured in Hertz (unit is Hz). So, varying resistor values allows magnitude variations of output node. This produces a frequency variation inside the envisaged circuit. For equivalence task, an inductor could be involved. Therefore, the new circuit would be depicted with inductor-capacitor circuit. The inside circuit frequency could be measured throughout this mathematical formula; L.C.4.p 2 . f 2 =1 , where p is a ratio of 314 to 100, and f is the frequency to be calculated. The frequency calculation is background variations of L when C is constant or vice versus or together varying in time. Therefore, the frequency is a ratio of 1 to 2.p L.C . In fact, when wanting to set the frequency to its highest possible value, the inductance L and the capacitance C, should be less as they could be. As example for given values of C = 1 micro Farads, and L = 1 micro Henry, the frequency is then equal to about 159.23 Hz.

I 21

Figure 11: inductor-capacitor-resistor circuit for frequency variation realization.

Figure 11 depicts the realization of frequency variation inside a circuit to filter the signal output. The inductor L receive signal input edge characterizes current flows in Amperes. These current flows sustain or incur some basic logic influences. These current flows incur phase shifting and magnitude modification. Then they maintain their following flows within the circuit. Some of them will traverse the resistor and others will contribute for capacitor charge. The output node is resistor-capacitor filter characterizing the 3dB lossy magnitude for cutoff frequency. In fact, to measure this cutoff frequency within the 3dB lossy magnitude, the following mathematical functional operation Gain dB=20.Log10 ( The output voltage waveform is illustrated by 1ea.RC.t . Although, the input voltage waveform is depicted by: sin (2.p.f.t ) . 3dB lossy magnitude from the maximum gain,
GaindB=20.Log10 ( V out ) V
V out ) V

should be onward proceeded.

, allow then short time interval measurement dt, which is 1 in Hz. dt

characterizing cutoff frequency;

Mathematical ratios involved inside measurement processing: Although mathematical ratios are equations of xi to yj, which depict the fraction between xi and yj;
xi yj

. These mathematical ratios are often involving for error processing analysis.

As example the entropy calculation introduced by Shannon in 1948 [3], with his mathematical theory of information. This entropy measures the incertitude amount within each set of signals to be sent. Probabilities occur often in measurement processing analysis. Thus, probabilities are ratio values less or equal to one. To associate with measurement processing analysis probabilities, which are determined as ratios of values at time t to maximum value for all time. Therefore, consider a set of measurements {(t1,V1), (t2,V2), (t3,V3), ..,(tn,Vn)}. The maximum value of all time is (tj,Vmax). The probability determination is defined as follows; {(t1,
V1 V max

), (t2,

V2 V max

), (t3,

V3 V max

), ..,(tn,

Vn V max

)}. Those probabilities would be

involving within each measurement processing analysis of amounts and quantities, which are gains in magnitudes or gains in amounts, legacies, error corrections and other kinds of I 22

measurement processing analysis.

[sin(.)] .[probability.Log(probability)] wave-form modeling simlation processing where probability is a ratio of signal value at iteration i to max signal value.


Figure 12: waveform within digital data modeling-simulation processing analysis involving

[sin ( 2.p.f.t)]. [

[2.p.f.t t ] [2.p.f.t t ] ]. ln([ ]) function. (lim (2.p.f.t )) ( lim ( 2.p.f.t)) [2.p.f.t t ] [2.p.f.t t ] ]. ln([ ]) (lim (2.p.f.t )) ( lim ( 2.p.f.t))

Figure 12 depicts the function [sin ( 2.p.f.t)]. [

used to

modulate digital data transmission. Notice that p is the ratio of 314 to 100, f is the oscillation frequency, sin(.) sinusoidal function, ln(.) is logarithm function and lim(.) presents the superior boundary or the maximum value for a given set of signal values. In fact, frequency oscillation realizations is the aim object of digital data transmission branch fields. The simple way to achieve this is the usage of circuit included in figure 11. Incurring onwards send-receive those frequency is the subject aim of digital data transmission such this involved within digital satellites processing analysis. The main original theme of this incurring onwards is the data encoding decoding processing analysis. Hence, Shannon did propose an idea of data encoding based on the bit-word-length calculations thus the minimum amount of bits to be used to encode a character a for example found in an alphabet set of N characters. This number is thus calculated 2 x= N +1 . To search x, just introduce the logarithm function as follows: 2 x= N +1 log 2( 2x )=log 2 ( N +1) . Therefore, this x number could be determine as follows; x=log2 ( N +1 ) . Indeed, the logarithm conversion between bases is: log a ( y)= ln ( y) .
ln (a)


ln ( N +1) x=log2 ( N +1 )= ln( 2)

, where ln(.) is the natural logarithm function. As example,

where the ASCII code (255 characters) were encoded, the amount of bits was eight bits. To encode one character from the 255 character alphabet set, a sequence of eight bits is required for example 10011010b. To send this character, the above techniques such the charging and discharging of the capacitor of figure 11 eight times or more would be involved. In fact, the 1b represents the highest magnitude amount, however the 0b represents the nil environment of the magnitude amount. An other methodology is to convert such a I 23

binary sequence to integer value and to use the potentiometer command and controlling for digital-analog converting. Figure 8 represents such a processing analysis. Measurement processing analysis aspects: As aspects define a way in which something can be viewed by the mind or appearance to the eye, measurement processing analysis aspects are viewpoints and onwards outward appearances. To use the computing-compiling-concluding unit in order to visualize those viewpoints and outward appearances, an interface PCI card, such this model card meilhaus.300, would be developed and integrated within the processing. Thereby, the model card is an interface card for IBM-AT and compatible with ISA-16 bit stuck capacity or more, with Analog-Digital and Digital-Analog converters, and with 24 Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL; 7400, 7804, etc,...) input-outputs. This model card could be involving software programming using C-language or other similar languages. In fact, Analog-Digital converter generate 12 bit word throughout 16 channels; AnalogDigital channel 0 to Analog-Digital 15, or 8 differential input channels and a multiplexer. Its frequency is variable from 0 Hz to 200 KHz. The manipulation of the converter elements, which are bloc devices and input-output types involving in; single or multiple timer, trigger and interrupt mods, chosen channel number, unipolar with positive values or bipolar with negative and positive values and magnitude gains. Within the software development, those bloc devices and input-output types are addressed, interrupted and manipulated. Two types of programming converter are distinguished: programmable gate array PGA 203 for which, the magnitude gain is 1or 2 or 4 or 8. Furthermore, the unipolar voltage value variations are engendering in the following measurement set; {[0V 10V], [0V 5V], [0V 2.5V], [0V 1.25V]} The programmable gate array PGA 202 for which the magnitude gains is 1 or 10 or 100 or 1000. For this PGA 202, the unipolar voltages are engendering in the following measurement set; {[0V 10V], [0V 1V], [0V 0.1V], [0V 0.01V]}. The choice of one of those input-output types is based on software development. Notice that the converter receives its input-output via a sub-digital connector (50 pins). The AnalogDigital (reference of such a ADC is MAX176) converter is powered by 3W DC/DC converter. However, the Digital-Analog (reference of such a DAC is DA664) generates a 12 bit word throughout four digital-analog channels, which are channel A, channel B, channel C, and channel D. It is connected directly to the 16 bit data bus and the 8 bit address of the computing-compiling-concluding processing unit. It is isolated by 1W DC/DC converter. To secure the converter, each channel is connected to the ground of the converter by resistor and capacitor as described in figure 11. Hence, digital input-output system (reference of such a system is BCT543) generates an input or an output word of 8 bits as defined in the example of ASCII code in the previous section. The choice of digital input-output ports, which are; {(DIO port A0, , DIO port A7), (DIO port B0, , DIO port B7), (DIO port C0, , DIO port C7), and (DIO port D0, , DIO port D7)} Only one those ports is chosen for any digital input-output processing analysis through software development.

I 24

Indeed, registers involved within this model card are 8 bit-word register used for control and 16 bit-word used for instantaneous data storage. Although, Timers (reference of such a device is 71054) are synchronous devices with the 8253 compatible. It has three 16 bit timer. However, the first one and the second one are cascaded, the third one is independent. The second one generates a frequency of 1.5MHz. The third one generates a frequency of 3MHz. Thus, the output of the first one activates the channels. The time of this channel activations is controlling via the scan-time input of the first one, which allows the control of channel activation.

Figure 13: model card meilhaus300 for logic bus interface communication

Figure 13 shows the different on board components of the model card meilhaus300. This model card is a PCI interface IBM-AT compatible card. I 25

To visualize measurement processing analysis aspects using this model card, software development based on C-language or similarly would be used. Thus the usage of the computer as oscilloscope to illustrate the received data from the model card and put them into the display throughout putpixel(.,.,.,) function. The x-axis is then chosen to indicate the number of iteration involving within data reception and the y-axis indicate the magnitude value levels of the received voltage from the model card. The division processing analysis is arbitrary choices for users. To use the involving within this model card software development for graphics visualization in two dimension coordination system such that x-axis or exactly time-axis and y-axis or exactly magnitude-axis, sensor requirements are incurring. Therefore, many sensor kinds could be distinguished, which are low noise bloc sensor, temperature sensor, velocity sensor, volume level sensor, etc.. Hence, the original main assigned sufficient suitable tasks are to search and investigate sophistical sensors, which allow true right converting of detected data to voltage measurements. Conclusion viewpoints: In this section an overview on how to measurement principles was given. The secret sign of these measurement principles is the usage of interface model card for gathering databases visualizations as viewpoints and outward appearances on LCD displays or similarly. This model card could be used for many applications depending on the within involving sensors. As next step within this digital data processing analysis is the storage space optimization to save huge of digital data on currently used hard disk. This requires digital data compression to be involved within. Many digital data compression techniques were invented and used, which are Cadence model VCD (value change dump) filling in files (reference, Lempel-Ziv (gzip command), tar command, jpeg compression techniques... As digital data transmission and manipulation start to grow up, the to associated hard disk storage spaces become the most around measurement ability. To resolve basic logic influence systems on those measurement abilities, mathematical arrays using different kinds of data compression techniques are invented. Some of them, the most average used within digital data transmission and manipulation are Cadence model; VCD fill in files. This technique, which was developed by me, Said Mchaalia, in 2000 September in Dortmund CEI [11], has the following format shown in figure 14. Whereby, the header file contains general gathering data information, which are date, version and time units, and scoping modules' naming and declarations. Then after, transition event occurrences, which are instantaneous couple values of transition time values and transition event activity values. Hence, grounded to discrete event simulation theory, which ascribes modeling and simulation by couple set {(timeevent, valueevent)iteration } for each discrete iteration inside processing analysis. Thus, when an event, which is instantaneous occurrence associated with the change of states inside system environment, a time transition and signal value transition incur and sustain to be maintained and filled in the value change dump file. The measurement units involved within this value change dump file are nano second or other simulation time unit and binary sequences, which are the amount of bits for signal encoding like the famous eight bit-word used within ASCII codes. In digital signal processing, instantaneous event occurrences should be converted to iterations by the methodology techniques; time=nT /n , whereby n is a varying number from nil to infinity.

I 26

Figure 14: VCD (value change dump) file format developed on September 2000.

Although the organization methodology to develop such a VCD fill in file like that shown in I 27

figure 14, is depicted with figure 15. Thereby, figure 15 shows the principles of the computecompile-conclude processing analysis aspects. This processing analysis is grounded to discrete event simulation. Thereby, the just values or parameters are incoming data for each time value events. These time value events is characterizing the manner to change the synchronized simulation time either within the events, which occur on the clock cycle based simulation or synchronized time values with event occurrences on driven cycle based simulation. For example the phenomena of light color changes. Notice that sign could be any object, action, event, pattern, etc., that conveys a meaning.

Figure 15: principles of discrete compute-compile-conclude processing analysis

The main intentional background development depicted in figure 15, is the principles of I 28

language measurement synchronization. Furthermore, civilization is the local process whereby following flows achieve an advanced stage of development and organization. Hence, cultural fill in or intellectual refinement, which is good taste deduced throughout genetic algorithms, or fuzzy logic and neural networking processing analysis. In fact, these algorithms have mimetic and mnemonic object aims involving within human society that has highly developed material and spiritual resources and a complex cultural, political, and legal organization that is an advanced event states within social development environments. Indeed to make and to burrow (which means moving or progressing by or as if by digging holes or tunneling) are two original main primordial event attributes, which ascribe and relate incoming data to inherent sources of quality and office characteristics. In fact, neutralism is a core processing uniform-unity, which has to role and rule event states during the progress of inherent data sources. This inherent data source progresses is starting from read-signal [11] or start-process node depicting mathematical functionalism of registering and triggering, which is pulse or circuit that initiates the action of another component. For example using Timer 71054 within digital transmission processing analysis as shown in figure 13 and ascribed in the header of each VCD file (value change dump file) as viewed in figure 14. Finally there, zing and yes are output nodes, which represent measurement of differential databases levels. Whereby zing, which means move and progress fast, permits digital sensory; transmitting impulses from sensors to the model card meilhaus300 to be processed within modeling and simulation task and threads' achievements. Thus, transmitting impulses are incoming data within shortest time intervals. In fact, binary decision diagram processing analysis views over collect data and its storage in binary format was illustrated. For further manipulation of the stored data, some viewpoints of binary decision diagram processing analysis would be hereby presented. General purpose following motor flow of the binary decision processing analysis could be depicted in Figure 05, whereby the gathering discovering data information's database start with the start-process node and finally the end-process node collect inside circuit signals and send them to the grounded to gathering database information node. The following motor flows of edges, which represent data values, are binary values from received data through the incoming data node input signals. For example, received 6 volts would be converted to 00110b and so on. The incoming data has the format of (timeevent, valueevent). For example, (00.00.04, 9 volts), which would be converted to (00000000000000011b, 01001b), the first binary inside-couple value represents the event time and the second binary insidecouple value represents the event value. The further processing of obtained event activities characterizing event occurrences are enveloped inside a self set of couples: {(time event , valueevent )}index . To start binary decision diagram processing analysis, sufficient suitable measurement array of event activities is required. Thus, this measurement array is based on the indexing system sign of event occurrences. The start process node illustrates the index null of event activity inside the envisaged system environment to reach measurement calculations within modeling-simulation processing analysis. In fact, in many branch disciplines, these measurement principles are always within involved, because the core processing unit is an arithmetic logic unit, which manipulate insight's binary values. Therefore, digital data compression techniques depicts mainly used digital data compression techniques are those whose roots were coming from Lempel-Ziv [3] and co theoretical aspects and effects. The bright idea of such a data compression technique is the usage of the sliding windows background development. Whereby, focusing on the windows that allows I 29

the absorption of the most significant amount of digital data involving during modeling and simulation processing analysis. Thereby, the utilization methodology is to fill in the mere (slight and small in quantities involving within any sliding window methodology) array by moving sliding window most around left side and right side of the center digital data amount. In dictionary digital data compression techniques, the involving algorithm could be describe as follows show in table 5. Table 5 illustrates the algorithm development for dictionary digital data compression based Lempel-Ziv and ASCII coding ideas. Whereby, table map tables were involved, one hash table for instantaneous storing vector of characters and another one for instantaneous storage of character position inside a file. This character position is characterizing by the character position in line and the line position in the file. In C-language, the data type declarations are defined as that illustrated within Figure 17, which views over digital data compression techniques. Event Time Characteristics

define mere array for data storage.

time t , mere array is hash table of index ed vector of characters. whereby set local global In C-language; simulation timer to time typedef map<int, vector<char> > hashtable; t. time t + t mere array is position table of vector of integers. In Clanguage; typedef map<char, pair<int, int> > positiontable; store it in the hash table and then store its position in the position table. searching within the position table based on the character key. If the return value is not nil, this character exists inside the hash table, thus just store its position in the position table. Else, store it in the hash table and its position in the position table. The fastness of this algorithm depend on the number of clock cycle reserved for the read from files and writing in access memory.

define mere array for position storage.

reading current character

time t + 2.t

searching if read character is inside the mere array

time t + j.t j>2

while not end of file { moving sliding windows to next character and loop the operation to reading character step again. } when end of file { storing the hash table and position table in a file.}

time t + n.t n>j time t + m.t m>n

The fastness of this algorithm depend on the number of clock cycle reserved for the writing in files and reading from access memory.

Table 5: digital data compression's algorithm development.

I 30

typedef map <int, vector<char> > hashtable; typedef map <char, pair<int, int> > positiontable; int main (int c, char *v[]) { if (c <= 1) { cout << No input file names was given \n; exit(0); } else { hashtable htable; hashtable::ietrator it = htable.begin(); positiontable ptable; positiontable::iterator ik = ptable.begin0; vector <char> vect; FILE *fptr = fopen( v[1], r); FILE *gptr = fopen( v[2], w); unsigned int lnbr = 0; // line postion inside to be read file. unsigned int c pos = 0; // character position inside to be read file. char cptr; unsigned int id = 0; fscanf(fptr, %c, &cptr); if (cpos == 0) { ptable.insert(ik, pair <char, pair<int, int>> (cptr, pair<int, int>(lnbr, cpos))); vect.psuh_back(cptr); htable.insert(it, pair <int, vector<char>> (id, vect)); } else { while {!fptr.eof() {resolve basic logic influence systems;}}} } return 0; } Figure 17: declaration of envisaged tables within C-language programming.

In nowadays designers have to verify a huge of complex levels of Digital circuits, embedded software and on-chip analog circuitry with fragmented methodologies that substantially impede verification speed and efficiency. They also face a large number of technical issues including design performance, capacity, test development, test coverage, mixed-signal verification, and hardware-software co-verification methodologies. In fact, optimizing verification speed is a complex research subject. Overall, verification methodologies are used by the designers at a variety of design integration levels. To improve digital hardware design using these verification methodologies, many digital simulation techniques are used. One of them is discrete event simulation, which has successful track record in the improvement of hardware verification process. In contrast to other simulation methods (like differential equations) in which systems evolve continuously in continuous time, the systems in discrete event simulation are described by discrete events and appropriate processes. Discrete event simulation performs, indeed, each event or transaction or item individually using an appropriate process. Simulation, however, is not a satisfactory solution to the validation problem of digital hardware for many reasons such as: each schedule (run) proves only the correctness of the design under verification for that particular sequence of inputs (stimuli); and only one design under verification state and input combination are visited per simulated clock cycle. However cycle-based simulation involves these simulation limitations, it is still a sophisticated technology choice for the validation process of large synchronous systems, in which logical simulation is nicely scalable regarding to designer requests. To propagate values from system inputs to system outputs, a simulation clock cycle is required. After finishing one cycle, the next cycle will be begun. Moreover, practical cycle-based simulators allow for circuits with multiple clocks and interface to event-based simulation. However, cycle-based simulation ignores system delays and inter-phase relationships. This limits the amount of information about the design that can be extracted from the simulation. Note that cycle-based simulation does not work for asynchronous designs and cannot be used in timing verification. Event-driven simulation environments uses the traditional I 31

discrete event simulation mechanism and considers system delays and inter-phases. During each verification process using either cycle-base simulation or event-driven simulation, we have the opportunity of outputting the simulation results to waveform diagrams. For a detailed performance evaluation of the design under verification, a signal trace file format called Value Change Dump file (VCD file for short) has been developed by Cadence to store signal waveforms. Not only the input and output signal waveforms are stored in this file, but also the internal signal waveforms too. The waveforms will be needed to get out a trace of the real behavior of the designs. By this way, the physical size of this file can become excessively large, although the signal waveforms are held in this file in a compact format. On the other hand, using cycle-based simulation allows to reduce stored signal waveforms, because it does not consider all real transactions of signals that are for example caused by delays and inter-phases. But this will not be useful to improve the verification process for all digital circuit types as well as to perform timing verification. Nevertheless even when using cycle-based simulation, the generated waveform files are usually huge, often exceeding the capabilities of the storage system. As follows, first of all we did present an overview of digital design simulation and describe how waveform can be generated during the simulation process. Secondly, we did introduce the benefits of discrete event simulation and cycle-based simulation in detail, and illustrate how they will be used in our work. Finally, the format of a signal trace file, which is created during the verification phase and digital data compression techniques were discussed. This was the how to measure principles paper. Next a small annex about different culture viewpoints will be presented.

References: [1] Bodanis, David (2005), Electric Universe, New York: Three Rivers Press, ISBN-978-0-307-33598-2. [2] SI base units, SI brochure (8th ed.), BIPM,, retrieved 2012, August 12th. [3] J. Ziv and A. Lempel, A Universal algorithm for sequential data compression, IEEE transaction on information theory, vol. IT-23, No-03, 1997 May. [4] Mathematical cousres for engineers. [5] Basic magnetic flux courses. [6] Worgang Becker and al., Magetic Localization of EEG Electrodes for Simultaneous EEG and MEG measurement, IEEE confirence on medicine biology, Lyon 1992, pp 34-36. [7] Diekmann and al., Comparison of MEG, EEG and frequency MRI responses to identical electrical stimuli delivered peripheral nerve.[ [8] Said Mchaalia, Bond graph modeling-simulation techniques for battery chargin system with 400 Amperes average current data edge flows (using 32 bits PCI interface card PCI IBM-AT compatible interface cards), ASC, at National tunisian engineering university, 1997, Tunisia, Headreference: Prof. Ksouri. [9] Said Mchaalia, Measurements with 11GHz noise radar (using PCI interface card like meilhaus300 for PCI IBM-AT compatible interface cards), Microwave department, at Ilmenau technical university, 1998, Germany, Headreference: Prof. Loele. [11] Said Mchaalia, Raja Mchaalia, Digital waveform generation principles involving data encoding and compression techniques, and co.

I 32

[10] Claude Shannon, mathematical theory of data transmission,1948. [12] MCHAALIA S., EL KAMEL A., KSOURI M., BORNE P. Neuromimetic approach of multimodel

representation, , CESA'98, Conf. IMACS-IEEE on Computational Engineering in Systems Applications, Hammamet (Tunisia), Vol.1, pp500-504, April 1998.
[13] MCHAALIA S., EL KAMEL A., KSOURI M., BORNE P., Robustness analysis of neuromimetic approach in multimodel representation, ICSSE'98 International Conference on Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Proc, Peking (Chine), pp180-184, August 1998.

[[[[';kDiekmann and al., Comparison of MEG, EEG and

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Annexe: 09/11/2001 references and performed hyper tasks and threads: Searching of compute-compile-conclude aspects from life believers and performer examples. Thus thereby the viewpoint of the invisible Satan of George W. Bush processing analysis:{

Figure 60: 2012 updates on 09/11 throughout Mister George W. Bush new effects based on the true right principles of discrete event simulation and modeling-simulation theoretical methodologies.

Bush means basically to extend in a bushy growth and to grow or branch out like a bush, which is low shrub with many branches. In basics theory of Claude Shannon [3] (or see Shannon paper 1948: mathematical information theory), bush is set of 4 letters, which are {B, U, S, H}. To perform a philosophy processing analysis (ppa) based on a final intention and aim to reach a holy high values' level, a language fission (splitting) philosophy processing analysis (ppa) is involved. This ppa can be illustrated as follows { I 33

B (be or not to be balance): Eblis (Event basic logic influence system) or Iblis (index base's liable insight secret) existence from Adam creationism until life-end on Earth. The invisible Satan dynamism is defined in the dualism (condition of being double; duality) of computation-provocation aspects. This is a balance engine (means of accomplishment). U: provocation of Uniform-Unity from invisible and visible philosophy analysis of realwares. S: processing analysis of Satan system dynamism. H: secret of holy high heaven level. It is a great/big question. } } Discrete dream events philosophy processing aspects, modeling-simulation example Earth's study. Earth's study is growing in huge with the advances in digital modeling and simulation aspects. However, the background of such a science is wrong and not logic. Therefore, the principles of logic and true right be awake aware to basic logic influence systems should involved within any digital modeling and simulation. Figure below, figure 100, shows basic logic of Earth's study example; the shape-form of the Earth. Indeed, the true right shape-form of the Earth is the many several cylindrical viewpoints at any height from a flat surface on the Earth's ground. Heights from flat surface on the Earth's ground could vary from 1 meter and less to 400000000 meters, whereby the distance of the unknown Earth's planet was defined starting from 1969. The visited on 1969 planet may be Earth's planet without name, because the Earth's Moon emits light forever. Hence, for more information of the light emission, see the 400 watts light bulbs and compare the modeling-simulation effect results to the light emission from that planet and other active alive objects in the Earth's Sky. Existence studying of Satan systems and their dynamism within discrete dream event aspects, whereby, mind composition is clean clear invisible language philosophy processing analysis. Thereby, do while processing of real-wares and compile conclude philosophy processing (do some thing that is real). Furthermore, while the condition is satisfaction with basic logic influence systems, begin doing some synchronized following onwards flows. Therefore, language computations onwards instructions processing (C, L, I, P), which means seduction and temptation secrets. Whereby fatal fear on holiness destination whose object aim is first Satan following role flow, which is knowledge disastrous fear. The intention and aim of Spiritual Satanism is to apply this gathering information database and transform the souls into Godhead and Godhood defined in 3K { first K not defined K-word = Jesus, which means surprising. second K is the K-word King = not defined, which means the selfish autonomy to be alive away for true right doing. final k is the K-word Lord = human Satan: philosophy processing aspects. This is the hard hyper task to have been understood. }

I 34

Figure 100: true right outward appearance of shape-form of the Earth is the several cylindrical viewpoints at any height from a flat surface on the Earth's ground.

On other hand, language computation's instructions processing philosophy (LCIPP) requires science knowledge of Satan systems whose seduction secret aim and temptation results outcomes { this analysis can be divided into many steps { First step: philosophy i-processing: introduction, instruction, inside, innovation. This iprocessing is primordially and fundamentally. Second step: philosophy processing in 3D system scaling and time-base within seductions and provocations; this inside thinking-treatment is visible illusion. For example, the blacksun.pdf ( is visible illusion grounded to famous following flows. Whereby, many authors did write "Globalization and "McValues" are the death of all root values." In my clean clear compute-compile-conclude aspect analysis the globalization and "McValues" should be based on communication and culture exchanges throughout the innocent ways of the highest holy spirit backgrounds. I 35

Third step: philosophy processing of innovation's objects. Thereby, ( develops discrete event simulation's modeling-simulation tools to be awake of event occurrences in the Earth's Sky and its system environment. Fourth step: philosophy processing of sciences complexity. Hence, scientific aim destination is true right description details of gathering databases information. Fifth step: philosophy processing of correctness's language cleanup(s). This theoretical methodology is defined as follows whereby compute language instruction processing can be { i. philosophy processing of clean lust invisible instructions. ii. philosophy processing of logic clear aim and object destinations. iii. philosophy processing of compile false instructions and correct them. iv. philosophy processing of classification loop instructions: inside loop seduction's secret and effect results processing analysis. v. philosophy of complex large instruction processes. vi. philosophy of combine lord instruction processes (As reference: processes in Very large scale ICs Hardware Design Languages are primordial cores discretely defined as assigned values). Philosophy analysis of realwares based on performed hyper thread-tasks or mathematical energy theory: Analysis information: Satan system aspects is a big question in the discrete dream event's philosophy analysis. Satan is first enemy for high holy heaven home last step to have to be. Satan principal tasks are: to recall or exercise by means of a lure or seduction. to draw with a hint of pleasure or reward: attract actively and strongly of event occurrences. to provoke someone to do something through often false or exaggerated event attributes. In nowadays, mathematical energy theory becomes aspect notes for digital data transmission researchers. Starting in 1928 with sending telegrams, researchers were interested in encoding and mathematical and technical power formalisms, because mathematical energy aspects are in time integrations of inside mathematical and technical data modeling-simulation processing analysis. 6. 3. Philosophy processing analysis of Moon's light color dream and to be there: 6.3.1. Keywords are: First of all, the kernel keyword of such a philosophy processing analysis is real-ware's observation aspects, which are engendered in basic envelop whose light processing analysis is the discrete event simulation motor kernel flow. For example: you see Moon's light at nil o'clock (00.00.00 starting day in Hawaii), what do you feel? Furthermore, distinguishing between color aspects throughout processing analysis of scaling mechanism from light black color till light white color. In fact, high-holy values processing analysis is subject research for electrical discipline manipulations. For example, Shannon's mathematical information theory based on the alphabet background's aspects: entropy measurements, which identify the amount of incertitude inside a set of signals to be sent to desired I 36

destinations. 6.3.2. First start-root the letter k represented with origin sign (K): Based on old readings the letter "K" illustrates the king of aim in a given dream; step by step, I want arrive to my aim, thanks God, thanks dad, thanks mam, thanks God again, step by step, still ahead to be awake to be aware of my way, step by step, still ahead to reach my sun day, thanks God, thanks dad, thanks mam, thanks God again. Therefore using Lepel-Ziv, Issac Newton, Kaufmann Kohler and Shannon's Theories, The root values, which will be killed in blacksun.pdf (see page 04), should be the origins of each processing task and thread. { (letter J = just) [space] (letter L = language) [space] (letter K = core) [space] (letter M = make) [space] (letter N = neutralism), where (K) is origin inside sign's kernel and [space] will be characterized with ||. Dream philosophy analysis first step: change root two alphabet around (K), two letters forward following flows or two letters backward following flows from (K). So, either alphabet "N" [Newness-innovation] or [Neutrality-Water = innocent background minds] or alphabet "J" [Jesus Joy] or [Limitless Lordship]: J || L || (K) || M || N, where (K) is origin inside sign's kernel. One letters forward or one letter backward following flow from (K). So, either alphabet "L" [Love relationship] or alphabet "M" [Imagination Design]; J || L || (K) || M || N, where (K) is origin sign 6.3.3. Second start-root; "A" from alive being: it is a person, it is home, it is a president, it is a nation, it is a... Y || Z || (A) || B || C, where (A) is origin sign Two letters forward following flow or two letters backward following flow from "A"; So, either "C" [Can Center Consume], or "Y" [Yes Year [You Yours]] Y || Z || (A) || B || C, where (A) is origin sign One letters forward following flow or one letter backward following flow from "A"; So, either alphabet "B" [Belong [(Be or not)] or alphabet "Z" (zing which means move quickly as it could be). 6.3.4. Second step; color processing analysis indications; Black => damage and dangers effect aspects. The basic light color of Earth's Sky. White => saint philosophy processing analysis. The main original primordial day's light I 37

color to allow distinguishing between colors for each instance at time unit in seconds. However { safe secure contact with processing analysis results, dark and/or secret following flow of outcome (final product or end result) may be badness or happiness. } 6.3.5. To explain numbers meaningfulness (purpose or value) i. two is a binary base whose element is bit which means true or false. ii. 2 = 10b, first one is true if this so defined or false either and vice versus. iii. 2 indicates that there are just two types of choices either to believe strength of 2 invisible systems or to believe philosophy processing analysis. Note { i. outcome; a final product or end result; consequence; issue. ii. outcome; a conclusion reached through a process of logical thinking. And j. meaningfulness; purpose or value. jj. meaningfulness; significance. 6.3.6. Conclusion; Resolving a task in computer language instructions processing philosophy is a binary prediction of occurrences of events. As reference see in details the discrete event simulation theory, which is described as follows: for a given time value, an event is occurring on the considered signal during this signal processing. Therefore, this simulation could be formulated within a defined couple (timeevent, Valueevent). A sun-up (rising sun light from light red color to blue one) is an event occurrence, which changes in time for a reference time set as global time (in winter time is about 08 o'clock am and in summer time is 03 o'clock 30 am in Alaska/USA). Therefore, grounded to the above details; the Earth's Moon emit light. This light is a white color light, which changes its event occurrences for each day within a month. So, based on the works of Issac Newton, Einstein and co, the white color light is a composition of main primordial primary colors, which are: light red color, light yellow color, light green color and light blue color. Next step is to know that a required frequency is needed to make primordial white color light from these four main primordial primary light colors, which are: red color light, yellow color light, green color light and blue color light. This frequency after experiment results, should be at least 22KHz (22000Hz). When having to convert this 22KHz to meter per second as wavelength propagations inside a space-time system characterized by a coordination shown pictures, so the diameter of desired object to be used should be determined. As similarly, an object for a given circle with a diameter of 8000 miles, the having to be converted frequency of 22KHz in wavelength propagations length-language is 0.5x2xpix8000x22000 miles per second unit time. This is equal to 552.92x1000000 miles or 552.92E6 miles per second unit time. This indicates that the rotation of a given point at the flat surface of this object should be in rotation motion with the velocity value of 552.92x1000000 miles or 552.92E6 miles per second unit time. The basics of computer languages is the compile-compute hyper tasks and threads inside any signal processing. Indeed, these hyper tasks and threads could be easy translated to compute-compileconclude processing analysis aspects such that fuzzy logic secret processing on high and holy I 38

values analysis philosophy. This analysis philosophy is a nice effect throughout obtained simulation result's background within learning functions such that a movable in time sin2(2 ft + ), which is exactly characterizing the amplitude modulation in the field of digital data transmission, where f is the frequency of considered digital signal, t is synchronized time for a send-receive operations, and is the phase of this signal. In electric field starting from the resolve of basic logic influence systems on the measurement parameters such that power (voltage), intensity (the brightness of a given image), the puissance and the energy and perhaps other measurement parameters, which characterizing waves and particles in motion. In fact, for the measurement parameter puissance, the basic definition is the scalar product of the primordial main primary measurement parameters, which are the power (voltage) and the intensity (in Amperes). In supermarkets, measurement of puissance is in Watts. Hereby, as defined in early Greece Archimedes Theory, the energy or work is the integral function of the applied forces in a given time period on considered system. For some electrical applications, the energies are calculated directly from the integration in time of the puissance. E= P ( f ,t ). dt where P(f,t) is the electrical puissance defined as follows: P ( f , t)=a.sin( f , t). cos( f , t)
Where 0 < abs(a) < 1, and sin(.) is the sinusoidal function. Furthermore, the cos(.) is the integration or may the differential function in time of the sin(.) and the abs(.) is the absolute value.

P ( f , t)=b.sin( f , t) .sin ( f ' , t) where 0 < b < 1. In Electricity domains, the outward appearances mistakes is to consider energy as h x frequency ( h. )where h is the Plank's constant or mC2 ( mC 2 ) where C is the white light velocity and the m is the weight of any object in kgs or lbs. These two outward appearances mistakes are clear. Indeed, for many bulbs within different puissance's values, which vary from 25 Watts to 480 Watts, the wavelength propagation is moving from 1 meter to about 300 meters bright light. Thereby, this explains so easy that the wavelength propagation depends on the puissance's values, which have been bought from any supermarket. Neither Plank nor Einstein did exactly define the energy in its true right formalisms. By this way, the white velocity could not be constant but strong secure sure variable function the energy to be emitted. Figure 17 is showing the usage of sin2(2 ft + ) function to modulate the amplitude within digital data transmission.

I 39

square(sin(.)) used witin amplitude modulation

1.5 1 0.5

0 -0.5 -1 -1.5
time Figure 17: using function sin2(2 ft + ) for a given digital signal modulation.

Note that to receive back just a white picture from Astra satellite in a far way distance about 401000000 meters, a 16GHz emission frequency of this picture is required. This frequency is produced by an electrical oscillator characterizing the magnetic effect characterizing the loadstones of electrical energy in magnetic form to be sent( L.i ( f ,t )dt ) and electrical effect characterizing the charging within the capacitor ( C. i( f ,t ). dt ). The within energy is just the calculation of the power, which is about 24Volts and current intensity, which is varying during the transmission process. Now the growing gradually actually question is: which current intensity should I use within this send-receive digital signal processing? If this current intensity is 1Ampere, then the energy is E = 24 Watts x Seconds (seconds time are needed to receive back the white picture which was sent).

Figure 18: sending databases source

Figure 18 is characterizing the movable energies during a digital data transmission process. In this processing mechanism, the database can be text files, mpg files, or echos or other types of gathering database information. Notice that the energy is never being constant. In gray-rue I 40

consequence effects on resolve basic logic influence systems, the energy is function of at least the amplitude of data to be sent. Not only the energy value calculations are wrong by Einstein or Plank because their variation during digital data transmission process, but also the definition of exactly meaningfulness of the energy transformation forms. Indeed, the energy magnetic form is a differential variation during the processing mechanism of digital data transmission. This illustrates that this differential variation could be nil for a given time. It means that it varies so small in quantities for shortest time intervals. On the other hand, this would never allow a creationism of magnetic fluxes to be transmitted to a given destination. Furthermore, the electrical energy form is a storage envelop to be used when it would be required. For example, the charging of capacitors. These capacitors could be then used in electric utilization inside cars. In fact, the light transmission tools are basic deduced from growing gradually actually technologies. These tools should till now be a magnetic and electrical material energy converters. For example capacitors and inductors.

Figure 19: electrical material energy converters

Figure 19 illustrates the material used in electricity domains to allow light to be movable in time. When, we observe the Earth's Moon, we see light inside the Earth's Sky. Therefore, which material were used to emit this light most around 14 hours sun-light in winter time (see figure 21)???? Notice that discrete event simulation theory is needed to have been understood. Then, first of all reading computing techniques: such that the quadratic formalisms is needed. And after language processing philosophy analysis: which languages are most around required? 6.4. Philosophy processing analysis following flows: In this section, the invisible decision design is ssssfofo: strong secure sure safe first one fly on; such that language processing philosophy analysis. The language processing philosophy analysis is based on the Shannon's Theory. The Shannon's Theory uses the probability and the stochastic aspects of digital data transmission elements to achieve its hyper tasks and threads. As result of language processing philosophy analysis, two alphabet sets, which are {J L (K) M N} or { F F (Eblis) F F or (Eblis) F F F F }. Where (?) is start-origin. Where (K) is an origin sign and (Eblis) origin sign too that means Event's basic logic influence systems. Note that the system's definition can be so small dimension system such that the atom of helium or so large such that the Earth's planets, which are the eight visible planets: Earth's red planet, Earth's Saturn, Earth's Mercury, Earth's Venus, Earth's Jupiter, Earth's Uranus, and Earth's Neptune. I 41

The sub-alphabet{JL} is the famous join-link following flow inside compute-compile processing analysis. This famous join-link following flow motor flow is a background structure inside instruction language processing. From dictionary definition, to join means to connect (see below). By this way, in many application fields, each entity could, should or would be connected or exactly joined to its associated group. Notice that an entity is a model of black box involving inputs and outputs. Furthermore, from dictionary definition to link means to be got ready for execution. On the other hand, the sub-alphabet {MN} is the famous main-nucleus following flow inside compute-compile processing analysis. Main structures programming languages are most around using C-compiler. So, the basic structures within the execution process is the starting from main up processing analysis aspects. The nucleus is a measurement unit used in many fields to indicate just one entity or element. In English language, it represents just one letter or character for example x. Indeed, a nucleus is normally a particle, which involves within positive charges and negatives too. Grounded to the physics investigating material states, the hydrogen is currently the nucleus atom. This atom contains mainly just one negative charge or may be more in the conduction band and just one positive charge or may be more in the valence band. In the neutral material state of this atom, the number of positive charge should be be equal to the number of negative charges too. For example for a given battery of car, the chemical equation is defined as follows (illustrated within equation 1): PbO 2 + Pb+ 2H 2 SO 4 PbSO 4+ 2H 2 O
equation 1: charging of Plumb battery

The positive particles in this equation (equation 1), are the PbO2 charges (dioxide of Plumb) and the negative particles are the Pb charges (Plumb). Another charging equation model is the following equation (equation 2): Fe+ 2Ni(OH )3 Fe(OH )2 + 2Ni(OH )2
equation 2: charging of ferrous-nickel battery

The positive particles in this equation (equation 2), are the Fe charges (fer) and the negative particles are the Ni(OH)3 charges (nickel and co). Another charging equation model is the following equation (equation 3): Ag +Zn(OH )2 AgO+ Zn+ H 2 O
equation 3: charging of argent-zinc battery

The positive particles in this equation (equation 3), are the Ag charges (argent) and the negative particles are the Zn(OH)2 charges (zinc and co). Another charging equation model is the following equation (equation 4): Cd + 2Ni(OH )3 Cd (OH ) 2+ 2Ni(OH )2
equation 4: charging of cadmium-nickel battery

The positive particles in this equation (equation 4), are the Cd charges (cadmium) and the negative particles are the Ni(OH)3 charges (nickel and co). Although, the considered above charging battery types involve positives and negative particles, they need current intensities to be full-charged and ready for different utilization kinds. The process of charging those batteries, is function of the couple (timee,, Amperest) where I is the I 42

intensity magnitude at time t and time is a discrete event time value for a given intensity magnitude. The wave-form of such a charging mechanism is described by the figure reference figure 4.

Figure 20: charging battery different kinds. In reference of figure 20, an overview over the required power or exactly the puissance is shown for different battery kinds. Notice that this puissance is principally depends on the current intensity values. In fact, Ampere did define the current intensity as follows: the ampere (SI (system internationalism) unit symbol: A), is the unit of electric current used in the system internationally. It is a measured quantity of electricity inside a circuit for a given time value. It is named after Andr-Marie Ampre (17751836), French mathematician and physicist, considered the father of electrodynamics. Note that SI supports only the use of symbols and deprecates the use of any abbreviations for units [4]. In practical terms, the ampere is a measure of the amount of electric charge passing a point in an electric circuit per unit time with 6.241 1018 electrons or one coulomb per second constituting one ampere [5]. By convention, the electrons are negatives particles or exactly negative charges, which are movable within each electric circuit. One electron has a negative charge value of 1.19 10-19 Coulombs and a weight of 1.241 10-25 kgs. Notice that, a car battery is about 40 Ampere hour usage. In electron terms is 249.64 1018 electrons hour usage.

I 43

6.5. Following flow theory stepping analysis (upstairs-downstairs follow flows): Whereby, variable motor one is discrete dream event processing analysis. In this field, the differential value variation is the motor flow. variable motor two is binary processing analysis true or false and going fuzzy to analyze these tasks and threads. variable motor three is secret information aspect analysis. Through which the database gathering information will be fill in. variable motor four is famous fin following flows such that logic true right computecompile-conclude processing analysis aspects. Objects { define a function of philosophy processing analysis, which simulate (compute conclude) dream events } draft function formulation { i. enough information from dream events. ii. discrete event analysis (mind composition effect aspect (appearance to the eye or mind; look)). iii. sufficient invisible pleasure {satisfaction signs}. iiii. compile conclude processing analysis {clean clear consume commerce}. } what does this mean? This means { 1. first fly on following flows: dream discrete events. 2. following flow fruit food of Eblis = {follow flow fruit results deduced from Event's basic logic influence systems}. 3. analysis signs = {fiction, fraction, factoring, f-inside}. 4. for loop philosophy processing analysis = home of Eblis (four words which are Event basic logic influence). Applications; F <=====( Eblis )=====> F or F <=====( Iblis )=====> F as1. pronunciation problem solving English or American for example. as2. combine the two items: F F<=====( Eblis )===>F F or ( Eblis ) ===>F F F F. as3. { only temptation language, this means just discrete seduction; { fear fiction of Eblis left or right sides. Therefore, Eblis in the left side is a fraction fly on first flow (foolish afraid) and on the other hand in the right side it is secure fuzzy follow flows of fruit and food of Event's basic logic influence systems. This is the high holy home values conclusion. Hence, transform (K) to "know" {based on origin sign (K); first fly on following flow is knowledge [invisible strangeness real-wares processing analysis] } 6.5.1. Secret of the black sun: 00100. ssfofo philosophy processing analysis aspects: Jesus/Lord/King Manufacturing; compute conclude aspects of complex temptation contact. strong secure fly on first one (ssfofo); philosophy processing analysis. 00101. invisible processing of God existence and uniform-unity: Holiness and Sainthood: I 44

The exactly true right outward appearance of the Earth's planet is showing in figure 21. In figure 21, the second law of Newton's theory was applied to illustrate that the vertical lines within the applied weighted terrestrial gravities are always parallel straight lines. In fact, at least three parallel straight lines (one in Japan, which is perpendicular to the flat surface on beach there, one in Russian black sea, which is perpendicular to the flat surface on beach there and the last one is in the Boston beach, which is perpendicular to the flat surface on beach there too.) These parallel straight lines will never converge to just one center. Indeed, they will usually traverse a flat surface inside the Earth's planet. This surface is defined as elliptic surface-form. Hence, the Earth's planet outward appearance should be a composition of these elliptic cylindrical surface-forms. These elliptic cylindrical surface-forms are parallel and could be deduced from the inside elliptic cylindrical surface-form layer which is magma layer to the last one which is the elliptic cylindrical surface-form layer of air for each evolved observation eye or system environment. 00110. God's strength breakpoints (real-wares design philosophy analysis): performed theoretical practical effect aspects: { Holiness and Sainthood: King of Aim and destination { this defines K as letter-kernel}: First of all, the K-word, which is defined as a Satan of George W. Bush (is his first attached invisible enemy) and then may be the Satan of each woman (what do a woman want?) {by Rblis there are the 2 K-word, which will be define in following flows:} Secondly, the main Satan: Satan is the bringer of knowledge. The goal of Spiritual Satanism is to apply this knowledge and transform our souls into Godhead, as was originally intended by our God Creator which is define in 3K that are: {3K = Jesus, King, Lord = human Satan}: Electrical scientific provocations: { - delete satanic badness during life before death. - invisible instruction processing and hardware philosophy. - philosophy manufacturing processing on earth and visible Earth's Sky deep investigation and study. Definitions: To join: joined, joining, joins 1. To put or bring together so as to make continuous or form a unit: join two boards with nails; joined hands in a circle. 2. To put or bring into close association or relationship: two families that were joined by marriage; join forces. 3. To connect (points), as with a straight line. 4. To meet and merge with: where the creek joins the river. 5. To become a part or member of: joined the photography club. 6. To come into the company of: joined the group in the waiting room. 7. To participate with in an act or activity: The committee joins me in welcoming you. 8. To adjoin. 9. To engage in; enter into: Opposing armies joined battle on the plain. v.intr. 1. To come together so as to form a connection: where the two bones join. 2. To act together; form an alliance: The two factions joined to oppose the measure. 3. To become a member of a group. 4. To take part; participate: joined in the search. I 45

To link: linked, linking, links 1. To connect with or as if with a link: linked the rings to form a chain. See Synonyms at join. 2. Computer Science To make a hypertext link in: linked her webpage to her employer's homepage. v.intr. 1. To become connected with or as if with a link: The molecules linked to form a polymer. 2. Computer Science To follow a hypertext link: With a click of the mouse, I linked to the company's website. 00111. Big Question: THREE-PHILOSOPHY processing aspect analysis: i. Jesus; keyword identification, ii. King; not defined so search aspects, iii. Lord; compile compute processing analysis. First of all, an Arabic language background is required to understand this black event occurrence of the sun. For details, would please read this involving website: Translation-resume: the sun changes effects from light back color to light white color within the day times. The question is that; are whereby any frequencies within any (sun-up, sun-down) discrete event simulation proceeding processing analysis??? Indeed, throughout my works within digital-analog frequency generations based on the changing of electrical elementary components, which are the resistor, inductor and capacitor, the wave light colors are following furnishing frequency flows, whereby those fatal following frequency flows could never be particles or measurable amount quantities. I, Said Mchaalia, through my works on waveform generation and digital data encoding, ensure and assure that those fatal following frequency flows, which are involving in light color dynamic mechanism selfish set, will never set to be amount quantities. As references, please watch the following video too : 6.5.2. Annexe documents for some synchronized definitions: [0] Particle is: i. A very small piece of solid matter. ii. An elementary particle, subatomic particle, or atomic nucleus. Also called corpuscle. [1] 2.1. Unit of electric current (ampere)", SI brochure (8th ed.), BIPM,, retrieved 19 November 2011 [2] 2. SI base units", SI brochure (8th ed.), BIPM,, retrieved 19 November 2011 [3] The other six are the metre, kelvin, second, mole, candela, and kilogram [4] Bureau International des Poids et Mesures" (PDF). 2006. p. 130. Retrieved 2011-11-21. [5] Bodanis, David (2005), Electric Universe, New York: Three Rivers Press, ISBN 978-0307 335982 [6] Video band for beam bicycle lighting:

I 46

Figure 21: the cylindrical outward appearance of the Earth's planet for any evolved observation eye.

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