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he 1992 Rio Conference on Environment and Development recognized that Sustainable Development needed to integrate and address environmental, social and economic concerns about sustainability. However, the current, globalized economic model continues to fuel the expansion of systems of production, consumption, trade and finance that are socially and ecologically unsustainable and therefore, ultimately, economically unsustainable as well.




The dissonance between sustainability talk and sustainability action is disturbing. Earth community is in crisis. Together, we must answer a fundamental ethical question: Will we choose human transformation or earth devastation? The trajectory of the green economy that emerges from Rio+20 may well answer that question.1 Humanitys relationship with earth systems is mired in destructive patterns. As Lester Brown of the Earth Policy Institute observes: We are liquidating the earths natural assets to fuel our consumption. Half of us live in countries where water tables are falling and wells are going dry. Soil erosion exceeds soil formation on one third of the worlds cropland, draining the land of its fertility. The worlds evergrowing herds of cattle, sheep, and goats are converting vast stretches of grassland to desert. Forests are shrinking by 13 million acres per year as we clear land for agriculture and cut trees for lumber and paper. Four fifths of oceanic fisheries are being fished at capacity or over-fished and headed for collapse. In system after system, demand is overshooting supply. Links between climate change and industrial agriculture contribute to a convergence of crises including food insecurity, natural resource depletion and degradation, human rights violations as well as social and economic inequities. A recent World Bank report concludes that current agricultural practices account for more than 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Meanwhile, the climate changes to which these emissions are contributing has a negative effect on food production.2


Is our responsibility the vulnerability of our Mother Earth.


From the CSJ Declarations.


Earth, as global St. Joseph family. Vision and commitment that demand us to be women of hope, and as the Father Medaille said, as small instruments, not to measure efforts in the construction of the most enclosing and respectful world; more just and sustainable. In Rio+20 we could live an experience of communion among us, as CSJss delegation; with men and women who are living the same dream of justice, peace and integrity of the creation and we could testify that, the life from the Gods dream was there present. The most full and encouraging experiences were in the Summit of the Peoples, from the civil society. Over there real practices in the environmental care were shared. The people who believe and make possible another world were there. The presentations, events and dialogs of the civil society were impressive. This was the most valuable thing of Rio+20. We became, together, more aware of our ethical responsibility in the environmental care and of the survival of our mother land.

Humanity brings consciousness to earth community. This consciousness gives us responsibility to care for and nurture the earth and each other; it is not a license to unbridled exploitation. Human consciousness calls us to a growing understanding of the value of the earth and its systems, but this sense of value should not be expressed by selling trees, land, water and air as commodities. Instead, we might put a price on the services that plants, animals and ecosystems offer humanity. To think that only humans should enjoy privileges while other living things are simply objects is the worst mistake humanity has ever made. Sustainable development requires that we shape an economy that provides all with the basic goods and services that are necessary for human wellbeing while enabling humanity to live in harmony with earths wider ecosystems. It requires an awareness of the interconnectedness of the whole earth community. It works toward the flourishing of each and every person along with all earths bioregions, and demands a new imagination with regard to ecological, social and economic relationships.3 20 sisters of Saint Joseph, from 7 different countries, representing the Congregations of Saint Joseph at the United Nations (NGO at the UN), were in the Conference of Sustainable Development in Rio of Janeiro Brazil, 2012. There, we shared our vision and commitment with our Mother

From the CSJ Declarations.

Participation of de csj Delegation at the rio+20 conference and the people summit.
the rio+20 conference organized by the un and the people summit by the civil society
xperiencia de mundo con toda su riqueza en tanta diversidad de lenguas... culturas... colores... razas... edades... pensamientos TODAS/OS queriendo lo mismo: ser felices. Con un abismo de distancias en las intenciones, en las metodologas. Mientras unos se organizan por tener todo y a todas/os a su servicio, dominando y controlando hasta con la mentira, robo y amenazas Otras/os, muchas/os otras/os, la mayora con la bsqueda del buen vivir para todas/os. Ro +20 en Rocentro expresin del poder, de las diferencias y exclusividad. Cumbre de los Pueblos en Flamenco, lugar para iguales. La vida expresada en msica-baile-cantoexposiciones-creatividades y bsquedas comunitarias. Es en grande, lo que en chiquito vivo dentro mo y en mi calle cotidiana, mi barrio, mi Argentina. Cunta Vida Encarnada que me desafiaba permanentemente a contemplar con ojos abiertos, para leerla en esta

realidad y ojos cerrados para darme cuenta como nos deca L Boff- La tierra est sostenida por esta ternura amorosa de Dios que podramos llamar Fuerza de Gravedad u otros nombres. Buensimo fue encontrarme con tantas hermanas Josefinas, tambin con su experiencia a la Luz del Carisma de Comunin, desde nuestro sentirnos parte del TODO GAIA. Un Tiempo para compartir nuestra misin en distintos pases, pero con el mismo sueo en el corazn. Disfrutamos mucho el tomarnos en serio poder participar de los distintos talleres, como paseos, compartidas. Tambin de rernos de nuestras impaciencias ante las dificultades, que no faltaron, enojos y rigideces. Fue un regalo de Dios y de mi gente. Agradecimiento, fecundidad y enriquecida para la convivencia y la misin. Rita Bosch, Argentina na riqueza el haber visto, odo las diversas posturas que se tienen respecto al cambio climtico y el cuidado de nuestro planeta, sin importar raza, lengua, edad, a tod@s nos afecta. Todas/os los participantes con la conviccin de protegerlo, expresndolo de diferentes formas dibujos, carteles, lenguaje simblico como corazones unidos, etc. Dentro de la bsqueda del bien comn los diferentes implicados, autoridades, ongs, grupos sociales, tiene el mismo vocabulario con diferente significado. La esperanza se hizo presente en m al confirmar la presencia de jvenes que se interesan por el futuro de nuestro planeta y se comprometen desde su realidad. Dentro de todo este ambiente, este grupo representante de Hermanas de San Jos presentes en el Corazn del mundo, tejiendo redes desde nuestra diversidad de culturas, lenguas y respuestas a este reto que el mundo nos presenta. Mara Elizabeth Rangel Reyes, Mexico.

y 10 days in Brazil were very interesting. It was my first visit to Brazil. I had the opportunity to visit two States Rio De Janeiro and Salvador. I was in Rio de Janeiro for 7 days and Salvador for the other 3 days. One of my reasons for wanting to participate in Rio +20 was, the school where I work, Fe y Alegria in Tarma Peru; the secondary students participate in a Community Development Project. The pupils are involved in Humus production, raising small animals and Forestry. I assured the teachers that I would return with some helpful information. The information gathered will be very useful as will the ongoing information that I now know is available as a result of participating in this world event. Another reason for participating in the conference, there was an opportunity to meet Sisters of St Joseph from a number of different Congregations. I had heard much about these sisters; therefore I was really looking forward to being part of this bigger group of Sisters for the length of the conference. It was wonderful to meet so many and to hear about their congregations first hand and to get to know a little of their mission in various parts of Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, and New York. Being among the 50 thousand people that were registered for the conference was an event in itself. Passing people from many different counties as we went from one event to another was amazing. Listening to people from many countries and walks of life for 7 days was SO interesting. My 10 days in Brazil has certainly made the world much smaller place. People from all walks of life are looking for answers has to how we can sustain all the riches our world has to offer. My faith in the people on the ground being involved in community groups, has been reinforced. It seemed to me, the most activity and education was taking place at the Peoples Summit, or in the presentations given by the major groups. My time in Brazil will be a lasting memory and an on-

going incentive to participate in the day to day events that are working towards the future we want. Patricia Day, CSJ, Australia as diversas atividades da Conferncia das Naes Unidas para o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel que aconteceu no Rio Center, e a Cpula dos Povos Justia Social e Ambiental, no Aterro do Flamengo, tomou conta de mim uma certeza de que somos muito mais fortes do que parecemos ser. Esta fortaleza expressa nos diversos debates e manifestaes pblicas sobre: gua, oceanos, rios e bacias; segurana alimentar, cerrados, florestas, mudanas climticas; energia solar, elica, nuclear, pela cultura, pela segurana de nossos povos e nossas famlia e pelos seres de todas as espcies, testemunharam e demonstraram suas lutas jovens, mulheres, religies, trabalhadores de todas as reas e a multido de povos organizados. Denunciaram os projetos de governos e corporaes que afetam nossas vidas e o ambiente. Foi um espao privilegiado dominado por uma multido de ONGs. Um tempo rpido, mas extremamente eficaz e impactante. Aprendi muito com os diversos povos e organizaes. Em meus ouvidos ainda ressoa tantas vozes inquerindo: no vamos nos calar e nem nos desanimar com os resultados tmidos consolidados no documento final da Conferncia das Naes Unidas Sobre o Desenvolvimento Sustentvel. No queremos migalhas, queremos estar no centro da agenda

ambiental. Em muitas tendas ouvi que a fora e a energia de Deus dos vrios nomes, est presente na AGUA, NA TERRA, NO AR, NO FOGO. Sem a NATUREZA no h religio, nosso corpo mais gua do que carne, nosso corpo a morada de Deus. Portanto se ferimos a natureza estamos ferindo nosso Deus. Dos debates e grupos de discusso emanava a certeza de estarmos sendo desafiadas/os a agir consistentemente, pois, dos lderes de governos pouco se pode esperar, o compromisso econmico com as grandes corporaes e com eles mesmos ditam seus posicionamentos e suas aes. Nas ultimas reunies muitas lideranas afirmaram, de um jeito ou de outro, que um passo importante a ser dado lutar para que a sociedade civil esteja na governana internacional em p de igualdade. Que se crie um Conselho paritrio na ONU com representantes 50% governo e 50% sociedade civil. necessrio participarmos do Conselho deliberativo da ONU. Enfim, ns no temos tempo para pequenos passos Voltei da conferncia e da cpula dos povos com urgncia de solues adequadas aos grandes problemas. Dar um passinho de cada vez no d mais. Como se tudo isso ainda no bastasse foi maravilhoso estar com vrias irms e leigas da Congregao de So Jos de de todos os continentes, trocando ideias e esperanas. Maria Ins Coelho Rosa, Brasil.

que vi, ouvi, senti, levo para a vida. Vi: * A riqueza dos povos na diversidade de cultura, lnguas, etnias; * Articulao da sociedade civil desenvolvendo temas e apresentando aes concretas a respeito da mudana climtica; * Delegaes atentas e apreensivas no que diz respeito ao planeta; * Delegados constrangidos por apenas acenarem intenes; * Rostos abatidos de indgenas tentando expressar sua dor diante da agresso Me Terra. Ouvi: * Rio + 20 na expresso do poder e Cpula dos Povos no grito da Amrica pedindo para ser ouvida na defesa da gua, ar, solo, clima; * Discursos, colocaes de delegados apenas preenchendo o tempo; * Mulheres corajosas, na sociedade civil, narrando as dores e lutas de seu povo; Senti: * Alegria imensa de encontrar-me com Irms de So Jos, de tantos pases e continentes, todas acalentando o mesmo sonho: cuidar da Me Terra ferida; * Profunda dor em constatar a omisso dos governantes em alimentar a esperana para um futuro sustentvel; * Uma verdadeira corrente, mos entrelaadas de representantes de organizaes e instituies apoiando e apontando Perspectivas de caminhada como sinais de que um outro mundo possvel atravs da ateno e esforo com a sustentabilidade futura da Me Terra; Levo: * Entusiasmo ao perceber-nos como Irms de So Jos, em pleno Centro da Rio+20, construindo a teia, formando

a rede da Unidade, aberta Comunho; * As grandes mudanas s vo acontecer a partir da ao dos pequenos unindo-se nos diversos povos e naes; * O grande sonho de todos em ser felizes, mesmo com o abismo entre intenes da Rio+20 e aes sendo concretizadas a partir da Cpula dos Povos; * Gratido a Deus e minhas Irms por me convidarem a participar destas vozes do planeta que buscam novos rumos para o futuro de nosso clima. Irm Gertrudes Balestieri, Brasil ven before the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development, there were many indications that there would be no significant governmental efforts to address climate change, let alone shape an environmentally sustainable and equitable future. So, I was surprised when I found myself leaving Rio with new hope and energy. From where did this new hope and energy arise? From the vision and commitment of the civil society groups that had gathered, both at the official UN Conference and at the more colourful and vibrant Peoples Summit. Some civil society voices challenged the economic model that dominates in the world today, a model that creates poverty, kills species, and damages land, air and water. Others noted that an unhealthy model of society is also being globalized; one that sees personal wealth as the standard for measuring the worth of a person; one that assumes an opposition between nature and society. Still others raised important

questions: How can we value nature without putting a price on it; without letting the markets take over? What if we thought about earth as a being with rights? What new justice criteria are needed to help to shape a sustainable earth community? Are we ready to learn from traditional Indigenous knowledge? It was also very good to join with other Sisters of St. Joseph --- each of us rooted in a different local context and each of us aware of how our neighbours (both human and non-human) are affected by the dominant social and economic models. Together, we tapped the sources of our hope and the need for action. And act we must --- taking the tiny, barely connected strands that form the Rio+20 document and weaving stronger patterns with them; joining with people around the world to usher in the transition to an equitable and environmentally sustainable future. In so doing, we will guide our governments to places that they were not able to go on their own. Sue Wilson, CSJ. Canada. gradeo a oportunidade de ter participado da Conferncia das Naes Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentvel/ Rio+20. Acompanhei pelos meios de comunicao os preparativos e fiquei muito entusiasma para escutar, participar e compreender as reflexes sobre o futuro que queremos proposta da conferencia. Quando cheguei no local da conferencia fique impressionada com a diversidade de culturas, rostos, expresses. Presenciei a representao do mundo em um pequeno espao. Algumas pessoas destinadas a elaborar o docu-

mento da conferencia e outras acompanharem e refletirem a temtica. Dentre a riqueza de reflexes destaco a preocupao de muitas lideranas e povos com desenvolvimento sustentvel, o empoderamento da mulher, o combate a pobreza, a fome, as mudanas climticas, a desigualdade social... Um conjunto de situaes que interpelam para um futuro mais justo e fraterno. Leonardo Boff ajudou-me a compreender que j existe documento prprio para o sculo XXI, como a carta da terra, que tem algo proftico porque foi construda com a voz da humanidade sem distines. A Carta da Terra nos ajuda a nos recantarmos pela vida. Sua proposta nos convida a viver a espiritualidade, cuidado com a Me Terra e todos os seres. Quando entendermos que a Terra nossa me e somos todos irmos as mudanas acontecero. Acredito que podemos ser uma semente boa, na realidade que estamos, quando testemunhamos o cuidado conosco, com o prximo e com a natureza. Estamos em uma poca em que precisamos nos unir para resgatar e cuidar da Me Terra e da humanidade. Nossos governantes esto preocupados em manter a economia, pois ns no podemos perder a esperana diante dessa atitude, mas canalizar nossas energias para cuidar e testemunhar o amor pela Me Terra. O desenvolvimento sustentvel acontece quando temos um novo olhar sobre a terra que ela viva e tem um equilbrio. O documento oficial da Rio+20 pouco ousado para o cuidado da comunidade de vida, mas, temos outros documentos existentes que nos orientam para vivermos a verdadeira sustentabilidade. Sejamos ousados na vivencia e cuidado da vida! A me Terra agradece! Vamos resgatar o cuidado a paixo a sensibilidade, o amor pela vida, pois, essa expresso tem valor e no tem preo. Nossas motivaes profundas nos movem a lutar pela Terra. Ir. Eliete Dal Molin/ Brasil.

u tive a grande oportunidade para ver, sentir, conhecer, ouvir diferentes vozes e experienciar a globalidade do mundo presente no Rio. Uma cidade de muitos contrastes: linda natureza, exuberantes paisagens, cidade maravilhosa, com seu centro e periferias. De um lado lindos prdios e de outro as periferias nas encostas das montanhas. Muitos descansando em suas nobres casas, outros dormindo debaixo de viadutos. Sim esse o Rio que sediou a grande conferncia: o Futuro que queremos. Participar da Rio+20 foi com certeza, uma daquelas oportunidades nicas que a vida nos oferece. Vivenciar uma diversidade de idias, posies e interesses em relao ao nosso presente e futuro. Foi observar um mundo paralelo, aquele dos governantes e grandes corporaes, onde a esfera econmica parece englobar os dois outros ditos pilares da sustentabilidade (ambiental e social), em contraponto quele que confirmei nos movimentos sociais e ambientais, tambm presentes, onde o desejo de mudana mais forte e justo. Fiquei sensibilizada com a multiplicidade de culturas, lnguas, expresses e com a presena de muitos povos indgenas, grupos de quilombolas, negros, mulheres, Via Campesina, de artistas, de pensadores e muitos outros grupos da sociedade civil. Andando entre o povo apreciamos muitas experincias alternativas de sustentabilidade e escutamos muitas reflexes e palestras. Destaco a presena de Marcelo de Barros, nos desafiando como pessoas humanas a partir da f, a termos uma espiritualidade amorosa e de solidariedade entre ns e com a natureza criada por Deus. Na voz das mulheres buscar igualdade de gnero, respeito diversidade e empoderamento das mulheres, com Seven Suzuki entender que no podemos deixar de sonhar. Aos 12 anos ela marcou presena na Rio e agora est aqui como me - Hoje eu no sou mais jovem, mas sou me, e vou lutar por toda a minha vida para dar a meus filhos o futuro que eles querem. Com representante da CNBB, o novo Cdigo no nada florestal, ele ameaa de morte muitos grupos. A prioridade o agronegcio, por isso precisamos ouvir o grito da floresta, ouvir

o grito da Me Terra. Com Leonardo Boff, vamos resgatar o cuidado, a paixo, a sensibilidade, o amor pela vida e descobrir Deus dentro do universo. A Conferncia Oficial, com temas variados oferecia oportunidades de troca de informaes e conhecimentos na questo ambiental e de sustentabilidade. A presena de muitos grupos da sociedade civil e governantes do mundo todo foi um espao de esperana, de impulso de transformao. preciso haver, de um lado solidariedade entre as naes e por outro, fruns regionais que amplifiquem a voz das populaes pobres e funcionem como um elo entre eles e os governantes. Precisamos assumir em nossa misso a viso de sustentabilidade, no partindo dos interesses capitalistas, mas sim numa viso planetria, reconhecendo que a TERRA viva. A Carta da Terra um documento que pode ser o documento base, pois nela encontramos os valores e princpios para promover um futuro sustentvel. Como Irms de So Jos somos uma ONG, formamos uma rede; sentir que somos parte dessa nos faz perceber a globalidade de sermos mulheres consagradas e que estamos a servio da vida das pessoas e da natureza. Precisamos pensar globalmente, promover a transio para encontrar formas sustentveis de vida e de uma sociedade global fundamentada em um modelo de tica compartilhada, que inclui o respeito e o cuidado pela comunidade de vida, a integridade ecolgica, a democracia e uma cultura de paz. Concluindo quero dizer que precisamos pensar o futuro sim, mas diria aqui o Futuro que Necessitamos, compreendendo o documento final, que segundo Ban Ki-moon o classificou como ambicioso, amplo e prtico. Penso que sensibilizar e conscientizar o maior nmero de pessoas e grupos nossa maneira de sermos ambiciosos e audazes. Voltei para o Rio Grande do Sul mais inspirada e esperanosa depois de ver tantas pessoas defendendo suas causas e discutindo um futuro sustentvel para o planeta. Ir. Rita Tessaro, Brasil.

enti o mundo a cada instante diversidade de linguas costumes at dificil de descrever. Mas uma coisa percebi, independente de vises e entendimentos diversos sobre o futuro, uma coisa ficou certa todos estavamos preocupados como destino do Planeta. A Economia Verde, vindo dos governantes, no o que as populaoes exclluidas desejam, mas ficou muito evidente nos dias que passei na cpulas dos povos, a mudana s possivel se o povo na base se organizar e continuamente fizer as exigencias sentidas. Reforou em mim a necessidade de continuar trabalhando na organizao do povo na base. No Brasil precisamos tambm continuar a uta para que o Cdigo Florestal, prejudique menos as populaes exclluidas. Marcou-me muito a urgencia do desenvolvimento sustentvel, NO HUMANO, SOCIAL E AMBIENTA, O ECONOMICO TEM DE TER PRESENTE OS 3 ASPECTOS. Senti tambm muito forte o apelo, como irms de S.Jos de trabalhar em redes. Que o Senhor da Histria nos anime nesta caminhada. Muito obrigado pela existncia da Ong que nos possibilitou esta rica experiencia. Fraternalmente, Ir.Olga, Brasil.

Our small network, fabric, rug, holds our Mother Earth and her vulnerabilities.

t the end of the Conference we lived great frustration. The official delegations of the members states (UN) did not do specific and concrete commitments for the common good, for the justice and sustainability of the creation. Nevertheless my stronger feeling was that we cannot remain in the frustration, but we must act and to compromise in the modification of our models of consumption; to support a green economy that really is in favor of the sustainability of the creation and advocate for a systemic change to all the levels.

* Shape a new relationship between trade agreements and human rights. Trade agreements must not promote economic activity that is at odds with the goals of human rights or protection of the environment, including efforts to address climate change. An example of such a conflict is found in the statement by the WTO that member nations can challenge measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This could sharply limit the capacity of governments to create policies that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions. * Incorporate gender analysis into governmental policy development. Rural women play a vital role in agriculture throughout much of the global South. They produce half the worlds food and, in some countries, women produce as much as 80% of the food. However, women typically earn less than men for the same agricultural work. Therefore, gender analysis will be essential when addressing climate change and food security policies or initiatives. * Strengthen REDD+ safeguards for avoiding negative impacts on Indigenous peoples and on biodiversity. Current REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing) safeguards are not sufficient. Many of the worlds remaining forests are found in areas that are inhabited by Indigenous peoples and other forest-based communities. Many of these groups have insecure title over their land yet these forests play a key role in sustaining their livelihoods and way of life. These groups must be protected in REDD-based conflicts over land. There has also been a tendency in forest carbon offset projects to support growing monoculture plantations of quickly-growing tree species. REDD+ must include safeguards for protecting biodiversity.

CSJs commintments and recomendations

f the emerging Green Economy is to support sustainable development as well as poverty eradication, we recommend the following: * End subsidies for large, export-oriented agricultural and resource extractive industries. Shift the focus of government support to small locally-based initiatives that help to develop diverse local economies. * Create a new paradigm for agriculture. Climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies for agriculture need to address concurrently issues of hunger, livelihoods, social and economic inequities as well as environmental sustainability.

* Strengthen democracy. This can be achieved by creating effective mechanisms for peoples participation within the preparatory and negotiating processes that deal with green economy issues. * Create a Rio+20 framework that is legally binding. There should be mandatory standards and regulations within all sectors of the green economy. For green economy initiatives, these should include, among others: mandatory reporting with transparency requirements, corporate reporting on human rights as well as social and environmental impacts of global corporate operations, environmental and social safeguards, regulation and taxation of activities with harmful impacts, and Free, Prior, and Informed Consent should be a condition of land transfers involving indigenous or forestbased populations. * Make the private sector accountable. Any efforts to incorporate the private sector must be balanced by concern for private sector responsibility and accountability. While this includes the aspect of regulation, it must also strengthen government capacity to supervise and address negative impacts of private sector initiatives. It should also include corporate reporting on human rights as well as social and environmental impacts of projects. * Regulate the financial sector. There needs to be greater transparency within the financial sector. In addition, there should be strict regulations on financial speculation especially with regard to carbon markets as well as food stock exchanges and future markets for food and agriculture. The goals of a green economy could be furthered by the implementation of a financial transactions tax with the resulting revenues going to initiatives that are directly related to addressing the challenges of poverty and climate change.

Rio+20 is for us, as CSJ, a way that continues after June 22, 2012, Like St. Joseph; as weak instruments. In the declaration that we did, preparing ourselves for the Conference of Rio, we open a way that now we must cover. We will be able to walk in, without getting us lost, only if we walk with others. This it is the desire that has marked the initiative to invite other NGOs to joining us and endors the declaration that as CSJs we did. The response has been extraordinary! It does us to feel entrusted and encouraged to implement the recommendations in the local, national and global level. Our role is extremely important and urgent. We do not have time to think, to plan and wait for clarities and certainties, we have not time to lose! Our mother earth is dying and we cannot allow it! LETS ACT!. As a concrete action I sent the letter, that is below, asking for signatures and endorsements of our CSJ declaration, toward the Rio+20 Conference.

We are, around the United Nations, in great movement and preparation for the awaited Summit Ro+20 , which will be celebrate from 20- 22 of June 2012, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This Conference, as the name says, is placed in the process that undertook United Nations 20 years ago. Long 20 years of speeches and negotiations, few fruits and very scanty achievements. Many benefits continue being for a few group of people. We cannot remain of crossed arms hoping that they, the leaders and ambassadors, are the people who decide and realize the best actions to have a sustainable development. Other 20 years with the same model of consumption and production is not possible. Our Mother Earth is already very wounded and abused.

With the desire and interest of joining efforts and positions for the common good, we share with other NGOs, Religious Congregations and Religious Conferences, this declaration that, as Congregations of Saint Joseph we have elaborated in the frame of the Summit Ro+20 . This declaration is the position and commitment of more than 30 congregations of St. Joseph around the world regarding the climate change and the ethical and human requirements that, as citizens of this only creation, we have. At the same time that we present this declaration, we invite you to join it, signing or endorsing it. We dream that, on having been publicizing, it will be also executed, making it real, and active, alive. We want to present it to our local and national governments, inviting them to hold it (political will); and realize ethically, humanly and responsibly, everything that makes a world and sustainable development possible, for the present and the future generations. Thank you for your support and consideration of endorse - to sign this declaration. Griselda Martnez Morales, CSJ Main representative of theCongregations of St. Joseph, an NGO at the United Nations211 East 43rd Street # 704 New York, NY 10017P: 347-257-2946 como Congregaciones de San Jos hemos elaborado en el marco de la Cumbre Ro+20. Esta declaracin es la postura y compromiso de ms de 30 congregaciones de

Signatures and endorsemnts from other Congregations, NGOs and groups.

Thank you for joining us in our efforts to work toward a just and sustainable world. Celine Paramundayil representative of Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries UN-NGO. Cecile Meijer, NGO at the UN Representative of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Dr. Ann Braudis, MM. Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns. We endorse your CSJ statement on Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication, Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. Jean Stoner, SNDdeN Congregational Representative at the United Nations. SND at UN NGO Office 211 E 43rd St Suite 504, New York, NY 10017-8811 USA. Helen Ojario, O Carm., Representative of the Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel/Carmelite UN-NGO. This is a statement I can certainly endorse on behalf of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary UN-NGO. Brigid Driscoll, main representative. A nombre de la Conferencia de Superiores y Superioras Mayores de Mxico (CIRM), que representa a 300 Congregaciones Religiosas del pas. Ilse Mayer, CSJ, Secretaria General Amores 1318 Col. Del Valle 03100 Mxico, D. F.

Espacio Ecumnico: CONFAR (Religiosas/os Argentina); MEDH (Movimiento ecumnico Derechos Humanos); Juan Yadhjian (crculo mdicos y pastoral social ); Liliana Marzano (Antonianas); Pablo Rosen( No al Alca); Beverly Keene(Jubileo 2000); Ana Maria Fernandez Costa (concejal Municip. Tigre); Angel Furln (Pastor metodista ONG No pago Deuda mal habida); Justicia y Paz Misioneros Claretianos; Justicia y Paz RSJ.; Diego- Sandra pastoras Iglesias Cristianas; Silvia Alonso, Pastora Iglesia Cristiana del Sur; Nstor Rodrguez, Salesiano. Jane Quinlan, osu, Main representative of the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk an NGO at the United Nations. 3 Tamanny Trail,Danbury, CT 06811 Margo Ritchie CSJ, Congregational Leader Sisters of St. Joseph London Ontario. Sr. Mary McGuire on behalf of the Pembroke Leadership Team, Sr. Margaret Mary OGorman, Sr. Constance Lacroix and Sr. Loretta Rice. Sr. Thrse Meunier Congregational Leader of Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto 101 Thorncliffe Park Drive Toronto, Ontario M4H 1M2. The Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto fully endorse the Rio+20 Conference Statement as initiated by the Global Justice and Peace Team of the Congregations of St. Joseph in collaboration with our UN-NGO office. Fatima Rodrigo, Representative of International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation, UNNGO. Sister Sandra Shannon, General Superior, Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul

Ann Broderick, CND, Province Leader, Congregation of Notre Dame Visitation Province. Sr. Marianne Flory, Liaison, Congregation Leader, Sisters of the Child Jesus. Sister Rosemary MacDonald, Congregation Leader, Sisters of St. Martha of Prince Edward Island. Mary Finlayson rscj, Provincial Superior, Religious of the Sacred Heart (Canada). Sister Josephine Badali, Congregational Leader, Les Soeurs de la Congrgation de Notre-Dame. Joan Stafford,osu, General Superior, Ursulines of the Chatham Union. Suzanne Marshall, olm, Congregational Leader Our Ladys Missionaries. Bonita M. Moser FCJ, Provincial, Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus. Veronica Dunne, Provincial Leader, Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions. Sr. Sharon Fagan, Congregational Leader, Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation of Blessed Virgin Mary. Margo Ritchie CSJ, Congregational Leader, Sisters of St. Joseph London Ontario.

Sister Kesta Occident, CSC Congregational Animator, Sisters of Holy Cross. Sister Suellen Tennysen MSC, Congregational Leader, Marianites of Holy Cross. Sister Joan Marie Steadman CSC, President, of the Holy Cross. Sisters

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie are in full support of the RIO+20 Statement an initiative of the Global Justice and Peace Team of the Congregations of St. Joseph in collaboration with our UN-NGO office. Sister Shirley Anderson, General Superior, Sisters of St. Joseph of Sault Ste. Marie. Catherine Ferguson, Superior General, Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. Elizabeth A Groome, Sisters of Charity Halifax Sister Roberta Mullin, Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul Halifax.

for the life of the world and as weak instruments A

s the NGO at the UN representative, as a Sister of St. Joseph and as Citizen of the World, I can say that to have taken part in the Conference of Rio+20 was a Gods gift; a grace and a great challenge. We were a small group of 20 CSJs Sisters in the middle of more than 40 thousand persons of the entire world, compromised in the most diverse activities; but all of them with the same dream: a more just and sustainable world. Our participation, of presence and testimony of looking for, joined this great group of an unnoticed but real way. In this simple leaflet, of the St Joseph Global Family, we express the challenge and commitment for us, as CSJs, after June, 2012: it makes us persons in charge of being careful and nourishing our Mother Earth, to nourish and take care one and other. That will be possible through the recommendations that we have in our declaration, and in collaboration with others. All of us, as CSJs, wherever we are and wherever are our possibilities, we are called-invited to implement the recommendations of our declaration on the level that corresponds to us, involving other NGOs and actors of the local societies. Our good St. Joseph, the great dreamer, confirms to us that the shared dreams are possible; they transform persons and realities, lets do confidence in it!


Griselda Martnez Morales, CSJ

Griselda Martnez Morales, CSJ, Main representative of the Congregations of St. Joseph, an NGO at the United Nations 211 East 43rd Street # 704, New York, NY 10017 Tel: 347-257-2946

Graphic Design: Ana Cristina Lpez Flores e-mail: anachsjl@hotmail.

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