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Heir Conditioning I Wonder The River Mr Nobody One Is One And All Alone Flipping Fantastic

1. Heir Or Air The most striking literary device in this poem is use of a pun. A pun refers to a word or phrase that has been used in an amusing what to convey meaning. They usually have the same sound but convey different meanings. In this poem, the word heir which also sounds like air, the future generation, a world that will be plagued with environmental problem By using this word, the poet reminds us that by using modern inventions such as air conditioners, we are leaving our heirs, the future generation, a world that will be plagued with environmental problems.

2. Life `s Irony The poem shows us an example of life`s irony We wish that modern inventions mentioned in the poem such as fans, air conditioner, faxes and telephone would made life easy. However modern inventions have also brought with it new problems such as stress, traffic jams and pollution.

3. Contrast Contrast in this poem refers to showing the differences between ideas, situations and people or different generations. The poet makes a comparison between the past and present. The first contrast Is in Man`s believe. The poet points out that our forefathers feared God and nature. In contrast, the younger generation has turned things around so much that now nature fears you and money is your new god. The second contrast is with regards to basic necessities. In the past, our elders used simple things such as paper fans. Today, modern inventions, through considered basic necessities, have brought about many changes.

4. Alliteration In this poem, there is at least one example of alliteration. Stanza 1(Lines 5-6) Example: Grandma weren`t you flustered as you fluttered with paper fans.

1. Technology Brings More Harm It may seem that we are living in comfort with all the technology that keeps on improving, but we do not realize the harms that the technology has brought us. The grandchild thinks that is impossible for their grandparents to live in comfort with the help of technology. The child does not realize that because of the technology itself, the world become hotter and that is the reason why some technologies are created to blind humans with the fake comfort that the technologies bring them. For example, electric fans and air cons. Technological advancements have other setbacks such as pollution, stress, traffic jams and destruction of forest, rivers and hill.

2. Fear The older generations were God-fearing people and respected His creation-nature. However, today`s generation does not fear God. On the contrary the poet says that now nature fears you and your money is your new God. This indicates that the younger generation has become more materialistic. They do not care for nature but gives priority to riches and money rather than practicing good values such as preserving God`s creation.

3. Importance of preserving nature God created nature to preserve life. In stanza 2, the poet gives the consequences of not preserving nature pollution, stress, and traffic jam, destruction of forest, streams and hills. Human seem not too aware that the more pollution they make, the more they need to preserve the nature. In paving the ways for development, forest and hills have been destroyed and streams have been polluted. This has destroyed the natural habitat of many species of animals and plants which help to retain balance in our ecosystem.

1. Appreciate Nature Stanza 2 in the poem conveys a strong massage regarding appreciating nature.

The poet reminds us that during our grandparents time, they believe what goes around comes around they took care of the nature. They believe that everything in nature was created by god. Therefore, if no one appreciated and respected God`s gift to mankind, the returns would be bountiful However, since the drawn of modern inventions, lifestyles and priorities have changed. As the poet points out, now nature fears you and money is your new god. This shows that the presents generation does not care you and appreciate nature it.

2. Respect and Love Through the question and answer session, we know that there is mutual respect and love is this family. The grandparents show to their grandchild by answering his question. At the same time they also make attempts to educate and warn him of the dangers of modern inventions to the environment and about having good value and lifestyles.

3. Believe in God The poet reminds us that today`s younger generation is too preoccupied with making money and maintaining a certain standard of lifestyle and status. They tend to be extravagant. Such emphasis on material things made them forget god Thus, they do not fear God. Their need to believe in God is slowly warning as other objects and material things become more important.

1. Imagery The poet used familiar that we can visualize to describe the different aspects of Nature. We see the trees to take a rest (line 4), who light stars(line 7), who paints the rainbow in the sky(line 9), and hangs fluffy clouds(line 10) which shows images accompanied by human activities. In line 10, the phrase fluffy clouds evokes the image of soft and light clouds that give us the image of how the soft clouds are like. In our sense of touch, we can compare the clouds with a cotton wool or a kitten.

2. Alliteration Alliteration refers to the repeated use of consonants. green grass and told the trees to take are written in alliteration which captures the interest of children when they read them.

1. The wonder and mysterious of nature. 2. The natural curiosity of children. 3. Learning by observing and asking questions. 4. Seeing the world through a child`s eyes. 5. Not knowing things is not a crime. 6. The importance of standing and staring. 7. Thirst for knowledge. 8. The indifference of adults. 9. The beginning point of the creator.

1. Gratitude And Respect We should know how to be grateful and learn to respect the nature by looking into our surroundings and the nature.

2. Knowing Our Duty It is our duty to protect and to care for the wonderful things around us. This is one of the moral values that everyone should to have.

1. Style and Language The poem has six stanzas of four lines each. The second line rhymes with the fourth line. The style of the poem is conversational as the poet lists out both the positive and negative qualities of the River. It is a very frank revelation but the final stanza is a shocker especially when the River is personified as a 'monster' when two stanzas earlier it just been called a 'baby'.

2. Metaphor Another literary device used is metaphor. Metaphor the comparison of a person or thing to something else. In the poem, the poet shows similarities between the river and human beings: The river is described as being a wanderer, hoarder, baby, dancer and monster. The river is also used as a metaphor by the poet to describe our own journey through life. Just like the river, we start our journey when we are born. Then, we grow up and gradually learn about things and begin to face more challenges. This part is described in the poem when the river meanders through hills and valleys. In stanza 4 and 5, the river is used as a metaphor to describe our ups and downs, happy and sad moments as we mature. Stanza 6 portrays the metaphor of the river that describes our behavior- sometimes we behave like monsters and lose our tempers and hurt or destroy others with our actions. This can be seen in the first line of the stanza when the river turns into a monster and causes destruction.

3. Personification If you read the poem carefully, there are some human-like abilities, functions and feelings of the river. All these are used by the poet to allow the reader to get to know the river more closely, mesmerized by its charm yet repelled by its aggressiveness: The river is a wanderer, a nomad, a tramp - the river takes a form of a person who is always moving from one place to another. It is also a winder, where it becomes something that curves and meanders with a life of its own as it 'twists' and 'turns'. The river is a hoarder- it is now someone who collects and keeps things. It is a baby- the river is like a baby making gurgling sounds as it flows through the hills and valleys. In stanza 5, the river is a singer, in which it sings a happy song as it flows; it murmurs a low and soft hum reflecting calmness and tranquility. Finally, the river is a monster in stanza 6- it has transformed into a nasty monster that has gobbled tress and may swallow people.

4. Symbol The poem also contains symbols. (Symbol means a thing that stands for something else): Wanderer' symbolizes constant change or lack of stability. Not having a place that is permanent can be a hindrance to a man who needs to have a goal or purpose in life. 'Hoarder' symbolizes hiding or keeping something safe. We tend to keep close to our hearts the memories or things that are precious to us. 'Baby' symbolizes something that is innocent thus creating an illusion that the river is harmless and not likely to create havoc. Lastly, 'monster' symbolizes something that is destructive and can wreck the lives of people and the environment when it turns treacherous.

5. Imagery Imagery refers to images that we can see when we read and understand the poem. In the poem, the poet has successfully created a clear picture of the river in our mind as we read it: Stanza 1- the image created is a wanderer; the river is like a nomad or tramp who moves around and cannot sit still. Stanza 2- the image of the river that slowly winding down hill, twisting and turning. Stanza 4- the river is portrayed as a baby who is sucking on his thumbs. The baby also makes happy gurgling and humming sounds. Stanza 5- the river becomes a singer who dances along to the song which echoes throughout the countryside. Stanza 6- the river is painted with an ugly image~ it is portrayed as a monster that hungrily swallows up trees and human beings.

The river in this poem has its own positive and negative side just like human beings.The theme highlighted in this poem is about nature itself where poet describes the criteria of the river.The river can be calm and at the same time it can turn to an ugly monster.

1. Stanza 1 In stanza 1, the river is characterized as a wanderer, a nomad and a tramp. The focus in stanza 1 is about the words wanderer,nomad and tramp. The river is like a person who keeps on moving from one place to the other without stopping at any particular place for long.

2. Stanza 2 In stanza 2, the river is characterized as a winder. It keeps twisting and turning and just can't seem to be able to keep still.It talks about the inability of the river to remain at rest like a child who is unable to keep still.

3. Stanza 3 In stanza 3, the river is potrayed as a hoarder. The river is like a person who likes to accumulate or gather things which are well hidden or guarded from others at its base or bottom.All the hidden things at the bottom of the river gives it a myterious aura.

4. Stanza 4 In stanza 4, the river is pictured as a baby. The sound of running water of a river is characterized as the sound of a baby gurgling, humming and sucking his thumb.

5. Stanza 5 In stanza 5, the river is potrayed as a singer. It talks about how the sound of flowing water of the river resonates and is heard throughout the countryside.

6. Stanza 6 In stanza 6, the river is potrayed as a monster. The river is characterized as a monster which can cause massive destruction when it's angry. It shows how a calm river can turn into a destructive force of nature especially during a flood which in turn can destroy properties and even cause death to people.

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