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Fruits - mostly low GI, with some in the mid-range; watermelons, however, have high GI. Green leafy vegetables - they are not listed on this page, although they likely have low GI. Beans and legumes - almost all beans and legumes have low glycemic values. Nuts - they usually have low or no GI value. Breads which are wholegrain or wholemeal in nature - these tend to be in the low to mid glycemic range. Meats - these usually have low or no GI value. Yoghurts Milk Soy milk
For a more comprehensive glycemic index listing of foods, click here.

LOW GLYCEMIC FOOD LIST LIST OF LOW GLYCEMIC FOODS / LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX FOODS Grains, Rice Barley - 22-50 Barley - 37-48 Buckwheat - 45-51 Quinoa, boiled - 53 Rice, brown - 50 Rice, long grain - 38-47 Rice, white - 55 Rice, white, boiled - 48-53 Rye - 29-39 Wheat, whole - 30-48 Other Staple Foods Chapatti - 27-49 Lasagna, various - 20-47 Linguine - 43-53 Macaroni - 45-48 Muesli - 40-55 Muesli, wheat-free & gluten-free - 50 Noodles, instant - 46-48 Noodles, mung bean, dried, boiled - 39 Noodles, soba - 46 Noodles, udon - 48 Pizzas, various - 36-49 Porridge, oats - 50-55 Spaghetti, white - 27-53 Spaghetti, wholemeal - 32-42 Tortillas, corn - 39-52 Tortillas, wheat - 28-30

Breads Bread, barley kernel, various kinds - 27-48 Bread, barley, wholemeal - 43-53 Bread, honey and oats - 55 Bread, multi-grain - 43 Bread, oat bran - 44-50 Bread, rye, wholemeal - 41-55 Bread, white - 55 Bread, wholemeal - 53 Fruits and Dried Fruits Apples, raw - 28-44 Apricots, dried - 30-32 Apricots, dried - 31-32 Bananas, over-ripe - 48-52 Bananas, raw - 46 Bananas, under-ripe - 30-42 Cherries, raw - 22 Dates, packed - 36-45 Grapefruits, raw - 25 Grapes, raw - 23-49 Mangoes, raw - 41-51 Oranges, raw - 31-51 Peaches, canned - 30-52 Peaches, dried - 35 Peaches, raw - 28 Pears, canned - 43-44 Pears, dried - 43 Pears, raw - 33-42 Pineapples, raw - 51 Plums, raw - 24-53 Prunes, pitted - 29 Strawberries, raw - 40 Vegetables Carrots, peeled, boiled - 41 Carrots, raw - 16 Potatoes, white - 41-54 Sweet potatoes - 44-48 Yams - 25-51 Beans, Legumes, Lentils, Peas Baked beans, canned - 40 Black beans - 20-30 Blackeyed beans, boiled - 33-50 Butter beans - 28-36 Butter beans, canned - 36 Butter beans, dried, boiled - 30-54 Chickpeas - 32-42 Chickpeas, canned - 38

Kidney beans - 13-52 Lentils - 18-37 Lentils, brown, canned - 42 Lima beans - 32 Mung beans - 25-53 Navy beans - 29-39 Peas, dried, boiled - 22 Peas, frozen, boiled - 39-51 Pinto beans - 39-45 Soya beans - 14-20 Nuts Cashew nuts - 25-27 Cashew nuts, salted - 42 Mixed nuts, with raisins and fruits 15-49 Peanuts - 7-23 Meats Sausages - 28 Sushi, salmon - 48 Soups Tomato soup - 38 Bars Fruit bars and snacks, various - 35-50 Snickers bar - 41 Snickers energy bar - 34-50 Snickers low carb energy bar - 20-21 Snickers nutrition bar - 41-49 Biscuits, Chips, Cookies, Crackers Biscuits, Digestive - 55 Biscuits, oatmeal - 55 Chips, corn - 42 Cookies, fruit - 47 Cookies, fruit - 47 Cookies, oatmeal - 54 Cookies, various - 25-42 Crackers, cheddar cheese - 54 Crackers, high-calcium - 52 Cakes, Muffins, Pastries Cake, banana - 47-55 Cake, pound - 54 Muffin, apple - 44-54 Yoghurts and Probiotics Probiotic drink - 30-34 Yoghurt, low-fat - 34-53

Yoghurt, non-fat or low-fat - 14-28 Yoghurt, probiotic - 44-52 Yoghurt, various - 11-54 Other Snacks Fruit strips - 29 Fruit Juices Apple juice, unsweetened - 39-44 Carrot juice, fresh - 43 Fruit juices, packets - 37-47 Orange juice, packet - 46-53 Orange juice, unsweetened - 53 Pineapple juice, unsweetened - 46 Tomato juice, canned - 38 Beverages (others) Milk, chocolate, various - 35-49 Milk, cow, full-fat - 11-40 Milk, cow, skimmed or semi-skimmed - 25-48 Milk, soy - 36-46 Milo - 52-55 Honey, Jams, Spreads and Syrups Fruit spreads, no sugar added - 26-29 Jam, strawberry - 51 Maple syrup - 54 Others Fructose - 11-25 Lactose - 43-48

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