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gr 1-9-2012

A Wizard Alone (2002) by Diane Duane The two main characters in most of the books are friends and wizarding partners Kit and Nita. In this book, Nita is suffering from depression due to a great loss in the previous book (The Wizard's Dilemma) and so Kit strikes out on his own to try and contact another local wizard who is stuck in the middle of his Ordeal - a sort of test that every wizard goes through when the power is first offered to them. The catch is that that wizard, Darryl, is autistic, and entering his mind to try to communicate with him starts to take its toll on Kit. Al Capone Does My Shirts by Gennifer Choldenko This story is about a young boy nicknamed ''Moose'' and his sister, Natalie, who is autistic in the 1930's. They live on Alcatraz island because his father was offered a job there and he needed to take it help pay for Natalie's treatment for her austism. The story follows Moose as he takes care of his sister, gets bullied by other kids on the island and tries to figure out where he fits in. An Anthropologist On Mars By Oliver Sacks In "An Anthropologist On Mars," Oliver Sacks tells about some of his clinical tales including a painter that loses the ability to see colour, a young man with a brain tumour that leaves him stuck in the 60s, a surgeon with Tourette's Syndrome, a blind man who gains and then loses his sight, a painter who is stuck in the past, child prodigies, and patients with autism. Sacks has a wonderful style of writing that, even if you care little about neurology, you will care about his patients and marvel at the human brain and how it works. By the Light of the Moon (2002) by Dean Koontz On the road, on a hot Arizona night, Dylan O'Connor is overpowered by a stranger who injects him with an unknow substance. All he's told is that he's the carrier not of a disease but of something wondrous that will transform his life in remarkabler ways - if it doesn't kill him in the next 24 hours. Now Dylan, his autistic brother, Shep, and another carrier a young woman, are swept into a desperate search for the shattering truth of what they are and what they might become. But first, they must elude those sent to destroy them. Their only chance to survive is to discover the meaning of the message that Shep, with precious time running out, begins to repeat about a man who does his work... by the light of the moon. 1 1-9-2012 Daniel Isn't Talking by Marti Leimbach When a young boy is diagnosed with autism, the whole family is affected. The story is told through the eyes of the mother who has been aware that her older child is different from other children his age. The father doesn't want to acknowledge that there is a problem. As the mother searches for every possible way to help her child, her marriage falls apart and she finds herself falling in love with Daniel's therapist. This is a very readable and realistic portrayal of a family in crisis dealing with autism.

Kristy and the Secret of Susan by Ann M. Martin Series: The Baby-Sitters Club This is a WONDERFUL book about a little autistic girl who Kristy gets attached to. The BSC members have never dealt with anything like this before, so it's very challenging, and very frustrating, for Kristy... She is a very take-charge person, and to not really be able to help Susan really puts her in a hard situation. She tries very hard to show Susan's parents that Susan is much more than just autistic, she's very special and deserves to be treated nice and to stay at home with her parents instead of at a boarding school... But as time goes on, even Kristy has to admit that maybe Susan really is too far gone in her own little world to be reached. It is really a very sad book, but a very very good and powerful one too.

Rules by Cynthia Lord This is the story of a girl who has a brother with autism. As the older sister, she has many roles: protector, teacher, mediator, baby-sitter, and meltdown control operator. She cant help but wish her brother was normal because then she wouldnt have to fill so many roles and she could have a normal life like her friends and the other kids at school have. When she meets a boy in a wheelchair her notion of what is normal and what it means to be a friend begin to change. 1-9-2012 Super Rose By Angela Centofanti Author Angela Centofanti has a beautiful daughter named Rose. She is one of the many children in the world who are born with the condition of autism, a neurological disorder that affects a persons capability to communicate, socialize, empathize, and make sense of the world around them. The author, as all loving mothers would, strives to make her childs life as fulfilling and as happy as possible. A comprehensive research program at the Ohio State University Nisonger Center brings the author hope and a chance for her daughter Rose to live a full life. Super Rose is a celebration of this newfound opportunity, an illustrated storybook for beginning readers that teaches children about autism, and how caring and concerned parents, siblings, and medical professionals are striving to give autistic persons a better life. As autism affects an estimated one in every one hundred ten children all over the world, everybody needs to know about this condition, if only to empathize and understand what the sufferers are going through. Parents with autistic children will also appreciate this informative storybook, lending them a ray of hope for a better life for their own kids.

The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon This is a really interesting science fiction novel set about 40-50 years in the future. Lou, the protagonist, is an highly intelligent autistic man who fences with "normals" as a hobby and works for a tech company doing pattern analysis in a unit of well-paid autistic staff. They are the last generation of autistics, as now a cure can be given to autistic babies. Now a new boss threatens the unit, because he doesn't believe they deserve the special work environment, with a gym where they can bounce to chosen music to calm themselves, special allocated parking spaces, etc. He tries to force them to undergo an experimental medical procedure to become "normal", in exchange for keeping their jobs. Will they succeed in fighting back, given how difficult it is for them to communicate with "normals" and advocate for themselves, and is the procedure something they want to try regardless? The details of what it is like to live as an autistic person is very educational, and Lou is a very appealing protagonist. This book is full of deep questions of identity and categorizing of humans. Is his autism part of his personality? What does it mean to be normal? Are the normals even normal? It is also about mistreatment of disabled people by bigots. 1-9-2012

Au clair de la Louna
de Kochka

Michka rve de rencontrer sa cousine Louna. Elles ont le mme ge et ne se sont jamais vues. Ce n'est pas la distance qui les sparent, mais la diffrence. Louna est autiste. Ses parents la protgent aussi du regard des autres, fussent-ils de la famille. Pour l'anniversaire de Louna et devant l'insistance de Michka, ils ont cds, et la famille se runit pour une joyeuse fte chez Lalie, la grand mre des deux petites filles. Michka n'imagine pas l, se qu'est la maladie de sa cousine, son incapacit communiquer, sa peur terrifiante de l'inconnu, de l'improvisation. La fte vire au cauchemar. Louna se dchane et casse tout. Deux ans plus tard, le temps de vacances de fvrier, Michka acceptera de refait un bout de route avec Louna tantt sauvage comme une bte, tantt lgre comme une magicienne. Au del des mots, la complicit peut exister. Avec prcaution, avec respect, Michka et Louna se rencontreront c'est sans doute apprivoiser: tre patient, laisser du temps. . Le fils ain de Kochka est autiste, et ce roman, tout en pudeur et retenue, voque travers le personnage de Louna, cette maladie si trange et si rebutante pour les autres.

Le monde d'Eloi
de Sophie Martel

Au dbut Eloi ne voulait pas venir la table de bricolage, mais il a eu le droit d'utiliser une auto rouge. Avec les roues qu'il trempais dans la peinture, il a fait plein de trace de toutes les couleurs sur la feuille. C'tait beau! Eloi a 4 ans et il est autiste. C'est un enfant different: il ne sais pas comment jou avec les autres, il marche sur les bouts des pieds, il est fascin par les couleurs et les lumires. Parfois aussi, il se met a crier en se bouchant les oreilles quand il entend des bruits trop fort. Avec l'aide de l'ducatrice, les camarades d'Eloi parviendront mieux le comprendre et l'accepter avec ses diffrences. Un album qui permet de mieux connatre les enfants autistes. 1-9-2012

L'autisme, un jour la fois

de Nathalie Poirier, Catherine Kozminski

Cet ouvrage est le fruit d 'un dialogue entre une mre, empress d'aider sa fille en difficult et une psychologue ayant dj accompagn des enfants atteint d'un trouble envahissant du dveloppement, apparent l'autisme. Combinant le tmoignage et l'analyse, ce dialogue est la fois touchant et clairant. En qute d'un diagnostic et de mesure d'accompagnement, les auteurs abordent successivement la grossesse de la mre, la naissance de la petite Malle, les premiers signes de sa dtresse, les inquitudes de la mre et le dsarroi des proches, la recherche d'un diagnostic avec le soutient des ressources malgr les failles du systme de sant, le choix des mthodes d'encadrement, sans oublier les tapes de deuil qui mneront peu peu la rencontre d'un enfant qui espre, elle aussi, grandir comme les autres, entrer a l'cole et dans le monde des grands. Le dialogue se termine par l'laboration d'un petit guide de survie.

Ma victoire sur l'autisme

de Tamara Morar

Confronte une maladie rpute incurable, des mdecins pessimistes, une ducation Nationale qui exclut son enfant du systme, Tamara Morar refuse de placer Paul dans une institution. En sappuyant sur de nombreuses tudes spcialises, elle met au point une mthode de rducation pour dvelopper le langage, la conscience de son corps, linteraction avec les autres. Intuitivement, Tamara Morar commence par chercher tout simplement capter lattention de son fils, se met son niveau pour lamener ensuite modifier son comportement. Ce sont des centaines dheures de travail, portes par une endurance et une obstination hors du commun. Paul se mtamorphose. Les professionnels sont impressionns. Aujourdhui, on peut parler pour Paul dune gurison presque totale. Il suit une scolarit normale et na plus quun lger retard. Source despoir pour les parents denfants autistes, ce tmoignage est aussi un appel pour une prise en charge thrapeutique et sociale diffrente de lautisme.

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