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1992 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 1You feel its time the tea-break ended as everyone has a lot to do and not much time to do it in; so you say to the group in general; A) Lets have some more tea; theres nothing urgent waiting to be done. B) Well, there is a lot of work to be done that cant wait. I think we had better make a start. C) Im going back to my office. If there is a problem let me know. D) If Mr Clare arrives, show him straight into my office; otherwise I dont want to be disturbed. E) If youve nothing better to do, make sure the meeting hall is in good order for tomorrows work-shop. 2You make an unscheduled visit to a colleague of yours in another department and find that hes out somewhere. So before leaving, you ask the secretary to let him know that you have called; you say: A) Tell him I called as arranged B) I am Richard Stokes; wasnt he expecting me? C) Could you tell my colleague that I called? My name is Richard Stokes. D) I might as well wait as hes sure to be back soon. E) This is Richard Stokes. I came to your office as you had asked me to. 3As the head of the organising committee, you want to make the opening session of the conference something rather special and impressive. With this in mind you approach an eminent scholar and say: A) Would you be interested in going through the paper Im presenting at the conference? B) I would like you to give your candid opinion of the proceedings of the conference. C) Could you kindly chair one of the sessions at the conference? D) I was wondering if you would be so kind as to make the keynote address at the opening of the conference E) Im sure you were excepting me to ask you to be present at the opening of the conference. 4You have called a meeting of the board members at 10 a.m., but at the last moment you have had to put it off; so you ask your secretary to notify the members of the postponement: A) Please tell the members that the meeting has been put forward to 3 p.m. today. B) Could you inform the board members of the agenda of the meeting? C) Will the board members be able to attend todays meeting? D) Have you managed to get in touch yet with the board members? E) I would like to comment on the reaction of the board members to the items on the agenda. 5You have been asked to give your opinion on a project proposal for energy conservation. You are impressed with its feasibility and generally feel very enthusiastic about it; so you say: A) The project I am talking about has a relatively low chance of success. B) The energy resources of the country could be adversely affected by such a project. C) Im fully in favour of the project, since the countrys energy policy will benefit from it. D) To be frank, the new energy policy does not really take into account the recommendations of the project. E) As far as I am concerned, energy conservation is a highly over-rated issue. 6You visit a friend in his home and during the conversation he complains about some ailment. It is clear to you that he is not looking well; so you feel concerned and say: A) Just keep on with the medicine prescribed by the doctor. B) Well, I have some aches and pains too; its normal to feel down at this time of the year. C) By the way, I met James last week, and he seems to have the same problem as you. D) Stop thinking about it so much. Its sure to pass. E) Dont keep putting it off; I really do think you should see a specialist right away.



1992 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 7You want to encourage a friend who is lonely to do unpaid work at a local orphanage. You say: A) The orphanage at the other side of town is advertising for helpers and they pay well B) Youre right. It can be rather depressing working in an orphanage C) Youre good with children. You'll soon get involved with the orphanage children and theyll be like a family for you. D) Youll find the job very tiring and I dont think you're fit enough to do it. E) My daughter hopes to work in an orphanage when she has taken her degree. 8A friend of yours has asked for your honest opinion about someone you know to be a cheat and from every point of view unreliable and unpleasant. You answer bluntly: A) I know nothing against him but I know nothing in his favour either. B) From what I know of him he's a most undesirable character and can't be trusted an inch. C) Ive only met him once or twice; so I don't feel I can say anything about him. D) He's not my type, but I know nothing personal against him. E) A lot of people dont like him; but perhaps they are jealous of him: He's awfully rich you know. 9A friend has been suffering from backache for several months but keeps putting off seeing a doctor. You decide that the time has come to force him to seek medical advice. You say: A) You know as well as I do that it could be serious. And, if it is serious the sooner you start treatment the better. B) Never mind. I expect its nothing serious and will pass with time. C) Stop making such a fuss. Everybody has the odd pain. D) If you take a couple of pain killers every night it will help you sleep. E) Do stop worrying! The doctor said there was nothing seriously wrong. Why dont you believe him?

10- You want to encourage a young colleague who is rather lacking in confidence to apply for a scholarship. You say: A) They are not even considering applications from your university. Its time you faced the fact that you are not up-to-standard for an academic career. B) A lot of people have already applied, so you dont stand much chance. C) If you had worked a bit harder you might have stood a chance. D) It seems to me you've got all the right qualifications. Why dont you apply? If you aren't accepted, there's no harm done. E) If you ask me, it would just be a waste of time for you to apply but if you want to, do. 11- Someone has come to visit you in your office and seems prepared to waste your whole morning. You decide to send him away, but without being unkind. You say: A) Do come and see me this morning as I have nothing to do in the office. B) We have been discussing the proposals made by the study group, and it is very nice of you to join us. C) Let's continue this conversation at another time. I've got an important meeting scheduled for this afternoon, and need to go over the main points in the agenda. D) It has been such a long time since I saw you last; tell me what you have been doing all this time. E) I haven't seen anything of your brother for months. What is he doing? 12- At an interview for a new job you are asked why you want to leave your present job. You want to make a good impression and say: A) I must say Im puzzled by the unemployment figures issued this morning. B) I know many people are looking for new jobs; I am fortunate as I have already got a very good one. C) The people at the place where I work are very sociable and I would hate to give up my job. D) I find my present job too simple and tedious. I want an opportunity to demonstrate my creativity E) It seems you are going to interview a lot of people and that will take much time.



1993 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 13- Everyone in the department store seems to be greatly impressed by the new technician, but you know him better than they do. So, you decide to contradict this impression and say: A) Im afraid I dont agree with you, either. B) I can tell you he is not what he seems to be. C) Im sure you wont be disappointed in him later. D) Im sure hell prove useful in the department. E) He just needs a little encouragement, I suppose. 14- A friend of yours has been a heavy smoker for years and clearly this is seriously affecting his health. You say: A) Your health is rapidly deteriorating; Why dont you give up smoking altogether? B) I know you enjoy a smoke. I think, you should continue to smoke heavily. C) I can understand why, after all these years, you smoke so heavily. D) More and more people are cutting down on their smoking, but I think you shouldnt. E) I presume it is only at work that you smoke so heavily. 15- Mr. and Mrs. Jones are at a formal dinner. Mr. Jones has spilled wine on the table cloth and he is extremely embarrassed. Afterwards Mrs. Jones wants to console him and says: A) At the dinner you made me feel very uncomfortable and embarrassed. Do learn to be more careful. B) Something was wrong tonight. Everyone at the dinner seemed uncomfortable. C) I think it was a dreadful dinner party, dont you? D) Dont worry. Im sure few people actually noticed what happened at the table. E) On the whole, the conversation was tedious; dont you agree? 16- You are in charge of a building site and want to discuss, as soon as possible, a technical problem with the chief engineer. As he is not at his office, you leave the following message: A) Im leaving early. Please keep an eye on the site. B) I wonder if we can meet for a drink after work tonight. C) You might have told me that you were going to have visitors. D) The cement hasnt been delivered. Why not? E) Theres a problem we must discuss. It is urgent.

17- You have been invited to attend a conference on drug trafficking. However, as you have been in poor health for some time you feel you must decline the invitation, so you say: A) Conferences of this kind bore me greatly. B) Although Ive recently had an operation, that neednt prevent me from attending. C) Normally Id have been pleased to attend, but on health grounds, I must be excused. D) Since drug trafficking is a major world problem, Im sure the conference will be a great success. E) I believe the medical aspects of drugs should be taken into account at the conference. 18- In board meeting a young colleague has put forward a new policy suggestion which conflicts to the general policy of the firm. You think it is right and, therefore, you want to support it, so you say: A) The general policy of our firm should at all costs be upheld. B) What he has suggested can really be ignored. C) Our young colleagues suggestion really deserves our serious consideration. D) As far as Im concerned, there is little to be said. E) Our young colleague seems to have weakened the traditions of the firm. 1993 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 19- You consider the annual performance report submitted to you both inadequate and unconvincing. So you return it saying: A) This is rather superficial and will have to be revised. Make sure the new version includes all the data available. B) Well done! There are odd things left out, but never mind, it will work. C) Yes. Its well to the point and no padding. D) Im extremely impressed by the general layout of the report. E) This is not what I wanted; its far too long and detailed. 20- A friend asks your opinion of the products of a comparatively new company. You have been very satisfied with them; so you say: A) They are comparatively cheap, but thats all one can say for them. B) Ive yet to make up my mind. Why dont you try them? C) Everybody recommends them, so I thought Id try them. D) You can depend on the quality of their products. E) I suggest you to keep the ones youve been using.



21- Mr. James has put your name forward for a position that looks like being timeconsuming and not very rewarding. You want to turn it down politely. So you say: A) I cant understand why, of all the people, I should have been chosen. B) Well, Im glad you havent given the job to Martin. C) Thanks for proposing me, but this is a position for a younger, more energetic person. D) You must be out of mind if you are making me a serious offer. E) Why not? Theres no harm in trying. 22- One of your patients is seriously ill and really ought to be in hospital; but the family want to keep him at home. You agree but before leaving the house you say: A) Should his condition change noticeably, be sure to call me at once. B) Hes improving nicely. Ill call again when Im in the neighbourhood. C) Cases of this sort do not require constant medical attention. D) Basically he has a sound constitution so dont worry. E) He ought to be well enough to get up a little tomorrow. 23- You are presiding at a board meeting and want to keep it as short as possible to leave time for your other commitments; so at the start of the meeting you say: A) This is an informal meeting; you can all talk freely. B) Shall we get down to business right away as I have a very tight schedule today? C) Lets take our time over making decisions on the items on the agenda. D) Have you all got time to spare for a matter not on the agenda? E) Wed better wait for the others to come. 24- You want to express your satisfaction to your opposite number when a bilateral agreement on economic cooperation has finally been reached, following a long and exhausting negotiation. You say: A) I wonder whether the principles of the agreement will ever be implemented effectively. B) I cant believe weve reached an agreement. But I dont think it will last. C) You must be as disappointed as I am with the outcome of our negotiations. D) It was surprisingly easy for our two parties to come to an agreement. E) I really feel we have achieved a great deal and its very gratifying.

1994 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 25- Last night you went, with high hopes, to a recital given by a well-known violinist, but you were very disappointed by his performance. Today in the office, when asked whether you had enjoyed the concert you replied: A) I thought the program was very well chosen. B) The violinist was, in every respect, superb. C) The concert hall was extremely crowded. D) Most people seemed to enjoy themselves. E) It certainly did not come up to my expectations. 26- You wish to buy a certain flat but dont know the legal procedures involved. So you ask a lawyer friend of yours for help. You say: A) Do you really think that flat is worth what they are asking for it? B) I'm buying that flat I told you about. Could you come with me to help with the formalities? C) Did I tell you I am thinking about buying the flat under us? D) I know exactly what formalities we have to go through. E) In the long run this should be a good investment, don't you agree? 27- Owing to the economic recession, a number of people in your firm are going to be made redundant. On learning that you are not one of them you show your relief by saying: A) B) C) D) E) Thank God I'm safe! I keep my job! What a blow to all my hopes! Let's get together and find a solution! No one deserves such a job. What a nuisance! Never mind, we'll manage.

28- The construction of a new highway along the Black Sea has been under discussion. You feel such a project would contribute immensely to the economic development of the area. So you say: A) I don't think this particular region needs a high way of this description. B) Actually this will be a terrible waste of the limited resources of the country. C) The economy of the region will benefit greatly if we can put this scheme into effect. D) If the money were spent on industrial development it would be much more sensible. E) I suggest a special study group be set up to decide whether the project is feasible.



29- Together with your colleagues, you are trying to organise an international conference. However there seems to be some disagreement about the dates for the conference. June has been suggested, but you feel this is too early. So you say: A) June is fine. Shall we say the first week? B) As far as Im concerned, June is as good as any other month. C) June is too late. Why don't we have the conference in May? D) We can hardly get everything organised by June; let's leave it till September. E) Let's vote on it. Im for June. Who else wants June? 30- The board has been discussing the report concerning the banks performance during the last year. As the chairman of the board you are of the opinion that, with a few minor changes, the report is acceptable to all members of the board. So you say: A) Unless all these corrections are made the report cannot be forwarded. B) I conclude that basically we all approve of the report, but there are still one or two corrections to be made. C) All those corrections will take up a lot of time. D) Actually the report ignores certain very important issues. E) Before we approve of the report Lets discuss, in detail, what we hope to achieve by it. 1994 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 31- A friend of yours has had an accident, and his car is badly smashed up. Hes very upset about it. So, to cheer him up, you say: A) I dont suppose they can fix it at all. B) What a pity, the car is so badly smashed! C) Ive often warned you to be very careful when driving. D) It will cost you a fortune to get it repaired. E) Never mind the car. Youre alright and thats what matters. 32- A colleague has got into the habit of using your computer without even asking if he may. You are annoyed at this and indicate it by saying: A) Whenever you need a computer you can always borrow mine. B) Of course I dont mind you using my computer whenever you want to. C) Before using my computer, at least ask me whether Ill be needing it myself. D) Would you mind if I borrow your computer next week? E) Thank goodness we have a computer to help us get through this work.

33- You have been invited to join a team of experts to work on a specific space project. You are thrilled and phone your brother to share the news. You say: A) The space project I mentioned the other day has been abandoned. B) Guess what! Theres a space project under way, and Im on the team! C) Theres a space project coming up; should I apply? D) I cant tell you how pleased I am to be leaving the project. E) I dont think its all that important to be part of a research team. 34- A close relative of yours has undergone surgery. For several days she has been kept in the intensive care unit and everyone has been very worried about her. When the doctor finally assures you that her condition really is improving, you say with relief: A) Thats wonderful news! Ill go and tell the others straight away. B) Im afraid this is not what we expected. C) We all know this would happen. D) But obviously its too soon for anyone to be sure. E) I do think you could have let us know earlier. 35- On arrival at the airport you learn that your flight is delayed for at least two hours. On hearing this from the airline official, you cant help showing your frustration and you say to him, in a sarcastic way: A) Then, I'd like to reserve, if possible, a seat for the next week. B) The weathers bad; its hardly surprising. C) Where can I go and get a drink to pass the time? D) Is this the on-time service you always advertise? E) Never mind, that will give me time to choose a book. 36- You are being sent to an overseas branch of the company. For family reasons you know this will be difficult for you, but with your future career in mind you accept the posting, but reluctantly. So you say to the company manager: A) You must realise that the post does not appeal to me at all. Send someone else. B) Im delighted youve chosen me for the job. C) If Ive got to go, I will go. But it wont be easy either for me or my family. D) Im sure my family will be pleased when I tell them where were going. E) You must be out of your mind to even think of sending me.



1995 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 37- A junior colleague who rather lacks selfconfidence has given you a draft article of his to read. On reading it you have been impressed by the quality of his work. While returning it to him you say: A) You seem to be over-ambitious. B) I'm afraid quite a lot of changes will have to be made. C) This is en excellent piece of work. You deserve full praise for it. D) I don't think you'll find anyone willing to publish it. E) Frankly, l was very disappointed with your performance. 38- Until all the regional reports have come in, there is no point in holding a general meeting of the directors. So the one already planned must be postponed You send a note round to everyone saying: A) Please remember to bring all regional reports to the general meeting. B) The general meeting has been put off as several of the regional reports haven't arrived. C) A general meeting will be held to discuss the regional reports which have so far been submitted. D) Since so many regional reports have been completed we can hold a general meeting to discuss them. E) A majority of the regional reports are in favour of holding a general meeting to discuss regional problems. 39- You've arranged to meet a friend downtown at 5 o'clock: At the last minute something urgent has come up and so you can't make it. You immediately phone him and say: A) Could we meet a little earlier? B) Sorry I didn't manage to get there on time. I hope you didn't wait long. C) Bill, you haven't forgotten, have you, that we're meeting at 5? D) Bill, I'm sorry, but I'm tied up at the office, so I can't meet you today at 5. E) I'm looking forward to meeting you at 5 o'clock today. 40- Your friend has been listed for an international prize on account of his work on AIDS. Obviously, you're delighted for him and on seeing him say: A) Have you found out yet who nominated you for this prize? B) I must say you're in for some tough competition. C) Of course you haven't yet found a remedy for AIDS. D) Your work on AIDS is too theoretical. E) This is splendid news. Your findings on AIDS really deserve recognition.

41- The economic situation in the country is bad, and your firm has been going through hard times. So at the board meeting you feel it is time to warn everybody that the situation is serious. You say: A) The economic outlook is bleak and we must be prepared for the worst. B) I should remind you that this recession will soon be over. C) We've all seen worse times than this before. Never mind. D) After all, the situation is apparently being exaggerated. E) The performance of our firm has so far been most promising and will continue to be so. 42- You plan to show your products at a fair for durable household goods. You want to find out from the organisers how many firms are taking part. So you call and say: A) Which other firms will be accommodated in the central area? B) Can you tell me what is going to be exhibited at the fair? C) How many firms have you so far rejected? D) I'd like to learn the number of firms exhibiting at the fair. Can you help me? E) A number of firms will probably decide not to attend at the last moment, won't they? 1995 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 43- You have been waiting eagerly for the delegates from member countries to vote on certain proposals your team has been working on. The decision they take, however, is not the one you had been waiting so you show your disappointment when you say: A) I had hoped they would endorse what we had proposed; unfortunately they didnt. B) I was expecting the committee to come along with new proposals, but they didnt. C) In my opinion some delegates will show that they are biased. D) I thought they would presently regret the decision they had taken. E) By this decision the delegates demonstrated that there was no agreement between the member countries



44- You have been invited by the dean to a meeting of the heads of departments. You will be attending but are likely to be a little late. You feel it will be polite to let the dean know. You say to him: A) Can you tell me whether the meeting you are holding is to go for long? B) Its very considerate of you to postpone the meeting to suit me. C) Would you be so kind as to let me leave the meeting a little earlier? D) About the meeting, Ill definitely come but I hope youll excuse me if I am not there on time. E) As for the meeting, I think I should tell you right away that it wont start on time. 45- You have been invited to give a paper at an international conference on family planning. You are pleased with the invitation and write to the organizers informing them that you are willing to give a paper but would like some guidelines as to what is wanted in the paper. A) Im delighted with the invitation but regret that owing to personal matters I have to decline it. B) Ill be looking forward to participating in the conference. Please let me know what aspects of family planning you would like me to cover. C) In fact family planning hardly interests me at all so please excuse me. D) Im sure the conference will be a success and I will gladly contribute with a paper. E) Its very kind of you to invite me and Ill keep the guidelines in mind as I prepare the paper. 46- As the mayor you are concerned about the number of the homeless children begging and sleeping in the streets. You are determined to tackle this serious problem. Before taking action you want a detailed report on the situation. You call in the chief social worker and say: A) With a view to dealing with the problem of homeless children I want you to study the matter thoroughly and give me a report on it. B) As far as the problem of the homeless children is concerned your findings have proved inadequate. C) To save homeless children from the misery of living on the streets all the social workers should be given set duties. D) The number of homeless children in our street has, as your report points out, increased alarmingly. E) The problem of homeless children can only be solved once Ive agreed on the proposals you have made in the report.

47- The sales figures of the company show a downward trend and altogether the prospect seems rather gloomy. You want to share your worries with your deputy and say: A) You should have told me before. We could have done something about it then. B) I am just as worried as you are, but lets keep quiet. C) How do you interpret the sales figures. Frankly Im rather apprehensive. D) So you are upset about the work force. Well, so am I. E) I think it is high time we took firmer measures to keep our sales at present rates. 48- Your company has signed a contract to construct a dam. The engineer who was going to coordinate the work has been taken ill and you are to replace him. The job is a challenging one and you are uneasy about it. A fellow engineer wants to reassure you and say: A) The main point to keep in mind is to complete the project by the deadline. B) They have been looking for you for some time. C) After all, the dam project is going to be extremely costly. D) As soon as he recovers he plans to leave the country. E) With the qualifications and experience you have, youll manage fine. 1996 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 49- A friend is working on a report, which means he only rarely shows up at the office. However, there's a meeting that he must attend and you feel you ought to remind him. You leave a message on the answering machine of his telephone. You say: A) There's a meeting again tomorrow if you feel like coming. B) The meeting went off well. The boss didn't even notice your absence. C) If you aren't coming to the meeting, send note of apology. D) Are you planning to come to the meeting? If so, see you there. E) Just a reminder. The boss is expecting everyone at tomorrow's meeting. Mind you're there.



50- You are in town on business and it's all business, and no free time to yourself. You phone a friend, explain the situation and then ask her to join you at a cocktail party though you know she won't want to do so. You then say truthfully: A) I know, it's not your idea of a pleasant evening, but if you can come I shall be very pleased. B) If you can't come, than keep Thursday free and we'll have lunch together. C) Good, I'll pick you up on my way there. Expect me at about 7 o'clock. D) If you'd let me know earlier I could have made better arrangements. E) Well, in that case well have to plan differently and I'll let you know. 51- A friend complains that he's getting no job satisfaction and a very low salary; so he's going to resign immediately. You feel he's behaving rather foolishly. You advise caution and say: A) The scheme doesn't sound very sensible to me, but if that's what you want, do it. B) I suggest you hang onto this job while you look around for something better, or you may be landed with something worse. C) I wish I could offer you a job in my work place but at present there are no openings. D) I feel just as you feel. If only we could get somebody to give us the capital we could set up on our own. E) Few jobs do give job satisfaction. Just accept the fact. 52- You got a friend to go to the cinema with you, but he agreed rather unwillingly. The films turn out to be most disappointing; the story is meaningless and the acting bad. You feel you ought to apologise and say: A) Is this your kind of film? It isn't mine. B) What a shame! A perfectly good story ruined by bad acting. C) If I' d known what the film was like I' d never have dragged you here. I'm sorry. D) I rarely go to the cinema so I don't know if this counts as a good film or not. E) The film wasn't much good but it was better than staying in all evening, wasn't it?

53- You are visiting a neighbour who is back from hospital after quite a serious operation. He's the type who doesn't like to be ill and won't admit to being ill and is talking of going back to work within the week. You dont want to upset or worry him, but you do want him to stay at home and rest a little longer. You say: A) What does your doctor say about going back to work? B) If you don't feel like going back to the office, than don't do so. C) What's the matter? Haven't you got a doctor's report to cover the whole period? D) You're looking just fine; but wouldn't it be sensible to take things easy just a little longer? E) If only you had a reliable secretary you could supervise your office from the home. 54- At the hotel you manage, there have been problems with the waitresses. They don't like changes in the work timetable. They can't stay late. If they do stay late they want to be sent home by taxi. With this in mind your instructions to those who are recruiting new waitresses are: A) Make sure that they are willing to work flexible hours and that they don't live too far away. B) They must look smart and have had at least two years experience. C) Experience is not important. We'll train them here. But they must know some English. D) The starting salary is low, but tell them our customers give generous tips. E) Don't let them meet the ones who are leaving; they may learn bad habits from them. 1996 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 55- You feel you are being unfairly criticised for negligence and you feel you have every right to protest. You say: A) Youve no right to go to shouting at people like that, no matter what they have done. B) Agreed! Perhaps, there is evidence of carelessness; but whose? No one has the right to put the blame on me. C) If you carry out instructions meticulously therell be no problem. D) Luckily I foresaw the problem; if I hadnt you would all be in danger of losing your jobs. E) Lets stop blaming each other and get down to putting things right.



56- There has been an unusually heated boardmeeting. One of the younger members, quite out-of-character, has really been rather rude to one of the senior members. You feel he ought to apologise though really he isnt to blame. You say: A) It really was most unfortunate, but I do think it would be best if you tried to smooth out the situation. B) You are always speaking out-of-turn like this and youd better cure the habit. C) We all know hes an old fool, but it doesnt give you the right to tell him so to his face. D) What he said was quite unforgivable. You did right to say so. E) The situation is hardly likely to improve even if you do apologize to him. 57- Ted is thinking about buying your car. As he is an old friend you want him to have the first option. But hes been hesitating about it for ten days or more, and you are losing patience as you want to get the transaction finished. You tell him quite openly: A) You really ought to get a driving licence before thinking about buying a car. B) Id like to have the car but my financial position is such that I must let it go to the highest bidder. C) My car really isnt in very good condition so youd probably better look elsewhere. D) There are several other people interested in buying my car so do please make up your mind about it by Thursday at the least. E) You can borrow my car for a few days but I must get it back by the weekend. 58- A friend of yours is under great pressure at work and the strain is increasing. You really want to get him to relax for one evening out with mutual friends and ask him to join you. You want the invitation to seem casual but tempting! You say: A) Its time you widened your circle of your friends; you are getting in a rut. B) You really ought to meet these people . They are in the same line of business as yourself. C) How about joining us? Its all people you know so you can relax and be yourself. D) I dont want to go there by myself; wont you come with me? E) You are on edge all the time. You must take a break or you will get ill. You must come.

59- In a large department store one of the assistants has really been very rude to an old lady. True, the old lady was slow to make up her mind about what she wanted and in fact seemed rather confused all together, especially about how much she could afford to buy. After she has gone, you turn to the assistant and, hoping to change her attitude, say: A) Your job is harder than I thought! B) That wasnt well done. Remember, we shall all be old one day; you too. C) Old people should find someone to do their shopping for them. D) I shall report the whole incident to the manager and it will serve you right if you lose your job. E) You handled the matter well. These old people try ones patience to the limit. 60- A friend is worried about his son because hes been getting poor marks at school. Your friends manner is rather too authoritarian and you think he is being too hard on the boy. Rather tentatively you say: A) What are his friends like? Are they bad influence on him? B) Its serious. Youll have to make him work harder. C) Perhaps youre putting too much pressure on him. Hes just at the age that reacts badly to pressure. D) Dont change your manner. Hell give in. E) He must be made to see reason. 1997 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 61- Someone who is known to be rather unreliable in money matters comes to you asking for a loan. You refuse to give him a loan but want to do this in a kindly manner, making use of your family commitments. You say: A) I do wish I could have helped out but I have to pay the childrens school fees this month and therell be nothing left over after that. B) Yes, of course, Ill help you out; but youll have to pay me back at the beginning of next month. C) I thought Id told you that I would never again lend you any money. D) My father would be very angry if he knew what I was doing. E) Why dont you ask your family to help you out? Surely they will.



62- A friend has had a bad cough for several months. You think it is high time she consulted a doctor about it, and you decide to impress on her the need to take the matter seriously. You say: A) Do please go to a chemists and get a bottle of cough mixture. B) You know as well as I do that a cough can be a sign of something more serious. Go and get it checked. C) Do what I do. Drink a glass of fresh grapefruit juice every morning. Im sure it will do you good. D) The weather is getting warmer now and perhaps your cough will go away. E) I think you are coughing a bit less these days, but I still think you should go to a doctor. 63- There have been last minute changes in flight arrangements so you phone your son at his office to let him know of these and save him a fruitless drive to the airport. You speak to his secretary who informs you that your son is at a meeting but that she can get a message through to him. You say: A) Please make sure that he is there at the airport to meet me as arranged. B) I think he should know that, unfortunately, the holiday has had to be cancelled. C) Please explain that London - Amsterdam flights are fully booked for the next six weeks. D) I just want to remind that he promised to meet me at the airport this evening. E) Just tell him theres been a change in the program, and I shall not be arriving this evening. 64- A friends child has knocked over a vase and broken it. They are both very sorry, and you want to comfort them and stop them feeling bad about it. You say: A) That was one of the more expensive items in the collection. B) What a naughty child you have! I think you are to blame for the damage he has done. C) Well, actually I am sorry because it was given to me by my grandmother. D) Theres no harm done. Actually, thats a vase that I have never really cared for. E) I should have kept such a valuable vase in a safe place.

65- When a friend phones and asks Where were you last night? you suddenly realise youd promised to go round and see her, but hadnt done so. Shes a close friend and you are always open and honest with each other. You say: A) B) C) D) E) I worked late at the office. Why? Oh dear! I simply forgot. Im so sorry. I was just about to phone you about it. I thought you were coming round here. Thats very kind of you. I should have let you know earlier.

66- Theres a problem with the car, and you want the mechanic at the repair place you always use to start work on it immediately though there are other jobs that he is working on. Hes reluctant. You really do all you can to make them agree. You say: A) My neighbour sent me here, and he is a very good customer of yours. B) I know this is the first time Ive come to you but Ill come regularly if you help me now. C) Come on! Im a good customer and dont ask many favours. It really is of vital importance that you fix it for me immediately. D) As long as you can do it tomorrow, therell be no problem. E) You did a bad job of fixing it last time I brought it in. Thats why theres a problem now. 1997 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 67- Someone asks you where a certain school building is. You only know vaguely where it is and, wanting to be as helpful as possible, say: A) Its very near here. Do you see the Post Office there? Its just next to the Post Office. B) Im afraid I cant help you. Ive never heard of the place. C) I dont think its anywhere near here. In fact it could be at the other side of the town. D) Go along this road as far as the traffic lights. Then turn left and its the second building on your left. E) Its down this hill and to the right somewhere. Theyll be able to help you better at the Tourist Office down there.



68- A colleague at work feels he has been unfairly treated by his manager and his first reaction is to hand in his resignation. You think he is over-reacting and that he would soon regret such a step. Accordingly, you say: A) Give yourself time to think this over. Tomorrows another day. You may feel differently then. B) That man must be made to realise that he cant treat people in this way. C) By all means, hand in your resignation; with your qualifications you can soon get a better job. D) If I were in your position I would most certainly hand in my resignation. E) You are not behaving unreasonably. In fact youre taking the only right course. 69- On the news you learn that there has been a substantial drop in the price of a number of shares, including some you have. You feel alarmed and need reliable advice immediately. You call a close friend who is an expert in these matters. As hes not available you leave a message with his secretary for him: A) There is something I would like to discuss with you. Call me when its convenient. B) Its extremely urgent. Please call me as soon as possible. I desperately need your advice about some shares. C) Youve always given me reliable advice. I need some more today. Ill call again later. D) I hear share prices are falling. When youre free tell what to do with mine. E) Ive called to get your advice about whether or not it could be profitable to buy more shares now. 70- You have accepted an invitation to give a lecture to a group of geologists. You have been looking forward to this but, on the morning of the day your talk has been scheduled for, your wife is suddenly taken seriously ill so you cannot leave her. You call the organisers immediately to cancel your lecture and express your apologies. You say: A) Unfortunately my wife has been ill for along time, and I feel I cannot commit myself to give a talk. B) Unfortunately my wife has not recovered as fast as I expected, so I have to cancel my talk today. C) Since my wife is suffering from a serious illness I suggest you postpone todays talk. D) Im sorry to have to let you know that I cannot possibly give my talk today owing to my wifes unexpected illness this morning. E) Due to my wifes ill health, I am reluctantly giving up all my lecture engagements.

71- The position of Undersecretary in the Ministry had fallen vacant. From various quarters, both inside and outside the Ministry, you had been given the impression that you were likely to be appointed to the position. However, this did not happen, and someone else was appointed. Naturally you feel disappointed and admit this to a close friend, saying: A) Believe me I couldnt care less about whats happened. B) It was unfair of them to encourage me and then appoint someone else; it is very dishonest of them. C) Its quite a relief to know that a really qualified person has been appointed to this position at such a crucial time. D) Well, I have to admit that I might have found the additional responsibility rather trying. E) I really had every reason to believe the position was mine, so now I know it isnt. I do feel rather upset 72- You are leading a delegation for your country authorised to negotiate for the settlement of a border dispute with a neighbouring country. So far the negotiations with the opposite delegation have gone well, and an agreement has almost been reached. However, you need a final consultation with your authorities and therefore suggest a short break in the negotiations. So you say to the other delegation: A) I suggest we suspend the negotiations now and meet again some other time. B) I propose we adjourn for a short while, say for two hours, since I need to review the situation with my government. C) We consider the terms you have put forward reasonably acceptable, and will sign the document after the break. D) This border dispute has gone on far too long, its time we settled it for good. E) The agreement we have already reached must be approved by our governments.



1998 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 73- In the office there has been some criticism of the secretary on account of her manners. But you are more satisfied with the quality of her work and so come to her defence, saying: A) She may be sent off under the current disciplinary rules. B) Shes not as polite as may be expected of a perfect secretary, but as for efficiency she is superb. C) Obviously she lacks many of the qualities one looks for in a secretary. D) I know she always yells at people and does not behave herself. E) Her manners can be annoying and this makes her a difficult person to work with efficiently. 74- Your nephew has been offered several different jobs by various companies. He cant make up his mind about which one to accept. So he comes to you for advice. You happen to know one of the companies well and feel sure it has a lot to offer. You say: A) I dont know much about other companies but this one will give you excellent training and some useful benefits. B) As far as Im concerned all the offers seem to be desirable. You can choose any of them. C) With one exception, I feel they can all be recommended. D) I dont think Im in a position to advise you on all of the offers. But this one I know should be avoided. E) I suggest you take the one that seems to offer better benefits. 75- As the chief organiser of a conference hosted by your university it is for you to introduce the first speaker who is a world famous scholar in his field, and happens also to be a former professor of yours. So, in your introduction you say: A) It gives me great pleasure to ask you to attend the conference and be the first speaker. B) Im delighted you were able to join us, though not as a speaker, but of course we are hoping you will participate in our discussions. C) This is a great moment for me as I am privileged to welcome so many famous speakers. D) As your onetime student it is my privilege to welcome you as the most distinguished scholar in your field and as the keynote speaker of the conference. E) What a surprise this is! Its wonderful to run into you here in this way.

76- A friend of yours, with excellent credentials, has not been offered the job he had applied for. You see that this has made him very discouraged and extremely upset. You want to help him regain his self-confidence, so you say to him: A) If you cant find anything better, I can probably try to take you into my company. B) I reckon you must have offended someone; after all, you arent very sensitive. C) This is not the end of the world; a person with your qualifications deserves better employment opportunities. D) After all, you ought to be more considerate of other peoples feelings. E) In this period of economic recession competition for executive posts is likely to continue for some time. 77- You have moved to a new house and are looking for a fairly large, original picture to hang near the front door. You have a friend whose taste you trust and who has a lot of friends in the art world. You think he can help you find something suitable, so you say to him: A) I wish youd keep an eye open for a picture that would look good on the wall by my front door. B) I dont own a picture large enough to hang at the top of the stairs. C) The picture neednt be large but it must be imaginative and colourful. I leave the rest to you. D) Should I commission someone to paint a picture to hang on that wall? E) How much would I have to pay for an original picture of the right size for this wall? 78- A neighbour is going to a big reunion dinner that you know your brother, who is a wellknown local figure, will also attend. You think the two of them should meet, so you say: A) My brother is sure to be there at the reunion, and I expect hell recognise you. B) If only Id been going too I would have introduced you to my brother. C) My brother is a lot like you, so its only natural that you should have got on well. D) Ive told my brother about your suggestion, and he seemed interested. E) My brother will also be there. Everybody knows him. So, do introduce yourself to him and give him my greetings.



1998 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 79- Your sister has announced that she is going to be married at the end of the year. Youve heard plenty about the young man, and all to his credit. So you are quite happy about the marriage; but still you do want to meet him first. You say: A) This is all rather sudden, isnt it? What does he do for a long living? B) Well, this is a surprise. Tell me all about him. C) I hope youre not acting impulsively! Is there something youre trying to hide as we still havent met him. D) Im so glad I know youve made an excellent choice and you certainly deserve to be happy. E) Well, congratulations and all my best wishes. But I do hope youll bring him round to meet us before the wedding. 80- For a while now a friend has been having trouble with a group of workmen in his factory, and matters are now coming to a head. You feel he is behaving in too harsh a manner and want to point this out to him in a tactful way so as not to offend him. You say: A) My advice to you is to make no concessions whatsoever and let those leave who want to leave. B) Your trouble is youre too hard on them. Im surprised youve got any workmen left. C) I cant understand the problem. Please explain it again to me. D) Theres always trouble in the workforce everywhere. Just ignore it. E) Are you sure this is the correct approach that you are taking? They might respond better to a gentler treatment. 81- Some time ago, a friend persuaded you to employ his son in the personnel department of the firm of which you are a director. Within a short time you began to regret having done so, for the young man had turned out to be lazy and unprincipled. You express your regrets to a colleague, saying: A) Oh well, we can send him to another department if thats what you want. B) Im glad I was able to help a friend in this way. C) If I had known then what he was like, I would never have taken him on. D) I expect hell resign as soon as his contract expires. E) I dont suppose any of the other candidates would have been any better.

82- A friend of yours, who is the manager of a company, tells you that he has dismissed one of his employees, an engineer, for immoral conduct in the workplace. He further informs you that he has received several threatening telephone calls from this same person. Your friend is very upset and comes to you for advice. You feel firm action must be taken. So you say: A) Next time he calls, just tell him politely that you are upset by his calls. B) If he calls again, tell him you are going to take legal action. And do so! C) If I were you, I would ignore the whole matter. D) As far as I understand it, you seem to be in for a lot of trouble. E) As a matter of fact, telephone calls of this kind dont need to be taken seriously. 83- As an eminent scholar youve been invited to give a series of lectures in South America. Since recently you find you get tired easily, you feel the journey would be very exhausting for you; so, you decline the invitation, giving your reason at the same time. You say: A) Im afraid I cannot accept your kind invitation because, for a person of my age, the journey would prove too tiring. B) I have to turn down the invitation since I understand it is unsafe to travel in your country. C) Thank you for the invitation but I no longer accept invitations that involve much travelling as I cannot afford the time. D) I would like to accept your invitation, but tell me first how much travelling is involved. E) Though I fear the journey will be rather tiring for me, I will look forward to visiting South America. 84- You learn that a close colleague of yours in the Economics Department has been nominated for the Nobel Prize in economics. You feel thrilled for him and call him immediately to congratulate him. He tells you that he doesnt expect to receive the prize because there will, almost certainly, be other candidates better than him. Thereupon, to encourage him, you say: A) You are probably right. Youll just have to wait and see how it turns out. B) True. And after all one never knows how much the issue is affected by politics. C) If I were you, Id not raise my hopes too high. D) Surely you are one of the leading economists in the world and have as much chance as any one else. E) You should feel pleased that at least youve been nominated.



1999 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 85- You have a vintage car which has to be handled with great care and really needs expert attention. You ask a friend of yours to advise you on where to take it. You say: A) As you know, not every car repairer can service a vintage car. Do you know anyone who can? B) You're good with cars. How about having a look at my vintage one? C) I'm looking for a new place for the servicing of my vintage car, since Im not satisfied with the present one. D) Have you ever dreamed of owning a vintage car? The only problem is getting them serviced. E) I'm afraid Ill have to get rid of this vintage car; it's so hard to get it serviced, and so expensive. 86- At the executive committee meeting of the company, several members have voiced their unease at the adverse effect of the recession on profits. So, as the chairman, you want to dispel this gloomy atmosphere, and say: A) I also feel disappointed by the situation, but lets not discuss it now. B) Are you trying to tell me that the recession will continue well into next year? C) I admit that sales at present are a little lower than usual, but we have every reason to expect an increase in the second half of the year. D) Are you quite sure that the figures you have been given by the several departments do really reflect what's happening? E) We must introduce stringent measures straightaway if we are to prevent a worsening of the situation. 87- A few of your paintings are to be on show at an exhibition to be opened next week. You want to give an open invitation to all of your colleagues in the department, and say: A) The exhibition I'm holding next week is to raise money for charity. So Im hoping it will be very crowded. B) If anyone is interested in the exhibition of my works, let me know and I'll get you an invitation. C) There will be another exhibition, next week, of the works of amateur artists like myself. Youll find it enjoyable. D) I think you all know my paintings are going to be exhibited, starting Tuesday next week. I hope to see you all there. E) This is the first time my works are going on exhibition, so, naturally, I'm very excited.

88- You have just returned from an international conference. Frankly, you were rather disappointed with the quality of many of the papers presented. On your return, when your colleagues inquire about the conference, you admit to being disappointed and say: A) Had you been there, you would have been as enthusiastic about proceedings as I was. B) I was really shocked by the lack of interest shown by the great majority of participants. C) It was a thrilling experience just to be with so many specialists in our field. D) Like any other international conference, this turned out to be extremely exhausting. E) Actually, several of the presentations fell short of my expectations. 89- As a professor of management you have been approached by the director of a bank for your opinion of a candidate who was formerly one of your students. So, you want to reassure him and say: A) Though he has a calm manner which may be misleading, he is actually dynamic, creative and resourceful. B) Yes, he has shortcomings; but you have a good in-training programme, dont you? C) As far as I recall, in my courses, I expected more from him than he was able to give. D) It seems to me that the post on offer really requires very special skills. E) I suggest you screen a wide range of candidates before deciding on anyone. 90- You manage a fairly large supermarket and feel you have lost customers recently due to the late delivery of the goods you have ordered. You are extremely angry at this negligence and write a stiff note of complaint to the wholesalers. In the note you say: A) This is to inform you that, if I am to keep my customers, you must deliver goods at least twice a week. B) If only you'd sent the goods in time, my customers would have had far more choice. C) I feel you should be warned that my customers are not at all satisfied with the quality of the goods delivered. D) Your irresponsibility in this matter has damaged my trade. Just make sure it doesnt happen again. E) Your delivery system is no longer as efficient as it used to be; you really must do something to improve it.



1999 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 91- You are in charge of a team of scientists doing fieldwork in the mountains. However, your work has often been hampered by the wet weather, and you are worried that it may not be finished on time. As this cannot be permitted, you say to your team members: A) Since the weather has been so bad, I don't think it is wise to carry on with our work. B) Due to the adverse weather conditions, I am afraid we are behind schedule; we'll have to make a much bigger effort. C) Despite the bad weather the work goes forward as planned. D) Given the weather conditions we have had so far, it is comforting to know that we have done a lot of work. E) Even though the weather has always been unsettled, it has affected our work very little. 92- At three o'clock today you have an appointment with your dentist. However, your manager has called you to say that, at the meeting at three o'clock today, the board of directors would like to hear your expert opinion on the reorganization of the company. So, as you are required to attend this meeting, you have to cancel your appointment and say to your dentist: A) I just can't attend the board meeting when I'm in such pain with this tooth. Don't you agree? B) I know I cancelled my 3 o'clock appointment with you for today. But now I find I can come. C) As far as I know there is no board meeting today, so 3 o'clock should suit me fine. D) I'll have to cancel this appointment with you if they call a board meeting at that hour. E) I'm sorry I can't make it today at three o'clock as I'm obliged to attend a meeting of the board at that hour.

93- Upon the publication of your new novel, which is politically quite provocative, you have caught the attention of the public, and many journalists have been trying to do interviews with you. Yet you wish to keep a low profile. and so turn down their requests. Again you have been approached by a journalist for an interview, but you say: A) I could not have predicted that my new novel would catch the public attention to such an extent; I've no objection to being interviewed. B) I am very grateful for everyone's interest, and you will be given plenty of time to interview me. C) I have been thrilled by the public reception of my new novel, and I'm always delighted to meet the press. D) Thank you for your interest in my novel, but I want to keep out of the public eye. E) I have always had a very high respect for journalists; certainly it is a privilege for me to be interviewed by them. 94- Today is the birthday of your thirty-year-old brother, who, with his family, lives in another town. You have always been very fond of him but you have not seen him for quite a long time. So you call him and say: A) Many happy returns! I wish I were there with you and your family to celebrate your birthday. I've missed you a lot. B) Congratulations to all concerned. You deserved it! C) You must be feeling relieved. Now, take my advice and relax a bit. D) This is just to wish you many happy returns. I expect you and your family will come to see me when you are on leave. E) I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. If I have the time and the means I'll drop by. 95- You are the sales manager of a housing company and, as such, have the task of promoting a new set of reasonably-priced villas built in a pleasant setting. When approached by a prospective buyer for more information, you say: A) That particular house was built ten years ago but is in remarkably good condition. B) You may find the price of our villas somewhat exorbitant. but they are set in a lush green landscape and have breathtaking views. C) No detail has been overlooked in our villas which have full resort amenities and are aimed at our privileged well-to-do clients. D) These villas are charmingly placed, with mountains behind them and lovely views of the sea. Moreover, they are good value for your money. E) At present, house prices are falling so it is a good time for making a purchase.



96- Recently you have seen the film version of Henry James' celebrated novel The Portrait Of A lady. You have been much impressed by the quality of the presentation, for you had found reading the novel very hard going. In conversation with a friend who has not seen the film you say: A) It's one of the best films I've seen for a long time even though the story is rather superficial and tedious. B) I very rarely enjoy a film of a novel that has given me pleasure. C) I certainly enjoyed the film The Portrait Of A lady far more than the novel as it really brings the story alive. D) The film The Portrait Of A lady, changes Henry James' story beyond recognition. E) The film doesn't follow the novel very closely but it is quite enjoyable to watch. 2000 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 97- You have organized a conference which has been a great success. You feel sure that the work of your staff has contributed greatly to this success. In wrapping up the conference you wish to include them in your words of thanks. go you say: A) Last but not least, let me say how much the success of this conference is due to the dedicated work of my staff, and how grateful I am to them. B) On behalf of my staff, who have done so much to make the conference a success, I would like to thank you all for taking such an active part in proceedings. C) Since the conference has ended successfully, I feel I owe it to my staff to thank you all for coming. D) My staff and I are delighted that the conference has been so successful, and we thank you all for your contributions to its success. E) In closing the conference, I would like to say, on behalf of my staff and myself, how grateful we are to you all for your active participation.

98- The Party's executive committee has set up a special group to make a study of unemployment problems in the country and suggest ways of solving them. The committee instructs the group as follows: A) The country is faced with a huge unemployment problem, and the executive committee expects you to come up with some solutions. B) The Party is very concerned about the unemployment problems throughout the country and we simply want you to propose strategies to overcome them. C) Your first aim will be to examine the nationwide state of unemployment, and your second to recommend solutions to the problems related with unemployment. D) The executive committee fully realizes that until you have studied the problem of unemployment thoroughly no action can be taken. E) Your study of the problems of unemployment and any solutions your group may suggest, will, the executive committee feels, be to the benefit of the Party. 99- There is to be a company board meeting next week to discuss the financial policy for the coming year. As the managing director, you want all departments to submit a detailed report on their expenses for the past year. So, you say to your department chiefs: A) Since the board is concerned about the company's expenditures over the last year, I must ask you to account for the position of your own department. B) For the board to plan next year's company expenditure, please be sure to hand in a full account of the expenses of your department over the last twelve months. C) Due to the heavy financial losses last year, the board is determined to curb expenses during this next year, so I want all of you to write down and hand in your suggestions. D) Before the next board meeting on the company's financial policy, I want to discuss with you the expenses of each separate department since the beginning of the year. E) As the board is going to meet next week to consider the financial position of the company, it would be helpful if you could all submit your proposals on expenditure to me.



100- You have been to a special exhibition of Ottoman art, held in the National Museum. You have been much impressed by the variety and the beauty of the exhibits. So, next day in the office, you recommend it to your colleagues, saying: A) The National Museum sometimes holds special exhibitions; at present there is one on Ottoman art. B) Yes. I went to the exhibition at the National Museum, and do agree that it is very representative. C) The exhibition of Ottoman art at the National Museum is apparently quite a unique one. I suppose you've already seen it. D) Yesterday. I went to that exhibition of Ottoman art at the National Museum, and thought it was superb. Make sure you don't miss it. E) I was at the National Museum yesterday and happened to see there an exhibition of Ottoman art. Are you interested in that sort of things 101- You have made a thorough study of the causes of migrations from the rural areas in the country to the big cities. When asked your expert opinion on how to put an end to this social trend, you say: A) In fact, this trend of rural migration has doubled in the last three decades or so. B) If you ask me, better living conditions must be offered to these people coming from rural areas. C) As far as I am concerned, housing, education and public transport are among the major setbacks of fife in the big cities. D) The rural population of the country is increasing far more rapidly than that in the big cities. E) First and foremost, we need to open up new areas of employment in the rural areas. 102- You are a bank manager and a friend of yours, who Is a businessman, has come to you for advice on where to invest. As there is a prevailing economic crisis that seems likely to last for some time, you feel it would be unwise to make any specific recommendations for investments. So you say: A) In this time of recession, the only advice I can give you is to wait. B) Some people are making overseas investments, but I don't think that's a good idea. C) Since we ere experiencing a temporary setback in the economy, why don't you channel your resources into tourism?

D) In view of the rising prosperity, apparent at every level of society, why don't you put your money into one of the big corporations? E) Given the present economic circumstances. I think you're sure to make money in any sector you invest in. 2000 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 103- Somehow a week has gone by before you learn that a very good friend has suddenly been taken ill. When you do learn you immediately resolve to visit her that same evening, but in the meanwhile you send flowers and with them a note saying: A) Why didn't you stay in hospital a little longer? You'd have been well-looked after there. B) Do you try to cheer up! I'm sure it's not so bad! I'll try to come and see you tomorrow evening. C) No one told me you were ill till this morning. I'll drop by when I can. Take your medicines like a good girl! D) I only learned this morning that you'd been ill. I'll come round after work today. Till then take care! E) Can't wait to see you! I'll come round later. Let me know if there's anything you need. 104- A friend is planning to do a make-over in her sitting-room, and is talking about brilliant lime-green walls and a bright blue fitted carpet. It's going to cost a lot of money and you think she'll get tired of the scheme before long and regret having spent so much money on it. So you try to put her off and say rather reasonably: A) it's not the sort of colour scheme I'd choose, but its you who will be living with it, not me! B) it might look fine so long as the curtains are a natural shade. C) That's a ridiculous idea! Forget it. D) Bright colours are terribly popular at present, so you'll be right in the fore of fashion. E) Can't you bring some bright colours into the room with cheaper articles like cushions and rugs?



105- The new secretary has made rather a lot of mistakes during her first week in the office, so a lot of people are criticising her. You think that she'll be fine once she has settled in properly and learned the routine. So you say: A) The worst thing about her is her manner, and, of course, the way she dresses! B) Let her see how displeased we are with her. C) Give her a chance to get used to the work and to what we expect of her. D) It's her typing that is bad, and I don't think that will improve. E) She was highly recommended. Lets just hope she does better next week. 106- You are buying a book for a colleague who is retiring. It's not likely that she already has the book you have chosen for her but you want to be quite sure the shop will let her exchange it for another if she wants to. So you say to the shopkeeper: A) She reads a lot, so she may have read it already. B) If she brings it back you will refund the money, won't you? C) If she should want to change it, I presume you would allow her to, wouldn't you? D) If she's already read it she can give it to someone else, can't she? E) Do I have to bring the receipt with me if I want to change it? 107- You have a great deal of work to do on a report this morning and are determined to be left to do it undisturbed, no matter who may call. You instruct your secretary to this effect and say: A) If anyone calls let them ring back after 3 o'clock unless its very urgent B) You are to put through no telephone calls whatsoever this morning, not even if it's the managing director himself. C) I want to finish this report today, so don't put any calls through, unless my wife rings. D) Remember, no calls please, unless it's the boss himself. E) If the managing director should ring please tell him I've nearly finished the report. 108- A friend has been having a lot of problems, at work and at home. She is badly in need of a change and you decide to give her an evening out. So you say: A) After work, let's go and get something to eat, and then go to a cinema. B) If there had been any good films we could have gone to the cinema. C) Im terribly busy next week, but I ought to be free on Saturday. D) Mary wants us to go around to her place this evening; but I'm not keen to go. E) The concert last night was excellent. You should have made the effort and gone.

2001 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 109- You have, at short notice, called for a Department meeting to discuss a confidential matter and reach a decision on it. At the beginning of the meeting you remind the members that, once the meeting is over, they must never refer to the matter or discuss it with other people, So you say: A) I really had no choice but to call this meeting since issues we are going to deal with really cannot be postponed any longer. B) I'm sure it hasn't been hard for any of you to come to the meeting; as you all know, the matter under discussion is rather personal. C) First, I must thank you for coming to our routine weekly meeting: I must warn you that the main item we are going to talk about today may upset a few of you. D) I'm glad so many of you could make this meeting; let me point out first that the issue under discussion may turn out to be very controversial E) Sorry to disrupt your programmes by bringing you here now, and let me stress from the start that there must be no leakage about the meeting. 110- Given the present situation, you are in a dilemma as to how to invest your savings. You can't decide whether it would be more profitable to buy shares or to invest in a strong currency. You consult a close friend who is an economist and say: A) Since you are more informed about money matters than I am, I wish you'd advise me on whether to invest in shares or in a strong currency. B) I've been told that there's no point in investing either in shares or in a strong currency; do you agree? C) If you know anything about economics, please tell me whether shares look like being a good investment. D) I am very confused about how to invest my savings. Who do you think could give me some good advice? E) I have invested all my savings in shares, not in strong currency; as an expert, do you think I have made a wrong decision?



111- As an expert in international relations, a group of journalists have asked you to give your opinion on the strained relations between the United States and China over the recent spy plane crisis. You feel that it is too early to make a full assessment of the outcome of the crisis. So you say: A) This is an unfortunate event which seems likely to have long-term damaging effects on the relations between the two countries. B) It is clearly a very serious situation. However, it's surely better to wait a while before venturing to comment on the international impact of it. C) I think both countries should exercise discretion; and if they do so, the crisis will soon be resolved. D) As far as I am concerned, this spy crisis is being grossly exaggerated by both sides. E) If you ask me, both sides are equally to blame for the crisis which could prove a threat to world peace. 112- As a farmer you are experienced in animal husbandry and have a herd of healthy cattle. The herds in the neighbouring farms, however, have been hit by foot-and-mouth disease. Despite the stringent measures you have taken, you are worried that the disease may spread to your herd. So you say to your veterinary doctor: A) I'm very upset by the fact that my neighbours' herds have got foot-and-mouth disease. Shouldn't you have detected this earlier? B) In the neighbouring farms, it seems they have several cases of foot-and-mouth disease. Ive taken every precaution against it, so I'm not worried. C) Do you know anything about this foot-andmouth disease which I understand is troubling the cattle in neighbouring farms? D) Since I take good care of my cattle I dont think this foot-and-mouth disease among my neighbours' herds will affect me E) I'm obviously concerned about the spread of foot-and-mouth disease in the neighbourhood. Is there anything else that I can possibly do to protect my own cattle?

113- You are the defence lawyer in a case of a bank robbery. You believe that your client was not involved in it but merely happened to be in the area at the time of the robbery. This was the grounds for his arrest, and forms the basis for your defence. So you say to the court: A) The bank in question is in a deserted neighbourhood, so it is not likely that anyone saw what was happening. B) I cannot contest the accusation that my client was involved in the robbery but the part played by him was definitely minimal. C) The reasons for suspecting my client of the robbery are purely circumstantial: there is no reason to doubt his innocence. D) I suppose you naturally suspected my client, as he had already been involved in a bank robbery. E) There were several other people in the bank at the time. What were they doing? 114- Your company manager has recently been asking you to work overtime several times a week. At first you agreed fairly willingly but you regret that you ever agreed, as it has really overtired you. You wish to be excused from all overtime work. So you say to the manager: A) I don't mind doing some overtime once a week but I can't manage more. B) All this overtime work leaves me very exhausted; initially I didn't mind doing it, but now could you please let me off? C) I have always enjoyed doing the overtime as the work has proved very stimulating. D) I only agreed to do over1ime as I needed the money. E) I think it's time we stopped all this overtime business, as it has turned out to be very boring: don't you agree?



2001 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 115- Following the September 11th terrorist attacks security checks at airports in particular have increased. Consequently many people are reluctant to travel by air. One of your friends has this same attitude and is wondering about cancelling his flight to New York. You feel he is unnecessarily apprehensive and, to stress that his fears are groundless, you say: A) I don't like all these security measures either, but I suppose air travel at the moment is the most dangerous way of travelling. B) Remember, all these stringent security measures are for our safety. You can travel confidently because of them. C) It seems to me that you have always been scared of flying and so now I'm not surprised at your attitude. D) Given the present circumstances, I suppose the best thing would be for you to cancel your flight. E) The Sep. 11th attacks really have played havoc with air travel so I suggest you postpone going to New York. 116- A friend is going for a job interview. The job description asks, among things, that the candidate has the "capability to lead a multidisciplinary team including engineers, economists, planners, and safety experts". Your friend is unsure of himself on this point. You want to help him to a more positive attitude, so you say. A) Stop worrying! If there are safety experts on the team, they will take care of all your security problems for you. B) What do you find so frightening about a multidisciplinary team? The firm probably hasn't even got one. C) Whoever wrote that advert wanted to make the company sound grand! I can't see why you are interested. D) You've never worked with a multidisciplinary team, so don't worry about it until you have to. E) Well, I for one have full confidence in your ability to manage a multidisciplinary team, you have been doing just that for years.

117- You have been given two invitations for a lecture that is not open to general public. The subject is later novels of Charles Dickens. As one of your friends is a Charles Dickens fan, you decide to ask her to join you; you call her and say: A) The lecture we are going to is sure to be very crowded, so lets be there early. B) There is a private Charles Dickens lecture coming up. I have two invitations for it and thought you might like to come along with me. C) I am sure you would have enjoyed the lecture on Charles Dickens. D) I've got two invitations for a Charles Dickens lecture. I thought the subject might interest you. Can you use these invitations? E) Would a Charles Dickens lecture be of any interest to you? If so, I can send you an invitation. 118- You have recently been to a conference where you listened to a paper given by someone who used to be in your department. You were disappointed with the quality of the paper and really thought there was nothing to comment on it. On your return, when the colleagues asked about it, you replied: A) His papers gave rise to a great deal of heated discussion, which shows that some people must have been impressed by it. B) The paper he presented was inconclusive, but certain parts were quite stimulating. C) For the most part of his views were outdated, but he had researched the subject thoroughly. D) It was an average soft of paper, but there were some fresh insight into the subject. E) His paper was full of repetitions and lacked all originality. 119- At the last local elections a friend had been counting on your support when he was standing for the office of mayor. You had personal reasons for not supporting him then but clearly he feels hurt. When you next see him, you promise him you full support at the next election, so you say: A) Don't forget, you didn't perform very well yourself at the elections, so what was I to do? B) You are right to be angry with me but I won't make the same mistake again. C) Everything was in a muddle then. But promise to let me know if I can be of any help. D) I know I disappointed you at the elections, but I won't again; you have my word for it. E) I promise to support you at the next elections provided that your policies conform with mine.



120- As the chairman of the steering committee you find that urgent business requires that you call all committee to an unscheduled meeting. You realize that many of them will find this highly inconvenient, so your request is as accompanied by an apology. You say: A) I can't say how sorry I am to have to do this but it's imperative that we all meet here within an hour. B) I am sorry to have to remind you that our meeting will take place as scheduled. C) Apologies for calling you so late, but I've brought the meeting forward to 9 o'clock in the morning. D) It's a pity we couldn't manage to get everyone to the meeting today, but I am sure everyone will be there tomorrow. E) How sorry I was to see that so few of you managed to come to the urgent meeting that I called yesterday. 2002 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 121- In the office section of your travel agency one of the clerks has grown rather slack and careless, and has come late on several occasions. The one in charge has decided to take action and consults you on what action to take. You feel inclined to be lenient, or at least give the culprit one more chance. You say: A) When he's in the mood he works well. He just hasn't been in the right mood for weeks. B) He's been warned on several occasions. He deserves to be fired. C) Why don't you let him off with a warning? But tell him this is his last chance. D) He's always been a disruptive element in the department. Let him go. E) Personally, I like him. And with his French and his German he won't be easy to replace. 122- A friend is unduly upset because of the way her son has been treating her, and, indeed, because of his general attitude towards her. You want to cheer her up and make her believe it's all quite normal. You say: A) Not to worry! It's a phase they all go through and usually it doesn't last very long. B) But he's such a nice boy! What have you done to annoy him? C) Oh, are you sure you haven't done anything wrong? D) The main thing is not to make an issue of it or you'll antagonize him for life. E) You'd better have a straight talk with him and tell him to show more respect in future.

123- You need a book from the library rather urgently but just can't spare the time to go there. You overhear a colleague say he's going to the library, so you write down the title of the book you want and the author on a slip of paper, and you go up to him and say: A) Next time you go to the library there's a book I want you to borrow for me. B) As you're going to the library anyway, would you mind taking this book out for me? C) I do wish you'd let me know when you're going to the library, so you can take out any book I might need. D) I shall be needing this book shortly. Can you get it for me? E) If you're going anywhere near the library I wish you'd choose some nice light reading for me. 124- You are being hailed as a hero for rescuing a child from a burning house. You want to play the event down and so you say: A) Only very special people can work as firemen. B) I've always wanted to do something heroic and now I'm pleased to have had the chance. C) Actually, it really wasn't very courageous of me at all. I just ran in without considering the risks. D) I shall never forget the way that child was screaming as I went in. E) The parents should never have left the child alone like that. 125- You are meeting a friend in London and want to choose a suitable meeting place. As your friend doesn't know London well you need to fix a meeting place she'll be able to find easily. And as the weather is cold, you want it to be indoors. After a moment's thought, you say: A) The easiest way to get to anywhere in London is to take the Underground. The stations are all clearly labelled. B) The best and easiest place where we can meet is the British Museum, which is not difficult to find. C) What would you like us to do? We could look round a museum if you'd like to or go for a walk in Hyde Park. D) There are special buses in London that take you on a tour of the city. Let's get on one of those. E) It's not easy to meet someone in any of the big stores. They really are huge, and they keep moving the departments around.



126- You and a friend want to buy a present for a colleague for his new home. You want something a bit different. You think you know his taste in abstract pictures well enough to choose one that he'll appreciate, but you need to have a fair number to choose from. You say: A) There are several exhibitions of abstract paintings on at the moment. Let's take a look at them first. B) Are you sure he prefers abstract paintings to portraits? C) As long as the colours aren't too bright he'll be happy with whatever we give him. D) Are we being wise? A picture is a very personal thing. Perhaps we should get him something else. E) Personally, I've never really liked abstract paintings, so I don't know much about them. 2002 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 127- You arrive at the airport a few minutes before your plane is due to leave, feeling worried and upset. However, just as you enter the building you hear an announcement that your flight has been delayed by half an hour. You feel greatly relieved and say to yourself: A) Thank God for that! Now I can relax and recover. B) That's not unusual! Actually, I had a feeling there was going to be a delay. C) What a nuisance! Now I've got to wait for half an hour! D) This is dreadful! I seem to be spending the whole day either rushing somewhere or waiting. E) Not again! This really is too much! I can't stand another delay. 128- There is a border dispute concerning the river rights running between two countries. One of the diplomats concerned in the negotiations feels that the simplest and best solution would be to make the river neutral territory to be reserved for wild life. So his final proposal is: A) Environmentally, the river is of vital importance; so, in these negotiations, we must take this into consideration. B) Whatever happens, both countries must be willing to protect the wild life in the river. C) Once the rights of each country have been settled, we can focus on the question of wild life. D) Since the river is neutral territory reserved for wild life, there is no point in prolonging the debate. E) Let both sides withdraw their claims on the river and turn it into a wild life sanctuary.

129- You are a journalist at a press conference held by the minister of finance who is talking about the new measures aimed at bringing down the rate of inflation. You feel he has avoided the problem of how public spending will be reduced. So, to make him give more details you ask: A) How long do you think it will be before the benefits of these cuts in public spending will show? B) Is it true that the expected cuts in public expenditure will really be so sizeable? C) Can you clarify the means by which you hope to make cuts in public expenditure? D) Can you elaborate a little more on why these cuts have to be introduced? E) Can you explain why these measures have not been considered previously? 130- You are planning a day trip to Ephesus, and want a friend who is not interested in visiting ancient ruins, to make one of the party. You feel these particular ruins would really impress him if he came. So, to press him to come, you say: A) The ruins at Ephesus are no ordinary ruins. Even you'll be struck by them. So please join us. B) If you can't find anything better to do, then come along with us. C) It is sure to be crowded so you won't see much of the ruins. D) I realize you know all there is to know about Ephesus, but I'm sure you'll enjoy this trip greatly. E) Surely, with every trip to Ephesus, one is bound to discover something new, so do join us. 131- As the manager of the sales department you have noticed that the new sales assistant recently recruited seems to be ill at ease and finding it hard to adapt himself to the working routine of the department. In fact, you have a high opinion of him but realize he needs some encouragement. So you call him in and say: A) Let me remind you, right away, that one needs to get on well with one's colleagues. B) When I hired you, I thought you were going to be good. What is the matter with you? C) I hired you with great expectations, but so far have disappointed me. D) Are you finding it difficult to settle in? Then you'd better try a bit harder! E) You've got plenty of talent, more than a lot of people here. Let it show; and you'll do fine.



132- You are a great music-lover and have attended live performances of a great many world-famous violinists. You came to this particular concert with great hopes for the performance of this world-famous violinist. However, at the end of the concert you felt the performance fell short of your expectations. Next day in the office when your colleagues ask about the violinist's performance, you reply: A) I have made a point of attending great violin concerts on every possible occasion, and this has been the most exceptional. B) Of all the top quality concerts I have attended so far, this one was the only one to be somewhat disappointing. C) As you know I'm always going to concerts, and this one particularly impressed me. D) Recently I've got into the habit of going to concerts; at last night's concert there was a famous violinist. E) As I've told you before, concerts with a lot of violin music don't appeal to me. 2003 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 133- You have a friend, who is a banker, and for some time he has been advising you to buy certain shares. You have put off ding so, but it has become clear that your investments are not doing at all well, and so you have decided to take his advice. You phone him and say. A) It gave me a nasty shock to see that the shares you so strongly recommended have fallen so sharply. B) I'm somewhat uneasy about those shares you recommend. I'll think it over for a day or two. C) I wish I had bought more of those shares before they went up. D) By the way, the shares you persuaded me to buy really have gone up nicely. E) I'm quite convinced that your advice was right; so I'm going to invest in those shares. 134- You are a professional climber helping to organize some amateurs. When the climbers left, the weather was clear and bright. But since than a great deal of mist has descended over the mountains and visibility is almost nil. None of these climbers are very experienced and you are worried that they will lose their way and perhaps panic and fall. You can't decide what to do but want to share you worry, and so turn to a colleague at the camp and say: A) Of course, in situation like this, we can't send anyone after them. B) Thanks goodness, we sent a good guide with them, so there's no need to worry. C) I do feel anxious about them. Have you any suggestions about what we ought to do?

D) This mist is already lifting and that is the end of the problem. E) Several of them are quite experienced. Don't you think they'll manage to take care of the others? 135- New policies for market expansion have been under discussion at a board meeting. The president likes to keep things as they are but you feel it is necessary to implement at least some new policies, or the company really will start to get into serious trouble. You say: A) I doubt whether any of these suggestions for market leadership would bear fruit. B) Sometimes change may be necessary. but in our case it isn't really urgent. C) Are these changes sufficient to keep the company afloat? D) I know you don't like change, but, unless such changes are introduced, the company is going to suffer. E) I'm not at all convinced that these new policies will get the results we want. 136- A younger colleague has been working hard on a research project. He's now come across a major problem, and this has so discouraged him that he seems about to give the whole project up. You are quite sure he's perfectly capable of overcoming the problem. So, you say to him: A) With your talents, you can easily succeed! Just set your mind to it! B) If you are really in trouble there are plenty of people who will help you. C) It seems to me that this project constitutes too big a challenge for you. D) If you find this so difficult why don't you find another topic? E) Are you quite sure that this project is worth all the effort you are putting into it? 137- A young colleague has unfortunately got himself mixed up with a group of decidedly unpleasant people. There have been two incidents recently in which the police have been called in. This has upset the young man and he has come to you for advice. You want him to make a complete break with the group around him immediately, and say firmly. A) It's time to make new friends, with people who are more like you. B) Start to see less of them; say you're busy. C) You'd better break off all ties with that group once and for all! D) I honestly can't understand what you see in them. E) If I were you, I'd slowly start to keep out of their way.



138- You are as the lawyer for the defence at a trial for a case of burglary. When it's your turn to cross-examine the witness you begin by asking a question that doesn't relate to the man's appearance. You say: A) When you saw this man, was he smartly dressed? B) You say this man4s hair was black. Could that have been because the night was dark? C) You've described him well. How old do you think he was? D) Did the man seem to you to be excited, or was he quite calm? E) This man you saw, did he turn left or right when he left the building? 2003 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 139- You have been forced to postpone, until tomorrow afternoon, a departmental meeting that you had called. You send a note, with your apologies, round to everyone informing them of the postponement. In your note you say: A) It's a pity but the meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow afternoon. B) Please forgive me for cancelling the meeting. C) I've had to cancel the meeting; I hope it hasn't inconvenienced you. D) Sorry! I've had to put the meeting off until tomorrow afternoon. E) I couldn't avoid rescheduling the meeting. Hope it's convenient for everyone. 140- As the public relations director of a clothing company you are concerned about the recent drop in sales and feel this is due partly to the quality of the clothes but mostly to inadequate advertising. At the board meeting you want to draw attention to the seriousness of the situation and insist that a new, dynamic, advertising campaign must be launched to boost sales. You say: A) I'm hoping that the drop in sales will be easily remedied by an increase in advertising. B) I would like to point out to you all that the recent drop in sales is likely to be of short duration; so the present level of advertising can continue. C) Obviously the poor quality of our clothes is at fault, so we need to improve our production methods. D) The drop in sales is certainly discouraging, so let's allocate more money for further advertising. E) To my mind, the company's performance in sales is most disquieting and a vast advertising drive is urgently required.

141- As a young Journalist you have been asked to interview a well-known economist, who is always willing to give facts but is always reluctant to express his own opinions. You have also been warned that he is difficult to interview, and that you should be prepared to flatter him. So you have prepared some questions relating to the state of the economy in the country. Your first question to him would be: A) I'm sure you must have given a great deal of thought to the economic situation here, so would you be kind enough to share your conclusions with the public? B) Are your economic theories valid in such apolitical situation? C) How did you arrive at such a conclusion? I can't follow the argument D) Is it true that you are only prepared to deal with facts and figures, but that you like to keep your opinions to yourself? E) Apparently you have recently expressed some very pessimistic views regarding the state of the economy. Is this so, and if so, why? 142- As a member of a charity society you have organized a fund-raising dinner for the society. You want to invite a well-known author to give a talk at the dinner. You know this author rarely does such a thing; so, you are a little hesitant as you phone to invite him. You say: A) I'm sure you'll agree to join us at our fundraising dinner, won't you? B) As the dinner is for charity, I've been wondering if you would be so kind, just this once, as to address the guests. C) I know you're a great speaker at charity dinners, so can I count on you to come to ours? D) Please let me know in advance the topic of the talk you are going to give at our charity dinner. E) You do realize, don't you, that the dinner is being given in aid of charity. Your presence at the dinner would attract more people. 143- A well-respected colleague of yours has been awarded a prize for his research work. Everyone is delighted because he really did deserve the prize. But one nasty character among the colleagues said some very spiteful things about his prize-winning work. Clearly this has hurt him, and at the first opportunity you say to him: A) I can't think what made him talk like that its not like him at all! B) Everyone is thrilled that you got the prize. Congratulations. C) Don't let him upset you. He's jealous, that's all. Everyone else is pleased. D) To be fair, no one thought you would get the prize, including that nasty character. E) Actually, you've got a bit conceited on getting the prize; that may be why he attacked you.



144- An article has been submitted for publication in your journal. On reading the article you feel that, though the topic is interesting, it is not really suitable for your journal. You decide to turn it down. In a note to the author whose feelings you don't wish to hurt, you say: A) Your article is extremely provocative and is likely to arouse a great deal of controversy. B) I liked the contents of your article but unfortunately it's not the sort of material we publish. C) Though the article is stimulating, the material is not well-organized and so lacks coherence. D) Your article can be accepted for publication so long as you polish it a little and reduce its length. E) This is the kind of article I really dislike and, for our journal, it's well below standard. 2004 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 145- A friend's child is acting in a very disturbing way. You feel that professional help is urgently needed, so you say to your friend and her husband: A) Why don't you wait a little? l think you're being over-anxious. B) all children go through difficult limes. C) I really think you ought to consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible. D) It's probably just a phase he's going through. Not to worry. E) You must come to some agreement between yourselves before going to a psychiatrist. 146- You are organizing a conference on the Hittites, and wish to open it up to a wide public. Hence, you decide to invite as the main speaker, an eminent Hittite historian, well-known on account of his studies in this field. On the phone you say to him: A) Your works on the Hittites have always generated a lot of discussion among colleagues B) Do try to come; your presence and your speech at the conference will arouse a great deal of public interest. C) l am a great admirer of your work and enjoyed listening to your paper at the conference. D) l was delighted to hear that you'll be present at the opening of the conference. E) Let me know as soon as possible whether you will in fact be able to attend the conference and give a paper.

147- You are sending an article to a Journal tor publication and wish to alert the editor to the fact that the article is based on the results of research which lasted tor nearly ten years, in your covering letter you say: A) It seems like ten years now since l began working on this research project and have finally got the results that are detailed in this article. B) During the past decade, I enjoyed collecting the material for this article. l hope you think it is worthwhile. C) The material is completely reliable: I collected it all myself. D) I do have more material, but I think this article is quite long enough. E) I would like to point out that this article draws upon almost a decade-long research-work. 148- You are working on the Stock Exchange as a broker. A client of yours is insisting on investing in the shsres of a company that, in your opinion, is not sound. To discourage him you say: A) l believe you'd be well-advised to put off making any decision for a while. B) l presume you have checked on how this company is doing, haven't you? C) You may be right. l don't wish to influence your decision. D) l don't regard this as a wise choice since this company no longer inspires confidence. E) Come back in a day or two; in the meantime, find out more about the company. 149- You are the judge presiding over a trial and think that a considerable amount of evidence presented by the defence lawyer is of no relevance to the case. So you say to him: A) Are you quite sure that this piece of evidence does not conflict with what you have previously said? B) in my opinion, the evidence presented by the defence lawyer has little bearing upon the case. C) The evidence presented in this case seems to me to be rather controversial. D) The defence lawyer has presented his evidence in a very precise manner. E) l put it to you, as the lawyer for the defence, that much of this evidence has nothing to do with the case.



150- On entering your office you find a colleague of yours working on your computer. On seeing you, he immediately starts apologizing and says: A) I' m sorry I was not able to let you know before. B) Sorry for using your computer without your permission. C) I tried to reach you last night, but didn't manage to. D) Forgive me for not getting it finished in time. E) Sorry to keep you waiting. It's almost finished. 2004 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 151- A friend of yours has fallen and broken his leg. it will have to be in plaster for quite some time. Since he's normally a very active person, he's going to find it very difficult to lead a more sedentary life. You can't offer much comfort but do your best and say: A) Im afraid your leg won't heal for a long time. B) What are you going to do all day stuck here? C) What were you doing? You must have been very careless. D) What's happened has happened. You'll just have to make the best of it. E) Even when they take the plaster off, it will still be difficult to walk! 152- Your department has hired a new secretary who is shy and rather lacking selfconfidence. You know that the head of the department, who she will be working for, behaves rather formally although he is actually a very sociable person. You want her to know this, and so say: A) He's so unpredictable; I don't think you'll be able to put up with him. B) If I were you, Id always be on my guard against him. C) Don't be put off by his stiff manner; he's really a very warm person. D) I don't think you're the sort of person who'll be happy to work with him. E) You are lucky to have got this job; Im sure you'll do your best in it.

153- One of your officemates is always coming in to work late. As he's a good friend of yours, you've been keeping the fact from the manager. But now you're getting tired of this, so you decide to share your problem with another friend. You say: A) Could you have a word with him? Perhaps he'll share his troubles with you. B) What do you think of him? I think he's doing quite well. C) Everyone comes in late sometimes. D) He's a good person, and the manager likes him. E) This has been going on far too long. Im not prepared to cover up for him any longer! 154- A junior member of the research team has messed up a long-term laboratory experiment with the result that months of effort are lost. He is, actually, a very reliable person and well-qualified. As he is very upset, you want to comfort him and say: A) Don't worry. Everyone gets it wrong sometimes. B) You should have been careful! You've ruined everything! C) Make sure this doesn't happen again! Otherwise you'll be fired. D) Everyone on the team must be very annoyed, I imagine E) I didn't expect you to be so careless and irresponsible. Whats the matter with you? 155- At a company board meeting you feel that everyone favours playing safe. You feel no one is being dynamic enough. You believe one has to fight in order to win, so, in an effort to stir up a more active response in your colleagues, you say: A) This board has always followed a cautious policy, and I see no reason at all to do otherwise. Im sure you all agree. B) You're right! We need to be extremely cautious at this critical time, and take no risks whatsoever. C) Let's take our time over this decision. There's no need at all to rush matters. D) There's no point in being middle-of-the-road all the time! Nothing can be achieved without taking some reasonable risks. E) Heated arguments never do any good so let us all try to keep calm.



156- You and a colleague are preparing a report for the 15th of the month. You and your colleague are collecting the data for the report separately but then all the Information will be brought together and the report finalized. Your colleague thinks this can be done in a day and wants to do it on the 14th. You feel this would be too late, and so you say: A) Good; we can surely finish it in a day, can't we? B) What's the matter? Haven't you started collecting the data yet? C) l don't like leaving things till the last minute. All sorts of problems could crop up. D) We must be very careful not to duplicate our information and there must be no contradictions. E) So long as we start early in the morning, we ought to be able to finish it in time. 2005 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 157- The son of a friend of yours has come to you to get your opinion on whether it's time to start looking for a new job. You are glad to hear him say this as you think he's wasted in his present position. So you urge him to start looking elsewhere and say: A) Why not? Every now and again everyone benefits from a change. B) Do you think he'd listen to you? C) It's high time you started to think of a change. The present job doesn't offer you anything in the way of a challenge. D) I'm not sure. Don't get a reputation for changing your job every year or so. Employers want employees who stay. E) It's not a bad idea! Do you have anything special in mind? 158- A friend has come to your hometown, Bursa, for a couple of days. He phones you in the hope of fixing a meeting. Unfortunately your time is fully booked up. You explain thisand-than so that this won't happen-again, you go on to say: A) I'm not usually this busy. Perhaps we can manage to meet another time. B) Well, at least we've been able to talk for a few minutes, and-that's better than nothing. C) I'm really very sorry about this. How often do you come to Bursa? D) Next time you plan to come to Bursa be sure to let me know in advance and I'll make quite sure we can meet. E) John was here last week; also on business. I managed to see him

159- A friend wants you to rent her apartment from her. You don't like the apartment at all but you don't want to offend your friend by saying so. You decide to refuse her offer on the grounds that the apartment is not centrally located, and you say: A) It's the area that's the problem for us. Getting the children to school every day would be too much of a problem. B) The apartment is fine. It's light and it's roomy. But it's really not big enough for us. C) It would be convenient for keeping an eye on mother, but I always feel nervous in a ground floor apartment. D) It would have been ideal for us. But yesterday we signed the contract for renting an apartment and can't go back on it. E) Let me see it first, and then we can talk about it. 160- A newly married couple are thinking of emigrating to Canada and have come to you to see if you think it's a good idea or not. You don't want to influence them either way, but you do want them to think about it carefully before deciding; so you say: A) My advice to you is, quite simply, forget the pros and the cons, and just go. B) If you have children they'll probably be grateful to you for having the courage to make the break. C) If you find you don't like it there you can always come back. You have nothing to lose. D) I imagine the advantages and disadvantages balance each other out. If you are both keen to go, then go. E) It's a big step to take and the decision must be yours. But do think it over together very carefully before you decide. 161- You are the chairman, but at the meeting you know that the whole of the board will be against you; however, you are determined to have your way in this particular matter. So before objections can be made, you say: A) I don't want to listen to your objections, but you can make further positive suggestions. B) I've thought about it and this seems to be the best course to take, don't you agree? C) We're going through with this. There's nothing more to be said about it. D) I'm the chairman! Why do you always criticize my plans? E) There seems to be nothing more to say. Shall we end the meeting?



162- Someone has asked you to tell a younger colleague that he ought to be more careful about his choice of friends and about how he spends his time out of office hours. You regard this as a violation of an individual's rights, and say very firmly: A) No; certainly not. That would be too much like interfering. B) That's not an easy thing to tell anyone. I couldn't do it. C) No, I don't think so. Would it be right? D) No; I don't believe I could do that. But I'll think about it. E) Do you really think it's necessary? Moreover, do you think it would do any good? 2005 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 163- A friend is asking you for a loan, and it's quite a substantial one too. You know this person won't take "no" for an answer unless it is a very strong "no". This being the case, you say: A) I'll think it over. B) Perhaps a little later in the year. C) It's quite out of the question; I'm hard up myself. D) That's an awful lot of money? E) What do you need it for? I bet it's not for anything important. 164- You know your friend has a tendency to shout and say more than is wise when he's annoyed and frustrated, so in the hopes of keeping him calm, when he is stopped by traffic police for speeding, you say urgently: A) Mind you keep your voice down and say as little as possible. B) I'll pay half the fine for you. C) Tell him other cars were going faster. D) Say you're tired and want to get home as fast as possible. E) Say the radar's at fault that you weren't speeding. 165- A friend has invited you to the opening of her exhibition. You dislike opening nights because they are noisy and crowded. You intend to go another day. You turn down the invitation in a way that won't make her feel hurt and say: A) Are you expecting a large crowd? Because you know I can't stand being in a large crowd. B) Sorry, I've a prior engagement that evening. Perhaps, I'll drop by another time. C) We're working late all next, week, so it looks as if I'll have to give this exhibition a miss.

D) As you know, I don't like packed opening nights but I'm looking forward to looking at all the exhibits in peace and quiet on the next day. E) Thanks for the invitation to your opening. I had planned to attend but something cropped up at the last minute and I forgot about it. 166- A group of friends are going on an outing. The meeting place is fixed and so is the time: 10 o'clock. You're not sure that you'll be able to go and don't want the friends to wait for you unnecessarily. So you say: A) I really wish I could come too. B) 10 o'clock is rather early. Shall we make it 15 past? C) I'm definitely coming. Be sure to let me know if there's a change in the time. D) We're not waiting for anyone so everyone had better be there by 10 o'clock. E) If I'm not there by 10 o'clock, it means I shan't be able to come. So don't wait for me. 167- You are in the final stages of getting a book ready for the printers. A rather officious colleague keeps on offering his help. You turn down his offer politely, but coldly. You say: A) I don't need anyone's help, and certainly not yours. B) There's nothing you can do to help. C) I appreciate your offer but I shan't be requiring any assistance. D) All I need is a little peace in which to get things finished in my own way. E) No. It's all finished. And even if I write another book, I shall keep quiet about it. 168- Your firm is under contract to build a bridge. You feel it is essential that certain legal matters are cleared up before construction work commences When your partner opposes you in this matter, you stick to your principles and say: A) I'm as disappointed as you are for the delay, but we can't move until legal matters are settled. B) I don't pretend to understand legal matters. C) I don't see that we are breaking our contract. D) If the legal problem is as small as you say it is, then I suppose we can overlook it and start work on the bridge. E) Very well; construction work starts tomorrow



2006 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 169- A colleague is going to check someone out on the Internet for you. Its his life that you are interested in, not his works, so you say: A) Hes rather an obscure person. Im not surprised you couldnt find out anything about him. B) Get me something about his life and check who has written his biography. C) I believe hes written an autobiography; can you check if thats so? But its other publications that Im really interested in. D) Hes rather a controversial figure, and that interests me. E) I know so little about him; I cant tell you what to look for. 170- You are planning to retire at the end of the month. This means closing your office which means that the secretary will be unemployed. Youd like to know that this secretary has a good job to go to as she has given you good service. So when you run into a friend you say: A) Its not easy to get a good secretary these days. How did you find yours? B) Ive had my secretary for 10 years now and Ill be sorry to see her go. C) Shes quite the best secretary Ive ever had; so she wont be out-of-work for long. D) Some secretaries are too efficient for my liking. They make you feel theyre the boss! E) Im job-hunting for my secretary! Do you happen to need a really reliable one? 171- A friend hates to say no when asked to do something. As a result she often agrees to help or join in, even when she knows she probably wont be able to do so. This morning she has announced that she wont be able to help at the afternoons fundraising tea, though last week she said she would. You are very angry and say: A) Cant you change your mind? It will be difficult to find someone to take your place. B) Youre always letting us down like this. Learn to say no from the start! C) Why didnt you say so before? Can you find someone to take your place? D) Cant you come even for a short time? E) We counted on you. Youre always so reliable.

172- You are being interviewed by a rather aggressive reporter, who seems intent on stirring up trouble. You are determined to be as non-committal as possible in your answers. So, when asked for your opinion of a highly controversial law that has recently been enforced, you say: A) Its sure to be revoked before long. B) I refuse to answer your question. C) Dont misunderstand me; but Im all in favour of it. Youll see. It will work out fine. D) Circumstances being as they are it was probably necessary. E) Its too early to say. Theres a lot to be said on both sides. Lets just wait a while. 173- A friend has been having a really tough time for several weeks. Everything has been going wrong for her and shes really very depressed. Theres nothing anyone can do to help except offer a little understanding and sympathy. You say: A) Try to keep smiling. Itll pass. We all have to go through these hard times. B) Stop worrying and stop complaining. C) Were all here to help you. Just let us know what you want us to do. D) Its time to forget all about it and make a new start. E) Take a firm stand and dont let things upset you like this. 174- A colleague has just had an article accepted for publication. You are as pleased as he is about this as it has been unfairly turned down by several editors. You congratulate him very warmly and say: A) Good for you! Its not too good a magazine, but at least its getting published. B) I told you to keep on trying. In the end one usually finds a publisher! C) Now get on with the next article and, mind you, dont make the same mistakes! D) Thats great news! Congratulations. Im so pleased someone has finally recognized its worth. E) I suppose the subject of the article isnt a very popular one.



2006 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 175- You are interviewing someone for a job. You dont think the applicant has the right qualifications or even the right character for the position. However, you decide to give him the chance to further explain his talents. You say: A) If you would like to ask any questions you may do so. B) This job starts at a low salary, but there is the possibility of promotion. C) You do realize, dont you, that you will sometimes be required to work at weekends? D) What makes you think you are the best candidate for this job? E) Have you applied elsewhere for a job? 176- You are at the airport in a foreign city. You want to hire a taxi to take you to your hotel, but first you want to find out the fare so that the taxi driver cant overcharge you. You say to the taxi-stand attendant: A) Its very expensive to take a taxi these days, isnt it? B) Im sorry to disturb you, but is there a taxi available to take me to the Smith Hotel? C) Excuse me, could you please tell me approximately how much it will cost me to go to the Smith Hotel? D) Why arent there any taxis waiting? E) I think Ill rent a car instead of taking a taxi. Where are the rental offices? 177- Your director at work has offered you a promotion. You dont want to take the position even though there would be a large pay increase, because it would involve moving your family to another city. You go to the director and say: A) What do you think I should do? B) Thank you for considering me for this position, but Ive decided Id rather stay where I am for now. C) Could you give me a week to think it over? D) How much would my salary increase were I to take this promotion? E) Ill take the position only if I can find a good job for my wife and good schools for my children. 178- You are hosting a dinner party in your home and want to offer your guests a chance to sit and talk before they come to the table to eat. As your guests arrive, you say: A) Wont you come into the living room to have something to drink and chat before we eat? B) I hope that you like lamb its the main dish tonight. C) Welcome! Thank you so much for coming. D) Lets sit down to eat right away. The foods getting cold! E) Can I take your coats for you?

179- You turn on the television to watch your favourite programme, only to discover that it had been rescheduled and shown the previous evening. Since you have missed the programme, you are angry and say: A) Let me see what programmes they have tonight. B) So at what time will the programme be on next week? C) Oh well, now I have extra time to get caught up on my e-mail. D) Theyve no right to make changes without first announcing them! E) Im thinking of buying a new television. 180- You are in a subway train on your way to visit a friend who is in hospital. You arent sure which stop to get off at, so you say to another passenger: A) Which stop are you getting off at? B) Is it far to walk to Central Hospital after I get off? C) Do you know which stop is the closest to Central Hospital? D) This train runs very deep underground, doesnt it? E) You need the train going in the opposite direction, dont you? 2007 MAYIS KPDS SORULARI 181- Friends are house-hunting and seem set on a certain area near the centre of the town. You dont think this is a very good area to choose, as its noisy and crowded there and prices are higher than in other parts of the town. You offer your advice and say: A) I cant understand why you want to move house. Your present house is very comfortable, isnt it? B) Have you looked at houses in the suburbs where houses are cheaper and theres less noise? C) This is not a good time for buying a house; wait for the spring. D) Obviously the nearer you are to the centre of town the easier everything is. E) Weve lived in the same house for 20 years and are not thinking of a move.



182- At your sons school there has been an essay-writing competition. Your son worked very hard on his entry in the competition, researching the material and then organizing it. But, he didnt get a prize, so hes very disappointed. You want to console him and say: A) It doesnt matter. But next time try a bit harder. B) Surely, you must be very upset. C) They should have told you what your faults were. D) Never mind; it was a good essay and I know you did your best. E) I never wanted you to enter the competition; I knew you wouldnt win. 183- You hear that a close friend is now in hospital, seriously ill. Hes been complaining about aches and pains and general ill-health for weeks, but you havent taken him seriously as you know him as a very healthy individual. Youve been telling him to ignore the signs and symptoms. Now you realize how wrong you have been; to yourself really, you say: A) B) C) D) E) How could I have been so blind, so foolish? Well, how was I to know? Im not a doctor. I have always shown the right way. After all, he didnt look at all ill. I expect hell recover pretty soon now that hes being properly looked after.

185- A friend is continually asking a favour of you. You are tired of making up excuses and giving reasons for not complying. You are now working on a new tactic and are refusing on principle and offering no explanation. To a constant, but why not?, you reply: A) Im refusing. Theres no more to be said. B) Ive helped you out too many times already. C) Ive already done a favour and will always be ready to help you again. D) Because I dont think that, in the long run, it would be doing you a service. E) Well, I suppose I could change my mind. 186- You go with a friend to attend an evening party made up almost entirely of opera singers but you dont know this until too late. Opera is an art-form that affords you no pleasure and you say this rather loudly at some point during the evening. Its clear that youve made a blunder! Later, you reproach your friend for not having warned you; you say: A) Ive never met anyone connected with the opera before, but I really enjoyed being with this group. B) I didnt realize you had so many friends with a connection with the opera. C) Im going to go to an opera when next I get a chance. D) You might have told me who they were! It would have saved me no end of embarrassment. E) Im sorry I offended your friends; but I must say I didnt really like them. 2007 KASIM KPDS SORULARI 187- A colleague of yours who has just returned from an international conference tells you that the paper he presented at the conference generated a good deal of discussion. Clearly you are pleased by the news but are curious to know whether the overall reaction to his paper was positive. So you say to him: A) So I see your mind is still at the conference. Did many people comment on your paper? B) I am very impressed indeed by what you say. Tell me. Did most of those who commented on your paper support your points? C) I am sure interesting papers on a wide range of topics must have been presented at the conference. How did yours go? Were there many people in the hall to hear you? D) I am glad that you were able to attend the conference. Did your topic arouse much interest in the participants? E) I understand that you made a good impression at the conference. Were there many questions put to you?

184- A young friend has recently started to take piano lessons and is actually making considerable progress. However, she feels depressed because she is not improving as fast as she would like to. As you very well know, her problem is a lack of confidence in herself, so you decide to encourage her and make her keep on with the lessons. You say: A) Have you talked it over with the teacher? What does he advise? B) Its up to you. If you want to give up the lessons then you had better do so. C) The trouble with you is that you give up far too easily! For once, put up a fight! D) If one is going to play the piano one needs to start at an early age! E) If you arent enjoying the lessons, then youd better give them up.



188- From the cases reported every day in newspapers, you feel that domestic violence is on the rise in society. You think that something should be done to help the victims, so you raise the matter with friends and discuss it with them. Unanimously you agree that some action must be taken immediately. So you make a suggestion to them: A) Personally, I think that the victims of domestic violence, who are mostly women, should seek legal advice and demand protection. B) As far as I am concerned, it is the responsibility of the authorities to introduce severe measures for the prevention of domestic violence throughout the country. C) If we are to believe social workers and sociologists, the causes of domestic violence are so diverse and complex that the solution of this problem is almost impossible. D) I propose that we first set up a volunteer group to reach victims while at the same time we form an association to fight domestic violence in the country. E) Since domestic violence has become an increasingly serious social problem, I think that new legislative measures put into effect must be followed up by efficient policies for the solution of the problem. 189- Your younger brother, who is yet at the beginning of his career as a financial analyst, tells you that he is not happy with his job at an international bank and that he wishes to change it. You are concerned because you know that, with excellent performance, your brother can, in due course, make good progress in his career and be promoted to a more prestigious position in the bank. To advise and encourage him, you say: A) Surely your performance at the bank has not met the expectations of your superiors, so you feel that you need to find another job where your capacity will not be questioned. B) I am really very angered by what you say. You really must work very hard in order to impress your superiors so that you may be eligible for promotion and overseas assignment. C) So you have at last reached a decision to change your job. I agree that it is always very challenging to work for an international organization, even though it may offer some good opportunities for career progress. D) I really cant understand why you wish to change your job. You always wanted to be a financial analyst, but now you say you are not happy. Well, if thats your choice. E) It is too early for you to make a decision as such. You are working in an international environment, and there will be better and more gratifying opportunities ahead for you to progress in your career.

190- A friend of yours is a famous novelist as his novels published so far have been extremely popular. However, he is worried that the new novel he is writing will not be so popular, since he is not satisfied with the plot and characterization in it. As you know his capacity for creativity and smoothness of style, you try to dispel his worries by saying: A) You know everybody enjoys reading your novels. Besides, let critics judge your new novel which, Im sure, will fully reflect your creative and lucid way of writing. Feel at ease. B) Every great writer has had periods of decline in his or her creativity. However, you are not a great writer even though you may be popular. I suggest you follow their example: stop writing for a while and wait to recapture your creativity. C) I agree that you mustnt be misled by the popularity of your novels, some of which have already been harshly criticised. So, however creative you may be, your new novel may again be attacked by critics. D) This shows that it is time you gave up writing altogether. In recent years, with your novels so popular, you may have thought that you were the greatest writer in fiction. E) In a novel, plot and characterization are probably the most important aspects. So I find it rather hard to believe that a novelist who enjoys so much popularity can fail in these areas. 191- You are discussing with some colleagues the problem of widespread famine in Africa. While your colleagues strongly maintain that the United Nations must provide more resources and aid to solve the problem, you disagree with them and argue that, besides the United Nations, a consortium of the worlds richest nations must also take action not only by sending more aid to these countries but also by mobilizing native resources and enabling the people to grow their own food. You conclude your argument by saying: A) As you all know, the rich nations have historical connections with Africa, and so they should be most willing to play a role in the affairs of this continent. B) Only then can there be some progress towards the solution of the problem, which is so extensive and serious that it exceeds the logistic capacity of the United Nations. C) Historically, Africa was colonized by many of these rich nations, but famine has always been a major problem there. D) On the other hand, unless the native people learn how to use the land and their own resources, the problem of famine in Africa can never be solved. E) So I share your view as regards the United Nations, which has always given priority to the problems concerning Africa and its people.



192- Due to the heavy traffic today, you are late to your appointment with the dean of the faculty, who you know is always punctual. When you get to his office, you not only apologize but also blame yourself for being late. You say: A) Today there is a lot of traffic on the roads, even though I left home earlier than usual! I thoroughly regret being late for my appointment. B) I regret that you had to wait for me. Although I left home early, I did not think that there would be so much traffic on the roads. C) My apologies for the congestion on the roads, because of which I am late for the appointment, though I set out quite early. D) I am really very upset because of this delay caused by the heavy traffic on the roads. In fact, I did leave home at the usual time. E) I am very sorry for this delay because of the traffic. I should have left home much earlier than usual to be here on time.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

CEVAP ANAHTARI B 51 C 101 B C 52 B 102 A D 53 D 103 D A 54 A 104 E C 55 B 105 C E 56 A 106 C C 57 D 107 B B 58 C 108 A A 59 B 109 E D 60 C 110 A C 61 A 111 B D 62 B 112 E B 63 E 113 C A 64 D 114 B D 65 B 115 B E 66 C 116 E C 67 E 117 B C 68 A 118 E A 69 B 119 D D 70 D 120 A C 71 E 121 C A 72 B 122 A B 73 B 123 B E 74 A 124 C E 75 D 125 B B 76 C 126 A A 77 A 127 A C 78 E 128 E D 79 E 129 C B 80 E 130 A E 81 C 131 E C 82 B 132 B B 83 A 133 E A 84 D 134 C D 85 A 135 D C 86 C 136 A C 87 D 137 C B 88 E 138 D D 89 A 139 D E 90 E 140 E A 91 B 141 A D 92 E 142 B A 93 D 143 C D 94 A 144 B B 95 D 145 C A 96 C 146 B C 97 A 147 E E 98 E 148 D E 99 C 149 E A 100 C 150 B

151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200



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