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The simple Past

Rule :

verb regular verbs

past The past form for all regular verbs ends in -ed.

work worked explode exploded like liked go see sing went saw sang

irregular verbs

The past form for irregular verbs is variable. You need to learn it by heart.

The structure for positive/affirmative sentences in the simple past tense is:

The structure for negative sentences:

The structure for question :




Exerecice 1. I ______________________________ (play) tennis yesterday 2. but I ______________________________ (not win). 3. We ______________________________ (wait) a long time for the bus 4. but it ______________________________ (not come). 5. That's a nice shirt. Where ______________________________ (you buy) it? 6. She ______________________________ (see) me 7. but she ______________________________ (not speak) to me. 8. ______________________________ (it rain) yesterday? No, it was a nice day. 9. That was a stupid thing to do. Why ______________________________ (you do) it ?

Pronunciation of the simple past regular verbs

Les verbes rguliers ont un prtrit termin en 'ed', cas gnral: on ajoute 'ed' la base verbale verbe termin en 'e':on ajoute 'd' la base verbale verbe termin en 'consonne +y': y est remplac par 'i' verbe 1 syll. termin par 'cons.voy.cons.', on double la cons. rappel de la formation du prtrit: play => played die => died carry => carried pin => pinned laugh invite => spy => pat => finish => finished => laughed love => loved invited cry => cried spied stop => stopped patted

La prononciation du 'ed' dpend du son qui le prcde selon les cas ce sera


/d/ ou /t/

1er cas


/id/ /id/ aprs les sons /d/ et /t/

shouted landed

'ed' se prononce exemple: want, wanted = want(id) invited decided printed flooded

started needed

Voiced and voiceless sounds

Pour les deux autres cas il faut faire la diffrence entre 'voiced sounds' et 'voiceless sounds' 'voiced sounds' : ce sont ceux qui, lorsqu'on les prononce, font vibrer les cordes vocales. Ex: /v/ /z/ les 'voiceless sounds' ne font pas vibrer les cordes vocales. Ex : /f/ /s/ prononcez ces sons en mettant vos mains sur le cou au niveau des cordes vocales pour comprendre la diffrence dites par exemple: van, voice, zebra, zoo, family, fun, sad, sky
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2me cas 'ed' se prononce /b/ rubbed /g/ bagged

Prononciation /d/ /d/ lorsque le verbe se termine par un 'voiced sound'

/l/ pulled /m/ hummed /n/ earned /r/ scored /v/ lived /w/ snowed (rub-d) /y/ played

She cleaned (clean-d) the living room while her children were at school. 3me cas

Prononciation /t/
'ed' se prononce /f/ laughed

/t/ lorsque le verbe se termine par un 'voiceless sound'

/k/ /p/ typed /s/ kissed /sh/ pushed /ch/

(laugh-t) /x/




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