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NOTE: (i)Attempt all questions. (ii) All question carry equal marks. Q1.

Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 Marks) (a)What are the basic functions of a microprocessor? Differentiate between microprocessor and microcomputer? (b)What building blocks are essentially required for any microprocessor? (c)With reference to 8085 show the timing diagram for the instruction ADD B. The diagram must show both fetch and execution part clearly demarcated. Q2. Attempt any two parts of the following: (a)(i)The 8085 microprocessor is executing program given below: MVI A,10H MVI B,10H LOOP:ADD B RLC JNC LOOP HLT How many times ADD B takes place? (ii) An 8085 is executing following program: LXI H,4325H LXI SP,3000H MOV A,H ADD L PUSH PSW POP H HLT At the end of program execution what will be the contents of HL register pair? (b)Explain all addressing modes of 8085? (c)Explain Looping and its types? With flow charts. Q3. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 Marks) (a)Through which lines an 8085 may be interrupted? Is there any among them that does not have an associated vector address? How is the device identification done in that case? (b)Write a program to count continue sly in hexadecimal from FF H to 00 H in a system with a 0.5 Microsecond Clock Period.Use register C to set up a 1 Mili second delay between each count and display the number at one of the output port. (c)Write a program to generate a continuous square wave with the period of 500 microsecond. Assume the system clock period is 325 Nanosecond. Use bit D0 to output the square wave. (10 Marks)

Q4. Attempt any two parts of the following: (a)Write an 8085 assembly language program to convert binary to BCD? (b)An 8-bit binary number (e.g. 9F)stored in memory location xx50.Write a program to: (i)Transfer the byte to accumulator. (ii)Separate the two nibbles. (iii)Call the subroutine to convert each nibble into ASCII hex code. ( iv)Store the codes in memory locations xx60H and xx61H. Write a subroutine to convert a binary digit(0 to F) into ASCII hex code.

(10 Marks)

(c)A binary number is stored in memory location BINBYT. Convert the number into BCD and store each BCD as two unpacked BCD digits in the output buffer. To perform this task write a main program and two subroutines: one to supply powers of ten and the other to perform the conversion. Q5. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 Marks) (a)Show bitwise flag register of 8086 and explain the function of each flag with example. (b)What is DMA? Explain with neat diagram the internal architecture of8237 DMA controller. (c) Explain all addressing modes of 8086 microprocessor?

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