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CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER! Growth at the tip of stems and roots is due to cell division in the..... A. Vascular cambium B. Vascular tissue C. Apical meristem D. Mesophyll layer E. Lateral meristem Meristem tissue is .... A. thetissue in most plants consisting of undifferentiated cell B. the young tissues are differentiated C the permanent tissue that have undifferentiated D. the permanent tissue are differentiated E. the young cells are actively dividing 3. The most abundant kind of plant cells are A. Collenchyma B. Cork cambium C. Meristem D. Parenchyma E. Epidermal Openings in the cuticle of the leaf that control the exchange of gases A. Sclerenchyma B. Sieve tube member C. Stomata D. Tracheid E. Guard cell Vascular tissue that transport sugars from the leaves to all parts of the plant A. Xylem B. Phloem C. Tracheids D. Meristem E. Mesophyll 6. To maintain plant life must move / transport the substances from root to leaf and from leaf to the root. To transport water from roots to leaves in order to use the tissue.... A. colenchyma B. epidermis C. xylem D. phloem E. parenchymal 7. Consider some of the characteristics of plant tissues following: 1)cells form hexagons 2)cells are compact and have no cavities between cells 3)outer wall thickening 4)Do not have chlorophyll 5)The cell is still meristematic What are the characteristics of epidermal tissueis.... A.1, 2and 3 B.1, 3and 4 C.2, 3and 4 D.2, 3and 5 E.3, 4and 5 1.




8. The figure shows a cross section the structure of dicot root.

Match the names to the numbers 1,2,3,4 and 5


1 cortex epidermis cortex epidermis

2 xylem endodermis epidermis endodermis

3 endodermis phloem phloem xylem

4 epidermis xylem endodermis phloem

5 phloem cortex xylem cortex cortex

9. Whi ch of the

E endodermis xylem phloem epidermis following is the main function of collenchyma and schlerenchyma? A. B. C. D. E.

Storage Support Transport Photosynthesis Protective tissue 10. Which of the following plant cell is thin-walled, can carry on photosynthesis and can be used to store food? A. Sclerenchyma B. Collenchyma C. Parenchyma D. Xylem E. Phloem 11. A plant tissue has the following characteristics: 1) The composition of the cell meeting 2) Does not contain chloroplasts and thick-walled 3) Serves as a network protector Based on the characteristics above is.... A. meristem tissue B. sponges tissue C. parenchyma D. epidermis E. collenchyma 12. Which of the following plant cell is thin-walled, can carry on photosynthesis and can be used to storefood? A. Sclerenchyma B. Collenchyma C. Parenchyma D. Xylem E. Phloem 13 Most monocots do not have which of the following? Xylem Phloem Primary growth 2

A. B. C.

D. E.

Secondary growth Apical meristem 14. Which the following structures is found in stems but not in roots? Node Cortex Epidermis Vascular tissue Cambium
15.The purpose of phloem in plants is to.

A. B. C. D. E.

produce a tough covering for plant stems enable the plant to grow transport sugar and organic compounds transport water and mineral support the plant

16.When water enters guard cells, the stomata .


A. Do not change B. Cannot carry on gas exchange C. Close D. Open E. Shrink 17. What do all the organ of the body have in common? A. B. C.

Each contains the same kinds of cells Each is composed of several different kind of tissue Each of derived from ectoderm Each of derived from endoderm Each can be considered part of the circulatory system


18. Look the picture below!

LabelX is .... . A. Hair roots, serves to absorb substances from the soil mineral B.Kaliptra, serves to absorb substances from the soil minerals C.apical meristem, serves to penetrate the soil D.apical meristem, serves to absorb substances from the soil mineral E.Kaliptra, serves to cover the apical meristem
19.The figure shows a cross section the structure of dicot stem.

The meristem secondary isnumber. . A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 C. 5

20. The following are a variety tissue of leaf : 1. epidermis 2. palisade 3. sponge 4. Vascular tissue 5. Guard cell The process of photosynthesis in the leaves mostly occurs on the .... A. 2 and 3 B. 2 and 4 C. 3 and 4 D. 3 and 1 E. 5 and 1 21. A student doing a microscopic observation of onion root tip. He got a tissue that actively dividing cell in mitosis. The tissue is..... AParenchyma B.Sklerenkim C.Cellenchyma D.Meristem E.Epidermis 22. The function of epithelial tissue as ... A. Protection, reinforcement, absorption B. secretion, support, excretion C. protection, transportation , excretion D. support, protection, secretion, secretion, absorption 23. The cardiac muscle is an involuntary muscle, meaning. ... ... .... A. Quickly reaction B. controlled by autonomic nervous system. C. controlled by Central Nervous System D.contracts rapidly E. slowly reaction 24 A tissue has the following characteristics: 1. Dark and dirty 2. The source of collagen is arranged parallel forming one bundle 3. Found in hip bone joint Tissue that has those characteristics is. A. Hyaline cartilage B. Compact bone C. Elastic cartilage D. Fibrose cartilage E. Smooth muscle

Consider following the figure of nerve cell bellow!

The function of part X is to A. Receive stimuli B. Continue stimuli to another nerve cell C. Control all of nerve cell activities D. Response to stimuli E. Continue stimuli to cental nervous
Which of the following list of tissues consists of only animal tissues?


A. B. C. D. E.

Epithelial tissues, vascular tissues and nerve tissues Schlerenchyma tissues, muscle tissues and adipose tissues Epithelial tissues, muscular tissues and nerve tissues Muscular tissues, vascular tissues and nerve tissues Epithelial tissues, vascular tissues and parenchyma


Differences between smooth muscle and skeletal muscle are as follows, except


Smooth muscle The location of cell nucleus is in the middle It has no fibril and myofibril Cells are dense and smooth It has no autonomic nerve Voluntary

Skeletal muscle The location of cell nucleus is inside It has fibril and myofibril Cells have no branch It has autonomic nerve Involuntary

28. Connective tissue, although quite diverse in structure and location, do share a common theme, the connection between other types of tissue. Although all of the following seem to fit that criterion, one of the tissues listed is not a type of connective tissue. Which one?

A. Blood B. Adipose tissue C. Muscle

D. Cartilage E. Lymph Which of the following is not example of smooth muscle?


A. Lining the blood vessels B. Iris of the eyes C. Wall of the digestive tract
D. Cardiac E. Intestine The figure shows different type of muscle!


A B C The figure A,B and C are A. Skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and striated muscle B. Skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle and smooth muscle C. Skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle D. Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle E. Smooth muscle,skeletal muscle,cardiac muscle 32. System involved in communication and integration of information included in all of the following systems except.
A. The nervous system B. The immune system C. The endocrine system D. The sensory system E. The motoric system

i. i. ii. 33. The tissue illustrated below is..


Which of the following are NOT connective tissues?

A. B. C. D. E. Blood Tendon Bone Adipose tissue Cardiac

Cuboidal epithelium Adipose tissue Squamous epithelium Connective tissue Columnar epithelium

35. The tissue illustrated below is..

A. B.

squamous epithelium stratified columnar epithelium 6

C. D. E.

columnar epithelium squamous stratified epithelium transitional epithelium A. B. C. D. E. striated voluntary muscle smooth voluntary muscle smooth involuntary muscle cardiac muscle fibrous muscle

36. Which muscle tissue moves bones?

37. The tissue illustrated below is

A. B. C. D. E.

striated muscle adipose blood squamous epithelium cartilage

38.Match the tissue type with the function. except Tissue type Function

A. Connective Tissue


B. Muscle Tissue


C. Epithelial Tissue


D. Nervous Tissue

Covering and lining

E. Epithelial Tissue


39.The outside of blood vessels is lined with....

A. Cuboida l epithelium B. Squamous epithelium C. Transitional epithelium D. Columnar epithelium E. Stratified columnar

40. Where is ciliated columnar epithelium NOT found in. A. the kidney tubule

B. C. D. E.

lining the fallopian tubes lining the trachea lining the small intestine oviduct

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