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Biology psychology is the study of how the structure, evolution, growth, and chemsitry of living things control, define

and affect human behavoir. Neuron A specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve cell. Sensory Neurons a neuron conducting impulses inwards to the brain or spinal cord. Motor Neurons A nerve cell forming part of a pathway along which impulses pass from the brain or spinal cord to a muscle or gland. Interneurons A neuron that transmits impulses between other neurons Dendrites A short branched extension of a nerve cell, along which impulses received from other cells at synapses are transmitted to the cell body. Axon The long threadlike part of a nerve cell along which impulses are conducted from the cell Myelin Sheath a layer of myelin encasing (and insulating) the axons of medullated nerve fibers Action Potential The change in electrical potential associated with the passage of an impulse along the membrane of a muscle cell or nerve cell. Threshold A point of entry or beginning Synapes A junction between two nerve cells, consisting of a minute gap across which impulses pass by diffusion of a neurotransmitter. Neurotransmitters A chemical substance that is released at the end of a nerve fiber by the arrival of a nerve impulse and, by diffusing across the synapse or junction, causes the transfer of the impulse to another nerve fiber, a muscle fiber, or some other structure Reuptake a process of using up or consuming again Endorphins Any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions. Nervous System The network of nerve cells and fibers that transmits nerve impulses between parts of the body. Central Nervous System The complex of nerve tissues that controls the activities of the body. In vertebrates it comprises the brain and spinal cord. Peripheral Nervous System The nervous system outside the brain and spinal cord. Nerves A whitish fiber or bundle of fibers that transmits impulses of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs

Somatic Nervous System the section of thenervous system responsible for sensation and control of theskeleta l muscles Autonomic Nervous System The part of the nervous system responsible for control of the bodily functions Symathic Nervous System The part of the autonomic nervous system originating in the
thoracic and lumbar regions of the spinal cord that in general inhibits or opposes the physiological effects of the parasympathetic nervous system, as in tending to reduce digestive secretions, speeding up the heart, and contracting blood vessels.

Parasympathetic Nervous System The part of the autonomic nervous system originating in
the brain stem and the lower part of the spinal cord that, in general, inhibits or opposes the physiological effects of the sympathetic nervous system

Reflex An action that is performed without conscious thought as a response to a stimulus. Endocrine System the system of glands that produce endocrine secretions that help to control bodily metabolic activity. Hormones A person's sex hormones as held to influence behavior or mood Adrenal Glands Located above the kidneys in the lower back, these two glands

produce several kinds of hormones.

Pituitary Glands In vertebrate anatomy the pituitary gland, or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland about the size of a pea and weighing 0.5 g Lesion A region in an organ or tissue that has suffered damage. Electroencephalogram A test or record of brain activity produced by electroencephalography. PET Scan is a nuclear medicine imaging technique which produces a three-dimensional image or picture of functional processes in the body MRI Magnetic resonance imaging FMRI a form of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain that registers blood flow to functioning areas Brainstem the part of the brain composed of the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
and connecting the spinal cord with the forebrain and cerebrum

Medulla The inner region of an organ or tissue, esp. when it is distinguishable from the outer region or cortex. Reticular Formation a mass of nerve cells and fibers situated primarily in the brain stem

and functioning upon stimulation especially in arousal of the organism

Thalamus the largest subdivision of the diencephalon that consists chiefly of an ovoid
mass of nuclei in each lateral wall of the third ventricle and serves to relay impulses and especially sensory impulses to and from the cerebral cortex

Cerebellum The part of the brain at the back of the skull in vertebrates. Its function is to coordinate and regulate muscular activity. Limbic System A complex system of nerves and networks in the brain that controls the basic emotions and drives. Amygdala Hypothalamus An almond-shaped mass of gray matter in the anterior portion of the
temporal lobe.

Cerebral Of the cerebrum of the brain: "a cerebral hemorrhage". Glial Cells a cell of the neuroglia. Frontal Lobes Each of the paired lobes of the brain lying immediately behind the forehead, including areas concerned with behavior, learning Parietal Of, relating to, attached to, or denoting the wall of the body or of a body cavity or hollow structure. Occipital of or relating to the occiput; "occipital bone Temporal Lobes Each of the paired lobes of the brain lying beneath the temples, including areas concerned with the understanding of speech. Motor Cortex The part of the cerebral cortex in the brain where the nerve impulses originate that initiate voluntary muscular activity. SensoryCortexthe region of the cerebral cortex concerned with receiving andinterpreting
sensory information from various parts of the body.

Association Areas A region of the brain that connects sensory and motor areas, and thought to be concerned with higher mental activities. Plasticity The adaptability of an organism to changes in its environment or differences between its various habitats. Neurogenesis the development of nerve tissues. Corpus Callosum A broad band of nerve fibers joining the two hemispheres of the brain. Split Brain is a lay term to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting the two
hemispheres of the brain is severed to some degree.

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