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GOD loves uniqueness. Think of snowflakes. God created every single snowflake different. In one cubic foot of snowfakes, there are 18 million snowflakes. How many snowflakes do you think are there in Alaska? In Antartica? All over the globe? How many snowflakes have fallen to earth for the past thousands of years? But no matter how many gazillions there are, not a single one is the same as the other. Amazing. If thats too mind blogging, think of beetles. Did you know that there are 300,000 various species of beetles? Question: Couldnt God have just made 300 species of beetles? Wouldnt that have been already too much? But God loves to create unique individuals. Nature is an explosion of uniqueness! So many colors, shapes, sizes, textures, intensities, smells, movements... Now think of YOU. Physically, youre so unique, no one has your fingerprints, footprints, and voiceprints. No one has your eyes thats why they use eyes now for hi-tech identification. No one has your lipsthe grooves on them are uniquely your own. No one has your heart, your veins, your bones... Every part of you is totally unique. In fact, no one on planet earth has your DNA. And going beyond the physical world, no one has your exact personality, or exact background, or exact history. Dear friend, you werent made by a factory with an assembly line, put together on a conveyor belt by robotic angels. You were fashioned by a Master Craftsman in His heavenly studio, every part of you painstakingly shaped by His loving hands. Because of this, you are a one-of-a-kind, customdesigned Masterpiece, created for a special purpose. I pray you discover this sacred uniqueness and holy purpose today as we start our exciting brand new series, YOUNIQUE: God Made You Different for a Purpose. Your eyes will be opened to the four uniqueness that make you special: Talk 1: Your Personality Talk 2: Your Past Talk 3: Your Passion Talk 4: Your Potential Have a blast this month! May your dreams come true,


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A Catholic Prayer Meeting of the Light of Jesus Family


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August 19, 2012

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Youre custom-built. There is nothing like you in this worldabsolutely nothing! Look at your thumb. Did you know that you can be identified just by your thumbprint? Youre the only one who has that thumbprint out of the six billion people in the world. And not just your thumbsyour footprint, denture print, voiceprint, and face print are also unique. Even your eye is unique theres now retina scans. And this is all because your DNA is unique. Youre uniqueone-of-a-kind! You werent made by a factory with an assembly line, put together on a conveyor belt by robotic angels. You were fashioned by the Master Craftsmanin His heavenly studio, every part of you, painstakingly shaped by His loving hands. Because of this, you became a one-of-a-kind, customdesigned, created-for-a-specialpurpose masterpiece!

Heres praying that you discover this sacred uniqueness and holy purpose as we start today our exciting brand new series: YOUNIQUE: God Made You Different for a Purpose. In the next four or five weeks, your eyes and mind will be opened to the four unique aspects that make you special. Let us talk about: Your Personality (temperaments), Your Past (birth order), Your Passion (childhood), Your Potential (mission) Today lets delve into the personality (temperaments) aspect. Remember, God has a great purpose for your life (every area of your life). Engjoy Him, engjoy Life! Have a unique and fantastic Feast today! In Him, Bro. Eng (wag uulitin)

BO SANCHEZ PS. Bring your friends next week! Let them catch up and get the blessings of

The Feast Valenzuela is a weekly prayer gathering of the Light of Jesus Family held at the Cinema 1 of SM Valenzuela, every Sundays, from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. For questions and concerns, contact Danny Aonuevo @ 09178275755 or email us at

Talk 1: Your Personality Unlock Your Uniqueness

Psalm 139:13-16 (LB) You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb.Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Ephesians 2:10 We are Gods workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works. Personal Reflection and Group Discussion: How has your personality blessed other people? ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ ________________________________


FACILITIES MINISTRY Stretch that muscle. Tone those biceps. No, not at the gym but at the happiest place on earth! Get involved in the supervision of equipment and facilities for a successful Feast gathering. Contact Louie Ubalde at 0918-3100684 today. MEDIA MINISTRY Have a knack for weaving words into inspiring pieces? Or telling stories through photographs? Join the Media ministry and continue to make Jesus famous with pens and cameras. Contact Emcy Manuel at 0917-8363629 for more details.

Do you want to be doubly blessed? Be a part of any ministry and showcase your skills for Gods glory!

INTERCESSORY Think youre living a prayerful life? Bless others more by becoming a prayer warrior! Join other warriors as they lay their hands on troubled souls in lifting up hopes, wishes, and dreams. Contact Sis Nida Pineda at 0927-6173989 to know how to bless others just by saying a little prayer.

<<Flashback Aug 5, 2012

Ferdinand Castillejos

Mike Aonuevo

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