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Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 1 Write the name of a reducing agent which reduces aldehydes and ketones

into alcohols. 2 What happens when carboxylic acids react with ammonia? 3 How will you convert an acid into ester without using an alcohol? 4 What is Tollens reagent? 5 Write the structural formula of 3-phenylprop-2-enal. 6 What is formalin? 7 What is Fehlings solution? 8 Formaldehyde gives Cannizzaro reaction but acetaldehyde does not. Why? 9 Write the IUPAC name of ethyl n-propyl ketone. 10 Why are carboxylic acids called fatty acids? 11 Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their boiling points. CH3CHO, CH3CH2OH, CH3OCH3, CH3CH2CH3 Q 12 How carboxylic acid can be prepared from Grignard reagent? Q 13 Explain why cleavage of phenyl alkyl ethers with HBr always produces phenol and alkyl bromides and not bromobenzene and alcohols? Q 14 Why electronic substitution in benzoic acid takes place at meta position? Q 15 Why does benzoic acid not undergo Friedel-Crafts reaction? Q 16 Draw the structure of o-methylbenzaldehyde. Q 17 What is the most usually encountered problem with oxidation of primary alcohols to aldehydes? Q 18 Aldehydes have lower boiling point than corresponding alcohols. How is it advantageous in the preparation of aldehydes? Q 19 Do ethylenic bonds and carbonyl bonds have same type of hybridization of carbon atoms? Which type of reactions are common between the two? Q 20 Dry hydrogen chloride gas is used in the addition reactions of alcohols and aldehydes. Give reason. Q 21 What would be the product formed when a mixture of calcium acetate and calcium propionate is distilled? Q 22 How can we catalytically dehydrogenate primary alcohols to form aldehydes? Q 23 Why aldol condensation reaction fails in the case of benzaldehyde? Q 24 What happens when sodium acetate is heated with sodium hydroxide and calcium oxide? Q 25 Name the only aldehyde that is gaseous at room temperature. Q 26 Why aliphatic aldehyde do not show position isomerism? Q 27 Why are carboxylic acids more acidic than phenols? Q 28 Explain the Koch reaction? Q 29 Write the IUPAC name and structures of Malonic acid and Succinic acid Q 30 Describe the cross aldol condensation. Q 31 Why are the effects of elecltrondonating and withdrawing groups as substituents on the acidity of carboxylic acids? Q 32 Write short note on Hofmann Bromamide reaction. Q 33 Most aromatic acids are solids but the aliphatic acids are mostly liquids. Why? Q 34 Aromatic aldehydes and ketones are less reactive than aliphatic aldehydes and ketones. Why? Q 35 Write the main uses of methanal. Q 36 Write the preparation of bakelite. Q 37 Ph2CH2COOH (ii) (CH3)2C=CHCOOH Give the IUPAC names of the above compounds: Q 38 Give a chemical test to distinguish between acetophenone and benzophenone. Q 39 Write a short note on Claisen condensation? Q 40 Explain the Wolff-Kishner reduction? Q 41 Write short notes on Perkins reaction. Q 42 An alkene with the molecular formula C5H10 upon ozonolysis gives one mole of propanal and one mole of ethanal. Deduce the formula of alkene. Q 43 Why the addition of ammonia and its derivatives to the carbonyl compound does not occur in highly acidic medium, even though the reaction is catalysed by H+ ions? Q 44 How can we distinguish between acetaldehyde and formaldehyde? Q 45 What are the products obtained when methanal undergoes Cannizaro reaction? Q 46 Write the IUPAC name of Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q

Q 47 Complete the following reaction


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A concentrated solution of sodium propionate is electrolyzed. What is the product formed at anode? What is the order of pKa values of FCH2COOH, ClCH2COOH, BrCH2COOH and ICH2COOH? Acetone is highly soluble in water but acetophenone is not. Why? List any two differences between C=C and C=O bonds? Which polymer is obtained from formaldehyde? Write the polymerization reaction involved. Arrange the following in order of their increasing reactivity towards HCN

a) CH3CHO b) CH3COCH3 c) HCHO d)C2H5COCH3 Q 54 An organic compound of molecular formula C6H12O formed an orange- red precipitate with 2,4- DNP reagent and gave yellow precipitate on heating with iodine in presence of sodium hydroxide. It neither reduced Tollens or Fehlings reagent. Identify this organic compound. Q 55 List the two most important advantages of using poisoned catalyst in Rosenmunds reduction? Q 56 The acid chlorides used in rosenmunds reduction are prepared by reacting carboxylic acids with thionyl chlorides. Why is this considered as best method to prepare acid chlorides? Q 57 In addition of sodium hydrogensulphite to carbonyl compounds, the position of equilibrium lies to the right hand side for aldehydes and to the left for most of the ketones. Explain the reason. Q 58 How can you convert ethanal into lactic acid? Q 59 How can ozonolysis of alkenes produce aldehydes and ketones. Explain briefly? Q 60 How we can obtain aldehydes from nitriles and name the particular reaction? Q 61 Why are methylbenzenes so important to prepare aromatic aldehydes? Q 62 Why acid anhydrides are less reactive than the corresponding acyl halides? Q 63 Explain with a suitable example: 1. Rosenmund reduction. 2. Aldol condensation. Q 64 Write the IUPAC name of the following compounds.

Q 65 How will you convert ethanal into the following compounds? (a) 3-hydroxybutanal (b) But-2-enal (c) But-2-enoic acid Q 66 Distinguish between aldehydes and ketones. Q 67 What happens when: (i) Acetic acid reacts with chlorine in the presence of phosphorus, and product is hydrolyzed with aq. NaOH? (ii) Benzoic acid is treated with thionyl chloride? (iii) Toluene is heated with alkaline KMnO4? Q 68 Write the physical properties of carboxylic acids. Q 69 Write the physical properties of ethanoic acid. Q 70 Compound A of molecular formula, C5H12Br, yields a compound B of molecular formula C5H12O when treated with aqueous NaOH. On oxidation, the compound B yields a ketone C. Vigorous oxidation of the ketone yields a mixture of ethanoic and propanoic acids. Deduce the structures of A, B and C. Q 71 How bisulphite addition reactions can be used for the purification of aldehydes and ketones? Q 72 Arrange following compounds in the decreasing order of their boiling points. CH3CH2CH2CHO, CH3CH2CH2CH2OH, H5C2OC2H5 and CH3CH2CH2CH3 Q 73 Gattermann-Koch reaction is used for the preparation of aromatic aldehyde. Explain it briefly. How is it different from Gattermann reaction? Q 74 How we arrive at Benzaldehyde from Toluene and name the reaction? Q 75 As we know aldehydes can be prepared by using acid chlorides in Rosenmunds reduction. Can we prepare ketones from acid chlorides? Explain briefly. Q 76 List any three different methods for the preparation of ketones, which can also be used for aldehydes. Q 77 Discuss Friedel-Craft acylation reaction briefly. Q 78 Draw the structures and the IUPAC names of the following compounds (i) Mesityl oxide (ii) Acrolein (iii) Isobutyric acid Q 79 Discuss the role of acid catalysts in nucleophilic addition reactions of aldehydes and ketones. Why are aldehydes more reactive than ketones for such type of reactions? Q 80 Give the chemical reactions of the following conversion. (i) Butanal into butanoic acid (ii) 3-nitrobromobenzene into 3-nitrobenzoic acid (iii) Butyl alcohol into butanoic acid (iv) Benzyl alcohol into phenyleth-1-oic acid (v) Cyclohexene into hexan-1,6-dioic acid Q 81 Complete and balance the following reactions: (i) CH3CHO + H2NNH2CONH2 (ii) C2H2 + H2O . .

(iii) CH3CH=CHCH2CH3 + O3 (iv) C6H5CHO + KOH (conc.) (v) .

Q 82 Aldehydes can be prepared from alkenes by following methods. 1. Hydration of alkynes 2. Ozonolysis of alkenes Explain each of them briefly. Q 83 Explain the following briefly 1. Some carbonyl compounds are used in perfumery. 2. The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are lower than corresponding alcohols and carboxylic acids. 3. The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are higher than corresponding hydrocarbons and ethers. 4. The boiling points of aldehydes and ketones rise with increasing molecular weights. Q 84 Give names of the reagents to bring about the following transformations: (i) Hexan-1-ol to hexanal (ii) Cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone (iii) P-Fluorotoluene to p-Fluorobenzaldehyde (iv) Ethanenitrile to ethanal (v) Allyl alcohol to propenal Most Important Questions Q 1 Write the IUPAC name of the following compound.


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Describe the structure of carbonyl compounds? What is Rosenmunds reduction reaction? What is Gatterman reaction? What is Stephens reaction? What is Etard reaction? What is Friedal Crafts acylation reaction? Write the IUPAC name of the following compounds.

Q 9 Why the boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are higher than hydrocarbons and ethers of comparable molecular masses? Q 10 Why the boiling points of aldehydes and ketones are lower than those of alcohols of similar molecular masses? Q 11 Why the lower members of aldehydes and ketones such as methanal, ethanal and propanone are miscible with water in all proportions? Q 12 Give mechanism of nucleophilic addition reaction? Q 13 Why aldehydes are generally more reactive than ketones in nucleophilic addition reactions? Q 14 What is Clemmensen reduction? Q 15 What is Wolff-Kishner reduction? Q 16 Give Tollens test. Q 17 What is Fehling solution A and B? Q 18 What is Rochelle salt? Q 19 Give Fehlings test? Q 20 What is halofarm reaction? Q 21 What is Aldol condensation? Q 22What is cross Aldol condensation? Q 23 What is Cannizzaros reaction? Q 24 Describe structure of carboxylic acids? Q 25 Write chemical reactions to affect the following transformations: (i) Butan-1-ol to butanoic acid (ii) 3-Nitrobromobenzene to 3-nitrobenzoic acid (iii) 4-Methylacetophenone to benzene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid (iv) Butanal to butanoic acid. Q 26 Why carboxylic acids are higher boiling liquids than aldehydes, ketones and even alcohols of comparable molecular masses? Q 27 Why carboxylic acids are highly acidic as compared to phenols? Q 28 What is the effect of electron withdrawing and electron donating groups on the acidity of carboxylic acids? Q 29 Why phenyl or vinyl groups directly attached to the carboxylic acid, increases the acidity of corresponding carboxylic acid? Q 30 What is Kolbe electrolysis?

Q 31 What is Hell- Volhard-Zelinsky reaction? Q 32 What is Friedel Craft acylation reaction? Q 33 What is decarboxylation?

Q 34 Give the products or the reagents wherever necessary. Q 35 Which acid of each pair shown here would you expect to be stronger? (i) CH3COOH or CH2FCOOH (ii) CH2FCH2CH2COOH or CH3CHFCH2COOH Q 36 What are the uses of carboxylic acids? Q 37 Why during the preparation of esters from a carboxylic acid and an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst, the water or the ester should be removed as soon as it is formed? About Us | Contact Us | User Policy | FAQs | Careers | Site Map | Copyright Policy | Helpdesk . All Rights Reserved.

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