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Department of Education SFA Common Record XML Schema Change Log

Description of Fields:
Version #: The release version of the fileset that includes this change.
Change #: A reference number of the change performed.
File changed: The name of the file that was changed. There should normally only be one file name per change log entry.
Description: Details on the change.
Reason: Background on the change, if necessary.

Version # Change # Date File changed Description of change Reason for change

1.00 0 8.24.01 CommonRecord1.0-VR.xsd first release of documents
move the DocumentId element to be
the first element in the
1.0c 1 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd CommonRecordType cT

in the DisbursementType cT, for the

Number attribute, change the
1.0c 9 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd maxInclusive value from 20 to 99
in the PellType cT, add
minOccurs="0" for the following
CostOfAttend, AcCal, PmtMeth,
1.0c 13 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd VerifStatCd, EnrollDt fields are not required

in the CommonRecordType, add

minOccurs="0" for the ReportingSchl needs to be optional to allow
1.0c 14 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd element for receipts

in the
ProgramYearReportedSummaryType value will be broken out for
1.0c 15 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd cT, remove the TotAmtRep element awards and disbursements

in the
cT, add elements
TotAwardAmtRep (LargeCurrency)
1.0c 16 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd TotDisbAmtRep (LargeCurrency)

in the
1.0c 17 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd e cT, remove the TotAmtRep element
in the
e cT, add elements
TotAwardAmtRep (LargeCurrency)
1.0c 18 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd TotDisbAmtRep (LargeCurrency)

in the CommonRecordResponseType
cT, add the following enumerations for
the element DocumentType:
BN = Response for Booking
PS = Response for Payment to
PN = Response for Promissory Note
ND = Negative Disbursement
RC = Receipt
RS = Response
SG = Response for other System
1.0c 19 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd Generated

in the LoanAwardType cT, add the

1.0c 23 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd element AwardNum (integer, 3)

in the PLUSAwardType cT, add the

element AwardAmtRqd
1.0c 24 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd (SmallCurrency type)

in the PersonType cT, add the

element SchlUseOnly (reference to
1.0c 25 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd existing element)

in the PersonType cT, add

reqired="optional" for the attributes
1.0c 27 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd DtofBirth and SSNum

Change name of ALTLoan element to

AltLoan, and ALTLoanType cT to
1.0c 40 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd AltLoanType
Change name of PERK element to
Perkins, and PERKType cT to
1.0c 41 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd PerkinsType
remove the CrDecisionResponse
element in the
PLUSAwardResponseType ct,
and remove the
pe cT,
place the child elements
directly under the
1.0c 42 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd PLUSAwardResponseType cT

removed an additional close comment

1.0c 46 11.02.01 CommonRecord1.0-VR.xsd tag (-->) that wasn't necessary

increase the maxOccurs value for the

Disbursement element in the following
cTs to the indicated values:
CampusBasedAwardType - 52
PellType - 2000
PLUSAwardType - 400
SubAwardType - 2000
1.0c 47 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd UnsubAwardType - 2000

in the ReportingSchlType cT, add

minOccurs="0" and
maxOccurs="unbounded" for the not needed when only sending
1.0c 48 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd ReportedSummary element student information

in the ReportingSchoolResponseType
cT, add the element EditResults of
1.0c 49 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd EditResultsType
create a new cT called
AttendingSchoolResponseType, with
one element, EditResuls of type
1.0c 50 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd EditResultsType

in the AttendingSchlType cT, add an

element named Response of type
1.0c 51 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd AttendingSchoolResponseType

in the ReportingSchoolResponseType
cT, add minOccurs="0" for the not needed when only sending
1.0c 52 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd ProgYrSummary element student information

in the BorrowerType cT and

AwardType cT, remove nillable="true"
1.0c 53 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd for the LDefGOver element

in the LDefGOverType cT, add

nillable="true" for the AppliesTo and
1.0c 54 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0-VR.xsd Value elements

in the BorrowerType cT and

AwardType cT, remove nillable="true"
1.0c 53 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd for the LDefGOver element

in the NameType cT, remove

nillable="true" for the LastName
1.0c 54 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd element

in the EditResultType cT, set the

maximum lengths for the Field and
1.0c 55 11.12.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd Value elements to 150

in the
cT, add minOccurs="0" for the
following elements:
1.0c 56 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd TotDisbAmtRep
in the LoanInfoType cT, add
minOccurs="0" for the following
1.0c 57 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd AcYrEndDt

in the PersonType cT, add

minOccurs="0" for the following
1.0c 58 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd SSNum (element, not attribute)

in the LoanAwardType cT, add

minOccurs="0" for the following
1.0c 59 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd AwardCreateDt
in the
e cT, add minOccurs="0" for the
following elements:
1.0c 60 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd TotAmtCorr

in the PellAwardResponseType cT,

for the element TotEligUsed, change
the value for maxInclusive from
1.0c 61 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd 100.999 to 999.999

in the element SchlUseOnly, add

1.0c 63 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0-VR.xsd nillable="true"

in the Awards sT, change the

enumeration value DLPlus to
1.0c 64 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0-VR.xsd DLPLUS

in the Awards sT, change the

1.0c 65 11.21.01 CommonRecord1.0-VR.xsd enumeration value Perk to Perkins

for the EditResults element in the

following complex types, change
maxOccurs to be 100:
1.0c 69 11.26.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd ReportingSchoolResponseType
for the Response element in the
following complex types, change
maxOccurs to be 1 (remove it so it
defaults to 1):
1.0c 70 11.26.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd UnsubAwardType->Disbursement
change the maxOccurs value for the
following elements to the indicated
>ReportedSummary: 120
>ProgYrSummary: 120
1.0c 71 11.26.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd StudentType->LoanInfo: 60
for the SchlUseOnly element, added
the restriction on the string value: added to better define valid
1.0c 72 11.27.01 CommonRecord1.0-VR.xsd maxLength="20" field values

in the DLAwardResponseType cT, for

the PmttoSvcrAmt element, added
the restriction on the decimal value:
totalDigits="9" added to better define valid
1.0c 73 11.27.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd fractionDigits="2" field values

in the PellAwardResponseType cT,

for the element SchedFedPellGrt
change the element type from
xsd:decimal to added to better define valid
1.0c 74 11.27.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd codv:SmallCurrencyType field values

changed to better define valid

in the EditResultType cT, for the field values, ensure an
element Field change the value of EditResults block will not
1.0c 75 11.27.01 CommonRecord1.0.xsd maxLength from 150 to 35 exceed 32K

removed all element-specific

annotations and documentations,
added note that all documentation will
CommonRecord1.0.xsd be maintained only in the COD
1.0c 76 11.27.01 CommonRecord1.0-VR.xsd Technical Reference going forward

in the LoanAwardResponseType cT,

for the element MPNStat, remove the
enumerations N, I, C, and P, and add values changed to align with
1.0d 80 12.4.01 CommonRecord1.0c.xsd the enumeration X the COD Tech Reference

in the PellType cT, for the element

LowTuitFeesInd, added an values changed to align with
1.0e 81 1.31.02 CommonRecord1.0d.xsd enumeration with a value of 4. updated range by SFA

in the AddressType cT, for the City

element, changed the value of correction of the maxLength for
1.0e 82 1.31.02 CommonRecord1.0d.xsd maxLength to 24 this element

in the LoanInfoType cT, for the

PromNtPrtInd element, deleted the
enumeration "B" and added the correction of the enumeration
1.0e 83 1.31.02 CommonRecord1.0d.xsd enumeration "Z" for this element

done to be consistent with the

in the CountryType simpleType, enumerated list values, which
removed the restriction are all that is necessary to
1.0e 84 1.31.02 CommonRecord1.0d-VR.xsd <xsd:length value="3"/> appropriately constrain the field

in the EditResultsType cT, added an

element ReportedValue, as a string determined to be needed to
1.0f 86 2.28.02 CommonRecord1.0e.xsd with a maxLength of 150 support edit processing
added simpleType named
SignedLargeCurrencyType, as a
decimal with a minInclusive of determined to be needed
-999999999999.99 and maxInclusive internally to support legacy Pell
1.0f 89 2.28.02 CommonRecord1.0e-VR.xsd of 999999999999.99 responses
added simpleType named
SignedSmallCurrencyType, as a
decimal with a minInclusive of determined to be needed
-999999999.99 and maxInclusive of internally to support legacy Pell
1.0f 90 2.28.02 CommonRecord1.0e-VR.xsd 999999999.99 responses

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