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Int J Plast Technol 1 Int J Plast Technol 1

McchanIca! prnpcrtIcs nf natura! bcrs
rcInfnrccd pn!ycstcr hybrId cnmpnsItc
A. AthIjayamanI
, M. ThIruchItramba!am
, V. Manikandan
B. Pazhanivel
Department of Mechanical Engineering, A. C. College of Engineering and Technology,
Karaikudi 630004, Tamilnadu, India
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tamilnadu College of Engineering,
Coimbatore 641659, Tamilnadu, India
Principal, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
SVCCE & T, Puliankudi, Tamil Nadu, India
Engineering Service Division, Central Electro Chemical Research Institute,
Karaikudi 630006, Tamilnadu, India
|n |nis intcs|iga|icn, |nc mccnanica| prcpcr|ics cf na|ura| f|crs rcinfcrcc pc|qcs|cr nq|ri f|cr
rcinfcrcc pc|qcs|cr ccmpcsi|c ucrc ana|qsc |asc cn |nc u| an |cng|n cf |nc f|crs. Tnc g|ass
f|cr pc|qcs|cr ccmpcsi|cs ucrc a|sc prcparc |c ccmparc |nc prcpcr|ics. Tnc frac|urc surfaccs cf
|nc ccmpcsi|c spccimcns ucrc intcs|iga|c using scanning c|cc|rcn micrcsccpq. Tnc |cnsi|c an
|nc cxura| s|rcng|n incrcascs ui|n |nc f|cr |cng|n an ccn|cn|. On |nc c|ncr nan, |nc impac|
s|rcng|n ccrcascs ui|n |nc f|cr |cng|n an ccn|cn|. Tnc cxpcrimcn|a| rcsu||s ucrc ccmparc ui|n
prcic|c rcsu||s using rcgrcssicn mcc|.
Keywords: Polymer-matrix composite y NaluraI hlers y Hybrid composite y Mechanical
properties y Scanning electron microscopy
In recenl years, lhe naluraI hlers conposiles have received a fuII allenlion in
nany appIicalions. NaluraI hlers are salisfying lolh econonic and ecoIogicaI
inleresls. They are suilalIe aIlernalives for gIass hlers due lo lheir specihc
strength and stiffness [1]. The extensive research work has been carried out
on lhe naluraI hler reinforced conposile naleriaIs in lhe Iighl of lhe groving
environmental awareness. They are naturally available in abundance and can
le used lo reinforce poIyners lo ollain Iighl and slrong naleriaIs |2j. The hlers
from natural plants are utilized for commercial applications such as household
applications, automotive industries, etc. [3]. The composites made of polymeric
Received: 3 April 2009 / Accepted: 4 February 2010
LARPM, Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology, 2009
2 Int J Plast Technol
materials are being used in many applications, such as industrial, construction,
marine, electrical, household appliances, automotive, sporting goods, etc. The
polymeric composites have high strength, high stiffness, light weight and high
corrosion resistance [2]. Many investigations have been reported on several
lypes of naluraI hlers such as jule, ax, henp, lanloo, and kenaf lo sludy lhe
effecl of lhese hlers on lhe nechanicaI properlies of conposile naleriaIs |4-7j.
esides, a nunler of invesligalions have leen conducled on naluraI hler hylrid
conposile naleriaI lo sludy lhe effecl of hylridizalion of lhese hlers on lhe
mechanical properties. The tensile strength of plain weave hybrid ramiecotton
fabrics polyester matrix composites was determined as a function of the volume
fraclion and orienlalion of lhe ranie hlers |8j. The dynanic properlies such
as the storage modulus, damping behaviour and static mechanical properties
such as lensiIe, exuraI and inpacl of randonIy orienled inlinaleIy nixed shorl
lanana/sisaI hylrid hlre reinforced poIyesler conposiles as a funclion of lolaI
hler voIune fraclion and lhe reIalive voIune fraclion of lhe lvo hlers vere
invesligaled |9j. The effecls of concenlralion and nodihcalion of hler surface
in sisaI/oiI paIn hylrid hler reinforced ruller conposiles have leen sludied
[10]. The water absorption behavior, the effect of the temperature of immersion,
hler voIune fraclion, and predrying of lhe falrics lefore lheir incorporalion
onlo lhe conposiles of sisaI/collon, jule/collon and ranie/collon hylrid falric
reinforced composites were evaluated [11]. The static and dynamic mechanical
properlies of kenaf hlers and vood our hylrid poIypropyIene conposile vere
studied [12]. An investigation has been conducted on short randomly oriented
lanana and sisaI hylrid hler reinforced poIyesler conposiles lo anaIyse ils
mechanical performance [13].
5tatIstIca! mndc!
The statistical design of experiments is the process of planning the experiments
in order to get the output data uniformly distributed all over the ranges of
inpul paranelers. If an experinenl is lo le perforned nosl efhcienlIy, lhen a
scienlihc approach lo pIanning il, nusl le considered. The slalislicaI design of
experiments is the process of planning experiments so that appropriate data will
be collected, the minimum number of experiments will be performed to acquire
the necessary technical information, and suitable statistical methods will be used
to analyse the collected data. Thus there are two aspects to any experimental
design, the design of experiment and the statistical analysis of the collected data.
Generally two approaches were used in studies to predict yarn quality from
hler and yarn characlerislics: lheorelicaI approaches and slalislicaI approaches.
Statistical or empirical models have relatively higher predictive power than
theoretical models. Multiple regression analyses are the most common statistical
nelhods. SeveraI regression equalions have leen eslalIished |14-18j.
Int J Plast Technol 3
The roseIIe hler, a cIose reIalive of jule and henp, vas used as reinforcing hIIer
for isolaclic poIypropyIene for lhe hrsl line, nainIy due lo lhe cosl-effecliveness
and natural abundance [19]. But it has not been explored as a reinforcing material
for a commodity thermosetting so for. Besides, there is no previous report on
lhe nechanicaI properlies of shorl roseIIe and sisaI hler hIIed poIyesler hylrid
conposile lo lhe lesl of our knovIedge. Lach naluraI hler (asl and Ieaf) has
its own special mechanical properties. According to Mohanty et al [20] the
lasl hlers exhilil a superior exuraI slrenglh and noduIus of eIaslicily, lul
lhe Ieaf hlers shov superior inpacl properlies. This invesligalion vas inilialed
vilh ain of allaining vhoIe nechanicaI perfornance vilhin a naluraI hler
composite. Based on the commercial applications like house-hold furniture
and industrial applications, the investigation like the present contribution is
essenliaI one in fulure. In lhe presenl vork, roseIIe and sisaI hlers vere used
as reinforcenenls lo poIyesler nalrix. The effecls of hler conlenl and Ienglh
on nechanicaI properlies of roseIIe and sisaI hler reinforced hylrid poIyesler
composite were investigated. Besides, the glass/polyester composites were also
prepared to compare the mechanical properties. The experimental results were
compared with predicted results using regression model.
ExpcrImcnta! dctaI!s
RoseIIe and sisaI hlers are exlracled fron lhe lasl and Ieaf of lhe pIanl Hi|iscus
sa|ariffa |. and Agave sisalana. The hIanenl Ienglh of lhese hlers is 1n and
0.4m. The sisal leafs were cut from sisal plant and tied into bundles in bags.
Then the bags containing the sisal leafs were retted in water for 34 days. The
retted leafs were washed in running water and the top portion of the leafs
vere renoved eilher ly nanuaIIy or ly nechanicaIIIy. The separaled hler
was cleaned and dried in the sunlight. The mechanical properties of the sisal
hler is given as TalIe 1. To gel lhe good quaIily of hlers lhe roseIIe crops vere
harvested at the bud stage. The stalks were tied into bundles and retted in water
for 34 days. The retted stem of the roselle plant was washed in running water.
Then lhe hlers vere renoved fron slen, cIeaned and dried in lhe sunIighl.
The nechanicaI properlies of lhe roseIIe hler is given as TalIe 1. The naluraI
hler reinforced poIyners are used in lhe aulonolive and conslruclion induslry
|21-23j lecause naluraI hlers exhilil nany advanlageous properlies such as
Iov veighl, Iov cosl, Iov densily, high specihc properlies and avaiIaliIily
fron renevalIe resources. In lhe presenl vork, roseIIe and sisaI hlers vilh
1030wt% and length of 50150 mm were used as reinforcements to unsaturated
polyesterbased matrices, Trade name Satyan Polymer supplied by GV Traders.
Unsaturated polyester is an economical thermoset resin that is widely used
due to its excellent process ability and good cross linking tendency as well as
4 Int J Plast Technol
mechanical properties when cured [24, 25]. Methyl ethyl ketone and Cobalt
napthenate were used as accelerator and catalyst respectively. Typical properties
of unsaturated polyester are given in Table 2.
Tab!c 1. MechanicaI properlies of roseIIe and sisaI hler
Fiber Strength MPa Strain % of elongation Modulus of GPa
Roselle 147-184 O.O5-O.O8 5-8 2.76
Sisal 8O-164 0.110.15 1115 1.46
PrcparatInn nf cnmpnsItc spccImcn
The roseIIe and sisaI hler vere evenIy arranged in a nouId neasuring 36O nn
u 360 mm u 3 mm. The resin was degassed before pouring and air bubbles were
removed carefully with a roller. The closed mould was kept under pressure for
24 h. The samples were cured at 30 for 24 h followed by a post curing in an oven
al 5OC. The conposiles vere falricaled in lhe forn of al sheels of lhickness
3 mm. The length, width and the thickness of each sample were approximately
150 mm u 20 mm u 3 mm, respectively. However, the glass/polyester composites
were also prepared as mentioned above. Several glass/polyester composites
vere prepared ly varying lhe vl of gIass hlers. The Ienglh of gIass hlers vas
kept constant to 5 cm for all glass/polyester composites. To analyse the effect of
hler conlenl and Ienglh and proporlion of nalrix naleriaI on hylridizalion of
naluraI hler in conposiles, lhis range of falricalion paranelers vere seIecled.
The balance of the mixture was made up of the polyester resin to give a total
veighl lalch size of 1OO. The conposile specinen for lensiIe, exuraI, and
impact strength determination were prepared into standard ASTM test
Material characterization
The lensiIe and exuraI lesls vere perforned according lo ASTM slandard
testing methods. The tensile strength of the composites were measured with a
Tab!c 2. Typical properties of unsaturated polyester resin matrix
Appearance Yellow viscous liquid
Specihc Cravily 25C (SI/QA/LWI/11) 1.1
(a) IC-4 (Seconds) 3OC 110
(l) rookheId (CIS) 25C RVT nodeI 48O
VoIaliIe conlenl () 15OC (SI/QA/LWI/O8) 42.5
Acid vaIue (Mg.KOH/C) (SI/QA/LWI/O6) 6.97
Int J Plast Technol 5
conpulerized IIL universaI lesling nachine in accordance vilh lhe ASTM D638
procedure al a cross head speed of 2 nn/nin. The exuraI lesls vere perforned
on the same machine using the 3-point bending method according to ASTM
D79O vilh lhe cross head speed of 2 nn/nin. In inpacl lesl, lhe slrenglh of lhe
samples was measured using an Izod impact test machine. All test samples were
nolched. The procedure used for inpacl lesling vas ISO 18O. The lesl specinen
was supported as a vertical cantilever beam and broken by a single swing of a
pendulum. The pendulum strikes the face of the notch. For statistical purposes,
a total of six samples for each tests were carried out at room temperature. The
fraclographic sludies vere carried oul in delaiI on lhe lensiIe and exuraI and
impact fracture surfaces of roselle/sisal/polyester hybrid composites using
scanning eIeclron nicroscope (SLM) (ModeI Hilachi S-3OOON).
RcgrcssInn mndc!
Several prediction techniques have been proposed to model the mechanical
properties of composite material in terms of different parameters. The regression
nodeI is found lo le usefuI in delernining lhe nechanicaI properlies of hler
reinforced polymer composites. The positive hybrid effect is achieved in tensile
and exuraI slrenglh. So ve are laking lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh dala for
statistical prediction using RM.
The data collected from the experiments was used to build a mathematical model
using regression analysis. The proposed relationship between the response
variables and fabrication parameters can be represented by the following form:
Y = f (l, c) (1)
Where l, c are hler Ienglh and hler conlenl of lhe falricalion process. Y is the
observed response.
Regression equations were found to get the relation between response variable
(lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh) and lhe inpul paranelers (hler Ienglh and
conlenl) using soflvare for SlalislicaI Iackages for SociaI Sciences 11 (SISS 11).
The model will be in the form of:

= | x |
x c
where |, x and q are constants.
are lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh in MIa,
l is lhe hler Ienglh in nn, c is lhe hler conlenl in vl.
Results and discussion
Effcct nf bcr !cngth and cnntcnt nn tcnsI!c and 0cxura! strcngth
The importance of mechanical properties analysis as a main tool in the study
of lhe perfornances of naluraI hler poIyner conposiles is of paranounl
inporlance. MechanicaI properlies of hler reinforced conposiles depend on
6 Int J Plast Technol
the nature of the polymer matrix, distribution and orientation of the reinforcing
hlers, lhe nalure of lhe hler- nalrix inlerfaces and of lhe inlerphase region.
Major properlies lo le anaIyzed on hler reinforced conposiles are lensiIe,
exuraI and inpacl slrenglh properlies elc. lhe nosl inporlanl and videIy
measured properties of composite materials used in structural applications
is lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh. The naxinun hler conlenl and Ienglh of lhe
conposile is nainlained al 3Ovl and 15O nn and lhe roseIIe and sisaI hler
content and length varied from 5 to 15wt% and 50 to 150 mm. The tensile and
exuraI slrenglh of gIass/poIyesler conposile vilh 1Ovl and 5O nn vere
125.3MIa and 146.3MIa as shovn in Iig. 4. ul lhe lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh
Fig. 4 TensiIe, exuraI and inpacl slrenglh of gIass/poIyesler conposile
of roseIIe/sisaI hler hylrid poIyesler conposile vilh 3O vl and 15O nn
roseIIe and sisaI hlers are 58.7MIa and 76.5MIa as shovn in Iigs. 1 and 2. Il
was very low when comparing with glass/polyester composite. But this result
nay consider as an acceplalIe one. Il vas idenlihed lhal lhe reason for lhis
Iov slrenglh is lhe defecls, hler conlenl and Ienglh of roseIIe and sisaI hlers.
According to Carlo Santulli [26], the mechanical properties of hybrid composites
are decreased as far as a Iarger voIune of pIanl hlers vas inlroduced. According
lo McLaughIin LC |28j lhe pIanl hlers can vork effecliveIy lhrough lhe Iiniled
and controlled occurrence of defects, which are irregularly spaced alone their
Ienglh. As a resuIl, lhe lensiIe slrenglh of lhe hlers decreases vilh lheir Ienglh
and a pronounced strain rate effect would also be observed. This has also an
effecl on inpacl properlies of pIanl hler conposiles |26j. Here lhe roseIIe hlers
lake lhe nore responsilIe lhan sisaI hler for lhis lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh.
ecause lhe sisaI hlers are superior lo inpacl properlies |15j. Il vas proved ly
Inl } IIasl TechnoI 7
SLM inage (Iig. 5 (a) and (l)) of lhe fraclured surface of conposiles specinen
during lensiIe and exuraI lesls. Iurlher increasing roseIIe hler conlenl and
Ienglh nay increase lhe lensiIe slrenglh and exuraI slrenglh. Increasing lhe
hler conlenl fron 1O lo 3Ovl and hler Ienglh fron 5O lo 15O nn, increased
lhe lensiIe slrenglh fron 32.4 lo 58.7MIa, and exuraI slrenglh fron 51.3 lo
76.5 MIa, as shovn in Iigs. 1 and 2.The hylrid effecl of shorl roseIIe and sisaI
Fig. 1 Lffecl of hler conlenl and Ienglh on lensiIe slrenglh
Fig. 2 Lffecl of hler conlenl and Ienglh on exuraI slrenglh
8 Inl } IIasl TechnoI
Fig. 5 SEM image of fractured surfaces of composites reinforced with 30 wt% & 150 mm
and 1O vl 1OO nn roseIIe and sisaI hlers during: (a) (5OO) and (l) (2OO) lensiIe lesl,
(c) (2OO) and (d) (1OOO) exuraI lesl, and (e) (2OO) inpacl lesl
hler on lhe lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh of roseIIe and sisaI hylrid poIyesler
conposile is shovn in Iigs. 1 and 2. Il is aIso idenlihed lhal increasing in lensiIe
and exuraI slrenglh of lhe roseIIe and lhe sisaI hler hylrid poIyesler conposile
vilh increasing of roseIIe and sisaI hler conlenl and Ienglh vas in Iov IeveI.
Int J Plast Technol 9
Effcct nf bcr !cngth and cnntcnt nn Impact strcngth
Il is idenlihed lhal lhe scaller on lhe neasured vaIues of lhe inpacl slrenglh of lhe
hylrid conposiles is quile Iarge and lherefore il is difhcuIl lo drav concIusions.
The impact strength of the glass/polyester composite with 10wt% and 50 mm
is 2.36KJ/m
as shown in Fig. 4. But the roselle and sisal hybrid composite with
1Ovl and 1OO nn shovs lhe naxinun IeveI of inpacl slrenglh (1.41 K}/n2)
as given in Table 3. It is comparatively well also very low when comparing with
gIass/poIyesler conposiles. Ior lhis inpacl slrenglh, lhe sisaI hlers lake lhe
nore responsilIe lhan roseIIe hlers |15j. The Iov inpacl slrenglh is olserved
vilh naxinun IeveI of hler conlenl and Ienglh (3Ovl and 15O nn) as shovn
in Iig. 3. Increasing lhe hler conlenl and Ienglh of roseIIe and sisaI hlers Iovered
lhe inpacl slrenglh. Here aIso il is idenlihed lhal lhe reason for Iovering inpacl
slrenglh is lhe defecls, hler conlenl and Ienglh of roseIIe and sisaI hlers |26, 27j.
Carlo Santulli suggested that defects have a more central role in affecting impact
properlies in pIanl hler conposiles lhan in gIass hler conposiles |26j. So if
ve have increase lhe sisaI hler conlenl and Ienglh lhan roseIIe hlers, ve can
increase the impact strength of the roselle and sisal polyester hybrid composite
consideralIy. Here il is aIso idenlihed lhal lhe puII oul of roseIIe and sisaI hlers
ralher lhan conpIele lreaking of roseIIe and sisaI hlers vere olserved (Iig. 5 (c)).
The variation in Izod impact strength of short roselle and sisal hybrid polyester
conposiles vilh shorl roseIIe and sisaI hlers conlenl is shovn in Iig. 3.
Tab!c 3. LxperinenlaI vaIues of lensiIe, exuraI and inpacl slrenglh
SI. No Fiber length
in cm
Fiber content
in wt%
proportion in
strength in
strength in
strength in
1 5 10 90 32.4 51.3 1.3
2 20 8O 41.7 60.3 1.33
3 30 7O 48.8 64.1 1.35
4 10 10 90 4O.7 59.1 1.41
5 20 8O 44.6 63.2 1.4
6 30 7O 52.4 72.9 1.39
7 15 10 90 48.1 68.8 1.28
8 20 8O 50.9 69.2 1.25
9 30 7O 58.7 76.5 1.32
SLM inage of lhe fraclured surface of roseIIe and sisaI hlres hylrid poIyesler
conposile vilh 3Ovl & 15O nn in lhe lensiIe lesl is shovn in Iig. 5 (a) and
(l). The arrovs in SLM inage indicale lhe lroken sisaI hlers during lensiIe lesl.
SEM image of the fractured surface of the composite specimen with 30wt% and
10 Int J Plast Technol
15O nn in lhe exuraI lesl is shovn in Iig. 5 (c) and (d). The arrov in SLM inage
indicales lhe unlroken roseIIe hler during exuraI lesl. The SLM inage of lhe
composite specimen with 10 wt% & 100 mm broken under impact is shown in
Iig. 5 (e). The hler puII-oul is cIearIy olserved in lhis hgure. Il is idenlihed fron
lhe fraclure surface inages of roseIIe and sisaI hler hylrid poIyesler conposile
lhal lhere are lhe conposile faiIures during lensiIe, exuraI and inpacl lesls due
lo delonding and lhe hler puIIoul. The hler puII-oul conlined vilh nalrix
faiIure in roseIIe and sisaI hler hylrid poIyesler conposiles is lased on lhe
Ienglh of lhe roseIIe and sisaI hlers.
Dcvc!npmcnt nf rcgrcssInn cquatInns
The regression equalions for lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh vere deveIoped as:
1. TensiIe slrenglh (
) = 13.97 u l
u c
2. IIexuraI slrenglh (
) = 27.98 u l
u c
The squired residuaI vaIues (R
) for lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh al dry condilion
are found lo le O.9O2 and O.898 respecliveIy in lhe regression nodeI. R
is a
slalislic lhal viII give sone infornalion aloul lhe goodness of hl of a nodeI.
In regression, the R
coefhcienl of delerninalion is a slalislicaI neasure of
how well the regression line approximates the real data points. An R
of 1.0
indicales lhal lhe regression Iine perfeclIy hls lhe dala. The average alsoIule
percenlage errors for lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh vaIues are 2.3 and O.4
respectively. From the values of R
and average absolute percentage errors, it is
olserved lhal vhiIe considering lhe lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh of lhe hylrid
conposiles, lhe regression nodeI (slalislicaI nodeI) is found lo le in agreenenl
Fig. 3 Lffecl of hler conlenl and Ienglh on inpacl slrenglh
Int J Plast Technol 11
vilh experinenlaI resuIls. Iigs. 6 and 7 shovs lhe conparison lelveen lhe
experimental and predicted strength values.
Fig. 6 Comparison of experimental and predicted tensile strength values
Fig. 7 Conparison of experinenlaI and predicled exuraI slrenglh vaIues
This invesligalion vas originaIIy ained al lhe repIacenenl of gIass hler
reinforced conposiles. Depending on lhe exacl quaIily of hler needed, naluraI
hlers vere in nosl cases cheaper lhan gIass hlers. NaluraI hlers are aIso
expected to give less health problems for the people producing the composites.
They do not cause skin irritations and they are not suspected of causing lung
12 Int J Plast Technol
cancer. This invesligalion reporls lhal increasing lhe hler conlenl and Ienglh
increased lhe lensiIe and exuraI slrenglh, lul Iovered lhe inpacl slrenglh in lhe
nechanicaI properlies of shorl roseIIe and sisaI hylrid hler reinforced poIyesler
conposiles. The lensiIe and exuraI slrenglhs are nainIy depends on lhe conlenl
and Ienglh of lhe roseIIe hler vhiIe lhe inpacl slrenglh is depends on lhe sisaI
hlers. Il is aIso olserved lhal lhe inpacl slrenglh is decreased vilh increasing
hler Ienglh and conlenl. A reIalionship lelveen experinenlaI and predicled
(Regression nodeI) vaIues vas delernined lo le slrong ly lhe high R
and low
average absolute percentage error values obtained. This means that a good
Iinear reIalionship vas expecled. The slalislicaI (Regression) nodeI presenled
showed a good potential to model the mechanical properties of Roselle and sisal
hler hylrid poIyesler conposiles. The conparison lelveen experinenlaI and
predicted values showed that they were in good agreement. The results show
lhal lhe roseIIe and sisaI hylrid hler poIyesler conposiles vilh lhe correcl or
oplinun vl and Ienglh of roseIIe and lhe sisaI hlers can give lhe expecled
mechanical performance.
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