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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The Worlds biggest problem is not economic crisis, racism, social and political c onflicts,

disasters, health challenges, famine or wars, gender and religious dif ferences but good leadership. Morality, ethics, principles, convictions, standar ds, faithfulness, honesty, transparency, and trustworthiness are rare commoditie s in the field of contemporary leadership. Why is true leadership difficult to f ind? Why are good, God-fearing, self-motivated, uncorrupted, and selfless and s pirit- filled leaders hard to find in both our social and religious cycles? Toda y, many religions and countries are crying for effective Godly leaders. This cha llenge is greatly affecting the millennium development goals. How can we eradica te extreme poverty, achieve universal primary education, reduce infant mortality , improve maternal health promote gender equity and empower our women with the s ort of leadership we have in the world today? There is global hunger, poverty, s egregation, war, racial and ethnic conflicts, health problems, nuclear tension a nd economic uncertainty in our countries. The biggest problem of man in this wor ld has been to lead himself and the people around into peace. In every class of human groupings the one thing that has always evolved is kind of authority stru cture-a form of leadership mechanism to establish and maintain order in the soci ety. What then is leadership? Who is a leader? What one a good leader? How leade rship does begin? Are there challenges for a leader? Biblical concept of leaders hip and others are the issues that are going to be tackled in this piece of work . Again some great leaders are also going to be featured in this piece of work a s well as saying from those leaders and their effect on society. Each of us was created to rule, govern, control, master, manage, and lead his/he r environment. Why then are some people over controlling others? This work is co vered under chapters. If a mans gift is leadership, let him govern diligentlyRomans 12:6-8(NIV). Good leaders have intuition. The truth is without intuition, one i s condemned to be blindsided by events and opinions. We are only responsible for the gifts God give us, not the one we went or other people think we should have . They see it when others dont; they get it whiles others dont. If you want to see leadership in its finest form, study the life of Christ who s aid the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life (Ma tthew 20:28 NKJV). It is said that He who walks with nobles shall become noble. The Bible says go to the ant consider its ways and be wise Proverbs 6:6. A good le ader is comparable to an ant. There would be times where you as a leader must go to another great leader to learn His or Her ways. The chief source of wisdom is the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ our Lord. A great leader should be self mo tivated and driven by His/her standards not by rules, regulations or the fear of being fired and others. He is goal directed, focused, determined, and unstoppab le. Again, a great leader watches and learns from others. Are you born to lead o r to be led? Get up, be focused and self motivated to play your God given role i n your society. Make impart now!! LEADERSHIP Leadership is about order, influence, administration, distribution, protection, maintenance, accountability, responsibility and productivity. Leadership is infl uence, nothing more, nothing less. It is about influencing people in a worthwhil e cause. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accompli sh an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesiv e and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. Although your position as a manager, supervisor, administrator etc, gives you th e authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives in the organization, this power does make you a leader, it simply makes you the boss. Leadership differs in that it makes the follower want to achieve high goals, rat her than simply bossing people around. It does not depend on titles or positions such as president, Director, Organizer, headmaster, Bishop, evangelist, and wha t have you, it is dependent on someone obtaining a vision from God and influenci

ng others to join in its fulfillment. When this happens, leadership arises in it s purest form. He who thinks he leads and has no followers is only taking a walk. The ability of an individual to use the gift, capabilities, potentials or talents given to him by the Most High God to influence others is leadership. If you cant influence ot hers, they will definitely not follow you and if they wont follow you, you are no t a leader. Any time you influence others, you are leading them no matter how sh ort the period of influence. It is said that the introverted influences Ten thou sand (10000) others throughout his/her life time. It means we are influencing an d being influenced every now and then. Leadership is therefore an assignment giv en to every man by God. That means every normal human being is leader and must m ake impact on his generation. It sounded strange to me the first time I heard it . But it is true!! This is the reason why you hate to be instructed. . If a mans gift is leadership, let him govern diligentlyRomans 12:6-8(NIV). Good leaders have intuition. The truth is without intuition, one is condemned to be blindsided by events and opinions all our lives. Moreover, leadership begins with attitude of the individual. It is ones attitude that determines whether that individual will influence positively or otherwise. Your attitude determines how influential you will be day in and day out. As a leader, your attitude as you begin a task will affect its outcome more than anyt hing else. Proverbs 23:7; for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: eat and dri nk, saith he to thee; but his heart is no with thee. Your attitude towards others determines their attitude towards you. Luke 6:38; G ive, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken toge ther, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measur e that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. Your attitude is the major difference between your success and your failure. Pro verbs 4:23; keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are issues of life. Your attitude can turn your problems into blessings. Philipians 2:5-11 let this mind be in you, which also in Christ Jesus: who being in the form of God, though it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and too k upon him the form of servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being f ound in fashion as man, he humbled himself, and became obedience unto death, eve n the death on a cross. Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee shoul d bow, in heaven and on the earth, and things under the earth ; and that every t ongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory God the Father. Your attitude can give you an uncommon perspective on life. A shoe salesman was sent to a far country by the production manager of a shoe ma king firm. Few days later he sent a message to the manager that he is coming bac k home for nobody wears shoe in that country. Another salesman from the same com pany was sent to the same country. On the contrarily, he sent a message that send me more shoes! Nobody have them ye t over here and no other shoe seller is here as yet. Although two salesmen were f rom the same company and went to the same country yet, they have different persp ectives. The primary difference between a follower and a leader is perspective. And the difference between a leader and an effective leader is a better perspect ive. Leadership style refers to a leader s behaviour. It is the result of the philoso phy, personality and experience of the leader. AUTOCRATIC OR AUTHORITARIAN STYLE Under the autocratic leadership style, all decision-making powers are centralize d in the leader, as with dictator leaders. They do not entertain any suggestions or initiatives from subordinates. The auto cratic management has been successful as it provides strong motivation to the ma nager. It permits quick decision-making, as only one person decides for the whol e group and keeps each decision to himself until he feels it is needed to be sha red with the rest of the group.

PARTICIPATIVE OR DEMOCRATIC STYLE The democratic leadership style favors decision-making by the group as shown, su ch as leader gives instruction after consulting the group.They can win the co-op eration of their group and can motivate them effectively and positively. The dec isions of the democratic leader are not unilateral as with the autocrat because they arise from consultation with the group members and participation by them. LAISSEZ-FAIRE OR FREE REIN STYLE A free-rein leader does not lead, but leaves the group entirely to itself as sho wn; such a leader allows maximum freedom to subordinates, i.e., they are given a free hand in deciding their own policies and methods. Different situations call for different leadership styles. In an emergency when there is little time to converge on an agreement and where a designated authority has significantly more experience or expertise than the r est of the team, an autocratic leadership style may be most effective; however, in a highly motivated and aligned team with a homogeneous level of expertise, a more democratic or laissez-faire style may be more effective. The style adopted should be the one that most effectively achieves the objectives of the group whi le balancing the interests of its individual members. NARCISSISTIC LEADERSHIP From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Narcissistic leadership is a common form of leadership. The narcissism may be healthy or destructive although there is a continuum between the two. To critics, "narcissistic leadership is driven by uny ielding arrogance, self-absorption, and a personal egotistic need for power and admiration." NARCISSISM AND GROUPS A study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin sugg ests that when a group is without a leader, you can often count on a narcissist to take charge. Researchers found that people who score high in narcissism tend to take control of leaderless groups. Freud considered "the narcissistic type... especially suited to act as a support for others, to take on the role of leaders and to... impress others as being p ersonalities .": one reason may be that "another person s narcissism has a great attraction for those who have renounced part of their own... as if we envied th em for maintaining a blissful state of mind an unassailable libidinal position w hich we ourselves have since abandoned." There are four basic types of leader with narcissists most commonly in type 3 al though they may be in type 1: Authoritarian with task orientated decision making 1. Democratic with task orientated decision making 2. Authoritarian with emotional decision making 3. Democratic with emotional decision making Michael Maccoby stated that "psychoanalysts don t usually get close enough to [n arcissistic leaders], especially in the workplace, to write about them." CORPORATE NARCISSISM Corporate narcissism occurs when a narcissist becomes the leader (CEO) or a memb er of the senior management team and gathers an adequate mix of codependents aro und him (or her) to support his narcissistic behavior: "narcissistic leadership is about reproduced copies, not about originals." This leads almost inevitably t o deterioration in the organization s performance. "The narcissistic leader pref ers the sparkle and glamour of well-orchestrated illusions to the tedium and met hod of real accomplishment." Narcissists profess company loyalty but are only re ally committed to their own agendas, thus organizational decisions are founded o n the narcissist s own interests rather than the interests of the organization a s a whole, the various stakeholders, or the society in which the organization op erates. As a result, "a certain kind of charismatic leader can run a financially successful company on thoroughly unhealthy principles for a time. But... the ch

ickens always come home to roost." Psychoanalysts have suggested that "one of the ways of differentiating a good-en ough organisation from one that is pathological is through its ability to exclud e narcissistic characters from key posts." PRODUCTIVE NARCISSISTS Maccoby has distinguished what he calls "productive narcissists" from "unproduct ive narcissists". Maccoby acknowledged that "productive narcissists still tend to be over-sensitiv e to criticism, over-competitive, isolated, and grandiose," but considered that "what draws them out is that they have a sense of freedom to do whatever they wa nt rather than feeling constantly constrained by circumstances," and that throug h their charisma they are able to "draw people into their vision, and produce a cohort of disciples who will pursue the dream for all it s worth.Others have ques tioned the concept, considering that "the dramatic collapse of Wall Street and t he financial system in 2009 must give us pause. Is the collapse due to business leaders who have developed narcissistic styles"even if ostensibly productive? Cer tainly one may conclude that at best "there can be quite a fine line between nar cissists who perform badly in the workplace because of their traits, and those w ho achieve outrageous success because of them." IMPACT OF HEALTHY VRS DESTRUCTIVE NARCISSISTIC MANAGERS Characteristic Healthy Narcissism Destructive Narcissism Self-confidence High outward self-confidence in line with reality e

Desire for power, wealth and admiration May enjoy power Pursues power at all cos ts, lacks normal inhibitions in its pursuit Relationships Real concern for others and their ideas; does not exploit or dev alue others Concerns limited to expressing socially appropriate response whe n convenient; devalues and exploits others without remorse Ability to follow a consistent path Has values; follows through on plans Lacks values; easily bored; often changes course Foundation Healthy childhood with support for self-esteem and appropriate l imits on behaviour towards others Traumatic childhood undercutting true se nse of self-esteem and/or learning that he/she doesn t need to be considerate of others Lubit compared healthily narcissistic managers versus destructively narcissistic managers for their long-term impact on organizations. TOXIC LEADERSHIP A toxic leader is someone who has responsibility over a group of people or an or ganization, and who abuses the leader-follower relationship by leaving the group or organization in a worse-off condition than when s/he first found them. GROUP LEADERSHIP In contrast to individual leadership, some organizations have adopted group lead ership. In this situation, more than one person provides direction to the group as a whole. Some organizations have taken this approach in hopes of increasing c reativity, reducing costs, or downsizing. Others may see the traditional leaders hip of a boss as costing too much in team performance. In some situations, the t eam member(s) best able to handle any given phase of the project become(s) the t emporary leader(s). Additionally, as each team member has the opportunity to exp erience the elevated level of empowerment, it energizes staff and feeds the cycl e of success. Leaders who demonstrate persistence, tenacity, determination and s ynergistic communication skills will bring out the same qualities in their group s. Good leaders use their own inner mentors to energize their team and organizat ions and lead a team to achieve success. According to the National School Boards Association (USA), these Group Leadershi


p or Leadership Teams have specific characteristics: Characteristics of a Team There must be an awareness of unity on the part of all its members. There must be interpersonal relationship. Members must have a chance to contribu te, learn from and work with others. The member must have the ability to act together toward a common goal. Ten characteristics of well-functioning teams: Purpose: Members proudly share a sense of why the team exists and are invested i n accomplishing its mission and goals. Priorities: Members know what needs to be done next, by whom, and by when to ach ieve team goals. Roles: Members know their roles in getting tasks done and when to allow a more s killful member to do a certain task. Decisions: Authority and decision-making lines are clearly understood. Conflict: Conflict is dealt with openly and is considered important to decisionmaking and personal growth. Personal traits: members feel their unique personalities are appreciated and wel l utilized. Norms: Group norms for working together are set and seen as standards for everyo ne in the groups. Effectiveness: Members find team meetings efficient and productive and look forw ard to this time together. Success: Members know clearly when the team has met with success and share in th is equally and proudly. Training: Opportunities for feedback and updating skills are provided and taken advantage of by team members (Wikipedia) CHAPTER TWO VARIETIES OF INDIVIDUAL POWER According to Patrick J. Montana and Bruce H. Charnov, the ability to attain thes e unique powers is what enables leadership to influence subordinates and peers b y controlling organizational resources. The successful leader effectively uses t hese power(s) to influence employees, and it is important for the leader to unde rstand the uses of power to strengthen the leadership functioning. The authors d istinguish the following types of organizational power: Legitimate Power refers to the different types of professional positions within an organization structure that inherit such power (e.g. Manager, Vice President, Director, Supervisor, etc.). These levels of power correspond to the hierarchic al executive levels within the organization itself. The higher position such as President of the company has a higher power than the rest of professional positi ons in the hierarchical executive levels. Reward Power is the power given to managers that attain administrative power ove r a range of rewards. Employees who work for managers desire the reward from the manager and will be influenced by receiving it as a result of work performance. The rewards may be pay raise or promotions. Coercive Power is the manager s ability to punish an employee. Punishment can be a mild punishment such as a suspension or a serious punishment such as terminat ion. Expert Power is attained by the manager due to his or her own talents such as sk ills, knowledge, abilities, or previous experience. A manager which has this pow er within the organization may be a very valuable and important manager in the c ompany. Charisma Power A manager who has charisma will have a positive influence on work ers, and create the opportunity for interpersonal influence. A person has charis ma, and this will confer great power as a manager. Referent Power a power that is gained by association. A person who has power by association is often referred to assistant or deputy. Information Power a person who has possession of important information at an imp ortant time when such information is needed to organizational functioning. Someo

LEADERSHIP AND EMOTIONS Leadership can be perceived as a particularly emotion-laden process, with emotio ns entwined with the social influence process. In an organization, the leader s mood has some effects on his/her group. These effects can be described in 3 leve ls: The mood of individual group members. Group members with leaders in a positive m ood experience more positive mood than do group members with leaders in a negati ve mood. The leaders transmit their moods to other group members through the mec hanism of emotional contagion. Mood contagion may be one of the psychological me chanisms by which charismatic leaders influence followers. The affective tone of the group. Group affective tone represents the consistent or homogeneous affective reactions within a group. Group affective tone is an ag gregate of the moods of the individual members of the group and refers to mood a t the group level of analysis. Groups with leaders in a positive mood have a mor e positive affective tone than do groups with leaders in a negative mood. Group processes like coordination, effort expenditure, and task strategy. Public expressions of mood impact how group members think and act. When people experie nce and express mood, they send signals to others. Leaders signal their goals, i ntentions, and attitudes through their expressions of moods. For example, expres sions of positive moods by leaders signal that leaders deem progress toward goal s to be good. The group members respond to those signals cognitively and behavio rally in ways that are reflected in the group processes. In research about client service, it was found that expressions of positive mood by the leader improve the performance of the group, although in other sectors t here were other findings. Beyond the leader s mood, her/his behavior is a source for employee positive and negative emotions at work. The leader creates situations and events that lead t o emotional response. Certain leader behaviors displayed during interactions wit h their employees are the sources of these affective events. Leaders shape workp lace affective events. Examples feedback giving, allocating tasks, resource dist ribution. Since employee behavior and productivity are directly affected by thei r emotional states, it is imperative to consider employee emotional responses to organizational leaders. Emotional intelligence, the ability to understand and m anage moods and emotions in the self and others, contributes to effective leader ship in organizations.

CHAPTER THREE BEGINNING OF LEADERSHIP Each of us was created to rule, govern, control, master, manage and lead his env ironment. In essence, no matter who you are, you are a leader. Leadership is cap acity or ability to influence others through inspiration motivated by passion, g enerated by vision, produced by a conviction and ignited by a purpose. Genesis 1 :26; And God said; let us make man in our image after our likeness. And God bles sed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, multiply, and replenish the earth , and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl o f air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. From Genesis 1:26 , God mandated man to rule or to have dominion, which in the Hebrew word is MAML AKAH which principally governance or ruling. In this context, this is translated as leadership on earth to destroy chaos and to maintain order. Being created in the image and likeness of God means we are created to rule. From above extract,

ne who has this information knowledge has genuine power. For example, a manager s secretary would be in a powerful position if the secretary has information pow er.

and let them rule follows that every human being is a leader because we are create d in the image of God. God gave humans the authority over the whole earth. It is God, himself who has called us to lead. Leadership is therefore Gods solution to disorder. God gave us the ability to rule. God never commands us to do somethin g / anything without enabling us do so. Everything is apportioned based on our g ift and personality and with them we have the ability to lead and lead. And God blessed them, and said unto them; be fruitful and multiply and replenish the ear th and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air means all the descendants of Adam and Eve are to subdue the earth and eve rything in it and have dominion over them. We are born to lead. We are created t o create because God has created us in his own image and after his likeness. INTUITION If a mans gift is leadership, let him govern diligentlyRomans 12:6-8(NIV). Good lea ders have intuition. The truth is without intuition, one is condemned to be blin dsided by events and opinions all our lives. We only responsible for the gifts G od give us, not the one we went or other people think we should have. They see i t when others dont; they get it whiles others dont. Every individual fall into thr ee intuition levels: 1). Those will never see it. Putting these people into leadership role is like p utting a square peg in round hole; you can keep hammering and drive it, but it w ont fit. When someones gifted to work in a support role, its a mistake to put them into a leadership role. Besides, every orchestra needs a second fiddle. Were only responsible for the gifts God gives us, not the ones we want or other people th ink we should have. 2). Those who are nurtured to see it. These folks have raw materials; they just need to be nurtured and mentored. Dr John Maxwell points out that the ability to think like a leader is informed intuition. These people just need someone to inf orm, instruct and inspire them, and they will become good leaders. The truth is without intuition we are condemned to be blindsided by events and opinions all o ur lives. 3). Those who naturally see it. These are the ones who are born with true leader ship gifts. They instinctively understand people and know how to move them from point A to point B. Even as children they act like leaders. Watch them on the pl ayground and you will see else following them. People with such God-given intuit ion can build on it, become great leaders and bless others. Now, if you want to see leadership in its finest form study the life of Christ, who said the son of m an did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life [Matthew 20:28 N KJV]]. TYPE OF LEADERS Leadership is influence, nothing more, less. Today, many religious and countries are crying for effective Godly leaders. The leaders must earn the right to lead and others chose to follow. A leader is the person who exerts influence, prote ct, distribute, account, produce, and maintain a person or system. Influence may be positive or negative, however in both cases the individual involved is consi dered as a leader. Attitude of a person may also be good or bad, which may lead to good or bad influence. We therefore have two types of leaders in social and r eligious settings, which are good and bad leaders. This is primarily determined by the perspective of the leader. The question is which type or kinds of influen ce are you using? FACTORS IN LEADERSHIP There are four major factors in leadership: Followers: they are the people you influence. Different people require different styles of leadership. For example, a new hire requires more supervision than an experienced employee. A person who lacks motivation requires a different approa ch than one with high degree of motivation. You must know your people! The funda mental starting point is having a good understanding of human nature, such as ne eds, emotions, and motivation. You must know your followers or employees be, know

and do attributes. Leader: you must an honest understanding of who you are, what you know and what you can do. Also, note that it is the followers, not the leader who determines if a leader is successful. If they do not trust or lack confidence in their lead er, then they will be uninspired. To be successful you have to convince your fol lowers, not yourself or your superiors, that you are worthy of being followed. Communication: You lead through two-way communication. Much of it is nonverbal. For instance, when you set the example, that communicate to your people that you w ill not ask them to perform anything that you will not be willing to do. What an d how you can communicate either builds or harms the group or organization. Stud y the case or the matter to talk about carefully before you communicate as a lea der. Note that, communication should be timely, appropriate, and the right place and atmosphere. Situation: for instance, you may need to confront an employee for inappropriate behavior, but if the confrontation is too late or too early, too harsh or too we ak, then the results may prove ineffective. These factors are affected by various forces. Some of these forces include; your relationship with your seniors, the skills of your followers or employees, the informal leaders within your organization, and how your organization or company is organized.

CHAPTER FOUR THE ROAD TO EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP Leadership is the ability to obtain followers. We know a leader is a person who exerts influence, protect, distribute, account, produce and maintain a person or system. All exert influence and therefore, all are leaders. Good leaders are m ade but not born. If you have the desire and the willpower, you can become an ef fective leader. Good and effective leaders develop through a never ending proces s of self-study, education, training, travelling, experience and associating wit h nobles or great leaders. This guide will help you through that process. Therefore for you to be called an effective leader you must possess or do the fo llowing: . Set Goals for the Team. Habakkuk 2:1-3; 1 I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me , and what answer I am to give to this complaint.[a] 2 Then the LORD replied: Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald[b] may run with it. 3 For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it[c] will certainly come and will not delay. You as a leader must have a clearly defined vision. You must be able to identif y where you the group to be a specified period of time or at the end of tenure o f office. As stated already, your perspective determines whether you are an effe ctive leader or not. Your vision should base on the needs of the people. Remembe r that, you are judged by your dreams and vision. You can achieve so much and ye t be considered as failure while another can achieve a little and yet be conside red as a successful leader. All is determined by the dreams you set and the numb er of them you achieve as well as the benefits of those things to the people. Be ing in leadership position is like the game soccer. You need GOALS to succeed. Y ou are judge by your goals, dreams and aspirations but not distorted achievement . . Translate the goals into clearly outline plans and make effort to achieve them . Habakkuk 2:2-3; and the LORD answered me and said write the vision and make i

t plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it. For vision is yet for an ap pointed time but at the end it shall speak and not lie: though it tarry wait for it because it will surely come it will not tarry. KJV There is anything like vision in mind. Anything in mind is nothing more or less than an idea or thought. Many people call their wishes visions. They are differe nt concept all together. It is very dangerous to keep a vision in mind because m ans is connected to his feeling and emotions. Our feelings and emotions change ov er time depending on ones physical state or present condition, however if it is w ritten it is written. (John 19: 22). A clearly defined idea helps other to follo w you. And this is where you assess the dream to know whether they are real or f alse. Do not set goals you do not have the idea of how to implement what you int ended to do. Your vision should be such that it can be continued after the end o f your tenure of office or death. . Develop structures for your plan to work. You must have it at the back of your mind that plans cannot work in a vacuum. It requires a vessel to achieve the s et goals. Know that no one makes it alone. Even the United States of America dep ends on a small country like Togo for some of her resources. All the people you need to do the work must be clearly stated and the type of work you want each to do. .Identify resources. A good leader must be able to identify both the things he r equires to accomplish his dream and the caliber of people it will take to bring the dream to pass. Resources are mostly not easy to be identified. At the start, few people will really know they are needed or useful in your dream. You have t o approach them and convince them that they are needed. However, you dont need ev erybody to meet your target; you need the right people to digest the right ideas . Every dream determines the caliber of persons needed. Educated people are need ed for dreams as such. But all you need is right people and material resources t o help you achieve your aims and objectives. .Sacrifice and forgive constantly. Now, if you want to see leadership in its fin est form and aspire to be an effective study the life of Christ, who said; father forgive them for they dont know what they are doing Luke 23:34. Again, anyone who enters public life must know that he is going to a place where t hat strange master called opinion is the most unkind of all masters. You will be made to do things you have done and things you have not done. You will be made a thief, a murderer, a miser-anything. If you are going into politics (leadershi p) you must be prepared to be wounded(an extract from the speech delivered in the University College of Ghana, Legon by Dr. K.A Busia, when he launched the univer sity branch of the progress party(PP)). He also said, to be a president (leader) of Ghana you dont need a degree in political science but a large capacity to sto mach nonsense. You are sometimes going to look like a lunatic in the sight of p eople but you have to forgive them, dont give up and carry on. Do not grow cold b ecause of what you are going to see or hear. The scriptures says that in the las t days many shall be offended by others and because of that their love shall gro w cold and evil doing shall fill the land. You can not be the good leader you wa nt to be if you always want to retaliate the wrongs of others. The good book say vengeance is of the Lord and therefore not your duty to punish people on the wa y. As a leader, you have to be a person who will not serve on contract. You must be ready to go beyond extra miles even if it has to be done from your own resou rces. This reminds me of what a good father and a friend told me. He was once li stening to a radio programme and heard a public officer in an office of about te n staff saying they could not embark on a very important programme because of mo ney. And he thought the programme needed very huge money only to hear that the p rogramme required about One Hundred and Twenty Ghana cedis to be done. This show s the man is a manager and not a leader because there was lack of sacrifice on t he part of the officer. He could have solicited for funds to embark on such prog ramme. As the founder and leader of an NGO, Health Aid Line Foundation, I decide d with my group to embark on vaccination against Hepatitis B- a viral infection that markedly affects the cells of the liver, for students of my former college. Although we took a collective decision yet when the members got to know that th e amount involved was quiet huge for students of our type, they started withdraw

ing one after the other. The total amount needed was about Forty-Two thousand Fi ve Hundred Ghana cedis, ie one Hundred and Fifty Ghana cedis for a student. The foundation at the time had only Fifty Ghana cedis in her account. I noticed and learnt some lessons as a leader. The people that you will start with are not go ing to end with you in most cases. There are those who are with you-in the group , just for the sake of being in the group. There are others who go away when the re is a problem. Others are also there to criticize your actions. Again there ar e those who wish they could assist but they do not have the ability to do so. Fi nally, by the grace of God, there are others who will be with you at all times. All these categories of people are important in the group. Some of my group memb ers assisted me to solicit for funds to carry out the programme. Where we needed to eat, we did not. We used our lecture hours to travel for the sake of this pr ogramme. With tenacity and purposefulness the programme was carried out as plann ed. Most public officers in Ghana are working on contract. Note that sacrifices come in different forms. So with commitment, sacrifices and constant forgivenes s, you will make a head way through. .Prioritizing. The greatest secret to becoming great leader is your ability to p rioritize what to do at any point in time. Life on earth holds no greater challe nge than the complicated daily demand of choosing among competing alternatives f or the limited period of time or resources available. To identify the correct an d right priority among other things is the key to a successful leadership life s tyle. .Endurance and Resilience: in exercising your leadership skills have it at the b ack of your mind that you will go through things that may discourage you. All yo ur followers may loosen heart and may even want to turn back. Even those you may trust most or those you may start with may leave you along the line. You must h ave the power to endure troubles or failure and accommodate nonsense. If you enter politics (leadership position) and you asked me what qualification is needed fo r a politician (leader) in this country today, I would say this: you will not ma ke a success of it, unless you have a large capacity to stomach nonsense. You shou ld be able to receive a lot of bullets and still stand. Your ability to stand s hock and move on with the ultimate vision is the difference between a good leade r and any other leader. .Be God fearing and Prayerful. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. Prov.9:10.KJV. A leader must be God fearing. You need wisdom and understanding and the scriptures say only the supreme God has it. To be an effective leader then what do you have to do? Trus t God alone for your wisdom to lead the group. God is the only one who knows you r future. He alone knows the plans he has for you.JER 29:11-13; For I know the p lans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pr ay to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you see k me with all your heart. Ask God through constant prayer for direction and success of our plans. Mat7:7-8 ; 7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door w ill be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. You can never be a good lea der if your vision, assignment and actions are not motivated by God. .Motivation. To be an effective leader you must be motivated personally to move on with the ultimate vision. You must also learn to reward the work of follower s to serve as reinforcement of such good behaviours. At times, there is the need for you to use your own resources to motivate your followers. Once I visited th e an office in the Methodist Hospital, Wenchi, I was surprised to hear from the head of department that at times he uses his own money to motivate the staff at his department. This works in line with the golden rule, do unto others as you wan t others to do unto you. If you want your followers to work with their might, you must also put measures in place to motivate them. .Listen or learn from others ahead of you. God has never chosen a qualified man for any task. He calls his men and then qualifies them through a painful proces s and a promise to stand by them. To be an effective leader you must be ahead of

his followers at all times in almost all fields. You must be a good listener an d speak less. he who walks with nobles shall be noble. Robert Hutchings says; the ob ject of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives. Know that Gods way is to rule by a vision motivated by Him through a per son he chooses for others to follow. Suggestion may be made but if it contradict s Gods plan the leader must ensure that it is not carried out. .Do not compare your achievements. To be an effective leader identify the level of intuition under which you operate and appreciate the need to work within your vision, assignment and actions motivated by God. Again know that, we are only r esponsible for the gifts God give us, not the one we went or other people think we should have. .Raising Successors. Show me a great leader and I will show you a great successo r. Your successor shows how effective you were when you were in power. The follo wing leaders are those who raised their successors. Moses raised Joshua, King Da vid raised his son Solomon, Elijah raised Elisha, Jesus raised the apostles and their leadership qualities were seen in the way or the life style their successo rs led. The apostles were called Christian because they did things that Christ d id and did them like Christ. This means your dreams must be such that it can be continued and work out at all times. King Nebuchadnezer became a famous king in the World with the kingdom of Babylon but his fame did not last after his death because his successor did not have his qualities and could not continue what he did. As a successful leader your absence must not be felt at all because you hav e trained men of your kind. 13 The next day Moses took his seat to serve as judg e for the people, and they stood around him from morning till evening. 14 When h is father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he said, What is th is you are doing for the people? Why do you alone sit as judge, while all these people stand around you from morning till evening? 15 Moses answered him, Because the people come to me to seek Gods will. 16 Whenev er they have a dispute, it is brought to me, and I decide between the parties an d inform them of Gods decrees and instructions. 17 Moses father-in-law replied, What you are doing is not good. 18 You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone. 19 Listen now to me and I will give you some ad vice, and may God be with you. You must be the peoples representative before God and bring their disputes to him. 20 Teach them his decrees and instructions, and show them the way they are to live and how they are to behave. 21 But select ca pable men from all the peoplemen who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gainand appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 22 Have them serve as judges for the people at all times, but have them bring ever y difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you. 23 If you do this a nd God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people w ill go home satisfied. 24 Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said. 25 He chose capable men from all Israel and made them leaders of the people, off icials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens. 26 They served as judges for the people at all times. The difficult cases they brought to Moses, but the simp le ones they decided themselves. Exodus 18:13-26. Give your followers the chance to do things and correct them tactfully when the y make mistakes. With practice, they will do better. Your subordinate should be able to function in your absence. .Learn to dispel the disloyal followers. One of the most difficult leadership qualities and means to make you an effecti ve leader is sacking of people for the team. A lot of leaders are keeping certai n people to their own disadvantage. Any person who seems to have a different age nda other than the ultimate dream must be expelled immediately. This is what is called courage. The person may be your best friend, but the day you refuse to ta ke the appropriate sanctions you will collapse the set up. One important thing y ou should know is old timers and close friends as well as relatives turn to be d isloyal due to familiarity. You must deal with that promptly. By the time your d

ream is ten years old, you will notice that you have less than 3% of the followe rs you started with to be around. You need to do away with fear and act in accor dance with laid down rules and regulations of the group. In addition to the above according to the study by Hay Group, a global managemen t consultancy, there are 75 key components of employee satisfaction, which forms an integral part the effectiveness of the leader (Lamb, McKee, 2004). They foun d these two most important keys to effective leadership: .Trust and confidence in top leadership is a single most reliable predictor of e mployee satisfaction in an organization. The leader must trust and have confiden ce in himself but should not be over confident. Again you must make the follower s trust and have confidence in you. This should not be done by lying to your fol lowers; let your no be no and your yes be yes. Effective communication by leade rship in three critical areas is the key to winning organizational trust and con fidence: 1). Helping employees / followers to understand the organizations overall busines s strategy. You follower must be aware of the mission, vision and aims/objective s of the organization. 2). Helping employees/followers to understand how they contribute to achieving k ey business objectives. Assist the followers to fix themselves into an aspect o f the core values / aims and objectives of the organization. 3). Sharing the information with employees on both how the organization is doing and how and how an employees own division is doing relative to the strategic bus iness objectives. With this every individual will know how things are going give out their best. BE, KNOWN AND DO CONCEPT. .Be a professional. Example; be loyal to the organization, perform selfless serv ices, and take personal responsibility. .Be a professional who possess good character traits. Example; Honesty, competen ce, candor, commitment, integrity, courage, imagination, straightforwardness. .Know the four factors of leadership-follower, leader, communication, and situat ion. .Know yourself. Examples: strengths and weakness of your character, knowledge an d skills. .know human nature. Examples: human needs, emotions, and how people respond to stress. .know your job. Examples: be proficient and be able to train others in their ta sks. .Know Your organization. Examples: where to go for help, its climate and culture , who the unofficial leaders are. .Do Provide Direction. Examples: goal setting, problem solving, decision making, planning. .Do Implement. Examples: communicating, coordinating, supervising, evaluating. .Do Motivate. Examples: develop morale and esprit de corps in the organization, train, coach, counsel. CHAPTER FIVE QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER Leadership is capacity or ability to influence others through inspiration motiv ated by passion through God, generated by vision, produced by a conviction and i gnited by a purpose. From the above statement, a good leader must have the follo wing qualities: Must be inspired by God Must have a vision and live by it Must be motivated Must have conviction Must have a purpose Must be trustworthy Must be committed

Must be confident but no over confident Must communicate effectively Must be honest and just Must be principled The qualities of every great leader are seen in the vision he/she holds and work with. Every great leader is willing to use every resource that he has to bring his dream/vision into existence and are even prepared to die for it. Anything st ops him/her. Mandela at his trial explained his vision for his country, I have fought against w hite domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harm ony and with equal opportunities. Its an ideal which I hope to live for and achie ve. But need be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die for Moses, the Hebrews leader and deliverer was inspired by God and given a clear pur pose which was to free the Jews from slavery in Egypt to the Promised Land. He b elieved this purpose and became passionate about it to the extent of risking his life before pharaoh, who needed him to be punished. Again, Martin Luther King Junior, a leader and symbol of American black struggle for civil rights, had purpose, passion, and inspired by a dream, I have a dream t hat one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed; we hold these truth to be self evident; that all men are created equal. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they wi ll not be judged by the colour of their skin but the content of their character. H e died for this dream, and today, if his great leader were to be alive, he would live the happiest man to see a black President of the United States of America. You dream is not strong enough if you are not prepared to die for it. Other great leaders like Nehemiah, who built the walls of Jerusalem; Queen Esthe r, who saved the Jews from annihilation and Apostle Paul, who sent the gospel to the gentile community etc. Leaders are ordinary people who accept or are placed in an extraordinary circumstance that bring forth their latent potential, produ cing a character that inspires confidence and trust within others. PRINCIPLES OF LEADERSHIP To be effective leader, follow these principles of leadership: Know yourself and seek self-improvement: in order to know yourself, you have to understand your be, know and do attributes. Seeking self improvement means contin ually strengthening your attributes through self study, formal classes, reflectio n, and interacting with others. Be technically proficient: as leader you must know your job and have solid famil iarity with your employees or followers tasks. Know your people and look out for their well-being: study and know human nature and the importance of sincerely caring for your workers. Keep your workers/followers informed: know how to communicate with not only them , but also seniors and other key people. Develop a sense of responsibility in your followers/workers: help to develop goo d character traits that will help them carry out their professional responsibili ties. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished: communication is the key to this responsibility. Your supervisory role should be facilitative an d do not be judgmental. Train, work and act as a team: although many so called leaders call their organi zation a team; they are not really teamsthey are just a group of people doing the ir jobs in the group. Use the full capabilities of your organization: by developing a team spirit, you will be able to employ your organization, department, section, e.t.c, to its fu llest capabilities. CHAPTER SIX CHALLENGES OF AN EFFECTIVE LEADER You will not just be accepted because you carry a good vision. Exodus 2:11-15. 11 Now it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, tha

t he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens. And he saw an Egyptia n beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. 12 So he looked this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 13 And w hen he went out the second day, behold, two Hebrew men were fighting, and he sai d to the one who did the wrong, Why are you striking your companion? 14 Then he sa id, Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you intend to kill me as you ki lled the Egyptian? So Moses feared and said, Surely this thing is known! 15 When Pharaoh heard of thi s matter, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwelt in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well. Although Moses had a good vision of saving the Jews yet he was not accepted by his own people. Some challenges come on our way to make us more equipped for the task ahead. Moses at this stage could not save the people because he had not be en prepared for it. He had to go through the preparation stage of leadership by first keeping his father-in-laws sheep to be fully equipped by God. You should also know that even in your fully equipped stage, you will not just b e accepted by the people that you are going to fight/work for. Exodus 5:1-21 1 Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Let my people go, so that they may hold a festival to me in the wilderness. 2 Pharaoh said, Who is the LORD that I should obey him and let Israel go? I do n ot know the LORD and I will not let Israel go. 3 Then they said, The God of the Hebrews has met with us. Now let us take a thre e-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the LORD our God, or he may strike us with plagues or with the sword. 4 But the king of Egypt said, Mose s and Aaron, why are you taking the people away from their labour? Get back to y our work! 5 Then Pharaoh said, Look, the people of the land are now numerous, and you are stopping them from working. 6 That same day Pharaoh gave this order to t he slave drivers and overseers in charge of the people: 7 You are no longer to su pply the people with straw for making bricks; let them go and gather their own s traw. 8 But require them to make the same number of bricks as before; dont reduce the quota. They are lazy; that is why they are crying out, Let us go and sacrifi ce to our God. 9 Make the work harder for the people so that they keep working an d pay no attention to lies. 10 Then the slave drivers and the overseers went out and said to the people, Thi s is what Pharaoh says: I will not give you any more straw. 11 Go and get your ow n straw wherever you can find it, but your work will not be reduced at all. 12 So the people scattered all over Egypt to gather stubble to use for straw. 13 The s lave drivers kept pressing them, saying, Complete the work required of you for ea ch day, just as when you had straw. 14 And Pharaohs slave drivers beat the Israeli te overseers they had appointed, demanding, Why havent you met your quota of brick s yesterday or today, as before? 15 Then the Israelite overseers went and appealed to Pharaoh: Why have you treat ed your servants this way? 16 Your servants are given no straw, yet we are told, Make bricks! Your servants are being beaten, but the fault is with your own peopl e. 17 Pharaoh said, Lazy, thats what you arelazy! That is why you keep saying, Let us go and sacrifice to the LORD. 18 Now get to work. You will not be given any straw , yet you must produce your full quota of bricks. 19 The Israelite overseers realized they were in trouble when they were told, Yo u are not to reduce the number of bricks required of you for each day. 20 When th ey left Pharaoh, they found Moses and Aaron waiting to meet them, 21 and they sa id, May the LORD look on you and judge you! You have made us obnoxious to Pharaoh and his officials and have put a sword in their hand to kill us. As a leader you must see yourself as a god to the people and the presenting chal lenges. Exodus 7:1 and the Lord said unto Moses, see, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet. KJV

The next challenge and the commonest of all on the road of effective leadership is loneliness. Leadership is loneliness, because to lead means you must be out i n front, ahead the followers. In most cases it will be left with you and your Go d. You may be in a big crowd but still feel lonely. Everyone will be looking up to you for the line of action especially when everything seems not to work out w ell. Exodus 14:8-15 (New International Version) 8 The LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh King of Egypt, so that he pursued the I sraelites, who were marching out boldly. 9 The Egyptiansall Pharaohs horses and ch ariots, horsemen[a] and troopspursued the Israelites and overtook them as they ca mped by the sea near Pi Hahiroth, opposite Baal Zephon. 10 As Pharaoh approached, the Israelites looked up, and there were the Egyptian s, marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the LORD. 11 They s aid to Moses, Was it because there were no graves in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die? What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt? 12 Did nt we say to you in Egypt, Leave us alone; let us serve the Egyptians? It would hav e been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert! 13 Moses answered the people, Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still. 15 Then the LORD said to Moses, Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelite s to move on. You will be the only person being accused most of the time. The followers do for get previous occurrences and out easily. Exodus 16:2-4 (New King James Version) 2 Then the whole congregation of the children of Israel complained against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness. 3 And the children of Israel said to them, Oh, that we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the po ts of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into t his wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger. 4 Then the LORD said to Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you. And the people shall go out and gather a certain quota every day, that I may test t hem, whether they will walk in My law or not. Another great challenge is slow growth/ outcome or failure. You may fail several times in performing your duties. You should however, note that, it is to prepar e you to make you more equipped. It is also to glorify the Almighty God. Moses p erformed many signs but Pharaoh did not allow the people of Israel to leave till Gods own appointed time. This does not means Moses was a failure then, however, it was the plan of the Most High. He alone knows the plans he has for you as an effective leader. Exodus 8:18-19 (New International Version, 2011) 18 But when the magicians tried to produce gnats by their secret arts, they coul d not. Since the gnats were on people and animals everywhere, 19 the magicians s aid to Pharaoh, This is the finger of God. But Pharaohs heart was hard and he would not listen, just as the LORD had said. You are most of the time a laughing stock in town. If you have a new vision that will give a new direction, you are likely to appear funny. It was funny for Jos eph to see himself as greater than his brothers, it was funny to see David with a stone to kill Goliath, it was funny to see Gideon to fight a nation with torch lights and empty tins, they were to sing around the wall of Jericho hoping for it to be broken down, it was funny for my friends to hear I am going to establis h an NGO and also to be a great author. Your present position may be completely opposite of what your future may have for you and it may have no correspondent t rait for people to believe. Your vision will always appear funny in the sight of friends, brothers, sisters, and your spouse. Matthew 4: 1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempt ed by the devil. 2 And when He had fasted forty days and forty nights, afterward He was hungry. 3 Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, If You are the Son o f God, command that these stones become bread.

4 But He answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.[a] 5 Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, 6 and said to Him, If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written: He shall give His angels charge over you, and, In their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone. 7 Jesus said to him, It is written again, You shall not tempt the LORD your God.[c] 8 Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him a ll the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, All these thi ngs I will give You if You will fall down and worship me. 10 Then Jesus said to him, Away with you,[d] Satan! For it is written, You shall w orship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.[e] 11 Then the devil left Him, and behold, angels came and ministered to Him. You will not escape spiritual attacks from friends, family, and followers. Every good and perfect gift comes from above so if the Devil is not afraid to fight G od, he would not be afraid of you as well. You must be spiritually sensitive to task ahead so as to become victorious. You will be distracted by circumstance but with focus mind, you will make. There was a time that all animals in the animal kingdom were to decide whether o r not man should be given a second chance after his/her death to resurrect. The chameleon was to present a petition to god man should not be allowed to resurrec t after death whiles dog was to present that man should be allowed to resurrect after death. The two animals started the journey at the same time. Yes you are t hinking these two animals could not compete in such race because the dog will de finitely get to God first. It was not the case. On the way, the dog got carried away by circumstances such as bones from a chop bar on the way, other female dog s on the way, and what have. The chameleon got to God first and presented his pa rtition. The dog run after those Vanity Fair on the way and God told him I just a pproved the petition from the chameleon. THE WAY OUT With the above challenges, you may have lack on the way. It comes as the results of people not accepting you from the beginning which will make your dream suffe r lack and a lot of struggle would go on. With endurance and resilience; a lot o f things must happen to you and you appear as if nothing is happening, you can s ail through this storm successfully. Because you are the source of inspiration, you must not be seen sad. You must therefore be strong and courageous. There is no courage until you have seen a real danger. Joshua 1:5-7 (N KJV):No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of yo ur life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor fo rsake you. 6 Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them. 7 Only b e strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the la w which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. You must be prepared to sacrifice your time, energy, food, grades, your family, your relationship and even be punished. Be first to start a task and last to qui t, the first to suffer and the last to enjoy. My grandfather put like; when the m aster does not fight the slave runs away. You are to be a servant but not a maste r. Do not be bossy. Again, you must forgive those who wrong you on the way. Matt hew 6:12; and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. Many pe ople consider forgiveness as sin; this should not be part of an effective leader . Do not seek for offenders to punish. Forgive them to gain their support and c ontinual following. The most important means of overcoming challenges is spiritual and psychological strength; feed your mind, body and soul with adequate information from the scri ptures so as to face the challenges of leadership life. No amount of acceptance would exempt you from trouble; no amount of wealth will exempt you from problems

. It is the energy you have in your mind and spirit that will determine your suc cess. This means only God can make you an effective leader.

CHAPTER SEVEN LEADERSHIP VERSUS MANAGEMENT Some authorities and commentators link leadership closely with the idea of manag ement. Some regard the two as synonymous and other consider management a subset of leadership. If one accepts this premise, one can therefore view leadership as centralized or decentralized, broad or focused, decision-oriented or morale-cen tered and intrinsic or derived from some authority. Hersey and Blanchard claim that management merely consists of leadership applied to business situations; or in other words: management forms subset of the broad er process of leadership. They put it this way: Leadership occurs any time one att empts to influence the behaviour of an individual or group of persons. Managers administer, leaders innovate. Managers ask how and when, leaders ask what and why. Managers focus on systems, leaders focus on people Managers do things right, leaders do the right things Managers maintain, leaders develop Managers rely on control, leaders inspire trust Managers have a short-term perspective, leaders have longer-term perspective Managers accept the status quo, leaders challenge the status quo Managers have an eye on the bottom line, leaders have an eye on the horizon Managers imitate, leaders initiate/originate Managers emulate the classic good soldier, leaders are their own person Managers copy, leaders show originality. The leader realizes that the achievement of the task comes about through inspir ation motivated by a passion, generated by a vision, produced by a conviction an d ignited by a purpose, goodwill and support of others(influence), whiles the ma nager may not. For instance, an organization might have the overall task of gene rating profit, but good leader may see profit as a by-product that flows from wh atever aspect of their vision differentiates their company from the competition. Again, a great leader watches and learns from others. Are you born to lead or to be led? Get up, be focused and self motivated to play your God given role in yo ur society. Make impart now!! Getting Along With People How you express yourself show the kind of person you are - rude or considerate, selfish or generous. The really polite person is tuned in to other people s feel ings and can put themselves in another person s place. They can understand how i t would feel to be new to the neighborhood or job, or what it s like to be the s hortest person in the class or the shyest person at a party. They react with understanding and with the kind of manners that matter because t hey come from the heart. Treating others the way you would like to be treated is the easiest rule to foll ow and encourages others to treat you in kind. Even the most polite people in th e world can occasionally say the wrong thing or make mistakes, but being kind, c onsiderate, and generous on a daily basis shows true manners. We can t police ou rselves all the time, but before you say or do something, ask yourself how you w ould feel if others said or did that to you. The more you practice this rule, th

e more natural and easier it becomes. Good manners show the best you have to offer and encourage others to be their be st. Practicing these manners on a daily basis makes for a more pleasant life. Be thoughtful Be cheerful Be generous Be cooperative Be helpful Don t be bossy Don t put people down or say rude things Respect other s privacy Take care of personal property CHAPTER EIGHT QUOTATIONS ON LEADERSHIP If a mans gift is leadership, let him govern diligently Romans 12:6-8(NIV) It is not great talents or great learning or great preachers that God needs, but men great in holiness. (E.M. Bounds) Anyone who enters public life must know that he is going to a place where that st range master called opinion is the most unkind of all masters. You will be made to do things you have done and things you have not done. You will be made a thie f, a murderer, a miser-anything. If you are going into politics (leadership) you must be prepared to be wounded(an extract from the speech delivered in the Univer sity College of Ghana, Legon by Dr. K.A Busia, when he launched the university b ranch of the progress party(PP)). He also said, to be a president (leader) of Gh ana you dont need a degree in political science but a large capacity to stomach n onsense. I have fought against white domination and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. Its an ideal which I hope to live for and achieve. But need be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die for. Nelson Mandela I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meanin g of its creed; we hold these truth to be self evident; that all men are created equal. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a natio n where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but the content of t heir character. Martin Luther Jnr The law of influence: if you cant influence others, they wont follow you, and if t hey wont follow you are not a leader Dont give up easily on any goal! (Dr. Chris, ODM) Beware of no man than yourself.(C.H Spurgeon) The real man is the one who always finds excuses for others, but never excuses h imself.(Henry ward Beecher) Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.(Don wilder) If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, Id spend six sharpening my axe.(Abraham Lincoln) The following quotations come from the author: Practical dreamers do not quit their dreams Quitters dont win, winners dont quit Leadership is loneliness, because to lead means you must be out in front, ahead of the followers. True leaders cultivate character with the fertilizer of self discipline If you are willing to pay the price of fatigue, then, you are willing to lead. The primary difference between a follower and a leader is perspective. And the d ifference between a leader and an effective leader is a better perspective. No true leader can expect to live a normal life as other people do. Leaders belong to their generation and not to themselves If you are ready for criticism, you are ready for leadership If you want to see leadership in its finest form, study the life of Christ

Persistence leads to success. God needs men that are holy and available to execute his agenda. Excuses are hidden enemies of dreams! Eschew them now! Pray as if it all about prayer and work as if it all about work You will not have a friend until you make one

Bibliography Bob and Deldy Gass, Ruth Gass Halliday, The Word For Today, 2009 (February-April Edition) Right Reverend Professor O. Safo Kantanka and Co, Weekly Bible Lessons, The Meth odist Church Ghana Oheneba Ansu Diabour, a Lecture on Leadership and its Challenges at GINAAT Hotel in 2008 Rev.Dr. Chris E. Kwakpovwe, Our Daily Manna, Orioke-Ogudu, Lagos, Nigeria

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mr. George Addai-Mununkum is a Registered General Nurse (Senior Staff Nurse) at the Methodist Hospital, Wenchi in the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana. He attended H oly Family Nursing and Midwifery Training College, Berekum in the Brong Ahafo Re gion and came out with Diploma in Registered General Nursing. He is also a train ed HIV/AIDS Counsellor at the ART center of the Methodist Hospital, Wenchi. He i s currently studying at ENT Training School, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, Kum asi. He is a Methodist with Apostolic mission. He has held numerous positions i n both Religious and Social cycles; He was Class Six prefect & Assistant School Prefect from 1995 1996 at Methodist Primary School, Kwameseikrom, became House P refect and later English Enforcement Prefect at Saint James Preparatory and Juni or Secondary School, Drobo, He held many positions at Drobo Senior High School, including the following; President, Green Earth Club 2003 2004, Bible Study Coo rdinator, GHAMSU 2002 2003, Organizer, Scripture Union 2002 2003, Bible Study Coo rdinator, SU 2003-2004, English Enforcement Prefect 2002 2003, and Member of C haplaincy Board 2002 2003. At Berekum Holy Family Nursing & Midwifery Training C ollege he became Organizer, Nurses Christian Fellowship (NCF) 2006-2007, Executi ve member, NCF 2007-2008, Vice President, GHAMSU 2006-2007, GNMTA REP 2005-2007 and subsequently, became President, GNMTA 2007 2008. He is also the founder an d Director of Health Aid Line Foundation (HALF) and before going to school, was the Emergency Ward In-Charge at Methodist Hospital, Wenchi from October, 2011-Oc tober, 2012. He is an Entrepreneur with a certificate from the Global Entrepreneurship Traini ng 2012 in West Africa Offered Jointly by Handong Global University in Pohang, K orea and the Methodist University College Ghana, Wenchi Campus. He is the Chief Executive Officer of Amazing Grace Medical Diagnostic services at Drobo. He is married to Catherine and blessed with an Amazing son (Amazing-Love). DEDICATION

This work is dedicated to the Holy Spirit, my Family; my lovely wife and son. Th e work is also dictated to future leaders.

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