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Manual do Formando

CIL de Ucanha

Ingls Comercial

1. English Alphabet (alfabeto ingls) 2. Numbers (nmeros) 3. Greetings and Introductions (apresentaes) 4. Telefhone Number (nmero de telefone) 5. Age (idade) 6. Address / Country / Nationality (endereo, pas, nacionalidade) 7. The Colours (as cores) 8. The Time (as horas) 9. Greetings (saudao) 10. Dates (datas) 11. The Family (a famlia) 12. People (pessoas) 13. Actions (aces) 14. Expressing Possission (expresses possessivas) 15. Adverbio (advrbio) A) Adverbio of Place (adverbio de lugar) B) Adverbio of Time (adverbio de tempo) C) Interrogative Adverbio (adverbio interrogativo) 16. Verbs (verbos) To Be (ser) To Have Got (ter) 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 19

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha

Ingls Comercial

1. ENGLISH ALPHABET (alfabeto ingls)

A = ei B = bi C = ci D = di E=i F = ef G = dgi H = eidj I = ai J = djei K = kei L = el M = em N = en O = ou P = pi Q = kiu R = ar S = es T = ti U = iu V = vi W = double vi /iu X = eks Y = uai Z = zi / zed

English words (palavras inglesas) Paper My, Fine, Like Boy, Enjoy So, Go, Home, Phone Now, How Going Yard Nation, Nationality The, Brother Phil, Photo Chair, Chance Feet, Deep Laugh, Tough Room, Soon, Tool

How to Red (como se lem) Peiper Mai, Faine, Laike Bi, Enji Sou, Gou, Houme, Phoune Nau, Hau Gouing Ird Neishan, Nashenality De, Broder Fil, Foto Tchr, Tchnce Fit, Dip Lf, Taf Rum, Sun, Tul

Singular / Plural The boy = The boys The girl = The girls

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha

Ingls Comercial

2. Numbers (nmeros)

1 - One 2 - Two 3 - Three 4 - Four 5 - Five 6 - Six 7 - Seven 8 - Eight 9 - Nine 10 - Ten

11 - Eleven 12 - Twelve 13 - Thirteen 14 - Fourteen 15 - Fifteen 16 - Sixteen 17 - Seventeen 18 - Eighteen 19 - Nineteen 20 - Twenty

30 - Thirty 40 - Forty 50 - Fifty 60 - Sixty 70 - Seventy 80 - Eighty 90 - Ninety 100 - One Hundred


Hello, Im Peter. (ol, o meu nome Peter) Hello (hi), my name is (s) Mary. What is (s) your name? (qual o teu nome? / como te chamas?) My name is Mike. (o meu nome Mike) This is Mike. (este o Mike) It is Susie. I am (m) Mike and this is Anne. (eu sou o Mike e esta a Ana)

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha

Ingls Comercial

4. TELEPHONE NUMBER (nmero de telefone)

What is (s) your telephone number? (qual o teu nmero de telephone) My telephone number is . (o meu nmero de telephone ) Its ..

5. AGE (idade)
How old are you? (quantos anos tens?) Im ten years old. (tenho 10 anos)

6. ADDRESS / COUNTRY / NATIONALITY (endereo, pas, nacionalidade)

Whats your address? My address is What are you from? Im from to Portugal. What is your nationality? I am Portuguese. Are you Japonese? Yes, I am. No, Im not. Im Portuguese. Whats Pips nationality? Where are you from? Were English. Were from London. Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha 5

Ingls Comercial

7. THE COLOURS (as cores)

Brown White Yellow Blue Red Green Orange Purple Grey

What colour is a

a lemon? an orange? the sea? chocolate?

Its red and green. Theyre red and green.

My (meu) Your (teu) Her (dela) His (dele) Our (nosso) Their (deles) hair is blond / my eyes are blue.

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha

Ingls Comercial

8. THE TIME (as horas)

12h its twelve oclock / its midday/noon 24h its midnight / its midnight 2h 45m its a quarter to 3 3h 15m its a quarter past 3 3h 30m its half past 3 A.m. in the morning P.m. in the afternoon in the evening at night

Whats this? Whats that?


A watch A clock

Whats the time, What time is it, Can you tell me the time, please?

It is one oclock / It is five to four / Its half past six

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha

Ingls Comercial

9. Greetings (saudao)
Good morning (bom dia) Good afternoon (boa tarde) Good evening (boa noite) Good night (boa noite despedida)

Good night (boa noite) Goodbye (adeus) Bye-bye (adeus) Im early ( cedo) Im late ( tarde)

Hi, hello, good norming. May I come in? (posso entrar?) Yes, you may. No, you may not. How are you? (como tu ests?) How do you do? (como est?) May/Can I go to the toilet? (posso ir casa de banho?) Yes, you can/ may. No, you can not/ may not.

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha

Ingls Comercial

10. DATES (datas)

Sunday (domingo) Monday (segunda) Tuesday (tera) Wednesday (quarta) Thursday (quinta) Friday (sexta) Saturday (sbado) Autumn (autono) Spring (primavera) Winter (inverno) Summer (vero) Sunny (sol) Rainy (chuva) Showy (neve) Cloudy (nuvens) Windy (vento) January (Janeiro) February (fevereiro) March (maro) April (abril) May (maio) Months (meses) June (junho) July (julho) August (agosto) September (setembro) October (outubro) November (novembro) December (dezembro) Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha 9 Seasons (estaes) Days of the week (dias da semana)

Ingls Comercial

Fourth Second Whats the Third First Days of the week? Month of the year?

Is your birthday in January? (o teu aniversrio em Janeiro?) Yes, it is. No, it isnt. When is your birthday? (quando o teu aniversrio) It is on the third of February. twelfth of April.

Whats the weather like today? (como que est o tempo hoje em Portugal?) In Portugal? In December?

Its sunny (calor) Hot (quente) nice rainy cold foggy

Prepositions (preposies)
In: with months (In March) On: with days and dates (On Monday) Note: the article the is used before ordinal numbers and dates (The First)

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

11. THE FAMILY (famlia)

Who is this? That? This That is

My His Her their father

What do you do? What does he/she do? What is your/his/her job? Im a student. He/she is an actor. Janes father is a doctor / an engineer. Daughter (filha) Granddaughter (neta) Father (pai) Mother (me) Grandfather (av) Grandmother (av) Grandson (neto) Son (filho) Husband (marido) Wife (mulher) Brother (irmo) Sister (irm)

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

Possessive case we normally uses (not of) for people carols father is an engineer Not: the father of Carol . Peters sister is a teacher Not: the sister of Peter The indefinite article A teacher An umbrella

12. PEOPLE (pessoa)

The Hair (o cabelo) Dark hair (cabelo escuro) Blond hair (cabelo loiro) Curly hair (cabelo aos caracois) Straight hair (cabelo forte) Long hair (cabelo longo) Short hair (cabelo curto)

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

Parts of the body (partes do corpo) Head cabea Arm brao Hand mo Fingers dedos Leg perna Foot ps Toes dedos dos ps Tall Short Fat Thin Old Young

Eye - olhos Nose nariz Feeth dentes Neck pescoo Hair - cabelo Glasses culos Ear orelha Mouth boca Moustache bigode

Is what Are

He She They the He She They Are Is Tall Short Fat Slim Like?

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

13. ACTIONS (aces)

Routine (rotina) Get up (levantar) Have a shower (tomar banho) Have a lunch (lanchar) Go home (ir para casa) Watch television (ver televiso) Drink some milk (beber algum leite)

Continues actions They are paying football (eles esto a jogar fotebol) She is reading (ela est a ler) She is cooking dinner (ela est a cozinhar o jantar) He is doing his home work (ele est a fazer o trabalho de casa)

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

14. EXPRESSING POSSESSION (expresses possessives) Personal Possessive

(pronomes pessoais)

Possessive Adjectives

Possessive Pronouns

I You He She It We You They

Its my book Its your pencil Its his house Its her pen Its its bone Its our school Its your car Its their dog

Its mine Its yours Its his Its hers Its its Its ours Its yours Its theirs

Singular / Plural
It = They This = These That = those

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

15. ADVRBIO (advrbio)

Os advrbios so palavras que modificam o significado de um verbo, adjective ou outro advrbio.

A) Advrbio of place (adverbio de Lugar)

Place Adverbs Here (aqui) There / over there (ali, alm, acol) Near (perto de) I like here. Your book is there / over there. My house is near the supermarket.

B) Advrbio of Time (adverbio de Tempo)

Time Adverbs Today (hoje) Tomorrow (amanh)

Today is my birthday. Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

C) Interrogative Advrbio (adverbio Interrogativo)

Interrogative Adverbs

When? Where? How old? How many? How much? Why? When do you get up? Where do you live? How old is your friend? How many comics has she got? How much is it? Why is Rita afraid?

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

16. VERBS (verbos)

Verb TO BE (ser, estar) Simple Present Affirmative (positivo) I am Im (eu sou) You are youre (tu s) He is Hes (ele ) She is Shes (ela ) It is Its (isto ) We are were (ns somos) You are youre (vs sois) They are theyre (eles so)

Negative (negativo) I am not Im not (eu no sou) You are not you arent (tu no s) He is not He isnt (ele no ) She is not She isnt (ela no ) It is not It isnt (isso no ) We are not We arent (ns no somos) You are not you arent (vs no sois) They are not they arent (eles no so)

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

Interrogative (interrogao) Am I? (sou eu?)) Are you? (s tu?) Is he? ( ele?) Is she? ( ela?) Is it? ( isso?) Are we? (so vocs?) Are you? (so eles?) Are they? (sois vs?)

Verb TO Have Got (ter) Simple Present Affirmative I have got Ive got (tenho) You have got Youve got (tens) He has got Hes got (tem) She has got Shes got (tem) It has got Its got (tem) We have got Weve got (temos) You have got Youve got (tendes) They have got Theyve got (tm) Negative I have not got I havent got (no tenho) You have not got You havent got (no tens) He has not got He hasnt got (no tem) She has not got She hasnt got (no tem) It has not got It hasnt got (no tem) We have got We havent got (no temos) You have got You havent got (no tendes) They have got They havent got (no tm)

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


Ingls Comercial

Interrogative Have I got? (eu tenho?) Have you got? (tu tens?) Has he got? (ele tem?) Has she got? (ela tem?) Has it got? (tem?) Have we got? (ns temos?) Have you got? (vs tendes?) Have they got? (eles tm?)

I have got blond hair and brown eyes. Has she got a ball? No, she hasnt. They have got a big family.

Manual do Formando CIL de Ucanha


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