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A THESIS Submitted to Fulfillment of the Requirement to Obtain Sarjana Sastra Degree of English Department in Faculty of Letter, Hasanuddin University






SKRIPSI MARRIAGE RITUAL ADVICES IN SYAIR MADIHIN OF SOUTH KALIMANTAN REZKY RESTIANA RAHMAH F21108042 Telah dipertahankan di depan Panitia Ujian Skripsi Pada hari Kamis, 24 Mei 2012 dan dinyatakan telah memenuhi syarat. Menyetujui, Komisi Pembimbing,



Drs. Stanislaus Sandarupa,M.A,Ph.D NIP. 1956 1009 1986 01 1001

Sitti Sahraeny,SS,M.AppLing NIP.1972 0318 1998 02 2001

Dekan Fakultas Sastra Universitas Hasanuddin

Ketua Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra UNHAS

Prof. Drs. H. BurhanuddinArafah, M.Hum. Ph.D Drs. Husain Hasyim, M.Hum. NIP. 1965 0303 1990 02 1001 NIP. 1961 1028 1987 03 1003


UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN FAKULTAS SASTRA JURUSAN SASTRA INGGRIS Sesuai dengan Surat Tugas Dekan Fakultas Sastra Universitas Hasanuddin Nomor: 336/H4.10.1/PP.27/2012 tanggal 25 Januari 2012, kami menyatakan menerima dan menyetujui skripsi ini untuk dirumuskan ke panitia ujian skripsi Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas Hasanuddin. Makassar, 01 Mei 2012 Konsultan I, Konsultan II,

Drs. Stanislaus Sandarupa,M.A,Ph.D NIP. 1956 1009 1986 01 1001

Sitti Sahraeny,SS,M.AppLing NIP.1972 0318 1998 02 2001

Menyetujui: a.n Dekan Ketua Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Drs. Husain Hasyim, M.Hum. NIP. 1961 1028 1987 03 1003


UNIVERSITAS HASANUDDIN FAKULTAS SASTRA Pada hari ini, tanggal 24 Mei 2012, Panitia ujian skripsi menerima dengan baik skripsi yang berjudul: MARRIAGE RITUAL ADVICES IN SYAIR MADIHIN OF SOUTH KALIMANTAN untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat ujian akhir guna memperoleh gelar sarjana Jurusan Sastra Inggris program studi Kebahasaan pada Fakultas Sastra Universitas Hasanuddin.

Makassar, 24 Mei 2012 Panitia Ujian Skripsi: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Drs. Stanislaus Sandarupa,M.A,Ph.D Sitti Sahraeny, SS, M.AppLing Ketua Sekretaris (.) (.) (.) (.) (.) (.)

Prof.Dr.H.Hamzah A.Machmoed,M.A Penguji I Dr. Hj. Sukmawaty,M.Hum Drs. Stanislaus Sandarupa,M.A,Ph.D Sitti Sahraeny, SS, M.AppLing Penguji II Konsultan I Konsultan II


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. First of all, the writer would like to say Alhamdulillahhirabbilalamin to Almighty God Allah SWT who has given a good health and blessing to her until this thesis is able to be finished.. Second, the writer would like to express her unlimited thanks to her beloved parents Abd. Rahim and Mariana who have given prayer and motivation so that the writer always get huge spirit in every time and then the writer does not forget to say thanks, too, to her brothers (Said Ismail and Rezwendy) and of course to Edward Askhari Lukman as a beloved partner. This thesis is submitted to fulfill one of the requirements to gain college degree of English Study Faculty in Hasanuddin University The writer also want to expresses her deep appreciation and grateful to her consultants Drs. Stanislaus Sandarupa, M.A,Ph.D and Sitti Sahraeny, SS, M.AppLing for their time, suggestions, ideas, correction and guidance during the process of finishing this thesis. The writer also would like to give thanks to: 1. Prof. Drs. Burhanuddin Arafah, M. Hum. The Dean of Faculty of Letters, Hasanuddin University.



Drs. Husain Hasyim, M. Hum. The head of Department of English, Hasanuddin University.


All of lecturers who have been guiding any kinds of subject during she studies in University of Hasanuddin.


All of administrative staff who have given their good service to the writer, they are: Ka Uga, Ka agus, Pak Nahri, etc.


All of the best friends in English Department Grotesque 08, such as Ade, Hilda, Bunda Ana, Effy, Tiwi, Vitri, Arfa, Qia, Naya, Wiwi, Bella, Albert, Feby, Jenny, Fira (Alm), Lalu, Hendry, Fajrin, Enal, Anto, especially to KONGKALIKONG Nur Melansari (melan), Monita Indayarti (ita), Musfirah (fire), Masdyanto (Alm) for their support and help since the writer studies in Hasanuddin University. So glad to know you guys, Love you so much. The writer realizes that this thesis is still far away from perfection. Therefore,

any critics and suggestions are accepted by writer for completing this thesis, the writer hopes this thesis will be useful and can be a reference for the future research. Wassalam. Makassar, May 1st 2012

The writer


TITLE PAGE i DEDICATION.. ii LEGITIMACY.. iii AGREEMENT. iv APPROVAL v ACKNOWLEDGMENTvi TABLE OF CONTENT. viii Abstrak.. x Abstract.. xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 A. B. C. D. Context.. 1 Research Questions 3 Rationale ... 4 Significance ...5




Theoretical Stance 8

CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY RESEARCH . 16 A. B. C. D. Library Research ... 16 Population and Sample . 16 Method of Collecting Data 17 Method of Analyzing Data 17

CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 18 A. B. C. D. E. Marriage Ritual in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan . 18 Content and Structure . 30 Madihin and Advice . 34 Madihin and Gender Bias . 43 Madihin and Ideology .. 49

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 54 A. B. Conclusion 54 Suggestion 56



Abstrak Rezky Restiana Rahmah. 2012. Marriage Ritual Advices in Syair Madihin of South Kalimantan (dibimbing oleh Stanislaus Sandarupa dan Sitti Sahraeny). Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan yang terdapat dalam salah satu hasil dari budaya lokal yaitu syair madihin. Penelitian dalam skripsi ini terfokus pada nasehat-nasehat yang terkandung dalam syair madihin di acara perkawinan Kalimantan Selatan yang mana di dalamnya terdapat uraian tentang apa dampak dan kaitan dari nasehat-nasehat syair madihin tersebut terhadap masyarakat setempat. Penulis mengambil 67 baris syair yang mana syair tersebut merupakan jumlah penampilan madihin dalam perayaan pernikahan yang terdapat di daerah Kalimantan Selatan dari awal sampai akhir acara. Kemudian untuk menganalisi data penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif agar data yang ada dapat dijelasakan secara terperinci melalui susunan kata-kata yang disajikan oleh penulis dalam penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, telah diperoleh suatu pembuktian bahwa syair madihin mengandung nasehat yang mana setiap barisnya terdapat nasehat-nasehat yang mampu membentuk karakter seseorang. Selain itu dikerenakan nasehat tersebut lebih mengarah ke pihak perempuan/ istri maka penulis juga menetapkan syair tersebut mengandung bias gender yang mengacu pada kaum wanita. Tetapi meskipun nasehat tersebut mangandung bias gender, tetapi sesungguhnya menurut ideology islam, hal tersebut tidaklah bertentangan dengan Al-Quran dan Hadist.

Abstract Rezky Restiana Rahmah. 2012. Marriage Ritual Advices in Syair Madihin of South Kalimantan (supervised by Stanislaus Sandarupa and Sitti Sahraeny). This thesis purposed to know the content that included in one of local culture results which is syair madihin. The research of this thesis focused in advices that contained in syair madihin in South Kalimantan Marriage Ritual which is inside the analysis contained the explanations about what the impact and relation of the advice of syair madihin to local society. The writer took 67 lines of the syair which is a number of syair in a ritual marriage of South Kalimantan at the beginning until the end as samples to be analyzed with purposive sampling. Then to analyze the data, the writer used qualitative descriptive method to make the analysis of data can be describes clearly and completely by the writer in this research. Based on the result of the analysis, the writer has found a proof that syair madihin contains of advice which the advice of syair can build the character of someone and related to gender bias, because from the analysis the advice many more refer to woman side. Although, the advice contained to gender bias, but according to Islamic ideology, the advices agree with rules that contain in Al-Quran and Hadith.


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