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Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games

Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Abstract: In this study we are interested to make an analysis about community action and competent authorities in managing emergencies. The case that we have in attention is about flooding of the Danube and Siret River in Galati area, in period 17 June to 10 July 2010. The situation had a high risk for 350,000 residents of Galati, a town surrounded by three rivers: the Danube, the Siret and the Prut. The town was in real danger of being flooded. In fact it was a big area even of town where water entered homes and filled streets. The local authorities and community participated in construction of some dams to stop water. We started this sociological research with some simple questions: was intervention in case of flooding in Galai a success due to excellent organization at local level or just a game of hazard? Was emergency management due to interests of the government's image of politicians and not of coherent decisions of the institutions involved? To answer these questions we undertook a methodological approach based on a content analysis of media at local and central for our topic. The conclusions appear very interesting beyond the responsibility of managing an emergency request, we will see in fact a series of political games and power far exceeding the original from which we started. Keywords: emergency management, local community, governance, political games


Institutions in emergency management in Romania

Permanent development of civilization, technology and population growth determined in the last millennium increasing impact of human activities to the environment with consequences in local and/or global level. Changing dynamics of society and the environment is more accelerated in recent years. In this context, international concern to prevent disasters is not only concern the scientific community and international organizations in the face of hazard, but a necessity for awareness of the dangers that lurk us, do victims and damages. The aim of this concern is to find the most effective solutions to assess and minimize risks. Related risks as a society, we are constantly subjected to below I will customize and I will make a very brief introduction on the organization of the Romanian institutional and administrative management of what is called the hydrologic hazards-floods. In Romania there is legislation providing the organization and procedures for emergency intervention. I can remember here for example: Emergency Ordinance 21/2004 about National Management System for Emergency Situations with subsequent modifications, plus many other government decisions or Law 329/8 July 2004 about merger Civil Protection Commandment and

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Inspectorate General of Military Firemen Corps forming General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (GIES). Thus, in case of a national emergency constitute National Committee for Emergency Situations (NCES), whose president is the Minister of Administration and Interior, and vice-president is Secretary of State in Ministry of Administration and Interior. National Committee for Emergency Situations consists of about 30 state institutions, representatives of other ministries, central authorities, special services and press. Because Romania is divided administratively into 42 areas/countries, in each area in case of emergency forms Countries Committee for Emergency Situations which is led by the Prefect of that county, vice-president is the president of County Council, and members, about 48 in number, are mayors of towns in the county and state institutions directors, directors of hospitals etc., plus a Technical Committee with advisory role, consists of about 17 members. In every county/area there are towns and villages, in each town and village in case of emergency in that country/area forms Local Committee for Emergency Situations. The Local Committee has as president the mayor of the town or the village and other members that previously established. A very important role in emergencies has General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations represented in each county/area. Other institutions with competence in flood management are The Romanian Waters National Administration and Environmental Protection National Agency. Romania has a color-weather warning system, as follows:
Green Code indicates no particular precautions for the next period, but does not imply a

fine weather.
Yellow Code is used to temporarily dangerous weather phenomena for certain

activities, but otherwise normal for that period or specified area.

Orange Code applies to those provided to dangerous weather, with a high intensity.

Red Code is applied to weather expected to be dangerous with a high degree of

intensity and with disastrous effects. (Appendix-Graphic 1, Graphic 2)

II. About research methodology

Theoretical perspective in which I framed this research was the structuralist-functionalist as defined by Romanian sociologist Ctlin Zamfir: "Functional analysis of systems opens both an explanatory perspective and a constructive: it explains not only why a social system is organized in a way or another, but it also opens the possibility to determine how appropriate and efficient is it organized in relation to its aims, how it could be improved. The structure represents all relations of

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

interdependence ordinate between elements of a system, so changing an element produce determined changes in all other elements. [Zamfir, 1999, pp. 106 - 107] On my data collection I used a media monitoring in the period 17 June 2010-30 July 2011 about the subject of flooding in Galati. I had also done an interview on July 16, 2011 with the former Secretary of State for the Contact with Prefectures at the Minister of Administration and Interior during 2005-2008, his name is Victor Paul Dobre. I did a written request to the Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai and I received a few reports during the 2010 floods in Galai and I used it selectively.
III. Galai floods during June 17-July 10, 2010 a) The beginning of the emergency

In the following I will make a presentation on the sequence of events related to floods in Galai. The purpose of this presentation is to put in place every piece of a puzzle and to obtain such an image as objective as possible on how worked the intervention institutional and community in the situation of flooding in Galai. I will start with time on June, 17, 2010 when a significant rain quantity, lasting more than 24 hours, caused that the canalization system from the Valley Town cant longer cope with high water flow and repressed on the streets. (Appendix-Photo 1) Some people in panic climbed on roofs when they saw that dirty water wave covers streets, gardens, cars. An area of about one kilometer in this residential district was flooded. In this area is the Hospital CFR where the water entered in the first floor of the building. Therefore, authorities have instituted an emergency, releasing its intervention procedures. Ambulances could not move in that huge lake formed in the front of hospital, so seriously ill patients were transported by boats provided by the Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations from Galai. (Appndix-Photo 2) Also, the doctors that went to work in the morning used boats. In the hospital building dozens of persons that has suffered by floods slept on sofas in the emergency room or on the chairs in the waiting room. The hospital has played the role of emergency refuge. Electricity in Valley Town neighborhood was interrupted for security reasons. By the end of June 17, 2010 the authorities sum up the damages from floods and found that a total of 300 houses in Valley Town District related of the 8 streets were flooded in full as basement of Danube Hotel, basement of Danubius University, basement of a public building in iglina I District. In Barboi District flooded tree houses and one deposit.

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Lieutenant Eugene Chiri, official spokesman in Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations from Galai said [Adevrul, 17.06.2010]: "Now it works for drainage of buildings located in Valley Town District and Barboi District and on the Street Lunca Siretului. In other locations, above mentioned, was completed intervention to remove the effects of floods. There were a number of 250 people evacuated from flooded areas. " At these interventions worked: 8 officers, 21 non-commissioned officers, two work trucks with water and foam, three towing pumps, and three pneumatic boats. Due to strong water infiltration, two access roads to Galati were collapsed: DN25 linking the town of Galati and Tecuci (Appendix-Photo 3) and access road to the Galai area-Tirighina. (Photo 4) Auto traffic on the two routes was conducted with difficulty. Due to heavy rainfall the Danube increased with 10 cm, reaching at 588 cm (AppendixPhoto 5) and is coming increasingly more of the level of flood.1 Hydrologists have announced Orange Code in the South areas of Romania and Yellow Code in East and show that the Danube will continue to grow.2 In the next days the weather forecast is confirmed, it rains constantly in Galati and in the country, so the Danube exceeded in 22.06.2010 the level of flood with one centimeter, reaching 601 cm, with a flow of 16,340 m/s. (Appendix-Photo 6, 7, 8) During 22-30.06.2010 Danube continued to grow. In a period of 15 days (15-30 June) the increase was 50 cm. From the above where following emergency (effects):
- Water penetrating though the industrial areas of Galati, located near to the Danube and in

different areas of work platforms and keys in these areas; (Appendix-Photo 9) - Discharge of canalization water through industrial zone joint with the city; - Leakage of water in the body of dams and in the ground;
- Floods homes, yards, gardens, Danube Faleza and the railway line Galai-Tecuci.

(Appendix-Photo 10) Lieutenant Eugene Chiri, official spokesman in Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations from Galai said for press [Adevarul, 26.06.2010]: "Expectations are the worst, we expect that Valley Town District and Bdlan Area to be flooded. We prepare for the worst for Saturday or Sunday [26-27 June 2010] when it reaches the high flood on the Danube to Galati. "

1 2

Danube flood-level is 600 centimeters, and the danger level is 700 centimeters. Here I must mention an important aspect namely that the historical level of the Danube was reached in April 2006 when the river reached 657 cm, with 57 cm over the level of flood and with one centimeter more than the previous historical maximum of 1897.

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Accommodation for people who would have had to be evacuated it was intended to do at students hostels in safety zones, in total 500 beds. Food will be provided in the Canteen of Social Assistance Service. The rail transport was influenced by floods. Region Director CFR Galati, Ionel Filimon said: "Water covered the railway line on an area of several hundred meters, near to endreni village.3[...] Siret forces us to completely stop traffic on that railway line. "[, 29.06.2010] endreni area was established Red Code.
b) The institutional organization to manage the emergency in period 22-30.06.2010

At the institutional level started the application of procedures stipulated by Romanian laws in emergency situation against floods in order to protect people and property from flooding and to remediate damages and ensuring operation (supply, transportation, etc.) in the city. On 22.06.2010 Country Committee for Emergency Situations Galai met in five extraordinary meetings to analyze the operational situation and to establish following measures in the case of flooding caused by the rivers Danube, Siret and Prut: - Field support; -Constant communication and information with National Committee for Emergency Situations; -Concentration of ground forces and resources in critical areas; Local Committee for Emergency Situations Galai: -Ensure permanent at the city hall; - Met in extraordinary session to establish appropriate measures to be taken; - Information and alerts sent by population and economic operators in risk areas; - Monitoring of risk areas; - Consolidations dams and make a dams higher; -Evacuation water from canalization and maintaining a constant level; - Operative intervention team was in mayoralty; - Population inventory of risk areas for possible evacuations, establishing and preparing evacuation; - Ready reserve forces and materials for intervention.

Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai - Monitored the emergency situations in area of responsibility; -Sent warnings for Orange Code and Red Code to Local Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and for economical operators situated near to that three rivers; -Checked the service to mayoralty;

Sendreni village is about 30 kilometers far from the Galati city.

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

- Checked the application of its flood protection plan; -Planning, organization and preparation of operational teams, able to move in critical areas;4 -Quick and prompt intervention with forces and materials of solving emergencies registered; -Ensure rapid forces and materials for intervention in emergencies; - Notification and warning individuals and businesses in the Lower Brate dammed by the danger of flooding and prepare for evacuation if the situation will require; - Alarm subordinates. Water Management Sistem Galai - Monitoring the work of defense and water levels; -Work intervention to stop the dam leakage; - Establishment of operative intervention teams throughout the warn- Red Code; - Informing of Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai and ministerial committee; - Expert assistance for intervention force Country Inspectorate of the Gendarmerie Galai - Participated in monitoring the operational situation with Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai; - Population inventory of risk areas: Valley Town, Barboi, endreni; -Participated to make dams higher and building dams; -Ready reserve forces and materials for intervention. County Police Inspectorate Galai - Participated in monitoring the operational situation with Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai; -Participated in Population inventory and notification of residents: Valley City, Barboi, endreni; - Directed traffic in the working points and closed DN 2B Country Inspectorate of Border Police - Participated in monitoring the operational situation with Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai; - Participated in the monitoring work in areas dammed Brateul de Jos and Brateul de Sus. Galai garrison: -Participated to make dams higher and building dams; -Ready reserve forces and materials for intervention. Economic companies situated in risk areas made:

Critical areas are those showing potential flood danger.

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

- Monitoring the work of defense for company; - Participation to make dams higher and building dams;

- Isolation canalization system; - Evacuation water from canalization and maintaining a constant level; - Operational information center about the operational situation; - Personal reserve and intervention materials for operative intervention. Were established 9 Operative Centers of Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai. Also, were determined the exact number and type of intervention, necessary equipment and personnel. On the whole for emergency management in Galati acted a number of 729 persons, 39 pumps, 42 machines, 10 trucks, 9 cars. Analyzing the situation was identified the following risks:
If the water would exceed the historical level, would flood the villages Cosmeti, endreni,

Barboi District and Valley Town, endangering the lives of more than 7000 people and 3500 homes, causing disruption of 42 operators, three educational institutions and a hospital.
Breach in dam body due to escape of control of infiltration; Deliberate action by destroying the works; Lack of reaction from the operative intervention forces.

Measures to minimize risks of Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai:

Request for 2 pumps with large capacity for keeping constant the level of canalizationin the Valley Town District; If damage to water supply networks of localities have been checked and prepared for drinking water installations and a tanker with a capacity - 9000 liters for drinking water; Accommodation spaces for victims have been checked and places of food preparation and distribution; Residential modules have been checked and prepared for areas affected by floods; If the dam breaks in Brateul de Jos, they will make another dam; Make a deposit of stone for intervention in case of breaches in dams; Prepare more beds at the Hospital "St. Andrew" for the evacuation of patients from Hospital CFR. On 25.06.2010 Technical Support Group from Galai met in session. It was agreed that a

number of 15 employees of Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai support Water Management System in 26.06.2010 the execution of the dam Bdlan. Also, in the session has made an interoperability of Galai with other two towns on the Danube, Brila and Tulcea.

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

On 26.06.2010 Technical Support Group from Galai met in session. The head Manager of Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai, Colonel Balaban Vasile said that the pumps discharge water infiltration is not sufficient and have taken radical measures to protect the Valley City District by creating a dam of sandbags in the most vulnerable areas and 50 peoples from some public institutions and 300 soldiers will work for that dam. On 27.06.2010 held an extraordinary meeting of Countries Committee for Emergency Situations and a videoconference with Prime Minister of Romania, Emil Boc. During this meeting has decided to evacuate people in socio-economic activities on the river floodplains Siret, Prut and Danube and warning people of danger areas on the imminent floods. Also in this meeting were determined and urgent measures needs to be taken to protect persons and goods. On 28.06.2010 Technical Support Group from Galai met in session. The bad news that discussed in meeting was about dam collapse danger in endreni village. The solution of Technical Support Group for this situation was to make high the dam a length of 2 kms.
c) The situation becomes more serious

On 02.06.2010 in Galati Danube reaches 663 cm, with 6 cm above the historical level of 2006. Danube threatens the city. Big problems are and in Sendreni, a village located at the confluence of the Danube and Siret. Siret also exceeded historical levels. Prime Minister Emil Boc arrives on July 3, 2010 around 13.00 on a visit in Galati at Prefecture, where he meets Countries Committee for Emergency Situations. Media access is prohibited at the meeting. Before meeting the Prime Minister made brief statements to the press promising solutions and water, food and roof over heads for those affected by floods. In front of the Prefecture a lot of people are dissatisfied with government involvement in preventing floods and threw with eggs and tomatoes in front of Prime Minister. After meeting Prime Minister goes to the village endreni (Photo 11) where the dam situation is uncertain. I make a specification that people's dissatisfaction due to the fact that after 4 years of floods in 2006 at Galati did not do any work Danube course planning to prevent flooding in the city although there is a project in this direction, but money was not allocated by the government. Officials announce a predictable worsening within two or three days of the situation in the Braila-Galati, when Siret River will exceed the historical flow, when the flow reaches at the river mouth of the Danube. At that time Danube will not be able to take its tributary water. In solidarity local authorities in several cities of Romania began a campaign to collect aid for those in flooded areas.

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

The Prefecture of Galati on July 4, 2010 is a meeting of National Committee for Emergency Situations with participation of Minister of Administration and Interior, Vasile Blaga, Environment Minister, Lazlo Borbely, Secretary of State in Ministry of Administration and Interior, Mihai Capr, Undersecretary of State in Ministry of Health, Raed Arafat, Prefect of Galati, Cosmin Pun, Prefect of Brila, Dumitru Popa and the President of Tulcea County Council, Victor Tarhon, with other members of the Committee. (Appendix-Photo 12) The atmosphere is tense. The Committee seeks a solution to prevent flooding of Galati under the weather forecast estimates an increase in the level of the Danube at 690 cm. The Committee takes in consideration several solutions. People are worried and nervous gathered in front of the Prefecture where the meeting of National Committee for Emergency Situations takes place. They have posters of cardboard where wrote: Save Valley Town! and "Save the history and economy of Galai! (Appendix-Photo 13) After two hours of discussion the meeting ends with a solution: ascension dam with sandbags in 36 hours. People are not satisfied with the solution of the Committee. They wanted a controlled flooding of the Danube on the opposite bank of Galai but the officials did not want this because there are lands that belong to other politicians. The dam will have a length of 4.5 km and a height of 1.5 meters, began to be built in fact still the day before. The officials decided to increase the number of workers to 1,400 people for things to go faster. Workers plus volunteers were supervised by 45 experts from the Romanian Waters. On July 5, 2010 at 12:00, the Danube in Galati measure 678 cm and was growing. Instead, Siret River begins to decrease, from 729 cm at 0.00, to 722 cm at 12.00. Around 14.30 arriving again in Galati Prime Minister Emil Boc with Minister of Administration and Interior, Vasile Blaga. They came to see the dam with a length of 4.5 km. (Appendix-Photo 14) Emil Boc has inspected the dam, carried a bag with sand and put a shovel of earth. (Appendix-Photo 15) Several residents of the Valley Town District called "Huo", "You have to destroy the country!" Do you bring some money with you? to Prime Minister while he came to see how things were going to raise the dam. [, 05.07.2010] While some people are working hard on dam (Appendix-Photos 16, 17, 18) in Upper Faleza of Danube, others come just to see how the river level rise. Small business and cafes on the Lower Faleza are destroyed by floods. (Appendix-Photos 19-26) If the dam does not stand, local authorities say that will be dire consequences: "In these conditions if the dam will not resist, would flood a quarter of Galati, Damen Shipyards, port and customs. There are nearly 200 business units in the area and 12,000 jobs. [...] I think it would be

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

the biggest urban disaster in Romania after the Second World War. [...] I do not want to sound dramatic, but it is simply reality. Said Mircea Cristea, vice-mayor of Galai. [Adevrul, 05.07. 2010] Romanian President Traian Basescu comes to visit Galati on July 6, 2010 to inspect high dam to protect the city from the Danube. (Appendix-Photo 27) The President said that the dam is currently the only solution to save town from floods: "From the discussions that I have had with those responsible persons, but from the current data on the evolution of the Danube level, we can be optimistic. I remove the hypothesis to break the dam at Cotul Pisicii5 or elsewhere, for controlled flooding. [...] Galai is prepared to resist at level of 695 centimeters of the Danube, is prepared to resist and to 715 cm. [, 06.06. 2010] For construction of the dam were used more than 250,000 bags of sand, according to official spokesman of Prefecture Galati, Petric Crngan Pailea. [EVZ, 06.06. 2010] Danube level is growing. In the morning visit of President Basescu the Danube measures 680 cm, with 80 cm more than the rate of flooding, the highest level since the Romanian specialists measure the Danube. On July 8, 2010 European Commissioner for international cooperation, humanitarian aid and crisis response, Kristalina Georgieva with Prime Minister Emil Boc fly with helicopter over flooded areas of Galai. The two officials made visits to the flooded areas and at the working point of the Damen Shipyards Galai, which operates the Belgian team consists of ten specialists and equipment sent by the Belgian State assisting The Community Mechanism for Civil Protection of the European Commission. Other four Member States offer equipment to cope with the floods after Romania activates the EU Civil Protection Mechanism on July 2, 20106. Galai Town is not yet safe from high waters of the Danube and Siret. There are many doubts on the solution represented by the dam built on the Danube Faleza. Solution that actually saved the city was on a worker participating in building the dam on River Siret. Sandu Gheorghiu has 51 years old. When he was young, he worked on the Danube-Black Sea Canal. When he saw Emil Boc Prime Minister, on 3 July, visiting the Sendreni at work building the dam on the Siret, man has the courage and proposed an alternative use of Danube5

Cotul Pisicii is an area of the Danube bank, opposite to Galati.

The Community Mechanism for Civil Protection of the European Commission supports cooperation in disaster response. This mechanism involved 31 European countries (27 EU Member States plus Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). After activation mechanism ensures the coordination of assistance intervention in the EU and beyond. Such actions are coordinated by the European Commission with Monitoring and Information Centre.


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Black Sea Canal to reduce the level of the Danube. Opening the locks will cause a decrease the Danube level in Galai. Thus means that a part of the Danube flow will be taken from the DanubeBlack Sea Canal. Four days later, Minister of Economy announced that opened the locks of Cernavod. Danube level began to decrease in Galai and river waters could take and Siret. The solution given by Sandu Gheorghiu proved correct and with a good viability.
IV. Considerations related to floods in Galai

All these problems could be avoided in the opinion of experts. Flooding appears because only one side of the river is dammed enough while on the opposite bank of Galati water flows and cause flooding. hese specialists consider that this error is an explanation of the flood of increasingly frequent in recent years caused by Danube. Ceausescu was obsessed to surround all waters to provide as much land to agriculture. [...]So they built a dam with a height of 758 centimeters on bank Tulcea on the Danube, while on Galati bank the dam remained at 650 centimeters. Romeo Cndea said. (hydrotechnical engineer) [, 07.07.2010] However, the Ceausescu regime and those who followed have forgotten one thing: to build the dam higher on the bank of Galati town, because water does not enter in the city. Two solutions are to this problem. The first solution is to raise the dam next to the city of Galati to 750 centimeters. The second solution is a planning of the Danube meadow. Last solution is already being planned in 2006, Renaturation of the Danube-Green Corridor". Nothing happened since 2006 about this project and no money has been allocated. Floods in Galati picture is not complete if not add change directors of Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai four times in one year. It is said that the reason would be represented by certain statements in the press that they would have done about how the governors have managed the emergency situation in Galati. I will start with director of Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations who participated in the management of floods in the summer of 2010, Colonel Vasile Balaban. He is changed by Colonel Constantin Ene. I did not found any the reasons for this replacement.


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Events takes place rapidly, so that on January 6, 2011 Colonel Constantin Ene, only five days called as Director of Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai gives an interview and stated that the floods in summer 2010 was a good opportunity for some political figures to draw attention to themselves and adds a shocking statement: "Saving Galati flood was a circus! [...] It is frustrating, embarrassing even to intervene every year on certain places, always the same, without doing something to solve problems. What made last year was just acting. It is nice to see people like running with the bag in the back. It's just image. There is nothing in return. [Adevrul, 06.01.2011] Shortly, after this statement Colonel Constantin Ene is forced to resign and is replaced by Colonel Vasile Balaban. On May 24, 2011 and Colonel Vasile Balaban made a statement claiming that the government did nothing of the promised in time of floods. Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations has not reached any formal paper that would be notified that any work begins in Valley Town District. We know nothing about it. I know they promised more. They built a dam meter till in this moment? A few days ago it rained a bit and again problems. We collected water in the streets. " It is not clear if changing of Colonel Vasile Balaban like director in Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations is due or no press statements. The fact is that he was dismissed as director and replaced by Colonel Ion Plesu. To prove once again declarative concern of government to the problem of flooding, on 23 June 2011 organized a seminar in Galati about: Economic and Environmental Resize of Lunca Dunrii to reduce flood risk" with the participation of Minister of Environment and Forests, Laszlo Borbely and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Valeriu Tabr (Appendix-Photo 28) The seminar was to present important information on flood risk and providing risk maps for Lunca Dunrii. In early 2011 Galati Town Hall owned two big buildings. In the first building Town Hall plans to build a retention basin for rainwater collected in Valley Town District. In the second building will arrange for emergency shelter. The projects are ambitious, there is one problem: the authorities did not specify from where they will obtain funds for their implementation. However, I must remind the remarkable initiative of County Councils in Galai, Brila, Buzu, Constana, Tulcea and Vrancea which were associated and created a project with European funding, approved, worth 12 million euros. The project aims to purchase a total of 63 specific equipments for emergency interventions: modern trucks and ambulances. New equipment received by Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations will shorten the response time in emergencies.

Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

V. Conclusion Then, flood scenario can be repeated anytime in Galai Town if the waters will rise above normal flow. Galati area presents a high risk of floods. Officials seem more concerned with disaster intervention than its prevention, which is focusing on obtaining easily a good political image by words without to make something concrete for people. Construction of new dams and raising those that exist is blocked because the officials do not allocate the funds needed for this work. The drawing up maps of flood risk areas in Galati represents an important step for future action in areas mapped. NGOs did not intervene in emergency management created, were absent in fact or at least that was the situation in Galai in 2010. Community involvement and participation was high in rural and relatively poor in the town of Galati. Greater involvement was only from people directly affected by flooding or in danger of being affected. In the city was not a community mobilization made by authorities, the situation was opposite in the village. Galati saving solution by opening the lock from Cernavod and part of the Danube flow was taken from the Danube-Black Sea Canal. The solution came from a simple man, with no special or official functions in emergency management. This shows the inability of the authorities and specialists involved in flood management to find viable solutions themselves. Informing the public on developments flooding was permanent and appropriate, but there was no sufficient transparency of the decision making. Change of three directors at Country Inspectorate for Emergency Situations Galai in one year because they reported the real situation in the press about the irresponsibility of political officials, is proof that officials are trying to hide reality with any price. Galai avoid flooding was actually due to a game of chance rather than the result of involvement of officials whose actions were rather characterized by improvisation. Activation of Community Mechanism for Civil Protection of the European Commission was an important aid to Romania to fight against floods. The only real thing that has made episode of flooding from 2010 to present was the project with European funding approved worth 12 million euros to purchase modern equipments for emergency interventions.


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Finally, I remember an episode that honors Romania regarding importance of emergency intervention. This episode I was told in interview by Deputy Victor Paul Dobre, Secretary of State at the Minister of Administration and Interior during 2005-2008. In 2007 when Greece faced a series of large-scale fires with victims, Romania has just acquired an advanced fire-fighting helicopter. This helicopter was sent by the Romanian state and had its first trial by fire to extinguish fires in Greece. "[...] and I even got a letter of thanks from the Greek State that the helicopter made its duty. Victor Paul Dobre wanted to mention.


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi



Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Graphic 1 Decision Flow for Flood Management



Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Graphic 2 Information Flow for Flood Management



Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 1) Canalization system from the Valley Town cant longer cope with high water flow and repressed on the streets (17.06.2010)

Photo 2) People go to Hospital CFR by boat (17.06. 2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 3) Subsidence on the road DN 25 Galai-Tecuci (17.06. 2010)

Photo 4) Subsidence on the road (Tirighina) (17.06. 2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 5) The Danube increased (17.06. 2010)

Photo 6) Danube continued to grow. (22.06.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 7) Danube floods Faleza. Caffees are full of water. (22.06.2010)

Photo 8) Danube floods Faleza. (22.06.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 9) Damen Shipyards is flooded (23.06.2010)

Photo 10) The railway line Galai-Tecuci is flooded (29.06. 2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 11) Prime Minister goes to the village endreni where the dam situation is uncertain. (03.06. 2010)

Photo 12) National Committee for Emergency Situations (04.07.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 13) People are worried and nervous gathered in front of the Prefecture. They have posters of cardboard where wrote: Save Valley Town! and "Save the history and economy of Galai! (04.07.2010)

Photo 14) Dam made by sandbags with a length of 4.5 km (05.07.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 15) Prime Minister Emil Boc carried a bag with sand and put a shovel of earth. (05.07.2010)

Photo 16) Soldiers working at the dam in Galati (05.07.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 17) People are working hard on dam (05.07. 2010)

Photo 18) Workers involved in dam building (05.07.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 19) Floods on Lower Faleza (05.07.2010)

Photo 20) Floods on Lower Faleza (05.07.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 21) Floods on Lower Faleza (05.07.2010)

Photo 22) Floods on Lower Faleza (05.07.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 23) Floods on Lower Faleza (05.07.2010)

Photo 24) Floods on Lower Faleza (05.07.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 25) Floods on Lower Faleza (05.07.2010)

Photo 26) Floods on Lower Faleza-Ferry (05.07.2010)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

Photo 27) Romanian President Traian Basescu comes to visit Galati (06.07.2010)

Photo 28) Seminar in Galati about: Economic and Environmental Resize of Lunca Dunrii to reduce flood risk" with the participation of Minister of Environment and Forests and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development (23.07.2011)


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi

O.U.G 21/2004 Ordonana de Urgen privind Sistemul Naional de Management al Situaiilor de Urgen, aprobat i modificat prin Legea 15/2005. OG. 88/2001 Ordonana privind nfiinarea, organizarea i funcionarea serviciilor publice comunitare pentru situaii de urgen, aprobat i modificat prin Legea nr 363/2002, modificat prin OUG. Nr 25/2004 Legea 481/2004 Lege privind protecia civil Legea 340/2004 Lege privind instituia prefectului HG 1489/2004Hotrre privind organizarea i funcionarea comitetului Naional pentru Situaii de urgen; HG 1490/2004Hotrrea pentru aprobarea Regulamentului de Organizare i Funcionarea i a organigramei Inspectoratului General pentru situaii de Urgen; HG 1491/2004 Hotrre pentru aprobarea Regulamentului-cadru privind structura organizatoric, atribuiile, funcionarea i dotarea comitetelor i centrelor operative pentru situaii de urgen; HG 1492/2004 Hotrrea privind principiile de organizare, funcionare i atribuiile serviciilor de urgen profesioniste HG 2288/2004 Hotrre pentru aprobarea repartizrii principalelor funcii de sprijin pe care le asigur ministerele, celelalte organe centrale i organizaiile neguvernamentale privind prevenirea i gestionarea situaiilor de urgen Legea 477/2003 privind pregtirea economiei naionale i a teritoriului pentru aprare Legea 132/1997 privind rechiziiile de bunuri i prestri de servicii n interes public HG 11/1998 pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Legii nr. 132/1997 Legea 329/ 8 iulie 2004 fuzionarea Comandamentului Protectiei Civile i Inspectoratul General al Corpului Pompierilor Militari formand Inspectoratul General pentru Situatii de Urgenta (IGSU) Acordul Consiliului Europei, 1987, EUR-OPA Major Hazards Strategia de prevenire i combatere a catastrofelor naturale, 1994, Yokohama Zamfir, Ctlin, 1999, Spre o paradigm a gndirii sociologice. Texte alese, ed. Cantes, Iai Links action=print _292170904.html


Emergency Management: floods in Galai, Romnia, between coherence strategy and political games Gabriela-Violeta Iordchi 20.html


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