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htm ; ; ; The Gilded Age

I. Harrison Presidency A. Ben Harrison 1888-1892 1. Thomas Reed speaker of the house Powerful, manipulative 2. Tarufs to protect industry Republicans are pro-Tarufs Democrats are anti-Tarufs B. Gold vs. Silver Republicans are gold Gold tugs want money to stay with value of gol d Democrats like silver

II. The Peoples Party A. Population: the poor people out number the rich people- the idea that the poor should come together against the rich B. The Grange-1867 An organization of farmers attempt to right the wrongs o f the gilded age Rail roads Strongest in: Illinois Iowa Minnesota Wisconsin Wrote laws to fix their problems (Granger laws) Poorly written laws were often appealed C. Green Back Labor

Want paper money in the place of gold D. Populas Party All the other groups try to unite under this party 1892 populas party runs a candidate wherever They wanted to solve: A granulated income tax The government to won mail roads, phones, ec t. A 8 hour work day Gets lots of voters from farm states Cleveland wins 277

III. Governments Revenge A. Panic of 1893-after Cleveland Over production of industrial products Coxeys army

IV. Election of 1896 A. Republicans run McKinley for president McKinley is big business- supported by Mark Hanna B. Democrats run William Jennings Bryan Great speaker Populist C. Bryan Loses McKinley-271 Bryan- 176 D. Important because: Farmer are no longer a political force Representatives control White House for 16 years

African Americans are in trouble

V. The Wizard of Oz Written by Al Frank Down Based on politics Dorothy= the American people Yellow Brick Road= gold standard She actually had silver slippers Scarecrow= farmers which are dumb Tin man= industrial laborers have no heart Lion= William Jennings Bryan Wizard= McKinley/ Mark Hannah Witch= destruction

Imperial America Chapter 24 I. Causes of Imperialism A. The idea of taking armies and conquering other peoples land and enslaving the m. - 1890 we decide to join in on imperialism: - because we could - We had industry/metal ships - TNT Alfred Nobel - We have the weapons. - Europe had been conquering ___ before Napoleon. -Africa - India - Australia * We felt kind of left out and worried that Europe would leave us in the dust. - End of the Frontier - We fully conquered all of our own land Manifest destiny was completed. - We wanted to _____ everyone

- Wanted to make them Christian - ____ little brown brother - Economics - Many powerful business/republicans wanted to conquer lands and force them to buy our products much like mercantilism.

II. Imperators Imperialism Granted Generals to control armies.

Alfred Mohan Influence of ___ ___ on History 1890 thesis never had a nat ion projected great power without a powerful navy. Consequences Need fueling stations out in middle of oceans Take over/own islands

Built panama canal to make it easier to top naval ships from New York to San Francisco. Teddy Roosevelt Rep. Secretary of Navy Henry Cabot Lodge Republicans Albert Beveridge _____ and Hearst Hearst yellow journalism fake journalism. All for war

III. Hawaii Settled by Ancient Hawaiians Discovered by Asians Americans look at it like a future ____ west coast Settled by white plantation owners Sanford Dole Dole Frust McKinley Tarrif Hawaiian sugar/ fruit growers Dole have to pay tariffs to import stuff to America

Sanford starts a revolution Popular w/ American people Hawaii becomes a territory then becomes a state in 1959.

IV. Cuba We wanted Cuba for a long time very close to Florida Spain is still in power of Cuba Governor ______ ______ Due to Hearst (yellow journalism) he becomes Butcher Weyler Things get rough in Havana, Cuba 1898 we send a big ass ship USS Maine to take control

V. Spanish American War - Feb. 15 1898 - USS Maine is blown up and sinks 271 people died - We blamed Spain - McKinley asks to declare war with Spain - We go to war - Teller Amendment - a declaration to the world that were not going to war to gain Cuba but only to set Cubans Free. - We beat their ass in 1 year. - a picture was taken of him on San Juan ___ was put in newspapers made hi m a war hero - helps him become president. - Admiral Davey goes to Philippines with a lot of ships - comes across some Spanish ships sinks them all - 400 Spaniards died and 1 American died of heat stroke. - treaty of Paris 1889 Cuba freed of Spain - American rules Guam, Puerto Rico, and Philippines.

Empire or Republic I. Aftermath - _____ - leader of Filipinos

- Protectorate a country deemed too weak to govern itself - 7 million people in the Philippines. - We have a war with them and lose 4,300 - First war with motion picture cameras - We capture _____ in 1891 * Cuba is free, Puerto Rico is ours, we fight and gain Philippines.

II. Domestic Backlash or him Democrats for the anti-imperialistic league Election of Rep. McKinley Dem. Bryan (again) McKinley has front porch campaign sent out Teddy Roosevelt to campaign f McKinley wins A series of cases tried in Supreme court called ____ Cases Do Filipinos now have the same constitutional rights.

III. Open Door secretary of state comes up with open door policy in China allowed free trade with China among all countries Bexar Rebellion Crazy Chinese who killed a lot of English/American missionaries American, England and Germany stop the rebellion.

IV. Teddy Rev

-Imperialist -aggressive ____ pres. - First pres to ever leave the country

- Became pres. McKinley was shot in 1901 making him the youngest pres 42. Foreign Policy -Panama Canal - We ask to purchase this land from Columbia - They said no, so we stole it - Canal is completed in 1914 - doubled the power of our Navy Roosevelt corollary an addition of the Monroe Doctrine We, the US, police the western hemisphere. Also known as the big __ policy Russo Japanese war 1904-05 Little scuff over the islands off the coast of Russia Japan wins Both Russia and Japan ask Roosevelt to be a mediator. He then gets the Nobel peace prize Neither Russia or Japan were pleased with the outcome

Progressivism Chapter 31 I. Roots A. The Third Great Awakening 1900-1920 -not quite as religious -a push to make life better progress - not a political movement cuts across both partners - starts with Roosevelt ends with Wilson B. Populism - starts mainly with farmers - Populism: democrats as ____ ___: Rep. - Greenbacks control of railroad * _____ - early progressive republicans

II. Issues A. education 1870-1920 college enrollment increases by 400% - different departments in college are created. - economic sociological, etc. - the # of 17 year olds graduating from high school increases by 25%

B. The list - wanted to break the power of big business - Limit the power of political machines - improve the condition of the working poor - 8 hour days, less children, etc. *Socialism is now coming around - Eugene Debs ran for president socialist 1900,04,08 -temperance want to ban alcohol 1919 - conservation of natural resources - women suffrage 1920 - wanted income taxes

III. Leaders A. _________ - Name given to a group of journalists by Roosevelt - find out the worst of things - Upton Sinclair The Jungle 1906 - Investigative book on meat packing - there were no reputations on meat packing - Frank Norris The Octopus 1901 - Jane Adams rescue missions in big cities - NAACP - Robert La Follete

- Wisconsin experiment 1901 - an attempt to make govt make the peoples life better - first state income tax - first election of state senators - the secret ballot - Initiative and recall process - if people want to pass a low, the people can write petitions

IV. Teddy at home A. Square deal - his legislative programs make sure the people are dealt a fair hand * the 3 Cs 1. control of Corporations - labor coal miner US corporations - Roosevelt threatens to take over the ___ and get coals himself Bully Pulpit - He becomes known as Trust Buster 2. Consumer ______ - passes the meat inspector act 1906 - Pure food and drug act

3. Conservation * Teddys a big hunter - Set aside 120 million acres of land to be preserved - Wise use use it but conserve it

V. Taft Presidency -1904 when Teddy won the election he said that he wouldnt run for re-election. - Howard Taft Teddys predecessor He wins the 1908 election largely because of Teddy Taft has no charisma

Ironically Taft is more progressive Payne Aldrich Tariff 1909 This makes republicans feel betrayed

I Election of 1912 - Taft as pres. -Teddy comes back to challenge Taft for Pres. - Teddy declares his own party Progressive Party - Bull Moose Party - Democrats nominate Woodrow Wilson for pres. - Socialists nominate ___ Final score Taft 8 electoral votes Teddy 18 electoral votes Wilson 435 Debs 0 Wilson pursues a progressive presidency

II. Woodrow Wilson was a professor then head of Princeton Then governor New pres. He was born in Virginia First southern man to become pres since 1860 He thought to highly of himself/ speaking absolutely He said he was going to fight against the ____ wall of privilege. Tariffs, trusts, banks Passes Underwoods Tariff Act of 1913 Went from 40% to 29%

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Federal Reserve Act- 1913 Sets interest Federal trade commission 1914 Moderators business from becoming monopolies

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