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ELITE-Only Report Reveals:

The Secret 7
7 Sneaky Tricks to Turbocharge Your Game In 24 Hours Or Less By Taylor Allan

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The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Taylor Allan Training, LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Taylor Allan Training, LLC, or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.


Ohh, the sneakiness

Im writing this report while sitting outside on my back deck. Its 81 degrees here in Ontario, and Im relaxing after an awesome outdoor kettlebell workout under the sun. So, given that Im feeling pretty laid back at the moment, I hope you dont mind (ie. I hope you enjoy) the conversational tone over the next few pages. After all, given the fact that youre now probably a member of the Basketball Renegade ELITE coaching group, I think that pretty much qualifies us as family. And, as family, were allowed to bust each others balls sometimes. So, you want to learn some strategies thatll turbocharge your game in 24 hours or less, huh? Yeah, well who the heck doesnt? Just kidding. The truth is, If you told me five years ago that Id be writing this manual right now, Id probably no, definitely, have laughed in your face. I mean, come on. 7 sneaky tricks to turbocharge your game in 24 hours or less?? Gimme a break! There are no tricks, no secret potions, no magic bullets to success. You either work hard, work smart, and invest in yourself, or you dont. No in-betweens, no exceptions. Yup, thats probably what I would have said to you.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am violently opposed to gimmicks, hype and scammy tricks. Mostly because Ive fallen for them time and time again over the course of my career, and wasted a TON of time, energy and money on things that just didnt work. Well, Ive matured (a little bit) over the past few years, and Ive met some pretty amazing people during that time. People who train athletes, just like me, and each of them have a few tricks of the trade that they use with these athletes to get better results. Some would call these tricks Sneaky. I say sneaky because some of these tricks are things that you would NEVER think of on your own, and otherwise seem a little, well, weird. Then again, some of these tricks are simple, straitforward, and most of all, effective. And some of them are just plain out there. The truth is, as much as it pains me to say this, these tricks work. As much as it pains me to say this, I was wrong, and there are a few tricks that will take your game to the next level, practically overnight. These arent scams, they arent hypey, and they arent BS. They are proven techniques that really do work, and will help you become a better player in a very short period of time. How short? 24 hours or less short. Some will take only a couple seconds to kick in, some will take a couple hours. But all of them are damn near instant, and youre gonna love the results.

Some of the tricks are mine, and some of them (3 of them, to be exact), are borrowed (and by borrowed, I of course mean blatantly stolen with, you know permission) from some of my best trainer friends in the world. So listen up (or read up, I suppose) and take some notes, or just go ahead and print this bad boy out, bust out a highlighter and prepare to get your learn on.


Who doesnt want to play their best game, every single game? Um, no one, thats who. And I have a way for you to do just that, but its definitely not what you think. This is something Im super passionate about, something Ive literally invested thousands of dollars to learn about, and something that strait up kicks ass. Its nutrition. Yeah, yeah, I can hear the groans already. But I eat McDees before every game and my skills iz still mad tight yo!!! Shut up, you dont know what youre talking about. Just kidding, obviously. But seriously, follow this formula for your game-day meals, and youre going to find yourself with more energy and mental clarity than youve EVER had in your life. Ideally, you would follow this formula for every meal of every day, but for now lets start out with just game-day. Now, things are about to get a little complex, but bear with me. We are going to use a technique thats freaking changed my life. Its called Metabolic Typing. Sounds pretty cool, huh? Well, it is. And Ive invested literally thousands of dollars to learn the ins and outs of metabolic typing, and the world leaders in nutrition and performance all agree that is by far the most efficient and effective way of eating for high performance on the planet.

The problem is, its damn complex to learn and apply, and itd take months, if not years, to actually learn how to apply it to your game. So Ive simplified it for you. All you have to do is follow this step by step formula for your last two meals before game-day, and youre golden.

Step 1: Take the Metabolic Typing online test , here (100% Free): This test will determine which type of metabolism you currently have. There are three main types: Protien types, Carbohydrate types, and Mixed types. The type you are will determine which meal you need to eat before your games.

Step 2: Designing your game-time meals. Your last two pre-game meals need to be suited for your individual type. To keep things simple, Ill give you different meal options for each type. Each meal is made up of four components: - A protein source - A carbohydrate - A healthy fat source - A vegetable The combination of these four food components will make up your meal. DO NOT ADD ANYTHING EXTRA TO YOUR MEAL. These meals are built for performance, not enjoyment.

For example, if youre a carbohydrate type, you might choose to eat turkey, quinoa, cucumber, and tbsp of olive oil for that meal. That would be your ENTIRE meal NOTHING else! Here are your specific food options for each type: ----------If you are a Carbohydrate Type (choose one option from each category): 1. Your protein source options: - Chicken Breast - Turkey Breast - 3-4 Eggs, sunny-side up (NOT scrambled!) - Ground Chicken - Ground Turkey - Haddock (fish) - Tuna 2. Your carbohydrate source: - Brown Rice - Quinoa - Millet - Basmati Rice - Sweet potato 3. Your healthy fat source: - 1/2 tbsp Extra-Virgin Olive Oil 4. Your vegetable (one handful of one of the below options): - Mixed Greens salad (use the olive oil as your dressing) - Cucumber - Broccoli - Celery --------------If you are a Protien Type (choose one option from each category):

***Note: Most players will take a look at this food chart and think no way I cant eat that before a game! I know, because I used to think the same way. Until I realized that I was a protein type myself, and tried it. If youre a protein type, this meal plan flat out works. Period. 1. Your protein source options: - Steak - Ground Beef - Bison - Venison - Salmon - Trout 2. Your carbohydrate source: - Banana - Small sweet potato - 1 pear - 1 cup Blueberries ***You may find that eliminating your carbohydrates altogether makes you play better. If youre feeling sluggish as a protein type, first try eliminating carbs before anything else. 3. Your healthy fat source: - 1 tbsp Extra-Virgin Olive Oil - Avocado (you can try eating a whole avocado, but start with half) - cup Walnuts - 1 Tbsp Extra-Virgin Organic Coconut Oil (avoid it if its not organic) 4. Your vegetable (one handful of one of the below options): - Spinach - Carrots - Cauliflower --------If you are a Mixed Type (choose one option from each category):

*Note: You have more flexibility as a mixed type. As such, you get to choose foods from both the carbohydrate type and protein type list. Its up to you to determine which foods suit you best. 1. Your protein source options: - Chicken - Steak - Turkey - Salmon 2. Your carbohydrate source: - Sweet Potato - Basmati Rice - Quinoa - Squash 3. Your healthy fat source: - 1 tbsp Olive Oil - Avocado - SMALL Handful of Almonds or 1 tbsp almond butter 4. Your vegetable (one handful of one of the below options): - Spinach - Mixed Greens - Carrots - Celery --------As you can see, we dont just go out an eat loads of pasta and chicken breast before every game. Thats a horrible plan that will only end in poor energy and performance during games. Are these meals elaborate? No. Will they boost your performance as an individual? YES. With this plan, you have set the foundation for every pre-game feeding to be an energy-boosting, performance enhancing meal. And heres where the real magic comes in:

Step 3: Manage Your Variables When you create and try these meals, you will get a great feel for your body and which foods work for YOU as an individual. YOU determine how much food you eat, the exact amount thats right FOR YOU before gametime. YOU determine how much time you allow between your pre-game meal and your game. YOU determine which specific foods work for you within these specific meals. Some foods will work better for you than others. Stay in tune with your body and learn what works best for you. But for now, here are your starting points: - Eat your second last meal 7 hours before gametime. Eat your last meal 3 hours before gametime. - Eat the amount of food that you typically would feel comfortable with before games. This is completely up to you and what you feel works best. When in doubt, err on the side of too little food. - Start with using the food options that are most convenient for you. If you cant get your hands on bison and coconut oil just yet, no sweat. Just start off with ground beef and olive oil, and see how it works.

Step 4: Continue to test and track This is the big key. You probably wont get it exactly right the first time you try this plan (although youll feel a LOT better than normal). It takes some testing and tweaking to determine whats right for you.

Make sure that youre in tune with your body, what it likes and doesnt like before games, and always continue to refine your approach using the foods list above. Soon, you will determine the perfect pre-game meal for yourself, so that you have optimal energy every game, and have your best game ever, every time.


This bad boy is contributed by my good buddy and lightning-fast dribbling wizard Alex Maroko. Yes, I said dribbling wizard. Youve seen his handles before, tell me Im wrong? Theyre insane. And if you actually havent seen his handles yet, check out the highlight video on this page right now: Go ahead, click the link and check out what the real meaning of sticky hands is. Have you done it yet? Have you watched the video? Its halfway down the page, so youll need to scroll down. Hopefully you have. Now, we all want that kind of sticky handle, the type of handle that makes it look as if the ball is on a string The type of handle that can get you out of any tough situation on the floor, and have you making the D look completely silly. Now obviously, we cant develop sticky handle in 24 hours or less, it takes some good ol fashioned WORK.

BUT, there IS one thing that you can do when your handle just isnt feeling quite right. Ill let A-Mar take it from here Hey its Alex! Ive got a quick secret to share with all of the ELITE today. This secret is going to give you that sticky handle you need on the court In just a couple minutes. I cant believe Im saying this right now, since nowadays it seems like everyone is searching for the magic potion, the quick fix. Me? I guess Im just more of an old fashioned type. I like working, I like sweating, I like grunting, and I kinda even love grinding! At the some time though, Im no weirdo; if there is something that is going to make me better in less than a minute, and requires me to do nothing, Im probably going to take it. So, let me ask you a question Have you ever gone to the gym, and your handle just didnt feel right? You know what Im talking about. You get to the gym, youre with all your friends, you think youre ready to ball. But, for whatever reason, it just doesnt feel right? WHY IS THAT?? It might be for a lot of reasons.

Maybe youve just been playing too much lately (oh yeah, you can actually do that). Maybe you didnt warm up right. Maybe your head is somewhere else. But boy oh boy, have I got a tip for you. This is the type of Insider knowledge that will separate you from the rest of the pack And can Ultimately make you successful while others continue to struggle. But, listen. Up until now, everything in the ball-handling world has been status quo, with everyone satisfied to spew the same stuff over and over. But, today, the game is changing, all the time. And, now that you are on the inside, you are at the forefront. Youre reading this, youre with me, youre leading the pack. So, as leaders, what are we going to do with this type of knowledge? I say we take action with it and put it to use. I say we help others and spread the word. Man, I am getting chills thinking about the crews of CRAZY ball handlers that are going to be sprouting up everywhere, real soon from the program! Ok, anyways, you wanted that awesome tip that so far has worked 100% of the time, every time, right? By the way, this one just came to me one day. I had used something similar for other reasons, and I was having a less-than-spectacular day at the gym, so I thought, What the heck? Its worth a try.

Whats funny is its worth way more than a try; its actually probably worth a good $100. Oh well, no one ever said I was a good businessman! WHAT YOU DO IS THIS: When you get to the gym, before you play, get yourself to a sink. Bathrooms are probably best. Turn the water on as hot as it goes and let it wash over your hands and wrists for 12 seconds. The, immediately turn it as cold as it goes and let it wash all over your hands and wrists again for 8 seconds. Repeat that two more times. Then, walk back to the gym, find a basketball, give that bad boy a couple good bounces and then see how amazing your handles feel. Reading this now, it probably sounds crazy. Dont worry though, so did 105-8, and so did a ball-handling game of h-o-r-s-e. But I have steered you wrong, yet? When you fall in love with this little trick, and are just desperate for more, youll thank me (I like chocolates or roses most, thanks!). - Alex ------------Ok, its Taylor again. Pretty cool, huh? I think this tip is game-changing, especially for those morning tournament games where you just feel a little off at 7:30 am (seriously, who else hates that?)

Anyway, its helped me, and I cant wait to hear about how it helps you too! If youd like to take a look at Alexs (very awesome) ball-handling program, head over here: >><< Now, on to the next one


So, Im just hanging out on day, surfing YouTube, wasting time and getting kinda bored. Eventually I come across this video called The Most Motivating Sport Training Video EVER or something crazy like that. Automatically, I think bull. I mean, come on. Still, naturally, I hit play and watch it, cause, well You know. Almost instantly I get chills. Seriously, the dude in the video is absolutely SKYING, getting his head to the rim off a 5 step run-up, training like a freakin maniac, and overall just being a complete bad-ass. If you want to watch this video, go here: Turns out, the guy in the video is Adam Linkenauger, has a legit 50 inch vert, and has been on ESPN and all sorts of other crazy media outlets showcasing his jumping ability.

Hmm Not so bull afterall. I like the think I know a thing or two about training for vert, so I contacted Adam to talk shop and pick his brain. As it turns out, the dude is super cool, and actually dropped some knowledge that I had literally never heard before. Seriously. (With a bookcase like mine, there isnt too much I havent at least heard before). Adam calls this trick instant inches. Its designed to squeeze every last inch out of your current vertical jump possible. Yes, that means jumping higher without even training for it. Sound unbelievable? Shame on you, passing judgement before youve even tried it! Just kidding. I know youre going to try it, its awesome. So heres Adam to explain the dirty details: -------Hey guys, its Adam! Im pumped to be sharing my instant inches technique with the Basketball ELITES, you guys rock. So lets jump right in. First off, I just want to say thank you to my friend Taylor Allan for giving me this great opportunity to write this for you. I have the highest amount of respect for Taylor, and his training. My name is Adam Linkenauger, I was a 7x ACC high jump champion at Clemson University, the Powerade dunker of the year, and well I am also the guy who can teach you to jump higher instantly.

Below is an excerpt that I took from the Become a Freak V2 Systems Jump Technique section. In the text I will take you through the technical side of jumping, and give you the facts on why over 90% of athletes do not jump correctly, and then I will teach you proper form to instantly add inches to your vertical jump! Pretty cool right? Lets get into it! From Become a Freak V2 In my opinion, the average athletes vertical leap could be 3 inches higher on practice and proper technique alone. A running vertical can be up to 12 inches higher, maybe more on jumping technique alone. I know this sounds crazy, but yoi all know that guy who runs full speed, and then completely does a huge jump stop and gets no higher than his vertical, or the kid who runs full speed and covers 12 feet of ground but doesnt get more than 12 inches off the ground. A great example that I recall is from my college years at Clemson. We had a 26 foot long jumper who could run a 10.4 100 meter dash. He stood around 510 and was still unable to dunk a basketball. He would run full speed at the goal, do a legendary jump stop, and struggle to grab the rim. Why? He didnt know how to jump for height. Imagine, this kid could jump in a long jump pit around the same distance as jumping from out of bounds on a basketball court sideline, and getting his entire body to land below the rim! All of that power, and strength, but he couldnt dunk. Long story short, after working with him for one hour, he was throwing down monstrous two handed jams! This brings me to my point, that there is so much to jumping, and your vertical, power, speed, and explosiveness can only get you so far. Some people are naturally talented in jumping form, but I have yet to meet a naturally talented athlete with perfect jumping form. Sadly, the first time I went to high jump as a matter a fact,my jump ended up being a scratch because I stopped in front of the bar with an epic jump stop and sprung off of both feet. ( 2 footed jumps are illegal in the high jump) This was upsetting to me, so I began practicing one foot jumping., and now I have the capability of hitting my head on a regulation basketball rim.

So welcome to my pet peeve, when an athlete has done a workout and now considers himself a 1 footed, or two footed jumper. So I will sum it up like this, a VertFreak is a jumper. PERIOD. I will give you the proper workouts to increase your training off of one foot, as well as two feet. Also I encourage all athletes too learn to jump off of one and two feet, because in sports, both jumping styles have their place. The speed and fluidity of one foot jumping is graceful, and can be used to move quickly past or over a defender or make a diving catch in football. Where a two footed jump can be used to power through the competition for a thunderous dunk or a highly defended catch in football in which you will be less vulnerable to contact. I must stress, in all my time of research I have never came across a specific vertical training tool which correctly addresses the technique issue in the manner it truly deserves. In my opinion, there is a larger and more substantially advantageous flaw in the majority of athletes' technique than working out alone. Mixing the two up, and placing proper emphasis on technique throughout cycles, will pay dividends to the end result. If you don't believe me, and hold skepticism for whatever reason, try disproving that jumping is an art form. That it doesn't require great finesse for optimal performance. How many high jumpers, even in high schools, look like they didn't prime their technique and honed their movement patterns to maximize their performance. In turn their jumps become more aesthetically pleasing with time, which also denotes the general state of relaxation they feel prior to taking off to continue adding on to their personal bests. I use them as an example, not just because I am a high jumper, but because I've found the typical basketball athlete-player finds the 1-leg jump more difficult. So how do you change styles, first off you dont change styles, you just learn to have both styles, and there is nothing wrong with having a go to style, but in order to have both, you must practice both. High jumping is said to be 90% approach and 10% over the bar movements. Jumping is 90% approach, and 10% in air movement. Jumping Off of One Foot

Jumping off one foot when done correctly is the most effortless thing in the world. When I high jump correctly, the best jumps of my career, were the ones that felt the easiest. If you yell or strain when you jump, you are using to much energy, and being to forceful. The approach of your jump has only one point, and that point is to get you to the point of take off with MAX CONTROLLED VELOCITY. Athletes assume they must reach max velocity, but this will cause your body to naturally bend your takeoff leg at the beginning of your jump to prevent knee injury, causing you to jump out instead of up.

RUN, TAKE OFF, IN AIR MOTION So we will break up your jump into three categories, the run, the take off, and in air motion.

The Run The run is the easiest part of your jump. The point of the run up as earlier stated is to get to the take off point with a max controlled velocity, or (MCV).This means the amount of speed you can bring and successfully take off with. This is the reason you do workouts, to strengthen your body in order to have a higher max controlled velocity. To find your MCV, you must find a ceiling that it takes your maximum effort to touch, and then do ten runs to touch it. Note your run speed mentally on your 5th-8th jumps, as this is a good idea of what you feel is natural for you. Also note your form on your approach making sure you never slow down, but yet jump up and not out. A solid starting approach is 6-8 strides, but I tend to do 10-12 as I have a very strong and fast MCV. Also a couple more form notes, run tall with good knee drive, as I often say, run like the athlete you wish to appear, explosive, and strong. Secondly run as an acceleration, not as a sprint, or jog, and never involves a stutter step.

Each step should be quicker than the one prior. Think of the rhythm in your head: Boom---------Boom-----Boom----Boom---BaBoom 6...5..4.3.2-1 This is over 50% of your entire Jump with your Take Off being 40%. So why not practice it more?! In high jumping I did 10 approaches about every practice, but would not actually jump, I would hop on the mat, or run through. I recommend you doing 10 approaches 5-6 days a week, without actually taking off 100% just lightly pop up off of your run. This will be vital to increasing your jumping ability!

The Take Off So you get through the run correctly, then what? Well as I refer to the take off, I actually mean the last THREE steps of your jump because this is where the take off begins. You will learn how to do a penultimate step: which is a quickening of your final two steps in order to use your max controlled velocity into vertical momentum. Your third to last step will become longer than your average steps, and will make it possible for the final two steps to be extremely quick ( Do not attempt to practice this, this will come naturally through the drills you will do in your workouts). Look on you at my dunk videos (Vertfreak101dotcom), or any professional high jumping video, and notice their last three steps. This skill alone will add inches and possibly over a foot alone on your jumping height without workouts, but this is very difficult to master naturally, and could take multiple cycles with other programs and thousands of jumps. Luckily my workouts are designed to focus on penultimate movements and should speed the learning process dramatically. In fact as a high jumper in high school I blossomed on a practice day and gained 7 inches on my high jump in one practice. From personal knowledge I would say this resulted in a 9-10 inches increase on my hip height. Quite a substantial difference!

Key points where athletes tend to mess up at take off: Dont slow down* (Ask a friend to watch you, this can be very subtle, and you may not even notice. I tend to think in my head to speed up when approaching my take off)Dons lower your hips at take off in an attempt to gather more power (This causes you to bend or break your knee, in other words, you will lose your MCV vertical block which will allow your momentum to keep moving horizontally) Example: Think of dropping a pencil on its eraser. When it lands on the table it bounces straight up. Now break the pencil in half and tape it back together, then drop it from the exact same distance. Notice how it didnt bounce back up? This is the affect thay the broken knee has on your jump Last two steps you need to think baboom, now move your arms back and then forward aggressively, and explosively, baboom Your arms are as important as your legs are during take off. Do a few of these motions on a very short approach, do your arms and legs seems explosive? Are they working together to move your body upwards? We will have a couple drills that teach you the penultimate step that you will do rather frequently. These drills are rather effortless, but slowly teach your mind and body to react quicker.

An example of this is called Hurdle Drill 7, and happens to be my personal favorite: In this drill, you take 8-10 hurdles, or any other barrier, (I have successfully laid shirts on the ground) and lay them in a straight line on a soft surface (grass, rubber court) 6-12 ft apart from each other, depending on your jumping ability, size, and speed. Taller barriers will force you to jump up and not out, so I recommend barriers that are about half your vertical jump. You will then start with a three-four step quick approach jumping off of your jumping foot over the first barrier, you will then land on your opposite foot and as quick as

possible cycle your jumping leg down and jump again over the next barrier. Repeat this action attempting: 1) to reach maximum height on all jumps (Tall core, not dropping hips) 2) to cycle your two steps on the ground as quickly and explosively as possible

This sounds easier than it is, but over time will begin to feel as if it was second nature. Your workout will usually consist of:

Hurdle Drill 7

3-6 sets 10 hurdles

As earlier stated the run up and take off represent 90% of your jump! So practice in the top two categories is extremely important in being a great one footed jumper. Lets move on to the In Air portion of the jump which represents the other 10%.

In Air Yes, in air represent only 10% of your jump, but in order to reach your potential, you need a full 100% effort. In high jumping, only the last 10% determine your written result! (Knocking down the bar or not) This is the same with dunking a basketball. In the air, you must concentrate on a few key components: Continuation of arms driving up over your head explosively Opposite knee drive as explosive and high as possible Core staying tall and vertical (think of yourself as a straight vertical line in the air, maintain your vertical line through out the jump, leaning forward, or backwards will affect your jump negatively This is where core strength becomes very important in jumping. Your core needs to remain tight during your jump to keep your momentum

rising through the entire approach, if your core is weak, it will break down during explosive jumps, and the rest of your body will follow. Once your arms and opposite knee reach maximum height (Not your jump height, but your knee and arms reach the highest point they can stretch, this should be on your way up, about 75% through maximum jump height), stretch your opposite hand higher to reach the top point in your jump.

Dunking One Handed Off of One Foot is Impossible unless you can palm a ball. This is a myth. A lot of athletes have trouble dunking a basketball off of one footed jumps if they can not palm the ball but there is a reason behind this. A lot of times this is a sign that the athletes isnt using his arms well enough in his jump. When I dunk one handed, I hold the ball in one hand, and explode up in the air using my knee drive, and arm drive, just like any jump, except when my arms reach the highest point, I put my opposite hand (Left footed jumpers/Right Hand and vice versa) on top of the ball and lower my other one, this will put yourself into a position to use your momentum to hold the ball in place to throw it down. You will often notice, that a players jumping ability lowers a lot when he puts a ball in his hand, this is due to the lack of explosiveness lost in the arms, from holding the ball. Make sure not to fall victim to this!

TWO FOOTED JUMP Jumping off of one foot and two feet is very similar, hence why I strongly encourage all of my athletes to learn both types of jumps. I was fortunate get a D-1 scholarship as being a great one footed jumper. A lot of sports require you to be a great one footed and 2 footed jumper. Remember this as you practice. So lets get started, the same three categories break up 2 footed jumping, the run up, the take off, and in air.

The Run Up This is an exact Copy from one footed, but it would never hurt to read through it again! The Run The run is the easiest part of your jump. The point of the run up as earlier stated is to get to the take off point with a max controlled velocity, or (MCV). This means the amount of speed you can bring and successfully take off with. This is the reason you do workouts, to strengthen your body in order to have a higher max controlled velocity. To find your MCV, you must find a ceiling that it takes your maximum effort to touch, and then do ten runs to touch it. Note your run speed mentally on your 5th-8th jumps, as this is a good idea of what you feel is natural for you. Also note your form on your approach making sure you never slow down,but yet jump up and not out. A solid starting approach is 6-8 strides, but I tend to do 10-12 as I have a very strong and fast MCV. Also a couple more form notes, run tall with good knee drive, as I often say, run like the athlete you wish to appear, explosive, and strong. Secondly run as an acceleration, not as a sprint, or jog, and never involves a stutter step.

Each step should be quicker than the one prior. Think of the rhythm in your head: Boom---------Boom-----Boom----Boom---BaBoom 6...5..4.3.2-1 This is over 50% of your entire Jump with your Take Off being 40%. So why not practice it more?! In high jumping I did 10 approaches about every practice, but would not actually jump, I would hop on the mat, or run through. I recommend you doing 10 approaches 5-6 days a week, without actually taking off 100% just lightly pop up off of your run. This will be vital to increasing your jumping ability!

Notice how I did not change the baboom for your last two steps in my example! Ill explain the The Take Off Section The Take Off This section is surprisingly also very similar to one step jumping, as it also takes up about 40to even 45% of your jump, as I feel: 1) the two footed take off is an art to master 2)the two footed In Air motion is easier than one footed. When running your MCV run up you get to your third to last step, and exaggerate this step in order for your last two steps to get down very quickly!!! (Sound Familiar!) With your steps coming down almost simultaneously (EXTREMELY QUICK, but not as the exact same time), you are able to take all of your MCV vertically. Think about it in your mind, if you bring speed and try to play both feet at the exact same time, your momentum will cause your top half to rotate over your hips, and you will jump forward. People who simultaneously plant both feet at the same time tend to have to slow down to a complete stop (jump stop) to actually leave the ground, killing their MCV causing it to her more than help on vertical height! This quick baboom step will be slightly out in front of your body to block the momentum and take your MCV vertical. Make sure to not lower your hips too far as this will cause the broken pencil effect spoken of in the one foot jumping section. You need to keep your body as tall as possible to maintain a high center of gravity, BUT do note around a quarter squat (or less) is needed to Block your MCV into vertical motion during your quick two step landing, before flight. By lowering into a quarter squat, this allows your feet to react to the impact, and spring off of it.. Also note that your feet should naturally be slightly ahead of your body when you hit your last two steps to block the speed.

As your feet hit on your last two steps (BaBoom) ,your arms should be in the backswing process reaching about as far behind you as naturally possible, then as you react as quickly as possible to jump upwards your arms will explosively come around the sides of your body and up vertically as you push off of the ground. In The Air The in air section is simply put as maintaining a great arm swing (this is a bigpart of a two footed jumpers momentum), and keeping a vertical body in air, keeping your shoulders over your feet. Watch my videos at or on, search vertfreak101dotcom. For more examples of two handed jumps.

Jumping Technique Review: Remember your three sections of your jump: Run up Take Off In Air Study the importance of each type of movement, and know that your Vertfreak101 workouts will be targeted towards becoming successful at either, or preferably both styles of jumping. Remember the importance of having a Maximum CONTROLLED Velocity (MCV) and remember this is the key to jumping higher. The faster your MCV is the higher you will be able to jump, but remember in order to be controlled, you must have the strength at take off to handle the momentum, and also the skill of a proper take off technique. Your workouts will strengthen the appropriate muscles, to give you the ability to raise your MCV. So thats your new jumping technique, these motions will soon help you add inches onto your vertical with some practice! Also remember in order to practice your run and take off, you do not need to fully jump. I would recommend practicing with out jumping full powered

often. (Go from 4 strides, attempt to hit the proper positions, and pop up into the air). It's amazing how rare this simplistic form of practice is, yet the possible results are surprising.

I really hope you learned some things here! By learning to jump correctly you can add an incredible addition to your already quickly improving arsenal (Prolific Shooting)! For more information on your jump technique or if you would like to ask me anything come join the FREE Vertfreak101 forum at, we offer one of the largest athletic training forums in the world where we discuss every aspect of vertical jump, speed, athletic, and sport specific training there is available today! Look forward to seeing you there, and thanks again to Taylor for the opportunity to share my information with you! Adam Linkenauger

--------Taylor here again. I hope your enjoyed Adams article! That was a TON of value right there, I hope you appreciated it! Adam always overdelivers. Try that out next time you get in the gym. Word on the street is, when Adam first released that info, 19 athletes dunked for the first time just using the instant inches technique. Seriously, thats awesome stuff. If youd like to get access to all of Adams vertical jump training information (you know, like how to jump 50 freaking inches off the ground like Adam), check out his VertFreak program here: >> <<

It kicks ass and I highly recommend it (if a massive vertical is something youre interested in, that is).


Jumpers knee sucks. Trust me, I know. I had just about the worst case of jumpers knee anyone could ever have from about grade 10 until grade 12. It was partly due to my crappy training, but even when I figured out that side of the equasion, it still took a little extra effort to get my knees back in shape. Now, I cant promise that if youve got some seriously messed up knees that this routine will completely cure them in 24 hours. Make no mistake, its impossible and improbable to reverse joint damage in a short period of time. It takes work, effort, and seirous rehab. What I CAN do for you, however, is provide you with a quick and easy routine that will help you buffer that knee pain when youre in a bind (works well before games when youve had a flare up Ask me how I know). On top of this, if you do the routine consistently, the pain will soon be gone forever. So on one hand, it will help our knee pain in (much) less than 24 hours, and on the other hand it will CURE our knee pain in a longer period of time. Heres the full sequence (video below):

***Note: 1A/1B denotes a superset, so you will be doing each movement back to back, alternating between each. 1A. Calf Stretch 2 x 30 seconds per leg 1B. Hip Flexor Stretch 2 x 30 seconds per leg 2A. Ankle Mobility Drill 2 x 10/leg 2B. Heel Walking 2 x 20 total steps 3A. Rectus Femoris Mobilization 3 x 15/leg 3B. Superdog 3 x 12/ leg 4. Psoas Holds 2 sets of 5 x 5 seconds per leg 5. (if bands are available) Terminal Knee Extensions 2 x 15/leg

Here are some video examples for each movement: Calf Stretch: Hip Flexor Stretch: Ankle Mobility Drill: Heel Walking: Rectus Femoris Mobilization: Superdog: Psoas Holds:

Terminal Knee Extensions: ----I hope this sequence helps you avoid that pesky jumpers knee, or at least calms it down when youre in a pinch. If you commit to doing the full series at least 5 times per week (highly recommended for those with bum knees), you will find yourself both feeling better, and moving better, than ever before.

SNEAKY TRICK #5: The FREAK Athlete Formula: Compressed.

In 2010, I released a manual called The FREAK Athlete Formula that took the sports training world by storm. It was essentially the most in-depth step-by-step process for becoming the greatest athlete you could possibly be. You know, a FREAK athlete. The formula was, and is, rock solid. It works. But you know what? Its just too dang slow. Dont get me wrong, becoming a great athlete takes time (a LOT of time), but in this manual I promised you results in 24 hours or less, and I always deliver. So along those lines, what Im about to show you is a quick series of drills that you can do to pretty much instantly become a better athlete overall. Do these before your games, practices, workouts, and whenever else you feel like it. They wont overtrain or drain you, they will simply set

your body in perfect alignment for your FREAKIEST athleticism possible. Will you instantly add 10 inches to your vertical? Obviously not (geez, I cant believe you asked that!) But, you WILL be moving a LOT smoother and more fluidly. On top of this, you might just crank out a couple extra instant inches and shave some time off of your sprints to boot. So without further ado, heres the sequence in its entirety:

Foam Roll Roll out your full body. Get rid of all those trigger points. Stretch Stretch out your calves, hip flexors, hip rotators, and quads. Do 2 sets of 30 seconds on each muscle (each side). Mobilize These are your basic mobility drills. Hit all of them for 2 sets of 12 reps each (Ill show you which ones in a little bit). Activate These are your muscle activation drills. Activate your glutes, psoas, and lower traps. Do each drill for 2 sets of 12 reps each (again, Ill show you specific drills in just a sec). Stiffen No, dont stiffen your muscles stiffen your feet. We need our feet to be very springy off the ground, without collapsing under our weight. You know, to be stiff. Thats the exact sequence were going to follow: Roll -> Stretch -> Mobilize -> Activate -> Stiffen. So, what are those specific drills to follow? Take a look at this YouTube video of mine, itll explain everything:

>><< (You even get a glimpse into my dirty personal weightroom that I wouldnt dare train an athlete inside of!) As you can see, The FREAK Athlete Formula: Compressed is also known as the Bulletproof Basketball Warmup. Yes, I made a full video for you. That right there should explain everything, but just in case it doesnt, heres the step by step sequence: *NOTE: If youre a member, DO NOT use this sequence. Use the warmup that was given to you in that program. Its very similar, works just as well, and is SPECIFIC for that program. Also note that the sequence in the video demonstrations (freakin video editors!) is out of order. The mobilize and activate sections are reversed. You know the correct order, so just bare with me. 1.) Foam Roll Feet Calves IT Band Quads Hamstrings IT Band Lats Upper Back Hip Capsule Shoulder Capsule 2.) Stretch Hip Flexor Stretch Quads Calves Hip Rotators

3.) Mobilize Squat-to-stand Cradle Walks Lateral Squats Inchworms Reverse Lunges Reverse Lunges w/ Twist 4.) Activate Psoas Hold 5 x 5 seconds per leg Superdog 2 x 12 per leg Wall Slides

5.) Stiffen Jump Rope 3-5 minutes Line Hop Complex (20 reps per movement in the video per leg) And thats it! Super simple, super easy, and super effective. Maybe this one wasnt so sneaky after all, but damn, it works every time. This is one of the best warmup sequences on the planet use it. It will make you a better athlete pretty much immediately.


Doesnt missing left or right suck? I mean, seriously, shooting short or long is whatever, your team can probably grab the board fairly easily, and you can correct it next time. But having the ball bounce way off to the side of the rim is just embarrassing.

Weve all had days where we were just off, where our shots were drifting left or right and just not dropping for us. Ive been there, youve been there it sucks. It really sucks. So Ive found a simple drill that helps on these type of days to get your shooting feeling on, more accurate, and less You know, drifty. (NOTE: If youre a member - which you probably are, but either way this is in your program warmup) Heres what you do 1.) Find a backboard, preferably one that has a thin flat edge to it. 2.) Line your body up with the flat side of the backboard 3.) Shoot the ball with perfect form off the side edge of the backboard 4.) Strive to have the ball bounce off of that extremely thin edge and come directly back to you without bouncing off to the left or right. Simple, huh? When I first saw this drill, all I could think was why on earth didnt I think of that!! Either way, it works very well for adjusting your left and right accuracy, dialing in your stroke so that the ball travels strait for you. Heres a video example, in case the 4 step layout wasnt clear enough yet: Enjoy!


As we all know, visualization is a HUGE goal-getting tool. When you can see an outcome in your minds eye, you become almost magnetic to that outcome, and attract it into your life. Yes, I know this sounds hokey-pokey, but its true. It works. So, when I discovered this secret, my first thought, naturally, was How can I take this to the next level? I searched around for an answer for a while, experimented with a few things, some of them worked and some of them didnt. Finally, I discovered (okay, maybe not discovered more like I made it up and hoped it worked, and then it actually did) a routine for goal attraction that flat out works like gangbusters. It plays on the simple principle that whatever you think about most will become your reality. If you constantly think about playing for a Division 1 college, and you think of yourself as a Division 1 player all day long every day, and take action steps towards that goal every single day, the odds are that you will become a Division 1 college basketball player. So along those lines, heres a step by step formula that flat out works. Its worked for me dozens of times with little goals that Ive set for myself, its worked with hundreds of successful people across the globe, and I KNOW that it will work for you. Step 1: Decide your outcome Commit to paper a goal that you want to achieve. The key is, when you think about this goal it has to elicit an emotion within you that

motivates you to achieve it. You have to get butterflies just thinking about it. THATS when you know a goal is powerful. Step 2: Decide on your first step towards that goal This is where you need to dig deep. Once you have your big-picture goal, you need to decide what the first step in the process is towards getting to that goal. So if you want to become a Division 1 basketball player, your first step might be to find and purchase a course on how to get noticed be scouts. Or it might be to fix one area of your game that youre lacking in. I dont know what the first step for YOU is, its up to you to figure that step out. That step will become your temporary goal, until youve achieved it before moving on to the next step. Step 3: Get a daily journal Yes, Im serious. Just do it. Step 4: Find a picture that represents your goal, and post it in plain view of wherever your spend your most time during the day. For most people, I recommend tacking up the picture behind your computer so that you peripheral vision picks it up all day long when you sit there. So if you wanted to get yourself a course on how to become a D1 player, find a picture of it and tack it up on the wall. --Okay, now heres what youre going to do as far as the routine.

1. Every morning, as soon as you wake up, write down your bigpicture goal at the top of the page in your journal. Then, write your first-step goal 10 times in your journal directly below that big-picture goal. Write it with conviction, emotion, and in the present tense. Make sure that each goal is in this format: I am [goal], by [date] For example, if your first step was to get a course on becoming a D1 player, youd write down I am investing in [course name] by [date]. 2. Right when youre finished writing your goal down, take out a separate sheet of paper, and write that same goal sentence down again but only once this time. Tear off the paper with the goal sentence, and keep it in your pocket. Look at it every time you change locations. So if youre going from school back home, before you leave school, look at that piece of paper and read it to yourself (you can do it silently in your head if youd like). Remember, the idea is that we need to keep this goal at the top of our mind at all times. 3. As soon as your done writing your goal down 10 times in your journal when you wake up, write down ONE action step you can take THAT DAY towards achieving that first-step goal. So, if youre looking for a course on becoming a D1 player, your action step might be to research and decide on which course youre going to invest in, or maybe research whether there is any free information you can get your hands on instead. 4. Before you go to bed, repeat exercise #1. Write the big-picture goal down at the top of the page, then write your mini-goal below 10 times. -------

When youve accomplished this first step goal, all you have to do is decide what your next step is in the process, and repeat the exact same sequence over and over until youve accomplished so many steps forward that youre AT your goal! Its as simple as that. Now, because youre a member of our ELITE group, I want to hook you up with another hidden secret, but its not for everybody. You need some video editing software for this like iMovie or a slideshow or something similar. All you need to do is find a whole bunch of pictures that represent your goal, and then put each picture in a slideshow and set them to music (the music should get you pumped up to achieve the goal). Create this movie or slideshow, and then simply watch it every morning right before you right down your goals. This will get you fired up for the rest of your day, and you will become even MORE of a goal-getting magnet. Pretty cool, huh? -------Now, obviously this technique doesnt work to achieve massive goals in 24 hours, but if you do it right, every 24 hours you will be AT LEAST one step closer to your big goal. I hope youre excited, because this is a BIG secret of successful people, and now you have it in YOUR hands! Use it wisely and you can achieve anything!

There you have em, 7 sneaky tricks to achieve your wildest basketball goals. I hope youve enjoyed reading this manual as much as Ive enjoyed writing it for you these are some big-time trade secrets, and I know that you will crush it when you put them to work for you!

I also just wanted to take a moment here to thank you for making the phenomenal decision to invest in yourself, in your future, and in your game by becoming a member of our ELITE Inner Circle. This truly is the best of the best, and I know youre going to love it here. I cant wait to take you from where you are now up to your loftiest basketball goals. We can do this together! Good luck, and I look forward to talking more with you in next months exclusive coaching call! Sincerely,

Taylor Allan

P.S. You didnt think Id stop at 7, did you? Dont you know by now that I ALWAYS over-deliver? For our 8th trick, I recruited my good friend and Olympic sports psychologist Todd Herman to share a game-time secret that he gives to his professional athletes. You can check Todd out here:

By the way Todd is the bomb, and I HIGHLY recommend his Champ Challenge program. For the record - AND you can quote me on that. It rocks. Heres Todd:

SNEAKY TRICK #8: The Fastest Way To Improve Your On Court PerformanceAnd It's NOT Steroids! You could go to the gym for weeks, build your strength and MAYBE you'll improve your performance on the court... You could go to an amazing skills coach that can show you new moves and put new tools in your basketball tool-kit... and you MIGHT improve your confidence on the court... But, if you get just one mental tip that changes your mindset and causes you to remain focused and 'dialed in' during games... causing you to 'play in the zone' and block out all distractions which allows ALLLL of your talents and skills to bubble to the surface. No skills coach or trainer can top that. And, that's exactly what I'm going to share with you right now. If you don't already know, I work with pro athletes in the MLB, NBA, NHL and pretty much any other league you can think of. And, I'm sort of known for 2 things: 1) Prepping athletes for important events or seasons that are critical to their success, And, 2) Helping athletes get out of slumps quickly. So... what's the tip that can get you great results quickly? Here it is: Focus on 3 key goals for a game or practice... period. Let me explain. The reason most people lose their focus, get distracted or have a tough time playing consistently is because they aren't going into a game with any sort of focus.

No focus leads to No consistency which leads to fewer opportunities to play, get scouted and achieve the dreams you want. You see your brain is teleological, which means it's constantly goalseeking. It's the way that it's built. So, if that's the way it works, when you don't set goals, it starts to distract you because it's trying to give you anything... something to focus on. Your brain wants to go and achieve goals for you...but you're not giving it the opportunity to work the way it wants to. So the fastest and easiest ways to boost your performance is to simply set 3 goals for a game. But here's the trick. You want to set goals you have COMPLETE control over. These types of things are performance or process related. 3 things you might focus on for your game would be: 1) Focus on my defensive positioning and remain balanced while covering my man, 2) Follow through and extend through every shot, 3) Focus on making strong crisp passes, Disclaimer: I'm not a basketball coach... so there might be and probably are better things to focus on. But I do know if you did all those things you'd have a better chance of having a tremendously successful and focused game. The great thing about focusing on all of those things is: 1) Your mind knows exactly what it's supposed to go out and achieve for you, 2) All of those goals are things YOU can control, which elevates confidence and removes stress, 3) You have a better chance of playing in the zone because you're not focused on outcomes but the process, which is exactly where the zone lies. Trust me... this is the biggest secret to improving your performance quickly. It's the first thing I work with my pro athlete clients on, and they're

always amazed at the difference it makes. Not only do they see improvements immediately, they also enjoy the game more because they're not focused on other people, impressing other people or winning (which usually happens anyway because they're so darn focused). Implement this today! Bonus Tip: Don't just think about your 3 key areas of focus or goals. Write them down! Writing them down makes it more real to your mind and it will take more decisive action to make them happen. Remember, Fortune Favors The Brave! Todd Herman Peak Performance Coach/Mental Toughness Coach ------

Hey, its Taylor again. Pretty smart dude, that Todd Herman. If you havent already, check out his program at - it rocks, and gets my HIGHEST recommendation as far as mental toughness training goes. Check it out! >><<

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