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This contract is entered unto between THE DISTRICT BOARD oF TRUSTEES oF cHtpoLA COLLEGE, ftereinafter called "BoARD'), and Dr. Gene A. prough (hereinafter caled '?residenC').

In considetation of the mutual agreehentsr covenants, terms and conditions contained heten, the panies hereto agree as follows;
The Board agreer ," .pqr1oyptesident Pr: Gene A. Prough, as July 1,2012, and ending March 37,20t4.

of Chipola College begnnurg


The Boatd agtees to compensate the President for his services to be tendeted hereundet
Salary of 9164,046.22.



B. Single heaith tnsurance coverag.

c. use of new automoll]e (9wo lease) for college rerated business plus 15,600 personal _rear mrles with auto insutance provided by the college.
D. Use of college credit catd fot gas, oil and related automobile expenses for college telated


Use of college cellular phone.

F. Continued enrollmentin the Flodda Retirement System and all other fringe benefits and lea'e policies as ptovided to all full-time administrative employees of chipola Coileie.

?aid membership for one selected civic and/or business organization. The Board may approve additional memberships.

to contribute an amoult equal to ten percent ofthe President's then 45i Deferred compensation plan on the f i day ofJ anuaty 2012, and 2013 and 2014 provided that the Ptesident is still an emplo-yee r'' good stani.lng with the College. During the life of the Plan, changes in investment strategres for the iunds, rncludtg equrtie., ,h. o.rot based upon deterinination of tl-re President.

H. - annualThe Board agrees base salary,to

I. The Ptesident shall have the option of carrying over any accrued leave to of casbrng it rn each year.


next year, or

3. The President agrees that tlrroughout the terms of this conract he will comply with and perform the duties and responsrbilities of the President of a Community College as s"t ftrtn in the Fiorida Statutes, State Board Regulations, and the policies and procedures ofthipola college. The Board

shall have the right to suspend ot dismiss the Ptesident at any time, for cause, provided that in the event the Ptesident is discharged for cause, the President shall be due his salarv and other benefits to the effective date of his disrnissal only and all further obligations of the Boatdihall case as ofsaid date. Notwrthstanding any thrng rn this conuacr to the c&ttary, this conttact is subiect to ptocedures goveming the employment and dismissal of the community college President, which was adopted by the Distnct Board ofrrustees, pusuant to state Boatd of Educa-tion Rule 6A-14.020.


The_Roard retains the dght to adjust the annual salary and benefrts of the President during the term of this cofltracq the set salary adjustrnent and benefits not to be reduced belovz the fie;es stated above without the consent to the Ptesident.

5. This contract tepresents the Parties' entite agreement and no other conftact, promise or
inducement has been made. Executed this 19th day of Jtne,2072, atMaianna, fackson Counw, Florida





{&aO) 63&431 7

FAX: {850) 638-3768

P.O. Box 268 1282-8 Church Avenue Chipley, Florida 32428

EMAIL geialdholley@ bellsouth.nt

March zo, zorz

Chipola College 2094 Inalian Ctcle Marianna, Florida 3z+46

KE : Euahtotion
Dear Trustees

of President

I have received and reviewed evaluations aom all of the nine Trustees.

nine(g) Trustees checked yes on both of the Statutory mandates'

All nine of the Trustees, who fllled out an evaluation checked yes on items r-r4' indicating that the President had satisfactorily performecl the duties'and objectives set
One Trustee inclicated that the President provided strong executive leadership,

and another Trustee indicated that the annual objectives were very generat with no
spelled out metric goals.

Another Trustee statecl that the President had good administrative and people
skills and that he communicates well ancl frequently with board members' Another Trustee stated that Dr. Prough is a capable, professional and innovative leader. The college has continued to thrive uncler his leadership' Another Trustee states that the President has the ability to lead and that he puts
students uo front.

Another Trustee states that Dr. Prough is zuper in his ability to recognize
and work with and adjust to problems, but he is also open to suggestions. This Trustee
also said Dr. Prough is always setting goals, and has the ability to attain them.

Another Trustee states that Dr. Prough is an excellent leader and motivates and
promotes the advancement of education and places the interest of the students first.

Another Trustee said his strength lies in his absolute desire for the students to
receive the best education each student can receive. He also stated that Chipola is

by an outstaading gentleman as President. He also spends many hours in

Tallahassee to be sure Chipola gets its fair share of the money that is distributed
does this with care and diligence and makes us proud of his performance.


Another Trustee stated that he gives his personal attention to every issue that
presents itself, and continues to lead the college in the right direction and will be hard to replace.
One Trustee is very satisfied with Dr. Prough's ability to accomplish so much


the significant decrease in firnding we have received in the recent years.

In summary , the Board of Trustees has the utrnost admiration for the job
President Prough is doing at Chipola and give him a zuperior evaluation. Yours very truly,

GH/rh cc: Trustees and President

Board Attorney

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