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INTRODUCTION A Fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an efficient algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) and its inverse [1]. An FFT is a way to computing a DFT of N points in the naive way, using the definition, takes O(N2) arithmetical operations, while an FFT can compute the same result in only O(N log N) operations [2]. These fast algorithms are playing an increasingly important role in signal processing applications. The algorithms are efficient in that they use a greatly reduced number of arithmetic operations as compared with the brute force computation of the DFT. The basic computations for analyzing signals include converting from a two-sided power spectrum to a single-sided power spectrum, adjusting frequency resolution and graphing the spectrum, using the FFT, and converting power and amplitude into logarithmic units [3]. The difference in speed can be substantial, especially for long data sets where N may be in the thousands or millionsin practice, the computation time can be reduced by several orders of magnitude in such cases, and the improvement is roughly proportional to N / log(N). This huge improvement made many DFT-based algorithms practical; FFTs are of great importance to a wide variety of applications, from digital signal processing and solving partial differential equations to algorithms for quick multiplication of large integers [4].



i. ii. iii. iv. v.

To study the principle of FFT algorithms. To implement FFT operation for deterministic input signal. To implement signal processing using FFT. To study the FFT operation for arbitrary input signal. To analyze the FFT spectrum.



Exercise 13.1 Deterministic Signal FFT

Figure 1: Sine and cosine tables

Figure 2: The spectrum of input signal

Exercise 13.2 Arbitrary Signal FFT

Figure 3 : Waveform and spectrum of input signal

Figure 4 : Power spectrum of FFT output signal (Tp=48ms)

Fp = (Fs*Fs)*(Tp/Nt) = (8000*8000)*(48ms/1024) = 3kHz

Figure 5 : Power spectrum of FFT output signal (Tp=80ms) Fp = (Fs*Fs)*(Tp/Nt) = (8000*8000)*(80ms/1024) = 5kHz

Figure 6 : Power spectrum of FFT output signal (Tp=64ms) Fp = (Fs*Fs)*(Tp/Nt) = (8000*8000)*(64ms/1024) = 4kHz



The sine and cosine graph shown in Figure 1 is obtained when the music input signal is recorded in data buffer 1C00H to 1FFFH . The spectrum after 1024 point FFT algorithm is then analyzed. Figure 2 shows the spectrum of input signal with 3kHz sinewave with low level white noise . The input signal obtained is a continuous random signal . The output signal is obtained as shown in Figure 4,5 and 6 after the program is halted and run for various time domain. Figure 4 shows the time instant for power point(Tp) of left peak which is 48ms. The calculated frequency is equal to the reciprocal of time instant (3kHz). Figure 5 shows the time instant for power point(Tp) of centre peak which is 80ms. The calculated frequency is equal to the reciprocal of time instant (5kHz) . Figure 6 shows the time instant for power point(Tp) of right peak which is 64ms. The calculated frequency is equal to the reciprocal of time instant (5kHz). The power spectrum as shown in Figure 4, 5 and 6 represents the portion of a energy per unit time falling within a given frequency bins. The power spectrum values are high at left peak(Tp=48ms) and at Nyquist rate where Fs>2Fmax for right peak(Tp=64ms).


CONCLUSION Upon the completion of this experiment, all objectives have been achieved. Experiment

succeeded in showing the principle of FFT algorithms and the FFT operation for arbitrary input signal. FFT operation for deterministic input signal and signal processing using FFT has been implemented. Hence, the FFT spectrum also been analyzed precisely.



[1] Fast Fourier Transform. Retrieved October 21, 2012 from [2] Digital Signal Processing, A Practical Approach, Second Edition, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jervis [3] Blahut, R.E. Fast Algorithms for Digital Signal Processing. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. [4] The Fundamentals of FFT-Based Signal Analysis. Retrieved October 21, 2012 from

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