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Tom Scilipoti 6.11.

1985 -

An Unapologetically Urgent IM to Conservatives I am the last person in America to discredit the intelligence of the one percenters on Wall Street with net worths in the multi-millions to multi-billions. I don't care that they're primarily wasps with long family traditions of success as bankers and Yacht club conservative politicsit insures that they'll always be easy targets for satire and comedic ridicule. As an active student of philosophy, politics, religion, history with very nuanced intuitive senses from a very real family that values honesty, love and laughter above all else however, I am casting profound doubt on the valor of the contents within a hole where their characters would rest if they had any. The Alpenwolves of Wall Street are one percent heart at best, outside their trust fund babies, trophy wives and Ivy league legacy fathers. Betting on subprime mortgage loans to default on new home owners with mediocre credit at best and on the House's money is not "risk taking"it's basically doubling down on a five star lock, often with the deck already to stacked to ensure your exalted profit margins. And there's something very "Pierce & Pierce"ish (American Psycho allusion) about using your cronies at the Fed Reserve to ensure legal immunity and tens of billions in collective "Christmas" bonuses while the majority of your country goes paycheck to paycheck. There's something profoundly immoral about cashing in your purple chips in this spot, following the collapse of your weak link--Lehman Bros which nearly liquidates the entire country, causes the second greatest Economic recession in American history and results in even fatter multi-million dollar bonuses per player before our next president can even start to get to work. Mitt Romney is very emblematic of the mythology in the business world and beyond, the "All-American" philosophy that "Greed is Good", regulation is bad and "job creators" need tax breaks so their investments can trickle down mountains of Himalayan snow to main streets in middle America. And if he and the Fixed News Machine deceives enough American citizens to buy his vague, shady and most importantly, easily refutable (with some light research) "sales pitch", he will be our 45th president. Mitt Romney's mentor in the financial sector Cark Icahn is one the key basis's for Gordon Gekko. And the who said it, "Romney or Gekko?" quiz currently on the internets is one of the hardest quizzes I've ever taken and I've taken AP Calculus, AP Spanish & 1st order Predicate Logic. Greed is NOT good in every moral, pragmatic or literary conations of the word "good" and neither is casting a vote for Mitt Romney, unless you're in a minority, microscopic in numbers, that will reap even more massive yields under a Romney/Ryan "business friendly" climate. True risk taking, like moving your family to America or campaigning against regressive, flagrantly foul, clich and hopefully, soon to be old world Politrix is GOOD, even if its Without Papers and based on the pure intention of a better life for yourself and family. Amplifying your voice in times of profound moral crisis is magnificent, especially when you have a more educated, enlightened & precise perspective on these crises

than ninety nine percent of your peers and fellow citizens. The American Dream is great; it's the greatest promise of a nation build on the highest ideals of the Enlightenment era. But greed is not good and a Mitt Romney administration will only be good for the 1%, comedians and in instances of "I told you so" banter. Dante Alighieri wrote "The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, stay silent." I don't give a flip about theories on the afterlifeI care infinitely about the future of my country and planet. Therefore, I'm taking a break from my recreational and leisurely creative writings to send an unapologetically transparent instant message to conservatives. Bush/Machiavelli, 00-08 George W Bush & Dick Cheney were mentioned O times in the Republican National Convention, despite the fact that they ruled for 2/3rds of the 21st century in America. Their policies, especially Dick Cheney's backdoor trick play book, is everything George Orwell warned the world against when he wrote "1984" in 1948 and a red sireny counter-argument to the merits of greed, especially on a massive scale. After 9.11, the Patriot Act and Operation Iraqi "Freedom", ignorance of the facts became the truth that would let "freedom"American, Iraqi & worldwide ring. Enslaving suspected 3rd world "terrorists" indefinitely, without applying Habeas Corpus & using various methods of severe torture in secret prisons worldwide was conveyed as acts "essential to protect your freedom" as was giving Uncle Sam's favorite secret society an open invitation to spy on any citizen in our democracy. Now the same party that sold us a two trillion dollar pre-emptive strike in a 3rd world country without UN approval nor support after they played our Post-911 fears and confusion like Nero's fiddle and got Congress's seal of approval for said strike, is giving us a path that "will restore the economy and America's claim to exceptionalism." Iraq barely had the resources for indoor plumbing let alone the capacity to threaten a nation with a 500 billion dollar annual Defense budget, key economic relationships with every other supremely powerful 1st world country on the planet and troops in 200+ countries worldwide. And the same party that turned a budget surplus into a ten billion dollar debt has a new saviora vulture capitalist who's chameleon politics have constantly changed when and where politically convenient. I venerate the mission of Our Founding Fathers and the progress made by true American leaders, heroes and other innovators across all party linesWhig, Federalist, Republican, Democrat, Green, Independent. But I also sincerely believe that our democracy was hijacked after 9/11not by four different sets of Islamic radicals who were able to successfully board four different commercial flights with black boxes that conveniently went missing along with the WMDs, but by a greedy pack of wolves with a chief financial interest in controlling the world. Freedom is not slavery, Ignorance is not truth but, under the politrix set up by the Bush/Machiavelli administration, the truth is that, unless you enslaved yourself to the Bush/Machiavelli sales pitch, your freedom of speech, of liberty and in the pursuit of an optimal life was in serious jeopardy. The selling of the Iraq War on premises later proven to be completely false; the shady backdoor weapons and coke deals w/the Middle East courtesy of Saint Ronald Reagan; the notion that a vulture capitalist and former governor of a State that thinks so highly of him that he'll get 1/3rd of their votes will restore the promise of the American Dream is Egregious, delusional and most importantly, very dangerous.

Romney/Ryan 12'-?
Mitt Romney promises that, on his first day in office, he'll repeal a Universal Health Care bill aimed at fixing a system that's #1 in costs and #17 in quality of care. Then he'll make China, who we owe about a trillion dollars to and have huge mutually inclusive economic interest with "play by the rules". All ambiguities and impracticalities aside, if the rules were the rules he played under in his business career especially, this Day 1

Deed would give all the power to the snakes who control all the money and strip the middle class of a voice and a sweat shop manufactured toy poodle in the fight. Our budget was balanced after Bill Clinton left office in 2000. After eight years of Bush/Machiavelli it was ten trillion. Republicans LIKE to highlight and hammer in the fact that our deficit is now fourteen trillion. They use that fact to not only sell the impotency of our current President's policies but to support the Platonic form of a phony who, when asked on 60 minutes to name his favorite president, said John Adams then spent the next minute talking about his writer friend in Mass who wrote a biography on John Adams. I would've just shot Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, James Monroe, Abe Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Ike & Bill Clinton straight out of a Fort McHenry cannon in that spot, in thirty seconds or less but I'm not even "Well-Qualified" to teach middle school social studies nor English under federal law in its current state. MR loves to point out that while Barack Obama was able to restore the UE numbers to exactly where they were the day he took office, it doesn't account for the 2.9% of Americans who dropped out the workforce. He presumes that every person who dropped out was 110% committed to finding any job and that the UE figures had never included the work force drop outs before Jan 2008. Moreover, our President was able to create five million new jobs in the private sector alone, balance the UE levels, prevent our financial sector from liquidation and make sound investments in science and clean energy despite inheriting the worse economy since the great depression. Moreover, the vast consensus of venerated economists is that an economic recovery takes TEN years to complete its arc and still, our energy production levels across the spectrum are at 10-20 year highs and, with regards to the production of clean energy, is at unprecedented heights and skyrocketing. The assertion that companies like Bain and corporations like Bank of America and Wal-Mart will create good jobs for middle class families is tragic, emblematic of the hollowness of "trickle down" economics and most importantly, delusional. I'm not surprised that even the few "intellectual" conservatives I know still back the GOP, but Mitt Romney stacked up against Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Ben Franklin, TJ, FDR, IKE and Barry Goldwater would basically be worth about thirteen cents on the hundy spot. And if you bohlieve MR isn't an amateur thinker, speaker and philosophera wolf in Armaniheed the advice of our current president and either Check the Transcript of the 2nd Presidential debate from Hofstra U or read my thorough analysis of it on my page. I don't have 21,000+ reads across four continents nor a strong seal of approval for President Obama by accident. And when your candidate edges out the LIKES of Michelle Bachman, Newt, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum and Herman Cain, "C" conference champion allusions are inevitable. Moreover, MR said nothing about clean energy nor the discrepancies in his math problems that will balance our budget. He cited one study without citations but I don't think that's credible, especially stacked against the projections of 30+ serious economists outside the American Heritage Foundation. -14 bil - 8bil is not 0 by my calculations. But Mitt Romney sure is one. He said he spent the entire year after he lost to John McCain "Licking his wounds", according to his quote from the second presidential debate. Of course it's hyperbolic but also revealing. I don't need to tell smart Republicans about the merits of JM as a war hero, leader and writer. But if character is destiny, Mitt's gonna need Joseph Smith to fashion some new, improved and much more Beatitude-centric shades. Then rebuild some good American companies w/o netting ten mil +, laying off all the workers and stripping their pensions. Despite the depth and breadth of Red Sireny elements in his candidacy and the brand of leadership he's trying to sell us, Governor Romney still has a 21% chance of winning this election by my calculations. Clich Republicans, especially those outside the Religious WRONG need to think outside the tool box for once. I have no major problems with the Republican party before Dick Millhouse Nixon but the Bush Administration under Dick Cheney especially, is everything George Orwell warned us about. I.e. Free license to spy on any citizen within our borders; rhetoric dominated by the politics of FEAR, especially of the Unknowable--

Emmanuel Goldstein, Osama Bin Laden, the hard facts behind 9.11, the Iraq War, G-Bay and details, techniques and the methods of accruing Intel from the "enemy combatants" within the secret CIA prisons worldwide. And my constant exposure to the Grand Old War on Facts, the Assault on Reason amplified by an extended brainwashing campaign led by a colossal television station owned by an Aussie, easily reveals a grand old implication that the America you once knew is either impossible or in triple jeopardy under the politics and policies of leaders that states with top 25% mode Iqs favor unanimously. SPRINT FORWARD All Americans, red, blue, white, black, green and yellow.I pray you can be at least a little Socratic by Christmas and ask yourselves...Why did we invade Iraq if the Taliban attacked us? Why did former VP Dick Cheney's company get a no bid contract to manufacture the artillery for operation Iraqi "freedom."? Why didn't W care about going after Osama B? Where are the WMD's and why haven't we been shown them if their reality is the real reason we invaded a third world country that had absolutely nothing to do with 911? Why was Mitt Romney Pro-Choice when he was Governor of Massachusetts and Pro-Life when he began running for the Republican presidential nomination? And do your homework (i.e. legitimate, citable research) on both major candidates before clicking LIKE on country fried snakes who want to pass laws that favor the rights of 1st trimester fetuses over a demographic that, not only actually run the risk of getting pregnant, but also run that same risk after an act which the only Senate candidate Mitt Romney has endorsed on record in 2012 has portrayed as empirical evidence emblematic of "God's living grace". If you're confused by the reference, it was spoken by Richard Mourdock this election season and it rhymes with grape.

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