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The picture of past The wor below is purely fictitious and is just an interpretation of a dream tha t i saw one

night. As every one nows that everything and anything is possible in dreams so is my p erception of the picture of past. photographic plate that we use in ma ing the reels of the camera is definitely m ade up of some or the other type of atom which in turn combine together to form a molecule of that substance and all such molecules have been accumulated together by the combined efforts of human a nd the nature to form the so called photographic film..or the reel which is used in cameras to re cord image that we clic . Whenever we press the button of the camera the shutter just opens for a f ractions of a second and the image of the object is formed on the reel or the photographic plate thro ugh the lenses present behind the shutters..All these things is possible due to light rays and the inte rface that is the lenses between the object and the screen i.e the reel in this case..This is how a photo graph is captured in a reel and then it is washed in chemicals to obtain the clear image of the object. .This is the procedure pertaining to the artificial use of cameras... We have exploited the nature to its fullest and i still feel even after tho usands of years of constant exploitation the man ind has not yet explored even 25 to 30 % of the nature..The phenomenon of photography is one such thing that was discovered by the human about few decades ago but it might have prevailed in the nature from the time of its existance..Almost entire eleme nts found on the earth is present in the atmosphere in one form or the other....and the photographic fi lm is made from one such element found in the nature which is present in the earth's surface or the atmosphere from the time of its creation.... What i mean to say in the above lines is that the upper layers of the atmosph ere which consists of many ions and many atoms or molecules may contain the molecules of the element t hat is used to ma e the photographic film...probably in very small amounts and since the atm osphere is almost uniformly distributed on the entire earth. These ions or atoms form a layer which act as t he reel or the film...we have air as the refracting medium or the lenses and sunlight is always present.. .This forms the perfect apparatus for a camera..the entire earth and the day to day activities going on the earth,the wildlife ,the oceans,the monument,the animals and human beings are the objects... So i mean to say that every day in some form or the other a photograph of our en tire planet is ta en by the nature...and these photographs not only belong to the present event s or present situations ,it also contains the photographs of all the things over a period of time ranging from the

creation of the earth to the demolishion of dinosaures to stone age and even the present in which we are living today..So if we are able to accumulate all such ions or atoms..fro m the atmosphere and process them on a piece of photoghaphic paper and ta e out their image we may be able to see a clear picture of our past..may be able to ma e out the events of the techtonic p lates division , may see the stone age and may explore many more mysteries of the world...

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