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Form 210A 110100)

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED lN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S. C. 1111(a). Transreree
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001 (e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P ., of the transfer, other
than for security, of fhe cla1m referenced in this evidence and notk:e.
Name of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Derek Auringer, LLC
Name and Address whete notices to transferee
should be sent
Fair Harbor Capital. LLC
Ansonia Finance Statton
PO Box 2370'37
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #: nia
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if dffi'erent from above):
Phone: n/a
Last Fout Digits of Acct #: 'a
Name of Transferor:
Derek Au ringer, LLC
Court Claim# (if known): 321
Amount of Claim: $1,850.00
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
Derek Auringer, LLC
144 East High Street
Hummelstown, PA 17036
Last Four Digits of Acct.#: _ _jOJLI!!.a __
I declare under penalty of perjury that the Information provided In this notice Js true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and bellef.
By: !slFredric Glass Date: May 10,2011
Transferee0ranseree's Agent
Penel!y rvr msklng e IB/so stet&ment: Fine of UP to $500,000 or flY JP to 5 years, Of boll",. 18 U.S. C. 152 & 3571.
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re:
Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Case No.
Claim No. 321 (If known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S. C. 1111(a) in this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of claim, the transferee flied a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerk's office of
this court on May 10, 2011
Name of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Derek Auringer. LLC
Fair Harbor CapitaL LLC
Anilonia Finance Station
PO Dox 237037
New York, NY 10023
Name of Alleged Transferor:
Derek Auringetj LLC
Name and Address of Alleged
Derek AurJnger, LLC
144 East High S1ree1
Hummelstown, PA 17036

The transferor of claim named above Is adVised the this Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than W Security has been
filed 10 the clerk's office of th:s court as evidence of the transfer. Objection musl be filed with the court within twenty
(20) days of the mailing of notice. If no objection ls timely received by the court, the transferee will be substituted
as the original claimant wilhotrt further order of !he court.
Date: ____
ClerK of tha Court
Bankrupt.;r Callrt-
Of Ntw "t'ort.;
Grand Prb: .litc.i!ag U&91:4 lLC
' :
Citse Nil, 1 ... rnui
(Jlililtb Ac:tmmtmn:d thtr Cll$t ?W-. ltl-13600)
'""- , ZX' ,. -..
' 'ij;mkn:ptoy .lh!1<! <1\JO(i{q}
fLAS TAK i>{OTICE 1!\ar 1he scl\inled olaim o! (ifi:REKAURINGER,. LLC Debtot(t,) in thr. 11mmmt as Jl;;h:d
within F Sohe:duk Asstts and Llllblliti:m fUM by l.l!e bn<.i aU da:m:i (iru:!udln& wtihool timit!U<m thl! l"xof<lfC:'I.a!.-n, ifa.'I,Y,
M.Jntlfled bl;low :tr.d Ttill'lllilml<'s rlgi:t oo retcive aU wre tl!at ltmay bl. !1\l MOOijOt ol'the M<.umpti<m vf&rlf
eY.eCtt.QQ' coll!nid:ot lo:!l9e tothu Chdm and ifsny, whllt!M!If bt. pM with respm::tto the Clsim ami ml \lll1er ohllms, ootlseP. v-fBGt:on
IU; !IJI)' prM10r third pany. to.B!llh!:r with vcting; .and other righi!Hmd !xmefll.> &run, ood,..""l,lt1\1uting to M;t
rod ldl <:!tit., otJt.;r p-roperty whioll mey 00 pidil or issw:d by Dob:tlr in sstis/iu:Jl()n jjfti'J'; Clclmj of'l'fllllsfeta:r huve been tl'<l!'l:lfet'ft13
Ml4 oth<!:r then fur Jl11il' Harlu:r Cap:tal.LLC ("TTWlllfer"}:tn of me e1 \ \!lgnatvr illilte IJl) tllli.
TRANSfER. Of CLAIM OT':-ffilt TiiAN P())tSSC'URffY AND WAIVElt OF NOTICE i$ "" clairm: ar.,j rlghts Jmd bwtfil:!: of
Tra:sfu-r>Jf re!atlngm :he C!nim, Tl!o; Claim is brued on ammnus mwd IQ Debtor and this tr1lmlfizshuil be&.elned 1111 tu:C1111dlt1M111
ef tho Clal:u for \hi:; Jllll'pO'ie or coJeclion end shall :111t be 1.0 llti'Wt ru\WIIrity iJl.t;:J!$t Please ootti !-b<lt FAir R:t.Wr LLC it Mt
m file aily apPliCMlo,m, PtOOfofClaim <Y(!Ibtt 'Mill Cbttrrwilllr..-:z:iiroliS"b1fll1!. , - - .
1, tt:A <l!aimll.. WQ!ly L1'8rttibr my a!, right:! uttder to l)i') i.lp!_tn M .ret
t6rth in coy:or lett&r Tltivt\1, I repr.u;.w lml wma.nt that the c:a!m io ocr! :':'ISS rtwt :'81 ,f!51t(;l) Alld bas not puviowly t;\ :;old, or ntidj>;d, Uprn
notifk:ati\>lll!y l Tl'llmli.b!Ma pro..qt.a:pmdon nf!M l"urchllill'l iflfw &laimlll td-luced, llbjtl:ted tv, o: ;rt whole w
pnti: by Ill>.! :xhtot, thCnurt, or MY pnr'.y llfll no uff:n:b} m defl:mes o:- p:"efQ"I:Il.ti3.1 ilia< tutve
or mey be !:)' M au o! Debwqr any ton;;dw:e tho as.ouut (If the Claim ocoo imptlir ie:

Trnnsl't:loo.sM!I nevo;lf'Jlal<lw
::.r !P.Ittt Proof of Claim: oo b of 1ll.e
fn the(vl!fit lh111 Clailll is ultim11tcly llllow:::ci in ;Ulan:.ou.'ltll'l cfthe w<:Jn, rra:tmro: to dlllll!'\t'd 1o Wl! te )(.tl, trt
llPl!on r;n!y, !wl;by tin! bttlmU:H:: of sa!Q Claim Ill I}(' <J]aim puld lwdn to t..--ieethc
C!&im IV!ll?\tllt i:hal! to.l 11p00 TtMsferee',; wts."w;nor. tllllt Cf?'illn bM!b:t;n ai!IN/tiC: m tho hr,;her
lll\OWlJ t.nJ rkl!$11!ljeet lti MY Df!btm",
!,. tha I:Utl!Ori'*Tt:U'lllfen: to J'ilr.: a oftt.trud1" purSIIU.!'K !c Rvlt 3!101 (e) nl'itl;a fl'*a.J llfB.utki:lliJtcy Procedure
(*'R.l3-P"J, will! >1M Cll!liU, while 1'nnuterer:: perfrom due ll:lligenae on t!w Claim, Ttllll$.ee, <n lrs note opl.ioo. may !l"UUsfurtU&
Clslrn ixl'Jk to TrnJIiLmr i r due dHiscm:e it< ::ot Sl:!ti&thctory, In l'ransll:tse'i! sole Wid llbsol.ttte dwamlon pll.l'$uMI: W 3Wl fli' FRBP, ln fl!o; e;-l!l'!i
tnnMn>theCin!m Cack ;o '!'rt.N;furm"(lfwi1Jdrn\Vll ttw tm1l1fur, Ill web time hvth Trll!lsft-.ror iitld .relcuw uott r.ffier ofall lillY
!It' llub'lliLy tltis:ASS!gnrn.tul nfClaint Tl'lli1Sf<mlt );lm:by undllo11,Wnl$ to Hil of11'l:e ilmllS set fu:th in TtM6fl:r ... rc:ni.n
wairu (!) itll t'-f;llt W tailre ru::y tJi!J111ellon (lilllll rie,hl W t10:lce tG 3001 (e)(}{ the FRBP. T rlll\.11\:rot
anlmuwltiip th.>l Trnnsfel'<llm\IY At 111\Y time r<:l!mligr, th: wl:l! all d,;llt, titb and lnten::-!t In tmd to ttdf Trutllrtllr tll'C!alq, Ar
::n-.1 \<-'ilmmtiM !1l;lde /)QNin ;;hall survi1l1h a:.d dellWry of this 'in:rn;fu.r or Clnim Md m;y
ll11m ab"W:. Ttansfetm: M!mnt> all ril;ks with uhllltytu Cisrribma iitrldfi, todeJ!wrto FH!r l't;irbct Up\:al,
I.LC W1J cnrrt'Spo!!do;:nce trpt.Ytno.:nili r;:cab'td subsapletll; to th da:e !hli> The olt:tkaftM iUJUI'i m.:tlmt+'l)d to Lh
Npxlini( 11m 11f the Translhr to tht! 1>f the TrnllSiern be:l6W,
1'r..-nEfutn!Cllllm .Ptau be hi under'tirte!lllh\ii; -:ntfliM
6fCI<>hn rn.;J.y be broogi;t in ;m:- 0!' flo:dcn"a! ooutt locn:ed in t!H: State of Yrll. atld Ttllmlft!rnr 1(1 W codars
Jur!sdkrti:m ov:::r'l'rnt!!lfurm by 1v:t1 Cll\1tl 4i oouru lim aqn>\CQ bt: by mn:illng 11 <XlP.Y uflmiil p!OCI;1rs to Trtnflferon;t
the o..:tt:htth of('latm, Md In any uotioo llert-JndCI' Tl"lll$fmror"wnlw$1he rigtr tl)riemend urlal t;v jurv, rn
LJ L':e hilnkri;J!Iny Ql!IW is h.l Ch;\ptor 1 Pi the Brut\:::llf!WY rilld bM j)Hid for ;l!(o:!1!1W 51!!1!l it:cml'!iii!MI)' li1lllit :o lW!!Itt j'::lllt \n tt> tho C!&im a.'l<! o-v.'llCK.IIip-ofttl{, Claim llhe!ll'\M.rt b<!\.k to
144 EAST HIGH s.TRliE,

:iH'H I -
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