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The Story of Free Radicals Free radicals are the highly unstable chemicals that attack, infiltrate, and

injure vital cell structures. Most stable chemical compounds in the body possess a pair of electrons. Sometimes, one member of the electron pair gets stripped away. The resulting compound (less one electron) is called a free radical. In chemistry, the term free radical means that it is now free to combine with another element to form a new stable compound. One way to think of free radical is the way our social system work. In a family there is husband and wife. They are joined together. Both are "tied up" or not available for other partners. Let us assume that they get 'separated'. Now we have two "free" persons who are looking for other partners to partner with. The way free radicals work, one of these free spouse go and break up a stable marriage of another couple, by joining with one of the spouses. This results in the ouster of a person from that family creating a brand new "free radical" who goes around prowling to find another "compound" to attack. You can see that free radicals can do lot of harm by forming a chain reaction. A similar thing happens with free radicals in the body. When a free radical is born, it goes around the body looking for another compound to steal an electron from. This breaks up this "contented" couple, that results in releasing another free radical, and so on. While on the prowl, these free radicals (which are really the oxidation products from the body) can do tremendous damage to the delicate machinery of your cells. The most studied free radical chain reaction in living things is lipid peroxidation. (The term lipid refers to any fat-soluble substance, animal or vegetable. Peroxidation means the formation of a peroxide molecule. These are the molecules with the greatest proportion of oxygen molecules. For example, a water molecule has two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Hydrogen peroxide has two Hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. In other words, there is an excess oxygen atom in a hydrogen peroxide molecule.) Ninety eight percent of the oxygen we breathe is used by tiny powerhouses within our cells called mitochondria, that convert sugar, fats and inorganic phosphate by combining with oxygen into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal form of energy we need to live. This energy producing activity of the mitochondria involves a series of intricate, complex and vital biochemical processes that depends on vast numbers of enzymes (estimates vary from 500 to 10,000 sets of oxidative enzymes). These, in turn, depends on dozens of nutrient factors and co-factors. In this metabolism process, a very small amount of left over oxygen loses electrons, creating free radicals. These free radicals burn holes in our cellular membranes. Calcium penetrate our cells through these holes. This excess calcium results in cell death. This, in turn, weakens tissues and organs. As this damage continues, our body become "rusty", less able to fight other invaders such as cancer, hardening of the arteries, premature aging, and other bodily disorders. Because of the amount of oxygen we breathe every day (our bodies take 630 quadrillion damaging oxygen hits per day, each of our cells takes about 10,000 hits per day and each DNA strand in the cell gets hit 5,000 times per day. This free radical bombardment causes a typical human cell to undergo thousands of changes or mutations daily. If a DNA strand gets hit and is not repaired before its twin gets hit, we will have the onset of a potentially lethal cancer. In addition to the oxygen we breathe, the free radicals can also come from such things as environmental pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke, chemicals, and herbicides. The key to having a healthy body is to repair the damages caused by the free radicals before it is too late, and to protect the body's tissue cells from the free radicals before they cause mutations. Antioxidants are substances that have free-radical chain-reaction-breaking properties. Like a bouncer, the antioxidants deactivate potentially dangerous free radicals before they can damage a cells' machinery. Most of these antioxidants come from plants and are called phytochemicals. More than 60,000 of such plant chemicals are identified. Among the most effective and dedicated antioxidants are Vitamin A, C, and E (known as the ACE trio.). Out of these, Vitamin C is the most powerful.

Each cell produces its own antioxidants. But the ability to produce them decreases as we age. That is why our diet should supply anti-oxidants, phytochemicals ( fruits and vegetables are a good source for this.) and additional vitamins and minerals.


Why free radicals are always or oftentimes called oxidants?

It is because what chemicals from factories or mining often used as victims are the paired oxygen. Its like city smarts chemicals victimizing the powerful but nave citizens from the mountains, in this case, the pure oxygen. These poisonous chemicals seduced the oxygen couple, who roam the atmosphere like closely-knit husband and wife. Now, the smart chemicals oftentimes succeed in seducing the oxygen couple to join them. Actually, the chemists force oxygen into joining these substances. Given its free will, oxygen would not create a mixture with these man-mixed substances which are poisonous. But being forced into it, the oxygen couple is then raped abused and, finally, divorced. This results to emotionally disturbed single oxygen, male or female. Now, oxygen possesses special power other chemicals do not possess, namely: it wounds and burns. This burning of matter and turning it into gas (air) is called oxidation. You can see it happening during decay, as in a wound or cancer, or gangrene or during a decay of a carcass or meat. Inside it, oxygen is actively burning the flesh substances and turning them into air. It is called oxidation. Its synonyms: decay, or turning of solid matter into gas (air). Now, this is OK for dead bodies. But not OK if the person is still alive and he sees his flesh melting, as in gangrene and cancer! There is a lot of unbearable stench and pain that goes when oxygen burns (oxidize) your flesh! Other substances (group of elements) are more wicked but they do not possess the burning power of oxygen. Thus, they are singling out to kidnap or seduce oxygen into their camp, and once they are in, the proceed to ripping off the innocence of oxygen and use it to do great harm: slash and burn the cells and tissues! Let me emphasize, besides burning, oxidants or insane oxygen is also known to roam around like deranged person who runs amok, with a sharp knife stabbing everyone it meets on the way. Oxidant is like a person who runs amok; it stabs the cells, thus, wounding it for eventual cyst, tumor and cancer!

Now, once the cells are wounded, no thanks to oxidants but sympathy for these emotionally disturbed divorced oxygen once the cells are wounded, the process towards cancer has began! Remember: the process starts with slashing (stabbing) of the cells, then, burning. Slash and burn.

Once slashed, the wounded cells turn cancerous. All that is lacking now are the feeds. And what are the feeds to cancer? Answer: the white and brown sugar that you have eaten and are deposited inside the fats around the cells (fat deposits of your body)! Fats nowadays are no longer innocent and harmless. They are the hiding places of toxins (e.g., toxic metals) as well as bad sugar, the feeds of cancer. Inside the outwardly white and soft fats, which many husband love in their wives, there lies dark forces hiding and waiting for the right time when their forces attack the body and knock the person down in the form of terminal diseases like diabetes and cancer. So, with the bad sugars and the chemicals (toxins) already in your body, it is correct for somebody to have said: WE ALL ALREADY HAVE CANCER INSIDE OUR BODY. That means: the ingredients or materials that make cancer. It is just a matter of time when our bodys natural immune system breaks down and opens the way for cancers to develop and attack. What can we do? Answer: We have to assist our body, most specifically our Immune System, the Armed Forces of our Body. How can we assist our Immune system? One way is to help it remove the toxins and also the oxidants and also those cancer feeds from our body. How to help remove these toxins, oxidants and cancer feeds from our body? One way is by eating much fruits and vegetables and herbs that help chelate (remove toxins) from our body. Another is to use manual chelation, namely: oral and intravenous. Here, we put into our body chelators, substances that help chelate (claw and drag out) the toxins, oxidants, chemicals, cancer feeds from our body. For those of you who are not informed about chelation, you can search at YouTube.

With these information, I hope you now understand better one of the most dreaded names in the world today: the invisible microscopic type of radicals the so-called free radicals which are oxidants, or oxygen gone insane and amok! Share this article to your friends to help them become more able to avoid cancers and other debilitating diseases in this modern time end-time. And dont forget the immensely important lesson that both the macro-world and the micro-world of atoms are teaching us: Beware of disturbing the happy relationships of people or atoms as in marriage! Do not act in a way that divorces or separates those happily married couple, be it the oxygen atoms or human beings! Because if you do, then, a lot of burning will occur until this world, both visible and the atomic levels, will suffer conflagration burning of several kinds! Let us call such burnings as macro-oxidation (among visible creation) and microoxidation (among atoms especially oxygen). With the love of God in us, we can avoid them. God blessinf us. Agasoft.

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