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Genesis ex ones Seth Estlow I The first cause known to the wise was the Prime on.

Before his existence, no one can perceive. He was the first, and none can see beyond him. He is called Bythos, the Profound One. He exists in a realm of eternal light called the Pleroma, beyond the chaos of unformed matter. He is the most profound, pure abstract principle, untainted by the urges of imbalance which plague men and gods. It is not known why, but at one point in time, or all points in all time, he emanated the Secondary ons called Barbelo, the Fourfold Name, and Nous, the Supernal Mind. Barbelo and Nous were of opposite powers, and by combining their natures they were able to bring forth the Tertiary on who is called Christos. He was of balanced power, and therefore he was able to create the four Light ons: Armozel, Daveithai, Eleleth and Oriel. These four were of balanced power, and therefore each brought forth three Lesser ons who were each imbalanced, and therefore not permitted to generate on their own. This was to be the last generation of ons. Armozel brought forth Aletheia, or Truth, Morphe, or Form, and Charis, or Grace. Daveithai generated Idea, Agape, or Love, and Dianoia, or Understanding. Oriel created Mneme, or Memory, Eido, or Perception, and Sullepse, or Conception. Lastly, Eleleth emanated Theleioteta, or Perfection, Eirene, or Peace, and Sophia, or Wisdom. Sophia did not heed the warning about her unbalanced energy and decided to create without the permission of the Prime. Unable to form a perfect on, she formed a scaly, serpentine beast with the face of a lion. She named her creation Yaldabaoth, meaning Son of Chaos, though he would also come to be called the Demiurge, meaning unskilled craftsman. It was so hideous that she wrapped him in ther and threw him out of the Pleroma. The ons soon became aware of Sophias misdeed and threw her from the Pleroma, into the chaos of matter, shattering the wall of the Pleroma and sending its shards of light throughout the cosmos. II Yaldabaoth emerged from the ther and looked about. Seeing no one else, he thought himself the highest power in the cosmos. He set about shaping the chaos around him, but soon realized he would need helpers, thus he created seven subservient beings called Archons. All of these were hideous monsters. Firstly there was Athoth, who resembled a bizarre sheep. Secondly there was Yao who looked like a serpent with seven heads. Thirdly there was Astaphaios who resembled a hyena. Fourthly was Adonin who appeared like a demonic ape. Fifthly was Sabaoth, a hideous dragon. Sixthly was Eloaiou who appeared as a misshapen ass. Seventh and last was Sabadde, whose face was alien and burned with lurid flame. Yaldabaoth and his Archons shaped the cosmos in the forms of those things which they saw vaguely in the crystalline surface of the Pleroma, but their creations were strange parodies of the perfect shapes within the Pleroma, as if the universe was a mere shadow of the perfect world of Forms. Through the ages they shaped planets and stars. They also created beings to serve beneath them. Sophia went ignored by these

abominable creatures, but she had the spirit shards in her possession the fragments of the Pleroma containing the supernal spirit-essence of the ons. Sophia found one dmon in the form of a powerful serpent. She saw how horrifically the Archons ruled the cosmos, with all beings under their cruel power. She thought it would be well if there were dmons who could challenge the power of the Archons and perhaps help her regain the favor of the ons and thereby return her to the Pleroma. She placed spirit shard within the serpent-dmon and soon it became aware of its higher nature. That dmon became Agathodmon, the Good Dmon. III Agathodmon became the first of those beings whom the men of Egypt call MaaNeteru or True Gods. They are also called Elder Gods, and are the first among those beings who would be worshipped by men. Agathodmon was also called Serapis and Lucifer, as well as Ankh-Neteru, the Life of the Gods, and many other names. From him sprang all the True Gods, 21 of which are mentioned in the Scroll of Thoth. One of these was Thoth himself, called Hermes by the Greeks. He is the god of magic, knowledge and writing. Another is Bast, called Artemis by the Greeks. She is the goddess of cats and the moon. There is also Isis, whom the Greeks call Demeter, the mother goddess of fertility. There is also Ammon, also called Zeus. He is the god of storms and lightning, and a great king among them. Another is Ptah, whom the Greeks call Hephaestus. He is the god of craftsmen. There is also Eros, the god of love, as well as Nodens, the god of storms who hunts evil dmons in his chariot. There is also Beelzebub, another storm god who wields a mighty club. There is also Kore, goddess of youth and beauty. There is Tyche, goddess of good fortune. Anubis is another. He is the god of death and justice. Another is Osiris, called Dionysus by the Greeks. He is the dying and resurrecting fertility god. Set is another, also called Typhon. He is the wickedest amongst the True Gods and rules over chaos. Another is Cybele, also called Magna Mater, the fertility goddess who rules the wilds. Another is Khnum, whom the Greeks call Pan. He is the goat-like god of nature. There is also Asmodai, whom the Egyptians call Anhur and the Greeks call Ares. He is the god of war and strife. Another is Astaroth, or Astarte, whom the Greeks call Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love and beauty. There is also Hecate, the wicked goddess of witchcraft. There is also Horus, who is Ra, the god of the sun, who is called Apollo and Helios by the Greeks. There is also the god of light, law and justice called Mithras, and lastly the god of time, ancient Chronos. IV Agathodmon led the True Gods against the Archons and their dmons. The forces of Yaldabaoth were too powerful and the True Gods, as well as their mother Sophia, were cast down to wander the earth. An intelligent race evolved from amongst the beasts of the earth. This race was called mankind and in them Sophia saw great potential. Within these beings she placed the spirit shards of the Pleroma and they grew aware of their nature. Agathodmon and the True Gods made it their solemn duty to watch over these beings as they grew more wise and powerful, teaching them to rebel against the Demiurge Yaldabaoth who demanded their subjection.

As this all occurred, the on Christos gazed down from the Pleroma and saw that the shards of the Pleroma were scattered through the material cosmos. He also realized the Pleroma would remain incomplete if the fallen on Sophia were not returned. Wishing to restore the shards and Sophia to the Pleroma, he spoke to the Prime on who gave him permission to go to earth. It became the one objective of the on Christos to redeem the fallen Sophia and return her to the Pleroma with all the spirit shards, even if that meant the attached souls would have to become part of the Pleroma. Once Sophia and all the shards were returned to the Pleroma, Christos would use the power of the ons to dissolve the entirety of the chaotic material world. This would mean the Demiurge, the Archons, the subservient dmons and all the things of matter would be destroyed. It was all a mistake, an aberration, and Christos would see the false creation annihilated, and the Pleroma whole once more End.

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