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Change the following sentences into the Simple Past Tense.

Remember that you have to use the word LAST instead of EVERY in
the expressions of time
1. Peter comes here every week.
__________________________________________last week.
2. I buy the newspaper every Sunday.
3. They go to Europe every year.
4. Mary visits her parents every month.
5. I write to Mary every week-end.
6. They eat fish every Friday.
7. Bob washes the car every Saturday.
8. We watch TV every night.
9. The postman brings a letter every Monday.
10. We have a test every week.
11. The boy reads a book every month.
12. I give the boy a present every year.
13. Peter drives to Baltimore every Sunday.
14. We enjoy our vacation every summer.
15. It rains a lot here every winter.
16. They receive a letter every week.
17. I sleep well every night.
18. Father tells the boy a story every night.
19. Mother makes an apple pie every Saturday.
20. They sell lots of books every year.
Ex. 4. Change the following sentences into a) negative, b)
interrogative and c) Wh-questions:
1. We went to work by bus.
2. Peter came here yesterday.

3. I wanted to drink tea.

4. They saw the car accident.
5. John sold his house for 120,000 dollars.
6. They bought the car in Paris.
Change the following sentences into a) negative form, and b)
interrogative form :
1. She was having a bath.
2. We were running down the road.
3. The soldiers were doing exercise
4. Alice was making the beds.
5. The children were watching TV.
6. The men were going to work.
7. The boys were studying for a test.
Ask questions using question words like Who, Where, What, How,
etc. In each case, the underlined part must be the answer to
your question.
1. They were walking in the park at midday.
2. Mary was eating a sandwich in her room.
3. Peter wasnt working because he was on vacation.
4. The generals were working in the conference room.
5. I was getting dressed when you called me up this morning.
6. Mrs. White was lying on the sofa because she was tired.

7. The soldiers were jogging when it began to rain.

8. Bob was taking a shower when the fire started.
9. When the war broke out, they were living in the north of
France. __________________________________________
10. More than ten people were standing outside the building.
Fill in the blank spaces using the verbs provided in the
appropriate verb tense. You must use either the Past Simple or
the Past Continuous Tenses only.
1. I ___________________________ very well last night. (sleep)
2. I ___________________________ soundly when you
______________________________ last night. (sleep...arrive)
3. They _______________________ to the office when I
__________________________them this morning. (go..see)
4. Peter _______________________ his wife Lynda when he
__________________________ in Chicago (meet... live)
5. We ________________________ golf when it
______________________________ to rain yesterday. (play...begin)
6. Bill ________ not _____________ in the office when the boss
____________________ into the room. (work...walk)
7. When John ______________________ us last night, we
____________________________ ( call on...have dinner)
8. Peter _______________________ the accident while he
_______________________________ home. (
9. What _______________________ you
______________________________________ last Saturday afternoon?
10. What _______________________ you
________________________________________ at this time yesterday?
11. Mr. Johnson ______________________ in New York when he
_____________________chairman of the company.
12. He _________________________ the newspaper while he
______________________the bus to work. (read...ride)
.Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Ellos estaban jugando bridge a esa hora.
2. Yo no estaba durmiendo cuando ellos llegaron _
3. Juan y sus amigos estaban mirando TV en ese momento .
4. Cuando llegu, todos estaban conversando
5. Qu estaba haciendo ud. a esa hora?
6. Por qu no estaban ellos trabajando ese da?
7. Dnde estaban viviendo tus padres cuando se conocieron?
8. Qu estabas haciendo a esta hora ayer?
9. Yo estaba escuchando las noticias en ese momento.

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