Anda di halaman 1dari 54

Insta||at|on Gu|de

ClbbsCAM v
Clbbs and AssoclaLes
Sclence urlve
Moorpark CA
Modlfled Wednesdav !anuarv AM
ltoptletotv Notlce
1hls documenL conLalns proprleLarv lnformaLlon of Clbbs and AssoclaLes and ls Lo be used onlv
pursuanL Lo and ln con[uncLlon wlLh Lhe llcense aranLed Lo Lhe llcensee wlLh respecL Lo Lhe
accompanvlna Clbbs and AssoclaLes llcensed sofLware LxcepL as expresslv permlLLed ln Lhe llcense
no parL of Lhls documenL mav be reproduced LransmlLLed Lranscrlbed sLored ln a reLrleval svsLem
or LranslaLed lnLo anv lanauaae or compuLer lanauaae ln anv form or bv anv means elecLronlc
maaneLlc opLlcal chemlcal manual or oLherwlse wlLhouL Lhe prlor expressed wrlLLen permlsslon
from Clbbs and AssoclaLes or a dulv auLhorlzed represenLaLlve Lhereof
lL ls sLronalv advlsed LhaL users carefullv revlew Lhe llcense ln order Lo undersLand Lhe rlahLs and
obllaaLlons relaLed Lo Lhls llcensed sofLware and Lhe accompanvlna documenLaLlon
use of Lhe compuLer sofLware and Lhe user documenLaLlon has been provlded pursuanL Lo a Clbbs
and AssoclaLes llcenslna aareemenL
Clbbs and AssoclaLes a ClmaLron Companv All rlahLs reserved 1he Clbbs loao
ClbbsCAM ClbbsCAM loao vlrLual Clbbs Clbbs Sl M1M SolldSurfacer and owerfullv Slmple
Slmplv owerful are elLher Lrademarks or realsLered Lrademarks of Clbbs and AssoclaLes ln Lhe
unlLed SLaLes andor oLher counLrles Wlndows and Lhe Wlndows loao are Lrademarks of Lhe
MlcrosofL aroup of companles All oLher brand or producL names are Lrademarks or realsLered
Lrademarks of Lhelr respecLlve owners ConLalns AuLodesk 8ealuWC bv AuLodesk lnc CopvrlahL
AuLodesk lnc All rlahLs reserved roAx?Z ls a realsLered Lrademarks or Lrademarks of
roducLec SA ln SwlLzerland andor oLher counLrles

WhaL ?our Crder Should ConLaln
new SecurlLv leaLures
lmporLanL lnformaLlon AbouL ClbbsCAM SecurlLv
Pardware kev Lock
SvsLem 8equlremenLs
Wlndows x and Wlndows Server SupporLed Mlnlmum 8equlremenLs
Wlndows Wlndows Server and Wlndows vlsLa SupporLed Mlnlmum 8equlremenLs
8ecommended SvsLem
WhaL Are Lhe ulfferences 8eLween blL and blL ClbbsCAM
blL AdvanLaaes


MlcrosofL Lxcel lnLeroperablllLv

vMM CompaLlblllLv

ConLacLlna Clbbs and AssoclaLes
1echnlcal SupporL

1he uvu Lxplorer
AbouL Lhe ClbbsCAM lnsLaller
8efore lnsLalllna
Llcenslna Schemes

lnsLalllna Across a neLwork

Where are 1hlnas lnsLalled
osL rocessors
llle LocaLlons
Wlndows x and Wlndows Server

Wlndows Wlndows vlsLa and Wlndows Server

user uaLa

Clobal uaLa

lnsLall ulrecLorv uaLa

LxlsLlna CommunlcaLlons CuLuA1A and Llbrarv llles

A noLe AbouL user Access 1o ulrecLorles

lnsLalllna Lhe ClbbsCAM SvsLem
SLep8vSLep lnsLrucLlons
8unnlna MulLlple verslons of ClbbsCAM
8e8unnlna Lhe lnsLaller and unlnsLalllna

8ealsLerlna ClbbsCAM
8unnlna Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool
lnLerneL 8ealsLraLlon

LMall 8ealsLraLlon

Cffllne 8ealsLraLlon

CompleLlna LMall or Cffllne 8ealsLraLlon

8ealsLraLlon 1ools
SLandalone Llcenslna uLlllLv
verlfvlna AcLlvaLlon Server ConnecLlvlLv
Llcense updaLes

AbouL neLwork Llcense lnsLallaLlon rocess
hase SeLLlna up 1he Server
hase lnsLalllna 1he CllenL SofLware
nLC lnsLallaLlon SLep 8v SLep
nLC SLep SeLLlna up 1he Server
nLC SLep lnsLall Lhe CllenL SofLware Cn Lach node
lrequenLlv Asked CuesLlons
lnsLallaLlon and ConflauraLlon
new SecurlLv leaLures
SvsLem 8equlremenLs
ConLacLlna Clbbs and AssoclaLes
ConaraLulaLlons on vour purchase of ClbbsCAM v ClbbsCAM Lhe mosL producLlve CAM
svsLem avallable 1hls manual conLalns all Lhe lnformaLlon vou wlll need Lo lnsLall Lhe svsLem and
bealn uslna Lhe powerful and easv Lo use feaLures conLalned ln ClbbsCAM sofLware lf vou have anv
problems wlLh Lhe lnsLallaLlon procedure conLacL vour reseller or Clbbs and AssoclaLes 1echnlcal
SupporL deparLmenL 1hev wlll be happv Lo asslsL vou ln Lhe lnsLallaLlon process ClbbsCAM
shlps wlLh a uvu8CM LhaL supporLs boLh Lhe hardware kev llcenslna svsLem and Lhe neLwork
Llcense CpLlon 1he conLenLs of Lhe uvu are accessed Lhrouah an lnLerface LhaL should launch when
Lhe uvu ls lnserLed See 1he uvu Lxplorer for lnformaLlon on Lhls Lool
l new cusLomers wlll recelve a uS8 hardware kev
l ClbbsCAM lnsLallaLlon uvu conLalnlna Lhe ClbbsCAM sofLware for all modules and
opLlons as well as documenLaLlon parL flles Lralnlna vldeos and exLra sofLware
l A packlna sllp wlLh vour AcLlvaLlon number on lL
l A cover leLLer



lease be advlsed LhaL ClbbsCAM securlLv ls now acLlvaLed vla Lhe lnLerneL lf vou do noL have
lnLerneL access avallable vou mav acLlvaLe securlLv vla emall or reaular mall lease allow
adequaLe Llme Lo have Lhe llcense flle senL Lo vou
Method Lst|mated 1|me
Lma|| dur|ng G|bbs bus|ness hours Same buslness dav lf recelved before S1
Lma|| after hours nexL buslness dav
kegu|ar ma|| buslness davs plus reaular mall shlpplna Llme
WlLh ClbbsCAM we lnLroduced our nexL aeneraLlon llcenslna Lechnoloav ClbbsCAM prev
used Lhree dlfferenL llcenslna Lechnoloales from Lhree dlfferenL vendors 1here were Lwo dlfferenL
seLs of lnsLallaLlon Cus Pardware kev Lock and neLwork Llcense CpLlon ln v we unlfled our
llcenslna based on 8LM 8eprlse Llcense Manaaer Lhe newesL llcense manaaer brouahL Lo vou bv
Lhe people who developed lLLxlm We now have Lhe flexlblllLv Lo supporL keved Llmed neLworked
and sofLwareonlv llcenslna all from Lhe same module 1he deLalls of vour sofLware enLlLlemenLs
wlll now be malnLalned ln a llcense flles LhaL can be updaLed ln real Llme lnsLanLlv as vour needs
chanae Lhrouah our new Clbbs AcLlvaLlon Servlce We have added an onllne acLlvaLlon Lool for
llcense flle creaLlon and deplovmenL wlLh opLlonal elecLronlc or phvslcal mall meLhods for Lhose
unable Lo connecL over Lhe lnLerneL 1ranslLlons Lo new releases dupllcaLes of losL llcense flles and
uparades Lo new producL opLlons wlll be avallable qulcklv and smooLhlv faclllLaLed bv dlrecL
cusLomer access Lo Lhe Clbbs AcLlvaLlon Server
ln order Lo conLlnue Lo allow vou Lhe flexlblllLv Lo move vour llcenses beLween compuLers wlLhouL
calllna ClbbsCAM Lo rehosL our nexL aeneraLlon llcenslna wlll conLlnue Lo use hardware locks Lo
ldenLlfv auLhorlzed ClbbsCAM users 1he llcense flle ls llnked Lo unlque lnformaLlon from vour
compuLlna envlronmenL ln mosL cases Lhls wlll be Lhe serlal number of a hardware kev 1he llcense
flle wlll onlv auLhorlze use of ClbbsCAM producL when Lhe hardware kev or unlque ldenLlflers Lo
whlch lL has been slaned lsare presenL

1he requlremenLs Lo run ClbbsCAM do noL have speclflc values 1he requlremenLs varv dependlna
upon Lhe operaLlna svsLem vou use and Lhe complexlLv of vour parL We have a llsL of baslc
auldellnes seen below LhaL are common Lo all users We also offer mlnlmum supporLed
requlremenLs based upon vour operaLlna svsLem and we have a recommended requlremenL
Wlndows Wlndows vlsLa S or S Wlndows x S or S Wlndows Server
or Wlndows Server
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe laLesL vldeo drlvers please ensure LhaL vou have Lhe laLesL paLches
Lhrouah Wlndows updaLe We recommend uslna Lhe laLesL avallable servlce pack
from MlcrosofL as we experlence areaLer rellablllLv wlLh Lhe newer sofLware
We have dlfferenL mlnlmum svsLem requlremenLs based on Lhe operaLlna svsLem vou
wlsh Lo use 1here are also recommended hardware requlremenLs lease remember
LhaL Lhe more complex a parL Lhe hlaher vour svsLem requlremenLs
Mlnlmum SupporLed 8equlremenLs Wlndows x Server
Mlnlmum SupporLed 8equlremenLs Wlndows Wlndows vlsLa Wlndows Server

8ecommended SvsLem 8equlremenLs

AL leasL M8 of drlve space for Lhe sofLware
A uvu8CM ls requlred Lo read Lhe ClbbsCAM producL dlsk
Lnsurlna LhaL vou have Lhe laLesL drlvers lnsLalled for vour vldeo card ls verv
lmporLanL 1he sLandard Wlndows drlvers are Lvplcallv noL adequaLe due Lo Lhe
sofLwares advanced use of CpenCL and vldeo 8AM We sLronalv recommend LhaL
vou keep vour svsLem upLodaLe wlLh fullv lnsLalled and updaLed drlvers
1he neLwork Llcenslna CpLlon nLC mav be seL up on Wlndows Server S 8
blL or blL on Server blL or blL on Wlndows x S or laLer on
Wlndows vlsLa S or S blL or blL or on Wlndows blL or blL
lor Lhose users who have a blL operaLlna svsLem vou have Lhe cholce of lnsLalllna elLher Lhe
blL verslon or Lhe blL verslon of ClbbsCAM lease see Lhe secLlon WhaL Are Lhe ulfferences
8eLween blL and blL ClbbsCAM on paae


When ClbbsCAM ls run on Wlndows x S or S or Wlndows Server Lhe hardware
requlremenLs are as follows
CU lnLel enLlum or newer 1hls lncludes Lhe Celeron aL leasL Chz xeon enLlum
M Core Core and Core ll processors
AMu ALhlon or newer 1hls lncludes Lhe Sempron 1urlon and henom
lease noLe LhaL all blL Cus meeL our mlnlmum requlremenLs
kAM C8 of LoLal 8AM or more
A quallLv u acceleraLed vldeo card wlLh M8 of vldeo memorv lncludlna fullv
lnsLalled and updaLed drlvers
Wlndows Wlndows Server and Wlndows vlsLa demands more from vour compuLer Lhan
earller verslons of Wlndows 1he addlLlonal requlremenLs for runnlna ClbbsCAM on Wlndows
blL or blL Wlndows Server or on Wlndows vlsLa blL or blL are as follows
CU lnLel enLlum or newer 1hls lncludes Lhe Celeron Chz or fasLer xeon enLlum
M Core Core and Core ll processors
AMu ALhlon or newer 1hls lncludes Lhe Sempron 1urlon and henom
lease noLe LhaL all blL Cus meeL our mlnlmum requlremenLs
kAM C8 of LoLal 8AM
A quallLv u acceleraLed vldeo card wlLh M8 of vldeo memorv

A compuLer LhaL maLches or exceeds Lhe followlna requlremenLs wlll run ClbbsCAM verv
comforLablv lease noLe LhaL Lhe laraer or more complex vour parLs are Lhe more ClbbsCAM wlll
demand from vour svsLem
Cperat|ng 5ystem Wlndows blL
lotel Core l Core l Core Cuad or Core LxLreme
AMu henom x henomx or 1urlon x ulLra
kAM C8 8AM
V|deo Card An nvlulA vldeo card wlLh aL M8 of vldeo memorv or more
Clbbs and AssoclaLes recommends Lhe blL verslon over Lhe blL verslon buL Lhls mav noL be Lhe
correcL cholce for all users 8elow are Lhe facLors Lo conslder
64-bit Advantages
1he blL verslon of Lhe sofLware ls advanLaaeous for users who have moderaLe Lo larae or
complex flles because Lhe blL verslon of Lhe sofLware ls able Lo handle more 8AM and laraer
chunks of lnformaLlon 1hls lncludes complex sollds and LoolpaLh as well as LlahLer machlnlna
Lolerances 1hls means Lhe blL verslon of Lhe sofLware runs fasLer on larae andor complex parLs
Whlle all of Lhe plualns dlsLrlbuLed wlLh Lhe sofLware have been updaLed Lo be blL compaLlble
we cannoL auaranLee LhaL LhlrdparLv plualns have been updaLed blL plualns wlll noL run under
a blL svsLem lease conLacL vour LhlrdparLv plualn vendor Lo flnd ouL whaL soluLlons are
Microsoft Excel Interoperability
1here ls no lnLeroperablllLv beLween Lhe blL lnformaLlon from ClbbsCAM and Lhe blL
lnformaLlon from Lxcel lf vou requlre blL Lxcel spreadsheeLs for Macros or Lhe 8eporLer
funcLlon vou wlll wanL Lo lnsLall Lhe blL verslon of ClbbsCAM

VMM Compatibility
blL vMMs are noL usable bv blL ClbbsCAM blL vMMs are avallable on requesL aL no
charae for cusLomers on malnLenance lease conLacL Lhe osL deparLmenL osLsClbbsCAMcom
Lo requesL a blL vMM lease allow some Llme for dellverv


leel free Lo conLacL us bv phone fax or emall
hone Number LMa|| SupporLClbbsCAMcom
Iax Number lnfoClbbsCAMcom
1echnlcal SupporL ls avallable Lo all users Cur 1echnlcal SupporL deparLmenL ls avallable Lo answer
vour quesLlons Mondav Lhrouah lrldav AM Lo M aclflc 1lme When conLacLlna Lhe
1echnlcal SupporL deparLmenL lL ls helpful lf vou know Lhe followlna lnformaLlon
1vpe of CompuLer AmounL of Memorv
CperaLlna SvsLem verslon of ClbbsCAM sofLware
1he verslon of ClbbsCAM ls found bv selecLlna Lhe About lLem from Lhe Help menu lf vou need Lo
send a flle vou mav zlp Lhe flle and send lL as an aLLachmenL ln an emall When sendlna flles lL ls
exLremelv helpful Lo lnclude a conLacL name and phone number and a brlef descrlpLlon of anv
lssues lf vou have a flle LhaL ls Loo larae for emall vou mav send Lhe flle Lo us vla l1 ConLacL
vour 8eseller or 1ech SupporL lf vou have anv quesLlons abouL l1lna a flle
Clbbs and AssoclaLes malnLalns a presence on Lhe World Wlde Web 1he Clbbs webslLe
conLalns companv news producL lnformaLlon emall llnks Lechnlcal supporL uLlllLles and much
more valuable lnformaLlon lL ls Lhe preferred means of connecLlna Lo Clbbs elecLronlcallv 1he
Clbbs webslLe ls locaLed aL wwwClbbsCAMcom and can be accessed bv anvone wlLh lnLerneL
access 1he slLe conLalns useful flles avallable for downloadlna

1he uvu Lxplorer
AbouL Lhe ClbbsCAM lnsLaller
Where are 1hlnas lnsLalled
lnsLalllna Lhe ClbbsCAM SvsLem
When Lhe ClbbsCAM uvu ls lnserLed Lhe uvu Lxplorer opens 1he ClbbsCAM uvu Lxplorer
provldes access Lo evervLhlna vou need Lo use ClbbsCAM Cllck on a buLLon or Lhe LexL Lo access an
G|bbsCAM Insta||er Cllcklna Lhls buLLon wlll bealn Lhe process of lnsLalllna ClbbsCAM on vour
Insta||at|on Gu|de Cllcklna Lhls buLLon wlll open Lhe ClbbsCAM lnsLallaLlon Culde ul flle


art I||es 1hls lLem wlll exLracL Lhe LuLorlal and sample parLs Lo a locaLlon vou
speclfv 1he 1uLorlal arLs folder conLalns parLs used ln Lhe documenLaLlon
as well as addlLlonal sample parLs Lo experlmenL wlLh 1hese flles requlre
a slanlflcanL amounL of hard dlsk space 1he parL flles are avallable on Lhe
ClbbsCAM webslLe buL noL avallable when uslna Lhe Web lnsLaller
Mach|ne 5|m Mode|s 1hls lLem opens a varleLv of sample Machlne Slm models LxLracL a
machlne model Lo vour hard drlve lf vou would llke Lo use lL
Documentat|on 1hls lLem opens an Lxplorer wlndow LhaL conLalns Lhe ul flles cross
plaLform flles LhaL are vlewable wlLh Adobe 8eader and laLer for all
ClbbsCAM documenLaLlon ln all supporLed lanauaaes ln ul formaL
lease noLe LhaL Lhe lnsLaller wlll auLomaLlcallv lnsLall Lhese on vour
Data 5heet for
Cllcklna Lhls buLLon opens Lhe ClbbsCAM daLa sheeL ln ul formaL
1hls documenL provldes an overvlew of Lhe conLenLs of Lhls release lor
more lndepLh coveraae of Lhls releases conLenLs please see Lhe WhaLs
new ln ClbbsCAM ul
Act|vat|on Check Cllcklna Lhls buLLon wlll run a Lool LhaL checks vour lnLerneL connecLlvlLv
for onllne acLlvaLlon
NLC 5erver
Cllck Lhls lLem Lo run Lhe nLC Server 8ealsLraLlon sofLware 1hls ls Lhe flrsL
sLep when lnsLalllna Lhe neLwork Llcenslna scheme for Lhe flrsL Llme nLC
lnsLallaLlon SLep 8v SLep for lnformaLlon on seLLlna up and uslna Lhe 8LM
llcense manaaer
Dr|vers 1hls lLem opens an Lxplorer wlndow conLalnlna Lhe hardware drlvers for
Lhe 8alnbow and PAS kev

Lxtras 1hls lLem opens an Lxplorer wlndow LhaL conLalns numerous lLems
l 1ralnlna MaLerlals and 1lps vldeos 1o vlew Lhese vldeos vour svsLem
musL be equlpped wlLh Lhe 1echSmlLh Screen CapLure Codec 1SCC
A codec ls a proaram LhaL encodesdecodes a dlalLal daLa sLream or
l uLlllLv for Avl flles folder 1here ls a uLlllLv labelled TSCC.EXE LhaL
wlll lnsLall Lhe codec necessarv Lo vlew Lhe Avl flles LhaL are
provlded bv Clbbs and AssoclaLes lf vou are experlenclna dlfflculLles
vlewlna our vldeos please run Lhls lnsLaller
l 8ackup coples of Lhe CuLuA1A maLerlal daLabase are avallable ln
Lnallsh !apanese and ollsh 1he CuLuA1A maLerlal daLabase
provldes over machlnlna recommendaLlons for feeds speeds
Lool maLerlal eLc for lnLearaLlon and access bv Lhe MaLerlal Llbrarv
capablllLv conLalned ln Lhe svsLem lf vou are llcensed for CuLuA1A
lL ls auLomaLlcallv used We provlde coples here for backup
purposes 1he verslon of CuLuA1A LhaL ls lnsLalled wlLh Lhls release ls
noL an updaLed verslon buL lf vou wanL Lo lnsLall lL and wlsh Lo
malnLaln vour old maLerlal daLabase vou should copv vour
Material.txt flle Lo anoLher dlrecLorv before lnsLalllna CuLuA1A
l 1he NPT Threading Processes folder conLalns saved process flles
vou can lmporL lnLo vour parLs for Lhreadlna
l A shorLcuL for downloadlna Lhe Adobe 8eader sofLware
l 1he File Utilities folder conLalns llnks Lo Lhe webslLes of Lwo flle
archlvlna uLlllLles WlnZlp a well known uLlllLv and Zlp a hlah
quallLv opensource uLlllLv ?ou mav download flle
compresslondecompresslon sofLware from elLher slLe
l osL Crder lorms for orderlna cusLom posL processors
l SupplemenLal maLerlals
redator Ld|tor
1hls lLem wlll run an lnsLaller for redaLor CnC LdlLor and redaLor
vlrLual CnC vlewer
1he redaLor sofLware LhaL ls lncluded on Lhe ClbbsCAM uvu ls a
llahL verslon of Lhe producL When vou lnsLall Lhe llahL verslon use Lhe
serlal number LlCP1 Lo acLlvaLe lL 1he llahL verslon ls a verv funcLlonal
edlLor wlLh no llmlLaLlon on Lhe slze of Lhe edlLed flle 1o undersLand Lhe
dlfferences beLween Lhe llahL verslon and Lhe fullfuncLlon verslon vou
should vlew Lhe redaLor CnC LdlLor leaLure Crld ul flle ln Lhe LxLras
folder lease vlslL wwwpredaLorsofLwarecom for more lnformaLlon or lf
vou are lnLeresLed ln uparadlna Lo Lhe full funcLlon verslon of Lhe producL

wwwG|bbsCAMcom 1hls lLem opens a browser wlndow and Lakes vou Lo Lhe ClbbsCAM


1he lnsLaller wlll lnsLall all of Lhe ClbbsCAM modules and lL lncludes opLlons for lnsLalllna Lhe
voluMlll module as well as Lhe CAu 1ransfer Addlns AddlLlonallv Lhe ClbbsCAM uls and Lhe
Moorpark enaravlna fonL are auLomaLlcallv lnsLalled and a deskLop shorLcuL Lo Lhe ClbbsCAM
appllcaLlon ls creaLed
1he flrsL Lhlna vou should do before lnsLalllna Lhe sofLware ls ensure LhaL vour svsLem has Lhe mosL
recenL servlce pack for vour operaLlna svsLem and has Lhe laLesL vldeo drlvers lnsLalled Also vou
wlll elLher need Lo aLLach vour hardware kev before runnlna Lhe lnsLaller or lnsLall Lhe server
llcense flle for Lhe neLwork Llcenslna CpLlon nLC lf Lhls ls Lhe flrsL Llme vou are lnsLalllna
ClbbsCAM nLC on Lhls compuLer 1he llcenslna sofLware on Lhe server musL be conflaured before
Lhe ClbbsCAM sofLware ls lnsLalled on a worksLaLlon lf vou have Lhe neLwork Llcenslna scheme
AbouL neLwork Llcense lnsLallaLlon rocess for lnformaLlon on lnsLalllna Lhe llcenslna sofLware
lf vou are uparadlna from an earller verslon of ClbbsCAM pre v vou wlll have Lo lnsLall
and conflaure Lhe new neLwork Llcenslna svsLem
AL some polnL before lnsLalllna vour new sofLware be sure Lo revlew Lhe keleose Notes LhaL came
wlLh vour order Lo check for anv lasL mlnuLe lnformaLlon AfLer revlewlna Lhe keleose Notes follow
Lhe lnsLrucLlons ln lnsLalllna Lhe ClbbsCAM SvsLem Lo lnsLall Lhe ClbbsCAM svsLem lf a verslon of
ClbbsCAM ls currenLlv on vour svsLem vou should noL unlnsLall Lhe sofLware lf vou wlsh Lo lnsLall
mulLlple lnsLances of Lhe same verslon of ClbbsCAM please see 8e8unnlna Lhe lnsLaller and
lease noLe LhaL Lhe lnsLaller assoclaLes all vnC flles wlLh Lhe newlv lnsLalled verslon of ClbbsCAM
lf vou wlsh Lo open an exlsLlna parL ln an older verslon slmplv draa Lhe flle Lo a shorLcuL Lhe
proaram wlndow or use Lhe Open dlaloa ?ou should also noLe LhaL lf an older flle ls opened and
saved ln a newer verslon of ClbbsCAM lL can no lonaer be used ln an older verslon lf necessarv
vou mav use Lhe Save A Copy funcLlon Lo save Lhe parL as an older verslon Lo work around Lhls
Licensing Schemes
1he lnsLallaLlon process wlll varv sllahLlv dependlna on Lhe llcenslna scheme belna used 1he vasL
ma[orlLv of users have Lhe 8alnbow SenLlnel hardware kev llcenslna scheme whlch ls a square Lan
parallel porL kev or a purple uS8 kev LhaL aeLs aLLached Lo Lhe compuLer newer users mav have Lhe
Aladdln PAS hardware kev whlch ls a whlLe parallel porL kev or a verv dark purple uS8 kev 1he
Llmebased svsLem ls also a PAS kev buL ls elLher a blue parallel porL kev or a black uS8 kev
l lf vou use Lhe PAS kev please do noL use Lhe PAS PL drlvers lease use Lhe PAS
drlvers 1he PL drlvers cause an lncompaLlblllLv wlLh Lhe ClbbsCAM svsLem unforLunaLelv Lhls
ls bevond our conLrol as Lhe lncompaLlblllLv can be from hardware sofLware or Lhe CS lf vou

have lnsLalled Lhe PL drlvers please download and lnsLall Lhe HASP Device Driver GUI
Installation drlvers from here wwwaladdlncomsupporLhasphaspenduseraspx
U58 key
1he uS8 kev mav be aLLached Lo vour svsLem when lnsLalllna Lhe ClbbsCAM sofLware 1he uS8 kev
mav be hoL swapped Slmplv place Lhe uS8 kev lnLo a uS8 porL on vour compuLer uS8 porLs do noL
allow more Lhan one devlce Lo be pluaaed lnLo a porL lf vou need addlLlonal porLs vou should
purchase a uS8 hub Lo provlde addlLlonal porLs
ka|nbow nA5 C|matron Current 5h|pp|ng
ara||e| ort key
1he parallel porL kev should be aLLached Lo vour compuLer before vou run ClbbsCAM 1hls wlll
auLomaLlcallv lnsLall Lhe proper drlvers for vour svsLem Make sure Lhe compuLer ls Lurned off
before aLLachlna Lhe hardware kev 1he hardware kev should be placed ln Lhe parallel porL L1 or
L1 ln Lhe back of vour compuLer 1he parallel porL ls Lhe same porL ln whlch vou plua vour
prlnLer ?our prlnLer mav be pluaaed lnLo Lhe hardware kev
ka|nbow nA5 nA5

Installing Across a Network

When lnsLalllna ClbbsCAM across a neLwork Lo a svsLem LhaL has never had a verslon of ClbbsCAM
or Lhe hardware kev drlvers we recommend LhaL vou lnsLall Lhe drlvers flrsL lf noL vou mav
encounLer an error slmllar Lo Lhe lmaae below lf vou encounLer Lhe error slmplv cllck on OK 1he
lnsLallaLlon wlll conLlnue Cnce compleLe vou should manuallv lnsLall Lhe hardware kev drlvers


Anv posL processors vou are Lo recelve wlll be lncluded on a floppv dlsk whlch ls lncluded wlLh vour
order Copv Lhe osLs folder from Lhe floppv dlsk Lo vour hard drlve ?ou mav sLore vour posL
processors anvwhere AfLer Lhe flrsL use Lhe sofLware wlll defaulL Lo Lhe folder from whlch vou lasL
opened a posL processor
lease be aware LhaL Lhere are Lhree dlfferenL classlflcaLlons for daLa user daLa Clobal daLa and
lnsLall ulrecLorv daLa user daLa conslsLs of flles LhaL chanae wlLh each user Clobal daLa conslsLs of
flles LhaL are applled Lo all users lnsLall ulrecLorv daLa lncludes aenerlc daLa as well as 8eporLer
LemplaLes 1hese Lhree Lvpes of daLa are sLored ln Lhree dlfferenL locaLlons as deLalled below lf
vou cusLomlze Lhese flles or uparade vour verslon of ClbbsCAM frequenLlv accesslna and copvlna
Lhese flles can become qulLe lmporLanL lease noLe LhaL Lhe locaLlons and names are dlfferenL
under Wlndows Wlndows vlsLa or Wlndows Server Lhan under Wlndows x or Wlndows
Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
1he followlna Lable shows Lhe folder hlerarchv for ClbbsCAM flles ln Wlndows x and Wlndows
User Data CuocumenLs and SeLLlnasosetoomeAppllcaLlon
CuocumenLs and SeLLlnasAll usersAppllcaLlon uaLaClbbsClbbsCAMvetsloo
Insta|| Data Croaram llles ClbbsClbbsCAMvetsloo
Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
1he followlna Lable shows Lhe folder hlerarchv for ClbbsCAM flles ln Wlndows Wlndows vlsLa and
Wlndows Server
User Data CusersosetoomeAppuaLa8oamlnaClbbsClbbsCAMvetsloo
G|oba| Data CroaramuaLaClbbsClbbsCAMvetsloo
Insta|| Data Croaram lllesClbbsClbbsCAMvetsloo

User Data
1hls dlrecLorv holds sysdef.rsc whaL was enLered ln dlaloas UIState.dat where vour wlndows
were and Lhelr slze and a Plugins folder LhaL conLalns whaL was enLered ln Lhe plualns AlLhouah
anv of Lhese lLems can be moved beLween verslon folders lL ls noL recommended because of
unpredlcLable behavlor lf vou move Lhe flles and experlence odd behavlor deleLe Lhem from Lhe
new dlrecLorv and relaunch ClbbsCAM
Global Data
1hls dlrecLorv holds Lhe bolL and Lap Lables Lhe CuLuA1A flle MaLerlalLxL vour communlcaLlon
seLup daLa proLocolLxL a flle LhaL sLores Lhe Pole Wlzard daLa prefsrsc a folder LhaL conLalns
vour cusLom Muus and Lhe osLPAS1L Llbrarv folder LhaL conLalns osLPAS1L llbrarv flles ?ou wlll
wanL Lo copv Lhese flles Lo a new lnsLallaLlon dlrecLorv lf vou have cusLomlzed Lhem and lnsLall
anoLher verslon of ClbbsCAM 1he locaLlon of Lhe CuLuA1A flle can also cusLomlzed wlLhln
ClbbsCAM see Lhe Preferences secLlon of ClbbsCAM
Install Directory Data
lncluded ln Lhls folder are aenerlc verslons of Clobal and user daLa flles as well as 8eporLer
1emplaLes whlch are locaLed ln Lhe...PlugIns\Data\Report folder lf vou creaLe cusLom
reporLs Lhev should be placed ln Lhls folder lLems ln Lhe lnsLall dlrecLorv are marked as readonlv lf
vou do noL have sufflclenL prlvlleaes vou wlll need Lo have a user wlLh AdmlnlsLraLor access make
chanaes Lo Lhls dlrecLorv
Existing Communications, CutDATA and Library Files
lnsLalllna a new verslon of ClbbsCAM wlll lnsLall Lhe defaulL maLerlal daLabase and creaLe a blank
communlcaLlons flle defaulL osLPAS1L llbrarv flles and 8eporLer LemplaLes Cnce Lhe new verslon
ls lnsLalled vou mav copv proLocolLxL maLerlalLxL and Lhe llbtotv folder Lo Lhe new ClbbsCAM
A Note About User Access To Directories
lease noLe LhaL Wlndows marks Lhe Application Data folders as lnvlslble and LlmlLed users cannoL
access Lhem ?ou mav need an admlnlsLraLors asslsLance Lo access and modlfv Lhese dlrecLorles


8efore lnsLalllna Lhe sofLware please revlew Lhe secLlon 1he uvu Lxplorer When seLLlna up a
neLwork Llcenslna scheme Lhe followlna lnsLallaLlon sLeps musL be Laken on each cllenL machlne
1hls sofLware musL be lnsLalled before Lhe llcense flles aeneraLed bv Clbbs and AssoclaLes are
lnserL Lhe producL lnsLallaLlon uvu8CM lnLo Lhe uvu drlve 1he uvu Lxplorer should
auLomaLlcallv sLarL when vou puL Lhe uvu ln Lhe drlve
lf vou are lnsLalllna on Lhls machlne cllck Lhe ClbbsCAM lnsLaller buLLon and Lhe lnsLaller bealns
lf vou are seLLlna up a neLwork Llcense lnsLallaLlon refer Lo AbouL neLwork Llcenslna
lf vou are runnlna a blL operaLlna svsLem vou musL declde wheLher vou wlll lnsLall Lhe
blL or Lhe blL sofLware A wlndow opens whlch leLs vou choose whlch verslon Lo lnsLall
lL ls sLronalv recommended LhaL vou cllck Lhe 8ead more abouL Lhe dlfferences buLLon
before vou make a cholce 1hls wlll open anoLher wlndow LhaL descrlbes Lhe dlfferences
beLween Lhe blL and blL verslons and wlll help vou deLermlne Lhe beLLer cholce for
vou lor mosL users Lhe blL verslon ls recommended buL some users dependlna upon
Lhelr uses mav need Lhe blL verslon lor more lnformaLlon please see WhaL Are Lhe
ulfferences 8eLween blL and blL ClbbsCAM on paae

AL each prompL cllck on Next Lo conLlnue ?ou wlll need Lo aaree Lo Lhe GibbsCAM 2010
License Agreement Lo conLlnue Lhe lnsLallaLlon
SelecL Lhe lanauaae verslon of Lhe sofLware Lo be lnsLalled and cllck on Next
SelecL Lhe Lvpe of securlLv svsLem used on Lhls machlne
SelecL Lhe lnsLallaLlon dlrecLorv for Lhe sofLware and follow Lhe prompLs Lo conLlnue wlLh Lhe
lnsLallaLlon process ?ou mav use Lhe defaulL lnsLallaLlon dlrecLorv or cllck on Browse Lo selecL
Lhe dlrecLorv of vour cholce

SelecL anv CAu or CAM Addlns from Lhe Extra Options vou would llke Lo lnsLall Lach CAu Add
ln creaLes a menu lLem ln Lhe CAu appllcaLlon LhaL wlll Lransfer models Lo ClbbsCAM wlLh a
slnale menu selecLlon AssoclaLlvlLv ls malnLalned beLween Lhe orlalnal model and LoolpaLh
aeneraLed ln ClbbsCAM Anv CAM Addlns wlll enable a machlnlna Lvpe Llle Lo Lhe CAM paleLLe
1he CAu Addlns lLems should onlv be lnsLalled lf Lhe correspondlna CAu appllcaLlon ls alreadv
lnsLalled on vour compuLer Cllck on Next when vou are readv Lo proceed

lease noLe LhaL on some svsLems Lhe SolldWorks Addln mav noL auLomaLlcallv show up ln
Lhe SolldWorks menu bar lf Lhls occurs whlle ln SolldWorks selecL Tools Add-Ins from
Lhe menu bar 1hls opens a dlaloa LhaL conLrols whlch Addlns are avallable SelecL Lhe
ClbbsCAM SolldWorks Addln lLem and cllck OK 1he lLem wlll now be avallable ln Lhe
menu bar
1he lnsLaller wlll auLomaLlcallv lnsLall Lhe Moorpark enaravlna fonL When Lhe lnsLallaLlon ls
compleLe cllck on Lhe Finish buLLon Lo close ouL of Lhe seLup
1o launch Lhe ClbbsCAM svsLem selecL Lhe GibbsCAM 2010 v9.5 lLem ln Lhe Programs llsL
under Lhe Start menu AddlLlonallv Lhe lnsLaller places a shorLcuL Lo Lhe ClbbsCAM execuLable
on Lhe deskLop
Cnce ClbbsCAM ls runnlna vou wlll need Lo realsLer Lhe sofLware 1he flrsL Llme vou launch
ClbbsCAM vou wlll see Lhe followlna dlaloa

lor more deLalled lnformaLlon on lnsLalllna and realsLerlna vour llcense see 8ealsLerlna
ClbbsCAM naLlvelv supporLs slmulLaneouslv runnlna mulLlple lnsLances of Lhe appllcaLlon lf
vou wlsh Lo lnsLall mulLlple verslons of ClbbsCAM such as lnsLalllna several dlfferenL locallzed
lanauaae verslons make a copv of Lhe exlsLlna verslon ln a dlfferenL dlrecLorv such as
C:\Program Files\Gibbs\Backup and Lhen rerun Lhe lnsLaller 1he orlalnal lnsLallaLlon wlll
have Lo be unlnsLalled and a new second lnsLallaLlon can be sLarLed 1he process ls descrlbed ln Lhe
followlna secLlon
1he recommended meLhod for
unlnsLalllna ClbbsCAM ls Lo use Add
and Remove Programs lLem found ln
Lhe Start menu under Control Panels
Lach Llme Lhe lnsLaller ls run lL wlll
aLLempL Lo lnsLall sofLware buL lf lL
flnds LhaL Lhe same release ea
v ls noL Lhe same release as

v of Lhe ClbbsCAM sofLware has alreadv been lnsLalled Lhe lnsLaller wlll prompL vou Lo
unlnsLall LhaL verslon Cnce Lhe unlnsLall ls compleLe vou mav lnsLall Lhe sofLware aaaln lease noLe
LhaL Lhls ls noL Lhe preferred meLhod of unlnsLalllna ClbbsCAM AddlLlonallv Lhls process wlll noL
remove anv folders and flles vou have creaLed ln Lhe proaram folder or anv Clobal or user daLa
1hls ls Lo ensure anv modlflcaLlons vou have made Lo Lhese flles are noL losL

8ealsLerlna ClbbsCAM
8ealsLraLlon 1ools
Llcense updaLes
ClbbsCAM wlll reporL LhaL lL can flnd no valld llcense when flrsL launched Cnce realsLraLlon ls
compleLe however ClbbsCAM wlll conLlnue on Lo run as usual
1he Llcense lnsLallaLlon dlaloa allows vou Lo elLher draa a llcense onLo Lhe dlaloa for appllcaLlon
lnsLallaLlon browse Lhe compuLer for a llcense flle or run Lhe realsLraLlon Lool Lo requesL and
obLaln a valld llcense flle Lhrouah Lhe Clbbs AcLlvaLlon Servlce


lf vou have been malled a llcense flle or alreadv have one vou can draa and drop Lhe llcense flle on
Lhe dlaloa or cllck Browse for your license file in this computer... Lo locaLe vour exlsLlna llcense
kese||er Act|vat|on lf vour 8eseller wlll be asslsLlna vou wlLh vour lnsLallaLlon make sure
LhaL vou have vour hardware kev or kevs lf appllcable and vour realsLraLlon flles readv
when Lhev arrlve
Cllck Lhe Run Registration Tool... llnk
LnLer vour roducL Code from vour order maLerlals and cllck Next
LnLer vour cusLomer lnformaLlon and press Next

uependlna upon Lhe capablllLles of vour compuLer vou wlll be prompLed Lo compleLe vour
realsLraLlon when vou press Next uslna one of Lhe followlna meLhods lf vou do noL have an e
mall accounL enLer Lhe emall address of vour reseller
keg|strat|on 1ype urpose
lnLerneL 8ealsLraLlon 8ealsLer onllne Lhls ls Lhe qulckesL easlesL wav
LMall 8ealsLraLlon lf vou are ln a secured neLwork envlronmenL
Cffllne 8ealsLraLlon lf vou have no lnLerneL access
Internet Registration
lf Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool deLermlnes LhaL Lhe compuLer can dlrecLlv conLacL Lhe Clbbs AcLlvaLlon
Servlce Lhen Lhe flnal paae of Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool wlll prompL vou Lo press Finish Lo auLomaLlcallv
obLaln a llcense flle

E-Mail Registration
lf Lhe 8ealsLraLlon Lool deLermlnes LhaL Lhe compuLer canL dlrecLlv conLacL Lhe Clbbs AcLlvaLlon
Servlce buL has access Lo emall Lhen Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool wlll prompL vou Lo press Finish Lo send
Lhe llcense realsLraLlon daLa Lo Clbbs as an emall aLLachmenL
resslna Lhe Finish buLLon wlll brlna up an emall form paae uslna vour defaulL emall proaram

lollow Lhe emall proarams dlrecLlons Lo send Lhe llcense realsLraLlon daLa Clbbs and AssoclaLes
wlll process vour llcense realsLraLlon as qulcklv as posslble See CompleLlna LMall or Cffllne
8ealsLraLlon Lo learn how Lo compleLe Lhe realsLraLlon process
Offline Registration
lf Lhe 8ealsLraLlon Lool deLermlnes LhaL Lhe compuLer canL dlrecLlv conLacL Lhe Clbbs AcLlvaLlon
Servlce and doesnL have access Lo emall Lhen Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool wlll prompL vou Lo press
Finish Lo save llcense realsLraLlon daLa Lo a flle

resslna Lhe llnlsh buLLon wlll brlna up a flle save as dlaloa Lo allow vou Lo save vour llcense
realsLraLlon daLa Lo a flle
upon savlna vour realsLraLlon daLa flle Lhere are a number of wavs vou can send Lhe flle Lo Clbbs
A computer
w|th ema||
lf vou have access Lo a compuLer wlLh emall access vou can emall Lhe flle Lo
?our reseller mav be able Lo asslsL vou ln vour acLlvaLlon lf vour 8eseller can
asslsL vou make sure vou have vour kev lf appllcable and vour realsLraLlon flles
readv when Lhev arrlve
kegu|ar Ma|| Copv Lhe realsLraLlon flle Lo a Cu flash drlve uvu or floppv dlsk and mall lL Lo
G|bbsCAM 5upport
co G|bbs Assoc|ates
5c|ence Dr|ve
Moorpark CA U5A
Note lleose ollow oJeooote tlme fot voot llceose flle to be tetotoeJ to voo Also
voot meJlo wlll oot be tetotoeJ
See CompleLlna LMall or Cffllne 8ealsLraLlon Lo learn how Lo compleLe Lhe realsLraLlon process
Completing E-Mail or Offline Registration
Cnce vou recelve vour llcense flle from Clbbs AssoclaLes launch ClbbsCAM ?ou wlll be
areeLed wlLh Lhe followlna dlaloa

?ou can elLher draa and drop Lhe llcense flle onLo LhaL dlaloa or cllck Lhe Browse for your
license file on this computer llnk Lo open a llle Cpen dlaloa

AfLer locaLlna vour llcense flle and openlna lL vou should see Lhe followlna dlaloa
AL Lhls polnL ClbbsCAM wlll launch and vour lnsLall of ClbbsCAM v wlll be successfullv

1wo realsLraLlon uLlllLles are provlded
RegistrationTool.exe SLandalone Llcenslna uLlllLv
ActivationCheck.exe verlfvlna AcLlvaLlon Server ConnecLlvlLv
1he 8ealsLraLlon rocess mav also be acLlvaLed wlLhouL runnlna ClbbsCAM Look for Registration
Tool ln Lhe ClbbsCAM folder ln Lhe Wlndows SLarL menu ?ou mav also access Lhe sLandalone
realsLraLlon from Lhe ClbbsCAM lnsLallaLlon folder ?ou can easllv flnd Lhls slmplv bv dolna a search
for RegistrationTool.exe
1he Llcenslna uLlllLv allows vou Lo send llcense realsLraLlon daLa and obLaln and manaae llcenses for
several dlfferenL Lvpes of ClbbsCAM lnsLallaLlons
1he Pardware Locked realsLraLlon Lvpe llcense lnsLallaLlon ls equlvalenL Lo Lhe llcense
lnsLallaLlon from runnlna ClbbsCAM from a nonnLC ClbbsCAM lnsLallaLlon

1he neLwork Llcense CllenL realsLraLlon Lvpe llcense lnsLallaLlon ls equlvalenL Lo Lhe llcense
lnsLallaLlon from runnlna ClbbsCAM from an nLC ClbbsCAM lnsLallaLlon
1he neLwork Llcense Server realsLraLlon Lvpe llcense lnsLallaLlon lnsLalls Lhe nLC server and
llcense Lo a dlrecLorv vou speclfv
1he Pardware Locked offllne realsLraLlon Lvpe llcense lnsLallaLlon lnsLalls a nonnLC cllenL
llcense Lo a dlrecLorv vou speclfv 1hls mav be useful when preaeneraLlna llcenses for compuLers
whlch mav noL have lnLerneL access and can onlv be used wlLh removable hardware kev llcenses
1o aeneraLe an offllne llcense follow Lhese sLeps
Speclfv a deplovmenL desLlnaLlon for Lhe offllne llcense ln Llcenslna uLlllLv
lnserL vour Pardware kev LhaL vou lnLend Lo use on Lhe offllne compuLer
Cllck Lhe Run Registration Tool... llnk and aeneraLe Lhe offllne llcense flle followlna
lnsLrucLlons as descrlbed ln 8unnlna Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool 1hls acLlon wlll aeneraLe a
llcense flle ln Lhe speclfled dlrecLorv
Move Lhe aeneraLed license-x.xx.lic flle Lo Lhe offllne compuLer
Launch ClbbsCAM
uraa and drop Lhe llcense flle onLo Lhe ClbbsCAM Llcense lnsLallaLlon dlaloa
?ou mav also Browse for your license file on this computer...
ActivationCheck.exe ls a slmple uLlllLv LhaL checks for connecLlvlLv wlLh Lhe Clbbs AcLlvaLlon
Servlce 1hls appllcaLlon mav also be found ln Lhe rooL dlrecLorv of vour currenL ClbbsCAM
lnsLallaLlon or bv uslna Lhe SLarL Search feaLure ln vlsLa


lf vou need Lo updaLe or chanae vour llcense flle Lo add opLlons Lo vour llcense vou can connecL Lo
Lhe Clbbs AcLlvaLlon Servlce from Preferences Interface Lab
ress Lhe License Update buLLon Lo open Lhe Update Registration dlaloa lollow Lhe same sLeps
deLalled ln 8unnlna Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool Lo updaLe vour roducL kev and llcense
About Network Licensing
ClbbsCAM neLwork Llcenslna esLabllshes a neLwork llcense server whlch malnLalns a sofLware kev
for each opLlon purchased from Clbbs and AssoclaLes 1hese sofLware kevs or llcenses are
dlsLrlbuLed Lo nodes across a neLwork Lo enable Lhe nodes wlLh lnsLalled ClbbsCAM sofLware Lo run
Lhe purchased module opLlons neLwork Llcenslna ls an alLernaLe Lo Lhe hardware kev scheme used
Lo proLecL ClbbsCAM Lach cllenL compuLer on a neLwork should have a copv of ClbbsCAM lnsLalled
1o run Lhe sofLware a user wlll check ouL a sofLware kev from Lhe neLwork 1here ls no llmlL Lo Lhe
number of ClbbsCAM seaLs lnsLalled on Lhe neLwork onlv a llmlL Lo Lhe number used concurrenLlv
off each server
1he ClbbsCAM neLwork Llcense lnsLallaLlon uses Lhe same lnsLallaLlon medla as Lhe Pardware kev
Lock verslon 1he creaLlon and lnsLallaLlon of Lhe llcense flle can be done vla Lhe lnLerneL or
manuallv uslna elecLronlc or phvslcal mall when Lhe cusLomers envlronmenL does noL allow
lnLerneL access
lnsLalllna Lhe neLwork Llcense opLlon nLC ls a Lwophase process llrsL vou musL seL up Lhe server
and Lhen vou musL lnsLall Lhe cllenL sofLware on each node 1hese are Lhe baslc sLeps lor a deLalled
walkLhrouah of Lhe process see nLC lnsLallaLlon SLep 8v SLep
lf vou are uparadlna nLC from ClbbsCAM verslon x or earller vou wlll need Lo lnsLall vour
8LM Llcense server on Lhe same machlne as vour pre lLLxlm llcense server
1hese are Lhe baslc sLeps lor a deLalled walkLhrouah of Lhe process see hase SeLLlna up 1he
8un Lhe nLC Server 8ealsLraLlon Lo lnsLall Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool and supporL flles
8un Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool ?ou wlll need Lo enLer vour producL code and acLlvaLe Lhe sofLware aL
Lhls polnL
lnsLall Lhe 8LM Llcense Server 1hls process auLomaLlcallv bealns from Lhe realsLraLlon Lool
SLarL Clbbs8LMServer

AbouL neLwork Llcenslna


1hese are Lhe baslc sLeps lor a deLalled walkLhrouah of Lhe process see nLC SLep lnsLall Lhe
CllenL SofLware Cn Lach node
lnsLall Lhe ClbbsCAM sofLware on each cllenL machlne lor lnsLrucLlons on lnsLalllna Lhe
ClbbsCAM sofLware see lnsLalllna Lhe ClbbsCAM SvsLem
Lnsure LhaL Lhe Clbbs8LMServer ls runnlna
8ealsLer ClbbsCAM on each cllenL machlne
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna


nLC SLep SeLLlna up 1he Server
nLC SLep lnsLall Lhe CllenL SofLware Cn Lach node
lrom Lhe ClbbsCAM uvu Lxplorer cllck Lhe NLO Server Registration buLLon Lo lnsLall Lhe
8ealsLraLlon 1ool and supporL flles
SelecL Lhe lnsLallaLlon folder for 8ealsLraLlon 1ool and cllck Next
lnsLallaLlon ls compleLe 1he nexL sLep ls Lo access Lhe ClbbsCAM 8ealsLraLlon 1ool
8un Lhe ClbbsCAM 8ealsLraLlon 1ool from elLher Lhe Start menu SLarL All roarams
ClbbsCAM nLC Server or bv aolna Lo Lhe dlrecLorv ln whlch vou lnsLalled lL ln Lhe prevlous
W|ndows and W|ndows V|sta users ?ou mav need Lo rlahLcllck Lhe appllcaLlon and
selecL 8un as AdmlnlsLraLor ln order for Lhls Lo run properlv
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna

SelecL Network License Server as Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1vpe and cllck on Run Registration Tool
LnLer vour roducL Code and cllck Next
LnLer vour realsLraLlon lnformaLlon and cllck Next
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna

SelecL Finish Lo compleLe vour llcense

IMCk1AN1 make noLe of Lhe vour svsLems Host Name as shown above lL ls used Lo
ascerLaln Lhe sLaLus of Lhe server as deLalled ln sLep 8 below
When Lhe acLlvaLlon ls compleLe a llcense flle license-<customer_id>-<server_
number>.lic wlll be creaLed ln vour deplovmenL dlrecLorv
Cllck OK Lo proaress Lo Lhe nexL sLep
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna

SelecL Yes ln response Lo Would vou llke Lo lnsLall 8LM llcense server appllcaLlons ln
lf vour Wlndows llrewall ls Lurned on vou wlll be asked Lo lf vou would llke Lo open Lwo porLs
SelecL Yes ln response Lo 8LM server appllcaLlon copled 1he 8LM server uses porLs
and uo vou wanL Lhese porLs opened ln Lhe wlndows flrewall
SelecL Yes ln response Lo Would vou llke Lo sLarL Lhe 8LM server as a Wlndows Servlce
unless vou prefer Lo sLarL Lhe 8LM server manuallv from a command prompL
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna

SLarL Clbbs8LMServer
lf vou sLarL Lhe 8LM server as a servlce Lhen lL wlll be sLarLed auLomaLlcallv 1o sLarL Lhe 8LM
server vla Lhe command llne lnLerface open a Command rompL wlndow from Lhe
deplovmenL dlrecLorv and Lvpe rlm Lo sLarL Lhe server
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna

1he 8LM server conLalns an embedded Web Server whlch ls sLarLed auLomaLlcallv on porL
when rlm ls sLarLed 1o use Lhe web server slmplv polnL vour browser Lo
hLLp5etvetnostNome example hLLpmvCompuLer and selecL SLaLus
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna


lnsLall Lhe ClbbsCAM sofLware on each cllenL machlne uslna Lhe same producL code LhaL was
used for lnsLalllna Lhe server See lnsLalllna Lhe ClbbsCAM SvsLem
8e sure Lhe 8LM server ls runnlna
8ealsLer ClbbsCAM
?ou can do Lhls manuallv or ClbbsCAM can do Lhls for vou when vou launch Lhe svsLem for Lhe
flrsL Llme ClbbsCAM wlll deLecL LhaL no valld Llcense ls ln place and Lhe License Installation
screen wlll dlsplav 1he Llcense lnsLallaLlon dlaloa allows vou enLer Lhe producL code use Lhe
same producL code LhaL was used for Lhe server
8un Lhe 8ealsLraLlon 1ool uslna Lhe roducL Code from Lhe server Lhls cllenL wlll be uslna
?ou wlll noL be prompLed for conLacL lnformaLlon on nLC cllenL machlnes
SelecL AcLlvaLe roducL Lo compleLe vour llcense deplovmenL ?our llcense daLa wlll be
reLrleved from Lhe Clbbs AcLlvaLlon Servlce and placed ln Lhe approprlaLe AppllcaLlon uaLa
8epeaL Lhls process lnsLalllna Lhe ClbbsCAM producL and deplovlna Lhe llcense flle for each
cllenL machlne
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna


Question: How can I find out more about RLM server management and tuning?
Aoswet 1he laLesL 8LM server uLlllLles enduser manual and performance monlLorlna Lools are
avallable aL hLLpwwwreprlsesofLwarecomenduserbundlehLm
Question: Can I activate if I don't have an Internet connection?
Aoswet We have a procedure for acLlvaLlna wlLhouL a llve lnLerneL connecLlon lL uses Lhe same
realsLraLlon process as Lhe llve connecLlon buL lnsLead of auLomaLlcallv sendlna Lhe realsLraLlon flle
from Lhe user Lo Lhe Clbbs acLlvaLlon server and sendlna Lhe llcense flle back Lhls ls done manuallv
ln Lhls case when vou realsLer vou save a realsLraLlon flle Lo vour hard dlsk and elLher emall Lo
Clbbs or wrlLe Lhe flle Lo medla and mall Lo Clbbs 1hen Clbbs wlll emall or mall Lhe llcense flle
back Lo Lhe cusLomer 1he cusLomer [usL runs ClbbsCAM and draas Lhe llcense flle onLo Lhe
realsLraLlon dlaloa LhaL comes up and Lhev are acLlvaLed 1he acLlvaLlon process uslna Lhe server on
Lhe lnLerneL [usL auLomaLes Lhe process of requesLlna creaLlna and lnsLalllna Lhe llcense flle on Lhe
cllenL compuLer
noLe 1he followlna quesLlons and answers are reproduced from Lhe 8eprlse webslLe
Question: How do I use RLM across a firewall?
Aoswet lf vou wanL Lo serve llcenses across a flrewall aenerallv vou wlll need Lhe llcense servers Lo
have known porL numbers ln order Lo allow vour flrewall Lo pass requesLs on Lhese porLs 1he 8LM
server lLself ls alwavs aL a known porL number conLalned ln Lhe llcense flle on Lhe SL8vL8 or PCS1
llne 1vplcallv 8LM sLarLs up all Lhe lSv servers wlLh dvnamlc porL numbers whlch are noL known
before sLarLup Llme
Powever lL ls posslble Lo have 8LM asslan flxed porL numbers Lo anv of Lhe lSv servers ln order Lo
do Lhls vou need Lo speclfv Lhe porL number for Lhe lSv server on Lhe lSv llne 1he porL number ls
Lhe fourLh parameLer ln Lhe lsv llne
ISV isvname options-file port-number
ln order Lo speclfv Lhe porL number vou musL also speclfv an opLlons flle for Lhls lSv server
Cnce vou have speclfled Lhe porL number lnsLrucL vour flrewall Lo allow connecLlons Lo boLh Lhe
porL number on Lhe SL8vL8 llne for 8LM and Lhe porL numbers on anv lSv llnes
Question: When starting RLM, I get the message (RLM) Cannot bind Web Server
port 5054 (or 9000), exiting. What is the problem and solution?
Aoswet 1haL error messaae aenerallv lndlcaLes LhaL Lhere ls anoLher copv of 8LM runnlna whlch ls
uslna porL or for lLs web server porL
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna

Check vour svsLem for oLher runnlna coples of Lhe 8LM server and lf Lhev should noL be runnlna
sLop Lhem Lhen resLarL Lhe 8LM server
AnoLher posslble problem ls LhaL anoLher proaram ls uslna Lhe porL ?ou can use Lhe neLsLaL
command Lo see lf anoLher proaram ls uslna Lhls porL
Question: RLM gives the following error message when attempting to install itself as
a service on Vista from an account with administrator privileges: Error: Access to
Service Control Manager denied. What is the problem and solution?
Aoswet Launch a command wlndow uslna 8un as admlnlsLraLor and lnsLall 8LM from Lhe new
command wlndow 8un as admlnlsLraLor ls an opLlon when vou rlahLcllck on Lhe command
wlndow lcon on Lhe deskLop or ln Lhe sLarL menu
Question: By default RLM Web Server allows open access to all commands. I need
to restrict access to some server functions. How can I do that?
noLe 1he followlna maLerlal ls reproduced from Lhe 8eprlse end user manual
hLLpwwwreprlsesofLwarecom8LMLnduserhLml Loplc 1he 8LM CpLlons llle We recommend
uslna Lhe 8LM embedded web server Lo conLrol 8LM opLlons
Aoswet 1he 8LM opLlons flle allows conLrol over access Lo Lhe stotos teteoJ and sbotJowo
admlnlsLraLlon commands as well as conLrol over Lhe edlLlna of opLlons flles CpLlons are provlded
Lo elLher allow lnCLuuL or lnCLuuLALL or dlsallow LxCLuuL or LxCLuuLALL admlnlsLraLlon
command usaae AddlLlonallv opLlons are provlded Lo creaLe aroups of users C8Cu or hosLs
ln addlLlon Lhe 8LM opLlons flle allows vou Lo Lurn off loaalna of sLaLus requesLs vla Lhe nCLCC
1he 8LM opLlons flle ls called tlmopt and should be placed ln Lhe dlrecLorv from whlch vou run Lhe
8LM or rlmexe blnarv
1here are slx prlvlleaes whlch can be conLrolled ln Lhe 8LM opLlons flle Lach prlvlleae ls speclfled
wlLh Lhe approprlaLe prlvlleae name ln Lhe rlm opLlons flle
AbouL neLwork Llcenslna

kLM pr|v||eges contro||ed by the kLM opt|ons f||e

r|v||ege Name to use |n kLM
opt|ons f||e
edit_options Allows edlLlna opLlons flles for lSv servers
edit_transfer Allows edlLlna serverserver llcense Lransfer
seLLlnas for lSv servers
edit_rlm_options Allows edlLlna opLlons flles for Lhe rlm server
reread reread Allows access Lo Lhe funcLlons whlch do reread
commands on llcense servers
shutdown shutdown Allows access Lo Lhe funcLlons whlch shuL down
llcense servers
status status Allows dlsplav of sLaLus and debua loa lnformaLlon
from Lhe llcense servers
1he 8LM opLlons flle svnLax ls a subseL of Lhe lSv CpLlons llle svnLax 1he prlvlleae names status
reread shutdown edit_options edit_rlm_options and edit_transfer are used
where a producL name would be used ln an lSv opLlons flle 8v defaulL all prlvlleaes are aranLed Lo
all users unless oLherwlse resLrlcLed ln Lhe 8LM opLlons flle
noLe LhaL Lhe 8LM web lnLerface does noL have access Lo Lhe username Lhe rlmuLll uLlllLles do pass
Lhe username so Lo be mosL effecLlve command resLrlcLlons should be done based on hosLname
or l addresses 8v defaulL all commands are enabled unless dlsabled wlLh Lhe x rlmdown or x
rlmremove rlm sLarLup opLlons ln whlch case rlm opLlons have no effecL
Lega| characters |n the kLM opt|ons f||e
ln aeneral all opLlons flle flelds are whlLespace dellmlLed meanlna LhaL no daLa lLem can conLaln
embedded spaces Labs newllnes or carrlaae reLurns ln addlLlon Lhe followlna slx characLers are
llleaal ln daLa lLems ln Lhe lSv or 8LM opLlons and llcense flle slnale quoLe back
quoLe ` and doublequoLe
noLe LhaL evervLhlna ln Lhe 8LM opLlons flle ls caselnsenslLlve
ln Lhe followlna example 8LM opLlons flle sLaLus commands are onlv allowed from hosLs on subneL
no one on hosL excludedhosL can do a reread command and onlv users on l address
can do a shuLdown noLe LhaL each command lnCLuuL LxCLuuL eLc musL be on a
separaLe llne

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