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anxiety, stress, verbal abuse, triggers, activate rape flashbacks.

when professors use sexist words or personal attacks on me, my neurochemical PTSD cortisol floods my brain increasing heart rate, panic, fight or flight. low basal cortisol rates in amygdala have been observed in post rape PTSD. when trigger words are uttered or played by teachers, the neurochemical response is severe, and inhibits learning, as all the adrenalized body prepares to flee situation of threat. when professor Bechtold speak of strangling women, the rape victim who escaped homicide by strangulation, undergoes painful flashbacks, daily in neuberger room 222 where the strangulation comment was made. strangulation wishes of professors should have no place in the curriculum. attack on my "credibility" by department chair Kinsella in attempts to resolve this problem intensifies my suffering. Kinsella defends his use of the word Bitches in classroom, and denies that this word is a Rape Trigger word with severe medical effects. panic, extreme. racing heart. loss of appetite. extreme sobbing. fear. resumption of post-rape speech impediment: stutter. reduce PTSD response. agoraphobia. continued protection of sexism by department chair. Kinsella has attacked my credibility, i am being bullied online by students who are telling me to drop out of PSU. this is making it worse. most of my time is wasted fighting for dignity and respect, which should have been present from the start. i am worn out from all the complaints regarding the poorly trained abusive teachers. i am not being paid for my work to report teachers PTSD activating sexism. this is contrary the global mission of gender equity and the DOJ office on violence against women. other issues of racism and genocide denial, including the Armenian Genocide denial, reinforce the terror i feel, regarding the sexual torture employed in the Armenian Genocide denied by the Mark O'Hatfield school of government by Bechtold, under Kinsella Tammen, and Wallack. Denial and cancellation of my appointments with Wallack and tammen exacerbate the hostile atmosphere to my concerns. sexual torture of Muslim men in American prisons as lied about by PSU fundraiser Rice also triggers PTSD. school should have taken this into consideration how Abu Ghraib flashbacks would affect students, when they chose to fundraise with an advocate of racist torture. need a refund of my tuition, or a rebate so i may take a class with a teacher who does not issue violent threats upon women. paying a tuition to a teacher who worsens my

medical PTSD is fraudulent. i need assistance with the exams as the stress is so high my stutter and panic in my mind is so high my trembling prevents me from being able to hold pen, and express in writing my study. i ask for accommodation of oral exam, as the physical symptoms of shaking and PTSD are so severe they impede all physical functions. i believe i can control the PSU reactivated PTSD based stutter for the two exams in middle East studies, but that a written exam will be impossible, given the Rape triggers and verbal abuse of me on campus. Oral Exam will be fair, after being subjected to such abuse in the classroom as causes extreme medical effects. i need a scribe for my tests, but Darcy at DRC does not want to give me one. continued casual attitudes to the Rapes on campus by the school administration exacerbating my fear on campus. i try not to drink as much fluids when i go on campus, so i do not have to go to the campus restrooms where rape crime scene and lack of security terrify me.

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