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Business Ethics An Egalitarian Theory of Justice John Rawls Justice is the first virtue of social institutions

Spring 2010

Principles of social justice they provide a way of assigning rights and duties in the basic institutions of society and they define the appropriate distribution of the benefits and burdens of social cooperation

The Original Position A hypothetical situation in which people choose the principles that govern their society

The people in the original position are assumed to be self-interested and rational

The Veil of Ignorance The veil of ignorance keeps people in the original position ignorant of many characteristics about themselves such as their gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, economic class, etc.

What is the point of having people choose the principles of justice behind a veil of ignorance?

Justice as fairness

The Principles of Justice Why does Rawls believe that people in the original position would not be willing to be guided by the principle of utility? Do you agree or disagree?

Two Principles of Justice: 1. Each person has an equal right to the most extensive basic liberties compatible with similar liberties for all. 2. Social and economic inequalities are arranged so that they are both a. To the greatest benefit of the least advantaged persons, and b. Attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of fair equality of opportunity.

Business Ethics

Spring 2010

Principle of Equal Liberty (#1) each persons liberties must be protected from invasion by others and must be equal to those of others.

The Difference Principle (#2a) a productive society will have inequalities, but inequalities must improve the position of the worst off members of society.

The Principle of Fair Equality of Opportunity (#2b) everyone should be given an equal opportunity to qualify for the more privileged positions in societys institutions.

Equality as a benchmark for judging improvements

Why does Rawls believe that a rational and self-interested person would not object to being part of a society governed by each of these principles of justice?

An egalitarian conception of justice dealing with inequalities of birth (or natural distribution)

Background Institutions for Distributive Justice Distributive Justice concerned with a fair distribution of benefits and burdens

4 types of institutions for preserving certain social and economic conditions 1. Allocation Branch ensure competitiveness and efficiency in the market 2. Stabilization Branch ensure reasonably full employment 3. Transfer Branch take needs into account for distribution of goods According to Rawls, why shouldnt ones total income be completely determined by the market? In addition, what approach does Rawls endorse for ensuring a suitable minimum income?

4. Distribution Branch preserve an approximate justice in distribution (taxation)

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