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I had a li le dreidel The best known and most clearly understood symbol of Chanukah is the menorah or as it is also known, the Chanukiyah the special menorah for the holiday. Nearly everyone knows of its eight lights for eight nights, and it is the symbol of the miracle in our story of how a small cruse of oil lasted an unexpected eight days. The dreidel or as it is know in Hebrew, the Sevivon, is certainly one of the most visually recognizable symbols of Chanukah. But what is the story of the dreidel and how did we end up playing with it at Chanukah? The answer according to legend is that Jews living 2,160 or so years ago would play with a spinning top, a popular gambling device of its day, as a way of hiding that they were really studying Jewish texts. At that me, the study and prac ce of Judaism was forbidden. If the SyrianGreek authori es were to discover the study groups all they would see was a bunch of gamblers instead of group of lawbreaking scholars! In keeping with this story, the four Hebrew le ers wri en on the sides of a dreidel Nun, Gimel, Hey, Shin are usually understood as an acronym for "Nes gadol haya sham," A Great Miracle Happened There. This is a ref erence to the Chanukah miracle a er the Maccabean revolt. But a li le research suggests that our modern dreidel is actually from a German game known as dreihen to spin. Even the Hebrew appears to be based on the German gambling instruc ons. Each of the four sides has a Hebrew le er. The "Nun" stands for "nisht," none. "Gimel" stands for "ganz," all. "Hey" stands for "halb," half. "Shin" stands for "shtel stay put." In Isra el, the Hebrew on the sides is a li le dierent reec ng the centrality of Israel to our Chanukah story. The le ers are Nun, Gimel, Hey,Peh, said to mean "Nes gadol haya POE," A Great Miracle Happened HERE. The link of this game to the holiday stems from two tradi ons. One is the story we men oned above about the miracle and the other is the tradi on of games at Chanukah as a way for families and friends to gather

Dec. Jan. Friday,December7 7:30p.m. Friday,January4 7:30p.m. WorshipService WorshipService Friday,December14 7:30p.m. Friday,January11 7:30p.m. WorshipService WorshipService Friday,December21 7:30p.m. Friday,January18 7:30p.m. ChavurahService ChavurahService Saturday,December29 10:00a.m. Saturday,January26 10:00a.m. TorahService/KiddushLuncheon TorahService/KiddushLuncheon



and celebrate. One of the beau ful things about Judaism is its prac ce of reading of spiritual meaning in all sorts of everyday and ritual objects. From Shab bat candles to the lowly matzah, rich meaning has been found in vari ous symbols in our tradi on and the dreidel is no dierent. Here are just a few of the secrets buried in our dreidel and its le ers: The Hebrew le ers wri en on the dreidel Nun, Gimel, Hey, Shin when looked at through the lens of Gematria (a system that assigns numeri cal value to a word or phrase, with the idea that words or phrases with iden cal numerical values bear some rela onship to each other) have the numerical value of 358 which is the same as the numerical value of MashiachorMessiah giving our dreidel the power to point to the me of the world made perfect. Another and very dierent way to read the le ers is that they repre sent four kingdoms that tried to destroy the Jews and failed. This read ing says that Nun is for Nebuchadnezzar Babylon, Hey is for Haman Ancient Persia, Gimel is for Gog (understood as Greece) and Sin for Seir (understood to be Rome.) Finally here is an interpreta on from Rabbi Goldie Milgram, a modern mys c who brings out yet another reading of the le ers and the rules for playing dreidel: Shin ( ) Shafal humility. When the dreidel lands with "shin" fac ing up, a player must put a coin/raisin/candy (or whatever is being played for in the dreidel game) back into the pot. Once an ego is shrunk to proper size the call to contribute to the pot of life is an swered with enthusiasm. Gimel ( ) Galgal wheel. Happy is the dreidel player who lands on Gimel because the whole prize pot becomes his. Those who open themselves to the twists of life evolving, revolving, unending shi s of fortune and fate get everything the pot of life has to oer. Nun ( ) Nivdal separate. Dreidel players who turn up a Nun gen erally cluck in despair because one gets nothing from the pot when a Nun turns up. Ge ng nothing, standing apart from the grabbing mass es, or Nivdal in mys cal parlance, is not such a bad thing. Separateness

NextSoupKitchen: Wednesday,Dec.12that 11:00a.m. WehosttheSoupKitchen the2ndWednesdayof everymonth
Whynotshareapartofyourself with someone in need by dona ng something from our wish list or help serve or clean up? Contact: ShirleySt.Peterat 9454578or



helps dis nguish between that which is holy and that which is not. Hey ( ) Hiuli formlessness. When a Hey faces up, the spinner receives half the pot. Regarding one's fortune as half the pot is to be a cocreator in the fu ture.1 There are many, many more meaning we can nd in our dreidel but however you understand the dreidels meaning, may you and your family have a warm and upli ing Chanukah as you play and sing by the light of the Chanukiyah ea ng latkes and sufgani yot.


Torah study is held the third Saturday of each month. We start at 9:30 A.M. with an informal get together and socializing. Then, a er a short while, we say the blessing and get down to studying the week's por on (in English, no prepara on needed.) The Rabbi leads the discussion, bringing her insight and wit to the text. Your insight will be a s mula ng addi on to the discussion. The por on for Saturday, December 22, is Parashah Vayigash. ParashahOverview(Vayigash,Genesis 44:1847:27) Judah pleads with Joseph to free Benjamin and oers himself as a replacement. (44:1834) Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and for gives them for selling him into slavery. (45:115) Although the famine s ll rages, Pharaoh invites Joseph's family to "live o the fat of the land." (45:16 24) Jacob learns that Joseph is s ll alive and, with God's blessing, goes to Egypt. (45:2546:33) Pharaoh permits Joseph's family to se le in Go shen. Pharaoh then meets with Jacob. (47:112) With the famine increasing, Joseph designs a plan for the Egyp ans to trade their livestock and land for food. The Israelites thrive in Egypt. (47:1327) Note: We send an announcement by email usually each week and regularly before each Saturday on which we have Torah Study. The announcement in cludes a short summary and commentary on that week's parashah. If you wish to be on the list to re ceive these announcements, please advise Shirley at the Beth El oce. Many members have already ex pressed interest in receiving the announcements. Of course, you may add your name in the future or have it deleted, should you change your mind. As stated last month, some thought has been given to changing the format of Torah Study, perhaps to rename it, e.g., Shabbat Breakfast Club. We might do it more regularly and add dierent ac vi es. Your ideas and sugges ons will be considered as we plan for the future. Submit your comments to me at Brian Richardson

h p:// dreidelmodern.htm

December 1 Parashat Vayishlach Genesis 32:4 36:43 Obadiah 1:1 1:21 December 8 Parashat Vayeshev Genesis 37:1 40:23 Amos 2:6 3:8 December 15 Parashat Miketz Genesis 41:1 44:17 Zech. 4:17 December 22 Parashat Vayigash Genesis 44:18 47:27 Ezekiel 37:15 37:28 December 29 Parashat Vayechi Genesis 47:28 50:26 I Kings 2:1 2:12



31. Worship with others. A study in the America JournalofPsychiatryconcludedthatobservingones faithinasocialse ngwaslinkedtoalowerriskof illness,especiallydepression 32. Toastthosewhoarentthere. Special remem brances [yiskor] and displays of photos can s mulate aec onate talk about people you miss, turning sad ness into special moments. 33. Bemerrywithyourmate. Couples who par ci pate in holiday rituals together, such as decora ng their home or ligh ng candles [Hanukah], can strengthen their marriages, according to Syracuse University researches. Consumer Reports, onHealth, December 2012

ning entries, the one with the earliest sub mi al date will be the prize winner. The winner of the new name selected and of the win ning mo o, each, will receive a $18.00 gi cer cate to the Beth El gi shop. The Newsle er editorial team, Mike Cohen and Riva Berleant will judge en tries. We will announce winning entries in the Febru ary issue of the renamed Newsle er. Brian Richardson, President


The Beth El board invites you to become more in volved in your Beth El community. We are oering you the opportunity to perform mitzvot, to give back community and, in so NEWSLETTERNAMINGCONTEST to yourthe knowledge that you doing, derive sa sfac on in are an important con tributor to Beth El and help make a dierence to all of The Beth El board of trustees is holding a contest for us who depend on it. renaming the Newsle er and to adopt a suitable mo o. The rules are simple. Our board members are gradua ng into the category In an email addressed to Riva Berleant, Assistant Editor at, iden fy your proposed new name or mo o. (If you do not have access to email, you may submit your entry in a sealed envelope mailed to the Beth El oce, A en on Riva Berleant, Associ ate Editor.) You may submit mul ple entries, but each new name or mo o has to be on its own email. Include your name and contact informa on. The rename winner and the mo o winner may be separate persons or the same person, and must be a Member or Associate Member of Congrega on Beth El. Entries must be received before the Beth El oce closes at 5:00 P.M., Tuesday, January 8, 2013. In the event of duplicates or, in the judgment of the editorial team, fundamentally similar win

of 'temple elders,' and it is me to share our joy of serving with the next genera on of temple leaders. Many of us began serving at Beth El at or shortly a er its forma on or when our children were in Hebrew School. We found it rewarding to take part in deci sions and its direc on as Beth El grew and became the vital and welcoming community it is today. We would love to have you, your spouse, and your friends discuss the possibili es of learning what we do, nd something that interests you individually or as a group, and become a member of a commi ee, or a board member. We currently need volunteers to help with our Social Commi ee and with the Educa on Commi ee. Also needed are people with an in terest in Social Ac on issues. Every opportunity you take to par cipate and volunteer is a chance to make new friends and strengthen es with old friends, to strengthen the bonds of our family, our mishpocha. Your Synagogue needs you if we are to keep moving forward. Show your children and grandchildren that



you are commi ed to Jewish life and your Temple. By se ng the example, you increase the likelihood they will follow in your footsteps and live an engaged commi ed Jewish life The joy and opportunity of helping our small Maine community is a chance to eec vely par cipate in kkun olam and insure that our own sacred commu nity thrives. Please contact Shirley in the oce at 9454578, and she will direct your call to the right person. Board of Trustees

To Marcia Teichner for her High Holy Days Dona on To Deborah Winograd for her dona on in memory of her father, Philip Winograd To Surah Whelan for her dona on to Beth El To Janet and Robert Schultheis for their dona on in honor of their grandson, Jacob Steinho's recent Bar Mitzvah. To Rick and Suzi Gordon for their dona on to Beth El To Mike and Elizabeth Saxl for their dona on to Beth El To Ralph and Arlyn Benjamin for their dona on to Beth El

ReligiousSchool Tuesdays, 4:30 p.m., December 4, 11, 18 Sundays, 10:00 a.m., December 2, 9, 16

To David and Rebekah Frankel and Kathy Lyons To Barry Gass

NoReligiousSchool Sunday, December 23, 30 Tuesday, December 25 Jan 1



To the following for their dona ons in memory of Sid Maine Trial Lawyers Associa on (MTLA) honored our Block's mother, Cyril Block Mogol Segall: own Jus ce Warren M. Silver on October 18th. Jus ce Terry LaCombeStevens and Michael Serota Silver was honored for his ongoing contribu ons to for their dona on to the Rabbi Discre onary Fund the Maine Legal Community and Civil Jus ce. Diane Drexler Li le and Max Li le for their dona on to the Building Fund Ruth Saxl for her dona on to Beth El.

The Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Late Deafened held its annual awards ceremony hon oring individuals who contributed to Deaf Culture in To Alan and Emily Ginsberg for their High Holy Days Maine. Among those honored was Beth El member, Dona on Paula E. Matlins, for Promo ng American Sign Lan To Israel Weintraub for his dona on to Beth El's Reli guage (ASL), Deaf Culture and Deaf People. gious School Scholarship Fund. To Liz Cutler for her dona on to the Rabbi's Discre onary Fund.



On Sunday, 9 December, at noon, our monthly Lunch n Learn at the synagogue will address the topic Can Judaism be taught standing on one leg? OR is eth ics all there is? Don Lewis will introduce this popu lar idea to create a discussion about Leo Baecks short essay Mystery and Commandment.

There are many ways to volunteer at Beth El. One way is to help out with our Religious School Tuesday Night Supper Club. Beth Els 7th 12th grade students. Wearelookingforpeoplewillingtoprovideameal ononeTuesdaynightfor18studentandteach ers.Thiscouldbeapastadish,sandwichxings or???.

Leo Baeck was a primary founder of modern Ameri can Reform and Conserva ve Judaism. He came to America a er serving as chief rabbi of Berlin and then surviving the death camps. He con nued to serve the Jewish community in Berlin during the rise of Nazism, and later as an inmate in the death camps, despite opportuni es to leave Germany and the camps before the end of the war. In Europe and later in America, his wri ngs sought to reconcile the growing gap between scien c ra onalism and tradi onal belief. He founded many American Jewish in s tu ons that s ll bear his name.


Pleasecall,oremailShirleyintheBethEloceto volunteerandfordetails. 9454578 congrega

Although his wri ngs are not popularly read today, Please accept our sincere gra tude for your help with they may help many contemporary jews who are this mitzvah and thank you again to last year's volun teers!! emo onally a ached to Judaism yet nd their ra onal ideas disconnected from tradi onal prac ce and worship.

If you intend to come to the session and wish to read the essay beforehand, email Don at and he will email back some easy to understand excerpts. Baeck was a beau ful and understandable writer. You will enjoy and iden fy with his work.

FORYOURCONVENIENCEthisyear'sHolidayShop haslotsofJewishthemedwrappingpaper,table clothsandChanukahcandles. Wehavenewchildren'sbooksandac vitykitsas wellasfreshchocolategeltandmuchmore. Whynotshopwhilethey'reatSundayschool?Or Any meyouareintown(TuesdayFridayandSun dayam)

Hope to see you there. Bring a lunch if you wish.



Specialfortherst me, wehavetwoBethElar sanswhowillalsodisplay theirwaresonSundays.20%oftheirsaleswillbe donatedtoBethEl. Comeandseewhatlovelythingstheyhavetooer. TheHolidayShopisafundraiserforBethEl.So pleaseShopearlyandShopo en!

Todd Miller will lead the Beth El Variety Show Klezmer Band (those interested in playing, contact Todd, email above)

S llSeekingChanukahStorytellers,Cha nukahJugglers,andChanukahJokers toperform! (Contact Laurie Osher to reserve your spot on the program.) 9446743


ChanukahVarietyShow Saturday,December8,3:00p.m. HavdalahServiceandChanukah Candleligh ngfollowingtheshow

***Deliciouslatkeswillbeservedas soonasthecandlesarelit.***

VolunteersneededtohelpCookLatkes! We would appreciate it if people bring dona ons of apple sauce and sour cream to share. If people can't get to Beth El to help make lat kes, latkes made at home are very welcome! (Contact Laurie Osher or Lois Latour 9455781 to volunteer for the latke making fun.)

ActsSignuptoDate: EllaCappella, the Womens A Capella group that includes Beth El member Janet Simpson, will sing again this year. The 4 Ms (Marisa, Marilyn, Myky and Marta) will play a Chanukah song on their Ukuleles. Noam and Zivi Osher will sing a Chanu kah rap or two.




Join members of Congrega onBethEl in a person to person Hurricane Sandy relief eort. We will be suppor ng Monmouth Reform Temples (MRT) Save the Jersey Shore. MRTs Save the Jersey Shore: OneTownAtaTime HolidayGi CardDrive will benet members of MRTs congrega on who have sustained great loss in the storm. We will also be focusing on helping the residents of a single devastated town, SeaBright, NJ. Weareaskingyoutohelpussupportthembydo na nggi cardsfromTarget,Kmart,HomeDepot, andLowes(retailerseasilyaccessedinourarea)in incrementsof$25(i.e..25,50,75,100etc)fordistri bu on. By focusing our eorts on the needs of the residents of Sea Bright, NJ our eorts will have the maximum impact.

The drive will run from now un l January 1. For more informa on about Sea Bright and our progress, please visit our facebook page Card Work Pays O.

Emeril'sSpecial Latkes Ingredients

2 1/2 pounds baking potatoes, peeled 1 medium onion, julienned 2 eggs 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 2 tablespoons matzoh or allpurpose our Salt Freshly ground white pepper Vegetable oil, for frying 1 cup applesauce 1cupsourcream

In distribu ng the dona ons, leaders of MRT will work directly with Sea Bright's mayor, Dina Long, and Using a hand grater or food processor, grate the Sea Bright Borough Council to reach those most the potatoes. Wring dry in a dish towel. Put in need. JoinustohelpmakesureourCARDWORKPAYS OFF! 4 Ways to Par cipate: Purchase Cards yourself: Please label the amount clearly on the cards and send to: Monmouth Reform Temple, 332 Hance Avenue Tinton Falls, NJ 07724. Order cards online and send electronically to seabrightgi 3. Donate by check to Monmouth Reform Temple, with an accompanying note that says the funds are for the Gi Card drive. We will purchase the cards on your behalf. Make a dona on online through the PayPal link on our website: h p://

into a mixing bowl, and toss with onion, eggs, baking powder, and our. Mix well. Season with salt and pepper. In a large skillet, over mediumhigh heat, cov er the bo om with 1/2inch of oil. When the oil is hot, spoon 2 tablespoons of the lling into individual cakes. Using the back of the spoon, a en each pancake. Panfry un l golden brown on each side, about 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from the oil and drain on paper towels. Fry the cakes in batches and do not over crowd the pan. To serve, place a dollop of the applesauce or sour cream in the center of each latke. Place the latkes on a pla er and serve warm.



Congrega onBethEl BoardofDirectors Rabbi Darah R. Lerner President Brian Richardson VicePresident Drew Matlins Treasurer Laurie Sleight Secretary Roz Gold Educa on Roger Sher Finance Dr. Michael Pancoe House Dr. Laurie Osher Membership Linda Smith Newsle er Michael Cohen Program Dara Pert Ritual Dr. Sidney Block Social SocialAc on Library Dr. Riva Berleant Volunteer Todd Miller Youth MembersatLarge Ellen Port Dara Pert Dr. Howard Segal 9454578 7356970 9422451

Servicesareheldat: 183FrenchStreet, Bangor
We welcome everyone interfaith couples, people ex ploring their Jewish roots, those considering conversion to Judaism, visitors, and nonmembers, to all services and special events. A playroom for children and babysi ng services are pro vided at many services. We a empt to arrange rides, carpools, or overnight hospitality for those traveling long distances. The Sanctuary is accessible. For informa on, call the oce at 9454578. Member:JewishCommunityCouncil Email:congrega AccessibilityNo ce Therampatthebackofthebuildingisavailabletopeo plewithlimitedmobility.Parkinthedrivewaytoeasily access the ramp. Please let us know if you s ll have diculty entering the building. MissionSummary Congrega on Beth El is a Reform Jewish Congrega on whichstrivestocreateawelcoming,spiritually,social ly,andgeographicallydiversecommunitywheremem bers can explore and express Jewish religious beliefs and/ortheirownrela onshiptoGod;seeksocial,fami ly, and cultural es; and/or par cipate in social ac vism.

9421919 8667008

6310652 8626475 3380085


Newsle erSubmissions The deadline for newsle er ar cles or comments is the 15th of every month. Please email your submis sion to: RivaBerleantat newsle er.bethel@gmail.cominunforma edtext
Contribu ons of $20 per year from nonmembers de fray the costs.




Date Observed Nov12 29 30 Dec12 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Yahrzeit Bruce Granville Harmon Saul Shufro Henry Greenberg Nathan Levenson Ed Blum Robert Weinstein Sta a Nesin Anne Davis Joel Linn Irving Raskin Anna Pollack Richard Hollof John Berry Jack Gra Joyce Walpert Kellner Roby Rosenberg Baum Dr. Morris Viteles Be y Johnson Abraham Pollack Carl O. Richardson, Jr. Ruth Schwat Mary Mogol Ye a Greenspan Beatrice Greenspan Sam Lourie Helen Weinstein Germaine Bourque Bernard Greenspan Alfred Feld William Zarfes Anne e Kestenbaum Jessie Schultheis Sylvia H. Cohn Molly Ladenheim Obert M. Halvorson Frances B. Auerbach Les Ohmart Samuel Cutler Adolph Schultheis Jewish Date Kislev 5773 15 16 Date of Service Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 7, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 14, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 14, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 14, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 14, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 14, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 14, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Fri. Dec 21, 7:30 p.m. Sat. Dec 29, 10:00 a.m. Sat. Dec 29, 10:00 a.m. Sat. Dec 29, 10:00 a.m. Sat. Dec 29, 10:00 a.m. Sat. Dec 29, 10:00 a.m. Sat. Dec 29, 10:00 a.m. Sat. Dec 29, 10:00 a.m.

17 18 19 20 21 23 24

9 10 14

25 26 Tevet 5773 1

15 16 17 18

2 3 4 5

19 20 22 23 24 25 27 28 29

6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16



Congrega on Beth El French St Bangor, ME 04401


Calendar of Events December 2012

Kislev Tevet 5773
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri


Parashat Vayishlach 2 10:00 a.m. - Religious School 3 OFFICE CLOSED 4 4:30 p.m. - Religious School 5:30 p.m. - Religious School 9 10:00 a.m. - Religious School + Guided Playgroup Lunch and Learn Chanukah: 2 Candles 16 10:00 a.m. - Religious School Rosh Hodesh Group Chanukah: 8th Day 23 No Religious School ___Asara B'Tevet 30 No Religious School 10 OFFICE CLOSED 11 4:30 p.m. - Religious School 5:30 p.m. - Religious School Chanukah: 4 Candles 18 4:30 p.m. - Religious School 5:30 p.m. - Religious School 12 13 14 7:30 p.m. - Worship Service Rosh Chodesh Tevet Chanukah: 7 Candles 21 7:30 p.m. - Chavurah Service 5 6 7:00 p.m. - Board Meeting 7 7:30 p.m. - Worship Service 8 3:00 Channuka celebration

Parashat Vayeshev 15

Chanukah: 3 Candles 17 OFFICE CLOSED

11:00 a.m. - Salva7:00 p.m. - Book tion Army Soup Kitch- Group en Chanukah: 5 Candles Chanukah: 6 Candles 19 20

Parashat Miketz Chanukah: 8 Candles

22 9:30 a.m. - Torah Study Parashat Vayigash

24 OFFICE CLOSED ________________ 31 OFFICE CLOSED

25 No Religious School




29 10:00 a.m. - Torah Service/Kiddush Luncheon Parashat Vayechi

Calendar of Events January 2013

Tevet Shevat 5773
Sun Mon
1 No Religious School
New Years Day






7:00 pm - Board Meeting

7:30 pm - Worship Service 11

Parashat Shemot

6 10:00 am - Religious School


8 4:30 pm - Religious School 5:30 pm - Religious School 15 4:30 pm - Religious School 5:30 pm - Religious School 22 4:30 pm - Religious School 5:30 pm - Religious School 29 4:30 pm - Religious School 5:30 pm - Religious School

9 11:00 am - Salvation Army Soup Kitchen



7:00 pm - Book Group

7:30 pm - Worship Service

Rosh Chodesh Sh'vat Parashat Vaera






19 9:30 am - Torah Study

Parashat Bo

10:00 am - Religious OFFICE CLOSED School + Guided Playgroup Rosh Hodesh Group 20 No Religious School
21 OFFICE CLOSED Martin Luther King Day

7:30 pm - Chavurah Service




LTaken DC Trip

26 Tu BiShvat 10:00 am - Torah Service LTaken DC Trip

Parashat Beshalach

27 10:00 am - Religious School LTaken DC Trip




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