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Your Introduction to a New and Amazing

Way of Living Complete with
All the Good Things Life has to Offer.

The Gift is a unique and original method for personal success based on
The Laws of Nature and the Power of the Higher-Self



The Gift
“If you’re fed up of going without, go within”

By John Weaver, AFW, MICW

This FREE book is a taster of the complete manuscript

And alerts you to the wonderful things to come in your life

© John weaver 2009


This is my gift to you.

This book is an introduction to The Gift. By the time you have finished reading the
complete works you will be mentally and emotionally prepared to accomplish
anything you want in life. You will know precisely how to acquire riches in pocket,
heart, mind and wisdom. This book is based on the real events and experiences of
the author and which enabled him to find true success and fulfillment in the face
of incredible adversity. The message in this book is no discriminator of education,
experience, nationality, culture, gender, age or belief and is guaranteed to work for
any person who determines it will work for them.

This book simply sets the scene by relating the author’s experiences and the vital
principles he learned to turn his nightmare into a dream and his dream into
reality. Those very principles as explained more fully in the main manuscripts
form the basis of all you will ever need to know and do to accomplish anything you
want in life, be it money, love, knowledge, happiness, whatever. These
manuscripts can bring you riches beyond measure, I promise.

Please remember that this book is a brief and general assimilation designed to
explain the background and introduce you to the program itself. It will give you a
unique insight into the author’s profound experiences and hopefully enthuse you
to discover what is yet to come in the remaining manuscripts and also, in your
own life.

NOTE: From the moment you begin reading the main manuscript you
will have a unique advantage with direct access to our special 24/7
Helpline where we will support you with any questions you may have.
This service is FREE OF CHARGE as Your Success is Our Mission.

“If you’re fed up of going without, go within.”



“There is something I do not know, the knowing of which,

could change everything.”

If you’ve read any of my works you will know that I frequently refer to these wise words
from Werner Erhard. On first reading they may appear obvious, but on further
consideration one will realise the impact this phrase has on each of our lives. Knowledge
is power; not knowing is lack and ignorance; knowing and applying what you know
changes everything.

The significance of this is that we are able to create the life we want once we know how.
Our fate is in our hands.

To each of us, what matters most in our life is our life. It would therefore be irresponsible
of us not to want to live a good and truly fulfilling life.

What you are about to read has been written for the purpose of helping you experience
the life you were meant to live. It is the greatest gift I can give you, but the value and
effectiveness of any gift is only comparable to the gratitude with which it is received and
the use it is put to.

Be grateful and use it wisely and your success is assured.


John H. Weaver



We are all different, you and I, except for one thing: at some point in our lives each of us
will stop and wonder ‘why we’re here.’ Some of us are more curious than others, some of
us will wonder more frequently, some of us will dismiss the thought as quickly as it enters
our mind, but at some point in each of our lives the thought will arise.

The perception of the answer to the thought will vary from person to person depending on
our faith and belief. But, the answer will be the same. Moreover, the way in which we
accept the answer will determine the course of our lives forever.

What happened to me many years ago changed my life completely.

For the first time I began to understand my true purpose, my reason for being here and
most amazingly, why I was chosen to have the experience, the consequences of which
would stay with me for the rest of my days.

The meaning of what you have just read is so profound that I urge you to consider very
carefully what you’re about to read in the context of your own life because it will reveal
your shortcomings and your virtues and it will light the road ahead as a beacon of truth.

The end of my story should be the beginning of yours. If, as I fully expect, you find
yourself faced with your own reality and with the consequences of your own thoughts and
actions, then I beg you to take heed of the lessons you have learned, because what
happens after that will depend entirely on you.

I fully understand any scepticism you may have about this book, because I used to think
the same. For this reason, I have endeavoured to write in a general manner with words
that I hope you can relate to. In fact, I know more about you than you would have dared
believe. You may even find some of the references to your life in this book uncomfortable.
But, if you begin to identify yourself with certain aspects, then I am doing my job and you
are getting the proof you need.

NOTE: This is not a religious book because it’s for everyone regardless of their beliefs. It
is fact not fiction. It is natural not supernatural. It is real not hypothetical; it’s a handbook
for life and a guide to fulfilling your own true purpose.

The Beginning
As very young children we rely entirely on our elders to advise and direct us in our lives.
We have total confidence in what they tell us and we are entirely influenced by them.
Even if they lied to us, how would we know? Moreover, when they tell us the truth it is
only the truth as they have been told it. Then we go on to advise and direct our children in
the same way, and so it passes on from generation to generation.

All we know is what we have either read or been told. All our beliefs have been created by
ourselves according to what we have either read or been told. All our circumstances are
due to our thoughts and actions based on what we have either read or been told. What if
it’s all a lie?


You may even question if this book is true. So, let me give you a tip. Read this book
with your heart as well as your eyes. Let your true instincts guide you and let your
deepest emotions lead you to the Truth.

Fortunately, for some of us as we get older we can learn from experience as well as what
we’ve read or been told. What you are about to discover is an excellent example. Until the
insightful events I am about to tell you about happened, I had been living very much as
most people, basing my life and my beliefs on what I had been told and read. Now I live
my life as a result of my own personal experience and I enjoy each day with a new and
fresh concept of what the Truth really is.

Let me stress something important. I don’t know your religious, political, spiritual or
cultural persuasions. Indeed, I have no idea if you’re a believer at all. So, to be clear, you
may substitute any of the following ideas with what you believe to be true. Most people
will adopt one of the following:

God (or whoever you worship and whatever God is to you), Creator, Life-force, Nature,
the Universe, Higher-self, or any other Benevolent, Creative and Loving Intelligence. If
you are an atheist you have no choice but to believe in your Ego.

What you are now about to read is based on my personal experience, the only experience
about which I am qualified to write.

Your True Life’s Purpose

“There comes a time in each of our lives when we will stumble across our true purpose.
Trouble is, most of us will just get up, dust ourselves down, and carry on as if nothing

We enter this world with nothing and we leave with nothing. Yet it is the bit in between
which matters, because that is where we create our own reality. And the quality of that
reality will determine the quality of not only our lives but the lives of many others, though
we may not realise it.

I speak of course of the physical world, the one that you presently occupy and the one in
which you are able to read and comprehend these words. And because I speak of the
physical world I also refer to the physical and material aspects herein.

So, when I say we enter and leave this world with nothing, I refer to nothing of the
physical and material nature; the part that many people believe to be all there is.

Fortunately, I stumbled across my true purpose, but instead of just getting up dusting
myself down, and carrying on as if nothing happened, I recognised and accepted the truth
and went on to apply it to my life and to the lives of others. Consequently, I have learned
that there is much more to life than just the physical and material aspects.

In fact, it is the other aspects that matter most and which can help you create the reality
you want. Probably, for the first time in your life you are going to learn how you can
change your life, the lives of those you love and care about, and even the lives of the
greater population of the world, for the better. Now, that’s what I call your ‘true purpose.’


The Background
I sat at my desk, head in hands thinking ‘what on earth am I going to do?’
At that moment one of my employees came into the office; “there’s no more work for me”
she said. I told her to go home and I would ensure there would be work for her in the
morning. But there wasn’t.

Twelve years earlier I had established a business single-handed that went from nothing to
a successful business almost overnight. I strived, it thrived, and we survived – and
prospered. Yet, here I was twelve years on contemplating its demise.

Today, twenty years on as I write, I can look back and see the big picture, so clearly. And
that is how life works. Only retrospectively, are we able to see the reasons, the faults, the
answers and the purpose. At the time all these issues are happening in our lives and
before, we are blinded to the facts and the outcomes. If only we could see the road ahead,
if only we knew what we had to do, if only we knew what was going to happen – we could
avoid problems and resolve our difficulties - wouldn’t that be great?

Not only would having the ability to see, your future be impossible, it would be disastrous.
I now know that the reason life is so unpredictable is because we have to learn and grow
from experience and that we will always learn and grow more from bad experiences than
from good. To know everything in advance would render our life useless, removing all
sense of wonder, joy, accomplishment, and sense of purpose. Life, as I have come to
understand it is about learning, creating, loving, evolving and enjoying. We will look into
those principles in due course.

Anyway, let’s go back to my office all those years ago. As I sat at my desk in despair, I
began to think about how it all went wrong. I had always been ambitious for success and
determined to provide well for my family. My father, who had worked hard all his life
without ever realising his dreams, was my greatest motivation. I’d seen him struggling to
give me the things he never had. His hopes and aspirations for me were always high and
he clearly never wanted me to experience the lack and indignities that he was bound to
experience. Furthermore, I wanted to give him and my mother a better quality of life and
his encouragement to me to do well gave me further determination to make it work for all
of us. At just 21 years old, I started my own business and I have never worked for anyone
else since.

My thoughts went back to my passion for the motor industry and how it became my
business and occupation. I owned the Mercedes, the Jags, the BMW’s, even Rolls Royce’s,
and I had the money in my pocket to complete the image. The image I thought was

But, in order to have all this I had to sacrifice other things and I became a workaholic in
order to maintain my dream. Working seven days a week left little time to spend with my
wife and children or for leisure. However, I should state that my intention always was to
achieve as much as possible in the early days so that I would eventually be able to enjoy
quality family time in the end. I did not appreciate the importance of spending time with
my wife and children, when they were still young. Of course, my intentions, hopes and
aspirations were fundamentally honourable. There is nothing wrong with wanting the
best for your loved ones and yourself, after all it is the breadwinner’s responsibility.


I had worked hard to build my business and I had done it by offering a good service and it
was the quality of that service that had kept me in business. Within the first year I had
contracts with most of the main dealerships, local and national companies and private
individuals – virtually all as a result of third party recommendations and word-of-mouth.
Of that, I shall always be proud.

My main service at that time was in vehicle protection; from rust-proofing and under-
sealing to security and alarm systems as well as car detailing and sales. But, without doubt
the biggest income came from vehicle protection, and my accountant assured me that if I
continued in this manner, within a few years I would be a millionaire. However, the
investment I had to make in terms of equipment and marketing was very expensive and
would take years to recoup. Nevertheless, the work poured in and it seemed like my
accountant would be right.

Then the ‘big picture’ which I touched upon earlier began to emerge as well as the
question of being able to see into the future and predict events. My wife and I were
watching the news on television one evening when it happened and it came without any
prior warning. I will never forget the newsreader’s words: “British Leyland cars will now
be factory rust-proofed before sale and all other motor manufacturers are expected to
follow suit.”

The rest as they say is history, the inevitable happened and within weeks my main source
of income was gone. I struggled to continue with my other sources of revenue, but I was
still repaying the investment on my equipment which I could not sell because it was no
longer of use to anyone. Within weeks my employees were redundant and I was forced to
move to smaller premises. I could no longer afford the cars or the lifestyle and my
creditors were hounding me, although miraculously I still managed to hang on to my

Desperately searching for an alternative opportunity to get back on my feet and back onto
the road to success, I decided to join forces with a local car dealer and to put my efforts
into sales. This meant setting up a showroom fifty miles from home and again working
seven days a week to make it pay. All of this time, my wife, who has always had faith in me
and supported me without question, managed somehow to pay the bills and keep the kids
well clothed and fed. Then she became pregnant with our third child and my
responsibilities increased. This was the worst moment in my life, though it should have
been the happiest, I thought.

It was just before Christmas 1986 and I was sitting in my little office many miles from
home, praying for customers to help me and my family through the festive season. But,
people needed money for other things and buying cars from me was not a priority. Once
again I held my head in despair and wondered where it was all going to end. To this day I
will never know how Liz, my wife, managed to finance Christmas that year, but she did.
The kids still got their presents as did other family members and close friends, and the
Christmas dinner was as good as ever. She really is one in a million. I should have been
relaxing and enjoying Christmas like everyone else, but I couldn’t. The worry of what the
future held for us and how I was going to sort it all out, consumed me. I was glad when
the holiday was over and I could concentrate on earning money again. Little did I realise
that worse was yet to come.

On January 4th 1987 I was on site when the telephone rang. It was Liz. “I’ve seen a little
blood and phoned the doctor. It’s probably nothing, but he wants me to go into hospital
for 24 hours to be on the safe side. I’ve arranged with your mother to come and look
after the children.”


It was around 2.30pm and naturally I was a bit worried, so with no customers around, I
decided to shut up shop and go home. When I arrived home my mother was there for the
children so I popped into the hospital. Liz seemed bright enough and confident that she
would be home in the morning. I went home to mum and the kids.

At a little after midnight the phone rang. I was in a daze having being woken so suddenly
and reached out for the phone beside the bed. “Mr Weaver, this is the hospital, I’m afraid
your wife has suffered a serious hemorrhage and you will need to come in immediately.”

I gathered my thoughts. Liz and I had led reasonably healthy lives and hospital and illness
was something we weren’t really used to. I did not know what to expect. I woke my
mother and the children. They all sat on the stairs bleary-eyed as I explained that I had to
go to the hospital but would let them know as soon as I had news. I assured them there
was nothing to worry about and that they should all go back to bed.

When I arrived at the hospital I was shown into a little side room close to where Liz was.
At that time of night everything was quiet and apart from the occasional night staff
passing the doorway, I was alone. I picked up a magazine and tried to read it. I expected a
doctor to come along and tell me everything was alright. I waited and wondered.

Then suddenly, I saw nursing staff hurrying past with blood soaked sheets. They became
aware of me and their actions became a little more discreet. It went quiet again. Minutes
seemed like hours. Then a doctor appeared in the doorway. “Your wife has suffered a
serious loss of blood and we’ve had to bring your baby into the world to try and save
both their lives” he said. I asked how they both were. “We need to get your wife’s blood
levels back and the next few hours will be critical for her. As for your daughter – yes, it’s
a little girl – I’m afraid she isn’t expected to survive.”

The doctor said “I think you should see your daughter now.” He led me to the paediatric
intensive care unit. There in an incubator, with tubes and wires attached to all parts of her
tiny body, was my little girl, fighting for her life. He explained that in order to save my
wife’s life, they had to perform a caesarean birth, the speed and urgency needed resulted
in my daughter suffering severe brain damage. Her injuries were such that she was only
expected to live for a few hours, days at the most. My daughter had arrived in this world
three months prematurely.

Naturally at that time, my main concern was for Liz. The doctor took me to her. Liz smiled
and tried to reassure me, but she was very weak and the doctor indicated for me to let her
rest. Throughout the night she was constantly attended by the medics checking her blood
levels and pressure and all the other life support apparatus. I held her hand through the
night and into the early hours of the morning.

At about 6.00am the doctor who during the night had clearly been very anxious about my
wife’s condition offered a reassuring smile. “Your wife’s out of the woods now Mr
Weaver, her condition is stable and should improve over the next few hours. Hopefully,
she’ll be well enough to leave hospital in a few days.” I sighed with relief. “I don’t know
about you Mr Weaver” he said, “but I need a shave and a bit of rest. I suggest you pop
home and do the same. Your wife’s going to be okay.”

I kissed Liz and left the hospital. As I drove home, my thoughts were a mixture of relief
and trepidation. Liz was improving but the future looked formidable and I knew this
would be the turning point in our lives and I couldn’t see how it could possibly be for the


The Turning Point

A few days later Liz left hospital. Together we visited our new baby who we called ‘Emily
Jayne.’ It was a surprise to everyone, not least the doctors and nurses that she was still
with us. It was heartrending to watch her through the glass incubator, so tiny, so
vulnerable, so innocent and so ill. It was clear to all that here was a fighter and we dared
to hope that she would win her battle and prove the experts wrong. As the hours and days
went on, our hope was strengthening.

Soon our other two children, Claire our other daughter who was then thirteen and Dale
our son who was nine were able to visit too, as well as my mother and father. We could
only watch Emily through the glass and we longed for the moment when we could hold
her close and cuddle her. Now that the doctor’s knew she could not be written off so
quickly, a diagnosis was made and for the first time we were officially told that she had
suffered severe brain damage that had resulted in hydrocephalus and quadriplegic
cerebral palsy. The prognosis was that she would never walk, talk or feed herself. She
would depend completely on others for the rest of her life. As we looked into the anxious
blue eyes of our little girl trapped in a body that would be her prison, we vowed to devote
our lives to caring for her and to fight to make her life as bearable as possible.

Later that evening I went to my study to be alone. I thought deeply. For the first time I
pondered on my life, its purpose and what I should do next. I prayed and I got an answer.

The next morning Liz and I discussed Emily, the children, and our future.
I told Liz that I had decided to forfeit my business, career and dreams of success in favour
of Emily’s welfare. She disagreed. She reminded me that I had spent 12 years building the
business and that although we’d suffered a set-back, that I should fight on to keep the
business running. Anyway, I couldn’t stop working because we needed money to live. I
knew she was right, but I also knew the answer I had got. Although I couldn’t say it to Liz,
I said it to myself, over and over; God will provide, God will provide.”

Emily was transferred to a neurological hospital many miles away. To make matters
worse, Liz doesn’t drive. This meant we would get the children ready for school and my
mother would be at home when they returned. I would take Liz into the hospital every
morning at 7.00am to be with Emily. Then I would drive the 65 odd miles to my work. At
7.00pm I would close shop and drive the 65 mile journey back to the hospital to be with
Liz and Emily until around 10pm when we would leave for home. For many weeks we
hardly saw our other two children. There was no way we could carry on in this manner
and so I managed to wind up the business, eventually closing the doors for the last time.
On top of everything I was negotiating with my creditors, the bank and the building
society as I fought to keep our home. Throughout the worry and stress, my only comfort
was the words “God will provide” going through my mind.

The days blurred into weeks and the weeks blurred into months, until at last Emily came
home for the first time. There was a great deal of excitement and a lot of emotion. Liz,
Claire, Dale and me, cuddling little Emily, vowed to support each other in our mission to
give her all the things she needed, of which we knew the most important thing was love.
Here was a family truly united in our cause and all these years later, that is still the case.

For the next few years Emily’s life remained very much in the balance. Tragically, she also
lost her sight and serious and sudden illness continued to affect her. Often we would find
ourselves speeding to the hospital many miles away in the early hours of the morning. In
all, she underwent no less than 21 operations, one for every year of her life.


My parents were very supportive and my father often drove Liz and Emily to clinical
appointments. Then, well into his eighties, he became ill with throat cancer. In an attempt
to prevent the cancer spreading, he had his larynx removed. He had to have a
tracheotomy (a hole into the throat) to help him breathe and he was no longer able to
speak. He said (writing the words) that he now fully understood Emily’s frustrations in
not being able to communicate, but joked that they could both hold non-conversations
together for hours on end.

In May 1996 after 6 months of illness, my father died. He was not just my father, he was
also my best friend and I still miss him enormously. A few weeks following his death,
Emily was again rushed into hospital. This time she underwent nine operations in the
space of six months and spent over a year in hospital, including Christmas. Ironically, she
too needed a tracheotomy, just like Dad. Strangely, although it was meant to be a
temporary measure to help respiration following the trauma of nine operations, the stoma
has never healed.

On 5th January 2008, Emily celebrated her 21st birthday. Today, despite all the stress and
trauma – and believe me, it still continues – I am grateful for the experience.
The profound lessons I have learned have taught me about the true meaning of life and
the part I was always destined to play. The special insights that I have been privileged to,
enabled me to help others along the way, much of it far and beyond my experiences with

Looking Back
On 20th May 2008 I arrived as a special guest at Buckingham Palace. When I arrived I was
introduced to The Queen
and The Duke of
Edinburgh. Later the
Queen chatted to me at
length. It was a great
honour. Among other
royal guests were HRH
Princess Anne and the
Duke and Duchess of
Gloucester. A year
earlier, as Chairman of a
major children’s charity,
I had personally hosted,
dined and chatted with
members of the Royal

All this is a long way from the days I spent working and worrying, with hopes of becoming
a millionaire and my former ideas of what ‘success’ really meant.

The brief account you have just read only touches on events that happened to me and my
family over 21 years. I wanted you to understand that no matter what difficulties you may
face they can be overcome. Moreover, I want you to know that all our challenges are
meant to be. Instead of looking at them as problems, worries and tragedies, look at them
as challenges from which lessons are to be learned.


Because, in time when you look back on them you will see them for what they truly are –
life lessons. In fact, I now know that the greatest adversities are given to the greatest
people. History shows that those who suffered most and those who experienced enormous
challenges in their life and overcame it, have always been regarded as Saints and Heroes
in one form or another. Whilst my family and I do not regard ourselves as such, I know
beyond doubt that we were chosen to have these experiences and to perform our duty
accordingly and we have undoubtedly become better people as a result.
We are grateful for the gift.

At this point I want to bring you into the equation, because it’s your situation
that’s important to you, isn’t it? Well, I did not decide to reveal this information
for my sake because I’ve already been there done that and got the t-shirt. My
purpose is that you can learn and benefit from my experience and that you can
also enjoy ‘the gift’ to bring you the best in your life and the lives of the one’s you
love. So, please read the next section very carefully.

In spite of all that went before, miraculously I survived, financially and

emotionally. Indeed, not only did I survive but I have been rewarded beyond my
wildest dreams. How I did this (and how you can too) will be discussed more
fully in the full manuscript, but the secret lies in those words that I continually
heard in my mind; God will provide.

My Teacher and My God

When I look back, I find it hard to believe how much my life has changed and almost
entirely due to my teacher, Emily. I call Emily ‘my teacher’ because although she can do
so little she has taught me so much. The lessons I learned from her could not have been
taught by anyone else. One could doubt the words of a teacher, but Emily could not use
words. One could doubt the actions of a teacher, but Emily was not capable of actions.

Emily’s condition may appear cruel to others, but it is absolutely pure in nature. Her
innocence, her trust, her disability and her complete dependence on others gave her a gift
that is hard to explain except to say that when you know Emily you know unconditional
Love and Truth. That surely makes her the best teacher there is.

Things are not always as they may at first seem and what at first appeared to be tragic
circumstances turned into the true life purpose for my family and me. Until Emily came
along I knew nothing of my true purpose in life. I was like most other people, I thought I
knew who I was and what I was here for, but I was wrong. And if I hadn’t had the
experience, I would still be wrong. It was the best thing that ever happened to me
although I didn’t realise it at the time. All I wanted was the best for me and my family, but
‘the best’ isn’t always what you think it is.

To many people I was already successful, or I appeared to be. I had my own business, the
luxury cars, the fine home, the nice clothes and all the gadgets. But to maintain the
lifestyle and to continue building my business I had to put in the hours and effort needed;
hours and effort that was not spent with my family.

All my concentration was directed at making money and targeting success. And success as
I perceived it demanded the effort or it would never happen.


What is your idea of success? Think very carefully about that question. For most people it
will be the same or very similar to what my idea of success used to be. Am I right? But,
perhaps in the last few minutes since you’ve been reading these pages, it may just be
changing. I hope that by the time you finish reading this book you will know exactly what
success is and be well on your way to experiencing it as a life of contentment and personal

Back to my teacher. How could I learn such profound and meaningful lessons from
someone who could not speak or communicate her thoughts? But I did. And this is a clue
to how God (or nature) ‘works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform.’ Indeed, the
greatest lessons are not taught formerly at any school or college anywhere; this subject is
not part of any educational system I know of. Don’t mistake these lessons with religious
or biblical studies because these lessons are far broader, deeper, lighter and more
personal than that. Furthermore, what you are learning is geared to today, to the modern
world, and to you as an ordinary individual trying to make sense of it.

A few years ago when Emily was seriously ill she had to undergo emergency major surgery
with no guarantee of survival. The operation lasted several hours. When she pulled
through, everyone, not least the doctors breathed a big sigh of relief. As I exclaimed
‘thank God’ an atheist friend who was with us at the time insisted it was purely down to
the skills of the surgeon. What he didn’t know is that the surgeon had told me that he ‘had
prayed to God like never before’ as he operated on my child.

I believe in God. My personal experiences have given me the proof. But it may not be the
God you believe in, or the God you don’t believe in. My God is not a kindly old man with a
big white beard that sits on a cloud. My God is not a God to be feared; is not a God who
judges; and is not a God who punishes.

In fact, my God is nothing like the God most people think of. To many people, my God is
nothing like God. My God is the God of my experiences, not someone else’s. My God is the
part of me that loves, cares, inspires and creates. Your God is the part of you that does the
same. Our God is also the divine source of your own love, care, inspiration and creation.
Therefore, it is impossible to be an atheist, as to not believe in God is to not believe in

If you profess to be an atheist because you don’t believe in a God with a big white beard
who sits on a cloud, judging and punishing – then I am an atheist too.

If you find it uncomfortable or embarrassing to admit you believe in God, then believe in
the Force of Nature and the Laws of the Universe, because you cannot deny the existence
of these elements as they are the source and sustenance of all life. You would really feel
foolish and embarrassed if you denied they existed, wouldn’t you?

Before Emily, I had not thought much about God. It wasn’t that I didn’t believe in God it’s
just that I didn’t think about it. As a child, I went to Sunday school and Church and we did
RE at school. But, there were so many other things going on in life, it seemed there wasn’t
much time, or need, to contemplate God. Funny though, I can recall thinking about God
more when I decided to pray for something I wanted. God had become a convenience in
my life rather than an integral part of it.

Then God came back into my life because I needed God. I suppose when there is nothing
more man can do, we find ourselves falling back on God. That’s the moment when we
come face-to-face with the reality.


Until the need arises it’s easy to be a disbeliever. But when the need does arise, when your
back is against the wall, when all your egotistical abilities fail you, when others desert you
and there’s no-one else to turn to, you find yourself thinking more about the possibility of
God – and seeking Gods help.

Emily, my teacher, introduced to me to God. When I look into her eyes, I see God because
when I look into her eyes I see love. Often it’s a reflection of my love for her, but it is still
love. Because of her condition, Emily attracts love and compassion from others. The love
goes back and forth; it’s a mutual thing between Emily and the people who meet her.
Emily is probably more enveloped in love that most people because she, more than most,
needs it. But each of us must envelope ourselves in as much love as possible, because the
opposite of love is ‘fear.’ Love and fear are contagious, but only one is the cure, the other
is the disease. And as the old song goes ‘love makes the world go round.’

Sadly, until the need arises, as it did in my case, loving and caring for others isn’t a
priority for most people. Their priority is themselves and their own wants, desires and
riches. Thank God I discovered the gift of loving and caring for others when I did, the
thought of living differently is too painful to contemplate.

Now here’s a stupid question and it’s the question you will always hear stupid people ask
when something tragic happens. People asked me this question when Emily was born:
“How can there be a God for this to happen?” They’ll go on to say; “surely you don’t
believe in God now?” They are often stunned when they hear my answer. “Emily and her
condition are proof of God and his love.”

Allow me to explain. Emily’s suffering, just like the suffering of countless others, brings
the best out of people. Many people have told me that they have been humbled and
enriched by knowing her. They have been able to value their own good fortune and to
appreciate the quality of their own lives, where before they complained about their lot and
indulged in self-pity.

Naïve people blame God for human suffering, lack and poverty. Naïve people blame God
for everything. It’s a cop-out, so they don’t have to take responsibility themselves. Each
one of us can reach out to others who are in need, and help them, if we really want to.

If this was a world where there was no pain and suffering, no poverty, no lack, no ageing
or decay, no problems, and where everyone had everything they could ever want, it would
be a worthless world. We would all be going round like zombies with no purpose in life.

There would be no need to accomplish or achieve anything because we already had it, no
need to give because nobody needed anything, no need to receive because we’ve already
got it, no need to help because nobody would need help and no need to learn because we
would know everything. Consequently there’d be no need for ambitions, aspirations,
dreams, wishes, hopes and desires or love. We would all be the same, living a totally
complacent, unchanging and worthless life. It would be Hell.

Life is about not having as well as having. You cannot truly appreciate having something
until you experience the ‘not having.’ You can only know light if you know darkness, only
know wealth in comparison to poverty, only know health in comparison to sickness, only
know good in comparison to bad, only know happiness in comparison to sadness, only
know strength in comparison to weakness, only know success in comparison to failure
and so on. If God gave us only good things and not bad, how would we know?


And for all those people desperately seeking happiness, let me tell you this; True
happiness is an appreciation of what you’ve already got. This is borne out
perfectly by this young lady who in spite of her disability almost always greets every day
with a smile. Do you?

Few of us, including me, awake with excitement and anticipation of the good things the
day may hold. Most days I struggle to heave myself out of bed and the idea of instantly
laughing and smiling seems ridiculous. But the moment I reach Emily’s room, I am
completely changed. Seeing her pure, natural joyous attitude as she greets the day with a
sense of positive wonder and anticipation, I feel ashamed. “What have I got to be
miserable about?” I ask myself. Motivated by her wonderful approach to life, I leave the
room with a smile and a determination to make the most of my day. My little poem
illustrates her attitude perfectly, I hope you like it…

What Right Has She Got to Be Happy?

What right has she got to be happy, said a friend to me one day
With people at war and wanting and suffering in every way?
What right has she got to be happy, with taxes as high as the sky,
And with the cost of living still rising, why is she so happy, why?

What right has she got to be happy, when the weather’s so miserably bleak
When the sun shines for a day and then goes away and it’s wet for the rest of the week?
What right has she got to be happy, when she can’t walk or talk or see,
Why is she smiling so brightly, it’s truly a mystery to me?

What right have you got to be moaning, came my eventual reply

You should be glad to be fit and able, and grateful, not to decry
What right have you got to be moaning, just look at her and you’ll see
That the only reason she’s happy is – she’s simply decided to be.

It’s true. You can find happiness right now, this very moment. Just try smiling. Happiness
is simply a question of choice. You can decide to be miserable, or as Emily has taught you,
you can decide to be happy.


Emily’s suffering and the suffering of everyone else since the beginning of time is a gift
and a lesson to you. The gift is our own good fortune compared to hers and the lesson is
that you can learn to love her and others from understanding their experience.

If God revealed himself in all his glory and physically came into our presence as many
people think he should in order for them to have the proof they need that he exists; what
would happen? Suddenly, everyone would start behaving themselves, apparently being
good to others, doing wonderful deeds and professing to be holier than thou. That’s
precisely why God does not appear in this world and why he doesn’t automatically resolve
all the world’s problems. Remember when you were a child in school; when teacher was in
class and you knew she was watching; you behaved yourself. But when she turned her
back or left the room…? How could we possibly learn if we were given the answers?


God wants you to act from the heart not the brain. He wants to know your honest feelings
not the ones you pretend to have. He wants you to have faith and belief, and faith and
belief come from within not from without. True faith and belief does not require proof of
Gods existence, it comes from not seeing and not knowing but believing anyway. He
wants you to learn from your own actions, the one’s you choose, not the one’s God
chooses. You should learn to love others from choice, not obligation.

If fed up of going without, go within.

Another question that we were often asked about having Emily: “Don’t you ever say; why
us?” No, we didn’t. Saying ‘why us’ automatically implies ‘why not somebody else?’ Can’t
people see the Truth? Having Emily come into our lives with all her challenges was
necessary for our spiritual development. We were chosen to care for her and we feel
privileged. It’s a blessing not a punishment. But there are people who say; ‘why us (why
not somebody else?)’ and these are the people who shun responsibility and whose
thoughts and concerns are for themselves only. They have to blame someone else when
things go wrong. The very asking of the question tells a lot about the person asking it.

I know of one family in particular who pride themselves on being very independent. They
have told me that they do not believe in going out of their way to help others because they
don’t expect people to help them. They proudly brag ‘we keep ourselves to ourselves.’
Fortunately, for this family they have not yet experienced misfortune and the need for
charity, but when they do, I am sure some goodhearted person will offer help to them.

These are the people who need to read these lessons and learn from them. These people
seriously need help if they are to ever find true fulfillment and I sincerely hope they find it
in this message; life is about mankind not man. As Charles Dickens wrote in A Christmas
Carol; “Mankind is your business Ebenezer Scrooge.”

When things are not going well for you, do you ever ask yourself ‘what am I going to do?’
If so, why do you ask yourself when you already know that you don’t have the answer? If
you are an atheist and non-believer, do you still ask yourself such questions? If so, who do
you think is going to answer? If you believe in God shouldn’t you be asking him instead,
or do you realise that God is within and is part of you, like I’ve come to know? Now do you
believe in God?

All those years ago when I was asking ‘what am I going to do’ I did not expect an answer; I
thought I was just talking to myself. When I did get an answer, it wasn’t the one I

Like most people, when we pray or ask for something we expect the result to be in direct
relation to the request. For example, if we ask for money we expect money to come. If we
ask for better health we expect better health and so on. But the way it works is that you
won’t usually be given precisely what you ask for, instead you will be given the ‘means’ to
getting it, or shown the route and direction to follow.

With money, it could be that a money-making opportunity or job etc will present itself to
you. With health you may discover how to adopt a healthier and fitter lifestyle. The
purpose always is that you learn-and-earn your wish. Learn from this famous Chinese

“Give a man a fish and he will eat today. Teach a man to fish and he will eat every day.”

This is why I am putting so much emphasis on learning and lessons.


This world is a school of sorts, our lessons are our life experiences, our exams are how we
choose to deal with those experiences, and the qualifications and rewards for getting it
right is true happiness and fulfillment and perhaps something even more wonderful than
that. God doesn’t owe us anything, we owe God everything.

The Reality
During those difficult times we were living off our wits. My company was not limited and
all my creditors had to be paid. When a business is active, credit is thrown at you,
overdrafts are extended and everyone wants your business. The moment it closes they
come at you like a pack of wolves. It’s bad enough when it’s only your career that you have
to worry about, but when, as in my case, I was also struggling with my daughter’s
condition and care as well as domestic family issues, it’s like the world has come to an
end, and you can easily resign yourself to defeat.

But here’s something interesting; there is a point at which you can concede to the
pressure, accept that you’ve got to lose everything, give up, and shrink away into the
darkness, forever to be deemed a failure by yourself and everyone else. To most people
that would be the only logical thing to do. Or, like me, you will not be logical. You will turn
to your inner faith rather than the outside world. You will think laterally rather than
logically. You will throw caution to the wind. And very likely, you will win. Why? Because
when there’s nothing more to lose there’s everything to gain and you may just as well fight

I had no money to lose because I had no money. I had no business worries because I had
no business. I had no customers to please because I had no customers. Think about it;
many of the responsibilities of recent years were gone. All my former worries paled into
insignificance. I could now direct my thoughts and efforts in a new direction. One
morning I got out of bed and said to myself “Today is the first day of the rest of my life –
go for it!” And I did.

In order to survive financially, we had to accept basic allowances for families caring for
someone with a disability. To supplement this I also tried numerous ‘pocket-money-
projects.’ I walked the streets with Kleeneze and I tried to live the American dream with
Amway; I became a freelancer selling advertising space with a local publishing company
and I looked at ways of making money online. Far from being dead, my entrepreneurial
spirit was still alive and well. Funny how when one door closes another one opens isn’t it?
Later I’ll tell you how what at first seemed like a disaster actually lead me onto new
opportunities that I would never have thought possible. But what I realize above all else is
that during this time God provided.

One of the hardest lessons to accept when your back is against the wall is that people will
desert you.

Business-wise, certain people who were business colleagues (I even considered some to be
my friends) not only deserted me but they condemned me too. It’s the ‘survival of the
fittest thing and I don’t want to be associated with a loser’ mindset. But, probably the
most hurtful part was not related to business. We soon discovered that with Emily’s
arrival some people who we regarded as close friends quietly disappeared from our lives.
Sadly, even some family members who could have offered their support turned their
backs on us instead. We now know that blood is most certainly not thicker than water.

That said; we also found people who we had previously regarded more as acquaintances
as well as complete strangers, coming forward and offering their help.


Here was another important lesson that I learnt: disability and misfortune are great
sorters of people. At least the wheat had now been sorted from the chaff and people had
been shown for what they really were.

Around about this time Liz and I were almost unconsciously moving into an entirely new
way of life. Our previous plans, hopes and dreams may have been dashed, but ahead lay
challenges that we were determined to meet and beat. In a strange sort of way, we found
ourselves like adrenalin junkies as we realised we had been chosen to fight battles for
Emily. We weren’t just facing the biggest challenge of our lives, we were actually
welcoming it! Where previously I had been getting up in the morning to deal with the
issues of working and making money, I was now getting up to deal with issues that were
much more important.

As we embarked on our mission we began learning more about disability, especially

among children. We also discovered first-hand about the disgraceful lack of support from
official bodies. When Emily was born her birth was recorded. Her condition, diagnosis
and prognosis was also recorded, her medical records would clearly show and highlight
her needs. And this information would be circulated or made available to all the relevant
support agencies. So, where was the help she and we needed? The sad truth is that
nobody is going to tell you unless you ask, and then you will be faced with a mountain of
red-tape and bureaucracy designed to delay the process in the hope that either the carer
tires of asking and gives up, or the patient dies: Fact.

We also found that when shouting for your own child you are seen as a lone voice, but
when you join forces with other families in the same position, you get heard and the
powers that be are forced to listen. Parent Power is a formidable force, because parents
have the greatest motivation of all, constantly spurred on by their child’s needs.

Before I knew it I was elected to lead a group of local parents who had a common dream
to establish a specialist physiotherapy centre for children with cerebral palsy. When we
launched our appeal it was derided by many so-called professionals who said it had never
been done before so it couldn’t be done, an attitude that underlies the reason for lack of
progress in so many areas throughout the world. Our response was that it had never been
done before because nobody had tried. Their response back was how can a handful of
parents achieve something a whole body of professionals has not achieved? Back came
our response; in a word ‘motivation.’ Within a period of less than two years we had raised
almost half a million pounds and our Centre opened its doors for the first time changing
the lives of hundreds of youngsters with cerebral palsy.

If ever you wanted proof that YOU as well as I can achieve

anything you want, regardless and in spite of what the rest
of the world tells you, this is it.


Everything you have read up to this point has been in preparation for the most important
lessons you will ever learn. In the preceding pages I have outlined the background as it
affected me. It was necessary for you to understand the bigger picture in order that you
can benefit fully from what comes next.

You see, although it may appear that this book is about me and my experiences, in truth it
is about YOU and how you can learn from my experiences. More importantly, these
lessons can prepare you for what may come in your own life and give you the insights and
guidance that I never had.

Be under no illusions, if it hasn’t already happened, the time will come when you will
encounter your own major challenge and one that will test your metal to the limit. You
will be bound to act upon it and create your own action plan to find a resolution. When
you stumble across it, don’t just get up, dust yourself down and carry on as if nothing
happened, but recognise it for what it is; your true life’s purpose in disguise.

Conscience, Instinct and Logic

You’ve been reading my story because this is what I’ve experienced. This is straight from
the horse’s mouth so to speak, not some third party version where the facts may have
changed along the way. What you have just read is fact and Truth.

What this means to you is that although your experiences will be different, they can be
resolved just like mine were. But before I continue, there is something you need to know.
Depending on your faith and beliefs, you may have to make a paradigm shift in a big way.
I did. And here’s something important: always listen to your inner voice; always.

The inner voice is your conscience. It is the little voice inside that alerts you to wrong
thinking and wrong doing – YOUR wrong thinking and doing.

You will know what I mean when I say that at certain points in your life, you have ignored
your conscience in favour of doing or getting what you wanted. And although you got
what you wanted by thinking that way, your conscience pricked you and made you feel
bad about yourself. But as long as only you knew about it, you felt it was okay.

I suggest that the memory of that event or action remained with you and continued to
bother you; the reason being that you made the wrong choice and you knew it. It may
have been the right choice in getting what you wanted, but morally it was wrong.
Whether you consider what you did to be important or not, you know it was not ethical. In
most cases someone somewhere will have been either hurt, negatively affected or suffered
loss by your decision and your conscience will continue to remind you of it with
uncomfortable memories.

Now here’s the problem. As human beings we are taught to think logically. This is because
logic is based on reason and common sense. But reason and common sense are not always
what they appear to be. For example; if someone is drowning in a turbulent river common
sense tells you that by jumping in to save them you could risk drowning yourself. Logical,
isn’t it?

But your conscience tells you that you must save them. So, what do you do? Perhaps you’ll
get help or perhaps you’ll instinctively jump in to save them. Perhaps you’ll do nothing in
order to save yourself. Logically, you would either get help or do nothing in order to


protect your own interests. So, of those two options getting help seems the best way. But
what if time is of the essence and immediate action is required to save the persons life?
Then immediately jumping in to save them is the only way. What would you do?

Only you could answer that question, but because at the moment it is only hypothetical
you may not be able to answer. Indeed you may only know if and when such a situation
arises. Many otherwise ordinary and timid people have shown outstanding and often
uncharacteristic bravery when faced with such a challenge, even surprising themselves.

Of course, the purpose of the question is to highlight the issue of personal conscience and
how important it is to helping you make the right, ethical decisions in life and to ensure
you treat others as you would have them treat you.

The Power of Change

If things are not going the way you want, change the way you are doing things. Do you
know that many otherwise intelligent people keep making the same mistakes again and
again? There’s an old saying; if you keep on doing what you’ve always done you’ll keep
on getting what you’ve always got. It’s crazy that so many people keep doing the same
things expecting the outcome to be different.

These people see life as a gamble. Example; when some people are at the penny arcade, it
doesn’t matter that they’ve poured twenty pounds worth of coins into the machine
without winning, they just have to keep going on and on in hope that things will change.
That’s how most of us go through life – little wonder we find it so difficult! It’s another
example of people blaming bad luck for all their problems. Am I touching a nerve here;
are you identifying yourself with these words?

The same goes for situations as for people. You must understand that the world is not as it

Think about this: planet earth, its creatures and nature, were created by a mind greater
than us. But everything else since, has been created by us, by the mind of man. Good and
bad. God only created the natural world; we’ve created the material world and our
circumstances. And that’s why the world is the way it is. We’ve created our own problems,
don’t blame God. We’ve been given the power of choice and what happens depends on
how we choose. So, apart from the natural aspects of the world you see, everything else
including the quality of our lives is down to the decisions made by man. On a more
positive note, things can be changed for the better in the same way. You have the power.

You see, each of us is influenced by what we see of the material world often created
erroneously by the mind of man. Much of the wars, pain and suffering inflicted on
mankind are the result of decisions made based on what we saw or heard in the outside

And what we see and hear in the world around us is not necessarily true. The importance
of listening to the little voice inside and acting from the heart and soul (instead of the
brain) cannot be overemphasized. I know this to be true from experience.

When I was facing my greatest challenges I had lots of ideas based on what I saw in the
world around me. In fact, one quick fix would have been to borrow money to keep my
business afloat, after all the world around me showed there were financial institutions
ready to meet my immediate needs. Based on what I faced when Emily was born with her


cruel condition, I could have looked at all the other options available to me in the world
and left home in pursuit of my personal ambitions, like many other fathers (and mothers)
in that situation have done. I was also tempted to put my career and dreams of prosperity
before my daughter and carry on leaving my wife to struggle with Emily’s care, because
this is what the world was telling me. That’s logical thinking again.

But do you remember what I told you at the beginning of this book about asking God what
I should do and getting an answer?

What happened was I asked the question and immediately accepted the answer which
came from the heart. However, as quickly as I asked the question, my brain was telling me
different. My brain was suggesting the quick-fix, the one that would keep me going along
the road of my ambitions and personal desires. My brain was in touch with the outside
world and my heart was in touch with my inner world.

My brain was seeing ‘common sense’ in terms of what I wanted in life; my heart was
seeing ‘my true life’s purpose’ in terms of what I needed in life. Can you understand the

Still, thankfully I immediately heeded my instinct and conscience (the voice inside) and
ignored the suggestions coming from outside even though they would have seemed more
sensible to most people at the time. For the first time I understood the entity that people
call the higher-self and I continue to respect it because its effects are so powerful. Beware
what the outside world tells you. Thankfully, for the first time in my life, I listened to the
voice within, not appearances without. And it worked.

At this point I should stress that no-one needs to think from what they’ve just read
that they should abandon any hopes they may have of success, because that’s not
the case. I have had to speak in terms of belief, faith and God because there are no
other appropriate words to use. I have also had to relate my experiences with
Emily to put my life into context with your search for a better life. The truth is you
can still realize your hearts desire and get all that’s good in life (including financial
wealth), by acknowledging the answers and solutions that come from your heart
and mind, rather than from your experiences of the material world. The whole
purpose of The Gift is to show you the only way to a truly successful life.

I suppose if I were to summarize it all, it would be to say that all apparent solutions to the
problems of life have no basis in Truth. The world around us (that we have created) is
based only on what we have been told and taught by mere human beings, being passed
down through the ages from a time when people were even more ignorant than we are
today. We know that the most powerful people of past and present time such as religious
leaders, political figures and industrial giants etc told us precisely what they wanted to tell
us in order to protect their positions and maintain the status quo. There is only one Truth
and it is personal to you only, it is to be found in your heart. I cannot tell you what it is; I
can only tell you where to look.

Passing the Buck

I bet you think I’m going to say how wrong it is to ‘pass the buck. But I’m not; that
surprised you didn’t it? Actually, with life in general I would not advocate you passing the
buck. On the contrary you should always accept your own responsibilities and not pass
them on to others. No, I’m going to suggest you ‘pass the buck’ in a different way.


Again I’m speaking from personal experience and when I encounter difficulties and
challenges that I cannot find an answer to, I pass them on to my higher self to sort out.
What a cheat!

The ‘higher self’ is what I’ve come to call that little voice inside. And because I believe in a
power greater than my ‘outside’ or ‘worldly’ self, then I have every confidence in its
abilities. How many times have you considered another person to be more capable than
you of solving your problems? Well, when it comes to your health it could be your doctor,
when it comes to your pipes it could be your plumber, in fact as you read these words and
wonder about the truth of them…it could be me! All of us to some extent seem to think
that someone else is cleverer or more capable than us. And then what happens is,
whatever they tell you – you believe.

It must be true, it was on the television. It must be true, the scientist said so. It must be
true, my teacher told me. It must be true because I read it in the papers. It must be true,
the bible says so. All these sources of information are human (the bible was written by
men) but there is no true evidence to suggest they are right. But, because they are experts
in their fields we accept their ‘truths’ without hesitation. Why not the higher-self, the
voice within?

When you begin to accept that the voice within your heart (not someone else’s) is coming
from a source more powerful than human, then you will respect and believe it over and
above anything anyone else tells you. To be certain, you will need to know if it’s from your
conscience and your heart or if it’s merely from your desires and wishes. Therefore, think
carefully and decide from your deepest emotional feelings. I can only speak about my own
higher-self and how it has helped me beyond anything in the physical world.

So, when I pass my problems to my higher-self to solve, I then forget them. And almost
without exception, it’s not long before the question is answered or the problem is solved.
How? Because when you try to solve a problem by your (normal/ego) self, your
concentration and thoughts are constantly directed at ‘the problem’ and you continue to
experience more of ‘the problem.’ But when you confidently pass the problem to your
higher-self fully expecting it to be resolved, you no longer need to think about it. Your
expectation is now focused only on a successful outcome and you get exactly what you

The very first time this happened to me was on that occasion all those years ago when all
other options, including my own outer self-belief, failed me. I am a great supporter of
having belief in one’s self and for many people it may be sufficient to see them through
life. But at some time in their lives most people will encounter trauma and stress to such a
degree that outer self-belief (or the ‘ego’ as it is often referred to) is impossible as there is
only so much ‘knocking down’ that we are able to take. That’s when we need to ‘pass the
buck’ and hand our problems to an invincible force capable of dealing with them.

By now not only was I hearing God will Provide, but also Trust in God. No, I don’t mean
crazy here. I wasn’t actually hearing voices; it was more like deep rooted thoughts,
feelings and emotions. It’s completely normal; in fact you are getting them right now as
you read these words – you’re probably hearing something like ‘Gosh, this is interesting’
or ‘what a load of old cods wallop!’.

It doesn’t matter what the thoughts are saying, but it does mean you’ve got choice over
how you accept them.


So, here I was, fully expecting God to provide and fully trusting him to do so. And such
was the strength of my belief that I was passing full responsibility to God. This doesn’t
mean I was completely forgetting my personal responsibility, just passing the buck to God
(my higher-self) and then being alert to a solution. And guess what? The solution always
came without fail and it will continue to work this way for me as long as I continue to have
faith in it.

Having total faith and belief in a power greater than yourself that is always waiting to help
you solve your worries and problems is fantastic. It’s also obvious, if you think about it.
Sadly, for non-believers, when they encounter such difficulties, they’re by themselves
because there’s no other power they can turn to.

Actually, often the higher-self is dealing with problems for both believers and non-
believers, whether they realize it or not.

Universal Laws
There is a purpose for everything. Nothing happens by chance. This world and our lives
are all subject to the law of cause and effect. The cause is the thought and the effect is the
result of that thought. You cannot have one without the other and the cause (thought)
always precedes the effect; proof that this law is all around you. Look at the words on this
page, look at the page itself. Look at the objects in your room, the buildings in your street,
the cars on the road and the craft on the sea and in the sky. Wherever you look you will
see evidence of the law of cause and effect working. Every material object began as the
result of thought. Someone had to think about it first in their mind before it could
materialise in the outside world.

The same laws apply to non-material things such as actions. Everything you do, every
breath you take is the result of your thinking about it first. The purpose of your brain is to
run your body. The brain, just like a super-computer, makes things happen for you
without you having to consciously think about it. It would be impossible to think about
every breath you take, every beat of your heart and every individual movement of your
body, consciously – so it all happens automatically.

From birth your brain is programmed to operate your physical bodily functions, and just
like the wonderful computer that it is, it has served you well throughout your life.
Nevertheless, as it works it is constantly being directed by thoughts from the mind to
produce the results you need to live. Always, the thought comes first, the result of the
thought second.

We must accept the law of cause and effect as the basic principle of evolution. The law is
scientific fact. It exists and it works perfectly and indefinitely. Wow! Just think about how
you can make this powerful universal law work for you?

The Power of Thought

Imagine being able to control your thoughts to such an extent that they will always
produce the result you want. Even if you only manage to control your thoughts half the
time, you will certainly get half the results you want. The main thing is; you now know
how to get what you want!


Mind is the Master power that moulds and makes,

And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes

The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills,

Brings forth a thousand joys, a thousand ills:--

He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass:

Environment is but his looking-glass.

James Allen

But be sure to harbour good and positive thoughts if you wish good and positive things to
happen, because the mind is no respecter of good or bad until you train it to be. It will
always give you what you think about most, good or bad.

The Heart and Emotions

I can’t for the life of me understand why even some of the greatest writers and experts of
self growth and personal development fail to stress the importance of these two aspects.
The importance of using your heart and emotions to get the best things in life is
absolutely essential. Using our own human mental powers is one thing, but once you use
your heart and your emotions you harness a power far greater - that’s when things really
come together.

Feelings of the heart and feelings of emotion provide the most direct contact with the
universal mind (God, nature, life-force, ultimate intelligence, higher-self, creator;
whatever), and are far more effective than words, pictures, thoughts, hopes and wishes in
turning your thoughts into reality. You may not spend hours visualising or thinking about
it, but deep in your heart where your emotions stir your faith and belief sufficiently that
you automatically expect it to happen, it will. The seeds of my success were only sewn
when my heart and emotions were stirred, thanks to Emily.

Something Strange
During those years I found my life changing in a strange sort of way. Even though I was
getting older and the pressures of life were getting greater, something quite extraordinary
was happening to me. I felt more confident and self assured and more in control of my life
than ever before, and my senses seemed to be more acute and my perceptions more
accurate, and I felt as if I was being carried along on a sea of complete knowledge. I felt
that I was being given an insight into everything and that I had the answers to all the
questions, though I could not convey this knowledge outside of myself. I suppose a bit like
Emily, knowing and aware, but unable to communicate her feelings to anyone else. What
I eventually discovered presented me with the greatest and most wonderful gift anyone
could wish to receive, and it is this gift that I now want to share with you.

To be continued…


Depending on your beliefs you either found this little book interesting or boring.
Whichever you decided it is vital that you hear the whole story, because I guarantee you
will not be interested or bored – you will be totally amazed and overwhelmed!

You see, what you have just read provides the basis of this program. But what you are
about to read will provide answers and solutions to YOUR problems and will
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The reason for this is that although The Gift touches on principles you may have heard or
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methods out of the water. In short, The Gift is the ‘handbook for successful living’
that has never before been available, anywhere in the world, until now. By now I’m sure
you’re anxious to know what ‘the gift’ is….

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life, please print out and complete the form below and send with payment to:

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Further Resources


“Your Success is My Mission”



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