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Glosario de Poltica (y Gobierno y Economa)

English Politics, politicians Policies Main political parties: Political parties compete to win elections by submitting distinct programmes from which the electorate can choose UK: Whigs and the Tories evolved into Liberal and Conservative Parties Labour and Conservative Parties (among others) US: Democratic Party (left-of-center) Republican Party (right-of-center) Democrat Republican Elections. Collocations: To hold / have / conduct ~ To call an ~ The government may decide to call an election early. ~ Take place / be scheduled for Candidates stand for (BrE) /run for e.g. candidate for mayor (main) challenger Monitor / oversee / supervise ~ To win / lose an ~ close landslide ~ / to win by a landslide / an outright victory forthcoming, upcoming ~ manipulate / rig / steal ~ boycott ~ Elections. Voting: opinion poll results in the run-up to ~ (period of time just bfr) Polling firm Polling station polling booths the polls: the place where you can go to vote in an election to vote for / against to cast a vote / ballot to elect ballot paper ballot box slate: list of people voters can choose in an election voter floating voter (sb who does not always vote for the same political party at elections) the ballot / the vote: total number of votes in an election the outcome of an election Constituency: area of a country that elects a representative to a parliament

Spanish Poltica, polticos Polticas, medidas

Demcrata Republicano

Elections. Types: primary (in the US), run-off (esp. AmE) midterm recall (= an election to remove an elected official from office) (AmE) The Governor faces an unprecedented recall ~. by-election (BrE) an election to replace a politician who has left parliament or died: referendum all the voters in a country are asked to say whether they support a particular proposal: a referendum on a new constitution county, federal, local, municipal, national, nationwide, provincial, regional, state, congressional, council (esp. BrE), general, gubernatorial (AmE), legislative, mayoral, papal, parliamentary, party, presidential , Senate the opposition, the ruling coalition Electoral College - electors the incumbent governor, the president elect (adj.), lame duck (an elected official who is approaching the end of his/her tenure, and especially an official whose successor has already been elected. This can be due to having lost a re-election bid; choosing not to seek another term at the expiration of the current term; a term limit which keeps the official from running for that particular office again; the abolishment of the office Branches of government (not powers of )
the executive: charged with carrying out the laws and appointing officials, formulating and instituting foreign policy, and providing diplomatic representation. In the U.S., a system of checks and balances keeps the power of the executive more or less equal to that of the judiciary and the legislature. president, prime minister, chancellor, governor, mayor.

The American government The Bush administration (one at a particular time) cabinet (also Cabinet): (BrE) the politicians with important positions in a government who meet to make decisions or advise the leader of the government: a Cabinet minister
the legislature: has the power to make, change or repeal laws. state/national/federal etc legislature: Parliament, Congress, (National) Assembly

bicameral system: one that consists of two parts, such as the Senate and the House of Representatives in the US Congress, or the House of Commons and the House of Lords in the UK. lower house (also lower chamber): e.g. House of Commons (UK) / House of Representatives (US) upper house (also upper chamber): e.g. House of Lords (UK) / Senate (US)

the judiciary: all the judges in a country who, as a group, form part of the system of government. It has the function of interpreting the law and applying it to specific cases.

The Supreme Court The powers that be: the people in government responsible for making decisions - use this especially if you think that they have too much power or that they use their power badly The powers that be do not seem interested in solving the city's transportation problems. Legislation
bill (also Bill): a written proposal for a new law, which is brought to a parliament so that it can be discussed. To approve/pass/veto a bill: The bill was passed by 105 votes to 38 with one abstention. act (also Act): a law that has been officially accepted by Parliament or Congress: the Criminal Justice Act 1991, an Act of Parliament to pass / to enact legislation to promulgate to repeal a law veto (verb) veto legislation/a bill/a proposal, etc: The bill was vetoed by President Bush. veto (noun) the President's power of veto over legislation

Political parties: the political spectrum: the complete range of opinions relating to politics, going from the left, which supports socialism and communism, to the right, which supports capitalism: The parties at the centre of the political spectrum became more outspoken in their criticisms of the government. the left: political groups and beliefs that support the ideas of socialism. They usually want large industries to be owned by the state, and to use taxes to help solve social problems: There were criticisms of the government from politicians on the left of the party. the right: political groups and beliefs that support the ideas of capitalism. They usually want low taxes and to encourage private business rather than businesses owned by the state: After leaving university, he shifted his political allegiance to the right.

Centre/center: a middle position in politics in which you do not support extreme ideas: The party's new policies show a swing towards the centre. His political views were broadly left of centre. left-wing / right-wng (adj): supporting the political aims of groups such as socialists and communists / of capitalism: Strikers were supported by left-wing parties from outside the government coalition. left / right wing (noun): The government's plans were strongly opposed by the left wing of the party / the right wing of the Republican Party left-winger / right-winger: Bevan urged his fellow left-wingers not to vote against the motion. A center-right movement Radical: sb whose political ideas are newer and much more extreme than the traditional ones: From the early 1890s Marxism caught on among young radicals with remarkable speed. moderate with political opinions or beliefs that are not extreme; considered reasonable by most people: There were divisions within the party between moderates and conservatives. Coalition: union of two or more political parties that allows them to form a government or fight an election together: a coalition of the Liberal and the National parties party politics: activities that are concerned with getting support for one political party in a country: He had been active in party politics for over 20 years.

Debate presidencial

Presidential debates Domestic policy Foreign policy To roll back regulations

Tax code (Tax) revenue Cut taxes Cut (in Budget) To crack down (on sby)

Trade Budget Ballanced budget Top-down (economic policies) Bottom-up (economic policies) Job To freeze up (the economy) Great Depression Trickle-down effect (*)

Debates presidenciales Poltica nacional Poltica exterior Dejar sin efecto reglamentaciones (eufemismo para eliminar la intervencin del Estado en la economa) Cdigo tributario Recaudacin (de impuestos) Bajar impuestos Recorte presupuestario Tomar medidas enrgicas Endurecer la posicin/postura Ponerse ms estricto Comercio Presupuesto Presupuesto equilibrado (minimizar el dficit) Verticalistas Concensuadas Trabajo Puesto de trabajo Congelamiento de la economa (ms grave que un enfriamiento) Gran depresin (econmica del 29) Efecto derrame Teora del goteo

* El efecto derrame, teora del goteo o trickle down effect consiste en que al producirse un crecimiento econmico, parte de ste necesariamente llegar a las capas sociales inferiores. Esto podra explicarse dado que el crecimiento genera gradualmente mayor empleo, ms ingresos y mayor consumo. De verificarse esta teora, se producir un aumento del bienestar total, y una reduccin de la desigualdad, dado que las capas sociales de renta inferior van a crecer ms rpidamente que las superiores. Habra cierta convergencia y, por tanto, una reduccin de la desigualdad. Esta teora del derrame estaba muy extendida durante los aos noventa.

Arnold Schwarzeneggers speech at Republican convention

Convention Convencin

Oath of citizenship Communism The Soviet boot Checkpoint Slave labor Socialism - Socialist Free enterprise Presidential campaign Presidential race

Juramento de ciudadana Comunismo El poder sovitico Puesto de control Mano de obra esclava Socialismo - Socialista Libre empresa Campaa presidencial Debate presidencial [Ojo: no recuerdo qu deca el video pero los debates son parte de la carrera presidencial / a/hacia la presidencia] Grupo de inters Sistema educativo Terrorismo Naciones industrializadas Recesin Tropas Hospitales militares Lder Orden internacional Votacin Voluntarios del Cuerpo de Paz Pases en vas de desarrollo Imperialismo Derechos humanos

Interest group Educational system Terrorism Industrialized nations Recession Troops Military hospitals Leader International order Poll Peace Corps volunteers Developing world Imperialism Human rights

Election victory American Dream

Victoria electoral Sueo americano

2012 State Of The Union Address

Mr. Speaker Seor Presidente de la Cmara de Representantes State of the Union Estado de la Unin State of the Union Address Discurso del Estado de la Unin High-tech manufacturing jobs Trabajos productivos de alta tecnologa High-paying jobs Trabajos que paguen buenos salarios assembly line Fbrica / Lnea de montaje /ensamble Workforce Fuerza laboral Retirement Jubilacin Defining issue Tema clave A fair shot Mismas oportunidades / oportunidades igualitarias Manufacturing Produccin / Fabricacin Incomes Ingresos Hardworking class Clase trabajadora The house of cards La casa de naipes / burbuja Mortgages Hipotecas Regulators Reguladores / Controladores To look the other way Hacer la vista gorda / mirar para otro lado plunged our economy Sumi a nuestra economa Economic crisis Crisis econmica To hold the bag Cargar con el muerto / Hacerse cargo de algo Auto industry Industria automotriz Hiring Contratando Chamber Cmara Phony financial profits Ganancias financieras ficticias On the verge of collapse Al borde del colapso At stake En juego To settle their differences Resolver sus diferencias Retool and restructure Reacondicionar y reestructurar Automaker Fabricante (de autos) Running at full capacity Funcionando a toda capacidad To seize it Aprovechar

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