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The Passion of the Christ


Mel Gibson’s controversial film sent shockwaves globally. I’ve witnessed it
and didn’t realize the gross licentiousness until a day later. God awaken me
now. On its opening day, February 25, 2004 or Ash Wednesday, it took $25
million on the box office. Presently, the movie is poised to reach almost $400
million being one of the top 10 grossest selling pictures of all time. Mel Gibson
wanted to depict the last twelve hours of Christ’s life on Earth (when the truth
is that the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ biblical would be the time before his
Ascension into Heaven). The Passion of the Christ is an international hoax
deceiving not only unsaved individuals, but also even holy fundamentalist and
evangelical Christians. Mel Gibson tried to send Evangelical Christians to view
the film before it came out in order to brainwash Christians to accept it as
biblical (when it isn‘t). “Christian” Shills for the New World Order praising this
fraud include Tim LaHaye, Billy Graham, Robert Schuller [33rd Degree occult
Freemason], psychologist Dr. James Dobson [Head of Focus on the Family
ministries], Don Hodel, Ted Haggard, President of the Southern Baptist
Convention Jack Graham, Mission America Coalition, Rick Warren, CBN, Paul
Crouch of TBN, Promise Keepers, Dr. James Kennedy, and many others.

I hate to burst all of these Protestants’ bubbles, but this flick is a Roman
Catholic film. Mel built Holy Family (his own Catholic chapel) near his
California home. During filming, he attended a Catholic mass every morning in
a misguided desire “to be squeaky clean.” Mel Gibson is a Traditionalist
Roman Catholic. That religion refuses to embrace Vatican II, executes the
mass in Latin, and abstains from meat on Fridays. It holds the view that all
non-Catholic Christians are going to Hell. Gibson replied to a Protestant
interviewer if someone can be saved apart of the Catholic Church that “There
is no salvation for those outside the Church.” (Peter Boyer, “The Jesus War”,
The New Yorker, September 15, 2003).

Gibson is even shocked at the positive praise by evangelicals of his movie as

well. William Fulco, a Jesuit priest, translated the script into Aramaic and
Latin. Traditionalists also subscribe to the Council of Trent [a council held
from 1545-1563]. Loaded with bigoted, Papal decrees, it launched 125
anathemas (curses) against those who believe in the Protestant Reformation
and biblical precepts (i.e. infallibility of God’s word, baptism as a sign,
communion not being the literal blood and body of Jesus Christ, justification
by faith, etc.) Gibson has an Episcopal wife. He feels that millions of
professing Christians worldwide are destined for Hell since we won’t yield to
Roman Catholicism. That’s ludicrous.

The film is not based from the Bible, but primarily from the visions of Roman Catholic
nun-mystics St. Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824) and Mary of Agreda (1602-
1665). Emmerich, from Germany, claimed stigmata [the wounds of Christ in her
body]. During the last years of her life, she supposedly ate the Catholic mass wafer
then received “visions” of the life of Christ. These phony revelations a re-incorporated
under the title of “The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”, published
in 1824. Gibson consulted that work. She goes beyond the Bible
whose visions have Protestants in purgatory to suffer worse than Catholics, it’s more
important to pray for souls in purgatory (a place that doesn’t exist) than sinners who
are still alive, and false view of the suffering of Christ [i.e. Christ withering as a worm,
Christ cried in a suppressed voice plus Jesus sued for mercy with lies about
his crucifixion] which aren’t in the Scriptures at all.

Mary of Agreda’s The Mystical City of God is about Mary. In her Satanic trances, she
claimed that Joseph ate meat, while Jesus and Mary seldom did which are lies.
Mel Gibson’s Porn Stars

Many actors and actresses are moral degenerates and pornographers.

According to Dennis Palmu:

“By my count, out of a total of 66 adult actors and actresses in The Passion of the
Christ, 33 have appeared in movies with graphic sex, pornography, violence, horror
or a combination of some or all of these four elements. What is the statistical
probability that this ‘just happened’ by chance?” (From Mel Gibson’s Hall of Porn by
Joseph Herrin at I don‘t agree with Barbara Aho on every
issue though. He supports the myth in the existence a Priory de Sion. She also
supports forged hoax of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion)

*Monica Belluci (handpicked by Mel), who plays Mary Magdalene, posed for the
2001 GQ Italia Totally Nude calendar. She appeared nude or nearly nude in many
films like Melena, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Irreversible (which was a 2002
production. It was premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. It was so shocking that
250 people walked out. Some needed medical attention), a Dracula movie, and
Under Suspicion. At the Cannes Film Festival, 250 people walked out the film
including some needing medical attention. Steve Rhodes (a reviewer) described it as
“hard-core pornography.” (This was X-Rated)

*Rosita Celentano (who plays Satan and is bisexual) and Claudia Gerini (who plays
Pilate’s wife) have pornographic photos all across the Internet.

*Maia Mongenstern (acting Mary), starred in the 1997 vile movie entitled Withman

*John Debney, who wrote the rock & roll music score to the Passion also wrote the
rock score for the blasphemous movie Bruce Almighty.

*Jim Caviezel acts as Jesus. His attempt to portray Christ himself is idolatrous since
the law of God forbids man to make any likeness of God. (Deut. 4:15-16, Exodus
20:4-5, and Romans 1:23). A staunch Roman Catholic, Caviezel exclaimed as to
hearing Mary in Medjugorie, which is false. No wonder Caviezel was struck by
lightning twice and cursed out actors (portraying Roman soldiers who put a 14-inch
gash in his back. Jim even admitted that he felt like Satan). This incident is from
David German’s “Playing Jesus an Act of Faith, Associated Press, February 20, 2004)
Jim Caviezel during filming suffered hypothermia as hung on the cross, a lung
infected, and dislocated his shoulder while on the cross proving that God isn’t
approving of this film. God gave his signs of disapproval toward Caviezel indeed.

*Mel Gibson is the Director having R-rated movies such as Mad Max, Braveheart,
Payback (one reviewer classified this movie as having at least 44 instances of cursing
and the use of the Lord’s name in vain) and the Lethal Weapons series (acting as a
rogue policeman who excels in violence). Most of his motion pictures are jammed
with profanity, sexual immorality, extreme violence, course jesting, vigilantism, etc.
In his 2000 film What Women Want, Gibson portrayed Nick whose goal in
life is to sleep with all the women his lustful heart desired. Eph. 5:2-11 is
against this sort of thing. Christians can never be perfect, but they must have a
basic, righteous, and moral foundation in his or her life (2 Cor. 5:17, Mt. 7:20-23, 1
John 2:3-4) Wickedness can be rejected easily by anyone truly born again and Mel
isn’t. Mel Gibson has a chance to be saved just like any human alive today. There is
no way a real born again Christian would star worldly, unrepentant porn stars in a
religious film at all.
Heretical Statements and Errors in Mel Gibson’s
movie comprise of:

+Anne Catherine Emmerich’s The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ alluded that a female devil tempted Christ at the Garden of
Gethsemane. According to her, Christ prays to the Father quoted as “Father
defend me; save me from my attackers; shelter me from Satan.” That’s in
the movie, yet it’s found nowhere in the Bible. Satan in the garden of
Gethsemane did not tempt Christ. Jesus needs no shelter from Satan and
Jesus warded him off. Also, Satan is male, not female.

+Jesus Christ is depicted with long hair, but this is contrary of his standards for men
in 1 Corinthians 11. Nazarites only wore long hair as men of God in the Bible (i.e.
Samson) The Lord Jesus Christ had short hair since he was a Nazarene (Jesus grew
up in the town of Nazareth and wasn’t a Nazarite) The Passion of the Christ present
most of the men and soldiers of Pilate having short hair (which is historically
accurate), but Jesus has long hair.

+The-whipping scene was just unbiblical. In the film, Jesus is beaten at 2

separate times with 39 lashes each. [First on the back, then on the front,
and finally the soldiers beat him as they walk to the cross. The excessive,
horrendous violence isn’t essential in the picture] The Holy Bible said that
he was only scourged one time from Matthew 27:26-35. The picture over
emphasizes Christ’s physical suffering that don’t save our sins. The Bible, on
the other hand focuses on his spiritual suffering plus his blood, which saves
us. It was precisely his blood and death that equate the atonement (Romans
5:9-10). Rome preaches salvation via never-ending sufferings repeated in
the mass and added with the 7 Catholic sacraments, which are false.

+In the resurrection scene, Jesus stands to walk out after the angel rolled away the
stone. In Mt. 28:1-6, the disciples saw the stone rolled away to know that Christ has
risen and left the tomb before that. The picture also has Christ naked with Jim
Caviezel’s naked buttocks, which is grotesque and unholy.

+The movie itself is a mass. The film has Christ praying, “Father if it be possible let
this chalice pass from me.” The chalice is the cup used for the Catholic mass. Chalice
is not in the Bible at all and Christ wasn’t even referring to communion anyway. Christ
has only an one and only sacrifice from the cross. It’s never repeated, but
remembered in the Lord’s Supper. (Hebrews 9:12) To try to re-enact this is wrong
(Hebrews 6:6).

+Visualization is not demanded to discover who Christ is. The images of Jesus in the
film are nothing like Christ and are a lie. Mankind is moved by the Word of God
through the Spirit of God to become Gods children. Faith does not come by the visual
myth of the Passion, emotion, or sight. Faith comes not by sight, but by the hearing
of the word of God. (2 Cor. 5:7, Romans 8:24)

+ The film bears a highly anti-Scriptural projection of Mary. In the Passion, Mary is
near Jesus through all of His suffering, but the Bible declares nothing of this. Mary
communicates with Pilate to appeal to her to protect Christ from the angry crowd
[Gibson got this from Anne-Catherine Emmerich], Pontius Pilate giving cloths to
Mary, Mary with Mary Magdalene wiping Jesus’ blood after he’s whipped, and a
woman whipping Jesus’ bloody face as he’s on the cross (from the Catholic legend of
Veronica in the 8th century) which aren’t from God’s Word.

Mary is given supernatural abilities in the film by Mary only seeing Satan, putting her
head on the stores to know the presence of Christ underground punished, and asks
Jesus, “Flesh of my flesh and heart of my heart, let me die with you.” The picture
also acts like Mary suffered with Jesus Christ, but Jesus Christ by himself bore our
sins (Hebrew 1:3). Mary suffered none of our sins and this movie is blasphemous.
The picture has Mary kissing Jesus’ feet then licking his blood depicting the false
teaching of transubstantiation.

Mary indeed felt sorrow for Christ’s suffering, but what Mary felt has not a thing to
do with his suffering. Peter and John called Mary “Mother” in capital letters on the
captions of the movie. Nowhere in the NT did anyone call Mary mother, but Jesus
told John to let John have Mary as a mother to assist her only. Jesus call Mary
Woman not Mother. Mt. 12:47-50 presents all believers as his mother, brother, and
sister equally. Mary is a sinful woman and is not perfect. Mary isn’t the Ever Virgin,
Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, or the Co-Mediatrix also.

+The Passion depicted Mary Magdalene as the woman caught in adultery in John
7:53,8:11, whereas there’s no biblical evidence for that.
+Occult scenes of demons tormenting Judas even eating his flesh is non-existent
from Scripture. That’s from Emmerich. Also, Icon Production’ (who funded the film)
logo is an All Seeing Eye [look above to see the logo]. Caviezel in the film is also
pictured with one eye. The All Seeing Eye is the pagan eye of Lucifer proving the
movie is Satanic. Gibson claims that Jewish people back then mainly spoke Aramaic
and the Romans spoke Latin. But this is not quite true, according to Christopher Orlet’s
article, Mel Gibson vs. The Jews:

“Gibson has bragged about the historical veracity of his script, going so far as to
film the movie in the Aramaic and Latin languages without subtitles. Scholars,
however, have been quick to point out the film’s obvious historical inaccuracies,
which, it turns out, are legion. Indeed, any theological or biblical scholar could have
told Gibson that few Roman soldiers were in Jerusalem, and rather were local
draftees who would have spoken one of the local dialects, Mishnaic Hebrew or,
based on funerary evidence, Greek. Similarly Pilate and the chief priest Caiaphas
would have communicated in Greek, not Latin.”

There is Gnostic and Merovingian symbolism as well. Mel Gibson even gave
a clue of Satan’s hand in this movie by mentioning that he used his left hand
to nail Caviezel’s hand. In Italian, that’s the sinistra or sinister hand. Anyone
with knowledge of the occult realizes that the left hand means the force or the
sinister way of Satan. God said in Mt. 25:41 that those on his left hand are
condemned to Hell. The Ordo Sinistra Vivendi (Order of the Left Hand Path) is
such a Satanic association, which practices Black Magick to promote rebellion
against Christ and His Church by deception. Some classify Gibson as a member
of this order.
Who Killed Jesus Christ?

The Masonic ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Orthodox Rabbi Schmuley
Boteach, and other individuals blast the Passion of the Christ as anti- Semitic.
It’s completely understandable that many Jewish people have
concerns about any anti-Semitic displays. The movie isn’t anti-Semitic per
se since no one smells like a rose whether it’s the Jews, Romans, or the
apostles. Mel Gibson denied being anti-Semitic during the Diane Sawyer ABC
Primetime Interview. Yet, years ago, he was caught being drunk along with
spewing vile anti-Semitic words to a police officer. This must of came from
his anti-Semitic father. The truth is obvious. Jewish involvement in the
death of Christ is noticeable. It was the nation of Israel and the Jewish
people for the most part who rejected Jesus Christ as the Messiah (John
1:11). A Jewish council condemned Christ before a Roman tribunal
condemned him with Pontius Pilate. It was the Jews alone who delivered
Jesus to Pilate to demand crucifixion. This is established as historical fact.
The guilt thought is not unto all Jews of all time, but limited to all
unbelieving Jews during that time, especially the unbelievers inside Israel.
The unbelieving Jewish high priest Caiaphas declared the 9 words out (in
brackets) at Mt. 27:25 “Then answered all the people, and said, {His blood
be on us, and on our children.}”

After Jesus Christ’s resurrection, the apostles sought the Gentiles mainly,
but many Jewish converts to Christianity rose up in the 1st century as well.
There is some thing special I want to add. Anyone of those Jewish folks who
were responsible for Christ’s death is immediately absolved from guilt if
they repent. (Luke 23:24, Acts 2:22-39; 3:13-26; 4:4-15). Blood guilt is
limited to 3-4 generations and not all generations from Exodus 34:7 so
anyone preaching that all Jews are responsible for the Lord’s death and
remains so forever is ignorant or a liar. Christ forgave his murderers
conditioned on their repentance.
The Bible is not anti-Semitic since it does depict Jewish people fairly in both
a positive and negative light. Jews except Luke wrote every word of the
living God. It’s preposterous to claim that the New Testament is anti-Jewish
since the majority of its authors are Jewish themselves. Jesus Christ who is
God is Jewish. God chose the Jews through the loins of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, but was punished continually by Almighty God for their unbelief in
the Messiah. The good news is that many Jews have indeed accepted Christ
as God and the Messiah.

Hutton Gibson, Mel Gibson’s father, is a real anti-Semite. Hutton thinks that
only 600,000 Jews died in the Holocaust plus a lot of bizarre fairy tales. He’s
only right in hating the N.W.O. and calling John Paul II a fraud and a Koran
kisser, which he is. Real Christians love the Jewish people and all people.
We’re all guilty for killing Jesus in fact. Both Jew and Gentile killed Jesus

It is true to say that some Jews crucified Christ. It’s also true to say that the
Roman government crucified Christ. Man’s sins crucified Christ as well. We
need not to back peddle an inch allowing the chips fall where they may.

Final Note

Rebuking this movie is great (Ephesians 5:11) Ecumenicalism (compromise

of core beliefs in form the one-world church) surely is the result of this
fanfare. Many evangelicals and fundamentalists have forsaken their biblical
principles in joining with Roman Catholics in approving this monstrosity of a
movie. This is truly the end of the age. Many Catholics are using this for
evangelism of their religion. The Passion can be used to lead people to
recognize the difference between a true and false gospel. Some positive
news is that ministries have condemned the Passion of the Christ like:

-Richard Bennett and J. Virgil Dunbar

-Pastor David J. Meyer of Last Trumpet Ministries
-Timothy and Barbara Aho of Watch Unto Prayer Ministries
-David and Mary Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries
-James R. Wicker, associate professor of New Testament at Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary
-T. A. McMahon
-plus the h undreds of Christians who written letters and expressed
opposition to Mel’s Movie.

“Scripture alone, grace alone, faith alone, Christ alone, and Glory to God alone”
ought to be cherished not a godless Hollywood film with pornographers as actors and
actresses, scenes from the visions of deluded Roman Catholic mystics, devilish
esoteric symbols, its adding to the Gospel account, and a plight in society.
GOOD LUCK.........................

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

September 30, 2004 A.D.

Updated: February 1, 2009


P.S. This is one of the greatest debates about the Movie “The Passion of the
Christ” in October 6, 2004 where Pale Horse (a Catholic who follows Vatican I
teachings which includes the lie that people who aren’t Catholic and are Christians
are going to Hell) supports it wholeheartedly and I refute him. I’ve chosen this
debate with him since this is probably one of the slickest ways Ecumenicals and
Papaists use to justify the unbiblical Passion of the Christ film.

Pale Horse wrote:

What reference of authority is that from? The Talmud?

Response: Actually, the literal translation of it is: “Vaticanus then is a combination of

Vatic + anus, just as Romanus is a combination of Rome + anus. Therefore, vaticanus
collis or vaticanus mons mean "the prophetic hill or mountain", which can be rephrased
as the hill or mountain of prophecy. The word Vatican is just a shortened form of the
word Vaticanus, just like Claudian is a shortened form of Claudianus, as shown above.”
(From ) This is my simple error. Even though I
don’t agree with the 7th Adventists, they are telling the truth about the Papacy and
this is not from the Talmud.

Pale Horse wrote:

Who said Jesus The Christ is a graven image? He isn't a golden calf. God didn't
forbid anyone to make an image of His Son.

Response: Christ isn’t a graven image, but the Bible perfectly says that we aren’t to
create an image of God. The Son is God, so I won’t do it or venerate any image at all.
The golden calf in the OT was worshipped as God and this was forbidden.

Pale Horse wrote:

So, where does God forbid anyone worship His Son? And since He is hated so
much, Talmud anti-Christs would depict Him as always as the same as they are -
porn stars, unscriptural Hollywood scenes, sanitized scenes, excessive violence in
Hollywood ungodly movies, and occultic and incoherent messages. We can name
several. All your claims apply to Hollywood movies of above, certainly not the
Passion of The Christ. Hollywood movies depict the violence done to Jesus as
depicted in The Passion of The Christ.

Response: I didn’t say we aren’t forbidden to worship the Son, but any image
that depicts the Son in any manner is forbidden to worship since the Son is
God not an image. I do realize that the Talmud is false since it was created by
Apostate Jewish people around 500 A.D. adding to the Word of God. A religious
movie must have reasonable license to have people who repented to play
important roles. Occult scenes, excessive violence, bad symbolism, and ungodly
components can easily rebuke the movie as a deception. All of these facts are clearly
found in Hollywood movies and in the Passion.

Watch Unto Prayer Ministries at and have fully outlined this clearly. Just because a movie depicts
violence doesn’t justify it for the Passion. The Bible says little on the violence Christ
suffered which were about 2 incidents nothing more or less. His violence never saved
us, but his blood.

Pale Horse wrote:

An addition to Scriptures by you. Will you be rebuked by Jesus for learning of the

Response: What is my addition to the scriptures? Christ exposing the Pharisees [with
pride, anger, and strife], who added tradition to the Law, is found clearly in the Bible.
To say that a man can’t rebuke heresy is fantasy. There is no evidence whatsoever that
the real church used an image of God to venerate. The Roman Catholics were
heretics for doing that in the Middle Ages and the Iconoclasts rebuked them
for it.

Pale Horse wrote:

"There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church." Mel stated the truth of the
Catholic Church teachings direct from Jesus Christ who taught there is no salvation
outside of HIM.

Response: Mel Gibson told a lie when he said anyone who isn’t part of the Catholic
Church is going to Hell. The Word of God clearly states that any man or woman or child
who repents, follows his Word, and lives a godly life until death will go to Heaven
regardless of denomination. WE ARE SAVED BY FAITH THROUGH GRACE NOT BY
THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. The Catholics just believe in a lot of superstitious
beliefs, so God is telling the Catholics to reject false doctrines and come out.

Pale Horse wrote:

There were 3 or 4 nails. The All Seeing Eye is God's. Freemasons stole the symbol
and have corrupted it as you have seen. Catholicism vs Freemasonry will never be
reconciled, only cosmetically as you see in the taken-over-by-Freemasons Vatican
today since 1958. (Suggested reading about Bella Dodd's testimony to the Senate
Committee). The brutalizing was done by Jesus haters. The brainwashing of
millions of Christians to this day is done by Freemasons. There is a difference
between ecumenical and antichrist Masonic "pontiff" John Paul's "ecumenism"
whereas he adjoins pagans to heaven along with other antichrists. Welcome to your
wake-up call.

Response: Any scholar of the occult knows that when a man talks about nails in a
religious context, he means Satan. The man from Switzerland in the Sun Cult Site
have truly exposed that. Mel even gave a clue of his Satanic impulses by saying
straight up that I used the Left Hand to put the nail in Cavaziel’s body. The left hand
(as any occultist knows) means the Sinister hand or way or the way of Satan. Christ
said those going on Hell are on my Left Hand. The Order of the Left Hand is a real
Satanic group dedicated to try to destroy Christianity [which they won't obviously].

The All Seeing Eye is not of God single God doesn’t have one eye and throughout
ancient history, pagan religions have always used one eye to denote the occult and
Horus (Satan). Look at is a site there to prove
its existence before Christianity came along in ancient Egypt. Freemasons use it today
and that alone means the one eye is Satanic plus its the logo of the Council on Foreign

Yes, indeed Freemasonry is an evil group and the Catholics are right to oppose them in
the 1700’s-1800’s. You must be a Vatican I Catholic and yes John Paul II is a Koran
Kisser and a compromiser. As for this Vatican I and II stuff, this is rather striking proof
that your church isn’t infallible at all. You added tons of unscriptural precepts for
centuries and now you divided in 1958. The Passion just focuses too much on the
brutality done by Jesus haters. We should not set our eyes on the disgusting brutality,
but Christ’s blood which saves us from all sin. Freemasons have brainwashed people
and I agree with you on that.
Pale Horse wrote:

Already you've shown your errors. Who will believe you now? The Catholic
Church, not Talmudist John Paul II, has kept the Infallible Word of God.

Response: The Passion being a international hoax isn’t a deception. I will believe in
Christ and his Word. God kept his word and the Church is solely the custodians
of his word. The Word of God has higher authority than the Church. Christ has higher
authority than the Church. The Catholic Church embraces false precepts.

Pale Horse wrote:

You've not shown any deception.

Response: The movie have shown plenty of deception. The movie says that Christ was
tempted in Gethasame by Satan, but he wasn’t. The movie called the cup chalice
during a scene when it didn’t occur in the bible. Many of the prominent actresses are
intentionally known pornographers. The movie has Mary knowing about Christ’s
suffering from underground the Temple when she never seen Christ in that
scene which is wrong and Merovingian symbolism is poured into the film. Hundreds
of Christians worldwide are exposing this trashy movie for what it is being a pure hoax
and blasphemy against God Almighty.

Pale Horse wrote:

What is Truth?

Response: Truth is God. The Truth is also found in his Word.

Pale Horse wrote:

So,you are against anyone's conversion to the Truth? If my posts are "redundant"
and "deceptive", then why is it that you've added to the Scriptures?

Response: I’m not against anyone’s conversion to the Truth, but if a man follows false
doctrines, you have no choice but to inspire people to leave it. I haven’t added
anything to the Scriptures. Robertson, Hagee, and Falwell are proven ecumencials
and should be told to leave the One World Church crowd immediately and end
all ties to the Council on National Policy.

Pale Horse wrote:

We Catholics are also pro-John the Baptist, protest against un-Scriptural "bibles"
which have missing canonical books, pro-Bible and Tradition of Apostles, and
AND BLOOD at worship in the Holy Mass as Jesus said "as often as ye shall do
these things, do them in commemoration of Me." We do perpetually as Daniel
stated the "continual sacrifice". This will never change.

Response: I know you’re a Papist. As for the Bible, the Waldensians, Protestants,
Baptists, independent religious groups, etc. have preserved the real Bible for 2,000
years. The Apocrypha is secondary to the Bible and has tons of errors and was rejected
by even Jerome and tons of folks in the early church. Tradition is inferior to God’s word
since tradition includes oral communication (plus Papal sayings, words of “saints”, and
other dogma) equating totally incoherent information of a variety of subjects that
don’t stack up to the simplicity of the Bible.

Communion is always symbolic and Christ said to do it in remembrance of me meaning

he wasn’t cutting himself to let his followers eat him, but use the bread and wine to
symbolize his ONE AND ONLY SACRFICE. IT IS FINISHED. The circular disk to denote
the “Eucharist” originated from ancient Mystery religions in Babylon and Egypt. Wycliff,
Paul, Benegarius, and others are totally opposed to your viewpoint on Communion.

Pale Horse wrote:

"The world may pass away, but My Word will not pass away." - Jesus Christ

Response: I have no problem at all with that last quote.

I hope you wake up.

By Timothy




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