Anda di halaman 1dari 25

C05308773 .

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December 10, 2008
Reference: F-2009-00076
DearL-1 ----'
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your 28 September 2008 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request, in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on
__________ _____ .. ________ .
Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) the Farabundo Marti National
Liberation Front (FMLN), and the Frente Sandinista de Liberacion Nacional (FSLN)
between 1985-2007." We have assigned your request the reference number above. Please
use this number when corresponding so that we can identify it easily.
The Agency cannot accept your FOIA request, in its current form, because it would
require the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The FOIA requires
requesters to "reasonably describe" the information they seek so that professional
employees familiar with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a
reasonable amount of effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your
request, and the way in which the Agency configures its records systems, the Agency
cannot conduct a reasonable search for information responsive to your request. We
encourage you to refine the scope of your request (such as narrower, more specific
descriptions of, the information you seek) to enable the Agency to conduct a reasonable
search for responsive information.
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
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December 15, 2008
Reference: F -2009-00078

Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your 28 September 2008 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on
16 October 2008, for:
1. Information or records on the demobilization of the following
organizations in EI Salvador: the Fuerzas Armadas de EI
National ---
the paramilitaries of the Nationalist Republican Alliance.
2. Information on the incidence of crime and narcotics related
activities in EI Salvador and Central America between 1992 and
We have assigned your request the reference number above. Please use this number when
corresponding so that we can identify it easily.
The Agency cannot accept your FOIA request, in its current form, because it would
require the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The FOIA requires
requesters to "reasonably described" the information they seek so that professional
employees familiar with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a
reasonable amount of effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your
request, and the way in which the Agency configures its records systems, the Agency
cannot conduct a reasonable search for information responsive to your request. We
encourage you to refine the scope of your request (such as a narrower, more specific
descriptions of, the information you seek) to enable the Agency to conduct a reasonable
search for responsive information.

Delores M. Nelson

Oct. 22, 2008
Dear FOI director, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency:
Please send me all correspondence and reports to and from the CIA regarding
Romania and its political situation, from Dec. 15, 1989 to Feb. 1,1990. e.g., reports from
the ground in Romania, and analysis in the USA, the revolution's implications for U.S.
and European politics, security and defense, etc.
Please note the historical distance of nearly two decades which renders the data
less sensitive today. Please inform me of all my appeal options.
If records are available for routine release, please inform me. If any of these
records are in readable computer format, please send them by disc or email rather than on
paper. Please exempt me from fees as I am a low budget researcher working for the
public and educational interest.
Please "redact and release," i.e., send pruis of the request to me as they are
completed, rather then waiting till all the records are compiled to send them all at once. If
practicable, please divide this request into two parts, (1) a part that can be released with
no third party consultations required (andlor can be easily located or require no severing),
and so can be sent to me ASAP, and (2) a part that requires third party consultations and
so conceptually could take a bit longer. If you wish to negotiate this request, please call
or write me. Please do not send media clippings, as I have those. If there are records on
this topic that have been release in reply to another person's FO! request, please send me
those records also.
Sincerely yours,
DATE: 12-May-2010
(b) (6)
December 10, 2008
Reference: F-2009-00174
Dearl'---___ ----.J
This is a final response to your 22 October 2008 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on
17 November 2008, for information regarding "Romania and its political situation, from
15 Dec 1989 to 1 Feb 1990." We have assigned your request the reference number above.
Please use this number when corresponding so that we can identify it easily.
The Agency cannot accept your FOIA request, in its current form, because it would
the AgencY-to perform-an unreasonabiy-burdensorne Tlie FOIA requrres---------------------
requesters to "reasonably describe" the information they seek so that professional
employees familiar with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a
reasonable amount of effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your
request, and the way in which the Agency configures its records systems, the Agency
cannot conduct a reasonable search for information responsive to your request. We
encourage you to refine the scope of your request (more specific descriptions of the
information you seek, such as a specific event or incident) to enable the Agency to conduct
a reasonable search for responsive information.
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear Coordinator:
DATE: 12-May-2010
Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. Subsection 552, I am requesting infomlation or records as described
herein. This Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request is for a collection of documents iterating the entirety of
actions taken on I upon I to I toward / onto / unto citizens of the United States in the time range of the year 2000 to
A document is meant to include: paper with text, a computerized record or file, any artifact containing information,
any object upon which information was added, or the information itself independent of medium or mechanism.
A search is utilized herein as a process by which the mathematical set of documents is refined to a subset, with this
FOIA request describing a document search.
An action is intended to mean any action in any sense of the word, the sum meaning from all commonly accepted
dictionaries of United States English, however including lack of action, andlor including awareness of such a defmed
action by another actor or actors, domestic or foreign, without initiated and/or successful counteraction, with this lack
of counteraction or successful counteraction a sutHIefinition of action as the term is utilized in this FOIA request. For
example, should it be the case that a multinational surveillance cadre exists, bypassing traditional norms and laws,
then the inaction of not preventing foreign actors from acting thusly upon United States citizens, in such a
hypothetical, would be included as actions of the Central Intelligence Agency, herein defined, in the subcomponent of
lack of action and documents relating to action in the senses including, but not limited to, those described in this third
paragraph are intended to be included in this FOIA request.
Summarily, action is defined herein as action in all senses of the word and/or lack of action, with allowed to occur a
potentially interpretation on a documentby-document basis upon results relating to the lack of action
subcomponent of action as described in paragraph three, with this intended to relate to all actors domestic and foreign.
This is a technical and precise defmition towards a commonsense understanding of the term action as to avoid any
possible linguistic miscommunication.
The specific search is for actions where the target or subject or, grammatically, direct object of the action was a citizen
of the United States or a group including citizens of the United States, or can thusly be summarized and/or
paraphrased by a native speaker of the Midwestern dialect of or broadcast standard of United Stated English.
Specific terminological instantiations such as "domestic intelUgence", "domestic counterintelligence", "domestic
psychological operations", "domestic maneuvers", "domestic exercises", "domestic program", "domestic
surveillance" and "stateside actions", "stateside operations", "stateside maneuvers", "stateside exercises", "stateside
program", "stateside surveillance" and "civilian targets", "civilian subjects", "civilian surveillance" are illustrative
potential expansions upon the pattern described thus far and mayor may not exist as actual terminology, however the
pattern intended to be conveyed includes, but may not be limited to, "domestic ..... , "stateside .. ", "civilian ......
In the contingency that a portion of documents described herein exist are classified, please include, as an auxiliary to
this request, a request for the total number or cardinality of the result set herein described, OJ', if more convenient, the
number of such actions, with this a connected but concurrent FOIA request. An additional request to this FOIA
request, is that in the event that a portion of documents that so exist that are classified, and in the event that the
documents have a form of primary key, in the sense of computer science, presuming some form of a database exists,
storing documents utilizing computing devices, if the entire list of these primary keys or othelwise utilized taxonomic
identification per document can be released or otherwise ifthe entirety of the result set can be -bestowed a taxonomic
identifier per the collection, document collection #123456789, for example, with this allowing for rapidity in
communication regarding the data set matching this search pattern's intent, avoiding recapitulation of the phrasing of
this invocation to refine the set oftota} documents to the described subset.
As it is of use in matching documents to the search detailed in this FOIA request, the intended utilization of the
resulting document collection is to exercise civic responsibility and to become well-informed regarding that, amidst
what some might call a suspension of traditional constitutional understanding, occurrences exist that support
argumentation for restoration of the traditional constitutional understanding.
I thank you for reviewing this FOIA request which includes a precise search pattern over a large number of documents
within the timespan of the year 2000 to the present.
If there are any fees for searching for. reviewing. or copying the records, please let me know before you task my
request. If you deny all or allY part of this request, please cite each specific exemption you think justifies your refusal
to release the information and notifY me of appeal procedures available under the law.
December 10, 2008
Reference: F-2009-00180
Dear I
L--___ --..J
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your undated Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator
on 19 November 2008, for "a collection of documents iterating the entirety of actions
taken on/upon/to/toward/onto/unto citizens of the United States in the time range of the
years 2000 to present." We have assigned your request the reference number above.

The Agency cannot accept your FOIA request, in its current form, because it would
require the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The FOIA requires
requesters to "reasonably describe" the information they seek so that professional
employees familiar with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a
reasonable amount of effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your
request, and the way in which the Agency configures its records systems, the Agency
cannot conduct a reasonable search for information responsive to your request.
In addition, the mission of the Central Intelligence Agency is primarily concerned
with foreign intelligence -- not domestic -- matters. Section 103 (d)(1) of the National
Security Act, as amended, specifically provides that "the Agency shall have no police,
subpoena, law-enforcement powers, or internal security functions." Therefore we decline
to process your request.
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
November 16,2008
Infonnation and Privacy Coordinator .
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear FOI Officer:
DATE: 12-May-2010
Pursuant to the federal Freedom of Infonnation Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, I request access to
and copies of any and all presently existing documents pertaining to, addressing or
otherwise regarding the decision to post the featured story titled "Be in the Know
... Subscribe to CIA News Feeds" on Friday, July 11,2008 instead of on Thursday of that
week (featured stories were typically posted on Thursdays at that time).
I would like to receive the infonnation in electronic fonnat. (CD-ROM.)
I agree to pay reasonable duplication fees for the processing of this request in an amowlt
not to exceed $40. However, please notify me prior to your incurring any expenses in
excess of that amount.
If my request is denied in whole or part, I ask that you justify all deletions by reference to
specific exemptions of the act. I will also expect you to release all segregable portions of
otherwise exempt material. I, of course, reserve the right to appeal your decision to
withhold any infonnation or to deny a waiver of fees.
I look forward to your reply within 20 business days, as the statute requires.
Thank you for your assistance.
Perjury Statement:
Under Penalty of perjury, I hereby declare that I am the person named above and I
w1derstand that any falsification of this statement is punishable under the provisions of
Title 18, United States Code (U.S.C.), Section 1001 by a fine of not more than $10,000 or
by imprisonment of not more than five years, or both; and that requesting or obtaining
any record(s) under false pretenses is punishable under the provisions of Title 5, U.S.C.,
Section 552a(i)(3) as a misdemeanor and by a fine of not more than $5,000.
Signature Date 1 ( ~ - / 6 '--'0('0
_.-... r
December 22, 2008
Reference: F -2009-00220
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your 16 November 2008 Freedom of Information Act
request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on
26 November 2008, for information regarding "existing documents pertaining to,
addressing or otherwise regarding the decision to post the featured story titled
on Thursday of that week." We have assigned your request the reference number above.
Our records systems are not configured in a way that would allow us to perform a
search reasonably calculated to lead to responsive records. Therefore, we must decline to
process your request.
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
C05359127 "
DATE: 12-May-2010
Information anel Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20505
FFee:t1ombf Information Act Request
10 January, 2009
i; a the Freedom of Infonnation Act (5 U.S.c. 552).
- .
any webpages, pamphlets, blogs or
v\likis by the CIA that' contain in the title any of the phrases
noble gas
inert gas
o neon
@ krypton
ot xenon,
I'll or the chemical symbols Ne, Ar, Kr, or Xe.
I pay fees reqtiest up to a maximum of $75. If you anticipate
{he fees 'will exceed this amount, please inform me first.
I persona] use, not for a commercial
ThariU:y'M<rk iidvancef6r'YOlli hdp.
....... :." .: ....
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...- ...

Reference: F-2009-00398
DearL-' ____ --'
Central Intelligence Agency
February 10,2009
This is a final response to your 10 January 2009 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on
22 January 2009, for copies of any records created by the CIA that contain in the title any
of the following:

inert gas
or the chemical symbols Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe.
We cannot accept your FOIA request, in its current form, because it would require
the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The FOIA requires requesters
to "reasonably describe" the information they seek so that professional employees familiar
with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a reasonable amount of
effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your request, and the way in
which the Agency configures its records systems, the Agency cannot conduct a reasonable
search for information responsive to your request. We encourage you to refine the scope
of your request (such as including a time frame for, and narrower, more specific
descriptions of, the information you seek) to enable the Agency to conduct a reasonable
search for responsive information.

Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20505
Dear Coordinator:
6 February 2009
DATE: 12-May-2010
Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552, I am
requesting documents that indicate any contact between the late Jake
Esterline, the CIA station chief in Panama in the mid-1960s, and the late
Thelma King, the chief - or at least a leader - of the Panamanian Communist
Party at that time.
I am requesting this information for use in subsequent book project,
dealing with other aspects of that same period and some of the resulting
If there are any fees for searching for, reviewing, or copying documents
please let me know before you task my request, or please supply the records
without informing me of the cost if the fees do not exceed $50, which I
agree to pay.
If you deny all or any part of this request, please cite each specific
exemption you think justifies your refusal to release the information and
notify me of appeal procedures under the law.
If you have any questions about handling this request, you may telephone
me by email I


16 March 2009
Reference: F-2009-00622
Central Intelligence Agency
IMlshinglon, D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your 6 February 2009 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on
25 February 2009, for "documents that indicate any contact between the late Jake
Esterline, the CIA station chief in Panama in the mid-1960's, and the late Thelma
. ___________________ K i l l ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ - ~ - - - - _ ~ _________ ~ _ _ _ _ ~ ______ ~ ___________ _
The Agency cannot accept your request because of the request's breadth,
vagueness, and lack of specificity. The FOIA requires requesters to "reasonably describe"
the information they seek so that professional employees familiar with the subject matter
can locate responsive information with a reasonable amount of effort. The FOIA does not
require federal agencies to perform research.
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
CU ;'6I-'M;
; (914) '524-8368 # 11 1
F-,?(JO 9 - () I!J I?
o (b)(6)
Information and Privacy Coordinator
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
Dear Coordinator:
5 May 2009
Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552, I am
requesting information about a file submitted to or by the Istanbul
Station on or about October 4, 1948 on the status of drug trafficking in
the Republic of Turkey. In the report a general survey is supplied
regarding the activities of such individuals as Ihsan Sekban (aka Laz
Ihsan) and Vasili Arcan. It is possible that this report was composed by
or submitted to George White.
Please supply the records without informing me of the cost if the fees do
not exceed twenty (50) dollars, which I agree to pay (although I do not
anticipate a fee of this amount). I am currentl an assist
If you deny all or any part o/this request, please cite each specific
exemption you think justifies your refusal to release the information
and notify me of appeal procedures available under the law.
If you have any questions about handling this request, you may
telephone me \ or reach me via email
I I .
.' ,. :':
.. ' ....
....... :., .... :::
DATE: 12-May-2010
..., ... : ... : ... , ..
23 June 2009
Reference: F-2009-01019
Dear!L-___ ---1
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your 5 May 2009 Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator
on 5 May 2009, for "information about a file submitted to or by the Istanbul Station
on or about October 4, 1948 on the status of drug trafficking in the Republic of Turkey."

the kind of information that you have requested. The level of detail you are seeking would
require research. Unfortunately, the FOIA does not provide a mechanism to perform
research or to conduct unreasonable searches through a body of material to see if any of it
is related to a particular request.
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
: ... ,': ..... ,' ..
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Washington, D. C. 20'505
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(b) (6)
... .-.;::./ .
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...... ,
. ; .
. ....... .
I am writing to request "releasable" information/
data regarding the below former Soviet Union
Soviet Spy School at
Gaczyna (Area Southeast
of Kuibyshev)
You for your attehtl:on, consideration and
... : ......... .
. .... .'
.. '
", .. ' ,' .
. .......
May 27, 2009
27 May 2009
Reference: F-2009-01077

Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505r:-______ ---,
On 14 May 2009, the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator received
your 8 May 2009 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for all records regarding
the "former Soviet Union facility: Soviet Spy School at Gaczyna (Area Southeast of
. _____ . __________ 1'_91b.,hJn its current form, ________ ____ _
it would require the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The
FOIA requires requesters to "reasonably describe" the information they seek so that
professional employees familiar with the subject matter can locate responsive information
with a reasonable amount of effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your
request, and the way in which the Agency configures its records systems, the Agency
cannot conduct a reasonable search for information responsive to your request. We
encourage you to refine the scope of your request (such as including a time frame for, and
narrower, more specific descriptions of, the information you seek) to enable the Agency
to conduct a reasonable search for responsive information.
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
..... '
DATE: 12-May-2010
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(b) (6)
23 June 2009
Reference: F-2009-01196
D e a ~ L - ____ ------'
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington. D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your 9 June 2009 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request, received on 9 June 2009 in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator,
for "a copy of all publications/reports made by the DNI's Open Source Center for January
of 2009."
Your FOIA request cannot be accepted in its current form, because it would require
the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The FOIA requires requesters
to "reasonably describe" the information they seek so that professional employees familiar
with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a reasonable amount of
effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your request, and the way in
which our records systems are configured, the Agency cannot conduct a reasonable search
for information responsive to your request. We encourage you to refine the scope of your
request (such as including narrower, more specific descriptions of, the information you
seek) to enable us to conduct a reasonable search for responsive information.
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
DATE: 12-May-2010 Thursday, June 18,2009
Lee S. Strickland
Information & Privacy Coordinator
Centra I Intelligence Agency
Washington, DC 20505
Fax: (703) 613-3007
Dear Sir,
This is a non-commercial request made under the provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act 5 U.S.C. S 552 and the Privacy Acts. Pursuant to the U. S. OPEN Records
Act of 2007, my FOIA requester status as a "representative of the news media" - a
status entitling me to full waiver of your agency's records-processing fees incident to
your fulfilling this request. For examples of my variOus publication credits in this regard,
I refer you to my radio network, and my own personal radio show (syndicated on FM
and AM stations)1 IMy internet website
I holds a vast government document database,
along with many freelance articles that I have written. which have also been published
in magazines and websites, including, UFO Magazine; FATE Magazine.
and others.
AdditionallYI I agree to pay fees up to ten dollars.
Sir, I respectfully request a copy of all memorandum of understanding (MOUs) and
Comity agreements that the CIA currently has with the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Thank you so much for your time, and I am very much looking forward to your response.
Please know that electronic delivery of the requested material or correspondence
related to this case is preferred and accepted in lieu of paper copies via snail mail.
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15 July 2009
Reference: F-2009-01274
DearL-1 ______ .....J
Central Intelligence Agency D
Washington, D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your 18 June 2009 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
request, received in the office of the Information and Privacy Coordinator on 19 June
2009, for a copy of "all memorandum of understanding (MOUs) and Comity agreements
that the CIA currently has with the Defense Intelligence Agency."
Your FOIA request cannot be accepted in its current form, because it would require
the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The FOIA requires requesters

with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a reasonable amount of
effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your request, and the way in
which our records systems are configured, the Agency cannot conduct a reasonable search
for information responsive to your request. We encourage you to refine the scope of your
request (such as including a time frame for, and narrower, more specific descriptions of,
the information you seek) to enable us to conduct a reasonable search for responsive
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator
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23 July 2009
Reference: F-2009-01312
Central Intelligence Agency
Washington, D.C. 20505
This is a final response to your 21 June 2009 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

records on:
1. Five Star Trust
2. U.S. Mortgage and Trust Co.
Your FOIA request cannot be accepted in its current form, because it would require
the Agency to perform an unreasonably burdensome search. The FOIA requires requesters
to "reasonably describe" the information they seek so that professional employees familiar
with the subject matter can locate responsive information with a reasonable amount of
effort. Because of the breadth and lack of specificity of your request, and the way in
which our records systems are configured, the Agency cannot conduct a reasonable search
for information responsive to your request. We encourage you to refine the scope of your
request (such as including a time frame for, and narrower, more specific descriptions of,
the information you seek) to enable us to conduct a reasonable search for responsive
Delores M. Nelson
Information and Privacy Coordinator

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