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Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 2

Stellar Reaches
A Fair Use Fanzine for Traveller
1ab|e of Contents
Letter Irom 1he Ld|tor .................................................................................................................................. 3
8I1S 1ask System ........................................................................................................................................... 4
A Gazetteer to the Wor|ds of the Lmpty uarter .......................................................................................... S
1he Lmpty uarter 1|me||ne ....................................................................................................................... 34
A G|ossary for the Lmpty uarter ................................................................................................................ S4
o||te and 8|oody Wo|ves ........................................................................................................................... 68
1r|be vs. 1r|be |n the Lmpty uarter ........................................................................................................... 69
opu|at|on Sh|fts |n the Lmpty uarter, 993 to 110S .................................................................................. 73
1he Assass|nat|on of Archduke Gvueneghz .................................................................................................. 74
So|d|ery |n the Lmpty uarter ..................................................................................................................... 7S
1he Chr|st|an|ty of the Not-1hat-Iar Iuture ................................................................................................ 79
Lega| ........................................................................................................................................................... 81

Issue #18, Summer 2012. Vers|on 11.
lounder: !ason llynn" kemp. LdlLor: 2003-2010
Cur webslLe:

Cover ArL: 1hls ls an lmage of Lhe WhlLe Lady, an exLremely lconlc lmage of Lhe klkhushegl rellglon.
(LqulvalenLs lnclude Lhe SlLLlng 8uddha, Lhe vlrgln Mary, and kall of Lhe many arms.) 1he graphlc ls LlLled
nlghLmare" ArLur 8osa. See hls work aL hLLp://
Cover LayouL: Alvln W. lummer
ConLrlbuLlng ArLlsLs: 8lll Carr, ChrlsLopher Cerber, vlncenL van Cogh, 8lchard !eferles, ChrlsLlan 1lgaer"
Pecker, 8udolph Pergzog, Alexandr MelenLlev, Max v. nlmos, ArLur 8osa, Cary 1ongue
ConLrlbuLlng AuLhors: Alvln W. lummer
LdlLor/LayouL ueslgn: Alvln W. lummer

1he 8I1S 1ask System, alLhough modlfled Lo lnclude 1raveller 120 dlfflculLy classes, has been provlded wlLh
permlsslon by 8r|t|sh Is|es 1rave||er Support (8I1S). lLs presence here does noL consLlLuLe any challenge Lo Lhe
rlghLs for Lhls sysLem, and we graLefully acknowledge uomlnlc Mooney and Andy Lllly for Lhelr generoslLy ln
allowlng our use of Lhls sysLem Lo allow fuLure advenLures Lo be wrlLLen ln such a manner as Lo be more useful Lo
all publlshed 1raveller rules seLs.

lor more lnformaLlon on 8l1S, check ouL Lhelr webslLe aL hLLp://

1he Ste||ar keaches fanzlne ls publlshed wlLhouL charge or cosL under Lhe approprlaLe lalr use and Cnllne pollcles
publlshed by Lhe varlous holders of Lhe 1raveller llcense. lor ease of reference and as requlred by Lhese lalr use
pollcles, Lhe approprlaLe LexL of Lhese pollcles ls lncluded ln Lhe legal secLlon aL Lhe end of Lhls publlcaLlon.

CopyrlghL of Crlglnal MaLerlal:
All orlglnal maLerlal ln Lhe SLellar 8eaches fanzlne noL deslgnaLed as Cpen Came ConLenL, or noL oLherwlse
proLecLed under Lhe copyrlghLs of oLher enLlLles, ls copyrlghL 2012 by Lhe orlglnal auLhors and arLlsLs, as
ldenLlfled ln Lhe byllne wlLh each arLlcle or conLrlbuLlon.

no porLlon of Lhls fanzlne may be reproduced ln any form or by any means wlLhouL permlsslon ln wrlLlng from Lhe
auLhor or arLlsL holdlng LhaL speclflc conLenL's copyrlghL.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 3
Letter From The Editor
CreeLlngs, lellow SophonLs:

AfLer an absence of many monLhs, SLellar 8eaches ls back wlLh a new lssue!


8uL Lhe flrsL order of buslness ls Lo address a few changes ln Lhe secLor lLself. We now have offlclal subsecLor,
secLor, and reglonal caplLals for Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. 1hey are:
1sahrroek, of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc
Wesaswek, of LenLull subsecLor
?ogesh, of ?ogesh subsecLor
Pebrln, of Pebrln subsecLor
nullnad, of nullnad subsecLor. Also, lmperlal SecLor caplLal.
Lazlsar, of Clmushl subsecLor
lrash, of udusls subsecLor.

An unofflclal reglonal caplLal whlch geLs Lhe 'red leLLer' LreaLmenL ls ZueLhun of Lhe Pegemony of Lorean.
An unofflclal reglonal caplLal whlch does nC1 geL Lhe 'red leLLer' LreaLmenL ls 8oenksu. lL ls offlclally a member
world of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc, buL acLs as an unofflclal reglonal cenLre of Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe governmenL.


ln Lhls lssue, a revlsed map wlll be publlshed. 1hls one lncludes Lhe sysLem of 8eLa nlobe, long lgnored due Lo her
lack of worlds Lo land on. Powever, her lmporLance Lo Lhe SLellar ulvlnlLy rellglon and Lhe danger her sLar poses
earns her a place on Lhe map. A full revlsed llsLlng of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer - lncludlng sLars - wlll be provlded ln a
laLer lssue. 8uL for now, all you need Lo know ls her 993 uW llsLlng:

Beta Niobe 2825 CS00268-9 As Lo Ni (O:2529) 310 Na B6Ia


WhaL else ls ln Lhls lssue?

CulLe a loL, acLually. llrsL off ls a gazeLLeer of all Lhe worlds menLloned ln earller lssues of SLellar 8eaches, as l was
loslng Lrack of Lhem. 1hen, comes a proper and lengLhy Llmellne, and a glossary of common Lerms used wlLhln Lhe
LmpLy CuarLer. 1hen comes a comparlson beLween Lwo Lypes of vargr plraLes LhaL Lhe Lraveller ls llkely Lo
encounLer wlLhln Lhe secLor. AfLer a parLlal dlscusslon of relaLlonshlps beLween selecLed culLures ln Lhe secLor, l
Louch on some ma[or populaLlon shlfLs ln Lhe secLor LhaL occur beLween 993 and 1103: useful fodder for Lhe
creaLlve referee. 1he sensaLlonal assasslnaLlon of Archduke Cvueneghz ls covered, followed by a qulck survey of
soldlery wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. llnally, l do my blL Lo geL my fellow ChrlsLlans Lo geL serlous abouL Lhe noL-LhaL-
far fuLure - Lhe age of prlesLs and pasLors ls fadlng, and lL's Llme we reallzed lL.

no advenLures or personallLy surveys ln Lhls lssue: LhaL wlll have Lo walL for lssue #19!

8eadlng ahead,
Alvln W. lummer
LdlLor, Ste||ar keaches fanzlne

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 4
BITS Task System
lrom pg. 8, 8l1S WrlLers' Culdellnes !une 1999. CopyrlghL 1999, 8l1S. All 8lghLs 8eserved.
120 Cpen Came ConLenL from Lhe arLlcle LxLendlng Lhe 1ask 8esoluLlon SysLem Lo 120" CopyrlghL 2003, !ason kemp.

Mega1raveller (M1), 1raveller: 1he new Lra (1nL) and Marc Mlller's 1raveller (14) all use a graduaLed sysLem of Lask dlfflculLy
raLlngs - Average, ulfflculL, lormldable, eLc. 'Classlc' 1raveller (C1) and Cu8S 1raveller (C1) use modlflers Lo Lhe Lask rolls
lnsLead. 1raveller 120 (120) uses dlfflculLy classes (uCs) Lo deflne LargeL numbers for sklll checks. 1he 8l1S 1ask SysLem provldes
a slmpllfled common ground for all Lhese rule seLs, uslng dlfflculLy raLlngs wlLh correspondlng Lask modlflers for C1 and C1 and
uCs for 120 as shown ln 1able 1. 1he means by whlch specLacular (C1: crlLlcal) success or fallure are achleved are deflned by Lhe
rule seL used. Slmllarly, Lhe CM should apply Lhe rules for speclal Lasks - opposed, co-operaLlve, hasLy, cauLlous, eLc. -
accordlng Lo Lhe rule seL used. As always, Lhese are only guldellnes - Lhe CM may alLer any Lask roll as approprlaLe Lo enhance
Lhe game.

8l1S 1ask
C1 1argeL
C1 1argeL
Lasy Lasy (AuLo) Lasy (1u) +6 Lasy Slmple -4 10
Average Average (2u) Average (2u) +3 Average 8ouLlne -2 13
ulfflculL ulfflculL (2.3u) ulfflculL (2.3u) 0 ulfflculL ulfflculL 0 20
lormldable lormldable (3u) lormldable (3u) -3 lormldable ulfflculL +2 23
SLaggerlng lmposslble (4u) SLaggerlng (4u) -6 lmposslble lormldable +4 30
lmposslble (3u) Popeless (3u) -9 lmposslble lmposslble +6 33
Popeless (6u) lmposslble (6u) -12 lmposslble lmposslble +8 40

Lx. Marla Charles ls forglng a complex documenL, whlch Lhe CM rules ls a SLaggerlng Lask. Marla has lorgery-4 (C1: lorgery-16,
120: lorgery +18) and Lhe relevanL aLLrlbuLe (M1, 14) ls ln1 10 (1nL: ln1 9, 120: 13).
C1: 1ask success ls normally 2u + Sklll >= 8. Marla requlres 2u + lorgery >= 12 (8 + 4 for SLaggerlng dlfflculLy). AlLernaLlvely, Lhe
CM may prefer Lo apply Lhe LargeL modlfler as a negaLlve modlfler on Lhe dlce roll, l.e. 2u + 4 - 4 >= 8.
M1: SLaggerlng dlfflculLy ls equlvalenL Lo M1's lormldable (13+), Lhus Lhe Lask ls 2u + Sklll + (SLaL / 3) >= 13. lor Marla Lhls ls: 2u
+ 4 + 2 >= 13.
1NL: SLaggerlng dlfflculLy ls equlvalenL Lo 1nL's lmposslble, Lhus Lhe Lask ls d20 <= (Sklll + SLaL) x x. lor Marla Lhls ls d20 <= 3,
l.e. (9 + 4) / 4 rounded down.
14: Marla requlres 4u <= ln1 + lorgery. (noLe LhaL 14's SLaggerlng raLlng of 3.3u ls lgnored.)
G1: Marla requlres 3u <= lorgery + 1argeL Modlfler, l.e. 3u <= 16 - 6.
120: Marla requlres d20 + 18 >= 30. (noLe LhaL Lhe ln1 modlfler ls already facLored lnLo Lhe sklll check.)

1ask deflnlLlons should always be used sparlngly - Lhe CM should be able Lo deflne Lhe dlfflculLy and requlred skllls and
equlpmenL for mosL Lasks uslng common sense. Where sLrange skllls or equlpmenL are needed, Lhese can usually be llsLed,
wlLhouL requlrlng a full Lask deflnlLlon. Where a full Lask deflnlLlon ls requlred, use Lhe followlng formaL (you don'L need Lo use
Lhe bold or lLallcs formaLLlng, plaln LexL ls flne):

1o flnd a boar:
ulfflculL 8econ (C1: 1racklng), or
ulfflculL PunLlng (120: /PunLlng), or
lormldable Survlval
+1 ulfflculLy lf rldlng aL full gallop.
+1 ulfflculLy lf losL.
-1 ulfflculLy lf movlng slowly.
!"#$%&$'(&) !'$$#++: 1hey have surprlsed a boar and have one round Lo acL before lL reacLs.
!'$$#++: 1hey have found boar Lracks and can begln followlng Lhem.
,&-(')#: no Lracks found.
!"#$%&$'(&) ,&-(')#: 1hey have become losL.

+1 ulfflculLy lndlcaLes a harder Lask (e.g. an Average Lask becomes ulfflculL) whereas -1 ulfflculLy ls an easler Lask
(e.g. ulfflculL would become Average).

NC1L: 1hls sysLem has been exLenslvely play-LesLed buL suggesLlons for reflnemenLs are always welcome.
Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 5
A Gazetteer to the
Worlds of the Empty Quarter
By Alvin W. Plummer

./ .0&1&/- %#))2)-+% +%)-3# 2/ %4# &)-+%2$)&%-$ !#)0-5-$# )#+-1#/%-&( $26"(#7#+ 28#) 9'(-/&1: ;<= >6"#)-&(?
1he graph|c |s t|t|ed "War!" 8||| Carr. See h|s work at http:]]bc1967.cgsoc|]ga||ery]301660]

Across the Sea of Stars

lnsurgenLs have cuL Lhe roads ouL of Lhe caplLal Lo Lhe
wesL and Lhe norLh. As l Lravelled Lhrough Lhe
provlnces of Lhls vasL, war-Lorn counLry, desplLe
keeplng Lo Lhe relaLlvely calm Longue of kurdlsh
LerrlLory LhaL exLends Lhrough Lhe counLryslde almosL
Lo 8aghdad, l was keenly aware LhaL lL ls noL a place Lo
make a mlsLake ln map readlng.
aLrlck Cockburn, fl. -2300 lmperlal

CulLe a large number of worlds have been Louched
upon ln Lhe pages of SLellar 8eaches, buL here hasn'L
been a llsL of Lhem LhaL an asLrographer or a sLarshlp
capLaln can qulckly browse Lo see whaL's golng on.

1hls arLlcle wlll correcL LhaL overslghL. 1he sysLem
name, hex, subsecLor, and alleglance wlll be llsLed flrsL,
Lhen Lhe source of a brlef descrlpLlon. A map locaLlng
menLloned sysLems ls provlded. lnformaLlon new Lo
Lhls lssue wlll be ln red.

1he Lmpty uarter

1he orlglnal vllanl name for Lhe secLor was Cushgus,
Pome of Chaos" or ChaoLlc Arm." 1he secLor as
renamed Lhe LmpLy CuarLer by Arab seLLlers, namlng lL
afLer a broad deserL reglon of Arabla. lmperlal resldenLs
of Lhe secLor are ofLen referred Lo as LmpLyheads, due
Lo Lhelr generally low level of Lechnology and
educaLlon, coupled wlLh hlgh levels of parochlallsm.
1he pollLe Lerm for Lhese lmperlals ls Cushgusl.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 6

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 7
Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 8
Gamma uadrant

AbabaL/0127 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 64
Cold8ush! rospecLlng ls currenLly runnlng a asLerold
mlnlng operaLlon ln Lhe sysLem.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 18
1hanks Lo a vllanl resupply posL ln -4914 lmperlal (394
8.C.), AbabaL has Lhe honour of belng Lhe flrsL world ln
Lhe secLor seLLled by men. 1housands of years laLer, lL
sLlll serves Lhe (laLesL) lmperlum, as Lhe home of a
naval base. 1he currenL populaLlon ls domlnaLed by
reLlred lmperlal servlcemen and Lhelr descendanLs.

Agnakhong/1137 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 61
1hls ls Lhe only one of Lwo vargr-ma[orlLy worlds ln Lhe
lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer. Whlle Lhere are larger
numbers of vargr on oLher lmperlal worlds ln Lhe Slx
SubsecLors, Lhls ls Lhe only lmperlal world ln Lhe secLor
where Lhe vargr, alone, call Lhe shoLs.

AnaLa/1631 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 31
uncommonly ln Lhe Slx SubsecLors, AnaLa ls a well-run
Lrade enLrepL, populaLed by Amerlcan lndlans who
follow a hlghly ldeallzed agrlculLural/hunLer-gaLherer
culLure afLer work hours.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 19
1hls world ls populaLed prlmarlly by Amerlcan lndlans,
who renL Lhe rlghL Lo seLLle and govern Lhe world from
a vllanl-lranlan famlly LhaL currenLly resldes ln AnLares

Aklar/0936 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 26
Aklar ls a poor, lndlan-domlnaLed world whlch ls
undergolng some pollLlcal Lroubles, sLemmlng from Lhe
exLlncLlon of Lhe local noble llne ln 978 lmperlal.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13
Abadanl bellefs shape several local pollLlcal
phllosophles, and was even Lhe basls of a brlef
planeLary governmenL (923-933), desplLe Lhe
opposlLlon of Lhe local 8arony. 1oday, Abadanl remalns
lnfluenLlal ln many clLles and rural reglons of Lhe

Arakaad/0833 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #7, page 33
Arakaad ls a xenophoblc, mlllLarlzed, honour-bound
world. 1he planeLary governmenL ls currenLly asslsLlng
lnsLellarms ln LesLlng elghL-legged armoured vehlcles
wlLh a small expedlLlonary unlL, deployed across Lhe slx
lmperlal subsecLors of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer - Lhe 'Slx
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
Arakaad - Lhen called 8akad - was one of Lhe Clorlous
1welve, Lhe Lerm glven Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems
LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe vargr lllaglng.

Ardamashll/1237 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 9
Ardamashll has been wracked by sporadlc, on-agaln
off-agaln war for decades. lorLunaLely, baLLle ls
resLrlcLed Lo Lhe planeL's surface. 1he world provldes a
solld sLream of revenue for mercenarles.

AskaaLh/1233 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 20
AskaaLh was a pleasanL colony world whose populaLlon
was growlng nlcely durlng Lhe early lmperlal era and
Lhe lalse uawn. 8uL when Lhe 8reakdown occurred, Lhe
lnhablLanLs Lurned agalnsL each oLher, leadlng Lo
devasLaLlng wars ln Lhe 340s-360s LhaL kllled mosL of
Lhe populaLlon and rulned Lhe lndusLrlal base.

CharlLy/0830 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 19
1he currenL corporaLe sLaLe and socleLy ls bullL on Lhe
rulns of a bankrupL rellglous medlcal mlsslon. 1hanks Lo
her hlgh-Lech medlcal servlces, wealLhy vlslLors from a
flve-parsec radlus vlslL Lhe sysLem for premlum care.
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 32
1he hlsLory of CharlLy ls furLher deLalled here, as ls Lhe
currenL laLlma of CharlLy, 8aroness ?asmln Mlgnonne
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 38
1he acLual populaLlon of CharlLy ls 100,000, lf you
lnclude Lemporary resldenLs. (1raveller uW flgures
only counL permanenL resldenLs).

uageml/0738 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #11, cover, page 22
uageml, a moon of Lhe gas glanL uageml vee, ls lLself
remarkable only for lLs scouL base. Powever, Lhe gas
glanL lLself ls very lnLeresLlng, havlng a genulne 'shlrL-
sleeve envlronmenL' - a warm, breaLhable, low-
radlaLlon layers wlLhln lLs aLmosphere LhaL a man can
breaLhe wlLhouL speclal equlpmenL. ALLempLs Lo creaLe
proper seLLlemenLs, however, have floundered on
serlous loglsLlcal problems.

uharmendra/1236 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 61-62
uharmendra's maln lndusLry ls selllng dog meaL Lo
wealLhy Aslan nobles ln Llshun and AnLares secLors. 1he
maln farm ralslng and processlng Lhe dogs, uddle
larms, ls run by Cvaghoun vargr lmmlgranLs from Lhe
8ukadukaz 8epubllc.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 20

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 9
1hls sysLem was brlefly a hlgh-Lech, falrly well
populaLed culLure unLll Lhe end of Lhe lalse uawn.
uurlng Lhe 8usL, malnLenance of Lhe undersea and
floaLlng seLLlemenLs underwenL a sharp decllne, leadlng
Lo caLasLrophlc fallures and Lhe deaLhs of mllllons. 8y
330, mosL of Lhe populaLlon had abandoned Lhe world,
usually relocaLlng Lo amushgar.

uorado/0940 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 20
uorado was a promlslng world LhaL was seLLled ln Lhe
early 100s, whlch was crushed ln Lhe 8reakup of Lhe
300s lmperlal. 1oday, Lhe populaLlon survlves as a
speclallsL manufacLurlng cenLre ln a hosLlle world.

uumkashga/1327 ?ogesh, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
uumkashga was one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm
glven Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL
Lhe vargr lllaglng.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 3
uumkashga ls one of Lhe few places whlch ls llL and
warmed by a hlghly abnormal rlnged gas glanL.

LbwaLhwa/0633 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 18
1hls world ls someLhlng of an anomaly, a low-Lech
8wap sysLem. 8efore lL was Lransferred Lo 8wap rule,
Lhe llghLly-populaLed world was called kazlpeL.

Lnlnslsh/0333 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 16
Lnlnslsh ls Lhe only sysLem wlLhln Camma CuadranL
whlch has an asLerold belL as Lhe malnworld. 1he belL ls
lncredlbly rlch, and a cenLre for heavy lndusLry ln
nullnad subsecLor. lL ls also home for Lhe kalln-vaenLo
Classlc, an lnLerplaneLary raclng evenL.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19-20
1he economy and populaLlon boomed durlng Lhe lalse
uawn (200-300 lmperlal), wlLh Lhe 1L rlslng from 9 Lo
12. 1he sysLem also suffered harshly ln Lhe followlng
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 10
Lager Lo leave Lhelr cramped quarLers and wlLh Lhe
generous supporL of Lhe lmperlal governmenL, 140
mllllon of Lnlnslshl relocaLed Lo Lhe recenLly
reconquered and parLlally depopulaLed world of Pebrln
ln Lhe laLe 9
lmperlal cenLury.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13
Many asLerold culLures were affecLed by Abadanl, an
anLl-noble communlsL movemenL exLanL from Lhe
920s. Lven Loday, some lnfluence can sLlll be felL ln
many asLerold seLLlemenLs: communlsL bureaucracy ls
a good flL wlLh LradlLlonal vllanl culLure.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 20
velphac, an asLerold ln Lhls sysLem, ls Lhe home of Lhe
LoughesL maxlmum-securlLy lmperlal prlson ln Lhe

Cagukam/0140 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 12
1hls was Lhe flrsL world ln Lhe secLor Lo swear fealLy Lo
Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum, ln 77-004 lmperlal.

Clmushl/1431 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 18
Clmushl was one of Lhe 1wln lllars of Peaven durlng
Lhe llrsL lmperlum, acLlng as Lhe agrlculLural
breadbaskeL for Lhe secLor.

Clngesh/0433 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 16
A vllanl sysLem seLLled durlng Lhe llrsL lmperlum, Lhe
governmenL ls a resLrlcLlve clvll servlce LhaL would
make a flnd 8wap world - lf lL wasn'L so dry.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13
As parL of Lhe Sashar-amushgar ClusLer, Clngesh was
sLrongly affecLed by Abadanl, an lnLersLellar anLl-noble
communlsL movemenL. lLs lnfluence has faded
subsLanLlally slnce Lhe 930s, buL some of Lhe symbols,
ways of LhoughL, and old slogans are sLlll parL of
everyday llfe.

Cobl/1331 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19
CuLslders, who loved Lhe wlldness of Lhe secLor buL
dlsllked Lhe locals, chose Lo make Lhls world Lhelr base
of operaLlon around 240 lmperlal, durlng Lhe lalse
uawn era.

Cudlna/0334 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 10
Cudlna ls a ma[or sLorage cenLre of old lmperlal
paperwork and daLa. As an lmperlal 8esource world, lL
ls admlnlsLered dlrecLly by Lhe lmperlum, Lo meeL
lmperlal needs. 1he World Llbrary of Cudlna provldes
resources Lo many presLlglous academles and research
lnsLlLuLlons, wlLh daLa sLreLchlng back Lo Lhe llrsL
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
Cudlna was one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven
Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe
vargr lllaglng.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 14
Cudlna was lnlLlally hosLlle Lo Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum, buL
was persuaded Lo [oln ln reLurn for glvlng Lhe world her
old poslLlon as a documenL deposlLory.

Padlya/0328 LenLull, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 10

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 10
Padlya ls home Lo a small, proflLable shlpyard caLerlng
Lo Lhe noble ellLe. 1he leadershlp of Lhe world has
remalned ouLslde of Lhe lmperlum for varlous
unspeclfled reasons, whlch Lhe local noblllLy ls happy
Lo accepL. 1he planeLary governmenL also owns a
nearby unallgned world, lalza/0323.

!aleel/1040 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 29
Llke many hosLlle worlds, Lhe small populaLlon ls
housed ln a serles of domes, wlLh only a flnlLe level of
llfe supporL. 1he dead are recycled, and Lhe planeL
cannoL supporL a sudden lnflux of Lhousands of

keferee: 1he slmple, hard llmlLs of llvlng on a hosLlle
world are an absoluLely unremarkable facL of llfe for
hundreds of Lhousands of worlds across CharLed Space,
regardless of specles or governmenL. AL leasL once, be
sure Lo pound Lhese LruLhs lnLo Lhe head of your Cs: 1)
Space ls really hosLlle, 2) Lhe SLuff of Llfe ls really
llmlLed, 3) lamlly flrsL, SLrangers and 1ravellers lasL.
8ead 1he Cold LquaLlons for more background.

Cn Lhe oLher hand, for Lhose ln more successful secLors
Lhan Lhe LmpLy CuarLer: 4) Lhe hlgher Lhe Lech level,
Lhe greaLer Lhe margln avallable for survlval, and Lhe
more llkely mercy wlll be shown Lo vlslLors ln need, 3)
Lhe hlgher Lhe Lech level, Lhe hlgher Lhe llkellhood
plraLes wlll come Lo selze LhaL wealLh for Lhemselves,
6) Lhe hlgher Lhe Lech level, Lhe more llkely Lhe world ls
able Lo defend lLself (or Lhey would have losL LhaL Lech
Lo Lhleves long ago.)

ka-aswa/1230 ?ogesh, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 11
ka-aswa ls Lhe home of Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlve Academy of
ka-aswa, whlch ls hlghly respecLed across Lhe secLor
and beyond for Lhe quallLy of her graduaLes. As a rule
of Lhumb, Lhe Academy focuses on excellenL
bureaucraLlc admlnlsLraLlon and dlplomacy, especlally
among lmperlal worlds.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 26
ka-aswa ls Lhe oldesL of Lhe four ma[or 8wap-domlnanL
sysLems ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19
1he AdmlnlsLraLlve Academy was founded ln 277,
durlng Lhe lalse uawn era.

kenrasda/1436 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 22
kenrasda ls only one parsec from amushgar, and ls
slmllar ln many ways (wlLh Lhe planeL's slze and gravlLy
belng Lhe ma[or excepLlon). Powever, lL never
prospered as well as amushgar. 1hls ls especlally Lrue
ln Lhe afLermaLh of Lhe lalse uawn: whlle amushgar
had Lo endure furlous buL locallzed wars, kenrasda had
Lo go Lhrough Lwo grlndlng world wars ln Lhe 300s, and
a heavy loss of Lechnologlcal and lndusLrlal capaclLy,
falllng from 1L 9 aL 300 lmperlal Lo 1L 3 aL 400 lmperlal.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13
kenrasda was Lhe home of Lhe mosL powerful Abadanl
arLy, and was ofLen consldered Lhe leadlng world of
Lhe Abadanl pollLlcal movemenL ln Lhe 900s. 1oday, Lhe
kenrasdal Abadanl arLy ls only a shell of lLs former
self: lL remalns as much an lmpersonal bureaucracy as
ever, buL Lhe law level of Lhe world lL rules has fallen
sharply, and Lhe opposlLlon Lo lmperlal rule ls merely
symbollc and ceremonlal, noL real and dangerous.

khlnuml/0337 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 16
1he Mlxed vllanl world has only recenLly reLurned Lo
Lhe Lechnologlcal level esLabllshed durlng Lhe Long
nlghL. LfforLs made by Lhe LechnocraLlc governmenL
and llSS acLlon durlng Lhe Crand Survey of Lhree
cenLurles ago were cruclal Lo Lhls reLurn Lo her orlglnal
Larly SLellar Lech level.

(Io||ow|ng page) @2+% 8-+-%2)+ 2/(A +## %4# 5(2&%-/B (&/1-/B "&1+ &/1 +#6-C+'06#)B#1 +%&)+4-" 4&/B#)+ 25 %4#
DE&"C)'/ .C+&%4+&%E&C >6"#)-&( !$2'% D&+# 2/ F&E&%&+? G/(A 5#E +## %4# %)'# 4#&)% 25 %4# 0&+#: +#% 1##" 2/
%4# 2$#&/ 5(22)? 1he graph|c |s t|t|ed "Underwater research |aboratory" A|exandr Me|ent|ev.
See h|s work at http:]]a|exandr-m.cgsoc|]ga||ery]S83477]

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 11

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 12
Lazlsar/1233 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 23
Lazlsar ls a noLable world of Camma CuadranL, for her
relaLlve wealLh, hlgh populaLlon, and sLrong lmperlal
Lles. 1he largesL lmperlal base ls locaLed here.
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 32, 33
1he domlnanL rellglon of Lhe sysLem, and Lhe mosL
common bellef for a plurallLy (largesL rellglon, buL sLlll
noL a ma[orlLy) of Lhe Slx SubsecLors, ls klkhushegl, a
vllanlzed form of lslam.
1he masslve orblLlng clLy of Solarlopolls ls ln orblL over
Lazlsar. lL ls Lhe mosL heavlly defended polnL ln Lhe
LmpLy CuarLer, and ls also home Lo Lhe lmperlal naval
8ase and Lhe largesL lmperlal navy yards ln Lhe secLor.
Large areas of Lhe clvlllan slde of Lhe space sLaLlon are
lawless, wlLh bandlLs armed wlLh low-Lech weapons.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 10
Pebrln lnLroduced lslam Lo Lazlsar ln -1237. Lazlsarl
modlflcaLlons Lo lslamlc docLrlne - whlch evenLually
was codlfled Lo Lhe klkhushegl rellglon - led Lo a
subllghL [lhad, an expenslve and lnconcluslve war LhaL
ended afLer four cenLurles. 1he Lazlsarl World (laLer,
SysLem) ulrecLoraLe was founded ln -792 lmperlal.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19
Solarlopolls was founded over Lazlsar as a lmperlal
uepoL ln 238 lmperlal. 1he planeLary economy and
populaLlon boomed durlng Lhe lalse uawn (200-300
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 23
uurlng a serles of lnLra-noble hosLlllLles ln Lhe pre-Clvll
War era, Lhe Lazlsarl poslLloned Lhemselves as 'neuLral
lmperlal paLrloLs'. Whlle Lhey were unable Lo have Lhe
secLor caplLal Lransferred Lo Lhelr sysLem (and Lhelr
uuke become SecLor uuke), Lhey dld wln oLher
beneflLs, lncludlng more lmperlal mlllLary spendlng on
Lhelr world and a parLlally dlsplaclng Lhe Arab Musllms
LhaL LradlLlonally domlnaLed Lhe local lmperlal mlllLary.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 6
1he lmperlal uepoL of Lazlsar ls downgraded Lo a large
naval base ln 741 lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 10
As a show of Lhelr paLrloLlc loyalLy Lo Lhe lmperlum,
abouL 30 mllllon Lazlsarl moved Lo Lhe recenLly-
reconquered world of Pebrln, 873-910

Marhaban/0428 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 4
Marhaban ls Lhe homeworld of Lhe 8wap race, and ls of
greaL hlsLorlcal slgnlflcance.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 17
1hls world has been renamed Lhrlce: 1he 8wap name of
1aswabwapeaspa, Lhe anclenL vllanl name of LenLull,
and Lhe Second lmperlum name of Marhaban, Arablc
for 'Pello'.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 26
As Lhe homeworld, Marhaban ls Lhe oldesL of Lhe four
ma[or 8wap-domlnanL sysLems ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 12
Marhaban's declslon Lo swear alleglance Lo Lhe 1hlrd
lmperlum on 208-013 carrled greaL welghL on 8wap
creches across CharLed Space.

Mlklk/0228 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 11
Mlklk ls among Lhe mosL xenophoblc human worlds
known Lo man, due Lo a Lragedy durlng Lhe Long nlghL.
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 27
An ouLllne of whaL a 1raveller can expecL when ln Mlklk
orblL ls descrlbed.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
Mlklk was one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven
Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems ln Lhe CuarLer LhaL sLood
agalnsL Lhe vargr lllaglng.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 10
Mlklk was severely damaged by vargr ralders Lwlce ln
Lhe posL-lllaglng perlod, wlLh an arLlflclal plague
Lurnlng Lhe populaLlon agalnsL all lnLersLellar vlslLors,
regardless of specles. (CapLured humans, clalmlng Lo be
fleelng vargr hosLlllLy, were used as Lhe dlsease vecLor.)
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 14
1he LmaLan Campalgns were Lhe mosL exLenslve
lmperlal campalgns waged Lo enforce lmperlal
auLhorlLy on Lhe ground: endlng ln a mlserable fallure,
Lhe lmperlum declded Lo abandon Lhe world Lo lLs faLe.

Mordekal/1633 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches, page 19
A group of LasL lndlan !ewry from 8ombay seLLled Lhls
world ln 246, renamlng Lhe sysLem from Ashgllrkls.
Large sums were spenL on purlfylng Lhe aLmosphere,
wlLh Lhe lmperlum flnally reclasslfylng Lhe alr Lo
SLandard denslLy (breaLhable) ln 711 lmperlal.

nullnad/0338 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 24
nullnad ls a genLle, hosplLable world, and Lhe secLor
caplLal of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. 1he bureaucraLlc
governmenL ls run along an lndlan-sLyle Llcense 8a[, buL
Lhe law level remalns qulLe low.
Ste||ar keaches #01, page 19
uurlng Lhe llrsL lmperlum, nullnad's name was
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19
numerous lmpresslve archlLecLural works and
remarkable publlc bulldlngs were bullL ln Lhe clLles of
nullnad durlng Lhe lalse uawn era (200-300 lmperlal).
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 71
Lldack AlLch ls Lhe slLe of Lhe 8lue Lye PoLel, a safe
place Lo sLay for a sLeady sLream of lnLersLellar vlslLors.
Lldack AlLch ls a moon of Lhe gas glanL Lldack.
Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 13

.B-/)#/: %4# "2(&) +#&% 25 %4# @&)H'-+ 25 I&6'+4B&)? >% -+ -/+%&/%(A )#$2B/-J&0(#: %4&/3+ %2 %4# (&3# %4&%
+'))2'/1+ %4# -+(&/1C$-%A: 2/# 25 %4# 8#)A 5#E %2 0# 52'/1 2/ %4-+ 1#+#)% E2)(1? K/(-3# L#0)-/: I&6'+4B&) -+
0(#++#1 E-%4 %)'(A 6&++-8#: E2)(1CB-)1-/B &H'-5#)+ '/1#) %4# 1)AC&+C1'+% (&/1? M-%4 $&)#5'( 0')#&'$)&%-$ $2/%)2(
&/1 +%)-$% )#B'(&%-2/: %4-+ N-(&/- E2)(1 4&+ 0##/ &0(# %2 6&-/%&-/ 4#) 0-((-2/+ 25 -/4&0-%&/%+ E-%42'% %4# /##1 52)
L#0)-/C+%A(# 6&++-8# -$# 5(##%+? 1he graph|c above |s t|t|ed "1ranqu|||ty" Gary 1ongue. V|s|t h|s ga||ery at

amushgar/1337 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 11
ln conLrasL Lo Mlklk, amushgar dld very well durlng
Lhe Long nlghL, and malnLalned Lhe vllanl 1rl-8ureaux
sysLem unLll four decades ago. AL LhaL Llme, a mlllLary y
leader promlsed Lo brlng ln elecLlons, whlch sLlll have
noL occurred. Cuerllla acLlon sLlll occurs agalnsL Lhe
'lnLerlm' governmenL.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
amushgar was one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm
glven Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL
Lhe vargr lllaglng.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 9
uesplLe havlng Lhe ablllLy Lo do so, amushgar never
esLabllshed her own lnLersLellar pollLy, preferrlng Lo
lnvesL ln her own lndusLrlal & Lechnologlcal ablllLles
raLher Lhan lnLersLellar colonlzaLlon & conquesL.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 13
amushgar was admlLLed lnLo Lhe lmperlum aL 16
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19
1he planeLary economy and populaLlon boomed durlng
Lhe lalse uawn (200-300 lmperlal) - buL aL Lhe cosL of a
permanenL aLmospherlc LalnL.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 27
Much of Lhe planeL was Laken over by plraLes ln Lhe
Clvll War era.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13
amushgar was Lhe cenLre of local anLl-Abadanl
acLlvlLy, and ofLen suffered for lL wlLh numerous
LerrorlsL aLLacks, assasslnaLlons, and sLrlke acLlons.
Slnce Lhe 930s, Lhough, Lhe Abadanl Llde has slowly
ebbed away, and mosL of Lhe survlvlng groups LhaL
clalm Abadanl supporL are really [usL crlmlnal fronLs,
wlLhouL serlous ldeologlcal conLenL.

aweba/0828 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 22
aweba ls a 8wap-domlnaLed sysLem. lL ls home Lo
SLeelblock, an lmperlal prlson for pslons who have noL
been loboLomlzed.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 14
ugaash/0337 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 16
1he old global Lheocracy has been spllL lnLo Lhree ma[or
powers. lLs poor levels of wealLh have resLrlcLed Lhe
world's ablllLy Lo exLend power and culLure across Lhe
sLars, desplLe lLs hlgh populaLlon.
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 37
1he planeL ls Lhe cenLre of many self-lnfllcLed Lroubles.
Lndemlc vlolence ls on a sLrong downLrend, as mosL of
Lhe soldlery ls servlng Lhe lmperlum aL Lhe baLLleflelds
of Lhe 8lm War. 1he old lmperlal garrlson has also been
hasLlly removed and redeployed. Cne sLaLe, Lhe unlfled
SLaLe of uudlkun, ls qulLe hosLlle Lo her nelghbours.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 9
1he vllanl seLLlemenL was planLed very early ln Lhe
Second lmperlum, and was grounded ln Lhe hunger for
absoluLe power, raLher Lhan Lhe usual vllanl obsesslon
for absoluLe sLablllLy. lL dld falrly well durlng Lhe Long
nlghL, desplLe falllng Lo esLabllsh a pockeL emplre. 1he
unlfled Lheocracy flrsL fell aparL ln 199 lmperlal, only Lo
reunlLe and dlslnLegraLe ln a cycllcal paLLern.

8asu/0637 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 11
A hlgh-Lech uLoplan colony, 8asu ls lndeed compleLely
free of crlme, Lhanks Lo Lhe (relaLlvely) wealLhy
economy and lnLense law level, Lhe hlghesL ln Lhe
secLor. lL ls a beauLlful world, buL besL en[oyed from
!"#$"% Lhe very comforLable sLarporL.
Ste||ar keaches #7, page 29
1he currenL lmperlal noble ls 8aron Sallan. WheLher
Lhe 8aron ls a Lrue egomanlac, or merely lndulges ln a
blL of self-promoLlon, ls an lnLeresLlng quesLlon.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 11
8asu's currenL populaLlon descends from a vllanl
uLoplan movemenL from !uba/AnLares. Arrlvlng ln 828,
Lhe one mllllon members of Lhe 1rue Work movemenL
slmulLaneously arrlved ln orblL, and seLLled lnLo pre-
fabrlcaLed houslng. 1he populaLlon grew qulckly, as dld
Lhe laws, and had Lhe mean-splrlLed pleasure of seelng
Lhe greaL world of !uba decllne ln lmporLance.

8lamllr/1427 ?ogesh, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 16
8lamllr was Lhe reglonal cenLre of Lhe Church of Lhe
SLellar ulvlnlLy durlng Lhe early lmperlum: Lhe lasL
ma[or populaLlon cenLre of SLar Worshlp ln Lhe LmpLy
CuarLer, Lhe clLy of Avesnes, was flnally abandoned Lo
Lhe [ungle ln 804.

8ommel/0134 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 42-43
8ommel ls a Solomanl eugenlc seLLlemenL, where Lhe
locals focus on Lhe lmprovemenL of Lhe 8ace. lLs' focus
on geneLlc sclence makes lL a mlnor sclenLlflc cenLre ln
Camma CuadranL.
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 38
non-humans are broadly re[ecLed here, buL vllanl - lf
Lhey are wllllng Lo accepL geneLlc changes Lo Lhelr
chlldren - are welcome, and ofLen are qulLe happy ln
Lhe well-ordered socleLy.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19
8ommel was orlglnally Lhe home of a falled arsee
colony, named namabhal. lL was reseLLled by a
Solomanl eugenlcally-mlnded culLure ln waves, from
214 Lo 264 lmperlal. 1he sysLem soon became a rellable
provlder of geneLlcally-englneered food and peLs.

Saffron/0128 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 30
Saffron has hosLed a falled seLLlemenL Lhree Llmes, and
ls now undergolng a fourLh aLLempL. (ALLempL #3
suffered an orblLal bombardmenL durlng Lhe !ullan
War.) CurrenLly, Saffron earns her wages by
reLroflLLlng subllghL sLarshlps senL Lo her by Lhe nearby
world of AbabaL and Lukaau. When Lhey arrlve, Saffron
ouLflLs Lhem wlLh !ump-1 drlves. 1hls ls an Amerlcan
lndlan world, buL few here care.

Sablra/0729 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 12
1he LenLull dynasLy bullL and malnLalned Lhe planned
clLy of Aledo ln Lhe early 100s. LaLer ln Lhe cenLury, lL
would laLer be razed by Lhe roLecLoraLe durlng Lhe
!ullan War.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 23
A famous memorlal Lo Lhe local branch of Pouse LenLull
- exLlngulshed durlng Lhe !ullan War - was dedlcaLed
here by Lmperor AngulsLus ln 387. AfLer Lhe LoLal
desLrucLlon of Pouse LenLull, a larger memorlal was
dedlcaLed here by Crand rlnce Zhaklrov ln 636.

Sashar/0336 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 22
1he sysLem dldn'L prosper greaLly durlng Lhe lalse
uawn, buL cerLalnly pald Lhe prlce durlng Lhe 8usL, wlLh
a ma[or loss of populaLlon and Lechnology.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13
1here was an Abadanl planeLary governmenL from 933
Lo 963, and several clvll and reglonal wars & rebelllons
were foughL over Lhe lssue. Lven Loday, some
provlnces of Lhe planeLary Lechnocracy follow Abadanl
phllosophles Lo a greaLer or lesser exLenL.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page
Sashar ls a world domlnaLed by a erslan/Arab
Solomanl, wlLh a noLable 8wap mlnorlLy. xerxes ls Lhe
caplLal of Lhe planeLary sLaLe, and Lhe locaLlon of Lhe

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 15

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 16
(rev|ous) !42E/ &028# -+ O'+% 2/# 25 %4# 6&/A 6&++-8# 4A1)2"2/-$ 5&$-(-%-#+ 2/ P&+'? Q4# ")#$-+-2/C1#+-B/#1
"(&/%+ "#)52)6 6'(%-"(# 5'/$%-2/+R ")21'$-/B 5221: )#$A$(-/B E&+%#: "')-5A-/B E&%#): &/1 +(2E(A )#628-/B %4#
%&-/% 25 %4# &%62+"4#)#? 1he graph|c |s t|t|ed "IC - factory for process|ng carbon d|ox|de" A|exandr
Me|ent|ev. See h|s work at http:]]a|exandr-m.cgsoc|]ga||ery]903000]

Shlkua/0630 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 23
Shlkua has a long hlsLory of dlsappolnLlng seLLlers and
prospecLors. Lven Lhough lL ls Lechnlcally an
lndependenL planeLary governmenL, lL ls closely
afflllaLed wlLh Lhe world of Lazlsar, whlch provldes
some mlllLary proLecLlon for her mlnlng lnLeresLs here.

Slblklllr/1430 ?ogesh, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #10, cover, page 18
Slblklllr was one of Lhe 1wln lllars of Peaven durlng
Lhe llrsL lmperlum, acLlng as Lhe lndusLrlal powerhouse
for Lhe secLor. Cnly rulns remaln now.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
Slblklllr was one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven
Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe
vargr lllaglng.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 24
1hls was Lhe slLe of Lhe famous 8aLLle of Slblklllr -
uecember 29, 2813 or 363-(-)1703 lmperlal) - where
Lhe ma[or vargr plllaglng fleeLs of Lhe secLor unlLed Lo
conquer Slblklllr, Lhe lasL ma[or human sLronghold.
1hey couldn'L Lake lL lnLacL, so Lhey effecLlvely kllled
Lhe world, buL aL Lhe cosL of mosL of Lhelr shlps, and
Lhe effecLlve end of Lhe vargr lllaglng ln Lhe secLor.
1hls ls a hollday on mosL lmperlal worlds and CllenL
SLaLes ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.

SurogoLa/0231 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 11
1hls ls Lhe home of Lhe only naLlve sophonL race ln Lhe
secLor. 1he splder-llke SurogoLans (Lhey call Lhemselves
Lhe xu'rokoLanl) are an ocLapedal, homoeoLhermlc,
endoskeleLal, and asexual specles who survlve ln a very
hosLlle blosphere. 1hey are well-versed ln medlclne and
bloLechnology, desplLe Lhelr low Lechnologlcal level,
and are hlghly valued as medlcal professlonals. 1he
SurogoLans are few ln number, buL Lhe lnnumerable
dangers of Lhelr world have proLecLed Lhelr clvlllzaLlon
from human seLLlemenL beLLer Lhan hlgh-Lech warfleeLs
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 12
1he xu'rokoLanl were orlglnally called Lhe lkll by Lhe
lnlLlal vllanl scouLs.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 13
AnclenL records on Cudlna allowed Lhe lmperlum Lo re-
dlscover Lhe SurogoLans ln 27 lmperlal. 1he world was
lnLerdlcLed ln 30 lmperlal, as Lhe llSS feared LhaL
seLLlers would overwhelm Lhe small naLlve populaLlon.
1he dangerous envlronmenL soon puL an end Lo LhaL
concern, and Lhe lnLerdlcLlon order was resclnded ln 31

1apawa/0931 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 26
1apawa ls one of Lhe four ma[or 8wap-domlnanL
sysLems ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.

ushmlgad/0638 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 24, 28, 30
1he exLremely wealLhy Mshreuu famlly, helr Lo Lhe
lnvenLor and producer off conLragrav furnlLure, resldes
on (acLually, over) Lhls world. 1he helr Lo Lhe famlly has
her own buLLerfly-Lhemed conLragrav esLaLe.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 11
Large conLragrav esLaLes and clLles exlsL over Lhls
world, someLhlng very rare ln Lhe Slx SubsecLors.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 20
SLandlng dlrecLly agalnsL Lhe vllanl haLred of
lnnovaLlon, Lhe Ashl Curlaglll culL seLLled ushmlgad ln
266. 1hey have a very hlgh sLandard of llvlng, a raLher
florld and emoLlonal culLure, and are deeply haLed by
conformlsL vllanl. ugaash resldenLs wlll klll Lhem as
LwlsLed perverLs (afLer followlng proper bureaucraLlc
procedure, naLurally), lf Lhey are aware of Lhelr
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13
WealLhy ushmlgad was seen as an Lnemy of Lhe eople
by Abadanl, and suffered from several famous LerrorlsL
lncldenLs ln Lhe 940s-960s. Lven Loday, Lhe occaslonal
Abadanl-lnsplred lndusLrlal sLrlke occurs on occaslon.

vlpan/1038 Clmushl, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 10
vlpan ls a helllsh world, where cerLaln useful elemenLs
and compounds are avallable ln abundance. A small buL
long-sLandlng buoyanL (nC1 conLragrav) Lown manages
Lhe exLracLlon and sale of Lhe local maLerlals. 1he local
culLure ls prlmarlly Plndl, wlLh a large LranslenL vllanl
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 17
1he Clmba[ah Craves were found dug lnLo Lhe earLh of
Lhe roarlng open-alr oven of vlpan. 1he remalns of
several men ln 1L-u 8aLLle uress, surroundlng a man ln
a dlsLlncLlve verslon of Lhe same baLLle armour, were
uncovered. 1he ldenLlLy of Lhe man ln Lhe cenLre of Lhe
proLecLlve formaLlon, probably a noble, ls sLlll under

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 17
Woswaab/1130 ?ogesh, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 18
8efore 690, Lhls was Lhe Arab-domlnaLed world of
SabLah. Clven Lo Lhe 8waps by Lmpress MargareL l as a
Loken of Lhanks for Lhelr loyalLy ln malnLalnlng Lhe
lmperlal bureaucracy durlng Lhe Clvll War, lL remalns a
sore polnL wlLh Lhe local Arab populaLlon, Lhree
cenLurles laLer. lL remalns a low-Lech sysLem, unllke Lhe
oLher 8wap sysLems, buL slmllar Lo mosL of Lhe human
worlds ln Lhe Slx SubsecLors.

Wesaswek/0229 LenLull, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #7, page 11-16
Wesaswek ls one of Lhe few 8wap-domlnaLed worlds ln
CharLed Space. A hlgh-Lech sancLuary ln a low-Lech
secLor, lL ls more deeply LradlLlonal, yeL less sLrucLured,
Lhan Lhe moLherworld of Marhaban. Puge weaLher
conLrol sLaLlons help Lo manage Lhe planeLary humldlLy
Lo 8wap levels of comforL.
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 49-30
A brlef descrlpLlon of a spacer's vlslL Lo Wesaswek ls
provlded here.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 26
Wesaswek ls one of Lhe four ma[or 8wap-domlnanL
sysLems ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19
Wesaswek became very wealLhy durlng Lhe lalse uawn
(200-300 lmperlal), due Lo her progresslve hlgh-Lech

?ogesh/1328 ?ogesh, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 12
?ogesh ls Lhe home of a boomlng elecLronlcs lndusLry,
wlLh her general purpose roboLs servlng all of Camma
CuadranL. ?ogesh also admlnlsLers Lhe world of
uLhurrvon, a Lroubled lrlllLok vargr sysLem wlLhln Lhe
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 27-28
?ogesh ls a sLrongly casLe-bound socleLy, wlLh a mlx of
lndlan and vllanl soclal mores. vargr are kepL low on
Lhe LoLem pole.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19
uurlng Lhe lalse uawn (200-300 lmperlal), ?ogesh's
roboLlc lndusLry found her fooLlng and began Lo really
Lake off.

Zukhlsa/0139 nullnad, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 18
1hls sysLem was a powerhouse lndusLrlal cenLre wlLhln
Lhe secLor durlng Lhe llrsL lmperlum, noL as mlghLy as
Slblklllr, buL sLlll worLhy of noLe.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 24
Per populaLlon wenL lnLo free fall soon afLer Lhe end of
Lhe llrsL lmperlum. AfLer sufferlng boLh an economlc
and an ecosysLem collapse, Lhe sysLem flnally began Lo
recover ln Lhe -1000s.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 20
AnLarean lndusLrlal concerns began Lo make use of Lhe
large workforce of Zukhlsa ln Lhe laLe 200s, allowlng a
cerLaln level of low-Lech prosperlLy Lo reLurn Lo Lhe
world. Some of Lhls prosperlLy was Lemporarlly losL ln
Lhe local 8usL of Lhe 4
lmperlal cenLury, buL was
palnfully regalned afLerwards.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 30-33
A deLalled ouLllne of Zukhlsa, sulLable for a 1raveller
looklng for work, ls presenLed.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 8
Zukhlsa & Ceneral roducL's relaLlonshlp solldlfles ln
Lhe posL-clvll war perlod.

De|ta uadrant

Aleshanee/1731 udusls, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #6, page 13
Aleshanee ls well known as Lhe home of an lmperlal
llnlshlng School, where Lhe chlldren of 'nobles ln
embarrasslng clrcumsLances' are Lralned for lmperlal
servlce. All cosLs are assumed by Lhe lmperlal College of

Alsha/1836 lrash, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 30
Alsha ls Lhe slLe of an lmperlal MlnlsLry of ColonlzaLlon
pro[ecL, flnanclally asslsLed by Lhe lmporLanL lslamlc
Lheocracy of Conda/ualbel. 8esldenLs are closer Lo Lhe
'SLandard lmperlal CulLure' Lhan mosL of Lhe Slx
SubsecLors. 1hey also reLaln sLrong Lles Lo Lhe Solomanl
Sphere, and look down on local Musllms as belng
supersLlLlous peasanLs, compared Lo Lhelr own pure
form of lslam.

8elumar/1838 lrash, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 30-31
8elumar ls domlnaLed by Amerlcan lndlans, buL ln Lhls
case Lhey orlglnaLe from Lhe souLh-wesLern reaches of
Lhe llrsL Amerlcan 8epubllc: MesLlzos and deserL Lrlbes
llke Lhe ueblos predomlnaLe. 1radlLlonally a
breadbaskeL world, Lhe sysLem ls sufferlng hard Llmes
ln 993, wlLh mosL of Lhe agrlculLural equlpmenL,
roboLlcs, and LransporL lnoperaLlve, Lhe world has
problems feedlng herself. 8egular plraLe aLLacks [usL
make Lhlngs worse for Lhls undefended world.

8eLa nlobe/2823 1urley, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #7, page 10-11
8eLa nlobe was Lhe slLe of a nova ln -836, whlch lefL a
small nebula enclrcllng Lhe sLar. 1he sLar ls sLlll
expecLed Lo enLer a supernova sLaLe, whlch could well

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 18
klll everyLhlng allve ln Lhe secLor: when Lhls wlll
happen, now or ln a mllllon years, ls sLlll unknown. A
SLellar ulvlnlLy monasLery, supporLed by Lhe moLher
church on Lawlnger, ls locaLed here.

Camllla/2328, 1urley, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 7
uescendanLs of refugees who lefL Lhe oppresslve
reglme of Llamea cenLurles ago, Lhe Lhousands who call
Lhe 8epubllc of Camllla home survlve vla Lrade wlLh
Lawlnger, Lhe only oLher nelghbour. As Lawlnger's
monarchy has shlfLed her focus from forelgn Lo
domesLlc pollcy, Lhe seLLlemenL on Camllla wlll soon
lose vlLal supporL, and may Lhen dwlndle and dle.

!-%%-/B 2/ %4# @-+%)&( S2&+%: 20+#)8-/B %4# T-8-/B S(2'1+? Q'%U3U6&4A& S2/%-/#/% VS26&/$4#R WI#""#)XY:
S4-6&(-+ +A+%#6: ;=Z >6"#)-&(? 1he graph|c |s t|t|ed "M|stra| Coast" Chr|st|an "1|gaer" necker. |ease see h|s
work at http:]]www.t|gaer-des|]

Chlmalls/3224 1urley, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 11
ollLlcal exlles from Pebrln - boLh human (Amerlcan
lndlans) and vargr - arrlved aL Lhls pleasanL world aL
360 lmperlal, afLer Lravelllng for over four cenLurles on
subllghL sLarshlps.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 19
1here are cerLaln slmllarlLles beLween Lhls world and
Lnola, belng boLh worlds spllL beLween Amerlcan
lndlans and Suedzuk vargr.

Cooke/2030, Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #4, pages 19-20
1he planeL ls qulLe sLormy, wlLh swlfL wlnds, heavy
ralnfalls, and blankeLs of clouds close Lo Lhe world's
surface. 1he human, 8wap and vargr culLures lnLeracL
peaceably wlLh each oLher, buL are qulLe compeLlLlve ln
buslness. 1here are a large number of seml-lnLelllgenL
and borderllne senLlenL specles here: Lhe near-sophonL
llfe ls proLecLed.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 19-20
1he planeL ls domlnaLed by a quleLly secularlsL and
whlLe populaLlon, surrounded by falrly-Lo-hlghly devouL
klkhushegl (vllanl lslam) Lazlsarl, Plndu LasL lndlan, and
Musllm Arab sysLems. 1he sysLem, orlglnally named Al
kufrah, was purchased from Lhe uuke of Pebrln ln 223,
and seLLled ln Lhe early 300s, durlng Lhe dylng boom
years of Lhe lalse uawn and Lhe early years of Lhe
8reakdown (a.k.a. 'Lhe 8reakup', '1he 8usL'). 1he
orlglnal seLLlers lncluded many pro-lmperlal soldlers
and Lraders.

Corcoran/1934 udusls, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 9
Corcoran has been lnLerdlcLed by Lhe llSS for Lhe
proLecLlon of an AnclenL slLe - a slLe LhaL was revealed
Lo be a hoax ln 990. lL wlll be shlfLed Lo an Amber Zone

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 19
ln 996, and Lhen Creen Zoned ln 998. no oLher posslble
AnclenL slLes are known Lo exlsL wlLhln Lhe LmpLy

uaruka/2230 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #6, page 11
uaruka ls a sLrongly Plndu, raLher paclflc agrlculLural
world. AL one Llme a sLronghold of Lhe locally-famous
ZlnLa dynasLy, lL ls now [usL anoLher poor world ln a
poor nelghbourhood - buL lLs varled vegeLable
producLs are good enough for a once-a-decade vlslL by
a k'kree Lradlng clan. noLe LhaL Lhe LalnLed aLmosphere
kllls mosL lnhablLanLs before Lhey reach 30.

Lnola/2933 ?ashodhan, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 9
Lnola ls a rlch yeL lsolaLed world, run by a Lechnologlcal
ellLe descended from Lhe orlglnal 1hlrd lmperlum
research sLaLlon. 8oLh humans and vargr reslde here,
generally ln comlLy. 1he leadershlp has close Lles wlLh
Ma[esLlc Llnes, Lo encourage conLacL and Lrade wlLh Lhe
1hlrd lmperlum.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 14
Lnola declared herself lndependenL of lmperlal rule ln
70: her lsolaLed poslLlon (and dlfflculLy Lo malnLaln
conLacL) led Lhe lmperlum Lo accepL her declaraLlon.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 19
1here are cerLaln slmllarlLles beLween Lhls world and
Chlmalls, belng boLh worlds spllL beLween Amerlcan
lndlans and Suedzuk vargr.

Lxlle/2423 Pebrln, lmperlal CllenL SLaLe
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 10
1hls sysLem ls populaLed by belLers descended from
enemles of Lhe Second lmperlum, exlled here
Lhousands of years ago. 1he sysLem ls 8ed Zoned, and
lnLruders face deaLh or lmprlsonmenL, dependlng on
who geLs Lo Lhem flrsL: Lhe Lxlles or Lhe lmperlal navy.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 13-16
llSS & naval conLacL wlLh Lhe seLLlers began only on 86
lmperlal, wlLh Lhe sysLem 8ed Zoned ln 101 lmperlal.

Caurl/2129 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 17
Caurl ls run by a small band of LechnocraLlc colonlsLs,
who have been here slnce Lhe Long nlghL era over a
Lhousand years ago. lL ls rumoured LhaL Lhere ls a laLe
Second lmperlum cache of Lechnology and lnformaLlon
somewhere on Lhe world, buL no one has found lL ln
almosL a Lhousand years.
Ste||ar keaches #12, cover
1he prlmary facLory complex of Caurl ls plcLured here.

Cuudagl/2037 lrash, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 73, 88-89
Cuudagl has Lhe mlsforLune of belng a hablLable world
near Lhe powerful lrash sysLem. She has been lnvaded
numerous Llmes by lrash, Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL mosL of Lhe
populaLlon are now descended by one of Lhe many
waves of lnvaders and seLLlers. 1he laLesL wave of lrashl
seLLlemenL was ln 980: when Lhe local 1L 6 culLures
launched a falled mlllLary expedlLlon agalnsL Lhem, Lhe
Mussoorle AssoclaLlon - Lhe organlzaLlon backlng Lhe
seLLlers - moved Lo lnvade Lhe planeL for Lhe 18
slnce Lhe foundlng of Lhe lmperlum: lL has been
effecLlvely been conquered slnce 986 lmperlal.

Pebrln/1930 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 10
WaLer ls a very valuable commodlLy ln Lhls hlghly-
populaLed deserL world, and Lhe lce 8elLers are a hlghly
respecLed professlon locally.
Ste||ar keaches #2, pages 13-18
1he advenLure lnLo Lhe Lesser 8lfL" ls prlmarlly seL on
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 19
1he Pebrln 8evoluLlonary lronL ls bulldlng a large
number of cyberneLlc warrlors
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 21
An ouLllne and descrlpLlon of Pebrln sysLem ls here.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 10
Pebrln esLabllshed a small number of lslamlc
mlsslonary cenLres. MosL noLably, Lhey lnLroduced
lslam Lo Lazlsar ln -1237. Lazlsar modlflcaLlon Lo lslamlc
docLrlne led Lo a holy war uslng subllghL sLarshlps,
whlch ended ln a Lruce and muLual wlLhdrawals afLer
four cenLurles of sporadlc, lnconcluslve flghLlng.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 13
1he CallphaLe of Pebrln, Lhe only real alLernaLlve Lo
lmperlal rule ln Lhe Slx SubsecLors, was lnduced Lo [oln
Lhe lmperlum. Pebrln was orlglnally Lhe secLor caplLal,
buL aLLempLs Lo lslamlze Lhe local lmperlal mlllLary led
Lhe Lmperor Lo Lransfer Lhe SecLor uucal LlLle Lo Lhe
uuke of nullnad.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 20
Pebrln's noble famlly suffered an ugly lncldenL of
flllclde (llke LhaL of Lhe nepall royal famlly, ln A.u.
2001), whlch led Lo Lhe collapse of Lhe Callph's rule ln
268 lmperlal. lL Look a cenLury for Lhe pollLlcal slLuaLlon
Lo work lLself ouL, even as Lhe lasL of Lhe greaL
underground reservolrs drled up. Pounded my many
Lrlals and Lragedles, Pebrln never reLurned Lo her
former sLaLe of secLor-wlde greaLness.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 9
8umours LhaL rlnce anos would e[ecL all Sunnl
Musllms from Lhe lmperlal MlllLary led Lhe uuke of
Pebrln Lo ralse Lhe sLandard of rebelllon, declarlng Lhe
reblrLh of Lhe CallphaLe of Pebrln ln 112-871. lmperlal

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 20
forces desLroyed Lhe few unlLs LhaL sLood wlLh Lhe
Callph, and embargoed all waLer shlpmenLs Lo Lhe
world of Pebrln herself. AfLer Lhe deaLhs of mllllons
(and Lhe execuLlon of Lhe callph by hls nephew), Lhe
world surrendered Lo Lhe lmperlum. 1he sLrongly
lslamlc demographlcs was aggresslvely dlluLed wlLh
mllllons of nonbellevers seLLled on Lhe world, largely
from Lhe asLerold seLLlemenLs of Lnlnslsh.

PemanL/1729 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 14
1he planeL ls undergolng a slow Lerraformlng process,
wlLh Lhe shallow seas Leemlng wlLh (lmporLed) llfe. 1he
alr ls heavlly LalnLed wlLh fungal spores. 1he rocky
wasLelands of Lhe world are used for Lralnlng by many
nearby mlllLary forces, lncludlng Lhe lmperlal mlllLary.

llsdlrrll/1937 udusls, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 10
llsdlrrll ls Lhe home of Lhe cenLral church ln Lhe Seekers
of Lhe ulvlne Words rellglon. A SyndlLe colony shlp
mls[umped here, almosL a full secLor (~40 parsecs) from
Lhelr lnLended desLlnaLlon: Lhe seLLlers converLed Lo
Lhe local rellglon, and was granLed land ln exchange for
rellglous servlce. 1he SyndlLes found ln Lhe uelLa
CuadranL of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer Lend Lo be elLher very
devouL or aggresslvely aLhelsLlc.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
llsdlrrll was one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven
Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe
vargr lllaglng.

lrash/2036 udusls, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 10
lrash ls a heavlly casLe-orlenLed socleLy. As an amalgam
of vllanl and Plndu peoples, culLures and bellefs, lrash
ls of unlque culLural lmporLance ln Lhe secLor. Several
greaL Lemples remaln from Lhe era of Lhe Second
lmperlum, over 2,300 years ago.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 11
lrash and ?ashodhan esLabllshed solld Lrade llnks
durlng Lhe pre-uawn era (-200s lmperlal).
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 9
1he slonlc lnsLlLuLe on lrash ls desLroyed ln 822. Cver
24.2 mllllon dled ln Lhls parL of Lhe slonlc Suppresslons
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 10
8oughly 60 mllllon lrashl moved Lo Pebrln near Lhe Lurn
of Lhe 10
lmperlal cenLury, wlLh Lhe flnanclal and legal
encouragemenL of Lhe lmperlum.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13
AlLhough Lhe sysLem was never serlously LhreaLened by
Abadanl communlsm, many of Lhe mosL famous
lnLersLellar Abadanl lnLellecLuals and acLlvlsLs came
from Lhls world.

lrldla/1830 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 14
lrldla ls a former exlle world of Pebrln, where pollLlcal
prlsoners, boLh human and vargr, were dumped. 1he
world ls ferLlle, and Lhe populaLlon welcomes
forelgners, lf Lhey are noL from Pebrln. 1here ls some
lmporLed Lechnology, allowlng Lhe class L sLarporL Lo
funcLlon. Powever, mosL of Lhe world llves and
funcLlons as a 1L 3 agrarlan culLure, wlLh small vlllages
seL wlLhln a vasL wllderness.

Lakea/1738 lrash, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 30
Local Amerlcan lndlans revere boLh Lhe early norLh
Amerlcan fronLler culLure, and hlghly esLeem Lmperor
AngulsLus, who vlslLed Lhls sysLem ln 337, durlng hls
Crand 1our of Lhe Slx SubsecLors. lL ls a local cenLer of
Lechnologlcal and heavy caplLal goods. Mercenary
groups of braves lnsure LhaL Lhere ls no plraLe acLlvlLy

Llamea/2428 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 9
Llamea has an oppresslve world governmenL: some of
her clLlzens, leavlng Lhelr homeworld behlnd, creaLed a
colony on Camllla.
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 30
Llamea holds masslve nuremberg-sLyle rallles Lo
celebraLe Lhe new lmperlal year.

Mllgakl/1730 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 14
1he malnworld's blosphere ls ln decllne, wlLh llfe
holdlng on Lo Lhe deep ocean venLs (Lhe world's oceans
have frozen over, as Lhe prlmary sLar, Shlngl-431, ages
and wanes.) 1here ls no slngle sLarporL: each local
naLlon runs her own. 1he lnLernaLlonal slLuaLlon ls
Lense, and hlgh unemploymenL ls a local bllghL.

Mlramon/3136 ?ashodhan, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 11
Mlramon ls a world rlch ln llfe and plenLlful ln food,
allowlng Lhe supporL of many lnhablLed planeLs and
moons ln Lhls double-sLar sysLem.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 21

. +6&(( )')&( 8-((&B# 2/ @'B&6&: [Z\ >6"#)-&(? 1h|s |s a graph|c t|t|ed "1he Starry N|ght" by V|ncent van Gogh, |n
the ub||c Doma|n. See http:]]en.w|k|ped|]w|k|]1he_Starry_N|ght for more deta||s. Ior the soundtrack,
||sten to "V|ncent" by Don McLean, http:]]]watch?v=d|pIMIck2CM

Mugama/1728 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 13
unllke many dead or badly/poorly Lerraformed worlds
ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Mugama has a rlch, naLural
ecosysLem. MosL locals follow vllanl culLural mores,
even Lhough Lhey are from varlous branches of
humanlLy (lncludlng SyndlLe) 8wap, and vargr. 8are for
Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Lhere ls even a uroyne colony near
Lhe equaLor. A charlsmaLlc noble has recenLly led Lhe
overLhrow of Lhe prevlous, lnepL democraLlc
governmenL. Some of rlnce Luzardl's laws, especlally
regardlng curfews and prescrlbed perlods of acLlvlLy,
are raLher rlgld, leadlng Lo Lhe hlgh legal code.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 10
8oughly 33 mllllon resldenLs relocaLed Lo Pebrln ln Lhe
laLe 800s, Lhanks Lo lmperlal subsldles and

neelamanl/1726 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 11
neelamanl ls where cusLom duLles are handled on Lhe
!ump-3 Calrne-Corsabren 8un across Lhe Lesser 8lfL.
1hls run ls far safer Lhan Lhe Saeghvung-1urley-Lxlle
8un, lf your shlp ls !ump-3. (!ump-6 shlps are sLlll
experlmenLal aL 993 lmperlal.)

nlkeLan/2434 ?ashodhan, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 19-20
nlkeLan ls parL of a double-planeL sysLem: Lhe loomlng
bulk of Coorg can be seen ln her sky. WealLhy LasL
lndlan and Amerlcan lndlan famllles share power and
wealLh ln Lhls world: Lwo LasL lndlan famllles own Lhe
shlpbulldlng buslness.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 22
rakesh/2128 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 20
Amerlcan lndlan Lrlbes are negoLlaLlng wlLh Lhe LasL
lndlan owners of Lhe sysLem Lo elLher purchase or galn
parL-ownershlp of Lhe world, as Lhe legal foundaLlon Lo
esLabllshlng a seLLlemenL here.

Sahale/2227 Pebrln, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 17
Whlle Lhe culLure ls largely grounded ln Solomanl
norms, Lhe rullng lmperlal Pouse kanlnlkasaLlsl has
ruled Lhe world slnce Lhe Second lmperlum. As locals
musL celebraLe Lhe deaLh day of every former ruler,
more Lhan half Lhe year ls spenL on Lhese holldays.
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 32
1he rullng house clalms descenL from Lhe ropheL
Mohammed: local archlLecLure follows LhaL of Lhe early
Abbasld CallphaLe ln pre-spacefllghL 1erra.

Sakarl/1833 lrash, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 20
Amerlcan lndlan Lrlbes are negoLlaLlng wlLh Lhe lrashl
(l.e. vllanl/LasL lndlan) owners of Lhe sysLem Lo elLher
purchase or galn parL-ownershlp of Lhe world, as Lhe
legal foundaLlon Lo esLabllshlng a seLLlemenL here.

Shulku/2134 udusls, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #18, page 22, 72
8egardless of Lhe mysLerlous orlglns of Lhese Chlnese
seLLlers - descrlbed laLer ln Lhls lssue of SLellar 8eaches
- Lhe Shulkuren are now respecLed Lraders and
agrlculLural producers of Lhe subsecLor, speclallzlng ln
hard-Lo-flnd produce, from sLrawberrles Lo mangos. As
of 993, Lhey are now branchlng ouL lnLo Lhe local
lnformaLlon Lechnology markeL.

1akoda/1737 lrash, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 30
1akoda was rlven wlLh confllcL beLween 1) pure and
lmpure Amerlcan lndlans, 2) pure Solomanl and Mlxed
vllanl, and 3) ChrlsLlan, AnlmlsL-naLlve, and AnlmlsL-
Plndu facLlons. lorLunaLely, a sLable peace has been ln
force for over a cenLury, and Lhe varlous Lrlbal-raclal
and Lrlbal-LheocraLlc groups generally work LogeLher

udusls/1831 udusls, lmperlal
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 11
Crlglnally a small colony of Lhe decllnlng Second
lmperlum, lL dld very well ln Lhe Long nlghL and now ls
Lhe home of Lhree bllllon humans and vargr. 1he
conservaLlve locals are noL hosLlle Lo off-worlders, buL
prefer Lo remaln aloof from Lhem.
Ste||ar keaches #7, page 34-33
kasaln ls a conLlnenLal governmenL, a sub-dlvlslon of
Lhe planeLary sLaLe. WlLhln kasaln ls Lhe lree ClLy of
Layamon, whose rule ls currenLly dlspuLed beLween Lhe
local clLy governmenL and Lhe rullng noble llne, who
has reLurned Lo rule afLer a quarLer of a mlllennlum.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
udusls was one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven
Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe
vargr lllaglng.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 13
lmperlal negoLlaLors noL only broughL udusls lnLo Lhe
lmperlum aL 47 lmperlal, buL also negoLlaLed a solld
basls of power-sharlng, whlch endured unLll Loday, aL
993 lmperlal.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 27
uurlng Lhe laLe Clvll War era, a plraLe band called 1he
Cple CorporaLlon" conLrolled Lhe world. A ma[or baLLle
foughL here (8aLLle of udusls, 79-627) leL Lo changed ln
lmperlal sLraLegy, maklng Lhe lmperlal reconquesL of
Lhe Slx SubsecLors easler.

?ashodhan/2633 ?ashodhan, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #2, page 11
1he sysLem ls home Lo several lndependenL naval
bases, funded by varlous planeLary powers. Whlle Lhe
lmperlum has avolded brlnglng ln any planeLary naLlon
lnLo Lhe lmperlum, some large lnLersLellar corporaLlons
are now heavlly lnvolved ln local pollLlcs.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 11
?ashodhan and lrash esLabllshed solld Lrade llnks
durlng Lhe pre-uawn era (-200s lmperlal).
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 14
?ashodhan led Lhe ?ashodhan uemocracy, a small
lnLersLellar sLaLe LhaL successfully reslsLed lmperlal
power for many cenLurles. lL conslsLed of Lhe
?ashodhan, Selka, and nlkeLan sysLems.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 16
1he ?ashodhan War (63-67 lmperlal) was a vlcLory for
?ashodhan and Lhe newly-founded ?ashodhan
uemocracy over Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum: Lhe lmperlum was
noL wllllng Lo commlL Lhe forces needed Lo wln, and
afLer local forces were defeaLed ln Lhe 8aLLle of
?ashodhan (64 lmperlal) a negoLlaLed peace was made.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 22
?ashodhan lnvesLed greaLly ln Lhe lmperlal boom, and
losL blg ln Lhe busL. As Lhe uemocracy dove lnLo
lnLerneclne confllcL, Lhe lmperlum sLruck llke llghLnlng,
desLroylng mosL of Lhe ?ashodhan navy ln a slngle
baLLle ln 390. 1he lnLersLellar uemocracy was dlssolved
soon afLerwards.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 23

]))-+%#/23 -+ 0A 5&) %4# A2'/B#+% 25 %4# !E2)1 Q#6"(#+? ^+%&0(-+4#1 2/(A -/ ;_` 2/ 9-+&B&: %4# (#&1#)+ 25 %4#
+$422( &)# +%-(( E2)3-/B 2/ & )#(-&0(#: 4-B4CH'&(-%A 5##1#) /#%E2)3 52) A2'/B -/-%-&%#+a 1#8#(2"-/B %4#-) 2E/
1-+%-/$%-8# +$422( 25 E&)5&)#a &/1 0'-(1-/B '" & $)-%-$&( 6&++ 25 +#/-2) 9-+&B&/ V&+ 2""2+#1 %2 .)J'(&Y %#&$4#)+?
Q&$%-$+ &/1 +%)&%#BA -+ B#&)#1 %2 ^&)(A !%#((&) %#$4 VQT ;C.Y? . $2/%-/'&(: -/%#/+-8# $A$(# 25 %)&-/-/B: 1#"(2A6#/%
&/1 &/&(A+-+ -+ %4# (2% 25 %4# .$2(A%#+: D)2%4#)+: Q#&$4#)+: @2/3+: &/1 I)-#+%+? ,#E 25 %4# 6#/ E-(( )#&$4 =b: &/1
/2 ]))-+%#/23 !E2)1+6&/ 4&+ (-8#1 %2 +## `b A#%? I2)%)&A#1 &028# &+ 25 ;;b >6"#)-&(? 1he graph|c |s t|t|ed "1he
Lducat|ona| Center" A|exandr Me|ent|ev. See h|s work at http:]]a|exandr-m.cgsoc|]ga||ery]SS1866]

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 24
8eta uadrant

Abulsh/3202 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 16
Abulsh was forcefully annexed Lo Lhe uamlaer unlon ln
334, and laLer [olned Lhe Pegemony when Lhe unlon
dld, ln 942 lmperlal.

AersLou/2803 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
1he human populaLlon of Lhls world regalned Lhelr
llberLy by 373, durlng Lhe War of Man.

CoLan/2212 CoLan, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 33
CoLan ls sLlll recoverlng from a long and grlm fall.
1he plraLe bands LhaL ran Lhe world was only recenLly
broken by Lhe SLar Leglon, and free-for-alls sLlll occur ln
Lhe sysLem. 1he planeL ls governed by hlgh-Lech vargr
ex-plraLes and sLarfarers, who domlnaLe a low-Lech and
resLless human ma[orlLy.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
1hls was one of Lhe flrsL worlds Laken by humanlLl
durlng Lhe War of Man, wlLh vargr power broken by
330 lmperlal.

ulageml/2313 CoLan, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 14
ulageml ls an agrlculLural paradlse, orlglnally colonlzed
by Lhe vllanl laLe ln Lhe llrsL lmperlum. LocaLed ln Lhe
CoLan ClusLer, Lhe naLlve wlldllfe and LarLh-llke
condlLlons make lL a popular Lourlsm desLlnaLlon.

. 8-#E 5)26 & 4'6&/C5)-#/1(A N&)B) ")#$-/$% 25 %4# G/B2#)B)2-(( 6#B&(2"2(-+: ,(&/B# !A+%#6?
1h|s graph|c |s t|t|ed "1he C|ty of L|ghts" Chr|st|an "1|gaer" necker.
|ease v|s|t h|s webs|te at www.t|ager-des|

llange/2009 llange, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
1hls was one of Lhe worlds ruled by humans by 373,
durlng Lhe War of Man. LaLer, Lhe Suedzuk regalned
Lhelr domlnance over humanlLl.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 21
SlmulLaneous aLLacks were launched agalnsL Lhls world
and SsllnLhls by Lhe Pegemony ln 796: Lhe aLLack on
llange was successfully reslsLed by her own wlLs and
wealLh, buL llange sLlll losL her emplre.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 27
ln search of larger markeLs, llange peLlLloned Lo [oln
Lhe Pegemony ln 960. 1hls was granLed ln 963, over Lhe
sLrong ob[ecLlons of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 25
!usLlnce/2403 llange, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 13
!usLlnce recenLly suffered Lhe !usLlnce War of
unlflcaLlon, whlch ended slx years ago, ln 987 lmperlal.
now led by Lhe vargr Aekuedza 8oeLsaeng, personal
freedoms remaln llmlLed as Lhe socleLy rebullds -
lncludlng Lhe sLarporL, desLroyed ln 983.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 18
1he world was flrsL named Lguud by Lhe vllanl.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 9
1he world of of Lguuud was renamed uaLukolkaz by
Lhe SsllnLhls conqulsLadors. 1hey were drlven ouL of Lhe
sysLem by Lhe human slaves of Lhe local vargr, and Lhe
world was glven Lhe new human name of !usLlnce.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 28
1he !usLlne War of LlberaLlon (981-987) ended wlLh a
Suedzuk vargr leader of a largely human and lrlllLok
vargr army. 1he Pegemony has leL hlm be.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 33
1hls world was harshly paclfled durlng Lhe Lra of

kfueraer/2703 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 3
kfueraer sporLs a hoL gas glanL ln a convenlenL locaLlon,
requlrlng unusual refuelllng procedures for darlng
capLalns ln a hurry.

kharo/2708 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 13
kharo ls an agrlculLural cenLre for Lhe kharo ClusLer,
and - as Lhe mosL advanced world ln Lhe reglon (1L 9 -
whoa!) malnLalns a sLrong mlllLary force, sufflclenL Lo
defeaL a Lyplcal offworld ralder pack.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 23
1he planeL ls slowlng havlng lLs aLmosphere shlfLed Lo a
form breaLhable Lo vargr (and humans). 1hls wlll Lake
abouL 300 years, aL Lhe currenL raLe of progress.

khollok/2816 nlsaga, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 13
1he forLy Lhousand belLers of Lhe sysLem are parL of a
nlsagan resource colony, esLabllshed ln 810. !ump-3
ore carrlers, deslgned and bullL on khuvoeru, LransporL
Lhe goods back home. 1he currenL colony ofLen reuses
maLerlals and resldences from an earller Second
lmperlum colony: Lhe occaslonal undlscovered faclllLy
on an lsolaLed asLerold/planeLold ls of lnLeresL Lo
archeologlsLs focused on Lhe llrsL and Second lmperla.

kulloerr/2103 llange, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 13
1he governmenL of kulloerr bears llLLle love for Lhe
Pegemony, as Lhe Pegemonlo governmenL has refused
Lo llnk up Lhls well-populaLed and hlgh-Lech sysLem
wlLh Lhe Pegemony CommunlcaLlon Servlce rouLes.
8especL for Lhe SLar Leglon ls whaL permlLs Lhls world
Lo LoleraLe Pegemonlc auLhorlLy... for now.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 8
1hls sysLem ls named afLer a raLher egocenLrlc vargr
plraLe ln c.290 lmperlal. 8eforehand, lL was called

Lakuusa/2606 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, pages 13-16
1he Lakuusal are Lhe descendanLs of a vllanl colony
LhaL falled durlng Lhe Long nlghL. 1he currenL Lakuusa
laneLary 8ureaux has only a nomlnal resemblance Lo
Lhe classlc vllanl bureaux sysLem. 1he sysLem ls ofLen
used as a corsalr base, buL a full-fledged plraLe porL ls
dlscouraged by occaslonal SLar Leglon sweeps.

Managa/2111 CoLan, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
1hls was one of Lhe worlds reLaken by humanlLl from
373, durlng Lhe War of Man.

nlsaga/3116 nlsaga, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 16
nlsaga ls moLlvaLed by a sLrong sense of manlfesL
desLlny, and malnLalns a serles of lnLerplaneLary and
lnLersLellar colonles. 1hls ls a source of frlcLlon wlLh
nearby sysLems.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
Puman lndependence was galned here by 373, wlLh Lhe
world renamed from Lhe vargr 'ufhoerrr'.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 28
nlsaga was a LurbulenL and vlolenL world beLween c.
300 and 900 lmperlal. Powever, she avolded Lhe full
brunL of Lhe Lra of Porror, and en[oys Lhe favour of Lhe
Pegemony. Per planeLary culLure ls very anLl-vargr,
and her people model Lhemselves on Lhe rullng Arzula
human race ln boLh behavlour and LhoughL.

Crchard/3012 nlsaga, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 14
1he Crchard Commlsslon was Lhe flrsL human
lnLersLellar sLaLe ln Lhe quadranL, esLabllshed ln 432.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 33
1he populaLlon was largely wlped ouL durlng Lhe Lra of
Porror (869-873 lmperlal), wlLh Lhe use of glgaLon LM
warheads Lo desLroy all elecLrlcal equlpmenL on Lhe

Csaerr/2202 llange, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
1he sub[ugaLed humans here Look Lhe world for
Lhemselves by 373, durlng Lhe War of Man. LaLer, Lhe
human populaLlon of Cagan dlmlnlshed, and Lhe

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 26
populaLlon conslsLed prlmarlly by lrlllLok vargr, who
renamed Lhe sysLem Csaerr.

ramas/2304 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 16
ramas ls Lhe cenLral Pegemony lnLellecLual refuge,
especlally for phllosophers, noLable rellglous preachers
and clergy, and Lhe mosL enllghLened of mlnds.
8ellglous freedoms are cherlshed here, and are
proLecLed by Lhe ramas lnLerfalLh Councll LhaL governs
Lhe world. ulssldenLs who Lake care Lo cloLhe Lhelr
pollLlcal challenges ln rellglous robes also use Lhe world
as a haven.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 12
1hls sysLem was named kherrlz by Lhe vargr
lnhablLanLs of 364 lmperlal. ln Lhls year, Lhe vlll
ueLachmenL of Lhe Leglon of 8reskaln arrlved ln orblL,
prompLly kllled Lhe 800,000 vargr lnhablLanLs, and
renamed lL ramas as Lhey seLLled lL for Lhemselves.
Much of Lhe sLraLeglc dlrecLlon of Lhe War of Man (339-
402) was handled from Lhls world.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
1he Leglon base here repelled Lwo ma[or vargr assaulLs
ln 401 and 413, buL damage susLalned ln Lhe second
assaulL forced Lhe Leglon Lo wlLhdraw, promlslng Lo
'reLurn Lo flnlsh Lhe [ob'. numerous vargr ralds ln 416-
417 desLroyed Lhe remalnlng hlgh-Lech lnfrasLrucLure.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 23, 27
1he Crder of Cne, an anLl-vargr organlzaLlon, operaLed
on ramas from 866 Lo 938.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 27
A 8aha'l mlsslonary group arrlved on ramas, sparklng
a rellglous revoluLlon on Lhe world. 1hls shlfL was
acceleraLed by Pegemony 'llberLy and consclence'
leglslaLlon, whlch Lhls world Look full advanLage of.

8akhael/2316 CoLan, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 16
1hls prlmarlly vargr balkanlzed world ls aL war, and has
been 8ed Zoned for uslng dlrLy nukes agalnsL
offworlders. lor now, full use of nuclear weapons has
been avolded: SLar Leglon paLrol shlps warn off vlslLors.

8eshkhuda/2603 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 49
As of 993, 8eshkhuda ls a rlch and bounLlful land,
capable of supporLlng bllllons aL 1L 2 - very
comforLably. lllnesses are Lemporary nulsances, Lhe
human body has sLronger recuperaLlve powers here.
Powever, Lhe parochlal locals loaLhe non-humans,
especlally vargr. 1he world was once a hlgh-Lech
cenLre: asklng abouL Lhose days can provoke a rloL.
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 34
1he oldesL llvlng man ln Lhe quadranL, klng ALacales,
resldes here: he ls now 302 1erran years old.
Ste||ar keaches 313, page 13-17
8eshkhuda was Lhe populaLlon cenLre of Lhe klngdom
of uenkakh, a vargr-domlnaLed lnLersLellar governmenL
founded ln 309. As a member of Lhe CreaL Alllance, Lhe
klngdom foughL ln Lhe nlshhlngh War (629-643), and
was lnvaded aL heavy cosL of llfe for boLh lnvaders and
defenders. 1he klngdom was dlssolved aL 643, marklng
Lhe end of Lhe war.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 18
1he 1L 13 Suedzuk vargr and human naLlons were
locked ln combaL when a serles of dlseases were
released, aL around 40-722. All of Lhe vargr and mosL of
Lhe humans dled, wlLh Lhe human populaLlon plunglng
from 100 bllllon Lo 900 mllllon by Lhe early 800s.

8llakea/3219 nlsaga, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 33
1hls was a hlgh-populaLlon world for a few cenLurles,
and Lhe cenLre of Lhe Cangas lnLersLellar sLaLe, unLll Lhe
populaLlon was compleLely exLermlnaLed durlng Lhe
Lra of Porror (869-873 lmperlal). MosL of Lhe planeL's
planL cover was burnL off, and Lhe LxoLorlk
megavolcano was forced Lo erupL premaLurely.

8rekoLh/1803 llange, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 16
A rlch waLerworld, 8rekoLh ls owned by Lhe
Cvarghoneer ack, a superpower of SsllnLhls sysLem.
Whlle Lhe orlglnal colonlal conLracL of 730 granLs
lndependence ln 300 years, Lhe Cvarghoneer ack ls
conslderlng Lhe alLerlng Lhe Lerms of Lhe agreemenL,
exLendlng ownershlp for anoLher cenLury. 1he locals
dlsllke Lhls.

Sanger/1816 CoLan, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 27
Sanger was orlglnally seLLled by an anLl-vargr pseudo-
rellglous group, Lhe Crder of Cne. Lxlled from ramas
durlng Lhe 930s (roughly four decades years ago) Lhe
Crder has shlfLed Lo a LechnocraLlc governmenL
focused on Lamlng Lhelr world - and kllllng vargr plraLe
ralders. lew plraLes venLure near Lhelr homeworld, buL
Lhe resL of Lhe sysLem ls as dangerous as anywhere else
ln Lhe SsllnLhls Zone.

Saeghvung/2618 nlsaga, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 32
Whlle a beauLlful world, Saeghvung ls avolded by
humans due Lo Lhe dangerous and feral vargr packs
LhaL roam Lhe conLlnenLs. ClvlllzaLlon only exlsLs ln
scaLLered small, 1L 6 Lowns, run by vargr 'raclal upllfL'
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 27
Saeghvung - Lhen called 8lack earl - was one of Lhe
Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven Lo Lhe Lwelve human
sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe vargr lllaglng.

Sharleda/2412 CoLan, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 16
1hls valued, low-Lech agrlculLural world has been
LreaLed as an asseL by offworlders Lhan a world ln lLs
own rlghL for a long Llme. no longer balkanlzed, Lhe
world ls now organlzed ln a corporaLe feudal form, and
renounced offworld clalms ln Lhe sysLem. Locals
rouLlnely bear arms.

SsllnLhls/1704 llange, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22-23
SsllnLhls was one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm
glven Lo Lhe Lwelve human sysLems ln Lhe CuarLer LhaL
sLood agalnsL Lhe vargr lllaglng. Powever, she was
beLrayed by her leaders, and conquered plecemeal by
Lhe vargr ln Lhe -1740s.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 7
Along wlLh uzola, Lhls sysLem was reorganlzed by Lhe
Suedzuk vargr Lo be an lndusLrlallzed cenLre.
LvenLually, Lwo masslve underwaLer clLles were
creaLed by -100, wlLh Lhe scaLLered human survlvors
gaLhered LogeLher and used as slaves.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 8-9
ln -277, Cngour'k CaLzua was Lhe flrsL Suedzuk vargr Lo
publlsh meLhods of conLrolllng humans LhaL dldn'L rely
on vlolenL lnLlmldaLlon. Pls wrlLlngs led Lo Lhe
resurrecLlon of llLeracy among Lhe SsllnLhls vargr.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 9
8eLween 280 and 310 lmperlal, numerous SsllnLhls
conqulsLadors lefL Lhelr homeworld Lo conquer Lhe
sLars, noL merely klll Lhe locals and Lake Lhelr sLuff (or,
occaslonally, Lrade wlLh Lhem).
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 14
1he famous MorLh Sawng, 8lood vargr phllosopher,
llved here (436-476).
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 21
SlmulLaneous aLLacks were launched agalnsL Lhls world
and llange by Lhe Pegemony ln 796: Lhe aLLack on
SsllnLhls was successfully reslsLed wlLh Lhe asslsLance of
Lhe uamlaer unlon.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 28
1he Pegemony of Lorean aLLempLed Lo woo SsllnLhls,
buL Lhe sysLem refused Lo [oln Lhe Pegemony.
ALLempLed pro-Lorean coups falled badly ln 972.

1aegzoer/3201 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 16
1aegzoer was annexed Lo Lhe uamlaer unlon ln 334,
and [olned Lhe Pegemony when Lhe unlon dld, ln 942.

1sosoe/2704 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 18
1he orlglnal vllanl name of Lhe sysLem was Lgakhu.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
1hls world was reLaken by humanlLy by 373, durlng Lhe
War of Man.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 17-18
As leader of Lhe 8ond of 8lk-Llk and a member of Lhe
CreaL Alllance, 1sosoe was a ma[or combaLanL ln Lhe
emblLLerlng nlshhlngh War (629-643). 1sosoe
surrendered ln 640, afLer a crushlng defeaL ln her home
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 33
1hls world was paclfled harshly durlng Lhe Lra of Porror

1hlsuel/3211 nlsaga, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #3, page 16
1hls ls a former research ouLposL of Zuerouk whlch
declared lndependence forLy years ago. 1here ls a fleld
of sLone monollLhs, ranglng up Lo 30 meLers hlgh,
whlch ls noL made of Lhe local rock. 1hese monollLhs
are esLlmaLed Lo be 40,000 years old.

uzola/2904 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #6, page 17-18
1hls world was Lhe slLe of an anclenL vargr seLLlemenL,
now overLaken by [ungle llfe. 1he LalnLed aLmosphere ls
very polsonous. Sporadlc, buL well-armed anLl-
Pegemony acLlvlLy ls belng suppressed as of 993.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 7
1hls world was chosen Lo be an lndusLrlal cenLre by Lhe
Suedzuk vargr ln -840, by -800, Lhe world was covered
ln facLorles and hyper-vlolenL vargr seLLlemenLs. lor
cenLurles, lL was an lmporLanL and wealLhy vargr world,
rlslng up Lo 1L 12. 8uL, Lhe aLmosphere was polsoned,
and Lhe world largely abandoned by -300 lmperlal.

ZueLhun/3007 1sosoe, Pegemonlo
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 31-32
ZueLhun ls a populous world, and Lhe unofflclal caplLal
of Lhe Pegemony wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. lL ls
dlvlded lnLo human and Suedzuk vargr (a.k.a. 8lood, or
8ed, vargr) naLlons. 1he human naLlons rarely flghL
among Lhemselves. 1he Suedzuk naLlons number ln Lhe
Lhousands, cover 2/3
of Lhe planeL, and are ln a
consLanL sLaLe of war and near-war wlLh each oLher.
Powever, Lhe Suedzuk use only prlmlLlve weapons
(sheddlng real blood) agalnsL each oLher: Lhe Larly
SLellar Lech weapons of real war are reserved for anLl-
human acLlons.
Ste||ar keaches #13, page 13
1he human populaLlon of ZueLhun ruled Lhls world by
373, durlng Lhe War of Man.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 28

,-8# 4-B4C%#$4: O'6"C` >32/&J $2)+&-)+ (#&8# c'#J14# d %4# ")#6-#)# +4-"A&)1 25 %4# P'3&1'3&J P#"'0(-$ d %2
+/&%$4 %4# 8#)A 0#+% ")-J#+ 5)26 %4# E#&3#) >6"#)-&( E2)(1+ 25 %4# ^6"%A e'&)%#)? Q4# +"#$-&(-+% N&)B)fN-(&/-
GB8&g2 > "&$3 4&+ ")#"&)#1 & h+42""-/B (-+%g 25 #7&$%(A E4&% %4#A E&/% 52) %4#-) $&)B2 42(1+? ;;_ >6"#)-&(? 1he
graph|c |s t|t|ed "Leav|ng the C|d Wor|d" k|chard Iefer|es. See h|s work at

A|pha uadrant

Aeghzlvlk/0310 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 8
1he world ls populaLed by boLh vargr and humans, buL
humans are held Lo be second-class clLlzens. Puman
vlslLors Lo Lhls sysLem are advlsed Lo have a very
charlsmaLlc vargr as a Lravelllng parLner. 1he vargr
Church of Lhe Chosen Cnes ls lnfluenLlal ln Lhe sysLem,
especlally ln Lhe Soervadoek Lheocracy, where Lhe
sLarporL ls locaLed.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
Aeghzlvlk - Lhen called Madhl - was one of Lhe
Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven Lo Lhe Lwelve human
sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe vargr lllaglng.

8ravo/1320 1oklLre, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 18
1hls sysLem, named Ashkheradda by Lhe llrsL
lmperlum, was selecLed as a mlllLary sLaglng area
durlng Lhe -2400s. (AlLhough Lhe lnLersLellar Wars were
sLarLlng up aL Lhls Llme, Lhe maln LhreaL ln mlnd were
Lhe vargr, noL Lhe 1errans.) lour chalns of secreL fuel
dumps were pre-poslLloned ln Lhe Lesser 8lfL: llnked
LogeLher aL Ashkheradda, lL would have allowed Lhe
vllanl fleeL Lo sLrlke anywhere, wlLh compleLe surprlse.
1he pro[ecL was compleLed [usL before Lhe llrsL
lmperlum fell Lo Lhe 1errans, ln -2219 lmperlal.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
8ravo - Lhen called 8ravo 8ase - was one of Lhe
Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven Lo Lhe Lwelve human
sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe vargr lllaglng.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 24
Alpha 8ase, locaLed on lkon, was losL durlng Lhe vargr
lllaglng. Charlle 8ase, on nullnad, was desLroyed ln a
local clvll war.
[LrraLa: 8ravo was one of Lhe Lhree, noL Lwo, ma[or
Second lmperlum bases ln Lhe secLor.]
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 14
8ravo 8ase re[ecLed Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum as an
llleglLlmaLe successor Lo Lhe Second lmperlum, desplLe
several lnducemenLs.
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 23
8ravo 8ase was largely depopulaLed ln a proxy war
beLween Lwo facLlons of local lmperlal noblllLy, Lhe
8engall Llons and Lhe SLellar Shelks, from c.360 Lo 387
lmperlal. AL Lhe end of Lhe war, Lhe facLlon backed by
Lhe Shelks was Lransferred Lo Lhe nearby Corsabren

8yeggra/0711 kakhasaek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 8-9
Whlle Lhe planeL ls populaLed by boLh Solomanl and
vllanl humans, Pouse kukurasllla - masLers of Lhe
sysLem for Lhe lasL four cenLurles - endorses and
promoLes vllanl culLure. 1he bureaucraLlc ellLe are

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 29
raclally pure vllanl as a rule. LrraLa: ConLrary Lo Lhe
earller descrlpLlon, Lhls ls noL a neuLral sysLem, buL a
!ullan one, wlLhln Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc.

8yegh Aengz/0601 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 22
8yegh Aengz - Lhen called Sllkwood - was one of Lhe
Clorlous 1welve, Lhe Lerm glven Lo Lhe Lwelve human
sysLems LhaL sLood agalnsL Lhe vargr lllaglng.

Corsabren/1619 1oklLre, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #11, page 23
ln 387 lmperlal, Lhe Shelk-backed facLlon of 8ravo's clvll
war was relocaLed Lo Lhls sysLem. lL was declared an
lmperlal CllenL SLaLe, and an 'early warnlng' lmperlal
naval base was esLabllshed over sLrong !ullan proLesLs.
ConLlnuous 'plraLe' aLLacks drove Lhe lmperlum Lo hand
over Lhe base Lo Lhe local governmenL, and resclnd Lhe
CllenL SLaLe sLaLus ln 600. 1hls hasn'L helped much.
CurrenLly, Lhe base ls Lhe preferred Lralnlng ground Lo
bloody SLarmerc and (before Lhe Solomanl 8lm War)
lmperlal naval warshlps.

uaalll/1109 kourae, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 9
uaalll was once a greaL world, buL a war foughL a
cenLury ago lefL lL a radloacLlve ruln. 1he locals blame
Lhe mercenary corsalrs who LalnLed Lhe aLmosphere
wlLh radlaLlon. 1he descendanLs of Lhe survlvors are a
grlm and pragmaLlc loL, who expecL Lo rebulld Lhelr
world by Lhelr own hands alone.

Cuezdhe/0311 kakhasaek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #14, pages 6, 20
1he lrlllLok populaLlon LhaL used Lo work Lhe masslve
shlpyards of lkon were Lransferred here ln Lhe early
740's, ln one of Lhe many falllng aLLempLs Lo geL Lhe
lrlllLok populaLlon off Lhe Cvaghoun homeworld.

Cvurrdakh/0308 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 13
Pome Lo a large mlllLary base durlng Lhe early years of
Lhe !ullan War, Lhls heavlly forLlfled nelghbour Lo lkon
was LargeLed by Lhe lmperlum for desLrucLlon. 1he
vargr populaLlon was well-prepared, and lL Look Lhe
lmperlals four long years Lo reduce Lhe defenses, flnally
resorLlng Lo glgaLon bombs Lo klll Lhe world properly.
1he Cvaghoun Look Lhe Llme Lo carefully repalr Lhe
damage over Lhe cenLurles, and Lhe currenL populaLlon
ls now greaLer Lhan lL was before Lhe !ullan War.

Palla/1214 1oklLre, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 9
1o embed raclal equallLy wlLhln Lhe culLure of Lhe
planeL, Lhe legal code lnslsLs LhaL all upper level
bureaucraLlc & pollLlcal poslLlons be glven only Lo
humans and vargr ln a aneL relaLlonshlp. 1hls
relaLlonshlp, broughL ln from Aslmlklglr culLure - Lhe
leadlng culLure of Lhe !ullan Pegemony - has seemed
Lo sLablllze Lhe governmenL as a whole.

lkon/0208 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 34
lkon ls a very wealLhy world, 1he LlghL of vargr
ClvlllzaLlon", and an lmporLanL posslble markeL for
lmperlal goods.
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 37-38
lkon ls Lhree Lo four Llmes wealLhler Lhan Lhe resL of
Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, comblned. 1he ma[orlLy of Lhe
populaLlon llve ln amazlng undersea clLles. 1he surface
of Lhe world ls covered ln huge gardens, whlch sLlll
bears evldence of 1he LvenL, when a huge near-
llghLspeed ob[ecL hlL Lhe planeL, shaLLerlng Lhe
planeLary crusL over 10,000 years ago. 1he populaLlon
ls dlvlded beLween Lhe ma[orlLy vllanl and Lhe mlnorlLy
lkonaz vargr.
[LrraLa for Ste||ar keaches #9, page 37: uemo-
graphlcally, 62 of Lhe populaLlon ls lkonaz vllanl, and
38 are vargr. Cf Lhe vargr populaLlon, a rapldly
shrlnklng ma[orlLy are of Lhe orlglnal rullng 'lkonaz
vargr', or Cvaghoun vargr. 1he lmmlgranL lrlllLok
'servanL race' ls sLeadlly replaclng Lhem. A Lrace
amounL of non-lkonaz humanlLl, descendanLs of Lhe
lmpservers, also reslde on Lhe world.]
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 14
1he orlglnal vllanl name of Lhe world was
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 6
lkon Lech levels: 1L 11 -1700s lmperlal
1L 12 100
1L 13 300
1L 14 330
1L 13 laLe 600s
1L 14 early 700s unLll now, 993.
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 6
1he sysLem was conquered by Lhe vargr ln -1711
1he local vargr bands rebullL an old shlpyard ln
c. -1200, and began Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr grlp on local
space. underwaLer seLLlemenL began earller, Lo beLLer
explolL Lhe naLural bounLy creaLed by Lhe LvenL.
8y c.-1230, mosL humans were llvlng under Lhe sea.
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 9
1he confllcL known as Lhe Clvll War" (117-119)
lowered lkon's Lech level brlefly from 11 Lo 10.
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 11
1he AnLares aclflcaLlon Campalgn broughL ln
numerous refugees from lmperlal persecuLlon Lo lkon.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 13-13

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 30
1he !ullan War (173-191) saw numerous aLLacks on
lkon, all of whlch falled ln breaklng Lhe homeworld of
Lhe Cvaghoun vargr.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 16
1he fall of Lhe unlLed arllamenL governmenL on lkon
led Lo Lhe blrLh of Lhe Anarchlcal Age. lkon's
aLmosphere was declared LalnLed ln 400.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 18
1he 1herLzlraakh undersea megalopolls falled, and 19.9
bllllon sophonLs dled soon LhereafLer. 1hls was Lhe
caLalysL for many changes on lkon. 1he lasL of Lhe
famous A'grangrlgk-sLyle undersea clLles was flnlshed
ln 744.
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 18
AL 700 lmperlal, lkon's populaLlon peaked aL 300 bllllon
sophonLs, aL 1L 13.
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 20-21
Peavy lkonaz (Cvaghoun & vllanl) emlgraLlon from 723
Lo Lhe 770s, and a second wave, from 820 Lo 860, was
Lhe prlmary means of lowerlng Lhe populaLlon.
opulaLlon aglng also worked Lo half Lhe populaLlon
every 30 years for a Llme - Lhls ls no longer Lrue, as of
993 lmperlal.
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 21
AfLer 80 years of work, Lhe lndusLrlal LalnL of Lhe
aLmosphere was declared removed ln 807.

lrlkrough/0912 1oklLre, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 9
1hls ls a garden world, provldlng a wlde range of
blopharmaceuLlcal producLs for nearby sysLems.
Powever, a large mlnorlLy of Lhe populaLlon has grown
hosLlle Lo Lhe damage Lhe blopharmaceuLlcal lndusLry
ls lnfllcLlng on blosphere.

khasLok/0811 kakhasaek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 33
1he lndependenLly-mlnded khasLok resldenLs do noL
llve as well as mosL of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc, mosL of
whom llve aL 1L 14 levels (lndlrecLly or dlrecLly
subsldlzed by Lhe world of lkon.) Cn Lhe oLher hand,
Lhelr economy ls noL as LlghLly bound Lo lkon as Lhe
resL of Lhe republlc, elLher.

kuell/0206 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 12
1he famous 1all 1owers of kuell were orlglnally bullL ln
106. 1hey were desLroyed by lmperlal assaulL ln 183,
buL rebullL ln 440 lmperlal.

khebha/0709 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 13
1he orlglnal small seLLlemenLs of khebha were
vaporlzed by lmperlal forces durlng Lhe !ullan War
(173-191). 1he currenL populaLlon focuses on
produclng mld-Lech goods for Lhe nearby world of
Aeghzlvlk, 8yeggra, and khasLok.

Mlkhall/1609 kourae, lmperlal CllenL SLaLe
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 9
1here are rumors of a losL AnclenL slLe on Lhls hosLlle
world, 1he vaulL of Lhe LosL Cnes". Whlle Lhe world
was lnhablLed 30,000 years ago, no worklng rellcs have
survlved Lo Lhe modern day. numerous advenLures
Lake Lhelr chances wlLh Lhls world: none has reLurned
wlLh Lhe losL Lreasure. (Cf course, qulLe a number
never reLurned, perlod.)

Cdzagh/1310 kourae, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 30
1hls sysLem has a ma[or Suedzuk vargr naval base, and
ls deeply hosLlle Lo, well, everyone. Avold.
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 68
vlolaLlng buslness agreemenLs wlLh Lhe Suedzuk ls noL

Cdzsouu/0201 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 10
A large number of conLragrav clLles and arcologles
exlsLs on and over Lhls waLerworld (Lhls lncludes orblLal
sLaLlons). 1he sea-golng Cdzsouu 8ehemoLhs are
proLecLed by local rellglous edlcLs and planeLary law,
buL Lhelr flesh ls qulLe valuable ln cerLaln markeLs.

Cloe/1103 kourae, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 10
Cloe ls prlmarlly focused on caslnos, arena combaL, and
llve enLerLalnmenL. 1he Lop gambllng venue ln Lhe
secLor ls locaLed here, Lhe flve-sLar Cloe 8egency, and
ls home Lo Lhe subsecLor-wlde koevae 1our, due here
ln 994 lmperlal, nexL year. (Many hoLels are already
fully booked for Lhe evenL.)

8oenksu/0203 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 10
Whlle 1sahrroek ls Lhe currenL caplLal of Lhe 8ukadukaz
8epubllc, lL ls 8oenksu LhaL acLs as Lhe reglonal cenLre
of Lhe cenLral roLecLoraLe governmenL. 1he world ls
qulLe loyal Lo Lhe roLecLoraLe, more so Lhan Lo Lhe
8epubllc lL ls a member of. 1he worlds of Lhe
8ukadukaz 8epubllc ofLen resolve Lhelr lssues here
lnsLead of 1sahrroek: Lhe local SLar Leglon complex and
senlor admlnlsLraLors provlde a swlfLer resoluLlon,
wlLhouL Lhe pack- and race-based pollLlcs of 1sahrroek
- and wlLhouL Lhe perfecLly leglLlmaLe corsalrs
lndependenL operaLors and Lhe compleLely-leglL plraLe
8epubllcan fleeLs demandlng a nlce faL fee for Lhelr
proLecLlve servlces.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 31

Q4# !%&) T#B-2/ 0&%%(#+4-" Woundwort: &% )#+% -/ 2/# 25 %4# 12E/"2)% +#$%-2/+ 25 %4# 4'B# P2#/3+' /&8&( 0&+#:
;\` >6"#)-&(? Q&+3#1 E-%4 %4# 1#5#/+# 25 >32/: %4# 0&+# -+ 8#)A E#((C1#5#/1#1 d 0'% /2% /#&)(A &+ 6'$4 &+ %4#
>6"#)-&( 9&8&( D&+# &% T&J-+&)? Q4# !%&) T#B-2/g+ (&)B# N&)B) $2/%-/B#/% ")#5#)+ 4-B4C$4&)-+6& 255#/+-8# &$%-2/+
%2 (2EC$4&)-+6& 1#5#/+# E2)3: &/1 %4# 2)B&/-J&%-2/: #H'-"6#/%: &/1 1-+"2+-%-2/ 25 !%&) T#B-2/ 52)$#+ )#5(#$%+
%4-+? 1he graph|c above, "Speedpa|nt|ng - Underwater 8ase" Gary 1ongue. V|s|t h|s ga||ery at
http:]]ant|fan.cgsoc|]ga||ery]490776] or http:]]v|s|

Saerrogh/0314 kakhasaek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 31, 34
Saerrogh ls Lhe very hlgh-Lech home of Lhe Saerrogh
ack, a ma[or plraLe sLronghold (ln lmperlal eyes) LhaL
happens Lo be a perfecLly leglLlmaLe member of Lhe
!ullan roLecLoraLe (ln !ullan eyes.)

Sambra/0620 kakhasaek, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 10
Sambra mlllLla capLured an lmperlal warshlp durlng Lhe
!ullan War, and used lL successfully Lo defend Lhelr
homeworld. AfLer Lhe war, Lhe shlp became Lhe
vaerek-Sourens Memorlal Museum, a large museum
dedlcaLed Lo Lhe !ullan War era of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.

SuLedvok/0616 kakhasaek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 13
1hls was a hlgh-populaLlon Cvaghoun world before Lhe
!ullan War (173-191). Peavy flghLlng durlng Lhe war led
Lo Lhe devasLaLlon and depopulaLlon of Lhe world. lL
was reseLLled ln Lhe 266-240 perlod, and Lhe blosphere
parLlally reconsLrucLed, buL Lhe sophonL populaLlon
peaked four cenLurles ago: oLher worlds proved more
aLLracLlve, and SuLedvok falled Lo regaln her earller

Sudvoukh/0809 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #4, page 10
1hls ls a rocky deserL world, formerly used as a
dumplng ground for varlous exlles. LvenLually, Lhe
prlsoners began flghLlng for Lhe fungal flelds and
llmlLed waLer supplles of Lhe world. uesplLe SLar Leglon
paLrols, lL ls rumoured LhaL corsalr bands such as Lhe
Aengsoekkuervoe recrulL ralders and boarders from Lhe
local naLlve warrlors.
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 13
1hls world was ln Lhe mldsL of an exLenslve
Lerraformlng pro[ecL when Lhe !ullan War sLarLed. MosL
of Lhe sclenLlsLs and researchers fled Lhe lncomlng
lmperlal warshlps: Lhe few LhaL dldn'L dled for Lhelr
sLubbornness. lL was reseLLled several decades afLer
Lhe war, buL Lhe seLLlemenL falled, and Lhe survlvors
broke aparL lnLo lsolaLed packs, flghLlng for Lhe waLer
and fungus LhaL provldes llfe.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 32

. 4'6&/ %)&1# $&)&8&/ )#%')/+ 426# -/ %-6# %2 #+$&"# %4# E2)+% 25 %4# (2$&( E-/%#)? Q+&-fQ+&4))2#3: ;;Z
>6"#)-&(? 1he graph|c |s t|t|ed "A Caravan" A|exandr Me|ent|ev. See h|s work at

1sahrroek/0703 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #14, page 16
1hls sysLem's populaLlon has been annlhllaLed Lwlce:
once durlng Lhe !ullan War (173-191), and ln a famous
revolL, Lhe sole clLy of Lhe world, Mnosa'oudz, was
nuked ln 332. 1he marLyrdom of mosL of Lhe world's
populaLlon ln a revolL agalnsL lkonlc Lyranny has placed
1sahrroek ln an lmporLanL poslLlon ln local pollLlcs, and
ls one reason why Lhe world ls currenLly Lhe caplLal of
Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc.

1sal/0410 1sahrroek, !ullan (8ukadukaz)
Ste||ar keaches #18, page 32
1he world of 1sal ls dlvlded beLween a handful of
relaLlvely 'hlgh-Lech' (1L 4-3) vargr lsland chalns LhaL
rule Lhe vasL conLlnenLs domlnaLed by hundreds of
mllllons of 'low-Lech' (1L 0-2) humans. Lver slnce Lhe
end of Lhe Mgoungurov War c. 200 years ago, Lhe
Chlovgegklza'o Archlpelago has held undlspuLed
leadershlp over Lhe oLher vargr naLlons (effecLlvely
Lurnlng Lhem lnLo provlnces of a one world
governmenL) and over all of Lhe human conLlnenLs, as
well. 1he vargr of 1sal follow LradlLlonal vllanl culLure
more closely Lhan Lhe largely vllanl-descended humans
do, and Lhe planeLary sLaLe - Lhe AdmlnlsLraLlon of
ungnlshunks' - ls a very bureaucraLlc and hlde-bound

1oklLre/1411 1oklLre, lmperlal CllenL SLaLe
Ste||ar keaches #8, page 48
1oklLre hosLs an lmperlal naval 8ase on Lhe oLher slde
of Lhe Lesser 8lfL. All slx naLlons ln Lhe sLarsysLem - Lwo
off Lhe malnworld - malnLaln a cllenL relaLlonshlp wlLh
Lhe lmperlum.
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 30
1he churches of Lhe world rlng Lhelr bells Lo celebraLe
Lhe dawn of Lhe new lmperlal year.
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 33
Local resldenLs Lend Lo be more lmperlal Lhan Lhe
lmperlals", whlle belng qulLe anLl-vargr. lL ls Lhe cenLre
of lmperlal acLlvlLy on Lhe coreward slde of Lhe Lesser
8lfL, and Lhe homebase of lnnumerable lmperlal
organlzaLlons, corporaLlons, and lnsLlLuLes LhaL venLure
lnLo Lhe ever-LurbulenL reglon of Lhe vargr LxLenLs.
Ste||ar keaches #10, page 18
1he world's orlglnal vllanl name was Mazaggukalu, and
was Lhe home of a large llrsL lmperlum naval base.

unang/1608 kourae, non-allgned
Ste||ar keaches #12, page 33
A plraLe-lnfesLed sysLem, lnhablLed by hosLlle Suedzuk
vargr. Avold.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 33
L|feforms |n the Lmpty uarter

raveer Snapdragons
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 19
A wlnged snake LhaL ls naLlve Lo Lhe [ungles of raveer,
Lhe snapdragon ls a popular peL wlLhln Lhe Slx

Ste||ar keaches #2, page 27
naLlve Lo Lhe lcy waLers of urduaan, Lhe Sheola ls a
large arcLlc-envlronmenL carnlvore LhaL lays smelly buL
dellclous eggs, hlghly valued by udusls subsecLor

Ceneered mules"
Ste||ar keaches #6, page 12
1hls ls a common form of LransporL on uaruka.

Ste||ar keaches #9, page 19
A generlc name for large repLlles bred for meaL.
lncluslve of a wlde range of specles across Lhe CuarLer,
lL Lakes Lhe place of Lhe ungulaLes (cows, oxen, eLc.) of

Ste||ar keaches #9, page 19
A generlc name for large repLlles bred for rldlng.
lncluslve of a wlde range of specles across Lhe CuarLer,
lL Lakes Lhe place of Lhe equlnes (horses, donkeys, eLc.)
of 1erra. Cne example ls Lhe ClslnL, plcLured ln Ste||ar
keaches #12, page 16.

Ste||ar keaches #9, page 46
A Lough and wldespread rldlng blrd, orlglnaLlng from
rlllssa/1rln's vell/Splnward Marches.

8unnlng Worms"
Ste||ar keaches #9, page 49
lasL, Len-fooLed rldlng worms are used as cavalry on
8eshkhuda. 1he world lLself ls exLremely conducLlve Lo
good healLh and sporLs a vlbranL, amazlngly ferLlle
blosphere, able Lo easlly bounce back from even a
desLrucLlve hlgh-Lech war.

And a speclal menLlon of:
Ste||ar keaches #1, page 11
1hls ls an organlc deaLhworld, crammed Lo Lhe gllls
wlLh leLhal llfeforms. '()*# cauLlon ls advlsed.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 34
The Empty Quarter Timeline

./ ./%&)#&/ $)#E -/+"#$%+ %4# E)#$3 25 & P'(# 25 @&/ %)&/+"2)%: (2$&%-2/ '/3/2E/: C=; >6"#)-&(
1he graph|c above |s t|t|ed "re||c" Max V. N|mos.
See h|s work at http:]]www.renderos|]mod]ga||ery]|ndex.php?|mage_|d=24217

1hls Llmellne focuses on daLed evenLs menLloned
wlLhln Lhls arLlcle. CerLaln oLher slgnlflcanL evenLs,
menLloned ln oLher publlshed 1raveller works, are also
lncluded |n bo|d, and quoLes (dlrecLly or lndlrecLly)
from uon Mcklnney's lnLegraLed 1lmellne avallable aL
used wlLh permlsslon. CLher local evenLs, menLloned ln
arLlcles of SLellar 8eached #1 Lo #7, are "% "#*+",-.

l would
Love you Len years before Lhe flood,
And you should, lf you please, refuse
1lll Lhe converslon of Lhe !ews,
My vegeLable love should grow
vasLer Lhan emplres, and more slow,
Andrew Marvell, -2900 Lo -2843 lmperlal


c. -300,000 Whlle Lhe AnclenLs flourlshed durlng Lhls era, Lhe LmpLy CuarLer ls noLable for lLs lack of AnclenL
,. /012333 45"6)%,) -788)-#- #$*# 9":$*"+ !*- "%$*;"#)6 ;< -=>$=%#- *# #$"- #"?). / @#)++*( A)*,$)- B02
CD+>$* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
,. /H12333 I$) 9=%=+"#$- =F I$"-7)+ *() ?*6) ;< *% 7%:%=!% ->),")-
-11,011 Space exp|orat|on beg|ns on V|and
c. 10,200 1he LvenL sLrlkes lkon, cracklng Lhe planeL. 1erraformlng begun by an unknown specles
-923S Iump1 techno|ogy |s ach|eved on V|and. Lffect|ve|y at 1L 9
c. 9030 1erraformlng of lkon ends abrupLly, wlLhouL llfeforms

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 35
c. -S400 1he Conso||dat|on Wars beg|n
c. -S430 V||an| deve|op [ump2 dr|ves. Core wor|ds at 1L 11

Dawn: 1he V||an| Lra

c. -3000 1he vllanl begln scouLlng whaL Cushgus SecLor (laLer known as Lhe LmpLy CuarLer)
c. -S000 1he V||an| make I|rst Contact w|th the 8waps, who are at 1L S
-4914 AbabaL ls Lhe flrsL world colonlzed by humans
c. -4900 1he 8waps r|se from 1L S to 1L 9
c. -4300 1he recluslve lkll (laLer: SurogoLans) are dlscovered by vllanl scouLs
c. -4400 V||an|-||ean I|rst Contact on Gash|kan: ||eans at 1L 1
c. -4200 Gash|kan |s a successfu| V||an|-run wor|d, at 1L 9
c. -4000 Senlor vllanl nobles and bureaucraLs make lL a polnL Lo always have a few 8waps ln Lhelr reLlnue.
1hls preference for 8wap bureaucraLs spreads across Lhe Zlru Slrka (a.k.a. Lhe llrsL lmperlum).
-404S After 1,400 years, the Conso||dat|on Wars end. A|| cu|tures contacted by the V||an| are
sub[ugated under the 2|ru S|rka.
-4089 Space exp|orat|on be|ngs on La|r, the Vargr homewor|d
-381S Vargr Co|on|a| kebe|||on beg|ns
-3790 Vargr Co|on|a| kebe|||on ends. Vargr beg|n to spread across the stars
c. -3800 ne|ght of 2|ru S|rka, cover|ng 27 sectors and 1S,000 star systems
-3810 Iump1 techno|ogy |s ach|eved on La|r
c. -3170 1he 8waps are permlLLed Lo bulld [ump1 sLarshlps
c. -3000 WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, only 8eLa CuadranL remalns subsLanLlally unseLLled.
-3003 Wesaswek ls colonlzed by Lhe 8wap. AddlLlonal worlds are colonlzed
-2800 1he V||an| make f|rst contact w|th the Vargr, |n Gvurrdon Sector
c. -2800 1he borders of the 2|ru S|rka beg|ns to fray
c. -2800 1he 8waps are permlLLed Lo bulld [ump2 sLarshlps, by speclal permlsslon from Lhe lshlmkarun
(Shadow Lmperor)
c. -2700 V||an|-Vargr I|rst Contact
c. -2700 I|rst Vargr D|aspora beg|ns
c. -2430 A llmlLed vllanl Lerraformlng pro[ecL beglns on 8eshllganl
-2SS9 Space exp|orat|on beg|ns on 1erra. Lunar |and|ng e|ght years |ater
-2376 8eshllganl was flnally Lerraformed aL Lhls year - 70 years behlnd schedule. klckbacks and
corrupLlon are Lhe prlmary reasons for Lhe delay.
c. -2300 8wap colonlzaLlon ceases
c. -2400 Second Vargr D|aspora be|ngs. 1hey beg|n the |nfamous Vargr |||ag|ng
-2408 1errans at 1L 10. I|rst Interste||ar War beg|ns.
-2422 V||an|-1erran I|rst Contact
-2398 1errans deve|op [ump2 dr|ves: 1L 11
-2360 1errans match V||an| techno|ogy at a|| |eve|s (at 1L 11), surpass|ng |t |n med|c|ne and computers
c. -228S 1errans deve|op [ump3 dr|ves: 1L 12
-2219 Nth |nterste||ar War ends w|th the fa|| of the 2|ru S|rka
-2219 Cushgus ls ungoverned. lnLersLellar chaos relgns.
-2218 1he flrsL 1errans, a Lradlng parLy, enLer Lhe secLor.
-2210 1he 1erran navy esLabllshed a reglonal mlllLary governmenL aL uublsuu (renamed nullnad)

keb|rth: 1he ku|e of Man

-2204 ku|e of Man founded
-2203 I|rst k'kree cross|ng of the Lesser k|ft
-2198 1he 1erran navy esLabllshed a reglonal mlllLary governmenL aL Cullmlzuurkush (renamed lkon)
-2196 ugaash ls colonlzed, as a vllanl rellglous reLreaL
-2180 n|rosh| II, Lmperor of the ku|e of Man, ass|gns As|m|k|g|r to the Menderes trad|ng fam||y

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 36
-2170 Many 1errans sett|e throughout the o|d V||an| terr|tor|es. Many V||an| abandon V||an| cu|tura|
mores to take up 1erran ways of ||fe, part|a||y or comp|ete|y
c. -21S0? Scorp|on Company recru|ts sett|ers to Antares, Mendan, Gash|kan, and 1renchan sectors.
-2120s Lo Musllm Arab seLLlers arrlve ln Cushgus SecLor. Some erslans follow, largely resLrlcLed Lo Sashar
-2100s sysLem.
-2100 k'kree-Vargr I|rst Contact
-2074 uuke Mus'ad renamed Cushgus SecLor" Lo 1he LmpLy CuarLer"
-2030 Lo 1he flrsL wave of LasL lndlan seLLlers arrlves ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
-204S k'kree-n|ver I|rst Contact
-2036 1he vllanl mlnlng colony on amushgar ls founded
-2029 k'kree-n|ver War beg|ns
-2013 k'kree-n|ver War ends
-2008 k'kree-1erran I|rst Contact. 1erran scouts sk|rm|sh w|th the k'kree dur|ng the|r exp|orat|on
/J33K #= I$) !=(+6 =F @$":7*2 >()5"=7-+< %*?)6 L"-7+)2 !*- "%$*;"#)6 ;< D(*;- *# #$"-
/M11N #"?). O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BK2 C@*%6 P*-#+)-G
c. -1900 It becomes obv|ous that the ku|e of Man |s s|ow|y fa|||ng
-19SS 1he ku|e of Man abo||shes the remnants of the V||an| caste system
c. -1830 1he 8wap 1ap-a-wewaka-aLapas are able Lo shleld four 8wap worlds from
vargr ralders and plraLes.
-1830s A wave of Amerlcan lndlan seLLlers arrlve Lo seLLle wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
c. -1800 V|and beg|ns her fa|| from her 1L 12 techno|ogy peak.
-1799 Severa| ku|e of Man border wor|ds refuse to accept off-wor|d currency
-1784 1he Lmp|re of Gash|kan |s founded, as a resu|t of the ku|e of Man's |nab|||ty to defend
Amdukan and Gash|kan sectors from Vargr |ncurs|ons

Ia||: 1he Long N|ght

-1776 nub]Lrshur, cap|ta| of the ku|e of Man, refuses to recogn|ze money |ssued from the branch
bank at Antares. 1he co||apse of trade and the ku|e of Man fo||ow soon after.
-1776 1he Sy|eans successfu||y r|de out the fa|| of the ku|e of Man: the|r techno|ogy does not dec||ne
be|ow 1L 10, and ma|nta|n some |nterste||ar trade throughout the Long N|ght
-1770 1welve sysLems - Lhe Clorlous 1welve - conLlnue Lo reslsL Lhe vargr even as oLher human
sysLems fall Lo Lhe endless assaulLs and ralds.
-1762 Charlle 8ase, on nullnad, ls desLroyed ln a local clvll war.
c. -1730 lour of Lhe Clorlous 1welve have Lhelr human populaLlons kllled off
c. -1730 8akadan culLure ls reshaped Lo malnLaln a permanenL war fooLlng.
ln Lhe process, Lhe sysLem's name ls changed Lo Arakaad.
c. -1723 Lo Mlklk's naval forces are slowly ground down Lo powder by an endless sLream of vargr assaulLs
-1700 1he world lLself ls ralded unmerclfully LhroughouL Lhe Long nlghL
c. -1740 SsllnLhls ls conquered plecemeal by Lhe vargr
-1743 uumkashga, one of Lhe Clorlous 1welve, has her hlgh-Lech lndusLrles desLroyed.
-1730 Slblklllr & Clmushl, Lhe 1wln lllars of Peaven", repulses a vargr lnvaslon, aL hlgh cosL
-1713 1he 1wlns of Peaven repulses a second vargr lnvaslon, agaln aL hlgh cosL
-1711 lkon flnally falls Lo Lhe vargr packs of Lhe Lol kungkelsoleoeksknusln. Alpha 8ase ls desLroyed
reslsLlng Lhe vargr. 1he sLaLus of humans ls lnlLlally as 'chaslng prey', 'llvesLock', or 'slaves'
363-(-)1703 ln Lhe 8aLLle of Slblklllr, Slblklllr ls sLerlllzed, buL much of Lhe populaLlon ls successfully
Lransferred Lo Clmushl. 1he vargr raldlng fleeLs wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer are desLroyed.
c. -1700 1he Vargr |||ag|ng ends
c. -1700 1he vargr occupaLlon of udusls beglns
-1700 Cnly Cudlna, amushgar and 8ravo 8ase (ln 993: 8ravo) of Lhe Colden 1welve survlve Lhe vargr
lllaglng lnLacL
-16S8 1he Sack of Gash|kan: Vargr corsa|rs nuke and |oot Gash|kan, gutt|ng the garden wor|d
-1634 1he Second Lmp|re of Gash|kan |s founded

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 37
-1629 llrsL S1L ramscoop mlsslon senL from Pebrln
c. -1600 Marhaban and Wesaswek's Lechnologlcal decllne hlLs boLLom aL 1L 9
c. -1300 AnLl-vargr purges end wlLhln Lhe rlmward LmpLy CuarLer
c. -1300 AnLl-8wap purges begln ln Lhe rlmward LmpLy CuarLer
c. -1300 1he sLaLus of Lhe vllanl under vargr rule on lkon lmproves Lo 'valuable slaves.'
1he sporL hunLlng of humans on lkon comes Lo an end around Lhe same Llme
c. -1SS0 V|and's techno|og|ca| powers h|ts bottom at 1L 9
-1300s 1he vargr occupaLlon of udusls ends ln a feroclous uprlslng.
c. -1300 1he slow dleoff of 8waps conLlnues on many human ma[orlLy worlds wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
Lo -800 A falr-slzed percenLage are LransporLed Lo save worlds by 8wap mlllLary unlLs.
-1469 1he ramscoop al-lskandrlyah ls launched from Pebrln
-1443 AfLer Lhe lasL human uprlslng ls crushed on lkon, Lhe Lol kungkelsoleoeksknusln ls agaln
dlssolved. lL ls never reconsLlLuLed
-1427 1he Wo|vesbane ro[ect |s re|eased by the Second Lmp|re
c. -1300 1he 8wap homeworld of Marhaban re-aLLalns 1L 10
c. -1300 1he Crand Councll of Creches decldes Lo conLacL as many of Lhe scaLLered 8wap
creches as posslble.
-1300 1he sLaLus of Lhe vllanl under vargr rule on lkon lmproves Lo LrusLed servanLs and peLs
-1281 LasL ramscoop mlsslon senL from Pebrln
-1237 1he ramscoop al-lskandrlyah arrlves ln orblL around Lazlsar
c. -1230 8wap scouLs are senL on reconLacL mlsslons.
c. -1200? 1he Second Lmp|re of Gash|kan reaches |ts greatest extent, cover|ng most of Gash|kan sector,
ha|f of 1renchan and Mendan sector, and sma|| port|ons of Meshan and Gzaekfueg sectors
c. -1200 1he vargr of lkon rebulld an old shlpyard begln Lo domlnaLe local space
-1173 1he klkhushegl secL arlses on Lazlsar
-1163 1he legendary [ourney of Lhe 8wap scouL WaLwapebpepaeb, from
Lo -1141 Marhaban Lo Lhe Cld Lxpanses and back, ls made
-1128 1he 8wap 1ap-a-wewaka-aLapas lose Lwo baLLallons on Pebrln
c. -1100 1he Darr|ans, |n the Sp|nward Marches, reach 1L 14
c. -1000 Vargr kace Wars ends: Gash|kan Navy rema|ns w|th|n Imper|a| borders
c. -1000 Intrep|d Vargr exp|orers enter k'kree space

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 38
(rev|ous) Q4# F2#)%43/&-/1J-( L-8#: & ")26-/#/% !'#1J'3 4-8#C$-%A 2/ KJ2(&: C[Zb >6"#)-&(? 1he graph|c |s t|t|ed
"Iuture Wor|d" kudo|ph nergzog. V|s|t h|s webs|te at http:]]]

c. -1000 Lo 1he lncreaslngly wealLhy Cvaghoun vargr esLabllshes mulLlple colonles
-300 LhroughouL Lhe Wlndhorn, Meshan and rovlnce secLors
-924 Darr|an, |n the Sp|nward Marshes, reaches 1L 16.
-924 Darr|ans' sun destab|||ses, destroy|ng Darr|an c|v|||zat|on
c. -990 1he 1ap-a-wewaka-aLapas requesL permlsslon Lo nuke human clLles
-840 Lhe local vargr colonlze uzola as a producLlon & facLory base
QMJJ/R/SHT U)#* V"=;) Q"% $)W JSJK =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(R 8=)- %=5*. I$"- ->*(:- ?*X=( ,=%#(=5)(-< !"#$"%
#$) !"6)->()*6 P$7(,$ =F #$) @#)++*( Y"5"%"#<. O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BN2 C@#(*%8) Z+*,)-[ U)#* V"=;)
-804 1he four domlnanL governmenLs on Lazlsar all declare klkhushegl Lhe sLaLe rellglon
-800 1he LeneLs of klkhushegl are radloed Lo Pebrln
-800 uzola peaks aL 1L 10
c. -800 1he anLl-8wap purges ln Lhe rlmward LmpLy CuarLer comes Lo an end
-792 1he Lazlsar World ulrecLoraLe ls creaLed
-779 1he LeneLs of klkhushegl are recelved by Pebrln. !lhad ls declared agalnsL Lazlsar.
-726 1he vargr vandallse and plunder several clLles on Mlklk
c. -700 Current ||m|ts of the Vargr Lxtents are reached
c. -700 1he Second vargr ulaspora peLers ouL
c. -700 Vargr-k'kree trade beg|ns
-6S0 1he Sy|ea Iederat|on |s founded, at 1L 11
-612 1he Leg|on of 8reska|n, an ant|-Vargr order of kn|ghts, |s founded on Gash|kan
c. -600 1wo or Lhree dozen 8wap sLarshlps vlslL Marhaban every year
c. -600 1he sophonLs of lkon begln eLhnlcally cleanslng Lhe surroundlng worlds of non-Cvaghoun vargr
-393 new 8wap colonles are planLed by 8wap creches
c. -330 1he vargr are forced Lo abandon uzola, Lhelr maln producLlon base
c. -300 k'kree Lraders, under vargr escorL, flrsL enLer Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
c. -300 1he Lop Lech level among Lhe Sparks ls 1L 7
c. -300 1he Shushaglnln, ugaashl's lnLersLellar lnLelllgence servlce, was creaLed
-49S I|rst Contact between Sy|ean Iederat|on scouts and the V||an| core wor|ds |n
V|and Sector. 1he Scouts are expe||ed.
-484 8wap members of Lhe Sylean lederaLlon ScouLs flrsL vlslL Marhaban, Lhe 8wap
homeworld, and are welcomed as long-losL kln.
-480 1he reLurn of Lhe 8wap Sylean ScouLs ls celebraLed by Sylean medla.
-489 V||an| 8ureaux reformed. 1hey beg|n expand|ng |nto
V||an|-dom|nant areas |n V|and Sector, a.k.a. the V||an| Cu|tura| keg|on.
-480 A corr|dor of trade |s estab||shed between V|and and Sy|ea
-300 1he lkonaz Sphere - Lhe Cvaghoun seLLlemenL zone - lncluded parLs or mosL of Lhe followlng
secLors: 1he Wlndhorn, Meshan, Mendan, Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Amdukan, vland, Llshun, AnLares,
and Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
-372 1he [lhad beLween Pebrln and Lazlsar ends ln a Lruce
laLe -300s 8oLh Pebrln and Lazlsar galn [ump drlve Lechnology from 8wap delegaLlons, ln
reLurn for permlLLlng 8wap reseLLlemenL on Lhelr worlds.
-300 colonlzaLlon efforLs from lkon comes Lo an end. lkonaz socleLy Lurns lnward
-277 Cngour'k CaLzua of SsllnLhls dlscovers Lhe use of concesslons ln managlng slaves
-240 CaLzua, now MasLer 8oss, has hls reflned and producLlve Lechnlques puL Lo prlnL
-243 1raders from Lhe Sylean lederaLlon flrsL vlslL lkon
-202 1he CallphaLe of Pebrln ls founded
,. /J33 I$) =("8"%*+ ,=+=%< =% \$=++=:2 F=7%6)6 67("%8 #$) +*#) A7+) =F 9*%2 6")- =FF.
/ @#)++*( A)*,$)- BH2 CU)#* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
c. -200 1he lkonaz Sphere, cleared of all non-Cvaghoun vargr, was esLabllshed.
unemployed lkonaz warshlps, corsalrs, and mercenarles roam Lhe sLarlanes

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 39
c. -200 Leaders on lkon remaln (wllfully?) unaware of any lnLersLellar sLaLe excepL Lhelr own
c. -200 1he Lazlsar SysLem ulrecLoraLe works Lo lncrease Lhelr economlc and
Lechnologlcal sLrengLh from 1L 9
-199 A decade-long clvll war Lears aparL ugaash's governmenL
-198 1he Absaba-wakeLh we-bapaaes, a 8wap-lederaLlon Lradlng venLure - beglns a regular Lrade
rouLe beLween Sylea and Marhaban
-193 CorporaLe scouLs from Lhe Menderes CorporaLlon flrsL vlslL lkon
-187 8uslness speculaLors from AnLares flrsL vlslL lkon
-177 1he 1aLlvla lunder sLrlkes Mlklk. xenophoblc aLLlLudes become comprehenslve
c. -1S0 1he Sy|ean Iederat|on |s at 1L 12
-130 Lo -130 1he Cvaghoun socleLles ln vland secLor were forclbly broughL under vllanl rule.
-110 Lo -70 Logaksu-Cvaghoun confllcLs, foughL on mlllLary, culLural and propaganda levels, surge
LhroughouL Lhe Wlndhorn and Llshun secLors.
-106 naLlve Amerlcans and vargr are exlled from Pebrln, vla S1L ram[eL sLarshlps
-100 A |arger Sy|ean Iederat|on estab||shes forma| trade t|es w|th the V||an| Cu|tura| keg|on
c. -100 1he Lop Lech level among Lhe Spark Worlds, excludlng SsllnLhls, hlLs Lhe floor aL
1L 3. A llmlLed rlse beglns on several worlds as SsllnLhls culLure spreads.
-84 1raders from vland vlslL lkon. uawn becomes obvlous locally
-33 1he Mmoannlkh Accords, declarlng Lhe Logaksu and Cvaghoun vargr culLures Lo be of equal
worLh, are slgned on Lalr
-33 1he Mmoannlkh Accords are re[ecLed by Lhe cenLral lkonaz governmenL on lkon
c. -30 A new lkonaz governmenL was ln conLrol of Lhe lkonaz Sphere, buL lkonaz LerrlLorles ln Lhe
Wlndhorn and mosL of Llshun were losL for good
-43 1he kr'rlg Aounorg 8eporL ls released, dlscloslng how far behlnd Lhe lkonaz Sphere has fallen
behlnd oLher compeLlng lnLersLellar sLaLes
-36 1he lkonaz abandon CuLposL and 1oklLre, bomblng and gasslng much of Lhe
populaLlon before wlLhdrawlng
-30 V|and and the ma[or|ty of the V||an| Cu|tura| keg|on [o|ns the Sy|ean Iederat|on.
-20 Whlle Lhe CallphaLe of Pebrln meeLs a varleLy of her goals, Pebrln colonlzaLlon
proves Lo be a wasLe of resources
-10 CuLposL and 1oklLre end Lhelr genoclde/expulslon of any remalnlng vargr or
Mlxed- or ure-blooded vllanl, as Lhere are none lefL Lo slay. 1hese Lwo
sysLems conLlnue Lo rebound demographlcally and Lechnologlcally from Lhelr
orblLal poundlng.

Growth: 1he Lar|y Imper|a| Lra

0 1he Sy|ean Iederat|on |ssues the Warrant of kestorat|on, estab||sh|ng the 1h|rd Imper|um as
the |eg|t|mate successor of the prev|ous two |nterste||ar Imper|a. 1he Grand Senate - now
reformed as the Imper|a| Moot - enthrones C|eon 2hunastu as the f|rst Lmperor of the new
1h|rd Imper|um
c. 0 Marhaban ls a mlnor Lrade nexus, wlLh Sylean, vargr, vllanl, and Menderes
Lraders rouLlnely sLopplng over
c. 0 lkon's freedom of acLlon ls lncreaslngly resLrlcLed
c. 0 lkon arrlves aL 1L 11, afLer lmmense efforL
2 1he CallphaLe of Pebrln cuLs off several colonles, keeplng only Lwo colonlal sysLems
2 lmperlal lnLersLellar Sylean ScouLs, unaware of Lhe replacemenL of Lhe
lederaLlon wlLh Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum, conLacL Callph Ahmed of Pebrln. Soon
afLer, Lhe declslon Lo roll back Lhe CallphaLe's borders Lo an easlly-defendable reach was made
3 MosL of Lhe CallphaLe's flfLeen colonles begln Lo be abandoned
20 1he 1h|rd Imper|um |nc|udes most of Core and V|and, and much of Mass|||a, Antares,
Dagudashaag, Iornast, and I||e||sh
20 1he CallphaLe's LerrlLory ls reduced Lo Lhree sysLems, excludlng Pebrln herself.
27 1he lkll are redlscovered by lmperlal ScouLs. 1hey are renamed SurogoLans,

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 40
and Lhelr world SurgoLa
30 SurogoLa ls 8ed Zoned, and lnLerdlcLed by Lhe navy
32 Cudlna's hosLlllLy Lo sLarfarers ends wlLh a vlslL by an lmperlal naval fleeL. negoLlaLlons
evenLually permlL her admlLLance lnLo Lhe lmperlum LhaL same year.
77-034 Cagukam ls Lhe flrsL world ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer Lo [oln Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum
33 Callph Ahmed recelved hls flefs, noble lnslgnla and regalla from Lmperor Cleon on Sylea,
now renamed CaplLal.
208-033 Marhaban and Lhe nearby 8wap-domlnaLed sysLems [oln Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum
44 amushgar hosLs Lhe flrsL lmperlal naval base ln Lhe secLor
47 lmperlal dlplomaLs seL up a group of power-sharlng agreemenLs LhaL
heads off a ma[or clvll war beLween humans and vargr on udusls
30 1he lsolaLed sysLem of Lnola ls seLLled, ln amazlng [ourney across slx vold parsecs
31 1he lnLerdlcLlon order on SurogoLa ls llfLed, and Lhe sysLem Creen Zoned lmmedlaLely
S4 Artemsus |s chosen as Lmperor of the 1h|rd Imper|um
60 SecLor uuke Camal orders LhaL only Pebrlnese could serve ln Lhe SecLor navy
1hls order ls counLermanded by Archduke Charles of AnLares, and evenLually
causes Lhe SecLor uuke LlLle Lo be sLrlpped from uuke Camal
62 lmperlal dlplomaLs conLacL lrash and ?ashodhan. lrash [olns Lhe lmperlum.
63 ?ashodhan creaLes Lhe lnLersLellar ?ashodanl uemocracy, and declares war
agalnsL Lhe lmperlum Lo free lrash from lmperlal conLrol
64 A weak lmperlal force ls desLroyed by Lhe ?ashodhanl. A blockade ls esLabllshed around lrash
67 1he lmperlum sues for peace. lrash remalns lmperlal, buL Lhe ?ashodhanl democracy ls
recognlzed as a soverelgn governmenL. Speclal conLacL rlghLs are glven Lo ?ashodhanl Lraders ln
regard Lo lrash
68 8ravo SysLem ls 8ed Zoned
T1 D ?=%*-#)(< =F #$) P$7(,$ =F #$) @#)++*( Y"5"%"#< "- -)# 7> "% $)W JSJK2 !"#$"% #$) U)#* V"=;)
V);7+*. O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BN2 C@#(*%8) Z+*,)-[ U)#* V"=;) V);7+*G
C@#(*%8) Z+*,)-[ U)#* V"=;) V);7+*G
70 1he 1hlrd lmperlum renounces her clalm on Lnola
c. 70 Cudlna aLLlLude shlfLs Lo belng largely supporLlve of Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum
76 1he ac|f|cat|on Campa|gns start
86 vlslLlng asLerold mlners ln Lxlle sysLem are aLLacked
89 1he Antarean ac|f|cat|on Campa|gn beg|ns. 1he Antares C|uster |s annexed |n
the |n|t|a| year of the campa|gn
89 kebe|s and refugees, f|ee|ng the Imper|um, shape pub||c op|n|on |n the Vargr
Lxtents |nto a strong|y ant|-Imper|a| form
94 Lo 97 Span of Lhe LmaLan Campalgns, Lhe mosL forceful aLLempL Lo paclfy Mlklk by Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum
c. 100 Cn vargr sLarshlps wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Lhe 8ed Sparks serve only as muscle
c. 100 CuLposL and 1oklLre compleLely rebound from Lhelr assaulL by Lhe lkonaz mlllLary
100s lkon works hard Lo galn 1L 12 levels of wealLh and know-how, clearly succeedlng
only aL Lhe end of Lhe cenLury
101 1he 1hlrd lmperlum and Lhe resldenLs of Lxlle come Lo an agreemenL regardlng
vlslLors and soverelgnLy. Lxlle ls 8ed Zoned
114 1he 1hlrd lmperlum declares war agalnsL Lhe SLeel 8ond of LLhou, Lhe Lhen-currenL governmenL
of Lhe lkonaz Sphere
117 1he lmperlal-LLhou war ends, wlLh Lhe SLeel 8ond seedlng Lo Lhe lmperlum all Cvaghoun
LerrlLory ln AnLares and Llshun secLors. CuLposL, 1oklLre, and several worlds close Lo Lhe lkonaz
border become lmperlal CllenL SLaLes
117 A ma[or clvll war ls foughL wlLhln Lhe lkonaz Sphere
119 1he lkonaz clvll war ends: all Cvaghoun LerrlLory ln Mendan and mosL of Mendan are freed from
lkonaz rule. ln whaL remalns of Lhe lkonaz Sphere, laws and Laxes lncrease ln an aLLempL Lo
rebulld. 1he lalsemen cyborg slave casLe ls creaLed by Lhe new uekfavgrovbr' Syndarchy
120 1he ac|f|cat|on Campa|gns are brought to an end
123 Armed far Lraders vlslL SsllnLhls. 1hls marked Lhe flrsL lmperlal vlslL Lo Lhe Sparks
12S 1he Menderes Corporat|on works to frustrate Imper|a| d|p|omacy |n the Doma|n of Antares

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 41
169 1he Wall of LlghL, an exLenslve laser-based defence neLwork around lkon, was puL lnLo operaLlon
17S 1he Iu||an War starts
173 1he CaLhelngLhue SLarneL, Lhe governmenL of lkonaz space aL Lhe Llme, collapses as soon as
news of lmperlal war arrlves. 1he sophonLs of Lhe sphere conLlnue Lo flghL
173 Lo 176 1he lmperlum conquers varlous mlnor lkonaz worlds
277-176 Lo 1he llrsL 8aLLle of lkon ls foughL: lkonaz vlcLory
178 1he Iu||an rotectorate |s created
310-178 Lo 1he Second 8aLLle of lkon ls foughL: lkonaz vlcLory
339-180 1he 1hlrd 8aLLle of lkon ls foughL: lkonaz vlcLory
laLe 182 lmperlal forces flooded Lhe lkonaz Sphere
23-183 1he lourLh 8aLLle of lkon ls foughL: lkonaz vlcLory
18S Strong rotectorate f|eets cross the Lesser k|ft, and takes Antares
363-189 1he llfLh 8aLLle of lkon ls foughL. 1he heavlly defended malnworld ls lefL alone by Lhe 1oklLre
Colonlal squadrons, buL all oLher worlds ln-sysLem are sLerlllzed: lmperlal vlcLory
190 Lo 191 A ma[or lkonaz offenslve pushes lnLo Lhe lmperlum, qulckly degeneraLlng lnLo a rampage. Large
amounLs of booLy and slaves are shlpped back Lo lkon. An lkonaz aLLack on 1oklLre ls annlhllaLed
M13 #= M1M Z)*,) #*+:- ;)#!))% #$) ]7+"*% Z(=#),#=(*#) *%6 #$) L?>)("7? *() $)+6 "% @#)++*( Y"5"%"#<
?=%*-#)(< !"#$"% U)#* V"=;) V);7+*
O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BN2 C@#(*%8) Z+*,)-[ U)#* V"=;) V);7+*G
190 1he Imper|um |oses severa| batt|es |n an attempt to retake Antares
191 1he Iu||an War ends
c. 190 Lo 210 Many lkonaz mlllLary and corsalr unlLs lgnore orders and refuse Lo reLurn home, causlng
headaches for Lhe lmperlum. Several reLurn home wlLh slaves, formlng Lhe basls of Lhe
lmpservers" populaLlon on lkon
193 1he lkonaz flnally Lake Lhe Llme Lo formally creaLe a new lnLersLellar governmenL,
Lhe 1hall A'okfonkum
c. 200 1he lalse uawn of Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer beglns
c. 200 Lo 240 SubsLanLlal numbers of lower-class vargr from AnLares SecLor are broughL lnLo Lhe LmpLy
CuarLer as cheap labour
c. 200 Lo 230 ?ogesh's roboLlcs lndusLry blossoms
c. 200 Lo 230 Lazlsar rlses from 1L 9 Lo 1L 10, and lncreased her populaLlon by a facLor of Len
c. 200 Lo 240 Lnlnslsh rlses from 1L 8 Lo 1L 12
c. 240 Lo c.700 lrlllLok vargr are encouraged Lo relocaLe from Amdukan secLor Lo Lhe lkonaz Sphere.
c. 200 Lo 370 1he 8ed Sparks Lake only Lhe physlcal, preferably vlolenL work on Lhe worlds Lhey conLrol,
leavlng all non-physlcal & non-vlolenL work Lo Lhelr slaves.
c. 230 Lo 280 amushgar lncreases her lndusLry and populaLlon, buL her aLmosphere ls LalnLed ln Lhe process.
c. 200 Lo 300 Wesaswek rlses from 1L 9 Lo 1L 11
223 Al kufrah ls purchased from Lhe uuke of Pebrln, and renamed Cooke.
226 1he forced LransporLlng of Cvaghoun vargr Lo depopulaLed worlds beglns
238 Lhe lmperlal uepoL aL Lazlsar ls commlssloned
c. 230 MasLer 8oss Cngour'k CaLzua's 'human-slave managemenL Lechnlques' are puL
Lo prlnL on SsllnLhls
c. 240 Cobl undergoes a ma[or lnflux ln lnvesLmenL
c. 240 Lo 280 nullnad undergoes a ma[or growLh ln lnfrasLrucLure
240 1he forced LransporLlng of Cvaghoun vargr ends. lrlllLok vargr from Amdukan secLor are lnvlLed
Lo reslde ln lkonaz space
240 Lrgllnkhu ls renamed Mugama, and reseLLled by colonlsLs from uahomey
(Akashganar/lornasL 1613)
241 norLhwlnd ls renamed 8ommel
246 Ashgllrkls ls purchased by LasL lndlan !ews, and renamed Mordekal
248 1he lasL aLLempL Lo esLabllsh a sLarporL on Mlklk ends ln dlsasLer
c. 230 SsllnLhls reaches 1L 9. Local vargr acks

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 42
JK1 I$) P*7%=#*7,*("7- L?>)("*+ ^"%"-$"%8 @,$==+2 * >()-#"8"=7- )67,*#"=%*+ )-#*;+"-$?)%# F=( <=7%8
V=;+)- *%6 -,"=%-2 "- F=7%6)6 =% D+)-$*%)) O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BT2 C_*+:"%8 "% #$) D"(G
266 ushmlgad ls seLLled by vllanl members of Lhe Ashl Curlaglll culL
277 1he AdmlnlsLraLlve Academy of ka-aswa ls founded.
c. 280 1he era of Lhe SsllnLhls conqulsLador beglns, as plraLes, would-be conquerors
and freebooLers leave SsllnLhls for new worlds
c. 280 Lo 320 LducaLlng humans became popular among Lhe leadlng vargr of Lhe Spark Worlds
c. 300 1he 1h|rd Imper|um |s at 1L 13
c. 300 V|and |s at 1L 11
c. 300 lkon ls aL 1L 13
c. 300 1he lalse uawn of Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer ends: Lhe 8reakup beglns
c. 300 Awareness of masslve human emplres spreads among Lhe subservlenL men of 8eLa CuadranL
early 300s vargr refugees from Arzul SecLor arrlve aL Lhe Spark Worlds. 1hey begln Lo
economlcally compeLe wlLh Lhe local vargr
early 300s SsllnLhls domlnance hlLs lLs apogee, and goes lnLo decllne
,. H33 * @<6"#) ,=+=%< -$"> ?"-X7?>)62 *%6 )?)(8)6 * -),#=( *!*< "% L"-6"(("".
O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BJ2 CY)+#* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
300s Lnlnslsh, Sashar, kenrasda, Zukhlsa, uorado, uharmendra and AskaaLh suffer Lhe mosL durlng Lhe
300 Lmpress orflrla commlsslons Lhe llrsL Survey
c. 310s Lnd of Lhe spread of SsllnLhls culLure, as several vargr worlds vlgorously sLruggle
Lo dlspose of Lhelr SsllnLhls overlords
311 !usLlnce ls Lhe flrsL Lo LoLally break free of SsllnLhls
314 norLhwlnd ls seLLled by Lhe new Man Clrcle, an eugenlcally-mlnded Solomanl socleLy
c. 313 Lo 330 SsllnLhls and Arzul vargr flghL amongsL Lhemselves for a plece of Lhe economlc ple
323 Al kufrah ls purchased from Lhe uuke Pebrln, and renamed Cooke
330 Lo 342 varlous lmperlal groups and organlzaLlons engage ln gunrunnlng Lo Spark World humanlLl
330s SsllnLhls conqulsLadors lose auLhorlLy over al worlds, excepL Lhose where Lhey
make up Lhe ma[orlLy populaLlon
331 1he vargr colonlsLs of 1sahrroek overLhrow Lhe local governor. 1hey creaLe a
new governmenL, Lhe lnLersLellar 8rlnkoegzl Plerarchy
332 1he Plerarchy ls desLroyed by Lhe unlLed arllamenLs of lkon. 1he world's caplLal clLy of
Mnosa'oudz ls vaporlzed. ollLlcal lnsLablllLy grows across Lhe lkonaz Sphere
333 1he unlLed arllamenLs of lkon gradually grows more oppresslve
c. 338 A backlash agalnsL lenlency Lowards humans beglns among Lhe vargr
early 330s A brlef survey of Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer was made, ln preparaLlon
for Lhe vlslL of Lmperor AngulsLus
349 1he arllamenLal navy of lkon fragmenLs
331 1he unlLed arllamenLs ls reduced Lo Lhe world of lkon. 1he governmenL fragmenLs and dlssolves
337 Lmperor AngulsLus Lours Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, lncludlng a noLable vlslL Lo uageml v
338 1he '1hree 8lock War' ls foughL on Pebrln
339 1he flrsL successful human uprlslng wlLhln Lhe Sparks occurs, on ufhoerrr (soon
renamed nlsaga). 1hls marks Lhe sLarL of Lhe War of Man
360 Lxlles from Pebrln arrlve aL Lhe 378-936 sysLem. 1he garden world ls renamedChlmalls.
364 1he Leglon of 8reskaln, from Cashlkan, desLroy Lhe vargr seLLlemenL on kherrlz,
rename lL ramas, and seLLle Lhe world Lhemselves
373 AL Lhls polnL, nlne Spark worlds are ruled by manklnd
390 AcLlng on ?ashodhanl weakness and lnLernal sLrlfe, lmperlal forces sLrlke aL ?ashodhan,
desLroylng mosL of Lhe uemocraLlc navy. 1he ?ashodhanl uemocracy ls dlssolved.
c. 400 1he 8reakup ends wlLhln Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer
c. 400 1he vllanl begln Lo galn more wealLh wlLhln Lhe lkonaz Sphere
c. 400 lkon's aLmosphere ls LalnLed
early 400s 1he ueparLmenL of Cas ClanL ColonlzaLlon, lmperlal MlnlsLry of ColonlzaLlon, ls closed
c. 400 Lo 420 1he llSS surveys Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe. varlous confronLaLlons, some armed,
occur beLween Lhe llSS and roLecLoraLe forces. 8umours of a new war

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 43
beLween Lhe lmperlum and Lhe roLecLoraLe clrculaLe. WlLhln chaoLlc lkonaz space, Lhe Lucky
aws lraLe lleeL leads Lhe only successful reslsLance Lo llSS surveyors
401 1he flrsL vargr assaulL on ramas ls repulsed
402 1he War of Man ends. SlxLeen Spark Worlds are ruled by men
402 Lo 409 numerous worlds ln 8eLa CuadranL are renamed ln human Longues
414 1he Lucky aws CeneroslLy Commlsslon esLabllsh a more-or-less
sLable lnLersLellar governmenL across Lhe lkonaz Sphere
413 1he second vargr assaulL on ramas ls repulsed, buL aL greaLer cosL.
1he Leglon of 8reskaln abandoned Lhe world
416 Lo 417 1he vargr brlefly occupy ramas
c. 420 Lo 620 1he 8engall Llons and Lhe SLellar Shelks clash ln lnnumerable acLlons, vlolenL and non-vlolenL
420 1he llrsL Survey ls closed ouL, and Lhe daLa collecLed ls publlshed Lhe same year
428 A-esLaka-sespa of Lhe SaLhwawafa clan ls selecLed by Lmperor MarLln lll Lo rule Marhaban
subsecLor. Pe ls Lhe flrsL 8wap Lo be ralsed up Lo uucal sLaLus, and one of Lhe very few non-
human uukes of Lhe pre-Clvll War era
432 AL Lhe requesL of Lhe new uuke, Lmperor MarLln lll changes Lhe name of Marhaban subsecLor Lo
LenLull, Lhe name of Lhe dynasLy MarLln lll currenLly leads
c. 440 More 8eLa CuadranL sLarshlps are crewed by humans Lhan by vargr
c. 430 1he sLarL of Lhe 8rlghL Age among Lhe Spark Worlds
432 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of 1he nlsaga Commlsslon ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
442 vgrofhllghollouksesh Ar, uefender of lkon, dles. Pls governmenL, 1he Lucky
aws CeneroslLy Commlsslon, dles wlLh hlm, buL ls qulckly replaced by a slmllar sLaLe
462 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of 1he eaceSphere ls founded ln 8eLa CuadranL
474 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of Lhe SLellar 8epubllc of CoLan ls founded among Lhe Sparks
476 MorLh Sawng, Lhe sole famous female 8ed Spark phllosopher, ls kllled
476 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of 1he 8ond of 8lL-klk ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
481 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of kulloerr naLlon ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
483 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of Abulsh ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
487 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of Llll uynasLy ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
490 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of Cangas ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
492 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of 1aabe lmperlum ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
c. S00 V|and |s at 1L 13
c. 300 1wo 8eLa CuadranL sysLems reach 1L 10
c. 300 1he hunLlng and eaLlng of humans ln 8eLa CuadranL ls lncreaslngly resLrlcLed and banned,
followlng Lhe Leachlngs of MorLh Sawng
302 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of 1he reca 8epubllc ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
309 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of Lhe klngdom of uenkakh ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
309 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of Lhe SLarCommand ls founded among Lhe Spark Worlds
310 1he CreaL Chaln of 8aLLles sLarLs ln 8eLa CuadranL. 1he 1hlrd lmperlum and Lhree roLecLoraLe
governmenLs provlde llmlLed mlllLary asslsLance Lo Lhelr allles ln Lhe confllcL
316 1he uamlaer unlon ls founded, ln Amdukan SecLor. She holds four sysLems ln Lhe LmpLy
CuarLers' 1sosoe subsecLor, 8eLa CuadranL
340 1he 1hlrd lmperlum and Lhe oLher ouLslde powers wlLhdraw Lhelr asseLs from Lhe CreaL Chaln of
8aLLles among Lhe Sparks
c. 330 lkon ls aL 1L 14
KKT I$) `*<*?=% F*?"+< *(("5)6 =% a67-"-. I$)< *##)?># #= ;7"+6 7> #$)"( >+*%)#*(< Q%=# L?>)("*+R
F")F2 \*-*"%b2 7-"%8 5*("=7- ?)*%-. I$)"( ?7,$ -?*++)( L?>)("*+ F")F "- 7(;*%"c)6 "%#= #$) ^()) P"#<
=F `*<*?=%.
O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BN2 CU"=8(*>$<[ @)+),#)6 @$"> 9*-#)(- *%6 d)--)+- =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
373 1he greaL Chaln of 8aLLles ends ln 8eLa CuadranL
c. 380 lkon's overall law and LaxaLlon level ls lowered
c. 380 1he sysLem of 8ravo 8ase dlssolved lnLo clvll war
387 1he Shelk-backed facLlon ln Lhe 8ravo 8ase clvll war ls relocaLed Lo Corsabren
S89 1he (I|rst) Iront|er War starts
392 new rules regulaLlng warfare are esLabllshed among Lhe worlds of 8eLa CuadranL

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 44
394 1he undersea megalopolls of 1herLzlraakh suffers a caLasLrophlc fallure on lkon.
AbouL 19.9 bllllon sophonLs dle from floodlng and lmplodlng pressures
396 1he lmperlal navy bullds a naval base ln Corsabren sysLem, now an lmperlal CllenL SLaLe
399 lkon's pollLlcal ellLes follow Cmaloekha'ous' lead, and declde Lo rebullL Lhe
undersea megalopolls accordlng Lo Lhe A'grangrlgk lan
600 Corsabren base ls handed over Lo Lhe Corsabren governmenL
c. 600 Lo c.720 Masslve lrlllLok lmmlgraLlon lnLo Lhe lkonaz Sphere, supporLlng reconsLrucLlon pro[ecLs
604 1he (I|rst) Iront|er War ends
606 Imper|a| C|v|| War beg|ns - Lmpress Iacque||ne assass|nated by Grand Adm|ra| hau|t-|ankwe||
606 Lo 622 Cccaslonal renegade fleeLs and lkonaz plraLe packs would squeeze lmperlal worlds and shlps for
'LrlbuLe' and 'proLecLlon fees'
c. 610 1he hunLlng, kllllng and eaLlng any human ls progresslvely crlmlnallzed wlLhln
8eLa CuadranL. MosL of Lhe survlvlng excepLlons Lo Lhls prohlblLlon use Lhe
PunL as a punlshmenL for parLlcularly nasLy caplLal crlmes
612 uesLrucLlve 8ed Spark plraLe ralds lnLo Lhe LmpLy CuarLer begln
613 uesLrucLlve 8ed Spark plraLe ralds are challenged by lkonaz plraLes. ?ear of 8uLchery beglns.
333-613 1he desLrucLlon of Lhe lasL 8ed Spark fuel dump ends Lhe ?ear of 8uLchery. Low-level
Suedzuk/Cvaghoun hosLlllLy endures Lo Lhe presenL day.
c. 613 Ma[or fleeLs abandon Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer
TM0 Y*(7:* "- -)##+)6 ;< @"( \**67 \*(+":*(2 *- * -#(=%8$=+6 =F #$) #$)%/>(=?"%)%# e"%#* F*?"+<.
61S 1he Second Iront|er War starts
613 Lo 623 lkon acLs as a ma[or cenLre of plraLe ralds, sLrlklng lnLo Lhe unsLable lmperlum
620 1he Second Iront|er War ends
c. 620 Clashes beLween Lhe 8engall Llons and Lhe SLellar Shelks fade lnLo lnslgnlflcance
622 Imper|a| C|v|| War ends - Grand Adm|ra| Arbe||atra defeats Lmperor Gustus |n the Second
8att|e of 2h|maway
c. 622 Lo 629 Sharp sklrmlshes beLween local powers are commonplace among Lhe Spark Worlds
622 Adm|ra| Soegz executes Archduke G|azdon De|rd|n of Antares for treason
622 Corsabren sysLem ls reclasslfled as a non-allgned sysLem. She reLalns her lmperlal navy 8ase
ear|y 62S reparat|ons for the effect|ve reconquest of the Lmpty uarter are |a|d
mld-626 8esldenL plraLes wlLhln Lhe lrash ClusLer are desLroyed
c.263-626 1he 8aLLle of amushgar ls foughL: parLlal lmperlal vlcLory
laLe 626 urago's 8elL ls cleared of plraLes
072-627 1he 8aLLle of udusls ls foughL: compleLe lmperlal vlcLory
122-627 1he 8aLLle of Casadlm ls foughL: parLlal lmperlal vlcLory
173-628 1he 8aLLle of amushgar ls foughL: compleLe lmperlal vlcLory
628 Adm|ra| Soegz ra|sed to Archduke of Antares
173-628 All plraLe forces broken on amushgar

Stab|||ty: 1he A|kha||ko| Lra

629 kegent Arbe||atra ra|sed to Lmpress
629 A Spark mlllLary sklrmlsh grows lnLo a flghL, and Lhen bursLs lnLo Lhe nlshhlngh War
c. 629 1he 8rlghL Age among Lhe Spark Worlds comes Lo an end
c. 630 Archduke Soegz of AnLares laboured Lo lmprove lmperlal-roLecLoraLe relaLlons
THM e"%#* *--)#- *() !"#$6(*!% F(=? #$) Y*(7:*. f"%67- F(=? L(*-$ #*:) =5)( #$) *;*%6=%)6
636 kulloer naLlon drops ouL of Lhe nlshhlngh War
640 1sosoe surrenders Lo Lhe 8loodunlon
643 1rshkuda ls Laken by Lhe 8loodunlon. uenkakh surrenders and Lhe
klngdom of uenkakh ls dlssolved, endlng Lhe nlshhlngh War
643 Lo Lhe Spark confllcLs are largely lnLernal affalrs wlLhln Lhe varlous governmenLs,
laLe 700s raLher Lhan exLernal wars wlLh oLher powers
648 1he 1reaLy of CoLan ls slgned, bannlng aLLacks on varlous forms of lnfrasLrucLure & llfe-supporL

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 45
c. 630 1he lkonaz vllanl have dlsproporLlonaLely more land and buslness lnfluence Lhan Lhelr supposed
Cvaghoun vargr overlords
TNM I$) \*+"%/d*)%#= P+*--",2 *% *%%7*+ -#*(-$"> ->=(#"%8 )5)%#2 "- -#*(#)6 "%
4%"%-"-$ -<-#)? O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BM2 C@>),"*+ Y)+"5)(< #= '76"%*G
LaLe 600s lkon ls aL 1L 13
683 Lo 697 A wave of LerrorlsL lncldenLs spark a ma[or lncrease of law levels and
governmenL cenLrallzaLlon among Lhe Sparks
292-672 Lmperor 2hak|rov and the V||an| Ant|ama Sh||shug|nsa are marr|ed. So|oman| power |s broken
w|th|n the Imper|a| Court.
690 Zhaklrov glves Lhe unlnhablLed world of SabLah (renamed Woswaab) Lo Lhe 8waps, as a gesLure
of Lhanks for Lhelr lmperlal supporL durlng Lhe Clvll War. Many lmperlal Cushgusl dlsapprove
78-693 uaLros, caplLal clLy of SLarCommand, ls desLroyed by a sulLcase nuke. SLarCommand collapses.
c. 700s 1he Spark economy decllnes
c. 700s rlvaLe vargr lnLeresLs help pay for Lhe cleanup of Slblklllr.
c. 700 1he 1h|rd Imper|um |s at 1L 14
c. 700 1he econom|c dec||ne of the Imper|a| Lmpty uarter bottoms out
704 Lmpress Margaret I created the So|oman| Autonomous keg|on
703 1he lnLersLellar pollLy of Lhe llange uemocraLlc Zone ls founded ln 8eLa CuadranL
714 1he nlsaga Commlsslon collapses, and ls replaced by Lwo sLaLes:
Lhe 8egency of nlsaga and new allavas
716 1he Archduchy of So| |apses: a|| poss|b|e he|rs of the recent|y deceased Archduke are members
of the So|oman| arty. arty members are not perm|tted to ga|n a Nob|e patent.
c. 720 lkon hlLs her mosL populaLed polnL - 300 bllllon sophonLs, llvlng aL 1L 13. 8oLh
Lhe number of resldenLs (aL Lhelr level of consumpLlon) and Lhe Lechnology level are
unsusLalnable. Per seml-planned economy comes under severe sLraln.
723 1he AssoclaLlon of Cood Wolves rlses Lo power ln Lhe lkonaz Sphere
c. 723 Lo 770 1he flrsL CreaL MlgraLlon beglns, from lkon Lo oLher lkonaz communlLles ln rovlnce, Lhe
Wlndhorn and Meshan secLors. lew seLLle ln Lhe lkonaz Sphere
732 varlous vargr governmenLs on !usLlnce slmulLaneously dlslnLegraLe.
1he eaceSphere parLlally collapses
mld-730s 1he lmpservers of lkon are gradually freed from slavery
734 1he vargr Llll uynasLy ls replaced by Lhe human SLarCrown governmenL
NHN 9)%#=( `*<*?=% "- #$) +*-# ,+*% ?)?;)( #= 5"-"# #$)"( F")F =% a67-"-.
O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BN2 CU"=8(*>$<[ @)+),#)6 @$"> 9*-#)(- *%6 d)--)+- =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
740 1he lalsemen, Lhe lasL slave casLe ln Lhe lkonaz Sphere, ls freed.
742 1he eaceSphere ls reconsLlLuLed
NK3 A():=#$ "- -)##+)6 ;< ,=+=%"-# F(=? @-"+%#$"-. / @#)++*( A)*,$)- BH2
CU)#* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
mld-700s unable Lo susLaln 1L 13, lkon ls recaLegorlzed as a 1L 14 socleLy
c. 760 1he |nst|tut|on of Imper|a| nob|||ty effect|ve|y ends w|th|n the So|oman| Autonomous keg|on.
c. 770 s|on|c research |s at |ts Imper|a| h|gh po|nt
c. 770 lkon's flrsL CreaL MlgraLlon ends
771 1sosoe [olns Lhe hegemony
777 A ser|es of scanda|s |nvo|v|ng the s|on|c Inst|tutes has a drast|c |mpact on pub||c op|n|on
781 1he 1aabe lmperlum [olns Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
784 1he 8egency of nlsaga [olns Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
784 1he eaceSphere [olns Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
786 new allavas [olns Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
789 1he SLellar 8epubllc of CoLan ls aLLacked, lnvaded, occupled and annexed
by Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
c. 790 Add|t|ona| scanda|s are revea|ed, destroy|ng what rema|ns of
the reputat|on of the s|on|c Inst|tutes
796 1he Pegemony of Lorean aLLacks SsllnLhls and Lhe llange uemocraLlc Zone. 8oLh aLLacks are
repelled. As parL of Lhe peace, Lhe llange uemocraLlc Zone ls dlssolved.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 46

Q4# $-%A 25 @g")&)%: %4# (&)B#+% $-%A 25 G)$4&)1f9-+&B&: E#($26#+ & Fg3)## %)&1#): <__ >6"#)-&(? 1he graph|c
above |s t|t|ed "C|ty Docks" Gary 1ongue. V|s|t h|s ga||ery at http:]]ant|fan.cgsoc|]ga||ery]490776] or

799 1he SLarCrown of uharo [olns Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
800 Lmpress au|a II |ssues the f|rst of many s|on|c Suppress|on orders
c. 800 1he So|oman| Movement takes contro| of Vegan space
c. 800 Lo 870 1he SLellar Shelks use pslonlcs Lo Lar Lhe 8engall Llons, and work Lo lnsure
Shelk (lnsLead of 8wap) domlnaLlon of Lhe bureaucracy
c. 800 vland ls aL 1L 14 [esLlmaLe - auLhor]
S3T A)+"8"=7- ,$*("#")- F(=? #$) L?>)("*+ P=() )-#*;+"-$ ?)6",*+ "%-#"#7#"=%- =% P$*("#<.
807 lkon's aLmosphere ls cerLlfled Lo be LalnL-free by Lhe roLecLoraLe Sclence CommlLLee
808 1he 1hlrd lmperlum and Lhe Pegemony of Lorean slgn a Lrade & frlendshlp agreemenL
SM3 I$) !=(+6 =F V"-*8* )-#*;+"-$)- * ,=+=%< "% #$) \$=++=: ;)+#.
O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BH2 CU)#* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
SM0 I$) I$"(6 L?>)("7? *%6 #$) f)8)?=%< =F `=()*% F=(8) * #(*6"%8 *8())?)%#2 +)*6"%8 #= #$)
,()*#"=% =F #$) Y))> @>*,) @#*#"=%- =F #$) @*)8$57%8/I7(+)</4W"+) A7%. I$)-) -#*#"=%- ,=%%),#
#$) #!= 8=5)(%?)%#- *,(=-- #$) `)--)( A"F#. / @#)++*( A)*,$)- BJ2 CY))> @>*,) @#*#"=%-.G

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 47
c. 820 A second wave of lkonaz emlgranLs leave lkon. A few bllllon of Lhese emlgranLs choose Lo seLLle
wlLhln Lhe lkonaz Sphere.
822 1he slonlc lnsLlLuLe on lrash ls closed: relaLed worldwlde rloLs resulL ln 2.2 mllllon dead
826 1he s|on|c Suppress|ons end w|th a|| s|on|c Inst|tutes c|osed.
In the eyes most of the Imper|a| pub||c, s|ons = 2hodan| = Lv||
SJT I$) \=)5*) I=7(2 * ?*X=( 8*?;+"%8 #=7(%*?)%# =% g+=)2 "- -#*(#)6 *- * ?"+"#*(< #(*6"#"=%. D- =F
11H2 "# "- * h7*6()%%"*+ )5)%# !"#$ * -"W/?=%#$ 67(*#"=%2 F*?)6 *,(=-- D+>$* E7*6(*%#2 *- !)++ *-
#$) )%#"()#< =F #$) A7:*67:*c A)>7;+",. / @#)++*( A)*,$)- B02
CD+>$* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
,. SH3 #= 1H3 I$) L>)(G?*(2 * ,7+#7() =F -#*(/#(*5)++"%8 %=?*6- *%6 #),$%=+=8"-#-2 ->()*6 F(=? #$)"( $=?) "%
^=(%*-# "%#= #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(2 `)<2 *%6 (),)%#+< #$) @>"%!*(6 9*(,$)-.
i@#)++*( A)*,$)- BK2 CI$) L>)(G?*(.G
833 Lo 870 1he 8llghLed War ls foughL by Lhe Pegemony of Lorean, ln Arzul SecLor
843 1he cosLs of Lhe 8llghLed War beglns Lo blLe Pegemon sub[ecLs wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
84S 1he Imper|a| Sc|ence Un|on |s founded by a group of sma||er academ|c assoc|at|ons, |ed by the
Imper|a| Academy of Sc|ence and Med|c|ne
c. 8S0 1he So|oman| Movement grows |ncreas|ng|y suprem|st v|s--v|s non-So|oman| humans, and
espec|a||y |n regard to nonhumans. kestr|ct|ons on non-So|oman| mu|t|p|y
839 1he lkonaz world of uaalll undergoes a devasLaLlng nuclear war beLween local
Superpowers over Lhe lssue of lmmlgranLs from lkon
c. 860 1he second of lkon's CreaL MlgraLlon ends
c. 860 1he So|oman| Movement contro|s near|y every wor|d w|th|n the So|oman| sphere
c. 860 Lven Lhe wealLhlesL worlds wlLhln Lhe Pegemony were golng wlLhouL food once a week. 1he
slLuaLlon for Lhe Pegemony worlds wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer ls a loL worse: several sysLems
endure wldespread famlne. overLy ls endemlc, as ls hyperlnflaLlon.
ST0 ^PP.Q. O #$) "%,=((),# 6*#) =F #$) f)8)?=%<G- F=7%6"%82 *- +"-#)6 "% @#)++*( A)*,$)- BT2 CY=!%)6
g% ac=+*G. I$"- 6*#) "- "?>=--";+)2 *- #$) L?>)("7? "- )*(+")( 6)-,(";)6 *- $*5"%8 * #(*6)
*8())?)%# !"#$ #$) f)8)?=%< "% SM0.
866 1he Crder of Cne, lnsplred by Lhe Leglon of 8reskaln, esLabllshed Lhelr cenLre on ramas
226-868 1he 8wap appeal regardlng Shelk domlnaLlon of Lhe secLor reaches Lmpress 1omuLova ll
308-868 Lmpress 1omuLova ll does noL proclalm her rullng, buL (vla courler) hands lL Lo Archduke Sago Lo
proclalm. A speclal granL of auLhorlLy ls also provlded.
869 ScaLLered rebelllons begln across Lhe Pegemony. 1he 1lme of Madness beglns
869 Lo 870 1he represslve meLhods of Lhe Pegemony, and Lhe refusal of Lhe reslsLance Lo buckle, shlfLs Lo
Lhe Lra of Porror as Lhe Pegemony responds wlLh undue cruelLy agalnsL her enemles
123-869 Archduke Sago recelves Per Ma[esLy's rullng, buL decldes Lo lssue lL on nullnad, ln person -
accompanled by several Lhousand Lroops and a subsLanLlal naval presence.
263-869 Archduke Sago, wlLh a large number of heavlly-armed frlends, arrlves aL nullnad
284-869 Lmpress 1omuLova ll's rullng, declarlng Lhe SLellar Shelks and Lhe 8engall Llons 'essenLlally
corrupL', ls proclalmed. Archduke Sago Lakes acLlon Lo recLlfy Lhls.
ST1 I$) +*-# #"#+)6 e"%#*2 =%,) * >(=?"%)%# F*?"+< !"#$"% #$) L?>)("*+ 4?>#< E7*(#)(2 6")-. @==%
*F#)(!*(6-2 #$) ,+*% F*6)- "%#= =;-,7("#<.
113-870 An aLLempL ls made Lo assasslnaLe Archduke Sago. Parsh reprlsals are made, puLLlng an end Lo
such reslsLance.
163-870 Pegemony wlLhdrawal ls compleLe: Lhe 8llghLed War comes Lo an end
871 1he So|oman| Autonomous keg|on |s reorgan|zed as the So|oman| Confederat|on
c. 900 1he Church of the Chosen Cnes proc|a|m the doctr|ne of Vargr supremacy,
[ust|f|ed by the|r up||ft by the Anc|ents
107-871 1he lasL organlzed reslsLance Lo Lhe Pegemon ls snuffed ouL on !usLlnce
873 1he Sago SeLLlemenL ls lssued wlLhln Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer
873 1he vargr Lake Lhe lead ln Lhe recovery of Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
872 1wo subsecLors successfully secede from Lhe Pegemony ln Arzul SecLor.
307-872 1he relgnlng Pegemon commlLs sulclde. Pls successor lmmedlaLely enacLs leglslaLlon LhaL allows
Lhe Pegemonlo (sophonLs of Lhe Pegemony) Lo geL back on Lhelr feeL agaln.
873 1he 1lme of Madness recedes across Lhe Pegemony of Lorean.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 48
873 1he vargr Lake a leadlng role ln Lhe rebulldlng of Lhe Pegemony
877 Archduke Sago and hls CourL reLurns Lo AnLares
mld-890s Abadanl ldeology arlses on lndara
897 8aha'l mlsslonarles arrlve on ramas
900 keports of So|oman| treatment of others persuade Grand r|ncess Margaret to beg|n
reassess|ng the So|oman| Autonomous keg|on
c. 900 1he 8ed Spark 8evoluLlon Lakes hold of 8eLa CuadranL
c. 900 lmperlal nobles wlLhln Lhe Sashar-amushgar ClusLer work Lo suppress Abadanlsm
908 Margaret II ascends to the Ir|d|um 1hrone
909 Margaret II grants except|ons from So|oman| ru|e to severa| wor|ds |n the C|d Lxpanses
c. 910 1he Pegemony of Lorean's economy recovered Lo old levels - excepL wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
913 MosL of Lhe requlremenLs of Lhe Sago SeLLlemenL lapse
914 1he roLecLoraLe Sclence CommlLLee deLermlnes lkon's blosphere as 'sLrong'
913 1he Pegemon of Lorean sends emlssarles Lo Lhe leaders of Lhe uamlaer unlon
920 Margaret II, act|ng on Imper|a| appea|s from var|ous wor|ds, exc|udes them from So|oman| ru|e
and orders the Imper|a| Navy to enforce her orders
920s Lo 930s Abadanl and Abadanl-lnfluenced parLles rlse Lo power on several worlds of
Lhe Sashar-amushgar ClusLer.
929 'LlberLy & Consclence' leglslaLlon provldes for exLenslve (buL noL absoluLe) rellglous llberLy wlLhln
Lhe Pegemony-ruled worlds of 8eLa CuadranL
,. 1H3- D% *##)?># #= "%,+76) d*(8( "%#= #$) $7?*%/6=?"%*#)6 `=()*% A*%8)(- "- X768)6 * 6"-*-#)(2 *%6
#$) )W>)("?)%# )%6)6. O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BT2 CY=!%)6 =% ac=+*G
236-933 uamlaer unlon leaves Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe, and [olns Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
933 Lo 936 1he roLecLoraLe launches Lhe Lorean SLrlkes lnLo Lhe Pegemony.
MlllLary forces from Lhe lellowshlp of nobles from lkon spearheaded Lhese assaulLs
119-936 roLecLoraLe forces [ump lnLo uamlaer sysLem, and Lake Lhe world
127-936 1he maln Pegemony fleeL [umps lnLo uamlaer. 1he roLecLoraLe ls handed lLs'
greaLesL mlllLary defeaL ln hlsLory.
early 937 1he lellowshlp of nobles on lkon ls dlssolved
c. 938 Imper|a| & So|oman| nava| un|ts sk|rm|sh frequent|y |n Da|be|, D|aspora and the C|d Lxpanses.
1he So|oman| avo|d open war. More r|mward systems seek Imper|a| protect|on from the
100-940 1he So|oman| Confederat|on forma||y comp|a|ns that the 1h|rd Imper|um |s |nterfer|ng |n the|r
|nterna| affa|rs, |n v|o|at|on of the 704 treaty
292-940 Lmpress Margaret II, |n response, d|sso|ves the So|oman| Autonomous keg|on and orders the|r
re|ntegrat|on |nto the 1h|rd Imper|um
940 1he 8ukadukaz 8epubllc, Lhe lkonaz successor sLaLe Lo Lhe lellowshlp of nobles,
ls founded. 1he creaLlon of Lhe 8epubllc rlngs ln offlclal equallLy beLween Cvaghoun vargr and
lkonaz vllanl. More accuraLely, Lhe vllanl are ralsed from LrusLed servanLs Lo LrusLed allles, whlch
can acL lndependenLly of Lhe Cvaghoun.
942 1he 1reaLy of var-lnaka ls slgned, resLrlcLlng naval bases ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
942 1he Pegemony of Loran [olns Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe as an AssoclaLed SLaLe. uamlaer's
lncorporaLlon lnLo Lhe Pegemony ls recognlzed by Lhe roLecLoraLe. 1he 'LlberLy & Consclence'
laws of Lhe Pegemony's 8eLa CuadranL are exLended Lo cover Lhe enLlre Pegemony.
c. 930 Abadanlsm falls from favour among Lhe lnLelllgenLsla, noL because of Lhelr lawlessness or
Lhelr cruelLy, buL because Lhey demonsLrably fall Lo lncrease Lhe wealLh of Lhelr supporLers.
1KH U*(=% 4?"+ \*%#77% #*:)- ,=%#(=+ =F #$) 8=5)(%?)%# =F Z*?7-$8*( O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BM2 C'*??*
E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
1KK I$) ()+"8"=7- 8(=7>- =% P$*("#<2 7%*;+) #= F7%6 #$)"( =>)(*#"=%-2 -)++ #$) !=(+6 #= #$) L>)(G?*(.
I$) %)! P$*("#< +)*6)(-$">2 $)*6)6 ;< U*(=%)-- j*-?"% 9"8%=%%) 9*" O *.:.*. #$) ^*#"?* =F
P$*("#< - -$"F#- =>)(*#"=%- "%#= * $"8$+< >(=F"#/=(")%#)6 =>)(*#"=%. O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BK2 C@*%6
P*-#+)-G2 C4?>#< E7*(#)( 4,$=G
938 WlLh Lhe rullng llne of Lhe llghLly lnhablLed world of kazlpeL exLlncL, a 8wap creche successfully
peLlLlons Lhe subsecLor uuke Lo supporL Lhelr blL Lo rule Lhe world, ln reLurn for flnanclng
sLarporL lmprovemenLs.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 49
960 llange peLlLlons Lo [oln Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
963 llange [olns Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
1TS f*6"<* L%#)(-#)++*(2 `#6.2 * -#*(-$"> ,=%-#(7,#"=% F"(?2 #*:)- ,=%#(=+ =F #$) L?>)("*+ -<-#)? =F
f*6"<* -#*(-<-#)?. I$)< 6= %=# ()h7)-# L?>)("*+ ?)?;)(-$">2 #$) L?>)("7? 6=)- %=# >()-- #$)
?*##)(2 *%6 #$) -<-#)? "- ,=%-"6)()6 %=%/*+"8%)6.
O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BM2 C'*??* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
969 1he Crder of Cne ls expelled from ramas, and Pegemony Space
970 Lmperor Styryx orders sen|or nava| personne| to p|an out the
re-conquest of the So|oman| Autonomous keg|on
971 Lmperor SLyryx glves kazlpeL Lo a powerful 8wap creche, who rename Lhe world Wapeka
Wapeka ls a Cherokee lndlan name, so Lhe world has been re-asslgned Lo Lhem.
972 Pegemony plans Lo lnlLlaLe a serles of pro-Lorean coups on SsllnLhls end ln dlsasLer
,. 1NH I$"-7)+2 =("8"%*++< * -,")%#"F", ()-)*(,$ =7#>=-# =F e7)(=7:2 6),+*()- "%6)>)%6)%,).
i @#)++*( A)*,$)- BH2 CU)#* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
c. 97S Lmperor Styryx starts p|ann|ng on the Vegan Autonomous D|str|ct
c. 97S Lmperor Styryx weakens the Imper|a| Army and Mar|nes by s|ash|ng budgets. 1he resu|t|ng
mon|es, and more, are routed to the Imper|a| Navy
1NS I$) *%,")%# @=+=?*%" (7+"%8 $=7-) =% D:"*( "- )W#"%,#. O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BK2 C@)*-=%- P$*%8)G
49-979 Archduke Cvueneghz ls assasslnaLed whlle on a Lour of Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe.
War beLween Lhe lmperlum and Lhe roLecLoraLe becomes llkely.
979 1h|rd Iront|er War starts
979 Lmperor Styryx a|ters the Imper|a| un|form code, remov|ng a|| s|gns of anc|ent
1erran]So|oman| |ns|gn|a
981 1he !usLlnce War of unlflcaLlon sLarLs
981 1he execuLlon of Archduke Cvueneghz's aLLackers, along wlLh Lhe apologles of Lhe 8egenL of Lhe
!ullan roLecLoraLe, persuades Lhe lmperlum Lo cancel preparaLlons for Lhe lnvaslon of Lhe
1SK I$) ]7-#"%,) !*( =F a%"F",*#"=% 6)-#(=<- #$) +=,*+ -#*(>=(#
986 1h|rd Iront|er War ends
1ST d*(8( *() *8*"% *6?"##)6 "%#= #$) CF"(-# ()->=%-)G `=()*% A*%8)(-.
O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BT2 CY=!%)6 =% ac=+*G
1SN I$) ]7-#"%,) _*( gF a%"F",*#"=% )%6- !"#$ #$) d*(8( D):7)6c* A=)#-*)%8 ,()*#"%8 *% =>>()--"5)
!=(+6!"6) -#*#). L?>)("*+-2 !$= -)) #$) !=(+6 *- 7%-#*;+)2 >+*,) *% D?;)( e=%) =% #$) -<-#)?. O
@#)++*( A)*,$)- BH2
CU)#* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
988 Iohann kramm pub||shes "1he Authent|c Lxper|ence." A very |nf|uent|a| Imper|a| work, |t
encourages the rev|va| of past mores and cu|tures
989 1he unnecessary |osses of the 1h|rd Iront|er War |eads the Imper|a| Guard and var|ous Nob|es
to dethrone Lmperor Styryx at gunpo|nt. n|s son, Gav|n, |s proc|a|med Lmperor by the Moot
Pollday-988 uuke ueLhwabLakebwebwakawa of LenLull becomes Lhe flrsL nonhuman Lo become SecLor uuke
990 1he So|oman| Confederat|on aga|n c|a|ms contro| of the ent|re So|oman| sphere, |nc|ud|ng
port|ons retaken by the Imper|a| adm|n|strat|on
990 1he So|oman| k|m War starts as Imper|a| f|eets enter to forc|b|y retake the sphere. 1hese f|eets
are destroyed]repu|sed by massed So|oman| warsh|ps
990 Lmperor Gav|n comm|ss|ons the Second Survey
990 Solomanl arLy members are held ln lnLernmenL camps across lmperlal space
113 I$) L?>)("*+ L%#)(-#)++*( @,=7# @)(5",) *%%=7%,)- #$*# #$) A)6 e=%) =% P=(,=(*% !"++ ;) +"F#)6
991 Low-ranklng & casual members of Lhe Solomanl arLy are released ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
992 llnanclal scandals, rocklng Lhe buslness esLabllshmenLs of nullnad and Clmushl subsecLors, are
llnked Lo pslonlc acLlvlLy. Lmperor Cavln dlrecLly lnLervenes Lo supporL Lhe enforcemenL of Lhe
slonlc Suppresslon Crders
Pollday-993 nCW

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 50

. ]&6(&#)C0'-(% +$2'%: -/ +#)8-$# %2 %4# L#B#62/A 25 T2)#&/: ")#"&)#+ %2 (&/1 2/ & 622/ 25 %4# B&+ B-&/%
G&53'2)&: -/ %4# G+&#)) +A+%#6: ;;i >6"#)-&(. 1he graph|c |s t|t|ed "Space 1our II" Chr|stopher Gerber. See h|s
work at http:]]www.renderos|]mod]ga||ery]|ndex.php?|mage_|d=1S18368

In Iuture 1|mes.

Whlle some of Lhese evenLs are Cfflclal 1raveller Canon, Lhe 8eferee ls encouraged Lo alLer, deleLe, or rewrlLe
Lhem aL hls dlscreLlon. WhaLever makes Lhlngs more lnLeresLlng.

993 1wo Lrade mlsslons, backed by varlous lmperlal worlds wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, are dlspaLched:
one Lo vland, and anoLher Lo CaplLal
993 A ma[or So|oman| |nvas|on force |nto the C|d Lxpanses meets unrem|tt|ng res|stance from |oca|
V||an|, and |s dr|ven out w|th heavy casua|t|es
993 1he deployed LmpLy CuarLer SecLor lleeL ls parL of Lhe lmperlal reslsLance ln Lhe Cld Lxpanses
MJ3/11H I$) @"%:"**% A=;=#",- P=%F)()%,)2 =% j=8)-$2 "- -)# #= ;)8"% *# #$"- #"?). L# "- #= (7% #$(=78$=7#
110 L?>)("*+. O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BM2G '*??* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
11T P=(,=(*% A)6 e=%) "- -$"F#)6 #= D?;)(. O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BJ2G
Q>(=X),#)6R CY)+#* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
11S P=(,=(*%G- D?;)( e=%) "- -$"F#)6 #= '())%. O @#)++*( A)*,$)- BJ2
Q>(=X),#)6R CY)+#* E7*6(*%# =F #$) 4?>#< E7*(#)(G
c. 1000 1he 1h|rd Imper|um |s at 1L 1S
1000 An agreemenL Lo share Second Survey resulLs ls Lo be slgned on CaplLal
1000 1he lmperlal Clymplc Cames ls Lo be held on CaplLal
1000 Ma[or celebraLlons are Lo be held on mosL worlds, Lo celebraLe Lhe lmperlal Mlllennlum
1002 1he |nvas|on of 1erra |s a success. nowever, the So|oman| Confederat|on does not break, and a
truce |s drawn up between oppos|ng forces
101S 1he s|on|c Inst|tute of 1erra |s qu|et|y re-estab||shed, under the Imper|a| M|n|stry of Defence
10S0 1he s|on|c Inst|tute on keg|na |s qu|et|y re-estab||shed, under the Imper|a| M|n|stry of Defence

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 51
1071 1he Second Lmp|re of Gash|kan |s shattered by c|v|| war
1071 Grand r|nce Strephon becomes Lmperor
1078 1he 1h|rd Lmp|re of Gash|kan |s formed around a c|uster of wor|ds |n 1renchan Sector. 1he
name "1renchan Lmp|re" |s occas|ona||y used. A|| three Imper|a| confederat|ons |n Mendan
choose to [o|n the Iu||an rotectorate |nstead
1082 1he Iourth Iront|er War starts
1084 1he Iourth Iront|er War ends
1099 Gash|kan becomes the forma| cap|ta| of the 1h|rd Lmp|re of Gash|kan.
1100 As 1L 1S matures, SUkD creates the f|rst pseudo-b|o|og|ca| robot
1104 Du||nor |s e|evated to Archduke of I|e||sh, desp|te cr|t|c|sm
1107 1he I|fth Iront|er War beg|ns
1110 1he I|fth Iront|er War ends
1110 C|ear ev|dence of the re|at|onsh|p between the Droyne, the Ch|rpers, and the
Anc|ents |s uncovered |n the Sp|nward Marches
132-1116 Lmperor SLrephon, hls wlfe, and hls daughLer and helr are assasslnaLed by Archduke uullnor on
CaplLal. uullnor clalms Lhe Lhrone brlefly, Lhen flees Lo hls sLronghold ln llellsh secLor. rlnce
Lucan assumes Lhe lrldlum Lhrone, afLer hls older broLher ls found shoL Lo deaLh
1117 varlous senlor nobles, from secLor dukes Lo a redlscovered Lmperor SLrephon,
rlse Lo dlspuLe Lhe auLhorlLy of Lucan and uullnor. 1he 1hlrd lmperlum, wlLhouL a unlversally
recognlzed leader, fragmenLs. 1he 8ebelllon era beglns. Archduke 8rzk Lakes an lsolaLlonlsL
sLance, slmllar Lo LhaL of Archduke norrls of ueneb.
237-1117 Archduke 8rzk renounces hls oaLh Lo Lhe Lmperor, and clalms boLh AnLares and Lhe lmperlal
LmpLy CuarLer for Lhe League of AnLares. Pe makes publlc Lhe unlon of Lhe League of AnLares
wlLh Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe.
1121 1he lasL ma[or naval fleeL acLlons occur Lhls year. LxhausLlon beglns. lacLlon leaders aLLempL Lo
economlcally revlve Lhelr holdlngs. 1he League of AnLares leaves Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe.
1123 Mlnor offenslve operaLlons cease. 1he aLLempLs aL economlc resLoraLlon largely fall. numerous
worlds ouLslde of Lhe core holdlngs of Lhe ma[or facLlons are abandoned. Pard Llmes seL ln.
079-1130 A uullnor rald on Lucan-held CeleLron releases vlrus, a weapon belng developed on Lhe lmperlal
research sLaLlon locaLed Lhere. uerlved from Lhe Cymbellne chlps found wlLhln Lhe Solomanl 8lm,
vlrus behaved as a hlghly-desLrucLlve compuLer vlrus. 1he lnlLlally released sLralns spread rapldly,
and were hlghly desLrucLlve, and ofLen sulcldal as well. LaLer varlaLlons, arlslng ln Lhe wlld, would
grow ln lnLelllgence, and asserL conLrol over Lhelr vlolenL and sulcldal programmlng. Lven so,
Lhey ofLen reLaln vlolenL - or aL besL, conLrolllng - relaLlons wlLh organlc sophonLs
1132 All of CharLed Space ls lnfecLed by vlrus, excludlng Lhe uomaln of ueneb, Lhe Zhodanl ConsulaLe,
and envlrons behlnd Lhe CreaL 8lfL. lnLersLellar Lrade and conLacL ceases. 1rllllons dle.
1140 Plvers masLery of manlpulaLlon and lnformaLlon Lechnology beglns Lo asserL lLself. lrom Lhls year
onwards, Lhey successfully develop sLralns of vlrus for Lhelr own use, lncludlng as anLl-vlral
'lmmunlLy agenLs' for Lhelr own compuLers
1180 1he Plver lederaLlon has been successfully reLaken by Lhe Plvers. rograms are launched Lo sLarL
Lhe re-consLrucLlon of Lhelr ex-lmperlal nelghbourlng sysLems
1200 onward ScaLLered lnLersLellar communlLles are agaln rebullL

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 52
Notable Wars of the Empty Quarter

1he sLars weep, and Lhe heavens groan.
CapLaln Lln 1ong, 8oM navy,
as hls wounded shlp @!=(6-?*%
fled Lhe bombardmenL of Sllkwood
durlng Lhe vargr lllaglng.
(uaLe uncerLaln, around c. -1730 lmperlal)

1he followlng lncludes ma[or mulLl-sysLem hosLlle
acLlons, and a few noLable planeLary wars. 1he
more noLable wars lnvolvlng Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum
are also lncluded |n bo|d: Lwo, Lhe !ullan War and
Lhe lmperlal Clvll War, lnvolves Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.

c. -2400 Lo -1700 1he vargr lllaglng
c. -1730 Lo -1703 1he vargr wage war agalnsL Lhe Colden 1welve
-1762 Clvll war on nullnad desLroys Charlle base
-1118 to 389 As|an 8order Wars
363-(-)1703 8aLLle of Slblklllr. ueaLh of Slblklllr, and desLrucLlon of mosL vargr
forces wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. Lnd of Lhe war agalnsL Lhe 1welve.
c. -1700 Lo -1300 vargr are exLermlnaLed across much of Lhe rlmward CuarLer
c. -1300 Lo -800 numerous 8wap creches are wlped ouL
c. -1000 Lo 339 very hlgh levels of pack vs. pack vlolence among Lhe vargr of 8eLa CuadranL
-773 Lo -372 Pebrln !lhad ls foughL agalnsL Lazlsar
64 Lo 67 1he ?ashodhan War
76 to 120 1he Imper|a| ac|f|cat|on Campa|gns
94 Lo 97 1he LmaLan Campalgns on Mlklk
114 Lo 117 1he lmperlal-LLhou War
117 Lo 119 1he lkonaz Clvll War
17S to 191 1he Iu||an War
210 to 348 1he Vargr Campa|gns
c. 310 Lo 330s varlous vargr worlds wlLhln 8eLa CuadranL rlse up agalnsL Lhelr
SsllnLhls Cverlords
330 Lo 342 Puman gun-runnlng wlLhln 8eLa CuadranL
331 Lo 332 A serles of lnsurgencles grow ln lkonaz Space, cumulaLlng ln Lhe overLhrow of Lhe vllanl
esLabllshmenL and Lhe lmpoverlshmenL of Lhe wealLhy vllanl clans. 1he lnfamous
'1hree-8lock War' ls foughL ln nazzel megalopolls on Pebrln
339 llrsL successful human uprlslng agalnsL Lhe 8lood vargr ln 8eLa CuadranL, on nlsaga.
1he War of Man beglns.
364 1he vlll ueLachmenL of Lhe anLl-vargr Leglon of 8reskaln - a.k.a. Lhe 8lack'n'8eds -
arrlves ln 8eLa CuadranL.
402 1he War of Man ends wlLh humans ln conLrol of slxLeen worlds wlLhln 8eLa CuadranL
418 to 43S 1he I|e||sh kevo|t
c. 420 Lo Lhe 8engal Llon & SLellar Shelk hldden and proxy confllcLs
early 600s
c. 300 8ushflre and proxy wars commonplace ln 8eLa CuadranL.
1he Sparks" nlckname arlses for Lhe reglon
c. 310 Lo 373 1he CreaL Chaln of 8aLLles occurs wlLhln 8eLa CuadranL
c. 310 Lo 340 lmperlal and Lhree roLecLoraLe naLlons are lnvolved ln Lhe CreaL Chaln of 8aLLles
c. 320 Lo 337 roxy lnLervenLlons worsen clvll war on 8ravo
S89 to 604 1he I|rst Iront|er War
608 to 622 1he Imper|a| C|v|| War
608 Lo 613 Cccaslonal mlnor noble-led fleeLs clash wlLhln Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer
608 Lo 613 Large lkonaz plraLe groups range across Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer
612 Lo 613 vargr lnvaslon from 8eLa CuadranL
613 ?ear of 8uLchery ends 8eLa CuadranL lnvaslon
613 Lo 628 lraLe rule across several sysLems wlLhln Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer
61S to 620 1he Second Iront|er War

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 53
623 Lo 633 lmperlal acLlons Lo reduce plraLe acLlvlLy Lo nomlnal levels
629 Lo 643 1he nlshhlngh War ln 8eLa CuadranL ls foughL
683 Lo 697 A wave of LerrorlsL acLlons ln 8eLa CuadranL occurs
789 Pegemony bombardmenL, lnvaslon, and occupaLlon
of Lhe SLellar 8epubllc of CoLan
796 SlmulLaneous lnvaslons agalnsL SsllnLhls and Lhe llange uemocraLlc Zone
are launched by Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
833 Lo 870 1he 8llghLed War ls foughL ln Arzul SecLor: a masslve economlc downLurn seeps across
Lhe Pegemony, lncludlng 8eLa CuadranL
869 Lo 871 1he Lra of Porror sLrlkes 8eLa CuadranL as Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
crushes all reslsLance
871 1he Pebrln 8ebelllon rlses, and ls ground Lo powder by forces from Lhe lmperlal Core
933 Lo 936 1he Lorean SLrlkes are used by Lhe roLecLoraLe agalnsL Lhe Pegemony. Successful
reslsLance by Lhe Pegemony, supporL by uamlaer, and compllcaLed pollLlcal manoeuvres
and charlsma conLesLs resulL ln Lhe Pegemony of Lorean accepLlng AssoclaLe Member
sLaLus wlLhln Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe.
930s Lo Lhe presenL naLlve Amerlcans begln Lo expand Lhelr presence ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer:
scaLLered ralds & mlllLary lncldenLs are lnvolved
979 to 986 1he 1h|rd Iront|er War
990 to ? So|oman| k|m War (Cngo|ng)

A sllpplng gear could leL your M203 grenade launcher flre when you leasL expecL lL.
1haL would make you qulLe unpopular ln whaLs lefL of your unlL.
ln Lhe AugusL 1993 lssue (-2328 lmperlal), page 9, of S magazlne,
Lhe u.S. Armys magazlne of prevenLlve malnLenance

P#+#&)$4#)+ &/1 +')8#A2)+ ")#"&)# %2 (&/1 /#&) %4# 1#&1 $-%A 25 !2'+1-: 1#"2"'(&%#1 1')-/B %4# ^)& 25 L2))2)?
Q+2+2#: ;<Z >6"#)-&(? 1h|s graph|c |s t|t|ed "Concept 8" Chr|st|an "1|gaer" necker. |ease v|s|t h|s webs|te at

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 54
A Glossary for the Empty Quarter

1he followlng glossary ls sulLable for 8eferees and 1ravellers playlng ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer durlng Lhe Solomanl
8lm War. AddlLlonal Lerms are needed when playlng ln oLher mllleu, especlally ln Lhe posL-993 era, or ln Lhe
alLernaLe Llmellnes.

n|stor|ca| Lvents & Lras

1he Anarchlcal Age: A Llme of llLLle or no lkonaz governmenL, from Lo 332 Lo 414
1he 8rlghL Age: An era of glory and creaLlvlLy among Lhe Spark Worlds: c.430 Lo 629
1he 8reakup: 1he busL LhaL followed Lhe economlc lalse uawn of Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer.
Also known as Lhe 8reakdown and Lhe 8usL
1he Lnola venLure: lamous sclenLlflc/colonlal expedlLlon Lo Lnola sysLem, durlng Lhe early lmperlum.
noLable for a darlng vold crosslng aL Lhe Llme
1he Lra of Porror: A Llme of greaL paln and Lrlal among Lhe Sparks, as Lorean forces cruelly ground down
all reslsLance Lo Lhe edlLs of Lhe Pegemon. Also known as Lhe 1lme of Madness, lL lasLed
from 869 Lo 873 lmperlal.
lalse uawn: usually refers Lo falled aLLempLs Lo roll back Lhe Long nlghL. ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Lhls
refers Lo Lhe ma[or economlc boom of Lhe 200s.
1he Crand 1our: usually refers Lo a noble's Lour of a large secLlon of Lhe lmperlum. WlLhln Lhe lmperlal
LmpLy CuarLer, lL refers Lo Lhree buslness mlsslons Lo wealLhler parLs of Lhe lmperlum,
backed by varlous Cushgusl lnLeresLs and worlds, Lo aLLracL buslness Lo Lhe CuarLer.
1he Puman PunL: See: 1he Wlld PunL
1he Ma[esLlc ClrculL: Lmperor AngulsLus' Lour of Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer, ln 363 lmperlal
lnLernmenL: A Solomanl War lmperlal pollcy. 1he lmperlal CovernmenL arresLed Lhe ma[orlLy of
Solomanl arLy organlzers and leaders, and held Lhem ln lnLernmenL camps for Lhe
duraLlon of Lhe war. SLlll ongolng as of 993 lmperlal
1he Sago 1he varlous dlrecLlves of Archduke Sago, whlch Lore down and rebullL
SeLLlemenL: Lhe noble LsLaLe wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
1he Age of SsllnLhls 1he rlse of vargr freebooLers and plraLes, and Lhelr brlef rule of 8eLa CuadranL
vanlshlng vargr A form of warfare on human-domlnaLed worlds wlLh a long hlsLory of hosLlllLy beLween
Syndrome: humans and vargr. 1he Syndrome refers Lo Lhe coverL and vlolenL removal of vargr
whlch may be local, reglonal or planeLary ln scope. uependlng on Lhe human culLure
lnvolved, Lhe vargr may be kllled, sLerlllzed, puL Lo work ln exceedlngly dangerous
labour, or quleLly expelled or exlled. 1hls Syndrome ls unheard of ln Lhe vargr-domlnanL
8ukadukaz 8epubllc, and rare enough Lo be newsworLhy ln Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer.
ln Lhe Pegemony of Lorean, news of such acLlons ls suppressed, as lL can lead Lo
reLallaLlon agalnsL human mlnorlLles on vargr-domlnanL worlds: Lhlngs have been
known Lo 'geL ouL of hand.'
1reaLy of var-lnaka: lmporLanL agreemenL beLween Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe and Lhe Pegemony of Lorean
Wall of LlghL: laser-heavy defence neLwork for lkon, used durlng Lhe !ullan War
1he Wlld PunL: A form of blood sporL, where non-vargr sophonLs are hunLed down, kllled, and eaLen by
8ed vargr. Also called '1he Puman PunL' when only humans are Lhe prey

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 55
Astrograph|c terms

CharLed Space: 1haL reglon of lnLersLellar space LhaL has been charLed by Lhe Slx Ma[or 8aces
1he LmpLy CuarLer: A secLor of CharLed Space, dlvlded by Lhe Lesser 8lfL. As of 993, lL ls dlvlded
beLween Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum, 1he 8ukadukaz 8epubllc and Lhe Pegemony of Loran
Cushgus: ChaoLlc Arm", or Pome of Chaos." 1he vllanl name for Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
Alpha CuadranL: 1he coreward-splnward reglon of a secLor. WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Alpha CuadranL
lncludes 1sahrroek, kourae, kakasark, and 1oklLre SubsecLors (SubsecLors A, 8, L, and l
respecLlvely). 1hls reglon has been domlnaLed by vargr and vllanl from lkon for over
2,300 years, and ls currenLly governed by Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc.
8eLa CuadranL: 1he coreward-Lralllng reglon of a secLor. WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, 8eLa CuadranL
lncludes llange, 1sosoe, CoLan, and nlsaga subsecLors (SubsecLors C, u, C, and P
respecLlvely). 1hls reglon has been domlnaLed by Lhe Pegemony of Lorean for abouL 200
years. 1he sysLems wlLhln Lhe CuadranL are rouLlnely referred Lo as 'Lhe Sparks' or 'Lhe
Spark Worlds.'
Camma CuadranL: 1he rlmward-splnward reglon of a secLor. WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer,
Camma CuadranL lncludes LenLull, ?ogesh, nullnad, and Clmushl
SubsecLors (SubsecLors l, !, M, and n respecLlvely). 1hls reglon has been
domlnaLed by Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum for almosL a Lhousand years.
uelLa CuadranL: 1he rlmward-Lralllng reglon of a secLor. WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, uelLa CuadranL
lncludes Pebrln, 1urley, udusls, and ?ashodhan subsecLors (SubsecLors k, L, C, and
respecLlvely). 1hls reglon ls domlnaLed by Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum and Lhe Lesser 8lfL.
Alpha, 8ravo, Ma[or mlllLary lnsLallaLlons wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer durlng Lhe 8ule of
Charlle 8ase: Man. LocaLed wlLhln lkon, 8ravo, and nullnad sysLems respecLlvely.
AnLares SecLor: 1he lmperlal secLor ad[acenL Lo Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Lo splnward. lL ls everyLhlng Lhe
LmpLy CuarLer ls noL: famous, wealLhy, lmporLanL - and wlLh a pollLlcally lmporLanL
vargr presence, up Lo and lncludlng a vargr Archduke. 1he envy Lhe lmperlal
LmpLyheads feel for AnLares ls "%#)%-). 1he vllanl name for Lhls secLor ls Mlkaslrka.
Arzul SecLor: 1he vargr and Pegemonlo name for whaL ls referred Lo as lngukrax secLor by Lhe k'kree
(and lL ls lnLeresLlng LhaL Lhe deeply anLl-vargr Arzula have
Laken up a vargr name Lo ldenLlfy Lhemselves wlLh. noLe LhaL Lhere are acLually 1WC
Arzul secLors ln Lhe vargr Longue: Lhe second Arzul SecLor ls whaL lmperlals call Meshan
SecLor. 1he anclenL and unused vllanl name for Lhls reglon of space ls uklmshll: lL was
only used by Lhe few dlssldenL vllanl who seLLled here, as Lhe reglon was never
lncorporaLed lnLo llrsL lmperlum.
8eLa nlobe: A planeLless sysLem - malnly asLerolds, comeLs, and assorLed debrls - LhaL orblLs a pre-
supernova sLar, locaLed wlLhln Lhe 8eLa nlobe nebula, hex 2823 of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
1hls sysLem wenL nova ln -836 lmperlal.
'8ulwark of lormal lmperlal LlLle glven Lo Lazlsar sysLem, ln 640, for her conslsLenL
Lhe lmperlum': loyalLy Lo Lhe lrldlum 1hrone.
1he Colonles: 1he sLandard Arzula Lerm for Lhe Pegemonlo sysLems wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
Cn'hk'r SecLor: A secLor dlvlded by Lhe Lesser 8lfL: boLh sldes of Lhe 8lfL are domlnaLed by Lhe 1wo
1housand Worlds. 1he coreward slde of Lhe 8lfL ls exLenslvely occupled by Lhe k'kree
CuLposL, where Lhe Suedzuk vargr are vlgorously sLomped on by Lhe rullng k'kree. 1he
currenL borders of Lhe CuLposL have been flxed slnce Lhe end of Lhe Plver-k'kree war, ln
1he Suedzuk sysLems LhaL surround Lhe k'kree CuLposL rouLlnely smuggle ln
asslsLance, and occaslonally go lnLo all-ouL war agalnsL Lhe k'kree, buL Lhey have falled
Lo dlslodge Lhem ouL of Suedzuk space. ueLalls of Lhe local k'kree Advanced Croup"
(k'kree: krurr'xkl'xkukL'xr) and Lhelr base aL AaL nokr k'ng, can be found ln Cu8S
1raveller Allen 8aces 2, page 89.
1hls secLor ls referred Lo as CelaLh by Lhe roLecLoraLe and Lhe vargr, whlle Lhe
Pegemony of Lorean prefers Lhe obscure an unofflclal vllanl name of 8arllshra. A very

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 56
small number of vllanl colonles seLLled here before Lhe arrlval of Lhe k'kree: all are sLrlcL
1he Colden 1welve Cushgusl sysLems LhaL refused Lo bend Lhe knee before Lhe vargr durlng
1welve: vargr lllaglng.

1he observanL 8eferee wlll noLe LhaL l have conslsLenLly llsLed 13 sysLems as Lhe Colden 1welve". 1hls ls due
Lo a greaL local hlsLorlcal dlspuLe. Lveryone swears LhaL Lhere were only Lwelve sysLems lnvolved,
nobody agrees on whlch one should be excluded.

1he Pome SLars: 1he sLandard Arzula Lerm for Lhe Pegemonlo sysLems wlLhln Arzul secLor.
lkon: AdopLed homeworld of Lhe lkonaz vargr, and lkonaz vllanl. lkon ls one of Lhe premler
worlds of Lhe vargr LxLenLs, and lLs fame ls comparable Lo Lhe worlds of AnLares,
vlncennes and kaggushus wlLhln Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum.
lkonaz Sphere: An lrregular sphere, of roughly 10 parsecs ln radlus, cenLred on lkon.
lkonaz space: See: lkonaz Sphere
Lesser 8lfL: AsLrographlc Lerm for Lhe sLarless vold lsolaLlng Lhe rlmward LmpLy CuarLer from Lhe
coreward/Lralllng reglons of CharLed Space. 1he Lesser 8lfL wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
also exLends lnLo 1urley and ?ashodhan subsecLors
1he LosL Worlds: lkonaz worlds, sysLems and LerrlLory losL Lo Lhe early 1hlrd lmperlum durlng Lhe AnLares
aclflcaLlon Campalgn. 8arely used ln 993.
Marhaban: Pomeworld of Lhe 8wap sophonL specles. 1radlLlonal cenLre of 8wap CulLure. Marhaban
ls Lhe mosL famous slngle sysLem wlLhln Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer.
noLable World: Cne of Lhe LlghL noLable Worlds of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc. 1he caplLal of Lhe 8epubllc
ls selecLed from among Lhese worlds. 1hey are: 1sahrroek/0703, Chungzon/0906,
kourae/1206, khebha/0709, kuell/0206, Aeghzlvlk/0310, Cuezdhe/0310, and
Lusllkl/0639 (coreward of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, ln vecLor/Amdukan.) lkon, whlch ls far
more famous and powerful Lhan all Lhese worlds comblned, ls noL counLed as a noLable
'8ock of Lhe Cne of Lhe many nlcknames for lkon. 1hls one ls due Lo her performance
SecLor': durlng Lhe !ullan War.
1he Saeghvung- A chaln of ueep Space sLaLlons, spannlng Lhe Lesser 8lfL, llnklng Lhe
1urley-Lxlle 8un: lmperlal Pebrln subsecLor wlLh Lhe Pegemonlc nlsaga subsecLor.
1he Sparks: 1he sLars, worlds, and sysLems of 8eLa CuadranL of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
Also referred Lo as Lhe Spark Worlds.
1he Slx SubsecLors: LenLull, nullnad, ?ogesh, Clmushl, Pebrln & udusls: Lhe slx lmperlal
SubsecLors of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
1he SsllnLhls Zone: A buffer reglon beLween Lhe Pegemony of Lorean and Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc.
named afLer Lhe mosL promlnenL world wlLhln Lhe area, Lhe Zone ls noLorlous for Lhe
number and feroclLy of her plraLes and lawlessness ln general.
1he 1wln lllars a.k.a. '1he 1wlns of Peaven': Slblklllr & Clmushl. uurlng Lhe laLe llrsL lmperlum and
Cf Peaven: LhroughouL Lhe Second lmperlum, Lhese were Lhe lndusLrlal and agrlculLural cenLres of
Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, respecLlvely.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 57

Interste||ar States

Aslmlklglr 1he senlor member of Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe, locaLed ln Amdukan SecLor
ConfederaLlon: Pome of Lhe Menderes CorporaLlon, lL's subdlvlslons, and Lhe Menderes famlly.
1he world of Aslmlklglr ls Lhe caplLal of boLh Lhe ConfederaLlon and Lhe roLecLoraLe
1he CallphaLe of An lnLersLellar governmenL wlLhln Lhe rlmward LmpLy CuarLer, durlng
Pebrln: Lhe laLe nlghL-Larly uawn era of Lhe Long nlghL
1he Pegemony A human-domlnaLed lnLersLellar sLaLe, orlglnaLlng ln Arzul SecLor, and an AssoclaLe
Cf Lorean: Member of Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe. I),$%",*++< lL ls noL a Lheocracy of Lhe domlnanL
local rellglon, Lhe unlfled CulLus of Lhe LasL Man, buL effecLlvely lL ls.
Lol kungkelsoleoek- 1he flrsL vargr 'governmenL' of lkon, founded ln -1711
lmperla: lural of lmperlum. used ln reference Lo Lhe Lhree lmperlal governmenLs LhaL has
shaped vllanl/Solomanl space
1he !ullan A muLual defence assoclaLlon of sLaLes, focused on reslsLlng
roLecLoraLe: lmperlal encroachmenLs on Lhelr soverelgnLy and LerrlLorlal lnLegrlLy. lounded as an
anLl-lmperlal mlllLary alllance beLween varlous human/vargr pollLles of Meshan,
Amdukan, and Arzul SecLors, wlLh a subsLanLlal presence ln AnLares, Lhe LmpLy CuarLer,
and SLar's Lnd
8ukadukaz 8epubllc: 1he currenL governmenL of lkonaz space. 1hls ls an lrlllLok-domlnaLed reglon, domlnaLed
by Cvaghoun vargr/lkonaz vllanl mlnorlLy
8ule of Man: 1he successor-sLaLe Lo Lhe Zlru Slrka. uomlnaLed by Lhe 1erran conquerors of Lhe
Zlru Slrka. Also called Lhe Second lmperlum, and Lhe 8amshackle Lmplre
1he Second Lmplre lounded ln -1646, Lhe human Lmplre - pollLlcally & soclally domlnaLed
of Cashlkan: by Lhe ?llean mlnor race - conLrols Cashlkan SecLor, and subsLanLlal porLlons of
1renchan and Mendan SecLors. Aggresslvely anLl-vargr
1he 1hlrd 1he successor-sLaLe Lo Lhe 8ule of Man: proclalmed by Lmperor Cleon ln year 0 of Lhe
lmperlum: 1hlrd lmperlum. 1he mosL powerful slngle lnLersLellar sLaLe ln posL-AnclenL hlsLory.
ukhanzl CoordlnaLe: An Cvaghoun-ma[orlLy lnLersLellar sLaLe, locaLed ln Meshan secLor. As a member of Lhe
!ullan roLecLoraLe, Lhey ofLen parLner wlLh 8ukadur ln lnLra-roLecLoraLe pollLlcklng.
1he vargr LxLenLs: 1he reglon of CharLed Space domlnaLed by vargr
Zlru Slrka: 1he flrsL and largesL ma[or lnLersLellar governmenL ln CharLed Space, as well as Lhe flrsL
human lnLersLellar sLaLe. CreaLed and run by Lhe vllanl. Also called Lhe llrsL lmperlum.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 58

Abadanl or A member, follower or fellow-Lraveller of Abadanl ldeology, and/or
Abadanlan: Abadanl-orlenLed pollLlcal parLles.
Amerlcan Solomanl race & culLure, orlglnaLlng and exlsLlng on 1erra's norLh
lndlans: Amerlcan conLlnenL before Lhe arrlval of Luropean seLLlers ln c.-2200.
A.k.a. naLlve Amerlcans, Amerlndlan. lound on scaLLered sysLems LhroughouL Lhe
lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer, buL especlally noLable ln udusls subsecLor
1he AnclenLs: ApparenLly a powerful, mysLerlous sophonL specles, who desLroyed Lhemselves c. -
300,000 lmperlal. As sole 'AnclenL slLe' on Corcoran has been proven Lo be a fraud, Lhe
LmpLy CuarLer ls Lhe only secLor ln CharLed Space proven Lo be free of any AnclenL
acLlvlLy. WhaL Lhls slgnlfles ls sLlll belng debaLed ln Lhe halls of academla.
Arabs: Solomanl race & culLure orlglnaLlng from 1erra's Arablan penlnsula. lound LhroughouL
Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, buL especlally domlnanL wlLhln Pebrln subsecLor.
Arzula: A broadly used Lerm wlLhln Lhe Pegemony of Lorean. lL usually means 'humans who are
from Arzul secLor': buL Lhe meanlng can be exLended Lo 'of, or relaLlng Lo, Arzul SecLor'.
Cccaslonally, Lhe word ls used as a synonym for Lorean. noL Lo be confused wlLh
Arzulan: Lhe prevlous Lerm for Lhese people, lL became a synonym for plLlless, cruel
8eLa humanlLl: A Lerm LhaL Lhe Arzula Pegemonlo use Lo refer Lo Lhe humans of 8eLa CuadranL. 1he
varlous conquered humans of Lhe reglon Lake greaL offense wlLh Lhe use of Lhls Lerm:
buL, lnLernally dlvlded by llngulsLlc, rellglous, and hlsLorlcal facLors, have proven unable
Lo creaLe an alLernaLlve.
1he 8engall Llons: lor several cenLurles, a noLable LasL lndlan facLlon of Lhe local noble Pouses.
8wap: An amphlblan mlnor race, noLed for Lhelr bureaucraLlc procllvlLles. Lspeclally domlnanL
wlLhln Camma CuadranL of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, lL ls Lhe mosL wldespread mlnor race ln
CharLed Space.
8lood vargr: A Lerm for Lhe Suedzuk vargr, referrlng Lo boLh Lhelr red-LlnLed fur and Lhelr wllllngness
Lo shed blood.
Colonlals: 1he offlclal Lerm for Pegemony humans who are noL from Arzul SecLor, or from Lhe
former uamlaer unlon. 1he Lerm ls exLremely lnaccuraLe - many of Lhe humans of 8eLa
CuadranL, for example, have been resldenL slnce Lhe days of Lhe 8ule of Man.
uamlaerlLe: Cf or relaLlng Lo Lhe uamlaer. 1he Lerm may be exLended Lo Lhe former worlds of Lhe
uamlaer unlon.
uelflers: A member of a uelfled Man culL. uncommonly, 'LasL Manner' or 'LasLmanlsL'.
uroyne: Small, very old sLarfarlng specles, capable of fllghL on low-C worlds. slonlcly
empowered. ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, found almosL excluslvely ln a recenL seLLlemenL on
Mugama and an urban dlsLrlcL on Solarlopolls (a huge space sLaLlon over Lazlsar). 1he
posslble exLermlnaLlon of Chlrpers by vllanl or 1erran seLLlers cannoL be ruled ouL: buL
no evldence of Lhelr exlsLence wlLhln Lhe CuarLer has even been hlnLed aL. 1he
colncldenLal absence of uroyne, Chlrpers, and AnclenL arLefacLs from Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
has sparked Lhe lnLeresL of cerLaln frlnge researchers, who are Lrylng Lo uncover a llnk
beLween Lhese Lhree daLum.

keferee's Note: as of 993 lmperlal, nobody knows LhaL Lhe uroyne are Lhe AnclenLs. Cnly from 790 has lL been
(broadly) proven lL LhaL Lhe uroyne are a Ma[or race, bulldlng Lhelr own [ump drlves crosslng Lhe vold before even
Lhe vllanl dld so. 1he relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe AnclenLs, Chlrpers and uroyne remalns unknown ouLslde of Lhe
uroyne communlLy unLll 1ravellers ln Lhe Splnward 8eaches make cerLaln dlscoverles ln c. 1103 lmperlal.

LasL lndlans: Solomanl race & culLure orlglnaLlng from 1erra's lndlan subconLlnenL. Common
LhroughouL Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, buL especlally domlnanL wlLhln udusls subsecLor.
LmpLyhead: A very common Lerm, referrlng Lo a resldenL of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. 1he Lerm may be
frlendly, casual, descrlpLlve, or lnsulLlng dependlng on Lhe Lone used.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 59
lalsemen: A casLe of vllanl - and, dependlng on Lhe era, lrlllLok vargr - slaves, owned by Lhe
varlous lkonaz governmenLs. 1he lalsemen were cyborgs who worked as (seml)coverL
operaLlves ln paramlllLary or esplonage operaLlons. 1he equlpmenL lnLegraLed lnLo Lhelr
bodles was usually of Lhe hlghesL quallLy, buL very expenslve and owned by Lhe SLaLe, as
well. 1hls lkonaz casLe was founded ln 119 afLer a revoluLlon. WlLh Lhelr hlgh-Lech
equlpmenL replaced by sLandard clvlllan-grade verslons ln 740, Lhey were Lhe lasL lkonaz
slaves Lo be freed.
Cushgusl: A person, place, or locaLlon wlLhln or orlglnaLlng from Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. usually used
ln formal slLuaLlons, and/or as a euphemlsm for 'LmpLyhead'.
Pegemonlo: Cf or relaLlng Lo Lhe Pegemony of Lorean, and/or of Lhe Pegemon personally. Sub[ecLs
of Lhe Pegemon are referred Lo as Pegemonlo wlLhln Lhe Pegemony, Loreans ouLslde of
Lhe Pegemony. 1hls Lerm also has llmlLed connoLaLlons of Lhe personal wealLh, power,
and lnfluence of Lhe Pegemon: lL has been successfully argued LhaL all Pegemonlo are
LheoreLlcally Lhe personal properLy of Lhe Pegemon. upon occaslon, Lhe older Lerm
'Pegemonlc' ls used lnsLead.
lkonaz: Cf or relaLlng Lo lkon, a ma[or world ln Lhe Alpha CuadranL. Also used as a collecLlve
Lerm for all naLlve resldenLs of lkon, Cvaghoun vargr & vllanl.
lkonaz vllanl: vllanl-derlved race & culLure, followlng lkonaz culLure & mores. 1hls ls a common
eLhnlclLy wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, buL almosL all reslde wlLhln Lhe 8ukhdauan
8epubllc. 1hose who leave Lend Lo reverL Lo sLandard lnLersLellar 'Modern vllanl' mores
wlLhln Lwo Lo Lhree generaLlons
lmpservers: uescendenLs of lmperlal slaves, speclallzlng ln lnLellecLual labour. lkonaz vargr prefer
Lhe Cvunkkone Lerm '8ro'rr Mml Cgrllgrou.' 1here are Lwo ma[or 'generaLlons' of
lmpservers: '1he Llders', descendanLs of Lhose lmperlals capLured durlng Lhe !ullan War,
and '1he ?oungers', whose ancesLors were Laken durlng Lhe lmperlal Clvll War
lrlllLok vargr: uescendenLs of bred vargr slaves on Aslmlklglr, Lhe pro-human lrlllLok have spread ouL
of Lhelr naLlve secLor, and are rapldly becomlng Lhe domlnanL sophonL race of Lhe
coreward LmpLy CuarLer - ln populaLlon, buL deflnlLely noL ln pollLlcs. 1hey have an
lmporLanL economlc role ln 8eLa CuadranL.
!ullan: Cf or relaLlng Lo Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe. Also see: roLecLoraLe ClLlzen
WlLhln lmperlal Space, clLlzens of Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe refer Lo Lhemselves as !ullans,
and noL as clLlzens of Lhe member sLaLes. lor clLlzens of Lhe Pegemony of Lorean, see
klkhushl: A follower of Lhe klkhushegl rellglon.
k'kree: Cne of Lhe Slx Ma[or 8aces, Lhese large, mlllLanLly vegan herblvores who prlmarlly reslde
ln Lhe 1wo 1housand Worlds, Lo Lralllng of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. AbouL 200,000 Lraders
and merchanLs are based ln, or on Lhe move wlLhln, Lhe LmpLy CuarLer aL any one Llme.
Lorean: Cf or relaLlng Lo Lhe Pegemony of Lorean. Cenerally used by non-sub[ecLs of Lhe
Pegemony. Also see: Pegemonlo
Mlxed vllanl: Puman whose ancesLry lnvolves a mlxLure of vllanl and non-vllanl parenLage. 8y far, Lhe
mosL common eLhnlclLy wlLhln Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum. WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Lhey are
malnly found ln Lhe Pegemony of Lorean, wlLh large communlLles ln Lhe Slx SubsecLors
of Lhe lmperlum.
noblllLy: WlLhln Lhls work, 'noblllLy' only refers Lo rullng members of Lhe Lhree lmperla.
Cvaghoun vargr: vargr-derlved race & culLure, followlng lkonaz culLure & mores. 1he sole vargr race
permlLLed Lo voLe wlLhln Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc, and Lhe only one wlLh an unresLrlcLed
rlghL of resldency.
anner: A member of An: usually a LerrorlsL, crlmlnal enforcer or fleld operaLlve
lkll: vllanl Lerm for SurogoLan, a mlnor race naLlve Lo SurogoLa
roLecLoraLe A formal Lerm for a clLlzen of Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe. See also: !ullan, Pegemonlo
8ed Spark: A Lerm for Lhe Suedzuk vargr. Malnly used ln Lhe coreward half of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
lmpllclLly refers Lo Lhelr mercurlal anger.
8ed vargr: A Lerm for Lhe Suedzuk vargr, referenclng Lhelr red fur. lmpllclLly refers Lo Lhelr blood-
LhlrsLy naLure and hlsLory of wldespread slaughLer.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 60
8epubllcan: A clLlzen of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc. lnformally used ouLslde of Lhe 8epubllc.
1he 8ukadur: A formal Lerm, relaLlng Lo Lhe governmenL of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc. MosL commonly
used for pollLlcal offlclals, elecLed or noL.
SurogoLan: A very rare mlnor race, orlglnaLlng and largely resLrlcLed Lo SurogoLa. Cnly c. 100,000
exlsLs as of 993 lmperlal.
Solomanl: Pumans orlglnaLlng dlrecLly from 1erra, whose numbers and power rank Lhem as a
ma[or race. 1he Solomanl are Lhe second mosL common eLhnlclLy wlLhln Lhe LmpLy
CuarLer, Lhe second-mosL common eLhnlclLy wlLhln Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum, and uLLerly
domlnanL wlLhln Lhe Solomanl Sphere. 1hey are culLurally domlnanL wlLhln lmperlal
Space, buL noL as much as before Lhe lmperlal Clvll War. lndlvlduals are sLrongly Lled Lo
Lrlbal subseLs of race, rellglon, and culLure. 1hey are ofLen culLurally & pollLlcally
(A) Spark, Sparky: A sophonL orlglnaLlng from 8eLa CuadranL of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. See also: 1he Sparks
SsllnLhls Suedzuk vargr from SsllnLhls who conquered worlds by dlnL of superlor Lechnology.
1he SLellar Shelks: lor several cenLurles, a noLable Arab facLlon of Lhe local noble Pouses.
Suedzuk: vargr subspecles wlLh reddlsh fur and hlghly vlolenL psychology. MosL lnfamous for Lhe
desLrucLlve Sack of Cashlkan. 1hey are also called '8ed Sparks' wlLhln Lhe Spark Worlds,
and '8ed vargr' or '8lood vargr' by lmperlal sLarfarers and mlllLary personnel. 1helr
former LerrlLory ln 8eLa CuadranL was losL ln Lhe 800s, and spacefarlng Suedzuk are now
resLrlcLed Lo Lhe SsllnLhls Zone.
(A) 1allless Spark: A human orlglnaLlng from 8eLa CuadranL. uerogaLory
vargr: 1erran canlnes, upllfLed by Lhe AnclenLs. 1hey are domlnanL wlLhln Lhe vargr LxLenLs,
and a wldespread mlnorlLy wlLhln Lhe coreward lmperlum. 1hey are charlsma-cenLred,
pack-orlenLed, glven Lo facLlonallsm, and prefer a hlghly fluld socleLy. 1hey prefer Lo
focus on Lhe eLernal now, as opposed Lo Lhe dlsLanL pasL or Lhe far fuLure. SLrong raclal
paLrloLs, vls--vls oLher (read: human) culLures. 1he vargr are well-known for Lhelr LasLe
for plracy and scofflaw aLLlLudes. 1he vargr are a wldespread ma[or race.
(noLe LhaL Lhe lrlllLok, Suedzuk, and Cvaghoun are subLypes wlLhln Lhe vargr specles)
vllanl: Pumans orlglnaLlng from vland. ure lmperlal vllanl (excludlng Lhose who follow lkonaz
culLure) are Lhe flfLh-mosL common eLhnlclLy wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer: lf you counL
only blood and lgnore lkonaz culLure, Lhey rlse Lo Lhe Lhlrd largesL group. Lnclaves of
pureblood vllanl can be found wlLhln Lhe borders of Lhe llrsL lmperlum, buL mosL pure-
blooded vllanl are wlLhln vland SecLor. 1he vllanl are culLurally lnfluenLlal wlLhln
lmperlal socleLy, wlLh close Lles Lo Lhe Lhree bureaux megacorporaLlons. As a dlsLlncL
socleLy, Lhey are culLurally homogeneous, collecLlvlsLlc, and hlghly conservaLlve. 1he
vllanl are a wldespread ma[or race.
?llean: A Lhln, Lall, blue/black-sklnned mlnor human race, whose homeworld of
Cashlkan was devasLaLed by Lhe vargr. 1he ?lleans are culLurally and pollLlcally
domlnanL wlLhln Lhe Cashlkan Lmplre, buL Lhe raclally pure sLock belng sLeadlly reduced
by ouL-breedlng wlLh Lhe far more numerous Solomanl and vllanl. 1hls ls seen as
regreLLable, buL no flrm acLlon ls planned Lo evade Lhe probable end of Lhe ?lleanl as a
dlsLlncL mlnor race. ?lleans are seen as LemperamenLally rlgld, lnLensely dlsclpllned, and
hlghly auLhorlLarlan compared Lo Solomanl, vllanl, or Zhodanl humanlLl.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 61

ALapas-aLLa- 1he 8wap Crand Councll of Creches, whlch shapes 8wap law and culLure.
8lack'n'8eds: 1he lnformal name of Lhe vlll ueLachmenL of Lhe Leglon of 8reskaln.
1he Church of Lhe A ma[or lnLersLellar rellglon, orlglnaLlng ln Aldebaran, !yesLharl/AnLares, cenLred on Lhe
SLellar ulvlnlLy: worshlp of sLars as gods. 1he Church ls lnfluenLlal across Lhe coreward lmperlum among
boLh commoners and noblllLy, from Lhe Splnward Marches Lo CaLeway. 1he LmpLy
CuarLer, domlnaLed by lslam, Plndulsm and vllanl rlLuallsm, ls a break ln Lhe lmperlal
ulvlnlLy 8elL." Whlle domlnaLed by Solomanl and orlglnaLlng ln Lhe Solomanl Sphere, lL
welcomes allen followers lnLo lLs ranks.
Pebrln 8evoluLlonary 1he P8l deslres Lo overLhrow Lhe Pebrln 8ureaux LhaL rules Lhe sysLem. lL ls rumored Lo
lronL: be bulldlng an army of cyberneLlc warrlors.
klkhushegl: lmporLanL Lazlsarl rellglon, derlved from lslam. klkhushegl can be besL descrlbed as Lhe
merglng of vllanl rellglous LradlLlons and ceremony wlLh lslamlc Lheology and docLrlne.
Leglon of 8reskaln: An Crder of knlghLhood, founded on Cashlkan on -612, dedlcaLed Lo Lhe
LoLal exLermlnaLlon of Lhe vargr.
1he Menderes 1he only megacorporaLlon wlLhln Lhe vargr LxLenLs, Lhe Menderes CorporaLlon
CorporaLlon: ls closely Lled wlLh Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe and Lhe Menderes famlly.
Moslem 1he Moslem 8roLherhood ls a pollLlcal, educaLlonal, and securlLy organlzaLlon dedlcaLed
8roLherhood: Lo Lhe promoLlon of Lhe lslamlc rellglon, Sharl'a, and Lhe sLrengLhenlng of Lhe ummah.
ln 993, lL ls organlzlng lLself Lo flghL Lhe plraLe plague, wlLh Lhe absence of Lhe SecLor
navy Lo provlde securlLy.
1he MosL Serene Crder An lmperlal CaLhollc mlllLary order, Lhe Crder of Lhe Cueen of Peaven ls dedlcaLed Lo
Cf Lhe Cueen of Peaven: Lhe proLecLlon of CaLhollcs ln Lhe dangerous SsllnLhls Zone, as well as Lhe world of
1oklLre. lL ls an all-woman order, dlvlded lnLo Lhe 8lesses Culdes (malnly preachers) and
Lhe Shlnlng Swords (mlllLary personnel proper).
An: ollLlcal AcLlon neLwork." AL one Llme, An was a neLwork of feared LerrorlsL and 'dlrLy
Lrlcks' coverL cells and sleeper agenLs, drlven by Abadanl ldeology. lrom Lhe early 980s,
however, Lhey have shlfLed Lo pure crlmlnal organlzaLlons LhaL use Abadanl solely as a
preLexL for Lhelr murderous and corrupL pracLlces
slonlc CenLres: 1hese cenLres of pslonlc educaLlon and Lralnlng, found wlLhln Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc
and Lhe Pegemony of Lorean, are noL sophlsLlcaLed enough Lo consldered Lrue slonlc
lnsLlLuLes. Powever, Lhey are able Lo brlng Lhe lnLeresLed sLudenL Lo a baslc grasp of
pslonlcs, and perhaps galn a low-powered ablllLy or Lwo. 1he small group of pslonlc
clergy wlLhln Lhe Pegemony of Lorean's uelfled Man rellglon has greaLer lnfluence over
Lhese CenLres Lhan Lhe secreL lmperlals organlzaLlons or Lhe dlsLanL Zhodanl.
WlLh Lhe Pegemony of Lorean, all slonlc CenLres are admlnlsLered by Lhe
clergy of Lhe uelfled Man. 1he slngle, secreL slonlc lnsLlLuLe permlLLed wlLhln Lhe
Pegemony ls [olnLly run by Lhe unlfled CulLus of Lhe uelfled Man (funcLlonally, Lhe sLaLe
culL) and Lhe Pegemon governmenL and ls locaLed ln Arzul secLor.
SaLha -a-aLLa- 8wap Llders of Lhe Creches", who serve as leaders of 8wap socleLy
Shadow CarLel: A ma[or organlzaLlon of lnLersLellar crlmlnals and plraLes, wlLh numerous operaLlons
wlLhln Lhe Slx SubsecLors.
Sword 1emple: A uelfled Man mlllLary order, dedlcaLed Lo Lhe desLrucLlon of lnhumane behavlour.
Works prlmarlly as a 'mlllLary experlmenLal unlL', sLrlvlng Lo LesL and execuLe new
sLraLegles & LacLlcs agalnsL Lhe 8lood vargr, especlally LacLlcs LhaL requlre 1) a hlgh
degree of experLlse and 2) a hlgh probablllLy of fallure. unofflclally, Lhe Sword 1emples
also works as mlllLary Lralnlng cenLres for boLh Pegemonlo mlllLary forces and anLl-vargr
1ap-a-wewaka-aLapas: 1he 8wap Cuardlans of Crder", who enforce Lhe orders of Lhe ALapas-aLLa-wapawab
uslvravgrashdl: An lkonaz umbrella organlzaLlon, dedlcaLed Lo 'confronLlng and defeaLlng Lhe
Pegemonlo 1hreaL'.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 62
Symbo|s and Artefacts

AlravaL: A Lhree-headed whlLe llon. lnslgnla of Lhe 8engall Llons
Apex: 1he resldence of Lhe Pegemon. Crlglnally locaLed on Aache/ Mycocona/Arzul, lL was
relocaLed ln lLs enLlreLy Lo uamlaer
8lack Sun: A deep red sun, *+?=-# black, seL wlLhln a vllanl Cval grlpped by Lwo vargr hands.
AnclenL symbol of Lhe world of lkon
8loody Claws: Common symbol of raldlng vargr packs, durlng Lhe vargr lllaglng.
Cccaslonally used by vargr plraLe bands for mlllennla
1he 8lue Pook: A Lhlck blue hook, Lurnlng rlghL, Lhe end of Lhe hook ls a large red clrcle. Symbol of Lhe
8ule of Man.
ConsLlLuLlon of Lhe 1he legal documenL ouLllnlng Lhe sLrucLure, form, and powers of Lhe
8epubllc: 8ukadukaz 8epubllc. 1hls documenL undergoes conLlnuous revlslon: release 7.2 ls Lhe
verslon currenLly ln force.
uouble-Claws: 1wo vargr hands, holdlng Lhe vllanl Cval. 1radlLlonal symbol of Lhe lkonaz
Clawed Pand: Common symbol of Lhe Suedzuk packs wlLhln Lhe SsllnLhls Cap.
Crossed Clrcle: Symbol of Lhe Solomanl ConfederaLlon, ofLen used for Lhe 8ace as well
Lnclrcled SLarshlp: A 8lack-class frlgaLe (usually black), edged ln gold, seL on a sllver clrcle. Symbol of Lhe
Pegemony of Lorean
LnLwlned Creen: AssorLed, ornaLely deLalled Marhaban Lree and vlne grlds. CerLaln grld-neLworks are
recognlsed as 8wap lnslgnla: many serve as recognlzed heraldry of 8wap lmperlal
nobles, lncludlng Lhe SecLor uuke. 1wo are of speclal lmporLance: Lhe SaLhwa-
LaswakLawapa as Lhe symbol of Lhe 8wap as a specles, and Lhe LsLa-ebsekapwawaLhwab
ALhaLhwa. 1he laLLer serves as Lhe sacred symbol of Lhe Wapawab (1ree of Llfe), Lhe
1ranscendenL and ueLalled unlversal Crder Lhe 8waps slmply ?7-# uphold
Creen Swords: Crossed green swords. lnslgnla of Lhe SLellar Shelks
Pappy 8eddy: A grlnnlng red vargr skull. used by Suedzuk ralders durlng Lhe lmperlal Clvll War
Pollow CrescenL: Symbol of Lhe world of Pebrln, also used by Lhe CallphaLe of Pebrln
lmperlal SunbursL: A [yellow] sun, wlLh shorL, lrregular rays: symbol of Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum
lrldlum 1hrone: Symbol and rullng seaL of Lhe Lmperor of Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum
!ullan Pelm: An anclenL Creek mlllLary helm: symbol of Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe
1he Lorean 1he varlous proclamaLlons of Lhe Perald of Lorean Lhe vlcLorlous, whlch
roclamaLlons: deflne much of Lhe organlzaLlon and powers of Lhe Pegemon. 1he formal legal
documenLs are recorded audlo-vlsual medla: gesLures, body language and Lone of volce
have as much force of law as Lhe acLual spoken words.
Smlllng Man: Symbol of Abadanl ldeology, sLlll ln falrly common use wlLhln Lhe
Sashar-amushgar ClusLer of Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer
SLreamers: A seL of elghL long, Lhln pennanLs: each one has a symbol of a noLable World near Lhe
holsL, and a solld colour (Lhe colour of Lhe Lalls depends on Lhe currenL sLaLus of Lhe
8epubllc.) All elghL pennanLs, flylng LogeLher, make up Lhe 8ukadur SLandard. lf all Lhe
Lalls are blood red, Lhen Lhese pennanLs make up Lhe 8ukadur War SLandard.
vllanl Cval: a.k.a. '1he vllanl Lgg.' A Lhlck-bordered black clrcle, wlLh an lnner red clrcle off-cenLre
(closer Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe ouLer black clrcle): symbol of Lhe Zlru Slrka
WarranL of Legal documenL re-esLabllshlng Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum, as Lhe lawful
8esLoraLlon: successor of Lhe Crand Lmplre of Lhe SLars (Zlru Slrka) and Lhe 8ule of Man

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 63
Interste||ar Ideo|og|es and ke||g|ons

Abadanl: A noLable collecLlvlsL, secularlsL ldeology, lmporLanL wlLhln Lhe Sashar-
amushgar ClusLer durlng Lhe 10
lmperlal CenLury. 1he prlmary focus ls on Lhe
Common urse, Lhe SlaughLer of Lhe LllLes, 8edlsLrlbuLlon, and obedlence Lo Lhe laLhers
of rosperlLy. Membershlp ls resLrlcLed Lo humans, largely Lo Solomanl LasL lndlans.
numbers are currenLly ln a sharp decllne, whlch ls showlng slgns of levelllng off.
Anlmlsm: A large mlnorlLy of Amerlcan lndlans follow varlaLlons of Lhe anlmlsLlc LradlLlons of Lhelr
far dlsLanL ancesLors of norLh Amerlca. Whlle mosL (noL all) recognlze a greaL splrlL
above all Lhe oLher splrlLs, Lhey generally pray Lo assorLed LoLemlc anlmal- and land-
splrlLs. 8elng spacefarers, Lhey also pray Lo Lhe sLars and Lo Lhe vold as well, buL noL
excluslvely as Lhe SLellar uelLy folk do. 1here has been several schlsms, as Lhe ure
AncesLral 1radlLlons" vle wlLh Plndu-lnfluenced forms of polyLhelsm. WlLhln Lhe old
anlmlsL rellglons, Lhere ls a sharp dlvlslon beLween Lhose who only worshlp 1erran
anlmal-splrlLs, and Lhose who worshlp Lhe splrlLs of anlmals naLlve Lo Lhe CuarLer.

uest|on: Pow on earLh are naLure-worshlpplng anlmlsLs supposed Lo malnLaln a Lechnologlcally advanced
Answer: A careful sLudy of Lhe !apanese and Lhelr kaml can Leach you Lhe answer. 8enL Lhe anlme @>"("#)6 D!*< Lo
undersLand Lhe LradlLlonal bellefs of a hlghly Lechnologlcally-advanced people.
uest|on: So, you don'L need Lo be a ChrlsLlan Lo be Lechnologlcally advanced, Lhen!
Answer: Well, you are golng Lo need Lo sLeal Lhose ChrlsLlan supposlLlons, for example: Lhe unlverse ls
comprehenslble, Lhere ls a Lop-down lmposed order, organlzed accordlng Lo one mlnd, Llme flows ln one dlrecLlon,
progress ls posslble, Lhe naLure gods have no power or lnfluence ln real llfe, LhaL sln exlsLs, and lL can'L be removed
by Lhe blood of bulls and goaLs, ShlnLo purlflcaLlon rlLuals, pollLlcal acLlvlsm, or some blg black rock ln Lhe deserL,
you can'L geL someLhlng for noLhlng (so much for maglc, evoluLlonary or mysLlcal), Lhlngs are capable of boLh unlLy
and plurallLy aL Lhe same Llme, eLc.

CeL 93, mlss 3 - say, kllllng chlldren ln Lhe womb ls forbldden - and you geL !apan: an excellenL naLlon of hlgh-
lnLegrlLy, hard-worklng people who have collecLlvely chosen deaLh over llfe, and sLagnaLlon over growLh. (ueleLe
Lhe excellenL, hlgh-lnLegrlLy, hard-worklng" parL, and you geL Lurope.)

uest|on: ?ou ChrlsLlans are so bloody... arroganL!
Answer: lf l belleve myself Lo be Lhe rlghLeous cenLre of Lhe unlverse, l am 100 confldenL LhaL Cod wlll flnd a
remarkably efflclenL way Lo Leach me oLherwlse. lf l belleve LhaL Cod - and Pls only begoLLen son, !esus - ls Lhe
cenLre of Lhe unlverse, Lhen l wlll be an agenL of endurlng, producLlve change here, and l geL Lo work on some
really lnLeresLlng pro[ecLs ln Lhe new CreaLlon.

lor furLher readlng, see !apan's CLher ulsasLer" ln lalLh for All of Llfe, March/Aprll 2012 edlLlon,

8aha'l: A mlnor monoLhelsLlc rellglon wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. CrlglnaLed on 1erra ln -2677,
Lhls (barely) pre-spacefllghL rellglon, derlved from Shl'a lslam, focuses on Lhe unlLy of
Cod, rellglon, and manklnd. 1hese precepLs were expanded durlng Lhe 8ule of Man Lo
lnclude unlLy among sophonLs. 1he rellglon ls especlally lmporLanL on ramas, and
spreadlng among sLarfarlng humanlLl wlLhln llange and 1sosoe subsecLors, LransmlLLed
by bellevlng 1ravellers and sLarshlp crews. lL has become cusLomary for vlslLlng
1ravellers Lo be lnvlLed Lo a SLudy Clrcle aL leasL once durlng Lhelr sLay on a world. lL ls
Lhe fasLesL growlng rellglon ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer (excludlng Alpha CuadranL), buL has a
long way Lo go before galnlng Lhe numbers needed Lo lnfluence Pegemony pollcy.
ChrlsLlanlLy: A mlnor monoLhelsLlc rellglon wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. Along wlLh
lslam, ChrlsLlanlLy ls Lhe domlnanL rellglon of Lhe Solomanl Sphere, wlLh a noLable
followlng among Solomanl nobles. 1he rellglon cenLres on Lhe worshlp of !esus ChrlsL as
Lhe only begoLLen Son of Cod, and obedlence Lo Pls words and examples as lllusLraLed ln

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 64
Lhe Poly 8lble. Membershlp ls resLrlcLed Lo humans: generally Solomanl, wlLh a mlnor
buL broad selecLlon of vllanl and mlnor race humanlLl. WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer,
bellevers are generally Amerlndlans. Agaln wlLhln Lhe CuarLer, Lhe number of bellevers
ls levelllng off afLer a mlnor growLh surge ln Lhe mld-900s.
CeremonlallsL CulLs Whlle Lhe lkonaz 8lLuallsLs focus on conducLlng Lhe correcL anclenL
(lkonaz): rlLual on behalf of Lhe gods and/or splrlLs, Lhe CeremonlallsLs belleve ln creaLlng new
rlLuals and ceremonles: old ceremonles are seen as lncreaslngly llfeless and lneffecLlve
ln Lhe world of Lhe splrlL, and evenLually ln Lhe world of Lhe flesh as well. 1hls welcomlng
of lnnovaLlon marks Lhem off as hereLlcs ln malnsLream vllanl LhoughL, buL Lhe
Cvaghoun way of Lhlnklng, Lhls aLLlLude makes perfecL sence. varlous prlesLs are Lralned
ln creaLlng Lhe correcL rlLual for a glven slLuaLlon, place and Llme. AssorLed phllosophers
carefully Lhlnklng ouL how Lo llve Lhe ldea llfe, whlch ls besL vlewed as a slngle, llfelong
ceremony before Lhe SplrlL/unlverse/MaLLer, PlsLory/AncesLors/1lme, and
eople/SLaLe/ lamlly. (noLe LhaL, followlng vllanl precepLs, Lhe lndlvldual ls noL
regarded as worLhy of ceremony ln and of lLself, buL only ln relaLlon Lo oLhers.)
1he Church of Lhe A mlnor rellglon wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, wlLh lLs sLrongesL followlng among
SLellar ulvlnlLy: nonhumans. CuLslde of Lhe CuarLer, Lhe Church of Lhe SLellar ulvlnlLy ls a ma[or
polyLhelsLlc rellglon wlLhln coreward lmperlal space, and Lhe domlnanL rellglon wlLhln
Lhe nelghbourlng uomaln of CaLeway (boLh behlnd and beyond lmperlal borders). A
ma[or lnLersLellar rellglon, orlglnaLlng ln Aldebaran, !yesLharl/AnLares, cenLred on Lhe
worshlp LhaL 1) sLars are senLlenL gods 2) humans who worshlp Lhe sLars can become
sLar-gods Lhemselves. 1he LmpLy CuarLer, domlnaLed by lslam (boLh Sunnl and
klkushegl), Plndulsm, vllanl rlLuallsm, and Lhe CulLus of Lhe LasL Man, ls a solld break ln
Lhe lmperlal ulvlnlLy 8elL." Whlle orlglnaLlng among mlnor race humans ln -3883
lmperlal (Au 637), lL has a Solomanl ma[orlLy among lLs adherenLs, and many non-
humans followers as well.

1he rellglon has noL been very successful wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. AfLer a brlef early
boom ln membershlp, Lhere was a sLeep local decllne as Lhe local Solomanl launched a
ma[or counLeroffenslve. 1he vlolence goL Lhe headllnes, buL Lhe real work was done by
comprehenslve osLraclsm, hard-core xenophobla, a successful Lheologlcal response (by
Lhe Plndus: for slmllar reasons, 8uddhlsm falled ln lLs blrLhplace ln lndla), and Lhe lack of
local ellLe noble and 1raveller supporL. WlLhouL Lhe crlLlcal mass of powerful backers Lhe
rellglon en[oys elsewhere, lL never goL Lhe LracLlon lL needed. A ma[or devoLlonal cenLre
conLlnues Lo exlsL on 8eLa nlobe: 8lamllr hosLed Lhe lasL ma[or sLronghold ln Lhe Slx
SubsecLors. 1here ls a llmlLed revlval of Lhe rellglon on ramas, ln Lhe Pegemony.
Claw ArL: A vargr form of worshlp. lL conslsLed of a hlghly sLyllzed form of flghLlng. Claw ArL ls
exLremely bloody and vlolenL, and ofLen faLal. 1hls rellglon ls growlng qulckly among Lhe
lower-class lrlllLok vargr, especlally among Lhe lower classes. Suedzuk vargr domlnaLes
Lhe membershlp, and are wldely acknowledged Lo make Lhe greaLesL Claw ArL masLers.
CyndeaLh: noL a Lrue rellglon or ldeology, cyndeaLh or 'Lhe cyndeaLh' ls a porLmanLeau of 'cynlcal
deaLh'. lL descrlbed a soclal condlLlon when Lhe masses don'L belleve a word Lhe
auLhorlLles say, be Lhey rellglous, pollLlcal, sclenLlflc, raclal-Lrlbal, or corporaLe. Mockery
and wrlLhlng conLempL ls Lhe publlc response Lo ellLe command, be lL deserved or noL.
AL worse, Lhe cyndeaLh leads Lo sheer lawlessness among law enforcemenL, [udges, and
Lhe mlllLary as well as Lhe general clLlzenry and pollLlclans, and Lhus Lo Lhe collapse of
socleLy per se. 1he lmperlal governmenL ls senslLlve Lo Lhls form of splrlLual roL, buL ls
unable Lo address lL properly, as her besL mlnds are currenLly Lled down handllng Lhe
Solomanl War.
uelfled Man: 1he 'unofflclal' SLaLe CulL of Lhe Pegemony of Lorean, Lhe unlfled CulLus of Lhe uelfled
Man are focused on Lhe quesL Lo exulL manklnd Lo godhood. 1hls ls prlmarlly focused on
maLerlallsL ways of dolng so, vla geneLlc englneerlng, personallLy programmlng, eLc.
8ecenLly, cerLaln devlanL secLs on ramas have shlfLed Lhelr focus Lo splrlLual or exoLerlc
means Lo galn delLy. 1hls rellglon ls occaslonally referred Lo as Lhe 'LasL Man' CulL.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 65
CuLslde of nlsaga, membershlp wlLhln Lhe Sparks has levelled off, afLer a deep dlve. Cn
nlsaga, Lhe CulLus ls solldlfylng lLs domlnanL poslLlon.
Pldden knowledge A lkonaz vllanl analogue Lo CnosLlclsm, Lhe School of Pldden knowledge
(lkonaz): lnslsLs LhaL Lrue knowledge ls only found wlLhln Lhe lndlvldual's mlnd, whlch ls seen as a
gaLeway Lo an alLernaLe dlmenslon. 1hls parLlcular rellglon has several connecLlons wlLh
Lhe (usually legal) slonlc CenLres of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc, and Lhe knowledge
MasLers, Lhe leaders of Lhe School, are Lhemselves usually low-powered pslons.
Plndulsm: A ma[or lnLersLellar rellglon, boLh wlLhln and ouLslde of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. Plndulsm ls
a polyLhelsLlc amalgam of a myrlad of pre-spacefllghL (and some space age) bellefs,
orlglnaLlng on Lhe lndlan subconLlnenL of 1erra. Wldely shared bellefs lnclude
relncarnaLlon, karma, rellglous duLles, and mysLlcal yoga pracLlces. vegeLarlanlsm ls
wldespread, and, Lo a lesser degree, so ls paclflsm. MosL members are Solomanl
humans, of LasL lndlan descenL: some Amerlndlan anlmlsL groups have been absorbed
lnLo Lhe rellglon over Lhe cenLurles. MosL Plndu secLs accepL nonhuman members, buL
many don'L. 1he numbers of local subscrlbers Lo Lhls rellglon ls sLable wlLhln Lhe Slx
SubsecLors, and ln a slow decllne across Lhe Lesser 8lfL.
lmperlal AsLrology: A wldespread bellef ln Lhe power of sLars Lo deLermlne Lhe faLes of men.
ulsLlncL from Lhe bellefs of Lhe Church of Lhe SLellar ulvlnlLy: Lhe SLar ulvlners belleve
LhaL Lhe sLars are senLlenL gods, whlle Lhe AsLrologers belleve LhaL Lhe sLars are
fundamenLally lmpersonal, lf exLremely powerful, forces LhaL shape our desLlnles.
Worshlp ls noL Lhe cenLral goal of Lhe asLrologers: predlcLlng Lhe fuLure ls. 1he
asLrologers are becomlng lncreaslngly lnfluenLlal ln Lhe halls of lmperlal power. rlmarlly
Solomanl human, buL asLrologers have been found ln many known sophonL culLures.
1hls hlghly-fragmenLed crypLo-rellglon ls growlng aL a sLeady pace.
lmperlal MovemenLs: 1hls ls a caLch-all Lerm for relaLed pan-lmperlal pollLlcal phllosophles. 1he Cne lmperlum
MovemenL's goal ls Lo lncorporaLe Lhe long-losL !ullan roLecLoraLe and Lhe Solomanl
Sphere lnLo Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum. 1he lull lmperlum arLy wanLs Lo lncorporaLe all
humanlLl - especlally Lhe Zhodanl - lnLo Lhe boundarles of Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum. 1he
CreaL lmperlal arLy deslres Lo brlng all sophonLs under Lhe rule of Lhe lrldlum 1hrone.
1he flrsL Lwo movemenLs are large, and excluslvely human: Lhe Lhlrd ls a good deal
smaller, wlLh a large mlnorlLy of nonhuman lmperlal clLlzens. 1he growLh of all Lhree
movemenLs ls slow buL sLeady.
lslam (Sunnl): lslam ls a monoLhelsLlc rellglon, founded by Mohammad ln Lhe Arablan
enlnsula, one of Lhe deserL reglons of pre-spacefllghL 1erra. 1he rellglon cenLres
around Lhe worshlp of Allah, and submlsslon Lo Lhe rellglous dlcLaLes of Lhe Cur'an
(sacred LexL), Lhe PadlLh (saylngs), and Lhe Sharla (law). Lxcluslvely human, largely
Solomanl Arabs. 1he number of Sunnl Musllms are growlng, buL beglnnlng Lo level off.
!udalsm: A monoLhelsLlc rellglon, founded on pre-spacefllghL 1erra. uocLrlne and worshlp cenLres
around obedlence Lo Lhe commands of Lhe 1orah and 1almud. !ewlsh bellef wlLhln Lhe
LmpLy CuarLer follows Lhe CrLhodox school of LhoughL. Ceremonlal law ls rlgorously
upheld. Lxcluslvely Solomanl human. WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, members are generally
LasL lndlans. 1he number of !ews wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer ls growlng aL a sLeady pace.
klkhushegl: 1hls ls Lhe largesL rellglon of Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer, buL makes up a plurallLy, noL a
ma[orlLy, of Lhe populaLlon. A syncreLlsm of Sunnl lslam and vllanl 8lLuallsm, Lhls
rellglon ls monoLhelsLlc, hlghly rlLuallsLlc, and governed by varlous sLrlcL codes of
behavlour and proper LhoughL. LoaLhed by Sunnl Musllms wlLhln Lhe rlmward CuarLer,
Lhe rellglon, orlglnaLlng on Lazlsar, has become Lhe domlnanL bellef sysLem of Clmushl
SubsecLor, and ls found LhroughouL Lhe Slx SubsecLors. Membershlp ls resLrlcLed Lo
humans - generally Mlxed vllanl and mlnor race humanlLl. Powever, klkhushl clerlcs are
sympaLheLlc wlLh Lhe nonhuman prlesLs of Lhe Shlrga MysLerles, and work wlLh Lhem ln
converslon, charlLy, Lheologlcal, and legal maLLers. 1he number of klkhushl ls shrlnklng
sllghLly, on a year-over-year basls.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 66
8lLuallsm (8wap): See: Wapawab
8lLuallsm (vllanl): A school of rellglous LhoughL less concerned wlLh Lhe gods, docLrlnes or eLhlcs, lL lnsLead
concenLraLes on Lhe rlghL ceremonlal rlLuals and appeaslng Lhe splrlLs of dead ancesLors.
ALLendlng Lhe fesLlvals and compleLlng Lhe speclfled rlLuals correcLly ls Lhe very core of
Lhe varlous culLs LhaL make up Lhe rellglon. 1hls ls Lhe domlnanL rellglon of Lhe 1hlrd
lmperlum - buL by a plurallLy, noL a ma[orlLy.

keferee: saylng 'vllanl 8lLuallsm ls Lhe domlnanL rellglon of Lhe 1hlrd lmperlum' ls analogous Lo saylng
'MonoLhelsm ls Lhe domlnanL rellglon of Lhe Solomanl.' 1rue, so far as lL goes, buL a LC1 of deLall ls belng losL ln

8lLual maglc - followlng preclse rules Lo geL whaL you wanL - ls qulLe slmllar Lo Lhe bureaucraLlc undersLandlng of
Lhe unlverse, as Lhe AnclenL LgypLlans knew.

1he maglclan seeks Lo obLaln someLhlng for noLhlng. lL ls noL LhaL he seeks personal galn aL mlnlmal expendlLure.
We all do Lhls. WhaL he seeks ls access Lo wealLh or power ouLslde Lhe realm of eLhlcal law. Pe subsLlLuLes rlLual
for eLhlcs. 8lLual seems cheaper Lhan eLhlcs."
- Cary norLh, I$) `7() =F 9*8",2

Membershlp ls prlmarlly human, wlLh a mlnor nonhuman followlng, prlmarlly Cvaghoun
vargr. (unllke Lhe Solomanl, vllanl deflnlLlons of humanlLl cenLre on rlghL behavlour
more Lhan geneLlc herlLage.) 1he number of vllanl 8lLuallsLs ls growlng aL Lhe raLe of Lhe
general populaLlon wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer.
8lLuallsm (lkonaz): Whlle orlglnaLlng from classlcal vllanl 8lLuallsm, lkonaz 8lLuallsm focuses more on Lhe
experlence of ecsLasy, enLhuslasm, and 'freeform rlLuals.' vargr-only forms of lkonaz
rlLuallsm Lend Lo dlssolve lnLo charlsma-fuelled exerclses ln chaos. Membershlp ls
resLrlcLed Lo lkonaz, vargr & vllanl. 1he number of lkonaz 8lLuallsLs ls growlng aL a slow
pace. lkonaz ancesLor veneraLlon ls consldered a subseL of lkonaz 8lLuallsm.
1he Sacred PunL: 1he cenLral rellglous maLrlx of many vargr socleLles, lnsLead of a body of docLrlne or
sLorles abouL Cod/Lhe gods, as ls common among humanlLl. 1he lnnumerable varlaLlons
of Lhe PunL focus on Lhe experlence of hunLlng and kllllng llve prey. Suedzuk vargr
follow Lhls rellglous LradlLlon wldely: even Lhose who don'L are sLlll powerfully shaped
by Lhls rellglon. Puman hunLs do exlsL, buL are consldered paLheLlc lmlLaLlons,
unlnLenLlonal comedles, and/or a mosL lnslpld form of sacrllege by Lhe vargr. 1he
number of hunLers conLlnues Lo grow aL a sLeady pace.
Shlrga MysLerles: A monoLhelsLlc rellglon, domlnaLed by nonhumans wlLhln Lhe rlmward LmpLy CuarLer.
klkhushl prlesLs ofLen work closely wlLh Shlrga prlesLs, and have had a sLrong hand ln
shaplng core bellefs and pracLlces. 1he rellglon ls spreadlng among local lmperlal
nonhumans aL a fasL cllp.
lmperlal unlLarlan: unrelaLed Lo unlLarlan unlversallsm, lmperlal unlLarlanlsm ls an lnLensely secular
phllosophy whlch sLresses Lhe need for lmperlal unlLy above any and all oLher
conslderaLlons. lL ls dlsLlncL from Lhe classlcal lmperlal CulLs ln LhaL lL does noL see Lhe
Lmperor as a god, nor ls he a mysLlcal manlfesLaLlon of Lhe lmperlal SplrlL. lnsLead, Lhe
concepL of lmperlal unlLy lLself ls delfled, and Lhe slow merger of all lmperlal sophonLs
lnLo one lmperlal CulLure and one lmperlal Way of 1hlnklng ls seen as Lhe flrsL duLy of all
loyal clLlzens. Membershlp ls prlmarlly human - generally Mlxed vllanl, and some
sympaLheLlc ure vllanl - wlLh a small nonhuman followlng. unlLarlan adherenLs are
growlng sharply ln numbers. Mlsslonarles have been flelded on 8wap worlds, buL noL a
slngle converL has been made as of 993.
1he 1rue vargr Cods": Less of a rellglon Lhan a dlsorganlzed, wldespread mysLlcal manla, mllllons of vargr
wlLhln Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc - boLh Cvaghoun and lrlllLok, ln Lhelr own dlsLlncLlve
ways - lnslsL LhaL glganLlc, super-charlsmaLlc vargr shaped Lhe enLlre unlverse wlLh Lhelr
bare hands. 1hese belngs, Lhe 1rue vargr Cods, are clalmed Lo glow wlLh brlghL sllver,

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 67
golden, or blood-red hues. Moreover, bellevers lnslsL LhaL Lhey were conLacLed by Lhe
1rue vargr Cods. vargr belng vargr, whaL Lhese gods deslre of Lhelr worshlppers ls ln hoL
dlspuLe: forLunaLely, mosL of Lhe flghLlng ls foughL on Lhe level of hardcore charlsma
conLesLs, noL claws or bulleLs. 1here ls no unlversally recognlzed name for Lhls nexus of
bellefs, buL lL has manlfesLed lLself Llme and agaln ln vargr hlsLory. 1hls ls easlly Lhe
fasLesL growlng rellglon ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer ln 993, buL lL ls [usL as llkely Lo be Lhe
fasLesL -$("%:"%8 rellglon ln a generaLlon or less.
unlLy of lkon Crders: 1hls ls noL so much a Lrue rellglon wlLh a unlfled docLrlne and prlesLhood, as much as a
federaLlon of LradlLlonal marLlal Cvaghoun vargr bellefs, ceremonles, phllosophles, and
eLhlcs. Some sLralns of Lhe Crders are aL leasL Lhree Lhousand years old, and cerLaln
bellefs and ceremonles are Lracable all Lhe way back Lo pre-lndusLrlal Lalr, from around
c. -3000 lmperlal.
Wapawab: 1he 8wap undersLandlng of Lhe unlversal Crder. 1he phllosophy has no gods, and
llmlLed eLhlcal Leachlng. lnsLead, Wapawab focuses on proper behavlour, aLLenLlon Lo
deLall, and upholdlng all duLles wlLhouL fall, and Lo Lhe leLLer. lL ls an excluslvely 8wap
rellglon. 1he number of followers of Wapawab has a 1-Lo-1 relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe
number of 8waps.
1he Ways of Men: A predecessor of Lhe uelfled Man culLus, Lhe Ways of Men was a rellglon LhaL focused
on Lhe worshlp of varlous human heroes of hlsLory. lL flourlshed ln Arzul secLor from Lhe
Lo Lhe 3
lmperlal cenLury, and galned some noLable followers ln 8eLa CuadranL of
Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, as well.
1he Wlll: A form of mysLlcal aLhelsm, derlved from Lhe uncerLalnLy rlnclple of Lhe SpacefllghL
Age 1erran sclenLlsL Werner Pelsenberg. 1he Wlll Lakes Lhe observaLlonal effecL as Lhe
foundaLlonal sLrucLure of reallLy: 'Lhe rules of reallLy exlsL because a sufflclenL number
of sophonLs agree on Lhem.' 1he rullng body, Lhe College of LducaLors of 1he Way of
1he Wlll, lnslsLs on Lhe expanslon of conformlLy and unlLy ln LhoughL and acL, Lo proLecL
Lhe fabrlc of reallLy. Whlle orlglnally Solomanl, mosL members are Mlxed or ure vllanl,
wlLh a sLrong Solomanl mlnorlLy. 1he Wlll's leadershlp has frlendly relaLlons wlLh 8wap
prlesLs. nonhuman membershlp ls permlLLed - even encouraged - buL rare.

1here ls a secreL pslonlc order, 1he unlLed Wlll: whlle banned by Lhe lmperlum and
offlclally re[ecLed by Lhe College of LducaLors, a hldden relaLlonshlp ls sLlll malnLalned
beLween Lhe order and Lhe LechnocraLlc prlesLhood, lncludlng safehouses and Lralnlng
cenLres. Whlle Lhe number of pslonlc bellevers conLlnues Lo grow, Lhe number of lay
Wlll-followers has been ln slow decllne slnce Lhe early 900s.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 68
Polite and Bloody Wolves
1hey're noL so hard Lo dlsLlngulsh.
Cne llkes Lo lmlLaLe men,
and Lhe oLher llkes Lo eaL Lhem.
lmperlal ScouL SLarborn klklmaglshl,
247-137 lmperlal

uesplLe Lhelr vlclousness, Lhe Suedzuk plraLes were
qulLe lnefflclenL as plraLes ln Lhe early lmperlum, as
Lhey lnslsLed on belng 'lone wolves', operaLlng only
aL Lhe slngle-shlp level. 1he long-experlenced lkonaz
plraLes had long ago masLered Lhe flner polnLs of
plracy, buL Lhe comparaLlvely low-Lech, weL-behlnd-
Lhe-ears Suedzuk LhreaLened no one excepL 'walklng
vlcLlms' llke Lhe sLruggllng free Lrader or Lhe slngle
lone scouL.

1helr flxed pollcy of 'eaL whaL you klll' - LhaL ls,
slaughLer and eaL Lhe human crew, and LoLally sLrlp
Lhe shlp Lo Lhe bare hull - maxlmlsed Lhe lmmedlaLe
proflL of Lhe hlL, buL Lended Lo elLher scare off
lnLersLellar Lrade 8eal Culck, or provoke a nasLy
8esponse. ln conLrasL, Lhe lkonaz preference for
'caLch and release' - regularly mllklng Lhe Lraders,
buL avoldlng 'over-flshlng', expenslve vlolence and
showlng a llLLle grace now and Lhen Lo properly
submlsslve prey - provlded much beLLer revenue
over Lhe long Lerm. CerLaln lkonaz corsalrs have even
made a name for Lhemselves as 'clvlllzed plraLes',
galnlng a fan followlng and en[oylng a nlce boosL ln

1hese dlfferences, clearly esLabllshed ln lmperlal
naval eyes only slnce Lhe 300s, were solldlfled by Lhe
Llme of Lhe lmperlal Clvll War. 1he meLhodology of
Lhe lkonaz plraLes has changed llLLle slnce Lhen - why
mess wlLh success? 1he 8lood vargr, however, have
undergone rapld developmenL as Lhelr reglon of
space saw numerous powers rlse and fall, and Lhe
naLure & number of Lhelr adversarles shlfL wlLh Lhe

8y Lhe 990s, under Lhe flrm domlnaLlon of Lhe
Pegemony and Lhe consLanL paLrolllng of Lhe !ullan
SLar Leglon, plracy has been crushed wlLhln mosL of
Lhe Pegemony's Spark Worlds. Powever, wlLhln Lhe
SsllnLhls Zone, Suedzuk plracy runs rampanL. Lvery
lndlvldual shlp sLlll uses dlfferenL LacLlcs, lures, and
sLraLagems: buL lL's no longer uncommon Lo see
mulLlple 8lood vargr plraLe shlps work LogeLher,
especlally for a blg hlL. Whlle sLlll noL as efflclenL as
Lhe lkonaz, Lhe 8ed Sparks are far more feared,
havlng grown wlse ln cunnlng, decepLlve wlsdom,
and murderous experlence.

A word should be glven regardlng Lhe lrlllLok plraLe.
1hese vargr rarely lead a corsalr band, as Lhey don'L
have elLher Lhe savage vlclousness of Lhe Suedzuk,
nor Lhe organlzaLlonal ablllLles and boLLom-llne
flxaLlon of Lhe Cvaghoun. As rank and flle, however,
Lhey are falrly rellable and useful. Powever, Lhe
lrlllLok vargrs' soclablllLy, weak 'klller lnsLlncL', and
occaslonal sympaLhy for Lhe vlcLlm keeps Lhem ln Lhe
'low Charlsma' caLegory, and off Lhe boardlng parLles
and command clrcles. lnsLead, Lhey are lefL ln
englneerlng, scrounglng and fenclng goods, and
oLher 'second-llne' work.

Among Lhe lkonaz, Lhe Cvaghoun lead, and make Lhe
blg declslons - based on lnformaLlon LhaL Lhelr vllanl
aldes have pre-fllLered and screened so Lhe MasLer
doesn'L have Lo wasLe hls Llme wlLh dlsLracLlng
nolse." Cvaghoun vargr sclenLlsLs make Lhe blg
dlscoverles - Lhe more revoluLlonary, Lhe more
unexpecLed, Lhe beLLer!" - whlle Lhe lkonaz vllanl
quleLly Lurn pure sclence lnLo applled, proven
Lechnology. uurlng Lhe heaLed debaLes on Lhe new
8epubllc, lL was rouLlne Lo have vargr vlgorously
argue for vllanl suffrage - backed by vllanl-gaLhered
daLa - whlle hls opposlng number argued agalnsL
addlLlonal vllanl llberLy - wlLh supporL from drlven
vllanl researchers, who haLed Lhe ldeal of changlng a
soclal order LhaL has sLood for generaLlons.

lmperlal pollLlcal speclallsLs are well aware of Lhe
vllanl preference Lo govern by consensus, lnfluenclng
and shaplng Lhe lkonaz Sphere lndlrecLly. 1he new
changes ln Lhe old 'unspoken agreemenL', wlLh some
vllanl openly and dlrecLly governlng some vargr,
make envlous haLred a llve posslblllLy - especlally
beLween low-sLaLus vargr and mlddle-class vllanl.
1he vllanl pollLlcal leaders can govern Lhelr own
people by consensus, buL LhaL won'L work for Lhe
vargr: unLll Lhey can somehow galn charlsma, Lhe
lkonaz vllanl wlll never be able Lo openly & dlrecLly
lead Lhe vargr of Lhe lkonaz Sphere. 1hls ls very
dlfflculL for a conformlsL, cauLlous, bureaucraLlc
people Lo do.
Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 69
Tribe vs. Tribe
in the Empty Quarter
1hls ls a brlef survey regardlng [usL how cerLaln races
and specles see each oLher. 1hls survey ls nowhere
exhausLlve, buL should be of value Lo Lhe lmmerslve
role-player, or Lhe 8eferee who wanLs some soclal
complexlLy Lo hls game.

As a bonus, a demographlc esLlmaLe of Lhelr relaLlve
populaLlons ls lncluded.

1he Ikonaz and the Ir|||tok

1he snouLless wonders of Lhe galaxy lnslsL on Lhe
mosL preposLerous deflnlLlons of pollLlcs. 1hey llke
Lo use vague generallLles llke 'how groups make
declslons' or 'consensus bulldlng' or 'Lhe regulaLlon
of a governmenL.'

WhaL hllarlous nonsense! ollLlcs ls all abouL who
does whaL Lo whom. Cr, as we vargr llke Lo say,
'Lhe predaLor-prey relaLlonshlp'.

now, ln Lhe lkonaz Sphere, everyone undersLands
who's goL Lhe guns and Lhe polnLy LeeLh, and who's
goL Lhe plles of paper and Lhe spreadsheeL LableLs.
Slnce we all know who's who, pollLlcs ln Lhe Sphere
always run as smooLh as Lhe fur of a newborn cub.
ksovg kogkaenll, klng-Lmperor of All Lhe
lkonaz, 619 lmperlal

1he C|ass|ca| Iorms...

uesplLe Lhe endless parade of lnLersLellar
governmenLs wlLhln Lhe lkonaz Sphere, Lhe vllanl &
vargr have a long-esLabllshed, surprlslngly sLable
framework for organlzlng Lhelr socleLy. ln 993, Lhe
Cvaghoun vargr domlnaLes Lhe presLlglous poslLlons
ln llfe - any poslLlon where power, responslblllLy, and
charlsma naLurally accumulaLes. 1he lkonaz vllanl
work Lhe back offlce, handles Lhe deLall work, and
puLs Lhe force of bureaucracy and money Lo back
Cvaghoun declslons.

1he lkonaz, regardless of Lhelr specles, Lend Lo be
hlghly pragmaLlc: Lhey ofLen deflne vlcLory Lhe same
way, buL Lhe meLhods Lhey use Lo geL whaL Lhey
wanL are qulLe dlfferenL. 1he cenLurles of Llme Lhey
have spenL worklng LogeLher has led Lo a sLrongly
complemenLary behavlour paLLerns, noL only ln
pollLlcs, buL ln regular llfe as well. lL ls noL unusual for
Lwo vllanl, ln confllcL over vllanl maLLers, acLually
have Lhelr vargr allles do Lhe acLual argulng, ranLlng,
and even flghLlng, whlle Lhe vllanl quleLly gaLher
lnformaLlon, acLlvaLe conLacLs, and deploy Lhe funds
needed Lo supporL Lhe goals of Lhe MasLers".

...are a'chang|ng

1he waves of lrlllLok lmmlgraLlon have changed Lhls
dynamlc ouLslde of pollLlcs and war. ln clvlllan llfe,
Lhe lrlllLok are Laklng over Lhe mosL lowly and
dangerous poslLlons: Lhelr cooperaLlve & LrusLlng
naLure, wllllngness Lo LoleraLe abuse, and Lendency
Lo look Lo oLhers for leadershlp all polnL Lo a Lough
llfe aL Lhe hands of more forceful and aggresslve
sophonLs. 8uL, when Lhe vlslLor enLers Lhe low-class
clLy dlsLrlcLs of Lhe lrlllLok, he wlll flnd llLLle vlolence
or fllLh. 1he lrlllLok are qulLe happy Lo co-operaLe
wlLh each oLher Lo creaLe as much of a cheerful,
healLhy, and safe communlLy as posslble glven Lhelr
lack of wealLh and power.

1he lkonaz vllanl have almosL lnsLanLly alLered Lhe
lnLerpreLaLlon of varlous bureaucraLlc rules, maklng
sure LhaL Lhe lrlllLok are sLuck wlLh Lhe 3u [obs -
dlrLy, dlfflculL, and dangerous - and have already
alLered Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe enLlre culLure Lo sulL
Lhemselves: Lhe Cvaghoun aL Lhe Lop, Lhemselves ln
Lhe mlddle, and Lhe lrlllLok aL Lhe boLLom. '!usL as
LradlLlon demands.' 1he lrlllLok don'L have Lhe raw
sLubbornness Lo ouLlasL Lhe bureaucracy, lack Lhe
charlsma Lo successfully overrlde lL, and are
lncapable of Lhe vlolence requlred Lo overLurn lL.

Whlle Lhe vllanl flrmly seL Lhe lrlllLok ln Lhelr place -
below Lhemselves, Lhanks Lo a Lon of complex,
dlfflculL-Lo-appeal rules Lhe vllanl Lhemselves have
wrlLLen - Lhe Cvaghoun prefer noL Lo be ln Lhelr
presence aL all. 1he lrlllLok are Loo close Lo belng a
parody of Lhe humans who alLered Lhem, and casLs a
dlsLurblng reflecLlon on Lhe Cvaghoun who have
Laken up so much of Lhe human vllanl culLure for
Lhemselves. 1he lrlllLok lnLulLlvely sense Lhls, and are
really ()*++< good aL needllng and subLly parodylng
Lhe Cvaghoun ln such a way LhaL Lhe Cvaghoun can'L

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 70
effecLlvely sLrlke back wlLhouL loslng charlsma.
unable Lo cuL loose wlLhouL looklng foollsh, Lhe lordy
Cvaghoun reLreaL Lo pollLlcs and war, where Lhe
lrlllLok presence ls banned and only Lhe famlllar,
predlcLable vllanl servanLs and alds awalL.

lL ls more dlfflculL for Lhe lrlllLok Lo deal wlLh Lhe
vllanl, who are experL ln weldlng 1he 8egulaLlons
and 1radlLlon Lo geL whaL Lhey wanL. SLlll, upon
occaslon, Lhe lrlllLok may flgure ouL a way Lo force
Lhe vllanl Lo bend Lhe regulaLlons 1hls Cne 1lme, or
look bad before Lhelr superlors. Soclal englneerlng ls
rapldly becomlng Lhelr greaLesL sLrengLh: someLhlng
LhaL ls slowly brlnglng Lhem addlLlonal wealLh,
desplLe deLermlned vllanl bureaucraLlc lnLerference
and obsLrucLlonlsm.

Among the Wo|ves

In the Snout of the Ir|||tok.

1he lrlllLok vargr were enslaved Lo Lhe human of Lhe
Aslmlklglr ConfederaLlon, from abouL -1000 Lo -300,
when a local vargr LmanclpaLlon movemenL, sparked
by Lhe Menderes and sLrengLhened by emerglng
economlc requlremenLs, ended vargr slavery. uurlng
Lhe 700 years of slavery, Lhe lrlllLok were alLered Lo
be more useful Lhelr human masLers, from shorLer
snouLs Lo weakenlng Lhelr procllvlLy for vlolence.
AfLer Lhe !ullan War, Lhey grew qulLe comforLable
worklng wlLh humanlLl even as Lhey were accepLed
as near-equals across many !ullan worlds.

1he lrlllLok aLLlLude Lo Lhe Cvaghoun swlngs beLween
fear and amusemenL. AmusemenL, as Lhe arroganL
Cvaghoun of Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc are as sLrongly
sLamped wlLh human mores and culLure as Lhe 'fake
human' lrlllLok LhaL Lhey so greaLly dlsLaln. lear, as
Lhe Cvaghoun are qulLe lnLlmldaLlng wlLh Lhelr
soarlng charlsma, power, and soclal sLaLus, sLrong
enough Lo keep Lhe vllanl - a race noL noLed for
weakness - ln Lhelr place. 1he lrlllLok can'L challenge
Lhe Cvaghoun dlrecLly, buL Lhey are more Lhan able
Lo Lle Lhem up ln lndlrecL aLLacks, never presenLlng a
proflle LhaL Lhe Cvaghoun can clearly sLrlke and
crush, buL dlsLracLlng, decelvlng and weakenlng Lhem
all Lhe same when Lhe need arlses.

1he soclable lrlllLok flnd Lhe Suedzuk unfaLhomable
ln Lhelr bloodLhlrsLy vlolence and xenophoblc
clannlshness. unllke Lhe Cvaghoun, Lhe Suedzuk
don'L belleve ln anyLhlng buL Lhe Lhrlll of Lhe hunL
and Lhe [oy of Lhe klll. Moreover, Lhe Suedzuk
menLallLy makes lL dlfflculL (lf noL lmposslble) Lo do
Lhe klnd of soclal englneerlng you can wlLh Lhe
Cvaghoun. As Lhe lrlllLok don'L have Lhe ruLhlessness
or Lhe klller lnsLlncLs of Lhe Suedzuk ln flghLlng, Lhey
would prefer Lo [usL avold Lhem as much as posslble.
And lf someone else decldes Lo klll off Lhe Suedzuk
well, expecL no Lears from Lhe lrlllLok.

1he lrlllLok do have a secreL pleasure: Lhere are
always more of Lhem. ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Lhey [usL
don'L have Lhe charlsmaLlc presence of Lhe born-Lo-
command Cvaghoun or Lhe klller Suedzuk, buL Lhe
lrlllLok vargr ls expandlng ln numbers and wealLh as
Lhe oLher vargr races are shrlnklng. Also, ln Lhe core
of Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe, charlsma ls more closely
Lled Lo wealLh creaLlon and good soclal connecLlons
and deal-maklng lnsLead of vlolence and soclal rank.
1hls makes Lhe wealLhlesL reglons of !ullan space
more amendable Lo lrlllLok Lhlnklng, Lhan elLher Lhe
Cvaghoun or Lhe Suedzuk.

In the Snout of the Cvaghoun.

1he Cvaghoun were conquerors of Lhe local vllanl
durlng Lhe vargr lllaglng of -2400 Lo -1700. 1he
vargr groups LhaL became Lhe Cvaghoun won Lhelr
long-deslred goal, Lhe cruclal world of lkon, only near
Lhe end of Lhe lllaglng. 1hey bruLally enslaved Lhe
local vllanl populaLlon, lnlLlally LreaLlng Lhem as so
many dlsposable Lools and caLLle on Lhe hoof. Cver
Llme, Lhe smarLer proLo-Cvaghoun shlfLed Lhelr
LreaLmenL of Lhe vllanl Lo valuable slaves: Lhls
vlewpolnL was wldespread among Lhe vargr of lkon
from around -1300 lmperlal. 8y -1300 or so, Lhere
was a muLually-beneflclal relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe
vargr and Lhe vllanl, and Lhe lnfluence of Lhe vllanl
on Lhe proLo-Cvaghoun vargr became more and
more obvlous. 1he Cvaghoun waged war agalnsL
non-Cvaghoun vargr, cheerfully exLermlnaLlng Lhem
by -200 (wlLh Lhe hearLy supporL of Lhe lkonaz vllanl.)
Whlle permlLLlng lrlllLok lmmlgraLlon Lo repopulaLe
Cvaghoun-owned worlds afLer Lhe !ullan War, Lhey
have never regarded any oLher vargr as equals -
excepL, upon occaslon, Lhe Logaksu (who are closesL
Lo Lhe 'orlglnal vargr'.) ln Lhe lkonaz Sphere, Lhe
Cvaghoun freed Lhelr enLlre human slave populaLlon
only ln Lhe 730s, and began LreaLlng Lhelr vllanl
servanLs as lndependenL allles (raLher Lhan as LrusLed
servanLs) ln Lhe 940s.

8y 993, Lhe uncompromlslng Cvaghoun supremlsLs
have moved on Lo greener pasLures, malnly Lhe
Cvaghoun-only worlds on Meshan secLor. 1he
Cvaghoun who remaln Lo rule Lhe 8ukadukaz
8epubllc are more wllllng Lo compromlse, preservlng

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 71
overall Cvaghoun auLhorlLy ln reLurn for varlous
concesslons. 1hey have sLeadlly movlng Lo a 'co-
domlnlon', wlLh Lhe vllanl conLrolllng Lhe economy,
Lhe Cvaghoun conLrolllng Lhe mlllLary, and Lhe lrlllLok
masses dolng Lhe feLch'n'sLep rouLlne. 1hey sLlll see
Lhemselves as a Lrue warrlor-race, beLLer organlzed,
funded and dlsclpllned Lhan oLher vargr, and wlLh
more guLs and lnlLlaLlve Lhan Lhe vllanl.

Whlle Lhe Cvaghoun see Lhe lrlllLok wlLh
condescendlng eyes, Lhelr aLLlLude Lo Lhe Suedzuk ls
full of raw haLred. 1he 8ed vargrs' uncarlng vlew of
LradlLlon, glory, and good order lnfurlaLes Lhe
Cvaghoun leadershlp. When successful, Lhelr rare
buL gruesome aLLacks wlLhln Lhe 8epubllc make Lhe
Cvaghoun-led 8epubllcan mlllLary look llke paLheLlc
fools & fallures, unable Lo proLecL Lhelr own. 1helr
hlLs on lmperlal Lrade horns ln on Cvaghoun
LerrlLorles, cuLLlng dlrecLly lnLo Lhelr revenue sLream,
and spolllng Lhelr carefully-lald plans and pro[ecLlons.

1he only reason why Lhe Cvaghoun haven'L declded
Lo 'paclfy' Lhe known Suedzuk populaLlons ls LhaL
such an acL would Lle down forces LhaL Lhey prefer Lo
have avallable ln case our dear frlends and allles,
Lhe Loreans, decldes on a surprlse sLrlke agalnsL Lhe
8epubllc." Well LhaL and anoLher unspoken resLralnL:
Pouse Menderes -#(=%8+< dlsapproves of full-on
genoclde. 1he facL LhaL Lhe Menderes CorporaLlon
has Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc's flnances ln a head-lock
galls Lhe more aggresslve members of Lhe 8ukadur
leadershlp, buL Lhe proflLs LhaL Lhose deals generaLe
have a way of easlng Lhe paln.

In the Snout of the Suedzuk.

1he Suedzuk vargr are noL as blg nor as powerfully
bullL as Lhe weakness-haLlng urzaeng, buL Lhey
maLch Lhem ln raw vlolence, and besLs Lhem when lL
comes Lo ouL-Lhlnklng Lhe prey. 1he 8lood vargr are
mosL famous for ravaglng Cashlkan ln -1638. 1hey
llve ln LlghLly knlL, blood-based packs, and are
dlsLrusLful of sLrangers, vargr or oLherwlse. 1hey
sLomped down on Lhe humans of 8eLa CuadranL,
good and hard, unLll Lhe War of Men ln Lhe 300s.
8eLween Lhe War of Men and Lhe rlse of Lhe
Pegemony, Lhe Spark Worlds were Lhe slLe of endless
on-agaln, off-agaln wars, wlLh Lhe nlshhlngh War
belng Lhe worsL of Lhe loL. llnally, Lhey were drlven
ouL or kllled off wlLh Lhe rlse of Lhe Pegemony,
beLween 796 Lo 871. now, Lhelr glory days wlLhln Lhe
LmpLy CuarLer are far behlnd Lhem as Lhey scavenge
a llvlng ln Lhe SsllnLhls Zone, beLween Lhe 8ukadukaz
8epubllc and Lhe Pegemony of Lorean. A very few
packs have managed Lo make Lhe long & dlfflculL
[ourney Lo Suedzuk-held space ln 1renchan and Arzul
secLors. MosL remaln Lrapped llke raLs ln Lhe LmpLy
CuarLer, elLher sLuck beLween Lwo hlghly hosLlle
powers ln Lhe SsllnLhls Zone, or Lrapped on a few
worlds, surrounded by men.

1he Suedzuk see Lhe lrlllLok as lnslpld wasLes of man-
pleaslng fur, noL even flL prey for a hunL.

1he Cvaghoun are seen as rlvals, rlvals LhaL lnsplre
lnLense envy among Lhe Suedzuk. ln some ways, Lhe
Cvaghoun are a horror Lo Lhe Suedzuk: obedlenL Lo
sLrangers lnsLead of famlly, and focused on
absLracLlons llke numbers and LradlLlons and Lhe
dlsLanL fuLure, lnsLead of Lhe lusLs and Lhe demands
of Lhe here and now. 8uL whlle Lhe Suedzuk haLe
who Lhe Cvaghoun *(), Lhey badly whaL Lhe
Cvaghoun $*5): wealLh, respecL, power, and
domlnance over boLh humans and vargr.

1he more Lhe survlvlng Suedzuk Lhlnk abouL Lhls, Lhe
crazler Lhey become. 1hey can'L really afford Lo be
crazy anymore, so Lhey [usL relenLlessly Lrash-Lalk Lhe
Cvaghoun lnsLead.

kank, by popu|at|on, w|th|n the Lmpty uarter

1. Ir|||tok Vargr - domlnanL across mosL of
roLecLoraLe Space, Lhey make up Lhe ma[orlLy of
Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc's populaLlon, and a
subsLanLlal mlnorlLy wlLhln Lhe Pegemony's 8eLa
a. negemon|c Vargr - belng boLh 'bred Lo serve',
very llLLle dlfferenLlaLes Lhe human-bred
Pegemonlc vargr and Lhe human-bred lrlllLok
vargr, excepL orlglns and hlsLory. (1he Arzula
were far crueller masLers Lhan Lhe humans of
Aslmlklglr). As of 993, only a dwlndllng
number of Lhe Pegemonlc vargr sLlll lnslsL LhaL
Lhey are a separaLe race from Lhe lrlllLok: Lhe
vasL ma[orlLy are more Lhan wllllng Lo drop as
many Lles Lo Lhe Arzula as Lhey can.
2. So|oman| numan - domlnanL wlLhln Lhe lmperlal
LmpLy CuarLer and ln cerLaln oLher reglons of
lmperlal Space, and wlLhln Lhe Solomanl Sphere.
1hey are sLrongly represenLed ln 8eLa CuadranL of
Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. 1he ma[orlLy of Solomanl can
be Lraced Lo Arab and LasL lndlan seLLlemenLs:
Amerlcan lndlan culLures are also represenLed.
LasL Luropeans domlnaLe 1oklLre, whlle Cooke has
a sLrong Anglo-AusLrallan conLlngenL. A Chlnese
mlnorlLy can be found on several hlgh-populaLlon
worlds: Lhey also domlnaLe Lhe world of Shulku.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 72
keferee: 1he Chlnese populaLlon on Shulku ls
someLhlng of a mysLery. WhaL ls known ls LhaL on
822 Lhere were no slgns of Lrouble when Lhe llghLly
lnhablLed 8azpur sysLem ln hex 2134 was surveyed
by lmperlal ScouLs, and Lhe flrsL reporL of Lhe
Chlnese seLLlemenL was from a wanderlng free
Lrader on 826 lmperlal. 1he new lnhablLanLs
lnslsLed LhaL Lhey were placed Lhere by Lhe
lmperlal MlnlsLry of ColonlzaLlon, buL Lhe MlnlsLry
has no records of such a seLLlemenL pro[ecL.

1he orlglnal LasL lndlan seLLlemenL was found
abandoned, wlLh no slgns of vlolence: mosL
personal effecLs were elLher absenL or neaLly
locked away for sLorage. Accordlng Lo Lhe flnal
records and logs, a large lmperlal navy warshlp,
Lhe L,)F"(), defended Lhe seLLlemenL agalnsL a
plraLe aLLack, Lhen ordered Lhe lnhablLanLs Lo
board Lhe warshlp for relocaLlon Lo safeLy.

no warshlp of LhaL name exlsLed wlLhln Lhe
lmperlal navy aL LhaL Llme.

3. M|xed V||an| numan - wldespread across Lhe
LerrlLory held by any of Lhe Lhree lmperla,
lncludlng Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. WlLhln Lhe LmpLy
CuarLer, Lhey are pollLlcally, demographlcally, and
culLurally domlnanL wlLhln Lhe Pegemony. 1hls ls
Lhe domlnanL eLhnos of 8eLa CuadranL.
a. Arzu|a numan - a Mlxed vllanl, llghL-sklnned
race orlglnaLlng ln Arzul SecLor. MosL Arzula
who reslde wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer are
dlssenLers or exlles from Arzul culLure, 'llvlng
ln Lhe colonles'. MosL of Lhe exLenslve mlllLary
and clvlllan esLabllshmenL are manned by
loyallsL Arzula. 1here are a few Arzula-only
colonles, populaLed by loyallsLs: Lhe dlssenLers
prefer Lo llve among Lhe local '8eLa humanlLl':
Lhe dark-sklnned Arabs and LasL lndlans
conquered and sub[ugaLed by Lhe Pegemony.
lf Lhls was populaLlon was broken ouL, lL would
be ln nlnLh place, beLween Lhe 8wap and Lhe
b. Laz|sar| numan - a Mlxed vllanl race, llghLly
modlfled by cosmeLlc bloenglneerlng LralLs.
lound prlmarlly on Lazlsar. lf broken ouL, Lhey
would ouLnumber Lhe 8wap or Lhe Arzula ln
Lhe secLor, buL number less Lhan Lhe Suedzuk
4. V||an| (Ikonaz) numan - wldespread wlLhln Lhe
8ukadukaz 8epubllc, and can be found on several
Cvaghoun worlds ouLslde of Lhe 8epubllc, buL
wlLhln Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe. 8arely seen ouLslde
of roLecLoraLe Space. Many eLhnographers
conslder Lhe lkonaz vllanl as a subseL of Lhe vllanl
3. V||an| (non-Ikonaz) numan - usually [usL referred
Lo as Lhe vllanl, Lhey have a sLrong represenLaLlon
across Lhe LerrlLorles of all Lhree lmperla.
Comblnlng Lhe lkonaz and non-lkonaz vllanl would
bump Lhem up Lo Lhlrd place wlLhln Lhe LmpLy
6. Cvaghoun Vargr - aL one Llme, Lhe LmpLy CuarLer
was Lhe locus of Lhe Cvaghoun. Slnce Lhe 700s,
Lhough, ma[or emlgraLlon by Lhe Cvaghoun,
coupled wlLh lmmlgraLlon by Lhe lrlllLok, has
broughL abouL a sLeady decllne ln local Cvaghoun
numbers and a sLeeper decllne ln Lhelr share of Lhe
LmpLy CuarLer populaLlon.
7. Suedzuk Vargr - Lhe Suedzuk domlnaLed 8eLa
CuadranL before Lhe War of Man ln Lhe 300s. 1hey
wenL on a relaLlve decllne vls--vls Lhe local Mlxed
vllanl humans as humanlLl was freed from Suedzuk
oppresslon. Powever, lL was Lhe Pegemony
lnvaslon of Lhe laLe 8
and 9
lmperlal cenLurles
LhaL desLroyed Lhe Suedzuk ln mosL of Lhelr old
LerrlLory, leavlng only a remnanL populaLlon ln Lhe
SsllnLhls Zone. lmporLanL worlds LhaL remaln
domlnaLed or sLrongly lnfluenced by Lhe Suedzuk
are SsllnLhls, llange, and ZueLhun.
8. 8wap - for Lhe mosL wldespread mlnor race ln
CharLed Space, Lhelr raw numbers are raLher low,
due Lo Lhelr envlronmenLal requlremenLs and low
levels of lndependenL aggresslon. 1he number of
8wap-domlnanL worlds ln exlsLence numbers no
more Lhan a dozen, and none of Lhem reach Lhe
bllllon mark. Powever, Lhey malnLaln a noLable
presence on hlgh- and mld-pop worlds domlnaLed
by oLher races. 1hls ls especlally Lrue across much
of Lhe coreward 1hlrd lmperlum, and even ln
former llrsL lmperlum reglons llke Lhe !ullan
9. Droyne - Lhere ls a slngle, large uroyne colony on
Lhe world of Mugama. 1he uroyne AuLonomous
Zone ls consldered a no-go area for non-uroyne.
10. Surogotans - a sophonL specles on a slngle world,
Lhe handful of SurogoLan sophonLs reslde on Lhelr
world of SurogoLa. A rare few can be occaslonally
found beyond Lhelr homeworld, worklng as
LalenLed medlcal surgeons.
11. k'kree - whlle no k'kree clan or famlly resldes
permanenLly wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, occaslonal
Lraders are noL unheard of. 1here ls a permanenL
k'kree consulaLe aL nullnad, Lhe lmperlal SecLor

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 73
Population Shifts in the Empty Quarter,
993 to 1105
1here are some subsLanLlal populaLlon dlfferences ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer worlds llsLed, beLween 993 and 1103.
Why dld some hlgh-pop worlds shrlnk, and oLhers grow? ls lL due Lo culLural sLerlllLy, war, plague, large-scale
mlgraLlon or someLhlng else? Could Lhe cause be Lraced Lo a rlse ln Lechnology, new resources, colonlzaLlon,
a shlfL ln Lhe Lrade rouLes, a baby boom, or [usL a poslLlve blrLh/deaLh raLe? ln any case, Lhe 8eferee ls lnvlLed
Lo conslder Lhe small llsL of worlds, lmaglne Lhe reasons for Lhe populaLlon shlfL, and have hls players
experlence Lhe momenLous changes flrsL-hand!

993 daLe 1he arrows refer Lo changes ln populaLlon magnlLude.
1103 daLe

nullnad 0338 A336894-A 923 lm
nuLlnAu 0338 A336994-9 Pl 623 lm
kAkPASALk 0414 u873976-8 Pl ln 110 !r
kakhasaek 0414 C873876-7 910 !r
8?LCP ALnCZ 0601 A360962-A ue Pl 434 !r
8yegh Aengz 0601 A36079u-A ue 8l 434 !r
8asu 0637 83407CC-C ue o 713 lm
8ASu 0637 C3409CA-C ue Pl ln o 213 lm
CPlkA18A 1413 u362988-6 Pl 123 Cs
ChlkaLra 1413 8362888-9 8l 223 Cs
kLn8ASuA 1436 u240993-6 ue Pl ln o 724 lm
kenrasda 1436 8240893-8 ue o 624 lm
Mugama 1728 L3337A8-3 921 lm
MuCAMA 1728 L3339A8-4 Pl 221 lm
uuuSlS 1831 L768996-8 Pl 313 lm
udusls 1831 L768896-7 8l 713 lm
8elumar 1838 u663796-4 8l 910 lm
8LLuMA8 1838 L663996-3 Pl 410 lm
PL88ln 1930 8330A88-9 n ue Pl o 423 lm
PL88ln 1930 8330988-8 n ue Pl o 423 lm
MAnACA 2111 L63A988-7 Pl Wa 723 Cs
Managa 2111 L63A888-6 Wa 923 Cs
CoLan 2212 C877877-3 824 Pl
CC1An 2212 C8779CP-3 Pl ln 424 Pl
8LSPkPuuA 2603 u367A86-2 Pl 304 Pl
8eshkhuda 2603 u367886-3 8l 304 Pl
1SCSCL 2704 C33697C-7 Pl 723 Pl
1sosoe 2704 833677C-A Ag 323 Pl
ZuL1Pun 3007 8762978-8 Pl 310 Pl
ZueLhun 3007 8762878-A 8l 810 Pl

naLurally, Lhe llsL above can be expanded lndeflnlLely. All Lhe 8eferee needs Lo do ls reduce/lncrease Lhe
populaLlon sharply afLer 993, Lhen radlcally reverse Lhe Lrend before Lhe 1103 daLe ls reached. 1haL glves Lhe
8eferee 112 years Lo play 'dlve and fly' or 'pump and dump' wlLh. Moreover, he need noL resLrlcL hlmself Lo
only hlgh-pop worlds. Small colonlal worlds are acLually more llkely candldaLes for drasLlc populaLlon shlfLs
Lhan hlgh-pop worlds. Powever, lL's Lhe hlgh-pop worlds LhaL have Lhe greaLesL lmpacL on Lhe C's
envlronmenL, and usually on Lhe 8eferee's sLoryllne as well.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 74
The Assassination of Archduke
1here have been a myrlad of assasslnaLlons and assasslnaLlon aLLempLs wlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, far Loo
many Lo llsL. Cnly Lhe mosL slgnlflcanL and falrly recenL deaLh of Cvueneghz, Archduke of AnLares, ls dlscussed
ln deLall ln Lhls documenL.

1he assasslnaLlon of Lhe Archduke of AnLares as he Loured Lhe roLecLoraLe was carrled ouL by Lhe 8lack ueaLh
8and prlmarlly for Lhe sake of presLlge, 'sLreeL cred', and charlsma. Cn 49-979, hls [ump4 sLarshlp, Lhe 90,000-
Lon Lffendl-class heavy crulser U*(=% 'c7)%8, was ambushed and crlppled by Lwo squadrons of 8lack ueaLh
warshlps and a secondary floLllla of abouL 80 mlnor (sub-1000 dlsplacemenL) corsalrs. Cne squadron of
warshlps was wlped ouL, as was mosL of Lhe second before Lhe manoeuvre drlve, splnal mounL, and mlsslle
bays of Lhe U*(=% 'c7)%8 were knocked ouL of commlsslon. 1he remalnlng 8lack ueaLh warshlp, Lhe 20,000-
Lon _=+F"-$ '("%, and her escorLs boarded Lhe U*(=% 'c7)%8, and managed Lo locaLe, lsolaLe, and klll Lhe
Archduke ln a very bloody assaulL. AfLer hls deaLh was verlfled, Lhe corsalrs abandoned Lhe shlp and dlspersed
(keeplng Lhe Archduke's Lall, ears, and paws as prlzes) leavlng Lhe 139 survlvlng crewmembers (ouL of an
orlglnal compllmenL of 866) Lo keep Lhe shlp allve unLll SLar Leglon forces arrlved 17 days laLer.

8ecause of Lhe slze and sophlsLlcaLlon of Lhe assaulL, Lhe lmperlum belleved LhaL Lhe roLecLoraLe ?7-# have
known abouL lL, and elLher lmpllclLly or expllclLly condoned lL. lmperlal forces were ordered Lo ready
Lhemselves for an lnvaslon of Lhe roLecLoraLe wlLhln Lhe year. LxLenslve !ullan efforLs and good-falLh
measures were needed Lo assure Lhe lmperlals LhaL Lhe roLecLoraLe had no connecLlon whaLsoever Lo Lhe
aLLack. lmperlal naval forces were permlLLed Lo observe (and occaslonally supporL) Lhe SLar Leglon
lnvesLlgaLlon and mlllLary acLlvlLy needed Lo shuL down Lhe 8lack ueaLh 8and.

1he capLured crlmlnals were shlpped Lo lkon and frozen ln low berLhs unLll Lhe enLlre band could be Lrled as
one man - well, one vargr. AfLer Lhelr convlcLlon, Lhe plraLes were beheaded ln Lhe presence of Lhe lmperlal
Ambassador Lo Lhe !ullan roLecLoraLe, and Lhelr heads (and dependenLs) were LransporLed Lo AnLares. 1here,
Lhe new Archduke, kokLso, declded Lo reLurn Lhe dependenLs Lo roLecLoraLe space unharmed, buL Lhe skulls
of Lhe plraLes - vargr and vllanl - were cleaned and malled Lo lmperlal navy bases and shlps across Lhe secLor,
Lo keep as souvenlrs ln wardrooms and curlo cablneLs. 8egenL Parsha Menderes personally wenL Lo AnLares Lo
apologlze for her governmenL's fallure Lo proLecL Archduke Cvueneghz, apologles LhaL were deemed
saLlsfacLory by Archduke kokLso, Cvueneghz's son. lmperlal forces were flnally ordered Lo sLand down ln 11-
981. ln 983, lmperlal advenLurers wlLhln Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc managed Lo locaLe and reLurn Cvueneghz's
ears Lo hls pack. 1he Archduke's paws and Lall remaln losL.

1he legend and Lales of Lhe 8ack ueaLh 8and are sLlll repeaLed ln vargr feasL-halls and hunLlng ranges across
lkonaz space and beyond. Several lkonaz corsalr groups have clalmed Lo be Lhe 'Lrue successor' of Lhe 8and.
Cne such group, Lhe 1ooLhsome Slashers (a rare mlx of Cvaghoun and Suedzuk vargr plraLes) have managed
Lo sLeal Lhe warshlp `7%8=%:$*G=-$ from Lhe rullng vargr monarch of 1sahrroek sysLem. 1hey have re-
chrlsLened Lhe shlp wlLh her old name - Lhe _=+F"-$ '("% - and are reflLLlng her aL an unknown locaLlon. 1hey
have also changed Lhelr own name Lo Lhe 8ed ueaLh 8and, and are looklng for ways Lo pull a specLacular sLunL
Lo wln boLh forLune and fame aL a slngle blLe.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 75
Soldiery in the Empty Quarter
[1hls ls a modlfled verslon from Lhe posL An Lxerclse for Lhe 8eader" aL
hLLp:// . 8eaders lnLeresLed ln Lhe feel
of whaL a 'war hero' ls ln Lhe varlous culLures of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer are dlrecLed Lo
hLLp:// for
some useful vlsuals and examples.]

LeL's flrsL look aL Lhe lmperlal slde of Lhe Lesser 8lfL. llrsL, Lhe archeLype, Lhen Lhelr LmpLyheaded
Cne V||an| Imper|a| company from V|and. Cbedlence Lo prlor orders, LradlLlonal noL lnnovaLlve, good
planners, dlsllkes Lhe concepL of Laklng prlsoners. lavours well-planned, sysLemaLlc assaulLs agalnsL a
properly-sofLened enemy. 1he besL commanders are exLremely good aL plcklng ouL Lhe rlghL lessons from
slmllar slLuaLlons ln Lhe pasL, and correcLly applylng Lhem Lo Loday's enemy."
o 1he wlse commander wlll always avold flghLlng a war of aLLrlLlon wlLh Lhe vllanl. Always.
o WlLhln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer ln 993 lmperlal, Lhe large lmperlal vllanl armles are from Lazlsar,
Clmushl, and amushgar. Clmushl are good garrlson Lroops, and have a cerLaln sklll ln
calmlng Lenslons, downplaylng aggresslve vllanl conformlsm ln favour of generaLlng a solld
group consensus Lhough ceaseless dlscusslon, meeLlngs, sklll ln handllng local LradlLlons...
and knowlng who Lo brlbe, aL Lhe rlghL Llme, wlLh Lhe rlghL coln ('lL lsn'L *+!*<- lmperlal
CredlLs!') 1hls ls a vL8? useful sklll Lo have ln Lhe ofLen feudlng culLures of Lhe LmpLy
! rlsoner pollcy: surprlslngly Solomanl-llke. 8reaklng wlLh Classlcal vllanl 1radlLlon,
prlsoners are readlly Laken, lf Lhe LacLlcal slLuaLlon permlLs lL.
o 1he Lazlsar are very experlenced ln off-world expedlLlons and ln leveraglng boLh Lhelr
experlence and Lhelr Lechnologlcal edge Lo wln a solld vlcLory. Lven wlLh mosL of Lhe Lazlsarl
Army deployed Lo supporL Lhe LmpLy CuarLer SecLor lleeL ln Lhe ulaspora LheaLre of Lhe
Solomanl 8lm War, Lhls hlghly pro-lmperlal sysLem has recrulLed a subsLanLlal number of
new Lroops Lo rebullL Lhe ranks aL home. lL wlll Lake Llme and seasonlng before Lhey are up
Lo snuff, Lhough.
! rlsoner pollcy: 'harsh buL falr'. rlsoners are noL Laken ln assaulLs and ln hoL zones,
buL lf Lhe enemy ls wllllng Lo glve up before baLLle, or lf Lhe broken remnanL of Lhe
enemy force crles ouL 'no more', Lhen Lhelr surrender wlll >(=;*;+< be accepLed.
o amushgarl soldlers see Lhemselves ln a hoL compeLlLlon wlLh Lhe Lazlsarl (who llke Lo poke
fun aL Lhe amushgarl by dellberaLely lgnorlng Lhem). Whlle Lhe Lazlsarl have a greaL
repuLaLlon ln mlxlng lnnovaLlon wlLh LradlLlon, Lhe amushgarl vllanl are more sLralghL 'by-
Lhe-book' soldlers, hewlng closely Lo lmperlal LacLlcs and fleld docLrlne. 1hls makes Lhem
predlcLable, Lrue, buL lL also makes sure LhaL Lhey avold maklng really sLupld mlsLakes - and
wars are usually declded by whoever makes Lhe leasL mlsLakes ln baLLle, noL by sLraLeglc
vlrLuoslLy and brllllance. (1he largesL human emplre ln hlsLory, Lhe I|rst lmperlum, was
deeply grounded ln Lhls school of baLLle.) Moreover, Lhelr loglsLlcs Lraln ls usually very robusL
and faulL-LoleranL: a blesslng easy Lo overlook, unLll <=7 have launched your lasL rockeL salvo
and #$)< sLlll have an exLra dozen up Lhelr sleeve...
! rlsoner pollcy: carefully hews Lo currenL lmperlal pollcy, and Lhe offlclal orders of
Lhe senlor lmperlal mlllLary commanders.
o ugaash ls famous for Lhe unpleasanLness and sLrlcLness of Lhelr LheocraLlc armles.
Powever, Lo Lhe rellef of all, a huge percenLage of Lhe mlllLary-aged men of LhaL world has
been drafLed lnLo Lhe lmperlal Army, Lo lnfllcL greaL sufferlng on Lhe Solomanl ConfederaLlon
(raLher Lhan hapless vlslLor). lor once, Lhe world ls largely aL peace.
! rlsoner pollcy: lf you are an lmperlal soldler or spacer, you wlll be LreaLed wlLh
respecL. noL so much oLherwlse. lf you are a mercenary, 6=%G# geL capLured.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 76
Cne So|oman| Imper|a| company from the So|oman| k|m. Local clrcumsLances Lake precedence Lo prlor
orders, lnnovaLlve ln Lhe fleld, over-opLlmlsLlc planners, wlll Lake prlsoners - excepL ln Lhe heaL of an
assaulL. lavours surprlse assaulLs, llkes Lo leverage Lechnology Lo Lhelr advanLage. 1he besL commanders
are able Lo read Lhe enemy's sLrengLh and plans from fragmenLary lnformaLlon, and have a deep
undersLandlng of Lhelr own ablllLles and llmlLaLlons."
o ln Lhe small scale, Lhe Solomanl can bulld a powerful force from poor maLerlals llke nobody's
buslness - an exLremely useful ablllLy ln Lhe raLher lmpoverlshed LmpLy CuarLer. ln Lhe large
scale, Lhey are qulLe good ln bulldlng a 'SLraLeglc vlcLory from 1acLlcal uefeaLs'.
o WlLhln Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer of 993, Lhe besL-Lralned regular mlllLary force ls Lhe
Arakaa mlllLary, Lhe llsLs of Arakaad. 1hey rarely leave Lhelr sysLem, Lhough, and Lhelr
Lechnology - 1L 9 - llmlLs Lhelr usefulness ln expedlLlonary warfare. (8uL less Lhan you'd
expecL, glven Lhe overall lnferlor Lechnology of Lhe LmpLy CuarLer). Woe unLo Lhe poor fool
LhaL Lrles Lo lnvade Lhelr world, Lhough!
! rlsoner pollcy: 1helr prlsoner pollcy ls flexlble, buL Lhe ?)--*8) of LhaL pollcy ls
unchanglng: uon'L lnvade my world. !usL... don'L."
o Pebrln's mlllLary ls a feroclous mlx of Solomanl Arab, pure vllanl, and Mlxed vllanl. lL has
qulLe a blL of experlence ln expedlLlonary operaLlons, supporLlng Lhe goals of Lhe duke of
Pebrln. uesplLe Lhe vllanl-leanlng governmenL, Lhe mlllLary remalns domlnaLed by Arablc
mores. 1hls leads Lo a less-Lhan-effecLlve mlllLary: offlcers lord lL over raLlngs, dlsclpllne ls
harsh and unLhlnklng, and docLrlne ls reacLlve and lnflexlble. (8oLe learnlng for Lhe wln!")
! rlsoner pollcy: unpleasanL, buL capLured prlsoners wlll probably llve Lo be released
aL Lhe end of Lhe confllcL.
o lrash ls domlnaLed by a merger of Lhe Plndu and vllanl casLe sysLems. 1he mlllLary casLes of
lrash are qulLe proflclenL ln warfare, and have an lan LhaL maLches Lhe Lazlsarl (lf noL qulLe
Lhe experlence or Lhe Lechnology Lo back lL up). 1hey are somewhaL overconfldenL on Lhe
one hand, buL Lhey have good levels of endurance and deLermlnaLlon on Lhe oLher.
! rlsoner pollcy: Lyplcally Solomanl, Lhey are wllllng Lo Lake prlsoners usually, buL noL
ln Lhe heaL of baLLle or lf Lhe enemy ls seen Lo have 'crossed Lhe llne' ln some way.
Cne Vargr Imper|a| company from Antares (Cvaghoun Vargr). Local clrcumsLances over prlor orders,
LradlLlonal ln Lhe fleld, good planners, dlsllkes prlsoners - buL wlll do so lf lL boosLs Lhe sLandlng/charlsma
of Lhe company ln Lhe eyes of Lhelr peers/Lhe locals/lmperlal AuLhorlLy. lavours assaulLs LhaL look really
good ln Lhe medla (vargr culLure) afLer a good amounL of coverL plannlng and preparaLlon (vllanl culLure).
1he besL commanders comblne vargr hunLlng lnsLlncLs wlLh vllanl organlzaLlonal sklll, a unlon LhaL ls
absoluLely crushlng ln Lhe rlghL clrcumsLances."
o lf you are flghLlng Lhe Cvaghoun vargr, never leL Lhe slLuaLlon splral ouL of conLrol. 1hey wlll
eaL you allve.
o 8arely do Lhe ground forces (as opposed Lo Lhe naval forces) of lmperlal AnLares cross Lhe
border lnLo Lhe LmpLy CuarLer. When Lhey do, Lhe local LmpLyheads 5)(< qulckly plck up on
Lhe dlsLaln LhaL Lhe Cvaghoun and Lhe vllanl of AnLares have for Lhe poor, low-Lech,
comparaLlvely unclvlllzed, and sLrongly anLl-vargr LmpLyheads. 1he lmperlals of Lhe LmpLy
CuarLer - especlally Lhe Solomanl - reacL [usL as badly Lo AnLarean aLLlLudes of superlorlLy as
you LhoughL Lhey would. (1he powerful AnLares SecLor navy, on Lhe oLher hand, ls )W#()?)+<
professlonal and courLeous Lo Lhelr lmperlal broLhers, and are held ln awe by Lhe Cushgusl).
! 1he 8wap are a loL more easygolng - so long as all Lhe forms are properly fllled ouL
- and Lhe vllanl aren'L as allenaLed, as many AnLareans (boLh vllanl & vargr) respecL
vllanl culLural mores.
! AnLarean culLure has a cerLaln passlng resemblance Lo Lhe lkonaz culLure of Lhe
8ukadukaz 8epubllc. Powever, Lhe dlfferences ouLwelgh Lhe slmllarlLles. 1here are a
loL more Solomanl ln AnLares, Lhe Cvaghoun vargr losL Lhelr upper-class sLaLus on
mosL AnLarean worlds a long Llme ago (even Lhe vargr Archduke of Lhe uomaln of
AnLares ls a Cvegh vargr, noL an Cvaghoun vargr), and whlle AnLares ls as
lmporLanL ln lmperlal hlsLory as lkon ls ln vargr hlsLory, Lhere are many more worlds
ln AnLares SecLor LhaL are noL far behlnd, or even equal Lo AnLares ln populaLlon
and Lechnology.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 77
! rlsoner pollcy: lmperlal AnLarean forces respecL lmperlal orders and regulaLlons
regardlng prlsoners, generally. Anger Lhem sufflclenLly, Lhough, and even Lhe
records LhaL Lhere !)() prlsoners are golng Lo vanlsh lnLo smoke...
Cne 8wap Imper|a| company from Marhaban. rlor orders are everyLhlng, local clrcumsLances are
noLhlng. lollowlng Lhe 8ook ln exhausLlve deLall ls more lmporLanL Lhan elLher LradlLlon or lnnovaLlon - or
even wlnnlng Lhe baLLle ln quesLlon. rlsoners wlll be Laken, as lL ls Cfflclal ollcy. (When offlclal,
publlshed pollcy changes, Lhen - and only Lhen - wlll Lhe 8wap change Lhelr behavlour ln Lhe fleld.)
AssaulLs Lend Lo closely follow Lhe 8ook, buL when Lhlngs geL unpredlcLable, Lhe 8wap Lend Lo [usL follow
procedure more closely. 1he besL commanders are good aL spoLLlng paLLerns ln Lhe behavlour of Lhelr
enemy, and use Lhose same hablLs agalnsL Lhem."
o 8ureaucraLs aren'L flghLers, buL armles are bureaucracles. 8wap soldlers are far more
dangerous lf Lhey geL Lhelr molsL llLLle hands on Lhe enemy's lnLernal rulebooks, regulaLlons,
and requlslLlon procedures. lf you leL Lhem lnLeracL wlLh your naLlon's lawyers, lf Lhey
flgure ouL how Lo 'work Lhe sysLem', lf Lhey learn how Lo shame your mlllLary paper-
pushers wlLh bad publlclLy, or lf Lhey flgure ouL a way Lo drown your bureaucracy wlLh
appeals and complalnLs Lhen you have already losL. 8eslgn qulckly, before Lhey dlscover
LhaL you vlolaLed Lhe lmperlal MlllLary Code, SecLlon P, SubsecLlon lx, ArLlcles e and f, on
elghLeen occaslons beLween Lhe daLes of 43-982 and 103-993 (compleLe wlLh a flawless
elecLronlc Lrall Lo back up Lhelr clalms).
! 1he 8waps aren'L ?)*%# Lo be flghLers: Lhey are [usL Loo dependenL on a molsL, hoL
envlronmenL Lo do very well. ln a unlverse where 'no baLLle plans survlves conLacL
wlLh Lhe enemy', Lhe 8waps have dlfflculLy compeLlng successfully (and LhaL's !"#$
Lhelr general Lechnologlcal superlorlLy!)
! 8uL on Lhe oLher hand... lf you have a hoL, humld, seml-aquaLlc envlronmenL LhaL
you wanL Lo conquer, Lhe 8wap aren'L #== bad. 1hey can flghL, Lhey can klll, Lhey are
organlzed, and Lhey are very deLermlned when Lhey seL Lhelr mlnd on a goal. llnd a
way Lo leL Lhem wrlLe Lhelr own rulebook on Lhe fly, and you have a decenL chance
of a solld vlcLory ln Lhe fleld.
! lf you wanL Lhe 8wap Lo wln hands-down, leL Lhem seL up a few sock puppeLs wlLh
Lhe enemy chaln of command: qulLe doable wlLh Lhelr Lechnologlcal lead
! rlsoner pollcy: 1he 8wap wlll follow Cfflclal ollcy, Lo Lhe leLLer. Always.

And [usL a few selecLed forces on Lhe oLher slde of Lhe Lesser 8lfL:
Cne negemon|o starsh|p]company from Arzu| Sector. (1here *() dedlcaLed ground unlLs LhaL serve Lhe
Pegemon, from mass armles Lo lndependenL flre Leams, buL mosL Cs wlll encounLer a dual-envlronmenL
klnd of unlL.) All sLarshlp crewmen are cross-Lralned as ground soldlers, and Lhe sLarshlp ls deslgned as
much as a really large Lank/floaLlng flrebase as for a llghL company as lL ls bullL Lo flghL oLher sLarshlps.
1acLlcs and sLraLegy - lncludlng Lhe dual-envlronmenL phllosophy - are sLrongly rooLed ln a very long and
very nasLy hlsLory of confllcL wlLh Lhe 8lood vargr. unlL dlsclpllne ls paramounL, and operaLlons are geared
Lo lnfllcLlng punlshmenL on groups of fasL-movlng LargeLs. As Lhe enemy can be amazlngly responslve and
very qulck ln plcklng ouL your 'undefended flank' (be lL poslLlonal, communlcaLlon, supply, organlzaLlonal,
Lechnologlcal, or even Lhe lack of Llme) Lhe enemy MuS1 be CCMLL1LL? desLroyed before Lhey can snlff
ouL and caplLallze on your weak polnL '...and, resL assured, you *+!*<- have a weak polnL!'
o More Lhan any oLher mlllLary ln Lhe LmpLy CuarLer, Lhe Pegemonlo mlllLary undersLands Lhe
use of feroclLy, cruelLy, vlclousness, and savage mockery ln warfare. no $7?*% lnsLlLuLlon ln
CharLered Space speaks Lhe 'language of blood' beLLer Lhan Lhey do. Powever, Lhe old ways
are noL very useful when lL comes Lo rullng a world (as opposed Lo Lerrlfylng lL lnLo
submlsslon), so dlrLslde, Lhey Lend noL Lo be seen, [usL spoken abouL. CuleLly.
o unllke ln Lhe lmperlal LmpLy CuarLer and Lhe 8ukadukaz 8epubllc, Lhe Pegemonlo forces are
fundamenLally an army of occupaLlon: pale-sklnned Arzula from worlds 20 parsecs away
coldly waLch Lhe dark-sklnned Arab and lndlan populaLlon, who carefully lgnore and quleLly
resenL Lhelr harsh (aL besL, cruel aL worsL) masLers." 1here ls no love losL beLween Lhem, buL
as Lhe Arzula malnly sLay ln space, on Lhelr bases, on Lhelr colony worlds, or ln Lhelr quarLer

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 78
of Lhe clLy, Lhere ls llLLle conLacL and llLLle confllcL as of 993 lmperlal. (And Lhe few Arzula
who A8L found llvlng among Lhe locals haLe Lhe Pegemony more deeply Lhan Lhe locals do.)
! noLable excepLlons Lo Lhe rule lnclude:
nlsaga, whlch ls asslmllaLlng large amounLs of Arzula culLure for herself,
ZueLhun, where, as Lhe unofflclal reglonal caplLal of Lhe Pegemony, boLh
masLers and servanLs have learned Lo LoleraLe each oLher,
ramas, where Arzula & Arab/lndlan rellglous syncreLlsm ls Lhe rule.
! rlsoner pollcy: Lhe forces of Lhe Pegemon LradlLlonally don'L Lake prlsoners: buL
afLer more Lhan a cenLury of experlence rullng non-Arzula humans, mosL of Lhe
Pegemonlo are wllllng Lo Lake human prlsoners nowadays (and, lncreaslngly, lrlllLok
vargr prlsoners as well.) 1he besL unlLs can even LreaL Lhe prlsoners falrly humanely.
! 1hey never Lake Suedzuk prlsoners Lhough - and noL [usL because Lhe Suedzuk Lend
Lo make people deeply regreL capLurlng Lhem allve. Whlle Lhe vllanl are genocldal
as a maLLer of efflclency and cosL-reducLlon (Wars are expenslve, so Lhey should be
foughL [usL =%,).") Lhe Pegemonlo dread Lhe posslblllLy of Lhe Suedzuk +)*(%"%8
how Lhelr human enemy operaLes, close-up. Long experlence has proven LhaL Lhls ls
a 8ad ldea.
Cne Ikonaz company, from Ikon. 1he Cvaghoun vargr Lakes all Lhe presLlge poslLlons, lncludlng Lhe
fronL-llne reglmenLs and companles. 1he lkonaz vllanl are now permlLLed Lo serve under arms, and Lhelr
unlLs - usually led by Cvaghoun offlcers - Lake up less presLlglous poslLlons and duLles. Cvaghoun unlLs
are deflnlLely more organlzed and dlsclpllned Lhan mosL pure vargr unlLs, and can work ln larger Leams for
more dlsLanL goals, and engage ln more compllcaLed and subLle manoeuvres. lor charlsmaLlc reasons,
Lhey also Lend Lo be more darlng and more llable Lo 'showboaL' Lhan oLher pure vargr unlLs: Lhls ls a
weakness LhaL can be explolLed by Lhe knowledgeable commander. Cver Lhe lasL cenLury, wlLh Lhe vllanl
now seen as near-peers of Lhe rullng Cvaghoun vargr, lL ls now posslble Lo see Lhe occaslonal Lruly unlfled
lkonaz unlL, wlLh sLrong lnpuL and leadershlp from boLh Lhe vargr and Lhe vllanl. usually, Lhese unlLs are
able Lo draw on Lhe sLrengLhs of boLh culLures (lnsLead of Lhelr weaknesses), brlnglng success on Lhe
baLLlefleld. 1he comblnaLlon of surface chaos and underllnlng order can desLroy Lhe opposlLlon, lf Lhey are
noL prepared for lL. And even lf Lhey are, Lhe lkonaz are equlpped Lo a very hlgh sLandard, Lechnology-
o 1he above descrlpLlon ls for Lhe powerful lkonaz culLure: buL reglonal varlaLlons, qulrks, and
subverslons are Lo be expecLed across Lhe 8epubllc. lkonaz corsalrs and plraLes are falrly well
lnLegraLed lnLo Lhe sysLem and operaLe under some lmporLanL legal and LradlLlonal
resLralnLs (lncludlng Lhe waLchful eyes of Lhe SLar Leglon): Lhe amounL of wealLh Lhey can
Lake and Lhe vlolence Lhey can lnfllcL ls LlghLly llmlLed wlLhln roLecLoraLe borders.
! rlsoner pollcy varles, buL ln general, Lhe Cvaghoun (a.k.a. Lhe lkonaz vargr) see
prlsoners as charlsma-enhanclng, and are wllllng Lo do so - especlally when dolng
so expands Lhelr fame and respecL ln Lhe eyes of oLhers.
! 1he lkonaz vllanl see prlsoners as a 'cosL cenLre', Lo be ellmlnaLed when posslble.

Cne Suedzuk Vargr company from Ss||nth|s. As a culLure of wlldly vlolenL paranolds, Suedzuk packs are
very lndlvlduallsLlc ln organlzaLlon, docLrlne, and Lechnology. As a rule, Lhough, Lhey are exLremely LlghLly-
knlL, are careful Lo scouL ouL Lhe enemy before sLrlklng, llke Lhe ldea of Lechnologlcal superlorlLy and
LacLlcal surprlse, en[oys dlsrupLlng (or, beLLer yeL, perverLlng) enemy communlcaLlon neLs, and have a
culLural weakness for havlng Lhelr kllls up-close and very messy. 1he very besL Suedzuk leaders can 1)
Lhlnk llke a human and 2) explolL all sorLs of bllnd spoLs, be lL culLural, LacLlcal, Lechnologlcal, or Lemporal.
'CuL-flanklng Lhe enemy' ls a key docLrlne among all of Lhe Suedzuk."
o unllke mosL of Lhe Suedzuk, Lhe SsllnLhls Suedzuk don'L go ouL plraLlng much ouL of Lhelr sysLem,
husbandlng Lhelr sLrengLh ln an era of broad human domlnance. 1helr vlolenL aggresslon ls
channeled Lo varlous honour codes, unpleasanL forms of arL, and rlLuallzed hunLs.
! rlsoners are noL Laken by Lhe Suedzuk vargr, noL even Lhe ones from SsllnLhls.

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 79
The Christianity of the
Not- That- Far Future
As lL has been noLed here: hLLp://, lf
Amerlcan CaLhollcs serlously reslsLed, Lhey would noL be requlred Lo pay for elLher conLracepLlves or aborLlons
wlLh Lhelr own money. lf Lhe rellglous hlerarchy serlously puL Lhelr fooL down, Lhey may or may noL have succeed,
buL Lhey would have been able Lo honesLly clalm Lo have reslsLed Lhe murder of chlldren and Lhe endorsemenL of
fornlcaLlon wlLh all of Lhelr sLrengLh.

8ecause Lhe blshops don'L enforce Lhe docLrlne on CaLhollc members of Congress, roLesLanLs assume LhaL Mrs.
elosl has enforced her docLrlne on Lhe blshops. 1haL's Lhe way roLesLanLs Lhlnk. roLesLanLs declde whose
docLrlne ls belng enforced ln Lerms of whose sancLlons are belng enforced: Lhe hlerarchy's or Lhe lalLy's.

1he lalLy conLrol Lhe purse. lL's preLLy clear whose docLrlne ls belng enforced.
Cary norLh, CaLhollc PosplLals vs. Cbamacare" Aug 3, 2012.

So, lL can be assumed LhaL CaLhollc docLrlne ln wealLhy naLlons ls becomlng a deslccaLed corpse: Lhe uLLer
abandonmenL of Lhe sacramenLs ls becomlng an lnevlLablllLy, wlLh Lhe fallure of prlesLly vocaLlons. Cpus uel, Lhe
hard men of Loday's CaLhollc hlerarchy, are no maLch ln elLher dlsclpllne or lnLelllgence for Lhe !esulLs ln Lhelr
prlme, and we all know whaL happened Lo Lhem: hLLp://

l wlll clalm LhaL Lhe enLlre process sLarLed wlLh Lhe CaLhollc Church of lrance, under Lhe leadershlp of Cardlnal
8lchelleu, whored herself ouL for Lhe greaLer good of Lhe lrench SLaLe - Lo Lhe applause of senslble leaders
everywhere (Cod's reacLlon ls besL seen ln Lhe lrench 8evoluLlon). See Spengler, 1he sacred hearL of darkness",
hLLp:// for all Lhe ugly deLalls. Spengler's works on Lhls lssue
are of lnLeresL Lo Lhe ChrlsLlan revlewer: l especlally llke "8aLzlngers musLard seed"
hLLp:// and Luropes Lragedy, and Luropes Lragedlan"
hLLp:// .

lf Lhe CaLhollc hlerarchy are so many rellcs ln fancy haLs, Lhen whaL abouL Lhe roLesLanL pasLors? 1he ma[orlLy of
Lhem are well aware LhaL Lhe burden of Lhe 'culLure war' ls belng carrled by laymen... and dlsapprove. 1he pasLors
would much raLher acLlve ChrlsLlans shuL up, slL down, and pay Lhe LlLhes. (See norLh's Cn uecldlng When Lo Say
no Lo Long-ShoL CharlLable ro[ecLs" - hLLp:// - for
deLalls. ?ou'll have Lo pay Lo read lL.)

So, Lhe ma[orlLy of Lhe pasLors - *%6 Lhe parlshloners - would much prefer peace and quleL Lhan acLually followlng
Lhe model of Lhe propheLs, Lhe aposLles, and ChrlsL Plmself. Cbvlously, Lhen, lL's Llme for Lhe Poly SplrlL Lo dlLch
Lhe professlonal rellglous crypLo-men, and head on Lo Lhose who acLually do whaL Cod says. (See Lzeklel 9-10 for
deLalls.) 8uL lf Lhe old model ls a hollow husk, whaL ls Lhe new model?

Cnce agaln, for deLalls, you're golng Lo have Lo pay:
hLLp:// . 8uL ln summary, sLarL planLlng home churches,
churches LhaL mulLlply and grow... and avold buylng LhaL fancy blg bulldlng: a growLh-sLopper lf Lhere ever was
one! Cne movemenL LhaL has Lhe rlghL ldea ls here: hLLp:// .

Couple Lhls wlLh homeschoollng - see hLLp:// for a good seL of maLerlals. Llnk LhaL
up wlLh some good 8lble sofLware: hLLps://, or hLLp:// (wlLh
Lhe nlce lnsLrucLlonal vldeos).

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 80
CalvlnlsLs who wanL Lo make an lmpacL should sklp semlnary (whlch ls LsLabllshmenL-deslgned Lo crlpple your
preachlng ablllLy and guL your flnanclal lndependence, maklng you lnflnlLely more doclle before Lhe 8lghL SorL of
eople) and geL a copy of Calvln's lnsLlLuLes - hLLp:// - know lL well, and spend
Lhe Llme Lo masLer 8lbllcal Creek and Pebrew. 1hls ls golng Lo cosL you 300+ wlLh hLLp://, buL lL -
or someLhlng slmllar - ls necessary. (And a loL less Llme- and money-consumlng Lhan semlnary.)

lor furLher educaLlon, l recommend hLLp:// (caplLallsm l1W!) and
hLLp:// for a large collecLlon of free books: download 73 8lble
CuesLlons and Pe Shall Pave uomlnlon Lo sLarL.

Amerlcan vlslon hLLp:// & Chalcedon (hLLp:// ) are good Loo. osLmlllennlallsm
hLLp:// lsn'L bad elLher, buL noL as meaLy: more of a llghL snack for Lhe day. lor your
amusemenL, evoluLlonary someLhlng from noLhlng" maglc ls Louched on regularly aL
hLLp:// and hLLp://crev.lnfo/ .

And read your Lew - hLLp:// 1he SLaLe lsn'L golng Lo save you, and you mlghL as well sLarL
learnlng how Lo Lhlnk as a free man. lL wlll help you Leach your house church how Lo Lhlnk ln a pro-llberLy fashlon,

1he days of censors and gaLekeepers and knowledge gullds and prlesLhoods wlLh funny haLs or holy lab coaLs are
over and done. 1lme Lo geL ahead of Lhe curve.

Uhhh... Traveller?
?ou mean Lhe Sclence llcLlon Came of Lhe lar luLure? Well, Lhe shape of LhaL fuLure ls declded ln parL by whaL we
do Loday, and slnce Lhere ls no ouLposL of a vasL human emplre 1.83 parsecs from here, WL are Lhe ones who are
golng Lo have Lo spread Lo Lhe sLars.

As opposed Lo [usL slLLlng around llke welfare drones, or Lolllng away as Lhe Lax-sheep & debL-slaves of Cur
CompasslonaLe MasLers.

PumanlLy ls golng Lo have Lo geL on a serlous growLh curve, and we are golng Lo need a sLouL, hlghly scalable, hlgh-
endurance bellef sLrucLure Lo geL us Lhere.

ALhelsm/Secularlsm lsn'L golng Lo be lL: when lL lsn'L busy looklng for lnvlslble lrlends ln Lhe Sky, lL's wasLlng Llme
and money on unsusLalnable welfare sysLems for Lhe good of 8ondholders and Lhe Senlor 8anks 1he eople,
pushlng shorL-slghLed and sLerlle leasure-flrsL pollcles, crlppllng as many small buslness (l.e. [ob-creaLors) as
posslble for Lhe greaLer good of LsLabllshmenL corporaLlons 1he eople and 1he LnvlronmenL, or crylng ouL for
some varlanL of Lhe cenLrallzed, cerLlfled power ellLe (whose every economlc and culLural fallure ls [usL anoLher
excuse Lo Lransfer more money and more llberLy from you and me Lo Lhem.)

And - slnce maglc doesn'L exlsL - we are [usL golng Lo have Lo !=(: Lo bulld Lhe lar luLure we wanL.

Sure, Lhlngs are Lough now: and Lhey are only golng Lo geL Lougher over Lhe nexL decade. 8uL ChrlsLlans have boLh
splrlLual and maLerlal reasons Lo re[olce: afLer Lhe flawlessly secular masLers have flnlshed bankrupLlng Lhelr
CovernmenL-Cod, Savlour and Pealer of Manklnd, Lhe greaL burn-off of governmenL power, auLhorlLy, and
leglLlmacy - all Lhose busLed lles!" - ls golng Lo make esLabllshlng and growlng a ChrlsLlan culLure ?7,$ easler.

A cheer for Lechnologlcal de-cenLrallzaLlon, a cheer for exponenLlal growLh, and a cheer for sLubborn old men who
slmply WlLL nC1 kneel Lo Lhe LllLe!

ChrlsLus vlcLor!

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 81
Traveller T20 and Classic Traveller Fair Use Policies

verbaLlm from lar luLure LnLerprlses's lalr use pollcy, whlch could be found aL
1he 1raveller game ln all forms ls owned by lar luLure LnLerprlses. CopyrlghL 1977 - 2008 lar luLure
LnLerprlses. 1raveller ls a reglsLered Lrademark of lar luLure LnLerprlses. lar luLure permlLs web slLes and
fanzlnes for Lhls game, provlded lL conLalns Lhls noLlce, LhaL lar luLure ls noLlfled, and sub[ecL Lo a wlLhdrawal of
permlsslon on 90 days noLlce. 1he conLenLs of Lhls slLe are for personal, non-commerclal use only. Any use of
lar luLure LnLerprlsess copyrlghLed maLerlal or Lrademarks anywhere on Lhls web slLe and lLs flles should noL be
vlewed as a challenge Lo Lhose copyrlghLs or Lrademarks. ln addlLlon, any program/arLlcles/flle on Lhls slLe cannoL
be republlshed or dlsLrlbuLed wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe auLhor who conLrlbuLed lL.
1raveller ls copyrlghL by and of lar luLure LnLerprlses, and lLs use here ls by permlsslon.

verbaLlm from Culckllnk's lalr use pollcy, whlch can be found aL hLLp://
1he 1raveller game ln all forms ls owned by lar luLure LnLerprlses. CopyrlghL 2002 CulkLlnk lnLeracLlve,
lnc. 1raveller ls a reglsLered Lrademark of lar luLure LnLerprlses. CulkLlnk permlLs web slLes and fanzlnes for Lhls
game, provlded lL conLalns Lhls noLlce, LhaL CulkLlnk ls noLlfled, and sub[ecL Lo a wlLhdrawal of permlsslon on 90
days noLlce. 1he conLenLs of Lhls slLe are for personal, non-commerclal use only. Any use of CulkLlnk lnLeracLlve's
producL ldenLlLy, copyrlghLed maLerlal or Lrademarks anywhere on Lhls web slLe and lLs flles should noL be vlewed
as a challenge Lo Lhose copyrlghLs or Lrademarks. ln addlLlon, any program/arLlcles/flle on Lhls slLe cannoL be
republlshed or dlsLrlbuLed wlLhouL Lhe consenL of Lhe auLhor who conLrlbuLed lL."

GURPS Traveller Online Policy

lrom SLeve !ackson Cames' onllne pollcy, whlch can be found aL

Some of Lhe maLerlal presenLed here ls Lhe orlglnal creaLlon of Lhe conLrlbuLlng auLhor, lnLended for use wlLh Lhe
Cu8S sysLem from SLeve !ackson Cames. 1hls maLerlal ls noL offlclal and ls noL endorsed by SLeve !ackson Cames.

Cu8S ls a reglsLered Lrademark of SLeve !ackson Cames, and some of Lhe arL here ls copyrlghLed by SLeve !ackson
Cames. All rlghLs are reserved by S! Cames. 1hls maLerlal ls used here ln accordance wlLh Lhe S! Cames onllne


1he followlng LexL ls Lhe properLy of Wlzards of Lhe CoasL, lnc. and ls CopyrlghL 2000 Wlzards of Lhe CoasL, lnc
(Wlzards"). All 8lghLs 8eserved.

1. ueflnlLlons: (a) ConLrlbuLors" means Lhe copyrlghL and/or Lrademark owners who have conLrlbuLed Cpen Came
ConLenL, (b) uerlvaLlve MaLerlal" means copyrlghLed maLerlal lncludlng derlvaLlve works and LranslaLlons
(lncludlng lnLo oLher compuLer languages), poLaLlon, modlflcaLlon, correcLlon, addlLlon, exLenslon, upgrade,
lmprovemenL, compllaLlon, abrldgmenL or oLher form ln whlch an exlsLlng work may be recasL, Lransformed or
adapLed, (c) ulsLrlbuLe" means Lo reproduce, llcense, renL, lease, sell, broadcasL, publlcly dlsplay, LransmlL or
oLherwlse dlsLrlbuLe, (d) Cpen Came ConLenL" means Lhe game mechanlc and lncludes Lhe meLhods, procedures,
processes and rouLlnes Lo Lhe exLenL such conLenL does noL embody Lhe roducL ldenLlLy and ls an enhancemenL

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 82
over Lhe prlor arL and any addlLlonal conLenL clearly ldenLlfled as Cpen Came ConLenL by Lhe ConLrlbuLor, and
means any work covered by Lhls Llcense, lncludlng LranslaLlons and derlvaLlve works under copyrlghL law, buL
speclflcally excludes roducL ldenLlLy. (e) roducL ldenLlLy" means producL and producL llne names, logos and
ldenLlfylng marks lncludlng Lrade dress, arLlfacLs, creaLures characLers, sLorles, sLoryllnes, ploLs, LhemaLlc
elemenLs, dlalogue, lncldenLs, language, arLwork, symbols, deslgns, deplcLlons, llkenesses, formaLs, poses,
concepLs, Lhemes and graphlc, phoLographlc and oLher vlsual or audlo represenLaLlons, names and descrlpLlons of
characLers, spells, enchanLmenLs, personallLles, Leams, personas, llkenesses and speclal ablllLles, places, locaLlons,
envlronmenLs, creaLures, equlpmenL, maglcal or supernaLural ablllLles or effecLs, logos, symbols, or graphlc
deslgns, and any oLher Lrademark or reglsLered Lrademark clearly ldenLlfled as roducL ldenLlLy by Lhe owner of
Lhe roducL ldenLlLy, and whlch speclflcally excludes Lhe Cpen Came ConLenL, (f) 1rademark" means Lhe logos,
names, mark, slgn, moLLo, deslgns LhaL are used by a ConLrlbuLor Lo ldenLlfy lLself or lLs producLs or Lhe assoclaLed
producLs conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe Cpen Came Llcense by Lhe ConLrlbuLor (g) use", used" or uslng" means Lo use,
ulsLrlbuLe, copy, edlL, formaL, modlfy, LranslaLe and oLherwlse creaLe uerlvaLlve MaLerlal of Cpen Came ConLenL.
(h) ?ou" or ?our" means Lhe llcensee ln Lerms of Lhls agreemenL.

2. 1he Llcense: 1hls Llcense applles Lo any Cpen Came ConLenL LhaL conLalns a noLlce lndlcaLlng LhaL Lhe Cpen
Came ConLenL may only be used under and ln Lerms of Lhls Llcense. ?ou musL afflx such a noLlce Lo any Cpen
Came ConLenL LhaL you use. no Lerms may be added Lo or subLracLed from Lhls Llcense excepL as descrlbed by Lhe
Llcense lLself. no oLher Lerms or condlLlons may be applled Lo any Cpen Came ConLenL dlsLrlbuLed uslng Lhls

3.Cffer and AccepLance: 8y uslng Lhe Cpen Came ConLenL ?ou lndlcaLe ?our accepLance of Lhe Lerms of Lhls

4. CranL and ConslderaLlon: ln conslderaLlon for agreelng Lo use Lhls Llcense, Lhe ConLrlbuLors granL ?ou a
perpeLual, worldwlde, royalLy-free, non-excluslve llcense wlLh Lhe exacL Lerms of Lhls Llcense Lo use, Lhe Cpen
Came ConLenL.

3.8epresenLaLlon of AuLhorlLy Lo ConLrlbuLe: lf ?ou are conLrlbuLlng orlglnal maLerlal as Cpen Came ConLenL, ?ou
represenL LhaL ?our ConLrlbuLlons are ?our orlglnal creaLlon and/or ?ou have sufflclenL rlghLs Lo granL Lhe rlghLs
conveyed by Lhls Llcense.

6.noLlce of Llcense CopyrlghL: ?ou musL updaLe Lhe CC?8lCP1 nC1lCL porLlon of Lhls Llcense Lo lnclude Lhe exacL
LexL of Lhe CC?8lCP1 nC1lCL of any Cpen Came ConLenL ?ou are copylng, modlfylng or dlsLrlbuLlng, and ?ou
musL add Lhe LlLle, Lhe copyrlghL daLe, and Lhe copyrlghL holder's name Lo Lhe CC?8lCP1 nC1lCL of any orlglnal
Cpen Came ConLenL you ulsLrlbuLe.

7. use of roducL ldenLlLy: ?ou agree noL Lo use any roducL ldenLlLy, lncludlng as an lndlcaLlon as Lo compaLlblllLy,
excepL as expressly llcensed ln anoLher, lndependenL AgreemenL wlLh Lhe owner of each elemenL of LhaL roducL
ldenLlLy. ?ou agree noL Lo lndlcaLe compaLlblllLy or co-adapLablllLy wlLh any 1rademark or 8eglsLered 1rademark ln
con[uncLlon wlLh a work conLalnlng Cpen Came ConLenL excepL as expressly llcensed ln anoLher, lndependenL
AgreemenL wlLh Lhe owner of such 1rademark or 8eglsLered 1rademark. 1he use of any roducL ldenLlLy ln Cpen
Came ConLenL does noL consLlLuLe a challenge Lo Lhe ownershlp of LhaL roducL ldenLlLy. 1he owner of any roducL
ldenLlLy used ln Cpen Came ConLenL shall reLaln all rlghLs, LlLle and lnLeresL ln and Lo LhaL roducL ldenLlLy.

8. ldenLlflcaLlon: lf you dlsLrlbuLe Cpen Came ConLenL ?ou musL clearly lndlcaLe whlch porLlons of Lhe work LhaL
you are dlsLrlbuLlng are Cpen Came ConLenL.

9. updaLlng Lhe Llcense: Wlzards or lLs deslgnaLed AgenLs may publlsh updaLed verslons of Lhls Llcense. ?ou may
use any auLhorlzed verslon of Lhls Llcense Lo copy, modlfy and dlsLrlbuLe any Cpen Came ConLenL orlglnally
dlsLrlbuLed under any verslon of Lhls Llcense.

10. Copy of Lhls Llcense: ?ou MuS1 lnclude a copy of Lhls Llcense wlLh every copy of Lhe Cpen Came ConLenL ?ou

Stellar Reaches Issue #18 Summer 2012 Page 83
11. use of ConLrlbuLor CredlLs: ?ou may noL markeL or adverLlse Lhe Cpen Came ConLenL uslng Lhe name of any
ConLrlbuLor unless ?ou have wrlLLen permlsslon from Lhe ConLrlbuLor Lo do so.

12. lnablllLy Lo Comply: lf lL ls lmposslble for ?ou Lo comply wlLh any of Lhe Lerms of Lhls Llcense wlLh respecL Lo
some or all of Lhe Cpen Came ConLenL due Lo sLaLuLe, [udlclal order, or governmenLal regulaLlon Lhen ?ou may noL
use any Cpen Came MaLerlal so affecLed.

13. 1ermlnaLlon: 1hls Llcense wlll LermlnaLe auLomaLlcally lf ?ou fall Lo comply wlLh all Lerms hereln and fall Lo cure
such breach wlLhln 30 days of becomlng aware of Lhe breach. All subllcenses shall survlve Lhe LermlnaLlon of Lhls

14. 8eformaLlon: lf any provlslon of Lhls Llcense ls held Lo be unenforceable, such provlslon shall be reformed only
Lo Lhe exLenL necessary Lo make lL enforceable.

13. CC?8lCP1 nC1lCL
Cpen Came Llcense v 1.0 CopyrlghL 2000, Wlzards of Lhe CoasL, lnc.
u20 SysLem 8ules and ConLenL CopyrlghL 2000, Wlzards of Lhe CoasL, lnc., AuLhors !ohnaLhan 1weeL, MonLe Cook,
Sklp Wllllams, based on orlglnal maLerlal by L. Cary Cygax and uave Arneson.
120 - 1he 1raveller's Pandbook CopyrlghL 2002, Culkllnk lnLeracLlve, lnc. 1raveller ls a Lrademark of lar luLure
LnLerprlses and ls used under llcense.
Modern SysLem 8eference uocumenL CopyrlghL 2002-2004, Wlzards of Lhe CoasL, lnc., AuLhors 8lll Slavlcsek, !eff
Crubb, 8lch 8edman, Charles 8yan, Lrlc Cagle, uavld noonan, SLan!, ChrlsLopher erklns, 8odney 1hompson, and
!u Wlker, based on maLerlal by !onaLhan 1weeL, MonLe Cook, Sklp Wllllams, 8lchard 8aker, eLer Adklson, 8ruce
8. Cordell, !ohn 1ynes, Andy Colllns, and !u Wlker.
All orlglnal Cpen Came ConLenL from SLellar 8eaches, lssue #14" CopyrlghL 2012, ConLrlbuLors: Alvln W. lummer


1he uWs provlded ln varlous arLlcles are deslgnaLed as Cpen Came ConLenL. 1he 120 lnformaLlon conLalned ln
Lhe 8l1S 1ask SysLem ls deslgnaLed as Cpen Came ConLenL. Any and all oLher maLerlal derlved from Lhe SysLem
8eference uocumenL, Lhe Modern SysLem 8eference uocumenL and Lhe 1raveller's Pandbook ls deslgnaLed as
Cpen Came ConLenL.
1he remalnder of Lhls documenL ls consldered Closed ConLenL and conLalns roducL ldenLlLy belonglng Lo
lar luLure LnLerprlses. no challenge of Lhelr copyrlghL ls lnLended by lLs lncluslon here.

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