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Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada


MAN 2201 SEM 2 - 2011/2012

Schedule: Room: Instructor: Office: Contact: Email:

Monday, 10-12.30 U-312 Dra. Yulia A. Widyaningsih, MBA FEB Building, R- B211 Office (+62-274) 548510, ext 254 ;

Consultation Time:

with appointment

Course Description This course describes various aspects in marketing and marketing strategy planning. At the essence, marketing is the process of building profitable customer relationships by creating value for customers and capturing value in return. This marketing process is comprised in five steps. The company must gain a full of understanding of the marketplace by understanding consumer behaviour, researching consumer needs and managing marketing information. It then designs a customer-driven marketing strategy by selecting the customer to serve (segmentation and targeting) and deciding value proposition (positioning and differentiation). With its decided marketing strategy, it constructs a marketing program that delivers superior value consisting of four Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) which also called Marketing Mix. Subsequently, it should endeavour to build profitable relationship to create customer delight to reap the rewards of its strong customer relationship by capturing customers in return.

Learning Objectives After completion of this course, students are expected to be able to: 1. Identify and describe basic concepts and theories in marketing.

2. Describe the process of targeting market, identifying consumer needs, developing products and services, setting prices, designing marketing communication, developing distribution channel, and developing partnerships 3. Explain the relationship among marketing activities and marketing environment 4. Distinguish between a good marketer and a bad marketer 5. Apply concepts and theories to solve marketing problems 6. Analyse marketing phenomenon in marketing environment using the concepts and theories Reading Materials Students need reading materials that provide conceptual tools and framework for analysing recurring problems in marketing management and developing effective marketing plan as well as reading materials that give insights on current marketing phenomenon. Therefore, this course is delivered based on the following resources: 1. Kotler, Phillip & Armstrong, Gary. (2012). Principles of Marketing, 14th Ed., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall 2. Selected articles related to scheduled topics Students Responsibility Students should have read the text assignments before class meeting. Students are expected to contribute to class discussion, to expose their viewpoint to the critical judgment of the class, to voice their opinion, to challenge the concepts, and to bring to the classroom their learning based on other courses and life experiences. Students are also encouraged to examine the relevance of marketing concepts in the context of current business and economic trends in the industry. In order to create conducive learning environment, the use of cellular phones in the classroom is prohibited. The communication devices must be deactivated or placed in a vibrate mode before the class begins. In case a student expects to receive a very important call, the student should inform the class before the class begins and the student should answer the call outside the classroom. Use of personal notebooks during class for the purpose of taking notes or other applications consistent with class objectives is encouraged. However, it is expected that students should respect the learning process by not using notebooks for non-class related activities, such as email, surfing the web for personal reasons or entertainment. The instructor reserves the right to ask students to close their notebooks at any point during class. We should respect each other. This requires that we all listen carefully to each other.

Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all the scheduled meetings on time Absenteeism policy follows the regulation stipulated by the academic office. Violation of this rule may result in students deprivation of final examination or in automatic failure of the course. It should be

noted that the allowable absenteeism is intended to protect students from any penalty that they do not deserve due to unexpected events beyond their control.

Learning Method The method used in the class is a particular type of learning method under the studentscentred learning paradigm (SCL). In this approach, students are active learners to find and construct their own knowledge. The instructor serves only as a facilitator to help students achieve their learning objectives and develop interpersonal skill (i.e. communication skills in the sense of arguing, reasoning, and presenting).

Interaction with industry player and do a mini project. Class is divided into groups then they exercise to identify a problem or interesting phenomenon in the local business, applying basic concepts they learn from this subject to describe and analyse the phenomenon. In addition one guest lecture from industry will be invited to share his or her experience in entering international market and dealing with their counterpart. Class will also invite at least one industry player to have intensive discussion with the students in the class. Course Schedule Sess ion

Monday, 03/9/12 10.00-12.30, Monday 10/9/12 10.00-12.30



Lecture & Discussion Lecture & Discussion (Mktg Phenomenon presentation) Lecture & Discussion (Mktg Phenomenon presentation) Lecture & Discussion (Mktg Phenomenon presentation) Lecture & Discussion (Mktg Phenomenon presentation) Lecture & Discussion (Mktg Phenomenon

Introduction general review on marketing KA-1 Marketing: Creating and Capturing Customer Value Company and Marketing Strategy: Partnering KA-2 to Build Customer Relationship

Monday, 17/9/12 10.00-12.30

The Marketing Environment


Monday, 24/9/12 10.00-12.30

Managing Marketing Information to Gain KA-4 Customer Insights

Monday, 01/10/12 10.00-12.30

Consumer Markets and Consumer Buying KA-5 Behaviour KA-6 Business Markets and Business Buying Behaviour

Monday, 08/10/12 10.00-12.30

Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: KA-7 Creating Value for Target Markets

Monday, 15/10/12 10.00-12.30

Products, Services and Branding Strategies New-product Development and Product Life Cycle Strategies

KA-8 KA-9

presentation) Lecture & Discussion (Group Project Progress)

Monday, 05/11/12 10.00-12.30

Mid Term Exam (Material: Session 1-7)22 Okt 2012-03 Nov 2012 Close Book Pricing: Understanding and Capturing KA-10 Customer Value KA-11 Pricing Strategies

Lecture & Discussion (Group Project Progress) Lecture & Discussion (Group Project Progress) Lecture & Discussion (Group Project Progress) Lecture & Discussion (Group Project Progress) Lecture & Discussion Group Project Presentation Lecture & Discussion Group Project Final Presentation Discussion with practitioner/ industry player

Monday, 12/11/12 10.00-12.30

Marketing Channels and Supply Chain KA-12 Management KA-13 Retailing and Wholesaling


Monday, 19/11/12 10.00-12.30

Communicating Customer Value: Integrated KA-14 Marketing Communication Strategy KA-15 Advertising and Public Relation


Monday, 26/11/12 10.00-12.30

Personal Selling and Sales Promotion


Direct and Online Marketing: Building KA-17 Direct Customer Relationship Creating Competitive Advantage The Global Marketplace KA-19 KA-18


Monday, 03/12/12 10.00-12.30


Monday, 10/12/12 10.00-12.30

Sustainable Marketing: Social Responsibility KA-20 and Ethics


Monday, 17/12/12 10.00-12.30

Selected Group Project Presentation Discussion with practitioner/ industry player (confirming theory and industrial practice)

Group Assignment Export Import Issues

FINAL EXAM 02 1an 13- 15 Jan 13

Grading A students grade is based on total score of all grading components. The assessment is designed so that a student can earn a total score of 100 for all combining components. Students are not allowed to take make-up or catch-up exam in case they cannot attend the scheduled exam. A students final grade of the course is determined based on the available grade components. Mid term exam: 20% Final Exam: 20% Individual assignment: 10% Group Project 25%;

Participation and discussion 20%; Quiz: 05%

Mid Term and Final Exam (20% each) Midterm and final examinations will be conducted to test your knowledge, understanding, comprehension and capability to apply the course material in solving actual marketing problem.

Individual Assignment: Critical Question and Paper (10%) Critical Question Each student should send 1 critical or analytical question for each weekly chapter to be discussed in the class. Send the question to my email 1 day before class. Individual Paper Each student should write one paper (3-5 pgs) related to marketing opportunities in creative industry. Paper should be submitted on week-7 (1st meeting after mid-term exam).

Group Project (25%) consists of two different types of assigned tasks Marketing Phenomena. Each group must submit a paper on marketing phenomena in Indonesian which relevant to the scheduled topic each week up to mid term. Marketing Project. Each group must develop a marketing report. The group must identify, describe and analyse the marketing activities of the chosen small/ medium enterprise and conclude the lesson learned from that business marketing activities. The group will have to present its project progress after mid-term exam, on a weekly basis. The final marketing project report should be submitted to the lecturer in the day of final exam. The paper should be typed using computer in 1.5 line space format, original, and 8-15 pages including references.

Participation and Discussion (20%) Participation is a fundamental part of the course. Participation is assessed as follows: Group presentation. Students in group will have an opportunity to present marketing phenomena relevant to the topic discussed. The presentation must be no more than 30 minutes for each group, including questions and answers. Discussion. Each student must contribute significantly to class discussion. Each student required to be an active participant and make meaningful comments on topic being discussed. A students grade in class-participation is something to be earned via consistent contribution to class discussion. Students should, therefore, make a conscientious effort to be sufficiently prepared to contribute to the class discussions.

Quiz (5%) Unscheduled quiz will be administered to check students readiness and understanding of the scheduled topic when attending class.

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