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An overview of Angels Angel Alpha State The Grace Process Angelic energy and our Chakras Named Archangels of the celestial Bagua Angels of the Zodiac Angels in Biblical Times The Energy Angels 3rd Eye Attuning with Angelic help Engaging with angels using the Five senses. Ground Rules for Connecting with Angels in your sacred space. The Healing energies of Trees /devas Dimensions in Angelic Healing Negative Voices Spiritual Dimensions of Angelic Healing Working with Angelic energies in Bereavement, Death, Dying and Recovery Angelic Communication technique for Light Workers Messages from the Archangels /Angels.

Working with the Angels in our Sacred Healing Oasis.

Our Reference Manual will hopefully engage you in searching for a clearer understanding of:
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How we perceive Angels. Who are they. What are they. Why are they here. How can we become tuned in to our Celestial friends. Discerning your Angels voice. Making a connection with our special Angel. Working with their healing energies Discerning their angelic messages for our journey as therapists

The faiths of the 20th. century ; Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Maori, Shinto, Hindu and New Age religions all accept the reality of Angels and place a special importance on their presence. In the Old and New Testimonials of the Bible there are many references to the existence of Angels and their direct involvement with man in his quest for greatness or in his struggles to overcome adversity perils disaster. The dawn of a new millennium has illuminated our understanding of: ! Angelic involvement in our daily lives. ! Angelic visitation at a personal level. ! Angelic deliverance from adversity.


The word angel comes from the Greek word angelos meaning messenger. Angels are accepted in many of the main religions including Islam, Judaism, Christianity and Shinto. They all place a special importance on the presence of angels in their scriptures. I have also met people, who do not consider themselves religious at all, who believe they have had an encounter with an angel. Angels are beings of light. They do not have physical bodies like we do but they are capable of taking on human form if necessary. They can present themselves as male or female but in reality they are a perfect balance of both. 1

There are angels for everything, birth, death, study and even things like parking the car. I believe we each have a guardian angel that stays with us for our whole lifetime. We can ask for angelic assistance with any problem we face or task we have to do. They are always there to comfort us when we are ill or just feeling down and unable to cope. Every request or prayer is answered without exception. Below are a few of the ways our angels can talk to us. Synchronicity Our attention is drawn to a book, film or person who can help us or we may just happen to overhear a conversation which gives or helps us find the answer we need. We need to aware and watch for the clues. Dowsing You could use a pendulum to dowse for the answers. Before you begin ask the pendulum/dowser to show you a yes answer and then a no answer. With me, for yes the pendulum moves in a clockwise circular motion, and for no it goes back and forth or side to side. It can vary from person to person so take a little time to fund out what works for you. Remember to phrase your questions so they can be answered with a yes or a no. Automatic writing Invoke your Guardian and ask for their assistance. Write your question at the top of a piece of paper then relax and just let your hand go. Try to keep you mind clear and do not think about or judge what comes till you are finished. If you do not feel comfortable or you are receiving negative communication then stop immediately. Angel cards There are many beautiful sets of angel cards on the market at the moment. I particularly like the Mermaid and Dolphin cards by Doreen Virtue and her Messages from Your Angels cards. I find that cards are a bit like crystals they tend to choose us. See which ones speak to you. You can also contact them psychically. This is a skill that anyone can develop with a little practice. If you decide to look for a teacher to help you, yet again, choose intuitively. Your angel friends may manifest a white feather to show you that they have heard your call and are around you. I believe they can also take on the form of birds to show us they have heard us and to bring us comfort. I believe an angel in the form of a Robin visited me some years ago, while I worked in my 2

garden. I was feeling very low at the time as I had been working hard and had many painful things going on in my life. I feel that it was my Guardian bringing me comfort and hope.

Brilliant Seraphim I call to thee Circle round bring love to me. Mighty Cherubim guard my gate Remove from me sorrow and hate. Thrones stand firm, stable be Keep me steady on land or sea. I call Dominions, leadership true May I be fair in all I do. Circles of protection Powers form Help me weather every storm. Miraculous Virtues hover near Elementals energies I summon here. Principalities bring global reform Bless the world and each babe born. Glorious Archangels show me the way To bring peace and harmony every day. Guardian angel, Goddess might Bless me with your guiding light. Author Unknown

What is an Angel ?
Before we can begin to work with our Angel and they with us it is important that we fully understand what an Angel means to us. The word angel is though to be derived from the Greek word Angeloi meaning Messenger. Angels are considered to be Gods messengers who respond in Love to Gods commands and obey Him 100% They are immoral beings made of ethereal matter and created by God but not eternal as He is.They have existed since the beginning of Creation. By their very make-up, Angels do not die as we do. Angels as created beings are not generally considered the souls of the departed faithful, but instead are known to be Guardians and guides of living souls on earth. Angels are Divine. They are also fallible creatures but their faithfulness to God as His special messengers of grace and support for His children ensure that they remain steadfast as His created beings. WHAT ANGELS LOOK LIKE Angels are composed of Radiant Light energies that help them to be recognised as unique beings not of this planet. Angels do not accept or seek worship of humans. Angels are alive and refreshing to behold. There is no fluster or excitement in their activity or movements. They are in truth, the ideal beings celebrated in mythology, who come from a perfect kingdom and who deserve our unstinting admiration and recognition. They are as real as the breath we breathe, though just as invisible. Their smile comes from their very souls, and with the smile shines forth a burst of colour, a combination of burnished gold and peach. Their smile radiates from their whole being and, if we are touched by it, you will know the kind of happiness that Angels know. Angels are largely unaware of humans unless the person enters their dominion with a sense of Reverence, Respect, Humility, Sincerity. So it is that if we enter nature reverently, Angels will recognise that we are worthy of their appreciation. I consider that the greatest benefit of seeing an Angel is to see one glorified being by remembering always the meaning of Beauty ; the Power of Love; and the Blessedness of Sincerity. ORDER OF ANGELIC BEINGS WATCHING OVER US.

Research from around the world informs us that from the very beginning of time we have had celestial representation. Our ancestors have fuelled our imagination by telling us stories of happenings that inspired their lives and assured us that the Angels will continue to be there watching over us. Regrettably, the human race, as well as certain clerics, have difficulty understanding or comprehending the existence the existence of Angels. What we cannot see we have difficulty taking on board! However, there is well documented evidence to support the theory that Angels do exist and despite our somewhat negative approach, they continue to represent us in the celestial city, or better known as the heavens. There are three known orders of Angelic beings. However, a fourth order has now been recognised and accepted by those of us who believe in Angelology. They are, as follows: The First Choir of Angels are Angels who serve as Heavenly Counsellors. They are made up of the following spheres of Angels: Seraphim: These are the highest order of Angels. Their sole function is to surround the presence of God and sing His Divine Praises. The Seraphim are responsible for regulating the emergence of movement emanating from Gods presence. Cherubim: These are known as the Guardians of Light and of the Stars responsible for filtering the Divine Light down from the Heavens into our lives. Thrones: They are the Guardians of the planets. It is believed that as they are the Angels responsible for our Earth, we will meet them at our physical death. The Second Choir of Angels are Angels who work as Heavenly Governors. They are made up of the following spheres of Angels:

Dominions: They are heavenly beings who are in charge of all angelicgroups; known as the Divine Bureaucrats. They are responsible for integrating material with the spiritual worlds. Although they take their orders from God, they rarely have contact with humans despite their work involving reality issues. Virtues: They are considered true helpers as they beam out massive levels of divine energy to us. The more we become acquainted with them the more they will infuse us and our planet with spiritual energy. 2

Powers: They represent the conscience of all humanity. They are keepers of our history. In this group are the Angels of Birth and Death. The Powers are able to draw down and hold the energy of the divine plan the same way as the trees draw down energy of the sun. In this way, the Powers can send all of you a vision of a world spiritual network. Just as we have a heart, kidneys, liver, and other bodily organs, all of the worlds religions are different organs in the emerging spiritual body of this planet.

The Third Choir of Angels are those who function as heavenly messengers. They are as follows: ! Principalities: They are the guardian Angels of all large groups; cities; nations; multinational corporations. A more modern term for these Angels would be Integrating Angels. ! Archangels: These heavenly beings are a different family from the Angels. There are many different kinds of Angels here; the four we are most familiar with are Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel. Archangels are also known as Overlighting Angels. ! Angels: These Angels are indeed one of the closest to humanity because they are responsible for our human affairs. Within this group there are indeed many different types of Angels with varying functions but we know them as Our Guardian Angels or companion Angels. As we become more spiritually enlightened about matters pertaining to the spiritual and planetary systems our Guardian Angels may not be required to guard us but certainly they will be needed to guide us to greater consciousness. The Fourth Choir/ Sphere of Angels are known as the Nature Wave. These, unlike the three choirs of Angels who work directly with humanity and its enfoldment, are concerned with the Four Elements. They are: The Earth Realm / Fire Realm / Air Realm / The Water Realm. From the Nature Wave as well originate the younger forms of nature-beings known as Elementals, who eventually evolve through the Deva line into Angels serving in any one of the Four Principal Waves. According to a famous mystic, Flower A. Newhouse, Nature, then, is the seedbed out of which the Creator brings forth new generations of Angelic servers. The youngest of these forms of nature beings are called, Elementals; tiny entities who permeate the planet and who literally breath life and health 3

into all that makes up the four natural realms. Each realm, earth, fire, water, air is home to a sequence of beings that ascend towards devahood, the final stage of evolution in becoming an Angel. When we are attentive and respectful of these heavenly servers they, in turn, recognise this quality and are respectful towards us. When we abuse nature or treat it carelessly, often resulting in disasters, then the nature beings responsible for the four forms of nature have no other alternative but to become involved. Blessings from these holy enlighteners will touch all who love and reverence God more than self and material things. What we receive from Angels in instruction or revelation always increases our understanding of ourselves and our responsiveness to divine wonders. Regrettably, modern man in his quest for greatness and instant wealth has disregarded the sanctity of Life / ones Higher-Self / and the sacrality of Mother Earth. This has come about because man has robbed the planet earth of her precious materials which has had an indirect effect. Evidence to support this is manifest in the devastation to our woodlands / rivers / lakes / mountains / and our food chain resulting in the spread of infection and the birth of new and unusual viruses which are destroying not only mankind but the very air we breath through the high levels of pollutants created by our own search for ever greater prosperity. If we believe in Our Angels and can discern their messages to our higher consciousness then we know we have a moral duty to perform to the Creator. We now have to put back that which we robbed from our planet and an even greater duty is expected of us now, and I believe, it is to safeguard and respect the earth we live on by not abusing and destroying what was given on loan to us as a treasured gift. The great naturalist John Muir told us to Go up to the mountains and breath the air of the Angels breath. Muirs loving and perceptive eyes along with Flower A. Newhouse, saw great rocks as alters and majestic trees as priests which, seem ever to be addressing the surrounding forest. The great mystics inform us that the Animal Kingdom and our Angels of Nature cause a continuous renaissance in the natural world. They supervise the elements and seasons. The law of cause and effect ordains the kind of ministry the earth deserves to receive. Thus, these Angels cannot prevent earthquakes, or floods, though they can bring rain and calm. When humankind ignorantly or heedlessly commits an error toward the earth, for example, farming without due regard to the effects on the soil. 4

The Angels of Nature are not permitted to interfere with the inevitable result of soil-erosion. Were the Great Ones allowed to prevent natural catastrophes, we humans would not learn the right use and care of the blessings with which nature has endowed us. In the famous words of our earth Brother , St. Francis, friend of the Angels and Animal Kingdom we conclude by reflecting with them when we say: Creator Lord, make us instruments of your Peace Where there is hatred let us sow love. Where there is injury, pardon. Where there is doubt, faith. Where there is despair, hope. Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may seek not so much to be consoled as to console; To be understood as to understand; To be loved as to be love. For it is in giving that we receive; It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, And it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

THE WAY OF ANGELS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Angels are messengers of God sent to light the way for us. Angels are always here, even if you disbelieve in their existence. Angels are divine creatures who know only love and show love. Angels are instruments of Peace / Faith / Hope/ Love/ Light. Angels know that life is fragile and rely solely on prayer. Angels speak through music and sing to dispel the fears and darkness. Angels first duty is to obey / adore/ love God then us. Angels are known instruments of kindness / compassion / empowerment. 9. Angels are Helpers to the weary traveller. 10. Angels are friends who show us the way through darkness / despair.

WHAT DO ANGELS DO ON EARTH. 1. They serve as Protectors and Guardians to our needs. 5

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

They battle for God and His people. They support / strengthen Gods people. They are ambassadors of Peace and Fellowship. Angels are instruments of direction. They arrive at the moment of our physical death. They serve enthusiastically and selflessly. They are not affected by ego.

AUTHENTIC ANGEL RESPONCES RECORDED IN HISTORY. Confirmation of known Angel activities can be seen in The Bible and other religious books. ! Angels speak the Truth/ Announce Messages/ Reprimand / Advise. ! Angels Ascend and Descend/ Guard & Protect/ Comfort/ Heal. ! Angels Communicate/ Preach/ Feed/ Provide/ Proclaim/ Minister. ! Angels provide Food/ Shelter/ Financial Support/ Security. ! Angels Set Free/ Give Direction/ Guidance. ! Angels Save From Death/ Fight our Battles/ Worship.

HOW CAN WE BECOME TUNED INTO OUR ANGELS? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Ask - Invite - Invoke. Stillness for clear reception. Heart Sensing. Pay them by sending our Angels Love. Harmony in your Aura and home environment. Allow their answer to come to you. Dont strain or chase it. Be aware of your breathing and remain comfortable within yourself/space. 8. If you experience difficulties hearing or understanding the Angels, ask them to explain what they mean, or are saying to you. 9. Be open with yourself and with your Angels. Discern the hidden messages. 10. Observe any vision, feeling, sound or knowingness that comes to you . Our Angels speak to us through one of these pathways. 11. If you are in doubt, or confused still ask your Angel to explain, or give you a clear sign affirming their answer to you. 6

To engage with our Angels in our Sacred Space / Garden we can do the following:
We say meditatively and prayerfully: Higher-self, lead me to the vibration level and light level of the Angelic Kingdom. Then recite the Angel-Mandala given to us in C sharp by our Angels.. Eee Nu Rah, Eee Nu Rah, Eee Nu Rah, Za Nu Rah. When translated it literally means: Angels, here I am I come to be with you! Hate is not overcome by hate hate is overcome by love. Our Angels are ambassadors of Love the Creators Love for His children. Angels are real - Angels are there for a specific reason - to walk with you and I in our faith-journey as joint soulmates sent by the Creator to love and assist us at every level of our existence. THE ORDER OF ANGELIC BEINGS WATCHING OVER US Research from around the world tells us that from the beginning of time we have had celestial representation. Our ancestors have fuelled our imagination with stories of things that inspired them to believe in the existence of these magical beings. I believe that there are angels for every task and purpose from birth and death to parking the car. The following poems are a tribute to departed friends and the Angels who care for them. Archangels : An Overview. According to most sources and those who study Angelology, there are at least 15 known divine beings who rule over the rest of the HOST and act as the honored for Gods most important missions. They are: Metatron, Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Israfel, Azaziel, Raziel, Moroni, Melchizedek, Ariel, Ophaniel, Raguel, Saraquael,Zadkiel 7

Descriptions of these angels can at times be confusing and overlapping.

Part of this problem arose from the Catholic Churchs refusal to accept many of the non-scripturally named angels as existent and thus was forced to delegate the events in the Bible to the three angels who were Michael, Gabriel, Raphael ( who is mentioned in the Catholic apocrypha). Lesser dogmatic individuals, however, were willing to accept the validity of other non-biblical sources, at least as far as the naming of members of the Host. In the descriptions given below, duties that are ascribed to these lesser archangels are mentioned in their dossier as opposed to being lumped into the description of the major four. Listed below are only a few of the thousands of Angels who intercede on our behalf when invoked. They are: ! Chamuel: (He who sees God) comforted Jesus in Gethsemane. ! Raguel: (Friend of God) observes good behaviour of all angels. ! Jophiel: (Beauty of God) Accredited removing Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden. Member of the Cherubim Sphere. ! Zadkiel: (Righteousness of God) Considered an Angel of Mercy. Member of the Domination Sphere. Shown holding a dagger, following Michael. ! Remiel: (Mercy of God) Guide to the souls of the faithful. ! Sariel: ( Command of God) A Seraph working alongside Raguel; decides the fate of angels who stray from Gods path. Raziel: (Secret of God). One of the Cherubim. An angel of knowledge who is author of the tome from which Noah learns to build the ark.

RECEIVING ANGEL GUIDANCE. We all have a personal Guardian Angel from the moment of our conception / birth. There are those who have a host of Angels. Why? Because they have specifically asked the Angels and those who have had near-death experiences, often have a myriad of Angels encircling them. Whether you have one or hundreds of Angels around you, your Angels have words of encouragement as well as healing for you. Each Angel is a unique creative being with their distinct personality and temperament. 8

To hear and receive Angel guidance we should do the following:

1. 2. 3. 4. Stay calm . Be relaxed. Be at peace within ourselves. Be aware of your breathing cycle and concentrate fully.

How to talk to Angels.

Many people want to talk to Angels and how to get angels to talk to them. Angels speak to us through our thoughts. To listen and talk to angels, we must become familiar with our thoughts and our minds. We must go within and connect with the silent peace that resides at the centre of our being. This may not be what people want to hear. It would be easier if angels always materialised and spoke to us the way other humans do, giving us clear directions to follow and make our dreams come true. But direct physical encounters of this kind might interfere with our exercise of free will; we might loose sight of our own role as co-creators. So to connect with the angels, our co-creative counterparts we first have to create the proper climate of trust for the connection. The climate of trust must emanate from within. We cant go outside of ourselves to find it. Clear communication with the angels is possible as we train our minds and learn about who we are inside, as we learn to identify with our higher self. Training your mind in this way is a very simple process. You dont need to do anything fancy or be at a high spiritual level. All you need to do is trust yourself and practice the attitudes of the angels, such as taking yourself lightly, going lightly through life, thinking positively, nurturing hope, practicing and meditating on self-love, being kind in your thoughts and actions and realizing that the angels love you unconditionally. The angels help anyone who asks and anyone who aspires to their ideals. The only thing angels dont help humans do is destroy themselves, the planet, and other humans; they are always a force for all that is positive, good, and true. We are therefore empowered by our angels to create a climate of peace and inner strength connecting with the light energy that glows within your very soul, to help you to brighten that light so you are a beacon of hope shining for the world around you. Connecting with our angels is equally as important as hearing their voice in our conversations with them. We hear our Angels by nurturing angel 9

practices that include exercises to strengthen your body. Following these practices will give you the spiritual perseverance so necessary in the modern world. You will learn to bring your heavenly companions, our angels, with you on your spiritual path, the road less travelled, taking it one step at a time.

Harvesting Natures Bounty.

In the divine reckoning of the Creator, we are judged not according to our worldly attainments of fame or fortune, rank or degrees; we are judged solely on the basis of the inner growth we have achieved according to the truth we have touched. Individuals who advance more rapidly are those who have given themselves more completely to what has been learned who discover each unique facet of revealed truth with nature and then apply it swiftly and wholeheartedly to their lives. To such individuals nature will dispense her great secrets. When we enter the magnificent natural setting of the forest / mountain regions our aura undergoes a positive change. As we venture into natures wonderland , the aura begins to absorb the hues associated with the surroundings. The purity and vibrancy that come with these hues bring a sense of peace and revitalization that originates with the activity of the angels and nature beings inhabiting this region. For us, this comes as a fortuitous gift, for these glorious presences are so absorbed in their service to nature, they normally do not notice humans entering their domain. Having ones aura cleansed and recharges with angelic energies, the colours of which are often beyond the range of our visible spectrum, is much like taking a magical shower. A most appropriate time to enter nature for instruction is on ones birthday. At such a time we are apt to be more receptive, more attuned, and more appreciative. If we are fortunate, on such an occasion nature will endow us with a glimpse of what lies ahead, what cycle we will be entering, and what needs transcending in our lives. It is a day to be open to receive intuitive promptings and insights. Nature has no favourites. Whenever we are most humble, we will learn the most. For us to receive, our auras must be open like the tendrils or like a sunburst of energy. We are then available to glorious impressions all about us. The more ways we have of finding God, the more we absorb and the less we are preoccupied with thoughts of ourselves which crowd out the gifts of inner receptivity.


To harvest Natures Bounty involves a partnership with our Angels by engaging our spirit with their spirit. To be a true nature mystic whose receptivity is steadfast, our struggle with self-centeredness must be a never ending discipline, being in tune with the eyes of our soul arouses ever increasing degrees of self-giving. Natures messages are everywhere visible to us, if only we will open our hearts to her reality. There is so much to learn in natures kingdom. If patience is our lesson, we could find no better teacher, for natures patience is watching the slow pace of the passing seasons is example enough. If we are wise, we will take our troubles, whatever they are, into some nature sanctuary, to find answers there that come in no other way. Better still, troubled or not, let us establish with nature a kinship that we can experience frequently and profoundly as a permanent part of our life. If we reverence nature, she will be at our side like the mother she is. Then, the rising sun, rain, moonlight, the change of seasons, a great and friendly tree, the pattern of snowflakes, the wildness and scent of the winds, the loveliness of the most miniature flower will cheer us immensely and fill us with a sublime awareness of our Creator who, to our amazement and for the sake of divine delight, fashions such wonders even in places human eyes never reach. To get to this oasis in our spiritual angel faith journey we need to rediscover our Angels of Nature so that we can work in partnership with them and they with us.

How can we engage with our Angels of Nature?

We can do this by approaching them via our five-senses. They are: ! Sight: Seeing their great works using our eyes. ! Smell: Engaging our sense of smell when we enter natures realm and enjoy the assault of the most pleasant kind on our nostrils. ! Hearing: In silence we can enjoy the rhapsody of life-forms singing the Creators praises. ! Touch: By gently caressing delicate foliage and plant life, we can enjoy the wonder of the Creators touch in the flora and fauna of the earth. ! Taste: We benefit from natures gifts by enjoying all that the Creator has made for our survival.


Conversing with The Angels / Creator.

A personal reflection.
Trying to hold a conversation in noisy surroundings is frustrating and uncomfortable. Having to shout to make yourself heard, and having to strain to hear above the din doesnt make for good communication. A crowded dance hall with very loud music is no place to be if you just want a quiet chat. Certainly not the ideal place to engage with our Angels of the Nature Wave. One of the things that gets in the way of our prayer which is a conversation with God is the noise thats going on inside our heads. Our worries, our anxieties, our needs, our wants set up a constant clamour in our minds that blots out everything else. With this noise going on its little wonder if we find prayer difficult. We need the ability to let the mind run down; to have the courage to let go of our immediate concerns. That means: ! Making time for ourselves. ! Making time for peace. ! Making time for quiet and solitude. ! Leaving busyness behind. In a world that prizes busyness and activity thats not easy. Pray like this: ! Find a place where you know you will not be disturbed a church, a park bench, your own bedroom. ! Listen to the sounds within your own body your breathing, your heartbeat. ! Then move within yourself to a place of silence and peace. ! Remain in this place for as long as you wish, simply looking at God, The Creator, and His angels.

Personal Power. People habitually use only a small part of the powers which they possess and which they might use under appropriate circumstances.
William James.

All of us here on earth have our own sources of personal power. Some people give their power away and end up feeling and thinking like victims; some go to the other extreme with their power and create situations that victimize others. 1

Our power is energy we use to establish who we are. Life entails such a fine balance. If too much power was taken away from us while we were growing up, we may feel out of control and powerless, and this may cause us to look for power outside ourselves. In essence, personal power depends on a delicate balance. An excess of power, either way, usually results with harmful consequences both to ourselves and our immediate family, friends etc. When we are centred, we have brought our personal power and life force totally within ourselves; we can control the flame. If we are uncentered, the flame may rage out of control or be so dim someone may blow it out accidentally. The concept of power and balance is not a new one. What might be new for you is the idea that angels can help us keep our power in balance, and fight for us when we feel like victims. We may not see this fight or even know it is happening, but we must trust the angels that they will always be there, cheering us to victory.

Personal Angel Power.

Angels are our silent witnesses. They are our source for true greatness. Our discipleship in the fields of the Creator is reliant totally upon the influence of our angels from every rank and celestial realm. Their radiant light energy leads us to Throne of all Love. Angel love leads us, supports us, empowers us to achieve greatness both here on Earth and in the heavens. At times we may rely on other people in our lives to define who we are and to give us an illusion of security. Doing this can cause problems. The only true security on this planet comes from within ourselves. A security this world has great difficulty comprehending and even accepting. What is this security ? It is a belief that wherever we are, regardless of location, and what happens to you that we are loved unconditionally. We are special . As a child of the universe we are adopted as sons and daughters of the Creator and become co creators in partnership with our angels. In contrast, if you are constantly looking for new friends and relationships with the belief that they will fill what is missing in your life, then people will be repelled. Again, this comes back around you to being yourself to being you, and only you. You are special, unusual, remarkable, and very capable of having what you want. 2

When you know that truth deep inside yourself, others of like mind will know it, too, and be attracted to you. Then other people become embellishments to your life instead of disappointments. Whoever you are right now, and whatever your background you come from, you have your own personal power and if used in balance and harmony it will lead you to a happy and free state of being. Engaging with your personal angel can empower you to change directions, reverse negative habits, break old molds, enjoy yourself, be someone new, start a new career, become an artist or a poet or whatever your heart desires all it takes is energy put toward that particular goal. This energy comes from your own internal power source your higher self, which the angels are in close contact with. The content of our seminars / conferences are designed to show you how angels can help you keep your personal power fresh and energized rather than stale or overwhelming, keep your personal power protected from negative influences, and learn to set up appropriate boundaries.


Wisdom is ever bright, The light by which we see, Revealed to our expectant sight! We seek this truth to know, This holy path to take, And so in understanding grow And anxious fears forsake. Now in the waiting night, O let us watchful be, Preparing for the blessed sight Of wisdom full and free; When all shall be at rest, And peace and justice flow, And evryone by fear oppressed His perfect love will know.

Joy of the aching heart, O wondrous vision fair, That those by death now kept apart That glorious day will share! O for the Angels voice, The trumpets sound, When all the saints in light rejoice In mystery profound!

Angel Alpha State.

What is Angel Alpha State ? How can we access it? How many types are there? When does it happen ? Where does it happen ? Are there any ill effects to it ? What is involved with it ? Is it infectious ? Does it involve our Angels ?

Angel Alpha State.

To do inner-spiritual work, we must learn to create a climate in our minds that will permit us to be still and listen to our inner guidance. Our inner guidance involves listening to our higher-self, our Guardian Angel, our Shamen, our Spirit-Guides with the innocence of a child. It also involves raising our level to be one with our higher-self and our guardians and spiritual guides. This exercise helps you practice attuning with the light-energy, joining with the angels, and learning about yourself. Our society has not placed a high value on spiritual insight and spiritual matters. Society, regrettably, looks for satisfaction and fulfilment from the outside in, rather than from the inside out. Many people claim that they feel unfilled, empty, lonely, depressed and isolated in their personal journey. There is HOPE!

What is Angel Alpha State ?

Angel Alpha State uses the alpha waves our brains naturally produces in certain states of consciousness. There are four classes of brain waves alpha, beta, theta, and delta. These four classes of brain waves indicate the different frequencies, or number of cycles per second, of the brain waves. Alpha waves are connected with a relaxed, yet alert, mental state. We go through the alpha state right before we awaken. Alpha brain waves predominate when we meditate. They are the key to a peaceful mind and a feeling of centeredness; they are our true friends. Whenever you want to reach angel-alpha-state, take a few deep breaths, relax your body, and simply connect with the centre of your mental peace. Feel the alpha waves roll gently through your brain. If you like, use the word, Angel as your mantra. Tell your mind that you want to connect with the vibration level and the light level of the angelic kingdom. As you practice angel-alpha, you will discover the method that works best for you. You dont have to be at any particular spiritual level or be a regular practitioner of meditation to use angel-alpha-state; the angels see to it that you an slow your brain waves down and join them for a moment of mental peace. There are no set rules; basically, you just need to relax and not push for anything sensational to happen. Remember that angels are the messengers from God. When you meditate in alpha state, declare and realize that you are listening to the kingdom of God, the higher-power in your life. Your higherpower is personal to you, but a good testing point when listening to God and the angels is that the messengers never cause fear. Messages from the angels always use the right timing and encourage happiness. 1

Creator of Storms / Sunsets.

Lord our God, O Lord our Father, Lord of love and Lord of fear, now we gather round your alter and we know your Word is near. All our lives lie open to you, Lord of age and Lord of youth, As we bring our sins before and falsehoods To the judgement of your truth. Lord of times and Lord of seasons, Lord of calmness, Lord of stress, heart that sees our secret terrors, Lord of strength and gentleness. Lord of storms and Lord of sunsets, Lord of darkness, Lord of light. Cast the shadow of your blessing, On us gathered in your sight. Lord of foes and Lord of friendships, Lord of laughter, Lord of tears, Lord of toil and Lord of Sabbath, Master of the hurrying years. Lord of hope and Lord of hunger, Lord of atoms, Lord of space, Take this world we bring before you To the haven of your grace.


Joy, humour, and wisdom are just three of the gifts that our Angels bring to us. Their companionship gives us support, particularly when we are alone.

The techniques that follow,

The Meditations. The Visualizations. ! The Exercises. All of these methods have been developed in collaboration with the Angels and also with groups of people in our workshops and seminars. The Angels are now in control.
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There are Five steps to talking with your Angel:

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Grounding, Releasing, Aligning, Conversing, and Enjoying the connection.

The first letters of the five-steps will give you an easy way to remember them, GRACE. Each step is as important as the first step. Meeting your Angel is indeed Joyful / Loving / Delightful / Momentous. They do say that when you have met your Angel it will change your life / your outlook / your faith-journey. Like in a human relationship that is loving and intense for this relationship to survive it requires love and commitment.

Working With Angels In Recovery.

When we invite the angels to participate in our lives, we begin to understand that all paths can lead to God. Illness is a route to spiritual awakening; addiction is too. Like alarms, they ring warning bells to alert us that were off course or stuck, and we cant progress on our spiritual path until we wake up. To make headway in our higher development, we need to discover the block and remove the cause. We need to heal on a profound level.


One sign that were on a path to Higher Consciousness is the recognition that we create our own reality. Everything we bring into our lives and that includes situations wed never dream of wanting! Is an opportunity, sometimes quite challenging, to take a correct action. This understanding carries no blame. And yet, how often we have been made to feel wrong, or even guilty, for having an illness or an addiction. The angels tell us that everything that comes into our life is a teaching, a lesson. Cancer is bad enough without beating up for getting the disease. Yet we equate sickness with evil. This is very evident in certain countries where the population are uneducated. In the early 70s I visited Malta and there to my horror I discovered this practice. The family kept their 30 year old son in doors, away from the public eye for fear of reprisals. Does this inappropriate behaviour still exist in your local community? The sicker we are, the worse we must be. This is where the healing presence of angels is so important, for angels bring in loving acceptance, with no judgement, no criticism. Theyre here to help us find our way out of the ills and troubles we have attracted to ourselves in order to come into wholeness and balance. With our angels help we learn to bless the lesson, or experience, instead of cursing or condemning the condition. We believe that what we bless, in faith, will improve at the appropriate time.

Aligning with our angel allows us to drop the shame and blame of our condition, our illness, and get on with the healing-process. Instead of feeling bad about it, or trying to deny it, we can take responsible actions that will liberate and heal us. When we bring the angels in, we open to the angelic way of holding any given situation: No blame, no shame, no making wrong. Whatever weve done, the angels let us know that were still okay. They dont judge us, so when we join forces with them, we learn not to judge ourselves. This frees up energy that we can use in recovery and healing. This is true whether were dealing with cancer, AIDS, or substance abuse. Its true when were dealing with abuse of any kind, whether it is physical, mental, emotional, religious, or sexual.


The angels do not heal us. They help us to heal ourselves. Their presence allows every one of us, regardless of our particular illness or addiction, to heal our feelings of separation and loneliness. We are not alone. From the moment you connect to your angel, you need never feel alone again. And you dont 2

have to heal alone. The angels are with you, part of your personal healing team, which may include doctors, nurses, therapists, clergy, and other healing practitioners, and members of a recovery group. Just as each one of these helpers will give a particular slant or way to approach your healing, the angels will connect you to a spiritual perspective, so you can grasp the significance and meaning of the condition youve manifested to yourself and to your angels involved in the recovery process.

Addictions stem from feelings of unworthiness, just as all abuses come from lack of caring and respect. These are a sign that love is missing. Abuse of alcohol, drugs, caffeine, nicotine, sex, relationships, shopping, gambling, and food is an attempt to fill the empty place inside. Addictions are coping techniques for dealing with deficiencies in love. When an infant does not receive the handling, nurturing, bonding it requires, it grows up with a love-deficit. This damages self-esteem and retards the development of healthy self-love. The less self-love you have, the more prone you become to feeding yourself with a substitute for feeling good. This takes the form of compulsive behaviours. Compulsive behaviours or addictions are out of balance with correct measure. When youre insufficiently supplied with what you need, your compensatory action will be out of balance too.

Addictions are a path that many people choose to find God. It is the HigherSelf at work, guiding the individual in the way that best suits the requirements of that soul. You might say this is a harsh way as are AIDS, sexual abuse, and other difficult passageways. Our angels tell us that the harshness is commensurate with the level of obstinacy the soul is stuck in and its ultimate strength. You can dig a small stone out of the earth with your fingers or a trowel. If you want to dislodge a boulder, you use dynamite. To break the cycle of addiction, dynamite sometimes appears in the form of a dramatic event, like an accident, illness, or catastrophe. This occurs so frequently that it is commonly believed that an addict must hit bottom before beginning recovery. This is not necessarily the case, but in those instances when dynamite strikes, there was no other way to claim the persons attention. The event is a wake-up-call.



As a Rescuer, my personal story, started when my close friend died of cancer, aged 42, in March 1996. We were monks together from the beginning and remained good friends for the past 28 years. My world fell apart in August 1996. Considering the fact that having been a qualified general trained nurse for 38 yrs. And latterly, prior to my best friends death and dying experience I was involved as a nurse specialist in palliative care in the community. Yet, my professional life and my commitment did not prepare me for the remorse, the pain, the isolation, the deep sadness and separation that hit me forcibly out of the blue. I hit rock bottom when I developed a bad reaction to Prozac. The associated dissenhibitive, disassociated behaviour and the bouts of suicidal ideation resulted in loss of job, loss of home, loss of partner of 24 years, loss of dignity and labelled mentally ill. The rejection received from colleagues in the caring profession hit home and hurt at a deeper level than realized. But, after several years of quietness, prayer, therapy, Reiki, Angel intervention, I can openly say, hand on heart, that the angels have blessed my life. Out of the Dark Night of the Soul, my disability has given me the ability to walk and work with my angels at a deeper spiritual level. Rather than say negatively, Why Me; now I say, Why Not Me.. The recent experience, however traumatic and debilitating, has afforded me new opportunities of cherishing the quiet, still life, alone with my angels of nature. Words cannot convey to you the joy and blessedness I experience each new day.


By identifying the issues surrounding our fears is an essential step in achieving the state of openness that allows us to connect with our Angels.

You need to release before you can go forward!

Being earthbound, subject to the gravitational pull, our vibration is denser than that of the Angels. Releasing helps us to raise our personal vibrations through the discharge of energies that have been blocked or held in the mental and emotional systems. Holding onto something requires effort and energy, and prevents us from receiving. If we are clogged up with negativity, we cant open-up to our Angels. When we let go, we free our energy so it can be used in other, more productive ways, and then we can receive the wisdom and love our Angels bring to us. 4

In other words, the more you are prepared to work at releasing your fears, the more you will experience the benefits of an increased vibration level within. To engage with your Angels, we say to our Higher-Self, Increase the vibration and Light levels of the Angelic-Kingdom so that I may perceive my angel.


Why Shouldnt I make contact with my Angel ? Why should an Angel talk to me ? Im not spiritual enough. Angels dont talk to people. Maybe Ill get a bad Angel instead.

With Encouragement ,You can translate these answers into issues:

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Angels dont exist. Why should an Angel talk to me. Im not spiritual enough. Angels dont talk to people. Maybe Ill get a bad Angel.

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Fear of disappointment. Unworthiness. Unworthiness. Fear of disappointment Fear


1.Visit a Wise person There are many different kinds of wise people, old and young, inner and outer. Picking this situation may be an invitation to sit with an elder of the community, a sage, or teacher. It may be inviting you to take a workshop with someone you admire and respect, or maybe they may be calling you to go on a faith journey, a private retreat, and there discover the wise person you carry within your spirit. Through the wise person, our angels will make themselves known to you in words, or in silence, or by a gesture or a feeling. 2. Create a Sacred Space & Ritual This may involve creating an angel sacred peace garden, or somewhere in your bedroom, suitable for private meditation or a sacred dance that you do in the forest / woods. When you draw this happening, know that through the creation of sacredness an angel will definitely connect with you, will dance with you, will pray with you, will touch

your spirit with love and healing. Permit yourself to develop and expand this contact with your angel. 3. Be with a Plant, an Animal, or with the Earth itself Through attunement to the planet and all of its various life forms, the angel you need to communicate with now will come to you. Give yourself time to go out into the world. Sit beside a tree, play with your pet, walk into the woods, or a park nearby, climb a mountain. Take the opportunity to connect to the planet itself. Sprawl out on the grass or the sand. Feel the wind. Open up to the sky above you. When you do this, you open the way for the angels you have chosen to come and be with you, to whisper to you, in the wind, in the waves and through the leaves and trees. 4. Do Nothing: - Stop looking and hungering and stop searching. Let go and let the angels come to you in their own way and in their own time. Know that you do not have to do everything. In fact, right now, you dont have to do anything at all. Let the angels come to you in whatever way they see fit. It may be when and where you least expect them. Go within, into a deep place of surrender. Let go of control, and let the angels do all the work. 5. Do Something New So often we live in the little prisons of routine and habit that we create for ourselves. We dont notice how vast and full of possibilities life is. If you choose the circumstance, do something you have never done before. Perhaps it is time to do something youve been afraid to do, something that challenges your physical or mental prowess. By stretching your limits you expand your potential for self-esteem, renewal and self-confidence. You feel more alive and energetic. 6. Spend Time With Someone You Love Create some special time to be with your partner, your best friend. Make a date with an old friend. If there isnt anyone in your life right now that you feel this way about, invite love in, invite friendship in. Visit a close relative. Call on a neighbour. Sometimes, we forget to spend time with people that we care about we forget that the love is there. 7. Spend Time Alone in a Beautiful Place Beauty is nurturing. Allow yourself to rest and be healed by the beauty this planet offers us, or by the beauty that we as humans have created, in a cathedral, a museum, a mosque, walking in a formal garden, or at the top of a tower looking out at a glorious view. In being there, feel the angels that surround you, and take in their beauty, too. 8. Visit a Healer As with visiting a wise person, this may be an outer or an inner journey, for in the end we are our own best healers. A loving friend can be a healer. An image that holds power for you can be a healer, too. Perhaps 6

this selection hints that you need to be nurtured, massaged, looked after. Is it a reminder to make the appointment with your doctor that you keep postponing? Sit quietly and know that you will find the answer to the question this occasion proposes to you. When you do visit a healer, the angels will be there with you, working with and through that person to deepen your healing. 9. Just Have Fun This might be the most difficult adventure of all. Its often hard to be light and free, to let yourself overflow with pleasure. But when you do, the angels will all be there with you, laughing and happy, too. Some people never grow up because they think grownups dont have fun. But fun is simply a way of being alive, enjoying each moment. If you think you have forgotten how, just remember that you once knew how to do it. Fun is like riding a bicycle. You cant forget how to do it, you can only forget to do it. 10.Visit a Sacred Space and Participate in a Ritual Unlike the earlier invitation to create sacredness, this primarily involves calling you to participate in something established, traditional, something rooted in history. It may be of the tradition in which you were raised, or it may be from another. In selecting this action, you are asked to open to the angels through surrendering to something outside of yourself. You do not have to do the work. You only need to allow something external and ancient to do its work on you. 11.Talk To Someone Who Has Known You For a Long Time This may be a parent or an old friend, a sibling, or someone youve lost touch with and need to track down. In choosing this event someone who has seen you grow through time will give voice to what the angels have to say to you. What they say may not be what you expect or want to hear. But it will be what you need to hear, right now, in order to grow. You may be asked to look at self-limiting patterns, or you may be forced to recognise something wonderful about yourself that you have been denying. 12.Do Something You Dont Like To Do There is much to be learned by examining your judgements and dislikes. Selecting this situation can help you to see how you are limited by them. There are some things we avoid out of fear or pride. This situation is an opportunity to release limitations. If youve chosen it, do something youve said you never would. Watch your resistance and see if you can let it go. Ask yourself what it is that makes you uncomfortable. Be as open and receptive as you can. Feel the presence of the angels. They are there to support you as you move through your judgements or fears. Dance and laugh with them into the light. 13. Look For a Power Object A power object focuses your energy and purposefulness. It could be a book, a crystal, a rock, an unusual stick you find in the woods, or a special shell or stone you find on the beach. The search for your power object is a pilgrimage to the part of yourself that you are ready to 7

honour and know. Its the part that remembers why you came to this planet and what you are here to do. Through this object you will be empowered to know yourself better, and be yourself more. 14. Give Something Away It may be something you love, it may be something you never use, or it may be something you have been holding on to that has a negative associations for you. It may be valuable or of little worth. The act of giving it away will free up a part of your life and make room for something new. You create the opportunity for an angelic gift. It may not come right away. It will come in angel time. Be open to receive it, and give thanks when it arrives. 15. Make Something A picture, a meal, a dance, a sweater, a poem. Invite the angels to be with you as you do. Welcome them as muses, softly inspiring you to connect with the part of yourself that is as creative and rich as life itself. Your creativity could emerge through a joke, a poem, or the flowers you plant in your garden. In my case, I created an angel sacred peace garden and captured everything on video. In choosing this experience, remember that we are all co-creators with God. Let your creative impulses flow freely, as light from the sun, shining in every direction. 16. Connect Through a Book, Record, Film, TV, or Art If you chose this event, the angels will come to you through someone elses creative work. It could be a book you are reading. A film may give you just the story you need to hear. In my case, my angels communicated with my spirit whilst watching the Nuns Story with Audrey Hepburn. It was during the film that I sensed the call to enter a monastic nursing order within 3 months. A painting, or a dance may be so full of angelic connection that it infects you with its joy. Something out there has been created with information in it just for you. It may have been created a thousand years ago, or it may be as new as yesterday. Out there in the world something is waiting to talk to you, something created for you. Trust that the angels will wing it your way. 17. Surrender To Each Moment If you picked this situation, know that you are being asked to meet the angels in each moment, happy or sad, funny or fearful. Each moment is a teacher. Nothing that happens is a mistake there are no accidents. Every situation in your life has something to teach you. A mistake can teach you more than a right move. Remember this. Know that in your surrender to each moment the angels are with you, supporting and sustaining you as you experience the great unity of All That Is. 18. Incubate a Dream - This is one of the easiest ways to let the angels come to you. As you are falling asleep, invite an angel to commune with you in a dream. You may ask your dreaming-self for a dream about a specific situation, and trust that your angel will speak to you as you sleep. It may take several 8

nights to incubate the dream, but if you are patient, the angels will come to through. You can ask your angel to help you identify it in the dream. Dreaming helps me connect with my angelic nature. 19. Open a Book at Random It may be a book that you love, or it may just be any old book that you are drawn to grab off the shelf. Know that the angels will guide your hands to open the book at just the right page, and help you to put your finger on the right paragraph, the words of which will tell you just what you need to hear and know. 20. Remember Something from Your Childhood - In childhood we are all much closer to the angels, and so it is easier for the angels to be with us. By remembering something from your childhood, something that you did or thought or felt or loved or wanted to do, the angels will reach out to you again, in innocence and joy. It may help to look at childhood pictures of yourself, or to look at and handle some object that was yours when you were small. 21. Let The Angels Write Through You - It is time to sit quietly and commune with an angel directly. Take time to do the GRACE Process, as described in our series of CDs /audio tape no: 5 Engaging With Your Angel In Your Sacred Space. Let the angel you have chosen from the group of different angels come through. Savor its wisdom in the words that you write. This is also an opportunity to dialogue with your angel, as you have learned. 22. Expect Guidance from a Stranger You an never tell if someone might be an angel in disguise. You can never tell when an angel will speak to you through someone you dont know. It might happen on a bus or standing in line. Keep your ears open. When you least expect it, a stranger will give you a piece of information on a part of your life that needs elucidation or explanation. It may be a new direction you never considered. Often, its easier to talk to strangers than it is to friends, and you may find you are the one who is saying something that you need to hear. 23. Expect Guidance from the Unexpected Angels live in a realm of fluid space and time. If you have chosen this situation, know that an angel will come to you in a way that no one can predict.

Angels Touch Us.

Singer Tori Amoss beloved Cherokee grandfather instilled in her a strong belief in a spirit world where all our souls live on. Im a church ministers daughter and my parents were ferocious in their belief that there is a heaven and a hell. I was drawn to my maternal grandfather. He was a haven for me, a lighthouse. As a Cherokee Indian, his belief in the spirit world was fluid and warm, not scary in the least. Death, in his view, was a part 9

of life. We would die, but our soul would continue and there was a Great Spirit that touched everything. He would talk to me about having a relationship with the spirit world; that just because you cant see it, doesnt mean it does not exist. He taught me that I needed to respect this, or I wasnt living a full life. He was very keen to instil in me a philosophy that was not in conflict with the land. He would say, You need to be very aware of the laws of your ancestors. Then you will be able to walk in the land, and in both worlds. Its my belief that you ditch the body, and all the stuff that made you then goes somewhere else, but I dont know where. We must not simply wait for death to take us. Assuming that as we get older, we dont have anything to contribute is a victim mentality. We dont value our older people in the West. But not all old people necessarily have great wisdom. Just because youre old, doesnt mean youre wise. You have to really do the work. I dont want to sit on the sidelines and not value the gift of being here. Instead of the idea of time ticking away, the grains of sand running out, I try to think of time as giving me another grain of sand, another gift. So time passing is an accumulation, rather than a diminishing.


Opening to your angel, a being who does not live in the physical world, is also about becoming aware of your own non-physical self. For thousands of years al over the planet, mystics and healers have been exploring the non-physical body, which is called the energy body. This body and its associated tributaries, organs exist in the same space as the physical body, as well as around it. The field emanating from the physical body is referred to as the aura. Although invisible to most of us, psychics and others gifted with spiritual vision can see the energy centres charkas within the body, as well as the energy field around it; plants and animals also have subtle energy bodies. There exists a wide selection of well-documented information on the subject of charkas and the human energy field, and many books have been written explaining the power and healing properties associated with chakras. In the past several years we have read about it, heard about it, some of us have even experienced the beneficial healing properties of REIKI. What is this unique phenomenon? The word Re Kei consists of two words meaning Universal Life Force Energy.


Just as the nervous system coordinates activities within the physical body, there are centres in the body that help to integrate it with our physical vehicle, and with our mind and our emotions. Just as there are different areas of the brain that relate to different physical and mental functions, so each of these centres also relates to different functions. They are located not only in the head but all through the entire body. These energy centres are called charkas, which literally mean, wheels in Sanskrit, for they look and feel like spinning discs or spheres when you turn your senses inward and explore them. There are eight major charkas that run in a line from the base of the spine to the top of the head, and it is these energy centres that we work with when administering a Reiki treatment with clients. Until recently, weve been focusing on seven major charkas in our bodies. But as we evolve and grow closer to the angels, a new chakra is awakening within us. We are calling this the Thymus chakra. It is found midway between the Heart and Throat charkas. Just as the angels are open to all of life, this new chakra will support us as we learn to open more and more to each other. The function of the Thymus chakra is to generate peace and universal love. It is also connected to the thymus gland, a major part of our immune system. Awakening this new chakra will boost our immune systems and assist us in dealing with cancer, AIDS, heart disease, strokes, and other diseases. Take some time to study the diagram, and the chart so that you can familiarize yourself with the locations of the charkas and the colours that relate to each one. Use the diagram as both a map and a mirror to locate each of the charkas on your own body. ROOT CHAKRA. Located: Function: Colour: Element: Kingdom: SEXUAL CHAKRA. Located: Function: Colour: Element:

At base of spine. Survival, security. Red. Earth. Mineral kingdom.

Lower abdomen, about 2 ins. Below navel. Sexuality, creativity. Orange. Water. 11


Plant kingdom.

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Location: Solar plexus. Function: Power, accomplishments. Colour: Yellow. Element: Fire. Kingdom: Animal kingdom. HEART CHAKRA. Location: Centre of chest. Function: Love. Colour: Green. Element: Air. Kingdom: Human. THYMUS CHAKRA. Location: Upper chest. Function: Compassion, peace. Colour: Aquamarine. Element: None. Kingdom: Connection to world soul. THROAT CHAKRA. Location: Throat region, neckline. Function: Communication. Colour: Blue. Element: None. Kingdom: Angelic Realm. THIRD EYE CHAKRA. Location: Middle of forehead. Function: Intuition. Colour: Indigo. Element: None. Kingdom: Archangels. CROWN CHAKRA. Location: Top of head. Function: Cosmic consciousness. Colour: Violet. 12

Element: Kingdom:

None. The Creator.

The word chakra is from the Sanskrit word which means wheel. The body has seven major and twenty-two minor ones. They are spinning vortices of energy which when in balance promote a feeling of health and well-being. Each one has an associated colour, issue, body part etc. If the chakra is out of balance we can experience symptoms in our physical bodies. For more information on this see the books listed in the bibliography. I have listed some of the associations for each one but as I am not an expert on charkas I have kept the list quite general.


Sanskrit name Meaning Colour Issue Gland Body part Sense Musical note Crystal Developmental age Lesson Muladhara Root or Support Red Survival Adrenals Skeleton, bones Smell C Bloodstone, hematite 1 to 8 Standing up for self


Sanskrit name Meaning Colour Issue balance/sexuality Gland Body part organs/bladder/womb Sense Musical note Crystal 13 Svadhisthana Sweetness Orange Emotional Ovaries/Testes Sex Taste D Citrine

Developmental age Lesson

8 to 14 Motivation


Sanskrit name Meaning Colour Issue Gland Body part Sense Musical note Crystal Developmental age Lesson Manipura Lustrous Gem Yellow Will/power Pancreas Digestive system/muscles Sight E Aventurine/quartz 14 to 21 years self-esteem/confidence


Sanskrit name Meaning Colour Issue Gland Body part Sense Musical note Crystal Developmental age Lesson Anahata Unstruck Green/pink Love and relationships Thymus Heart/chest/lungs Touch F Emerald/tourmaline 21 to 28 years Forgiveness/compassion


Sanskrit name Meaning Colour Issue Gland Body part Sense Musical note 14 Vishuddha Purification Blue Communication Thyroid Mouth/throat/ears Sound/hearing G

Crystal Developmental age Lesson

Turquoise/lapis lazuli 28 to 35 years Personal expression


Sanskrit name Meaning Colour Issue Gland Body part Sense Musical note Crystal Developmental age Lesson Ajna To know Indigo Wisdom/intuition Pituitary Eyes/base of skull Sixth sense A Amethyst/fluorite N/A Emotional intelligence


Sanskrit name Meaning Colour Issue Gland Body part Sense Musical note Crystal Development age Lesson Sahasrara Thousandfold Violet Spirituality Pineal Skull/brain/skin Beyond self B Amethyst/clear quartz N/A Selflessness

The human aura is made up of several layers called energy bodies. They vibrate at different frequencies and have different associated colours. Each body surrounds and intermingles with all the lower ones including the physical body. (i.e. the emotional body mingles with the etheric and physical bodies.)


We are all familiar with our physical bodies. They contain our organs, cells tissues etc. It is the densest of all the bodies as it vibrates at a low frequency.

The etheric holds the blueprint for the physical body. Anything in the etheric body will eventually be reflected in the physical. Some healers and clairvoyants can see illness in the etheric before it manifests in the physical.

The emotional body holds the patterns, which are formed, by beliefs from the mental body. This layer is also known as the astral body

Here we store our cultural beliefs and our belief in ourselves, and who we are, as people.

Holds our higher purpose, intentions and our goals. This holds our sense of connection to the world and other people. Our conscience and our connection to Source/God /Universe.

Chakra Exercise.
1. Begin by briskly rubbing your hands together until your palms feel warm. 2. Place the palm of one hand on the base of your spine, covering the coccyx, or tail bone. The Root chakra is inside your body between the coccyx and pubic bone. Now move your hand an inch or two away from the base of your spine and let yourself feel the energy of this chakra radiating outward into your hand. Another way to sense this energy is to hold one hand in front of your body, palm toward you, about two inches away from your skin, in a line with your pubic bone. Feel the energy beaming toward you in your palm. 16

3. Experiment with the distance from your body, with your hand in front and in back, and with your right hand and your left hand, for one may be more receptive than the other. You may experience warmth or coolness, tingling or gentle throbbing. 4. When you can feel the energy of the Root chakra, slowly work your way up to the next the Sexual chakra which is between the navel and the pubic bone. Place your palm on your body first, to establish the exact location of the chakra. Then move your hand away from your body an inch or two, to allow yourself to feel the energy in whatever way it comes to you. 5. Continue your sensing. Work your way up your body from the chakra to chakra, feeling and sensing each one, from Root chakra to Crown chakra. 6. When you begin to have a feel for each chakra from the outside, close your eyes and turn your attention inward. Now imagine the charkas from within, again, one at a time. Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency, and these frequencies are related to the colours of the chakra-spectrum. 7. When youve viewed all your charkas, one at a time, bring your focus back to your breathing. Notice how you feel now. Open your eyes. Most of us dont know where our spleens or livers are, let alone the organs of our subtle bodies. You may not feel your charkas the first time you do this exercise. You may not see them either. Or you may feel some more strongly that others. Dont worry if you dont get it right away. Tuning the subtle senses is progressive; the more you do this exercise, the better youll get at it. After familiarizing yourself with your charkas through the chart, diagram, and exercise, you will be ready to involve your angels at every level of intercessory healing; hands on physical healing; spiritual healing; therapeutic healing embracing all of the key charkas. Incorporating the Reiki Power / Sacred Symbols in my daily contact with our angels is a routine for me each and every morning. The release of the Universal Life Force Energy strengthens and sustains my faith journey. Since my face to face experience with disability and illness, the combination of Reiki and angel involvement have had a beneficial, healing effect in my personal and spiritual life. Since practicing as a Reiki therapist I have seen and experienced the healing effects when applied to clients, friends, plants, trees, and pets. Combining Reiki with angel involvement is a sacred experience with enormous healing benefits.

Angels Chakras in the Angel Peace Oasis


Location Colour Element Kingdom

Root Red Earth Mineral

Sacral Orange Water Plants

S/Plexus Yellow Fire Animal

Heart Green Air Human

Thymus A.Marine G.Angels World/soul

Throat Blue Air Realm Celestial

Location Colour Element Kingdom

3rd Eye Indigo Archangels A.Realms

Crown Violet Creator A.Realms

Spirit Silver Metatron A/Realms

Spirit White Thrones Celestial

Spirit Gold/Wte. Cherubim Celestial

Spirit Rainbow Seraphim Celestial


Guardian angels can be very effective communication assistants in our personal relationships. Our angels can give us insight into our feelings and into the soul intensity level and lessons of our relationships with others.. Some connections we have with others are inexplicably strong. Whatever the connection, there is always a higher meaning for our being with someone. We all have guardian angels, and our guardian angels can help reveal the higher aspects of our relationships. We might as well take advantage of our guardians ability to help with our relationships; human relationships are very important. Accessing this special angel contribution to our relationships is very simple. Basically, all we have to do is ask our guardian angel to meet with the other persons guardian. If there is something that you are finding difficult to communicate to the other person verbally, tell your angel to tell the other persons angel for you. Then know that the two angels are meeting on the behalf of both parties and working things out. Use this technique however you see fit, whenever you feel the need. Sometimes it helps to write a letter to the other persons guardian angel. After you bring the angels in, look for signs of their influence. Pay attention to messages you receive that help you understand what is happening on a deeper level. Go into angel alpha state and let your imagination run freely, then fantasize about why certain people are present in your life, asking the angels for insight into the depth and importance of these relationships. Follow the stream of consciousness when a name or face appears in your mind, follow the stream wherever it may lead. Go an a tour of your relationships. Ask yourself what your role has been with specific people. What form has the relationship taken, and will the form be able to support the relationship in coming times? Visualize meetings between your guardian and the guardians of others in your 18

life, and ask for messages, insights, and ways to communicate more fully by removing emotional blocks and misunderstandings. You may want to write about the experience to understand more clearly what it all means. Writing allows you to save it until it makes sense at a later date. When you bring angels in your life to help you communicate with others, I want to remind you that the angels respect the free will of all concerned. In other words, there is no way to manipulate or influence other people with angels. The most valuable thing the angels can offer you when you involve them in your relationships in understanding. When a thought of someone comes into your mind, send out a beam of angel light to that person and your connection will lighten and expand in some way. The less action you yourself take, the better. It will all work out for the highest good of all concerned. Communication between family members can be enhanced by acknowledging the family angel for peace, and communicating love within the family. Discover family guardian angels and how to use them for effective communication and understanding. Family forms are being challenged and changed these days. Family guardians provide valuable help in adjusting to possible changes or struggles within the network. To conclude, our angels do facilitate a wide diversity of healing at the grass roots within the most awkward family scenarios. My family is no exception. Mum and Dad reared 8 children, of which I am the eldest. There has and will always be disharmony within factions of the family. The healing that does take place is when we can all come together and make peace. When I look back on the past 40 plus years I can see how our angels were at work even when certain family members stuck their heels in and refused to budge. Within my family there are several strong characters who through ones vulnerability, domineering streak or sheer stubbornness have caused major rifts within the family, yet time has proved an excellent healing tool. Now that several of us are in tune with our angels we send love via the angel-waves rather than bitterness or engage in open hostility or confrontation. The angels are now in control and hearts once damaged, broken and abused are being restored to wholeness in the fullness of Gods perfect time. Now that I am more aware of how and where the angels can best move mountains and mend broken bridges

believe that where there is life there is hope.


Where there is hope, there is love And where there is love, there God is!
Sean Bradley.


Setting the scene to connect with the Realms

Invocations invite angels to communicate directly and act through you (channelling). Evocation- invites the angels/spirits to take on form and show them selves to us.
When I do a one to one session or a workshop I make an invocation to the Archangel Princes. It is as follows: The invocation is spoken out loud. Whilst making the invocation I cleanse the room and amplify the healing energy by incensing each direction as I speak. This also forms a circle of protection around everyone in the room. Facing north I invite and invoke Michael who is the Archangel Prince of the north by saying, I now call upon you Archangel Michael and ask that you now bless, protect, strengthen and speak to each one of us here today. I thank you Archangel Michael for coming to us during this healing day. Then facing east I invite and invoke Uriel who is the Archangel Prince of the east by saying I now call upon you Archangel Uriel and ask that you now bless, protect, strengthen and speak to each one of us here today. I thank you Archangel Uriel for coming to us during this healing day. Next I face south and invite and invoke Gabriel who is the Archangel Prince of the south by saying I now call upon you Archangel Gabriel and ask that you now bless, protect, strengthen and speak to each one of us here today. I thank you Archangel Gabriel for coming to us during this healing day. Then I face the west and invite and invoke Raphael who is the Archangel Prince of the west by saying I now call upon you Archangel Raphael and his team of healing angels and ask that you now bless, protect, strengthen and speak to each of us here today. I thank you Archangel Raphael for coming to us during this healing day. Next I face up to the heavens and, still using the incense, I invite and invoke the Archangel Metatron who stands in the presence of Source by saying I now call upon you Archangel Metatron and ask that you bless, protect, strengthen and speak to each of us here today. I thank you for coming to us during this healing day. Finally I look towards the Earth and invite the fairies, divas and elementals using the same invocation. We conclude the induction ritual by cleansing the crown chakra of each participant with incense. Incense is then directed towards the angel paintings thanking them for their love and blessings,

I found this lovely poem whilst I was browsing the internet one afternoon. The author is unknown but I thank him or her anyway. I would like to share it with you.


Consider the closest thing to an angel on earth your mind or soul. In the blink of an eye, in your mind Which is spirit like an angel You can go from the room you were married in to the edge of the universe. Being spirits, angels move like our imaginations instantly, As near or as far as they want, To the past, present or future. John Ronner


Like the little old lady who returned your wallet yesterday. Like the taxi driver who told you that your eyes light up the world when you smile. Like the small child who showed you the wonder in simple things. Like the poor man who offered to share his lunch with you. Like the rich man who showed you that it was really all possible, if only you believe. Like the stranger who just happened to come along, when you had lost your way. Like the friend who touched your heart, when you didnt think you had one to touch. Angels come in all sizes and shapes, all ages and skin types. Some with freckles, some with dimples, some with wrinkles, some without. They come disguised as friends, enemies, teachers, students, lovers and fools. They dont take life too seriously, they travel light. 1

They leave no forwarding address, they ask nothing in return. They wear sneakers with gossamer wings, they get a deal on dry cleaning. They are hard to find when your eyes are closed, but they are everywhere you look, When you choose to see.


Although it is possible to meditate almost anywhere, some people find it helps to have a special place, where they can relax and let go of the stresses of the day. There are some things you can do to help create a peaceful space. You can create an altar using some of the following things. They are not essential but it helps to surround yourself with beautiful things such as pictures, ornaments, fresh flowers and candles. All of the following things should be chosen intuitively. Select the ones that 'speak' to you.

Fresh ones are best but you can use good quality silk ones and scent them with oils. A cheaper alternative is to use potted plants, which last much longer, and you can use ones, which will flower regularly.

You can burn incense if you like. This will help to cleanse the room of any negative energy. Try and get a good quality organic incense if you can as it is much more effective than the cheaper varieties. To purify a room use sandalwood, frankincense or cedar For relaxation try lavender, lemongrass or rose.

A white candle draws our angels to us. It symbolizes spiritual energy, peace, truth, sincerity and power. When a white candle is burned alongside another colour it amplifies the properties of the other colour.


Promotes passion, courage, strength and desire.

Promotes creativity, kindness, compassion and adaptability.

Promotes clairvoyance, confidence, attraction, and imagination.

Promotes luck, fertility, healing and personal growth.

Light blue
Promotes tranquility, devotion, harmony in relationships and patience.

Promotes openness, ambition, helps to diminish compulsive behaviour and can assist in developing ESP. Violet Helps to clear sadness, depression and guilt. It promotes spiritual growth and like indigo it helps with the development of ESP. If you are doing any healing work on your chakras you can burn a candle in the relevant colour and a white one to increase its power.

Other useful colours are Purple

Helps with spiritual growth, abundance, fighting infection and increasing ambition.

Is for love, honour, increased understanding of a situation and strengthens friendships.

If you dont like incense or find it irritating (a few of my clients find it irritates their throats,) you may prefer to use an oil burner to scent the room. There are many different oils to choose from but I have listed a few of my favourites below.


Lavender, bergamot, jasmine, patchouli, rose and ylang-ylang.

Eucalyptus, lemongrass, myrrh, peppermint, pine and tea tree.

Bergamot, orange, melissa, lavender, juniper and geranium.

Crystals are not only very beautiful to look at; they enhance the energy in a room. They can help you to focus and to rebalance. Once again if you are buying one choose the one that draws you to it.

Clear Quartz, citrine, rose quartz, amethyst and tigers eye.

Clear quartz, smoky quartz, rose quartz, aventurine and amethyst.

Jasper and tourmaline

Jasper and clear quartz

Bloodstone, carnelian and citrine.

Chrysophrase, rose quartz and amethyst.

Ritulated quartz, rose quartz and amethyst


Angels welcome diversity and so are champions of our individuality, sexuality, ethnicity, religious beliefs and cultural differences. When we embrace the angelic realms, particularly when we rediscover the angels of the Nature Wave they transform our gardens into sacred sanctuaries where God and the angels of the four spheres dwell. This transformation has a knock on effect in our lives as well as our relationships with others. Our spirit is reawakened and our

love for God and the angels is no longer dormant but active and creative. I found it hard at first to connect with the angelic realms due to an innate fear and religious superstition handed to me in childhood. However as with any relationship I had to learn how to love them and receive their love. It was like being a child in kindergarten or nursery, they had to show me how to be still and let go of any fear. It took a little time but I soon learned to relax and to hear their communication. At the time I was just coming through a mental illness and doubted what was happening to me and around me. I had been ill, I was no longer able to do my job as a nurse in a busy NHS hospital, I lost my home, my partner of twenty-four years and my self respect. Thankfully there was light at the end of the tunnel. I was given the courage to ask for and accept their help and the rest as they say is history. The future had seemed bleak but I sensed that I was being supported and nurtured by the presence of angels in my garden. I was not a gardener at the time, or an expert in angels or garden design. My tutors were the angles of the nature wave and the animal kingdom. What I learned was not my doing but theirs. When I think back I believe I was being prepared to receive the Divine Blueprint known as the Healing Trigram, Angel Bagua and Celestial Placement Square although at the time it felt as though it had happened within a few months. Through the simple tasks of weeding, pruning and planting seedlings for the next seasons growth, my life was transformed. I feel humbled that they used me to create such beauty.

These gardens have an eclectic feel to them. They incorporate within them the energy of several different cultures and honour God no matter what our individual perception of him may be. To make that first connection we have to approach the angelic realms with reverence, humility and respect. We must communicate with simplicity of heart. When I first became aware that there were divas who supervise the trees, plants, flowers and the four elements of (air, water, fire, earth) I felt that the angels of nature were hesitant to work with man because of the damage done to these kingdoms. Over a period of months I became increasingly aware of their presence and would often see them working alongside me in the garden. Now when I travel to do workshops I ask the Divas for their support in the garden. On my return, I am never surprised to find everything is ship shape when I return. Connecting with the angels of the Earth is not difficult. Our Guardian angels and the Archangels make it as easy for us as possible. You do not have to be religious or a regular churchgoer to access their support. What they look for is sincerity and commitment to embrace Gods creation. According to St. Thomas Aquinas, Angels transcend every religion, every philosophy, every creed. In fact, angels have no religion as we know it. their existence precedes every religious system that has ever existed on Earth. Angels represent the Divine and spirituality. 5

The Creator has entrusted Archangels with unique powers gifts and specialist skills to place at our disposal and facilitate our relationship with him. Each area of the Angel Bagua Trigram and Celestial Placement Square has been enriched by Gods energies for the benefit of our spiritual, physical and mental well-being. When we are faced with fear, trauma, illness, depression or anxiety we are advised to stop and reflect. Breathe in the peace of the angelic realms and become totally infused with their energy. Angels are truly the messengers of God working tirelessly behind the scenes on our behalf. To access their energy it is important to know a little about the Archangel Princes especially who they are and what they do on our behalf. Here is a little information on the Archangels named in the Bagua. THE NAMED ARCHANGEL PRINCES ARE
01. 02. 03. 04. 05. Archangel Michael Archangel Uriel Archangel Gabriel Archangel Raphael Archangel Metatron - Prince of the North. - Prince of the East. - Prince of the South. - Prince of the West - Prince of the inner circle of universal life Force energy angelic energy.


01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Archangel Michael (North) Archangel Melchizedek (South West) Archangel Uriel (East) Archangel Moroni (South East) Archangel Israfael (Centre) Archangel Raziel (North West) Archangel Raphael (West) Archangel Ariel (North East) Archangel Gabriel (south) Archangel Metatron (Inner Circle)

Michael appears to be the most well known of the Archangels and is something of a favourite. The name Michael means, Who is like God but he is also known by other names and titles which were given to him because if his unquestioning loyalty and devotion. He is also known as the Warrior Angel, Angel of Patience and Prince of the Chaldeans. Michael is always there for us and is a powerful spiritual ambassador who will help us throughout our lifes 6

journey. Michael is depicted as a warrior angel with sword in hand ready to fight evil. He represents the marginalized as well as the oppressed in our society. Some believe he is the angel responsible for the well being of the heavenly realms. It was Michael who vanquished and hauled the Archangel Lucifer from the Heavens when he tried to take over the Throne of God. The fight between Michael and Lucifer is said to represent the fight between the forces of light and darkness, which is as evident in our world as it was then today, as it was then.


Open your heart to receive the love of all Loves. I am your helper and will walk with you each step of the way on your journey through life. Believe that what you experience here on Earth is transitory and will not defeat you. Believe that through lifes hurts and disappointments there is hope. Connect with the Divine that is within you, all around you and even in the air you breathe. I will assist you in every way possible you only have to ask and we will come to you. You are a child of God. You were created from Gods love. From the moment of inception through conception you were cherished and loved. Open your heart and we will show you the different ways that you can embrace the Divine. Listen and you will here God speaking to you through the elements, the beautiful landscapes and the wildlife. Wherever you are and whatever happens to you, many unseen helpers surround you. You only have to ask.

Named the Angel of Divine Presence he took human form to do the work of God. Biblical scholars have recorded in detail that it was Melchizedek who delivered Gods Covenant to Abraham. When a priest is ordained in the Church the sacred rites of ordination state, You shall be a priest according to the order of Melchizedek.


I bring you the healing love and power of all angels. Living in the modern world has its rewards as well as difficulties. My presence in the angel peace garden will assist you to achieve wholeness and completeness in your relationships with others. If you are searching for a partner who is of like 7

mind, then know I am here and believe that I shall endeavour to bring you together. When you ask for assistance I will come to you for I see the Divine in you and the innocence. I will offer comfort when your heart is lonely.

Means The fire of God. Uriel is a high angel and is of the Seraphim who are said to be the angels closest to God. His other titles are Regent of the Sun, Flame of God and the Archangel of Salvation. Uriel is perceived by scholars to be the sharpest sighted angelic spirit in all of Heaven.


I am your support when all may seem hopeless. My role in the Angel Peace Garden is to come with gifts that will liberate your spirit. I am awaiting your invitation to bring to you the love of the angels and the love of the Nature Kingdom. It is my task to support families in turmoil and help them resolve their difficulties. I come to you and your families in love and wish for your happiness at every level of your existence. True and lasting happiness is achieved when we are at one with each other. You are not alone in your search for fellowship, freedom, contentment and belonging. I will assist you in your quest for inner fulfilment and spiritual contentment. You are never alone when you embrace the Divine in your sacred oasis.

Known as the Angel of Light. He was the angel that appeared to founding father of the Mormons in the USA in 1823. He is known as the Angel of the Latter Day Saints (Mormons). It is said that when he appeared to John Smith he was as a Being of light with a face that resembled lightning.


My assigned area within the Angel Bagua is wealth. The wealth of Gods love is a rare a precious thing. It is your birthright and is freely given to all who choose to accept it and invite him into their lives. When you enter your peace garden be aware that you are in the presence of angels and of God. In the silence feel the power of his peace and his love. God has no wish to see his children in pain; he loves all of you unconditionally. He wishes for all of mankind to live in peace and abundance. It is not evil or unspiritual to be abundant as long as you

acquire your wealth honourably. All you have to do is ask, believe and accept it with love.

Known as the Burning One. According to angelologists Israfael is said to have paved the way for Gabriel by serving for three years as a companion to Mohammed whom he originally initiated as a prophet. In the Islamic version of Genesis the account of Adams creation, Allah sent Israfael. Gabriel, Michael and Azrael the Angel of Death out on a mission to fetch the seven handfuls of dust needed to make Adam. According to legend only Israfael was successful. He is described as the four winged angel. He is described as he whose heart strings are as a lute and he who has the sweetest voice of all Gods creatures. It is said that this wonderful Archangel sings the praises of the creator in a thousand different tongues. Israfael is the patron saint of entertainers and artists. It is said that when the world ends he will descent to Earth and stand on the Holy Rock in Jerusalem and blow the sacred trumpet that will awaken the dead from their slumber and summon all who have ever lived to their judgement day. Scholars say that he looks into Hell three times each day and night and is stricken with a grief so great that his weeping could flood the Earth with tears. The torment he sees in Hell is great that it leaves him sad for all mankind who choose to ignore the love of God.


Enlightenment comes from knowledge and knowledge comes through learning. Wisdom is the result of listening to your inner voice and following its guidance. My assignment in the angel peace garden is to help you to surround yourself with positive energy. Noise upheaval and inner turmoil must be overcome for you to find the stillness you seek, and then you must listen to the inner voice of spirit. You live in a beautiful world but too often the stresses of your lives can leave you feeling bereft and in need of spiritual nourishment. When you employ a garden designer to help you create you sacred oasis you listen carefully to their advise and despite the cost you are willing to make sacrifices to achieve your goal. So it is with accessing peace and harmony within yourself. Set aside time each day to connect with God, it is not as difficult as you imagine.


His name means Secret of the Creator and he belongs to the Celestial Choir of the Cherubim. It is said that Raziel is an angel of the secret regions and is Chief of the Supreme Mysteries. (1.500 keys to the mysteries of Heaven). He is patron of the first human, Adam and it is said that he stands at the veil separating God from creation and records everything said at the Throne of God. He is the author of a book called the Tome from which Noah gained the information to build the Ark. Raziel is recognised by the yellow aura around him and by his large wings, which are sky blue in colour. He is the guardian of originality, pure ideas and dreams. He is known to exceptionally helpful and supportive to those seeking clarity on any issue. Raziel understands the power, speed and flow of electrical energy systems in the universe.


I AM Raziel and my role is to aid those who seek divine enlightenment. I am your advocate a messenger sent from God who wishes you to benefit from your time on Earth. Be still and rejoice in the stillness, we are waiting for you to join us. We are all around you working tirelessly on your behalf. My task is to protect and care for benefactors, those carers who give so generously of them selves to those who are in any kind of need. Benefactors come in all forms, they may be of the angelic realm, they may be a member of your family or relations and friends now in spirit. Soul seekers who have heard of your need, and volunteer to help.

His name means God has Healed. He is a senior archangel who has been given responsibility for the healing of all Gods peoples in the entire universe. There are many examples of Raphaels healing ministry recorded in the sacred books of the major world religions. He is one of the most loved of all the angels and is still being painted by artists today. It is said that when Solomon prayed to God for aid in building the temple in Jerusalem, Raphael personally delivered the gift of a magic ring that had the power to overcome demons.


I am the Archangel Raphael and I represent the healing power of the living God who desires that you be free of all ills that separate you from him. I bring you love from the God who made you in his own image. I have been given the responsibility of caring for all children. When called upon I care for and defend all children who are abused or exploited in any way. I come in love and bring the healing of a very generous God. Know that even in 10

your darkest times I am there with you walking beside you through it all. When you raise your heart and mind to God angels are immediately sent to your side to comfort you. No request is ever ignored when you ask help is given.



His name means Lion of God. He is one of the seven princes who rule the waters of the Earth. Ariel is one of the overlighting angels and he is mentioned in several of the worlds Holy Books. He is one of the Thrones who sing the praises of God. It is said that he and Raphael have joined forces to cure disease and alleviate the suffering of all mankind.


I am the Archangel Ariel and I am present in the North Eastern area of the Angel Peace Garden. I have been given the task of helping you to raise your awareness and develop your personal relationships. I will also assist you to develop your relationship with God and your higher self. I will help you to see where your destiny lies and find the meaning and purpose to your time on Earth. Embrace Gods love and experience real joy that is selfless, forgiving, and unconditional.

His name means God is my strength. He is also known as the heavenly awakener it was Gabriel who appeared to Mary at her Annunciation to tell her she would conceive and bear a son who would be the Son of God. It has also been recorded by scholars that Gabriel appeared to Marys cousin to tell her that she too would bear a son who would be John the Baptist. Muslims believe that Gabriel is the Spirit of Troth who dictated the Koran to the prophet Mohammed. In Jewish tradition it is believed that it was Gabriel who parted the waters of the Red Sea.


I am the Archangel of the South and I greet you in the name of our beloved God who loves all without exception. My assignment is to assist you in reaching your full potential and discover all the talents that you possess. I will act as a go-between in difficult situations. I am also the patron of global communications. I am responsible for facilitating changes in your life that will open doors for your happiness.

His name means one that occupies the Throne of God. He is seen as liberating angel who, according to history, wrestled with Jacob. He is said to hold the highest rank of all the angels. There is no reference to him in the scriptures but 1

none the less he has many titles. They are Chancellor of Heaven, King of the Angels, Highest Power of Abundance and The Supreme Angel of Death. He is the twin brother of Sandalphon keeper of the sacred scrolls and is also overseer of the planet Uranus. He has lived on Earth as the prophet Enoch who was taken up to Heaven and transformed into an angel of fire with thirty-six pairs of wings. Metatron is said to be the angel who stopped Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac and who led the Hebrews through the wilderness for forty years.


I am the Archangel Metatron who speaks to you in love and brings blessings from the most high Creator. I oversee the projects and bring forward whichever angels are appropriate. There are many angels who are available to help you achieve your goals and reach for enlightenment. I once lived among you and know of the difficulties and discomforts that life can bring. Life is in many ways unchanged, Man is still seeking to find himself but is frequently frustrated in his efforts. If you are experiencing despair, fear not, I am there with you. I will help you realise your dreams all you need to do is ask and quiet yourself to hear the answer. Messages from the Archangels arrived on the 29th September 2000, which is the Feast of the Archangel Princes.


Metatron is the hound of heaven searching out lost souls so they can behold the face of the Creator. When we call upon him we are never disappointed with the results. In March 2003 I was presented with a beautiful painting of the Archangel Metatron, which was painted by a lovely lady called Alison Knox, on the back was this simple message.

Given to Sean Jude Bradley to heal souls broken by Men in ignorance and pain via Alison Knox.


21st December to 19th January NAME MEANING ELEMENT ARCHANGEL STONE GIFT QUALITY KEYWORD COLOUR METAL MANIFESTS ORPHIEL I order Earth Samael - Saturn Tourmaline Antique box Cardinal Reverence Indigo Lead Concentration, power

20th January to 18th February


I empower




Raziel - Uranus




Sapphire ring






Electric blue



19th February to 20th March


I love




Zaphkiel - Neptune


Rose Quartz


Seashell Slippers






Rose pink





21st March to 20th April


I am




Hanael - Mars















21st April to 20th May


I become




Sandalphon - Earth















21st May to 20th June


I circulate




Gabriel - Mercury




Agate horn


Mutable Joy







21st June to 21st July


I create




Auriel - Moon










Sea blue





22nd July to 21st August NAME MEANING ZERACHIEL I rule




Michael The Sun




A golden shield







Orange Gold Understanding

22nd August to 21st September NAME VAEL


I provide




Shekinah - Charon




A girdle




Purity White Platinum



22nd September to 22nd October NAME MEANING ZURIEL I soothe




Raphael - Venus




An Opal Scabbard






Lilac Copper



23rd October to 21st November NAME MEANING BARUEL I heal


Water Metatron - Pluto




Jewelled dagger






Black Steel




November to 20th December ADNACHIEL


I encourage




Zadkiel - Jupiter




A bow







Purple Tin Creativity


ADDICTIONS Archangel Raphael ALCHEMY Archangel Raziel Archangel Uriel FINDING LOST PETS Archangel Raphael Angels of Nature and animal kingdom HEALING Archangel Raphael Healing Angels. ANSWERED PRAYERS Archangel Sandalphon RESOLVING ARGUMENTS Archangel Raguel ARTISTS Archangel Gabriel Archangel Jophiel AUTHORITY FIGURES Saint Michael BEAUTIFUL THOUGHTS Archangel Jophiel BENEFACTORS Archangel Raziel CAREER Archangel Chamuel Archangel Michael CELEBRATION Archangel Metatron CEREMONIES

Archangel Israfael CHAKRA CLEARING Archangel Michael CHI ENERGY Archangel Israfael CHILDREN Archangel Gabriel Archangel Raphael Archangel Metatron. CONCEPTION AND FERTILITY Archangel Gabriel Archangel Uriel CRYSTAL CHILDREN Archangel Metatron DETERMING SEX OF UNBORN BABY Archangel Sandalphon

HEALING Archangel Raphael INDIGO CHILDREN Archangel Metatron PROTECTION Archangel Michael INCREASING CLAIRVOYANCE Archangel Raphael Archangel Jeremiel Archangel Haniel Archangel Raziel COMPASSION Archangel Zadkiel COOPERATION FROM OLDER PEOPLE Archangel Raguel

COURAGE Archangel Michael ELIMINATING OR REDUCING CRAVINGS Archangel Raphael DETOXIFICATION Archangel Raphael DIRECTION LIFE PURPOSE Archangel Michael. DIVINE MAGIC Archangel Ariel Archangel Raziel DREAMS Archangel Jeremiel EARTH CHANGES Archangel Uriel EMPOWERMENT Archangel Raguel ENERGY Archangel Michael ENERGY - THE ENVIRONMENT Archangel Ariel THE ESOTERIC Archangel Raziel EYESIGHT Archangel Raphael FAME Archangel Gabriel FAITH ISSUES Archangel Raphael


ANGELS ADVISE ANGELS ANNOUNCE MESSAGES ANGELS ASCEND AND DESCEND 1. ANGELS COMFORT ANGELS COMMUNICATE 1:34-35. ANGELS GIVE DIRECTION ANGELS FEED ANGELS FIGHT OUR BATTLES ANGELS FIND THE LOST ANGELS GUARD ANGELS HEAL ANGELS MINISTER TO CHRIST 1 ANGELS MINISTER TO PEOPLE ANGELS PRAISE GOD ANGELS PREACH ANGELS PROCLAIM ANGELS PROTEST ANGELS PROVIDE ANGELS SAVE FROM DEATH ANGELS SET FREE ANGELS SPEAK THE TRUTH ANGELS WARN ANGELS WORSHIP Matthew 1:18-23 Matthew 2:13 Genesis 28: 12; John Acts 27:23-24. Zechariah 1:9; Luke Acts 8: 26. 1 Kings: 19: 5-7 Exodus 33: 2 Genesis 16: 7 Psalm 34: 7 Job 33: 20-24 Matthew 4: 11; Mark1: Hebrews 1:14 Luke 2: 13-14 Galatians 1: 8 Revelation 5: 2 Zechariah 3: 4 1 Kings 19: 5-7 Daniel 6: 22 Acts 5: 19; 12: 7-9 Hebrews 2: 2 Matthew 2: 13 Isaiah 6:2

Revelation5: 11-12


Be still and quiet my child now, for I have a story to tell. About the Angels and their energy that swirls around and smells. It smells of roses and lavender, and shimmers like new fallen snow. It is all around you night and day and this is what you must know. For all Gods creatures have colour and the shades have meaning as well. From ruby red to apple green and maybe purple around your head. Archangel Michael is sapphire blue with his sword in his hand. While Archangel Raphaels is emerald green the colour of our land. There are Angels for the seasons, the months and each day. For morning and for evening time, with those who sing and pray. Even when you skip and jump, theres an Angel by your side. To help you take the next big step as your constant loving guide. The Angels of Nature are special and want to be childrens friends. For God beams their energy to this world in coloured lights to mend The damage done to Mother Earth, by humans through all time. So let us begin and feel their love and get this world to shine! Call upon the angels when you are sad and feeling low. Imagine a golden bubble in which you sit, shine and glow! Breathe in this shiny golden light through every part of you. Then when you open up your eyes you will know just what to do!

So children, next time you see a rainbow make sure to stop and stare At the many different colours and the energy that is there. For the Angels have been busy making all these colours shine, Breathe in their love and cherish it, as it really is divine! By Grainne Tyndall of Angels at Play. April 2004

Angels of God.
Angels of God are close beside YOU Waiting in love They are there to guide you. When you ASK them to help you, They will shower you with love because they already know you. Seek first their path to true peace and joy And know that they will sustain you The Child of God you truly are. Believe in your heart that when you summon them, They will come to bless your life For ever more. Angels of God are here to stay, so rest assured that they are with you now All the way. Dedicated to Ellen Ann an angel of God who passed away in 2002. Sean Bradley.


A Mandala is a circular design that symbolizes the Universe and totality or wholeness. It originated in Eastern religions and is used as an aid for centering and for meditation. This Mandala is a visual way of Aligning yourself with your Angels. 1. Hold the image of the Mandala in front of you at the level of your Third Eye, right in the middle of your forehead, but far enough away so that you can see it. 2. Keep staring at the image until you have memorized it. 3. Feel it imprinted over your Third Eye on the surface of your skin. 4. Close your eyes and imagine that the image is pulsing on your forehead and sinking into your skin. Picture it as if it were tattooed onto your skull, beneath your skin. See it in any colours that you choose. 5. Feel this image beaming out from your Third Eye, like a television test pattern, broadcasting signals to your Angels that tell them youre ready to align with them. You can paste a copy of this design on the door of your fridge/freezer, PC, bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car or in your office desk to remind you to align throughout the day, not only with your Angel, but also with your purpose / goals.The Mandala is a powerful tool to empower you with Angel Love & Support during times of real testing, difficulty and trauma.

Hearing Your Angels Voice.

The Angels can come to us in ways that we can receive them. If you are unsure that you have received anything, close your eyes and repeat the exercise. Accept whatever you receive with thanks. Dont dismiss or criticize what comes through , because that will shut down your heart and block communication.




Once you have tuned into your Angels, you are likely to receive other voices / stations / voices guides / nature spirits,etc. Practice will empower you to discern the nature of these. The tone of the words and the subject matter will clarify who, what, where etc.
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Guides are directive and predictive; most of them were once in physical form. They address human concerns. Extraterrestrials come from other planets and star systems. They project a quality of differentness and have a more impersonal, universal outlook. Nature spirits tend the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, and their messages relate to the growth and well-being of the Earth and her creatures. You will find that each voice has a different sound level, or feel to it.

HOW TO TELL IF ITS AN ANGEL. You can discern whether the voice is that of your Angel or not, by the following: ! How do you feel when you receive or hear the voice? ! Hearing an Angel voice leaves one feeling bathed in sunlight and love. ! Feelings of great self-acceptance, of inner peace, of being cared for. ! Feelings of warmth; security, calmness, tranquillity.

Physical manifestations of feelings of goose bumps, chills, tingling at the back of the neck. ! Clarity of vision, tears, and a sweet fragrant scent like flowers. ! All of these are indications of Angelic visitations. CONVERSING WITH YOUR ANGEL

Once you have made initial contact with your Angel, there are two ways that we have found to talk with them. The first is to ask a question of a general nature, and be open to receive the reply. Some questions you might ask are: ! What is my purpose in this life? ! What are my gifts? ! What shall I call you? ! What is your name? ! Whats the best way to connect with you? ! What do I need to know you right now? ! How can I serve? Each Angel connects in its own way Yours may want to talk with you as soon as you get up; or, they may wake you up at a certain time. In my case, its 3am most mornings. The relaxed and drowsy state just before you fall asleep and just as you are waking in the morning is especially conducive to Angel-Talk. If you dont receive a reply when you ask your angels name, not to worry. The second way to converse with your Angel is interactively, using a structured dialogue format. Once you begin to let go of set ways and known emotional, mental or physical barriers through the Releasing process, you start revealing your true strengths, your gifts and your goodness.


Realize the great truth that each of us is a droplet of divinity, a spiritual being housed in a temple, the body, which enables us to operate in the heavy density of the material world.

We have become so imbued with the onlooker conscious that we too easily assume that God or our guides will speak to us from the outside. But the great truth is that the beings of the higher worlds speak to us within our own thinking. All is thought; in thinking we blend with higher beings.
Sir George Trevelyan

Tips on Receiving Angel- Guidance.

Be Grounded - Be Released - Be Aligned.
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Dont forget to write down whatever you receive. Be sure to keep your angel notebook and pen nearby. Never forget to thank your Angel for their words. Let your questions be simple and open-ended. What do you wish to communicate to me? Or What do I need to know right now? How can I be open to your voice? What is your name?

How To Ask Your Angels.

Angels are our Social Workers here on earth!
Conversing with your Angel is easy. You dont need to meditate on top of a mountain for 20 years in order to do it. The essence of opening to your angels is simply coming into an openhearted state. The Angels connect us to our highest source of knowing, the Higher-Self, that aspect of ourselves which is God-conscious. It is loving but neutral, compassionate but unsentimental. It exists in each of us. Many of us do have occasional glimpses of it. Affirming in us who we are before the Creator. Working with the Angels helps to bring this Higher-Self through. One school of thought has it that our Angel is actually our Higher-Self / Angelic Nature that became separated from us when we were embodied as humans. Another way of perceiving this is meeting our Angel is reconnecting with another part of yourself. Communicating with our Angels will provide you with a key to understanding yourself and others. It can also assist you in clarifying your purpose in life, and open you up to your unique gifts. 1

Hearing / Receiving Angel Guidance.

To engage our higher self with our personal angel we need to do the
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following: When entering their domain, show them respect. Approach your angel with reverence. In your communication with your angel manifest a spirit of integrity and humility. Repay your angel with LOVE and gratitude. When you hear their voice: 1. Stay calm and remain relaxed. 2. Be at peace within yourself. 3. Dont panic or be afraid. 4. Be still. 5. Be aware. 6. Enjoy the experience. 7. Listen to the voice of silence. 8. Discern their voice and message. 9. Write down their instructions. 10. Conclude by thanking them with love.

Relax and know that the Creator has called you to be co-creators with Him in partnership with our angels. We are all Children of God! We are all sons and daughters of the Universe! Rejoice!

Engaging With Our Angels using our Five Senses / the Elements.
Our Academy will hopefully support you in your personal search for a clearer perception on how to engage with your personal angel. We do this by the following Terms of Engagement: ! Knowing how to approach our angel . ! How and Where to ask our angel. ! Discerning their voices. ! Connecting and Attunement with our Guardian Angel. ! Understanding their role and establishing ground rules. ! Working in partnership with our angels of the heavens and the Earth realms. ! Angelic / Human Grounding of our spirit with theirs. ! Adopting a spirit of forgiveness. ! Nurturing our angelic-involvement with our higher-self. ! Discerning new ways to improve celestial communication. ! The need to engage with our angelic friends via our five-senses. ! Persevering with spiritual relaxation exercises. ! Incorporating Angel Alpha State in our daily invocations with our angels. ! Being Released from Fears, Negativity, Materialism in our Quest for Angelic Engagement and Enlightenment.

Engaging With Your Angels.

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Which Group of Angels do we invoke ? Where can we do this ? How do we engage with our Angels ? Do Angels engage with humans? How do Angels communicate with us ? Where do Angels commune with humans ? Why do Angels communicate with man ? Is there a need today for us to Engage with our Angels / Shamen / Spirit Guide ? What are the benefits for us ? Does engaging with Angels benefit the Global Village ?

Being someone who lives with being Bi Polar I have learned over the years to fight the blues. When I felt down I would spend hours working in the garden. I felt safe there; it was energising, healing and tranquil. I also noticed that surrounding myself with certain colours would have a positive impact on my moods. I also found that some smells improved my sense of well-being. The plants themselves were very soothing to be around. Some years ago, when I lived in Manchester, my partner and I bought a special dwarf standard tree. It was very beautiful and elegant with its profusion of white daisy-like flowers. One afternoon a storm blew it down and its stem snapped into two pieces. My horticultural experience told me to bin the plant as once the stem is severed it cant be repaired or saved. Once again instinct took over and I decided to have a go at saving the tree. I joined the two pieces of the stem together as closely and tightly as I could with strong tape and then used three medium sized bamboo canes to make splints. Then I gave the plant healing for a full fifteen minutes. I invoked the Angels of Nature to continue with the healing and support the plant. The plant flourished, the same healing that worked with animals, worked with plants too. From here on in the feeling that I was to begin doing healing work with people became stronger and stronger.


If we are one with nature and ourselves then we will know that we are in the presence of the Divine in our sacred oasis. Our sacred oasis can be our garden, home or that place of stillness inside ourselves that we retreat to in those times when we need some peace. It is important that we behave appropriately so that the peace and integrity of the space is protected. There you can be alone with God and celebrate your life. Honour natures gifts that are yours to cherish and enjoy. You dont have to be a brilliant designer or spend a fortune to be able to create a beautiful space that you can enjoy; all you need is willingness and a love of nature.


I only have to walk through a forest to experience sheer delight and feelings of absolute joy and peace. The pure air and the sounds emanating from the forest creates a deep feeling of inner bliss. There is a wise old saying that says, You are near to God in your Garden. Trees have an important part to play in our healing process. Throughout the centuries, mankind has had a strong relationship with tree energies and benefited greatly from them. According to Flower A Newhouse, when you see a Tree Diva it is an unforgettable experience and one that leaves a lasting impression on your mind, body and in your spirit. Being in the presence of a tree deva is a wonderful experience that usually results in one wanting to go up to the tree and hug it. Whenever I feel tired and weary, I stand in front of my favourite tree and just embrace its energy and invite its healing to saturate my being. I often stand with my back to my favourite tree and invite the healing energies of Mother Earth to flow up through my feet and right through my body. This ritual is both meditative and healing. As well as balancing my Chakras it leaves me fully grounded and gives me a deep sense of peace. Trees have an uncanny way of drawing us to them. They ask that we respect their energy and in return they share their vibrational healing energies with us.

Tuning Into Your Angel Introduction

If your partner, lover, friend, co-worker, or classmate is in contact with the angels, you can do this exercise together. If not, sit quietly and imagine the other person with you. You may want to pre-record this exercise. Begin with the following: 1. Close your eyes. Feel your guardian angel with you, sitting behind you. Be aware of its particular energy or vibration. 2. Sense the guardian angel of the other person. Visualize it sitting behind the other person, whether or not that person is physically present. 3. When you have a feel for the other angel, invoke the presence of the connecting angel for the relationship. Often this energy will come in as a large sphere that surrounds you and the other person and both your angels. Or you may feel it as another being sitting between the two of you, linking you both. 1

4. Tune into the connecting angel and let your awareness of its presence grow. In what way is its energy different from that of your guardian? What is it like ? As you explore this new presence know that it is with you because of the bond that connects you to the other person. It carries the energy of all that is most loving and harmonious between you. 5. Just as you have learned to dialogue with your personal angel, open now to the connecting angel, receive its energy and listen to its words. Ask it any questions, express any concerns or needs that you may have. Be open to receive its counsel and wisdom in words, pictures, colours, or feelings, or any other way that it may come to you. 6. If you are doing this with another person present, share your experiences of meeting the connecting angel with each other. This will help you make your connection more solid. 7. If you are doing the exercise alone, visualize the other and know that the connecting angel will touch that person gently through his or her guardian. Know, too, that your reaching out has already begun to make a difference. 8. When you are finished, thank the connecting angel, thank the two guardian angels, and thank your friend as well. Once again, become aware of your breathing. When you are ready, open your eyes. Feel free to contact the connecting angel when you are in a joyful place in a relationship, to express your pleasure and gratitude. If the relationship gets rocky, remember to reconnect. You can also use this tuning when you are away from family or friends, and wish to connect with them on an energetic level. At work and in joint projects, if others have also learned to talk with their angels, this exercise can greatly enhance the work and help things go more smoothly, efficiently, and creatively. Regardless of our occupation, or profession in life, when we are confronted with either a life threatening situation or a domestic scenario at home or in work, we can ask our guardian angel, and our connecting angels to go before us and work with everyone involved. The outcome results in favourable outcomes.

For this practice, you may want to put on some music, like now, that makes you feel as if you are flying alongside with your angel. Go into angel alpha state, and visualize and feel the angels carrying you. Start to experience the lightness and the humour of their realm. Your mood will instantly lighten up. 2

Think of a place you want to fly over. Imagine that you are flying with the angels, and if you like, imagine that you are one of them. Maybe you are flying over a beautiful forest, maybe a tranquil lake. Use your imagination. Maybe you are flying over the Cumbrian or Wicklow mountains. Maybe youre high above a city like Dublin, or Manchester at night admiring the lights. Fly for a while and then begin to see your life below. What does it look like from so high up? Is it funny? Sad? Interesting? Think about whether or not you are carrying any unwanted baggage with you on this flight. If you are, ask the angels to transmute it, to help you get rid of it. Now be yourself again. You are still flying with the angels, but they are carrying you. You have landed on top of a beam of light. You must stay centered or you will begin to fall. If you feel yourself falling, surrender to the angels; they are your safety net and will be there to catch you. When you stand on top of this light beam, you are one with full empowerment. You are one with the universe; you have cosmic consciousness. There is no past and no future just now. Experience this for a while and allow yourself to go wherever you need to; just be sure to stay with the angels. After a while, come out of angel alpha and feel your centre of gravity come into alignment here on earth. Remember the experience and call up the vision whenever you are entering uncharted territory and feel unsure of yourself.


Introduction: 1. The Spiritual Dimensions of Healing.

Working with the angels does not in any way eliminate the need for health care professionals. But it can facilitate the healing process on the subtle body, which is an important adjunct to the work youre doing in the physical world. We invite illness into our lives when we are out of touch with the negativity we are holding in our bodies, and when we dont know how to release it. Ask your angel about the spiritual causes underlying the imbalance you are experiencing, and what you can do to facilitate their release. A condition can disappear or heal more rapidly once you have understood what is causing it. When you ask your angel for information about an illness, phrase your question in an open-ended way, for example: What is it within me that needs to be healed? Or What are the lessons this illness is teaching me? Dont ask, 3

Should I have chemotherapy or go on a juice fast? Yes or no questions questions involving critical choices will usually be answered by your mind. And when youre sick, or addicted, the mind is riddled with fear. For instance, this is what Leonards angel told him when he asked what he needed to know about his gallstones: Any anger held in the body will harden and block the flow. It is time for you to release your anger. It is time for you to release it with love toward yourself for having it, and with love toward the people you are angry at. You know who they are. You dont have to tell them directly. Write them letters, and dont send them. Trust your angels to deliver the messages. And trust your doctor to do the rest. Also, you might try eating more green vegetables.



The more palpably you feel the presence of your angel, the stronger the conduit becomes for your angel to share its energy with you. When you are sad, tired, out of sorts, or feel the want of healing, sense your angel wrapping its wings around you. An angel hug can be a healing in itself. And you can work with you angel in other ways. Heres how I approach the scenario: When I go to the doctor, I ask my angel to come with me. I feel its presence in the doctors office, and I also sense my doctors angel. Being aware of them retunes the situation and raises it to a higher frequency. This facilitates any kind of diagnosis and treatment. During my Reiki treatments I see and feel my angel floating above me, beaming golden light into the treatment points. It feels wonderful and deepens the release and healing.



When you are making a medical decision, use all the faculties that you have at your disposal, including input from your doctor, research on the condition that you or friends have done, information available from organisations or societies that work with that disease. Use your celestial companions to help you clear and overcome fear so that you can make the choice of healing that suits you on all levels physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The onset of illness and the recognition and acceptance of your addiction is the first step to healing. With your angel by your side, you can learn to welcome any and all manifestations as part of your healing. Calling on your personal guardian will also infuse you with the right 4

attitude, one of compassion and understanding, of neutrality and acceptance. Calling on your angel opens you to love, which heals. If a particular part of your body is in need of healing, invoke the presence of your companion angel. See and feel it beaming a healing golden light from the tips of its wings into the affected part. Invoke the healing angels, too, and see them surrounding your bed, bringing their love and support. You can also ask your angel for advice on how to work with this situation on the energy level. Again, this isnt to replace the work you do with a human healer. Rather, it adds to the effect by approaching the healing process from a spiritual perspective. If you are undergoing any kind of medical procedure, rest assured that the room is filled with angels yours, those of everyone there, and a flock of healing angels as well. Every time you are in need of healing, you open to the healer within you. You are not the victim of what needs to be healed you are its student. When you enter the classroom with your angels, you energise the opportunity to learn, and you magnify the wisdom that is coming to you. The night before she was to have root-canal work, Valerie sat quietly and visualized her angel sending energy into her tooth. Then she took two aspirin and went to bed. During her previous visit, the dentist had examined her X ray and told her it was going to be a long and complicated procedure. But the next day, when he got into the tooth, the big problem hed seen on the X ray simply wasnt there. He was able to complete the work in twenty minutes. The Dental Surgeon was perplexed. Valerie was grateful. When she got home, she lit a candle and sat quietly again, sending thanks from her heart to the angels. Before undertaking a Reiki Treatment / Counselling session with clients, I always Reiki the room by using the power symbols to remove negative feelings and protect myself from attack by unwelcome spirits. Each new day, I always try to bless myself with the Reiki symbols and invoke the angels of the 4 spheres to protect me.



Any kind of medication, vitamins, minerals, herbal formulas that you are taking can be charged and aligned with your body by your angel. Hold whatever you are taking in your hands. Invoke your angel and see or imagine it touching the bottle or package with its wings. See its light energies pouring into the contents, energizing and tuning them to your body so there will be no side effects and theyll blend harmoniously with your body. 5



If anyone you know is sick, visualize them surrounded by healing angels, glowing with a soft green-gold light. Healing isnt the same as curing. Healing means to be made whole at every step of the way from birth to death. Sometimes its through illness and in the midst of it that we become whole. Becoming whole again can happen in a variety of ways. And dont forget about the wiring angels. Sometimes what seems like an illness is a misdiagnosed case of rewiring.



When you visit someone who is ailing, invite the healing angels to accompany you. See and feel or sense them filling the room, and leave them there when you go. Remember that they can only come in when we invite them. If the person you are with is receptive to hearing about these heavenly healers, share what you know and how they have helped you. If not, it is more loving not to impose your experience, but you can always open your wings and fill the room with angel energy. This will benefit everyone who enters the room, doctors, nurses, pastors, counsellors, therapists, family, and friends. `

Angels Touch Us.

Terry Lynn Taylor in her book Guardians of Hope says, the mind is much more powerful than the body, but they work together. A healthy body usually means a healthy mind and vice versa. The body/mind connection runs deep and can manifest in ways you may not want to believe because it defies reason. Looking objectively at disease or sickness can sometimes put the whole thing into perspective. One must take time to evaluate the hidden agenda. If you take care of yourself by looking honestly at why you got sick or diseased, and if you take positive steps toward healing, miracles can take place. When you bring in the angels, healing will take place and often leads you to your authentic self. The angels are not prejudiced about any particular method, as long as it has the individuals highest good as its first priority. Angels know that the more strongly you believe in the method, the more effective it will be and the more the angels can help. The most important aspect is that angels want you to be in the best possibly shape be it physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual or and mental well being. A graceful spirit does well in a graceful body. When true health touches you on all levels, your aliveness and vibrancy will be manifestations of the divine spirit in your body, your temple of God. When you are choosing a healing art and healer, be intelligent. Treating serious diseases may take a combination of traditional and holistic medical systems. Be honest with yourself, and dont feel like a failure when you are sick or diseased. You are never a failure when you are sick or diseased. You are never a failure, and sickness means you are going through a transformation of some kind. Also, remember that death is not a failure. There is a divine master plan, and it is not up to us to decide when death is right or wrong. When people are dying, they need the utmost respect from themselves and others. Too, often, when people get sick, other people project negative thoughts on them by taking the attitude that it is their fault that they are sick. Such an attitude shows a lack of compassion and unnecessary judgement; it is a projection of ones own fears. When people you know are sick, the best thing to do is to contact their angels and send them prayers of unconditional love. In the end, it is the love and compassion that truly heal, whether or not death is the outcome. And love can grow and expand far beyond death. People who have the courage to grow through pain and suffering in an awake and aware state are the bravest humans on this planet. Our bodies work in synch with our minds. The angels can play a big part in creating optimum health. It is up to you to bring them into your own picture of 1

health in the way that is best for you. Know that angel-light is very healing and of the highest vibration; use this light to co create sparkling health with the angels.

The Negative Voice.

There is a particular aspect of the ego that sometimes gets in the way of connecting with the Angels. The ego in itself is not bad, even though it has developed an unsavoury reputation in some spiritual circles. The best way to deal with this Negative-Voice is to recognise it. Start by simply acknowledging it. To help you spot pockets of negativity, heres a list of the issues that weve found come up most frequently and some of the behaviours they generate:

Unworthiness Doubt. Fear of disappointment. Perfectionism. Pride. Inadequacy. Criticism. Anger. Hatred. Grief. Self-loathing. Feelings of Alienation. Need to Control. Ambivalence. Indecision. Boredom. Apathy.

Fear of intimacy. Abandonment. Rejection. Resentment. Envy. Jealousy. Guilt. Victimisation. Shame. Blame. Dishonesty. Denial. Lack of Focus. Procrastination. Fatigue. Depression. Greed.

Angel Poem.
Angels coming out to play, Angels touch our life each day. Though we may not know theyre there, There are angels everywhere. Angels can cause a heart to sing. Angels give our spirits wings! An angels touch brings God near. An angels smile can dry a tear. Have you felt a tug on your heartstrings? Chances are twas caused by angel wings. They flutter softly in the light, Shimmering with edges of gold so bright. We mere mortals to earth are bound. Angels trod on holy ground. So next time you are feeling low Remember angels are there wherever you go!

ANGELS EMPOWER US. Meetings Between Guardian Angels. Consider the closest thing to an angel on earth your mind or soul. In the blink of an eye, your mind which is spirit like an angel-can go from the room you were married in to the edge of the universe. Being spirits, angels move like our imaginations instantly, as near or far as they want, to the past, present, or future.

When Angels Touch Us Heaven moves closer towards Us!

The Spirit of the Lord Has been given to me for He has anointed me He has sent me to bring The good news to the poor, To heal the broken hearted, Give sight to the blind, and freedom to the Downtrodden.
Luke 4: 18


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Healing With The Angels. All The Help You Can Get. Angels And Medication. Treatment ( RX) Love. The Visiting Angels Service. Healing The Heart.

What is an abandonment experience? Is it leaving oneself on Gods doorstep, Walking into the rest of life, Not allowing anxiety, fear, Frustration to enter into one? Is it expecting God to keep one warm, Secure, unsafe and unharmed? Is that abandonment?

Abandonment has nothing to do with warmth of Womb or arms Or close clasped hearts. It is not something done by a child. It is done to him. It cannot be done to an adult. It is done by him.

Abandonment is committed only with and in the Maturity of Christ Jesus. It is not just hanging loose. It is a letting go. It is a severing of the strings by which one Manipulates, controls, Administers The forces in ones life. ABANDONMENT Abandonment is receiving all things the way One receives A gift With opened hands, An opened heart. Abandonment to God Is the climatic point in any mans life.

Angels Touch Us.

Angels Touch Us as messengers of the Creator. Angels Touch Us because we are co-creators in the universe. Angels Touch Us in partnership with the Beloved. Angels Touch Us so we can touch others and heal them. Angels represent the Universal Life Force Energy of the Creator. Angels are Instruments of Grace. Angels Touch Us in ways we do not understand, or comprehend. Angels Touch Us when we are totally unaware. Angels Touch Us with Love, Joy, Peace. Angels Touch our Minds Our Body Our Spirit.

ngels Breath Healing into our very souls as we speak!


1. They arrange favourable meetings. 2. Provide humour, hilarity. 3. Feelings of warmth, peace, joy. 4. Leave exquisite scent of Rose & Jasmine. Intoxicating 5. Touch our spirit with feelings of real hope, love and a rush of optimism and contentment.


Just as birth is a joyful entry into life full of soul-growing lessons, so death can be a glorious gateway to synthesis and understanding, an advance in evolution. For many, death is the healing that life did not provide. It allows a soul that is 4

stuck or that has completed what it came to accomplish to move on for further development. Our culture perpetuates the notion that life is short, death is forever, and something to be feared. That isnt the angelic view. They tell us that we are immortal souls, who keep evolving, even after death. If you are close to someone who is about to leave the physical plane, you can work with your angel and the guardian of your friend or relation to help that person approach death with more peace of mind, knowing that this is the next step in the journey of evolution. Ask the angels to help you understand the needs of your friend on an empathetic level. You will know whether or not it is appropriate to share the words or information you get. In some cases, what you receive in communication with the angels is intended to uplift your personal vibration, so that you become a more sensitive instrument for Higher Power. Ask your angel to infuse you with light when you are with the dying person so that you can be a reassuring presence-calm, open, and loving. Be sure to use the Grounding & Releasing techniques before you leave the room. We have produced 2 audiocassette tapes in our series of voice recordings titled: Engaging with your angel / and Releasing Fear and the Power of Forgiveness. Remember that while you are there to celebrate a passage, and that it is a privilege to witness one, it is also natural to feel sorrow. Ask your angel to help you express your feelings in a way that totally supports the one about to make a transition. While you are there, open yourself to a greater awareness of the angels and light beings who are in attendance. Your friend may find it comforting to know that they are there if you feel it appropriate to mention them. However, this may be just the moment to encourage your friend to share what he or she is experiencing. If you are facing death yourself, ask your angel if there is anything you need to finish in this life before you go and how to accomplish that. Feel your angel with you all the time, allow yourself to relax into the safety of its embrace. Each time you ground yourself, feel that the fibres that come out of the top of your head are reaching further and further out into the heavens. If fears come up, do the Releasing. You will find it even easier Aligning with your angel because you are closer to it now than you have been since before you were born. As you prepare to enter the non-physical realm, you can converse with your angel all the time. In joy, your angel will carry you into the next dimension.



As we approach the end of our physical lives, we are often more open to spiritual matters. Some people have mystical experiences that leave them completely serene or with an inner light that glows from their eyes. My friend Brother Eddie was one of these. Having dedicated all his life to caring for the sick and latterly caring for women and children dying of AIDS at the Mildmay Hospice in London, all Eddie could say to me when we met up was, Sean, I really want to go home to God!

Sometimes, when for one reason or another, the natural process of death doesnt flow as smoothly as expected, the guardian angels will step in to assist. As a senior nurse on night duty for many years, I witnessed many different types of death and dying scenarios. When a patient was not responding to controlled analgesia and pain was interfering with a dignified approach to dying one felt helpless. Despite feelings of disempowerment all I could do was invoke the angels & Saints to intervene through the power of prayer and alleviate the distressed symptoms affecting the patient.


The angelic realm opens us to new pathways to the heart, new understandings of the Voice Within, while we work to achieve the state of Oneness with the All. Our awareness of the angels softens us and makes us gentle, revives our hope and faith. And we know, from the daily miracles and playful manifestations that occur all around us, that the angels themselves are delighted to be known and trusted by us. They enjoy serving, perhaps because their assistance on our way contributes to further establishing our faith and confidence that we are truly loved by our Maker, and it is Gods pleasure when we flourish in our hearts.

The Angels Of Birth And Death

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. On Arrival. On Departure. Bringing The Light. Moving On. Pathway To The Heart. Tuning Into Your Connecting Angels. 6


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reality Creation. No Blame. The Spiritual Perspective. Origins of Addictions. Paths to God. The End and the Beginning.


Angel Communication Technique

Moving Forward With Your Personal Angel 1. Angels Who and What are they? 2. The Four Fundamentals
a) b) c) d) Ask with clarity and simplicity: BE SPECIFIC. Believe in what you have asked for: THEN TRUST! Let it Happen: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT! Gratitude: SAY THANK YOU!


Step One: Pray: Pray for the Truth and the gift of spiritual hearing. Ask to be a clear channel and keep yourself out of it. Breathe: Sit and Relax. Breathe and become open. Do not meditate. But also do not activate. Be Calm be relaxed be serene- be at peace. Listen: We come to you as a whisper (soft and gentle). It will seem as your own thoughts, but we will stop and start. If you hear 3 words type or write the 3 words. There may be a short pause wait listen be still! They will come to you. Do not force it, us, or you. Write: Hear the words come just a second before they are written. You will hear. Do not worry about it making sense. You do not have to go into some spiritual state. Just write what you hear as you hear it. Sometimes you will receive thought sentences where you know what you are going to write in total, like a story you know already or a phrase you frequently use. The harder you think, the flow there will be. 1

Step Two:

Step Three:

Step Four:

Step Five:

Step Six:

Step Seven:

Accept: What you write is what you write. We are guiding you but it will feel as though you are making it up. Acceptance is the most important part. Inner Knowing: There will be an of ego involved. You will not have to think about it or plan it as you would a paper. It just comes. You will find you dont remember what you wrote after you wrote it. It will always seem fresh. Trust: These are spiritual gifts. What we tell you is the best information we have at the time you receive it. We do not want to run your life. This is a guidance to speed you along and to teach you skills you will need in your lifes work. These are spiritual gifts. You did not have to do anything to get them. More will be given as you progress. Do not dissect for accuracy. Free will and different time tables create different patterns similar to ocean currents. Say to yourself each day. At this moment I trust the eternal wisdom of the universe.God is guiding my every step and is Surrounding me with love and protection. I am doing His will.



Making it work: Using the Four Fundamentals is most helpful when you are getting started. Ask us to be with you. Believe and trust that you will receive the message. Let it happen and begin writing what you know to write. We will even say, Thank you when we connect. For we truly want this connection more than you do dear children. 2

K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, seeker.

5. 1. Clairvoyance: The ability to see things not visible to the naked eye. Second sight. 2. Clairaudience: The ability to hear sounds not heard by the human ear. 3. Clairsentience: The awareness of knowing beyond the five human senses; the sixth sense. Knowing that you know . How to know it is an Angel Message. ( Discernment) Angelic Experiences: 1. 2. 3. 8. 9. Be available. Love. Share.



Angel Touches. H.A.R.K H: A: R: K: Hear Us. Ask for us to come to you. Release your worries and doubts. Keep doing it.

This is how you to work with us


Confirmation of known Angel activities can be seen in The Bible and other religious books. It is unbelievable how members of the human race including clerics can disbelieve in their existence, particularly in light of the authentic records of Angelic manifestation in the Bible. Despite their being 385 known documented events where Angels were seen ministering to mankind and to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

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Angels speak the Truth/ Announce Messages/ Reprimand / Advise. Angels Ascend and Descend/ Guard & Protect/ Comfort/ Heal. Angels Communicate/ Preach/ Feed/ Provide/ Proclaim/ Minister. Angels provide Food/ Shelter/ Financial Support/ Security. Angels Set Free/ Give Direction/ Guidance. Angels Save From Death/ Fight our Battles/ Worship.

he faiths of the 20th. Century; Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Maori, Shinto, Hindu and

New Age religions all accept the reality of Angels and place a special importance on their presence. In the Old and New Testaments of the Bible there are many references, in fact, there are 385 specific references to the existence of Angels and their direct involvement with man in his quest for greatness or in his struggles to overcome adversity perils disaster. In an age of invention, technological advancement, innovation and global communication we shouldnt be at all surprised to find that Angels are still in business and have been since the beginning of Creation. The dawn of a new millennium has illuminated our understanding of:
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Angelic involvement in our daily lives. Angelic visitation at a personal level. Angelic deliverance from adversity.

Feedback from our Student Therapists re: Angels in their lives:

Angels have been here as long as the Earth has existed. They are Messengers from God to man. We all have our own Guardian Angel who is with us from Birth and stay with us till Death. There are many different kind of Angels all waiting to help us, but because we have free will we have to invoke, invite and ask for their help, which they will give us unlimited of. They will always guide us, help us in trouble, lead us and protect us from evil, and with them by your side you will never again feel alone. Angels have many different forms and shapes; I had my own personal Angel when we were in Cumbria, called Ellie. Every time I was meditating she came and sat with me, telling me see you are lover unconditional, so all you have to do now is to listen to your heart, dont fear for you will never be alone again. To get in contact with your Angels and Christ Consciousness you have to Pray, be silent and listen, I mean really listen to what your Angels have to tell you. Remember you have been chosen to be here now to work with Jesus Christ. Remember you are his hands and legs on Earth. Hanne Angelic healing energies have walked with me throughout my life and through the darkest of times and the brightest of times; in my joys and in my sorrows. When I have been ready to receive healing, then Christ was there for me with His legions of healing angels. He never once left my side! As the saying goes, when the pupil is ready, the master will appear. I have found this to be so true. I have had the very best earth angels teachers, El Shaddai, my late husband, son; mother in law, family, friends, and more recently my new partner. The various courses which I have done have stretched me. But by far the greatest teacher has been and still is, Christ himself. The B.V.M, St Paul, St John and St Padre Pio have also had a part to play in my return home. The Angelic healing energies have enabled me to grow, to self heal, given me inner peace that has to be experienced. Angelic healing energies have helped me to gain wisdom, self-love and selfless love for my brothers and sisters. I have grown spiritually in faith, in trust, in knowledge, and grown in Christ. I have reclaimed my power and healed my inner child. Christ accompanied by His angels has poured soothing balm into my wounds healing and helping me to overcome much. Only to find that as my life continues to evolve, I am presented with new situations that present new fears, new challenges, which have to be faced and overcome.

I AM - Simply be, Simply present. Simply me. Simply be present, it is not enough; I will do the rest. Anna Angelic energies have been weaving their way in and out of my life for longer than I was probably aware of. For many years I felt drawn to touch people whenever they were in pain either physically or emotionally. I felt instinctively that if I could just reach out and put my hands on them, then they would feel better and loved, but it was only recently that I was attuned to Reiki Master Practitioner and once that took place it was as if a door in me had been opened. I became aware that the energy was different, it had changed and I felt I was being guided by a powerful, loving unseen force beside me to place my hands on areas of clients bodies that were not standard positions which would normally be used when giving a Reiki treatment, and with this came a knowing that my hands were on or over an area of sickness within mind, body and spirit. In light of the changes I was experiencing I knew somehow that it was God and the Angels guiding me so that healing could be given to that person. That said, nothing could have prepared me for the profound experience of therapeutic touch or of feeling the Christ/Angelic energy causing through my body. I felt as if someone had plugged me into the mains electric supply! My soul felt like it had been re-connected to a part that had been missing for so long and I knew that my life would be forever changed and enriched by this beautiful, healing and humbling experience and so the God in me was able to say to me I know your name and you are mine and I knew I had come home. Barbara The Angelic realms have given me a gift, that gift is ' myself ', a pillar of light, radiating gods love, to illuminate others to find their way home. I am no longer a victim, hating myself for whom I had become, I am no longer ugly, or looking for others permission to love myself .I am love, this is an essence within every cell of my body. It is not something I searched my life looking for, expecting it to be gift wrapped and presented to me through another human being. The greatest gift I could give myself, was to know that ' I am love ' .I no longer have to look outside of myself, feeling empty until another could fill me up. I am already full, I just couldnt see it at the time. I am here to help others see and know and feel, that they too are full, not of the cravings that we seek, when we feel empty. Food, alcohol, drugs, this will never fill that emptiness we feel. I am here to help others know that they are full of love, their own love. 2

Angels have connected me with my own supply, to know that it is never ending, it is infinite, and that love, is Gods love. It feeds and nurtures us, when the outside world cannot. To connect to this wellspring, I had to find silence in my life, to go within and face those parts of me I had denied, I had to love them into wholeness. Silence has become my friend, it is the path to source. The angels hold my hand, they know the way, through my faults and shortcomings they love me, whoever I am, whatever I have done, they are always there holding my hand. The hand of the divine, Gods hand. Angels are gods gift to us, to lead us home, when we are lost, frightened and afraid. My angels are taking me home, home to 'myself' the child within, who trusts implicitly, and plays joyfully in gods garden of grace, knowing my every need is always taken care of, and that I am always loved, I am love, Gods love ! Lesley From a place of chaos, unhappiness, deep rooted fear, darkness, searching, unfulfilment, and death, the angels intervened to direct me home to my full divinity. Powerfully, they made their healing presence known and shone their loving light as I was reborn with a new hope. On my spiritual quest for a great return to truth, they have been gradually taking me step by step on this wonderful journey to experience unity with all that is, the feeling of perfect love and wholeness. They continuously bring meaning, joy, excitement, miraculous healing, awareness, enormous spiritual growth and thoughts of endless possibilities as they guide, support, love and nurture. They help me with spiritual understanding of the quest for truth a process of experiencing full self-realization as all that we are - co-creators made in the image and likeness of God. They lead me to understand through experience and reading that through my searching and efforts to gain purity and inner peace, I continuously transform myself, peeling away the layers of the onion, discovering the riches within in, freeing myself to rise higher as I attain true inner peace and fulfilment. Frances Burns student TCCP therapist

ANGELIC MESSAGES Uniting Angelic And Human Energy.

We devas would like to dance around in the consciousness of every human being to wake you up to what you are.
We would have you know that you are light beings and not confined to your physical presence Simply because you think that you are so confined, you remain so, but when you are aware of us and come to our level, you are a part of a larger world which is also home to you. So join us often to be educated about yourself, and do it in the Love of the One.
Message from the Tree Devas received by Dorothy Maclean.

MESSAGES FROM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THESE ARE THE TIMES OF ACCOUNTABILITY Beloved masters, indeed, it is a time of accountability, a time when nothing can stay hidden, a time when all are seeking to return to balance and harmony. A time when the energies of cause and effect are returning to each of you very quickly, as you face the consequences of your thoughts, deeds and actions. But we ask you to be the observer, beloveds, and radiate love to those who seem the least deserving, the victimizers, as well as the victims. Radiate love to their inner Essence, not condoning their actions, but seeing the highest outcome for all, this will avoid adding more negative energy to any situation. Move to a level whereby you are observing all that transpires from the objective viewpoint of a master, knowing that out of every adversity there is the potential for a greater good to emerge. Become aware that everything 1

that is being destroyed or torn down, is making way for something more appropriate, refined, and en-LIGHTEN-ed to take its place. Many beautiful souls have agreed to play out the dramas in which all Earth residents are involved, at one level or another. They agreed at a soul level to bring to the attention of all humanity, the imbalances and inequities that need to be corrected and addressed. There is no need to name these negative traits again, you all know what they are. Many are so quick to pass judgment and express their self-righteous indignation. We tell you that none of you is blameless. You all have played the same game or role to some degree, or been involved in a similar scenario at one time or another, whether you remember it or not. So you see, you are only judging yourselves. During the coming years many prophecies, both positive and negative, will come forth and it is important how you perceive and accept what is being said. Yes, each and every thought, expression and action has an energetic signature and adds to or detracts from the overall radiance of the Earth. The Earth is being monitored carefully as well, beloveds, to see when your planet will be ready to move forward to the next level of illumination. As you all are aware, there has been much devastation and cleansing on the Earth over the past decades and, yes, it will continue as a necessary part of the overall plan for the greatest good of all. We know it is difficult for you to not focus on the negativity and destruction occurring in the world, but we ask you to also be aware that all of those who have experienced these cataclysmic events agreed at a soul level to make the supreme sacrifice so that you and the Earth can move forward. Those who have made their transition from the Earth via the cataclysms are watching with great joy from the higher realms, knowing that they have made an important contribution to the whole and that their evolutionary journey will be made easier because of the role they agreed to play. Your test is to be the loving, compassionate observer, helping those you can, knowing that there is a grand plan being played out on Earth, while projecting your contribution of radiant energy out from your heart centre into and around the Earth and to the whole of humanity. The Earth is not being destroyed, nor are you being punished, but the emotional and mental bodies of the Earth must be brought into balance and harmony so she can move into her proper place within the solar system and galaxy. All of you, and that means each and everyone on Earth, agreed at a soul level to the roles you have been asked to play in the drama now unfolding. Most are fulfilling their promises unconsciously, many have abdicated and fallen by the wayside, but many more of you are endeavouring to fulfil your 2

contracts in its highest form with full awareness of what it entails. We know who you are and we commend you, our radiant Warriors of Light. It is crucial that you understand how essential you are and that time is of the essence. Know that this is the most important lifetime you will ever experience on planet Earth and that your active participation is vital to the successful outcome of the plan. That is why we ask you to change your perception as to why you are here, what life on Earth is about and what is truly important. We ask you turn your focus to the temple of your heart and begin to build your paradise within, filling it with love, beauty and harmony, and then projecting that perfection outward so that it begins to unfold around you. Your refined, energetic signature will gradually radiate out into the world, affecting and changing everything it touches. See each moment as precious and perfect, as a gift from our Father/Mother God allotted to you, its caretakers, to use as you so desire. Know that if you will integrate these concepts into your reality and if you will see yourselves as a radiating force capable of magnetizing all the wonders of Creation to you, that you can transform your world and create the world of peace, abundance and harmony you desire within six months of your time. You are much more powerful than you realize, especially when you join together in a unified effort to create the highest good for all. You are a creation of the God Mind and you are encoded and designed with a deep-seated desire to create. During these most important times of evolution and transformation, each of you has been drawn (or will be drawn) to the place in which you can be of the most service. Either by serving those around you, sharing your unique talents and gifts, or because you have specific energies encoded within your Divine Blueprint that are critical to the evolution of that area, or you may have Light packets or frequencies within your brain structure that will help to activate the crystalline energies that have lain dormant within the Earth for many thousands of years. These great structures are waiting for you and for those who are in harmony with you, so that, once again, they may project their radiant Light out into the solar system and also receive the refined frequencies now being beamed down upon the Earth. These frequencies will also circle the globe as the golden web of Light is re-established, which is a critical factor in the reunification process. Much has been accomplished, but there is still much to be done and each of you is a key player. As you join together and allow yourselves to be the transformers for this energy, you will draw it through your physical vessels so that it can pick up your unique frequency patterns before the combined frequencies are transmitted deep within the Earths crystalline core. Know that within your 3

physical vessels and with your loving intent, you hold the keys which will help to bring these magnificent Light structures to life once more. And in this way, you will render great service to humanity and the Earth, for this important process will help to ease the stress and strain of releasing the constraints and imperfections as you move through the fourth dimension toward the freedom and harmony of the fifth dimension. Many of you are healing the ancient wounds and memories of Atlantis and Lemuria, while many others are activating the wondrous memories and energies of some of the great Light centres of the past. Then you will all use these energies to help create the perfection of the future. You are being called to take brave and bold action as you go forward on your assigned missions. Remember, beloveds, you agreed to all of this as party of your sacred contract. The drama and great transformation that are taking place on Earth have never been experienced before in all creation. You will be seen as Divine architects who have braved the unknown in the farthest outpost in your universe, assuming cloaks of flesh and submerging yourselves in the quagmire of thirddimensional illusion. Now it is time to shrug off the shackles that bind you. Now is the time for you to reclaim your Divine Birthright and your heritage. Oh, beloveds, if only you knew how you are cherished and how we honour you. If only you could remember yourselves as you were and are in the higher dimensions, you would not be anxious or sad, you would know that you have all the power, wisdom and the tools to recreate paradise on Earth, and when the task is finished, how easily you will return to your home among the stars. We wish to give you assurance that we are waiting to welcome you with open arms and that there will be a grand celebration. As all the deep-core, negative patterns emerge from deep within your memory and DNA to be cleared and dissolved once and for all, we sense your frustration, your confusion and your fears of being punished, or of having done something wrong. Let me assure you, precious ones, this is happening because you are doing something RIGHT, not wrong. We will not minimize your pain or your discomfort; however, we will give you encouragement and direction. A purification process is underway on Earth and within every sentient Being. As you allow the cleansing energies of Light to infiltrate throughout your body, you will release and refine everything of a lesser vibration. Can you accept the fleeting discomfort as an opportunity to release that which does not serve your highest good? Then please use all the means at hand to relieve the symptoms or condition, knowing that at its completion you will be ready to accept even greater infusions of Light. We have tried to assist you in understanding the Universal Laws of Creation and the seven Rays of Beingness, or the virtues and attributes of the Creator for 4

your solar system. The prisms of the Seven Cosmic Rays are growing stronger as they are projected via magnified Solar Light into your bodies in order to empower you and bring you into wholeness. You are coming of age as you take on your spiritual responsibility and gain the wisdom of a master, but there is still much to be done and discernment is more important than ever. You are moving out of the harmonics of seven into the galactic harmonics of 12. This is why it is so important that you bring your physical chakra system into balance as you access the ever-increasing strength and power of the higher Rays vibrations. Anchor your feet firmly on Earth, beloveds, as you reach for the stars, for if you do not, your physical vessel will not be able to withstand the magnified influx of cosmic energy, and you will not be able to serve yourself or anyone else. You depend on the Earth to support and sustain you, now it is time for you to assist your mother planet, for you are inexorably joined together as you and the Earth spiral into the next level of illumination. As with every great change, the pendulum of popular belief or mass consciousness swings widely before it settles down to a sensible norm. There are many teachings and claims being circulated, many to empower and assist you, and many to frighten you and take away your power. Also, there are many products being touted to speed up your enlightenment and do the work for you. There are many legitimate tools and products which will help you on your path, but remember, beloveds, you must do the inner workyou must tread the path to en-LIGHTEN-mentno one else can do that for you. You are in the midst of an ongoing dream that is fast-forwarding at an accelerated speed. If you allow the fixations of the past and those antiquated energies to emerge, to be transmuted or dissolved, if you do not try to hang on to the old patterns, thought forms or structures, you will not feel so distressed, so out of control. You must admit that this is not a time of boredom or stagnation, indeed, it is a what you have yearned for since that time long ago when you merged your magnificent Spirit Self into the limiting confines of a physical structure. Awaken each day in joyful anticipation, with great expectancy, allow the day to unfold in its perfectness, gifting you with new delights, releasing you from shackles of the past. As we have stressed, over and over, stay in the event of the NOW or in the Still Point of perfection, and in doing so, you are focusing on what is occurring in the moment. Each moment, each thought, each event is of vast importance, for the treasures of new wisdom, new insights, new powers of reasoning, new gifts are pouring forth at an astonishing rate and you must be open to receive them. With each new impulse of a higher vibration, a portion of your existing reality begins to dissolve as the pattern repeats time and time 5

again, as all that is not in balance and harmony gradually melts away. Reach inward and upward beloveds, as always, we are here to guide, protect and inspire you, and to radiate the loving energy of our Father/Mother God through our hearts to you. I AM Archangel Michael.

A message from Archangel Gabriel on 10/9/05 at Sean Bradleys workshop in Nottingham channelled by Alison Knox. Shared in love and Light.

Beloved; how was my gift to your Heart? Do you feel a little short changed? Do you wonder I could not have made more effort? I smile at your disappointment. The simplicity is familiar is it not? You have seen this before and turned away wondering that it could all be so simple. I am simple. . . . . I work in a simple way. It is you who choose complication as you feel it justifies you. You do not need justification. The fact you are is all you need to know. My gift to you is perfect, as you are perfect. Consider your place in my Heart; and ask; would I offer you anything other? Beloved; accept my gift of Self and know; it IS that simple. Worth ALL. . . . as YOU are worth all.
She is The Divine Feminine the Eternal Mother and Beloved Daughter. She comes to us now, on angels wings bearing the light of Source. Only now can her energy be manifest and touch the hearts and souls of those living this life on this Earth plane. Embrace Her, and embrace your own Divinity; you are Light, you are Love, you are , Peace, you are All. He is the Bringer of the Word. On wings of light this angel comes to us knowing that right now, our souls are desperate for the Truth. Open your Heart; hold a moment of stillness as a precious jewel, and treasure the infinite wisdom that is shared as you stand in Grace before Him. Know; His light is eternal and lives on in each and every Soul, in TruthHe lives.

For Sean Jude Bradley on September 29th. 2002

This Angel comes to you bearing the gift of Unity. To know that we are as one, and as one, we are all. 7

Your work is of the highest vibration and there will be those who cannot yet be ready to accept that. You must never feel disabled, nor disarmed when those cannot hear you for as yet their hearts are not open enough. You are the instrument of CHANGE, and you will touch those hearts and release those souls when they are ready to acknowledge. Your God is always with you and sends Angels as your workmates and companions. Work with Joy.

Message from Source Angel. For Sean Jude Bradley 17.7.03.

Source Angel comes to you in a blaze of golden healing light with purpose and intention to heal the child within. This beautiful being comes from a time and place beyond beginnings and with no end. A place we have all known when our souls were not yet born, and physical pain and mortal suffering were yet strangers to us. We have seen Source in our brightest and most profound dreams and have been touched in our most pure heart of hearts by the light she brings. Gentleness, pureness and light of love, do not underestimate her strength in all that beauty! She has come now, with perfect timing to work with those who are ready and to remind us who we truly are. Her gifts to us are many. Who will be the ones to accept them in the true spirit? Touch her light and free your child to be who you truly are.

Message From the Archangel Metatron for Sean Jude Bradley 0n: 17 March 2003. " Given to Sean Jude Bradley to heal souls broken by man in ignorance and pain."

Decide your new path - A Message From The Archangels

We stand at the Threshold of monumental changes for our civilization. In August of this year, a 2000 year Christian Dispensation that was over lighted by the Beloved Masters Jesus, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel will permanently shift as Earth commences with the next phase of its evolution appropriately called Resurrection. All

three of these Masters will take on new positions in service to the next cycle of evolution. This period will proceed for nine years as we reach 2012. This shift catalyses the final phase of the Piscean Age as we follow the leadership of these and other over lighting Masters that will continue to guide us in the direction of our Ascension. Everyone Will Demonstrate Their Gift Of Free Will On August 15, 16 and 17 the Cosmic, Angelic and Ascended Host will withdraw their Over lighting Forces of Light and Protection that has been supporting Earth's and its people's awakening, as well as, counteracting and buffering the toxic, unconscious and careless actions of humanity. (This begins at 5pm Mountain Time on the 14th) Over these three days, citizens of Earth, will exercise their pure, individual free will without any outer influences impacting them. They will get to make a choice to serve the light of God or stay in unawakened survival and fear. There will be no more extensions. Each individual's experience will be unique to them, but this may be a sobering confrontation to their consciousness and its current creations OR miscreations. With or without the Cosmic Presence over lighting Earth and its kingdoms, this kind of self-reflection inevitably happens when a soul is evolving into higher consciousness. On the 18th of August, the Cosmic Forces will return to rejoin ONLY the citizens of Earth who have chosen to stand with and for Love-based activity and purpose. Those who choose otherwise, will not be receiving this support any longer. There are those who commit sinister action who before now still had Cosmic Influence available to them, but no longer will this be. On that day and from now on the Energies of Resurrection will begin pouring into all systems and structures of consciousness to fund and nourish exclusively the Fifth Dimensional Civilization Paradigm. Your individual Spirit is the power behind this outpouring of love and intelligence emanating from the interconnected grid of Unity consciousness. The old paradigm will collapse even faster now as less and less sustaining life force remains to keep it alive anywhere there is the absence of Love. The nine years of Resurrection are a period of massive reorganization within social, economic and political structures that birth new innovations that continue to bridge life forward into higher consciousness. We offer this startling transmission to ignite your devotion, allegiance and gratitude to the Power of Love and the God Identity that lives within you. This event opens the Pathway of Love for our Beloved Earth and all of its human family. What Can Individuals Do To Prepare? Our first question to you is this: Have you made the fundamental choice to follow the impulses and direction of your inner God Self? A fundamental choice is a lifestyle choice, one that all others feed into. Most fundamental choices seem to be survival and fear oriented and deny the existence of a life that is filled with access to higher truth, powerful inner knowing and the self-discovery of soul gifts, talents and abilities. We

wonder what glorious divine character might be discovered within you if you decided to make the choice of all choices. Say Yes to your Divinity! Before August 15th arrives, further the self-exploration of your Divine Spirit and your Angelic Guides. Ask them to start right now preparing you for this three-day event if not the rest of your life. Your call to your Spirit may sound like this: "Mighty I Am Presence-who am I, why am I here on Earth, what is my truth? Place me on my true path. Prepare and strengthen me in all the ways that I need to be at my strongest and clearest. Show me where I am vulnerable to interference and close the doors to it immediately. Reveal ways that I can serve others during this time of transition. Teach me Gratitude and Reverence for life." So, during these three days, you will have your I Am Presence, which is your Spirit and you will have your Guardian Angel to sustain you however conscious or unconscious you are of this. Beyond measure your own Beloved Spirit is the most powerful resource you have or will ever have. Deepen your awareness of this aspect of your life, this vast intelligence within, fall in love with it and ask it to love you every day and every hour, over light you and protect you from all discord. Those of you who are on the awakened path can deepen even more your determination and dedication to fiercely stand for the Light. Those yet to awaken, or those who still determine to execute maleficent acts are in the hands of their Eternal Spirit which is the most powerful asset they have to guide them forward. This transmission is a call to prepare and be alert and aware, which doesn't end on August 18th. As a planet in evolutionary transition, all is well and all is as it should be. Reorganization is at hand as the Forces of Evolution, which are more powerful that anything Earthly moves forward into its destiny. The truth is that you are really gifted change agents who have marvellous resources within you to assist the dimensional shift. Exercise as frequently as you can, your energetic clearing tools such as the Violet Consuming Flame, taught by the St. Germain Foundation Share this information with loved ones and friends with the language they understand. We will not predict the impact this event will have on Earth changes or in the lives of people who are still heavily attached to self-destructive intentions and choices. Deterioration is already evident in peoples' lives, their jobs and relationships. It may become so obvious that they seek out higher guidance and so, let it be understood that even after the 18th, people will be waking up to making new choices and following love-based pathways for living. This is a phase shift. Remember and exercise this Law of Life: What ever you think and feel is what you bring into form. Where your thoughts rest is where you are, for you are your consciousness. Thoughts can never become things until they are clothed in feelings. You are already standing in the dimensional field of instantaneous creation. Keep your fascination upon the Holy Spirit, which is the feeling and feminine side of life - God- the activity of Divine Love -Divine Mother our strength and salvation. Your spiritual task is to keep returning to the heart and replace what pains you with compassion and forgiveness. A simple prayer is "Beloved Holy Spirit, God I AM- I


desire to experience _____________and fill in the blank. Suggest Compassion, SelfLove, Peace, Truth and on and on. Get creative with it. Another quick process you can use in the motion and movement of life is to imagine placing an expanding gold ball in your heart centre where you will immediately begin to feel this warm, comforting vibration. That's your Spiritual Heart Light. Let it nourish with pure love and centre you with your inner strength and truth, like an internal tuning fork. You will find that it gently harmonizes the mind with the heart and brings you "back" into your body. It's just about that simple. What a proving experiment to practice these two ideas in the boardrooms of Corporate America, the rush hour traffic or when disagreements break out in families and jobs, and so on. Teach them to your children and practice them together so they have resources available to them when you aren't around. Not only during these three days, but also from now on: Pay attention. Pay Attention. Pay Attention. Form support systems and 'Circle the Wagons' with like-minded people. Last, but not least, pour out your love and gratitude out to the angelic forces, the many devoted and oh, so loving dear ones, who every intervene hundreds of times on your behalf without you ever knowing the magnitude of their love and assistance. With Loving Support, Archangel Uriel

The Angel of Compassion comes to you now to bear you to a place of safety. A powerful Gladiator of God, this angel has the capacity to love at the deepest level, yet stand firm in the face of anothers pain and grief. It stands before you now, Sean Jude Bradley, in resolute commitment to your Highest Purpose and your earthly undertaking as a Brother of Light. There are those who have been placed to undermine the Light workers. Their purpose is to spread discord and confusion dressed as help and friendship in order to take control. Do not give credence to these people, and do not fear causing any offence in any way. Do not give your Power away, for once it freely given, it cannot easily be retrieved. Do not succumb to EGO and all its shiny promises. The things worth having are simple ones. Your work can be undertaking with EASE and will seem effortless when it is truly in the Light. The Angel of Compassion is a powerful tool of God and is not sent lightly. Your work is not taken lightly by God and you are deemed of worth to be delivered of this Angel, this Gladiator.


Compassion for ones own self is the only place to start. Do not be hard on your own perceived weaknesses, for in the eyes of God they be your strengths for which you are loved most profoundly. Those things which cause you anxiety are not real anyway they are illusions put there to disorientate and distract. Smoke and Mirrors! Do not be deceived. Ask for Compassion and it will indeed be delivered. Brother of Light you are well beloved.

Message given to Alison Knox for SJ Bradley on 12.3.04


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