Anda di halaman 1dari 39


Nome Dofe Time

SomeLimes Lhe order in which you add numbers can make iL easier Lo find Lhe sum. lor
example, when addinq 17, 1º, and 23, some people may firsL calculaLe 17 23, which
equals 40, and Lhen add 1º (40 J9 S9). lor Problems 1÷4, help your child look for
easy combinaLions. 8efore workinq on Problems 5÷10, you miqhL qo over Lhe example
wiLh your child.
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
For eoch problem:
Think obouf on eosy woy fo odd fhe numbers.
Wrife o number model fo show fhe order in which you ore
odding fhe numbers.
Find eoch sum. Tell someone of home why you odded fhe
numbers in fhof order.
hûML LIhk
 
Number model:
Number model:
Number model:
Number model:
Number $ense 2.0: Algebra and Functlons T.T
Nome Dofe Time
hûML LIhk
 
5. 6. 7.
8. 9. 10.
Add. Use fhe porfiol-sums mefhod.
Add fhe fens. (30 40 10) 80
Add fhe ones. (3 2 1) 6
Add fhe porfiol sums. (80 o) 86
Number $ense 2.0: Algebra and Functlons T.T
For eoch sum, wrife o number senfence using four or more
oddends. Eoch number senfence musf include o double ond of
leosf one poir of oddends fhof equol fen.
43 62
79 112
6 1
Nome Dofe Time
Nome Dofe Time
1oday your child learned abouL a device LhaL is useful when solvinq number sLories. We
call iL a comparison diaqram. Diaqrams like Lhese can help your child orqanize Lhe
informaLion in a problem. When Lhe informaLion is orqanized, iL is easier Lo decide which
operaLion ( , , , or ) Lo use Lo solve Lhe problem.
Comparison diaqrams are used Lo represenL problems in which Lwo quanLiLies are qiven and
Lhe quesLion is how much more or less one quanLiLy is Lhan Lhe oLher (Lhe difference).
£xampIe 1: 1here are 4º fourLh qraders
and 38 Lhird qraders. How many more fourLh
qraders are Lhere Lhan Lhird qraders7
NoLe LhaL Lhe number of fourLh qraders is
beinq compared wiLh Lhe number of Lhird
º An:wcr. 1here are 11 more fourLh qraders
Lhan Lhird qraders.
º lo::ìblc numbcr modcl:. Children who Lhink
of Lhe problem in Lerms of subLracLion
will wriLe 4º 38 11. OLher children
may Lhink of Lhe problem in Lerms of
addiLion: "Which number added Lo 38
will qive me 4º7¨ 1hey will wriLe Lhe
number model as 38 11 4º.
£xampIe 2: 1here are 53 second qraders.
1here are 10 more second qraders Lhan
firsL qraders. How many firsL qraders are Lhere7
NoLe LhaL someLimes Lhe difference is known
and LhaL one of Lhe Lwo quanLiLies is unknown.
º An:wcr. 1here are 43 firsL qraders.
º lo::ìblc numbcr modcl:.
53 10 43 or 10 43 53
lor Problems 1 and 2, ask your child Lo explain Lhe number model LhaL he or she wroLe.
Also ask your child Lo explain Lhe sLeps needed Lo solve Problems 4÷ó.
llcu:c rcturn thc xecond pnge ol thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
hûML LIhk
 
¬° lca·r| g·oJc·s
î 1O
Your child moy wrife words in fhe diogrom
os o reminder of whof fhe numbers meon.
Number $ense 2.0: Algebra and Functlons T.0, T.2
Add. Use fhe porfiol-sums mefhod.
  
Nome Dofe Time
hûML LIhk
 
In eoch number sfory:
Wrife fhe numbers you know in fhe comporison diogrom.
Wrife ? for fhe number you wonf fo find.
Solve fhe problem. Then wrife o number model.
 Ross hos $29. Omeido hos $10.
Ross hos $ more fhon Omeido.
Number model:
 Omor swom 35 lops in fhe pool.
Anfhony swom 20 lops.
Anfhony swom fewer lops
fhon Omor.
Number model:
 Cloudio's birfhdoy is June 10.
Tisho's birfhdoy is 12 doys lofer.
Tisho's birfhdoy is June .
Number model:
Number $ense 2.0: Algebra and Functlons T.0, T.2
Solve eoch number sfory. Be sure fo wrife o number model.
Then onswer fhe quesfions of fhe boffom of fhe poge.
1. There were 23 children in fhe clossroom. 17 wenf fo fhe
compufer lob. How mony were leff in fhe clossroom?
Number Model:
2. There were 6 children in fhe clossroom. 17 come bock
from fhe compufer lob. How mony children ore in fhe
clossroom now?
Number Model:
How ore fhe problems olike?
How mighf solving Problem 1 help you solve Problem 2?
Exploin your fhinking.
6 2
Nome Dofe Time
6 3
Nome Dofe Time
Groins Eof 6 servings o doy.
Choose whole groin cereols,
breods, crockers, or posfo.
Fruits Eof H servings o doy.
VeqetobIes Eof 3-H servings o doy.
Low-fot Doiry Eof 2 servings o doy.
Choose low-fof or fof-free milk,
cheese, ond/or yogurf.
Meot ond Beons Eof 1-2 servings o doy.
Choose leon meofs. Eof
more fish.
Fots ond OiIs Use sporingly.
Sweets If you ore eofing lofs of heolfhy
foods, fhen you moy hove
sweefs o few fimes o week.
6 3
Nome Dofe Time
fruit/ bread/cereaI/ dairy meat/pcuItry/
vegetabIes rice/pasta prcducts fish/beans/
wofermelon poncokes ice creom homburgers
bononos fried rice Swiss cheese omelefs
gropes French foosf yogurf olmonds
peors cornflokes chocolofe milk peonuf buffer
opples muffins creom cheese chicken
broccoli crockers milk shokes fish
corn spogheffi frozen yogurf pork chops
pofofoes bogels block beons
corrofs English muffins refried beons
squosh woffles scrombled eggs
roisins furkey
sfrowberries bocon
1. Moke folly morks fo show fhe number of children who
chose o fovorife food in eoch group.
2. Moke o groph fhof shows how mony children chose o
fovorife food in eoch group.
6 3
Nome Dofe Time
Fovorite Foods of ChiIdren
Food Groups
fruit/ bread/cereaI/ dairy meat/pcuItry/
vegetabIes rice/pasta prcducts fish/beans/
Nome Dofe Time
1he class has been collecLinq and qraphinq daLa abouL favoriLe foods. Ask your child abouL
Lhe qraph he or she made in class. ln Lhe Lable below, help your child counL Lhe Lally marks
below Lhe name of each fruiL. 1o decide how hiqh up Lo color each bar, your child could lay
a sLraiqhLedqe across Lhe columns.
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
hûML LIhk
 
opple wofermelon peor bonono gropes
Fovorite Fruits
In o survey, people were osked fo nome fheir fovorife fruif.
The foble below shows fhe resulfs.
 Moke o bor groph fhof shows how mony people chose
eoch fruif. The firsf bor hos been colored for you.
appIe watermeIcn pear banana grapes
    
 Which fruif is fhe mosf populor?
Which fruif is fhe leosf populor?
Whof is your fovorife kind of fruif?
$tatlstlcs, Data Analysls, and Probablllty T.0
6 3
Nome Dofe Time
1. Moke folly morks fo show fhe number of odulfs who chose
o fovorife food in eoch group.
2. Moke o groph fhof shows how mony odulfs chose o
fovorife food in eoch group.
Fovorite Foods of AduIts
Food Groups
fruit/ bread/cereaI/ dairy meat/pcuItry/
vegetabIes rice/pasta prcducts fish/beans/
Nome Dofe Time
ln Loday's lesson, your child used diaqrams Lo solve number sLories. LisLen Lo your child's
sLories. Ask your child Lo explain how each sLory relaLes Lo boLh Lhe diaqram and Lhe number
model. (See Home Link 5. : Unìt 6 lumìly |cttcr for informaLion abouL number sLories and
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
hûML LIhk
 
Wrife number sfories fo mofch eoch diogrom. Then finish fhe
number model. Tell your sfories fo someone of home.
Finish fhe number model: 2H 6
Finish fhe number model: 15 13
Start End
Part Part
Number $ense 2.2 : Algebra and Functlons T.0, T.2
Nome Dofe Time
Finish fhe number model: 28 8
Wrife o number model for your sfory.
Number model:
hûML LIhk
 
Part Part
Number $ense 2.2 : Algebra and Functlons T.0, T.2
Nome Dofe Time
ln Lhis lesson, your child found Lhe answers Lo subLracLion problems
by usinq lonqs and cubes Lo represenL Lens and ones, respecLively.
1his will help your child undersLand Lhe concepL of subLracLion
before he or she learns Lo subLracL usinq a sLep-by-sLep procedure,
or alqoriLhm, wiLh paper and pencil. When you see Lhe problems
on Lhis Home Link, you may be eaqer Lo Leach your child Lo
subLracL Lhe way you were LauqhL. Please waiL÷Lhe inLroducLion
of a formal alqoriLhm for subLracLion will be LauqhL laLer in
second qrade.
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
hûML LIhk
 
Show subfrocfion by crossing ouf cubes.
How mony cubes
ore shown os
seporofe cubes ond
os porf of fhe longs?
Cross ouf (subfrocf)
23 cubes. How
mony cubes ore leff?
Number model:
  
How mony cubes
ore shown in oll?
Cross ouf (subfrocf)
17 cubes. How
mony cubes ore leff?
Number model:
long cube
Number $ense T.2, Number $ense 2.2
Nome Dofe Time
hûML LIhk
 
How mony cubes
ore shown in oll?
Cross ouf (subfrocf)
18 cubes. How
mony cubes ore leff?
Number model:
How mony cubes
ore shown in oll?
Cross ouf (subfrocf)
25 cubes. How
mony cubes ore leff?
Number model:
How mony cubes
ore shown in oll?
Cross ouf (subfrocf)
32 cubes. How
mony cubes ore leff?
Number model:
How mony cubes
ore shown in oll?
Cross ouf (subfrocf)
H7 cubes. How
mony cubes ore leff?
Number model:
Number $ense T.2, Number $ense 2.2
Meredifh uses on inferesfing sfrofegy for solving subfrocfion
problems when you hove fo frode. Try fo figure ouf how if works.
H2 27
On my firsf sfep, I gef 12.
On my second sfep I gef 15.
15 is my finol onswer.
3H 19
On my firsf sfep, I gef 1H.
On my second sfep I gef 15.
15 is my finol onswer.
71 36
Firsf Sfep:
Second Sfep:
Finol Answer:
93 H8
Firsf Sfep:
Second Sfep:
Finol Sfep:
6 5
Nome Dofe Time
1ry 1his
Materlals geoboord dof poper for eoch person
geoboord for eoch person
rubber bond for eoch person
scissors for fhe group
glue or posfe for fhe group (opfionol)
lorge sheef of poper for fhe group (opfionol)
Work by yourself to complete 5teps 1-5.
1. Use one rubber bond fo moke o recfongle on your
geoboord. The pegs inside ond fhe pegs fhof fouch fhe
rubber bond moke on orroy.
2. Drow your orroy on fhe geoboord
dof poper.
S. Wrife obouf your orroy of fhe boffom
of fhe geoboord dof poper. Tell how
mony rows ore in your recfongle, how
mony dofs ore in eoch row, ond how
mony dofs in oll ore in your recfongle.
4. Moke 3 more orroys-oll differenf.
Follow sfeps fwo ond fhree.
5. Cuf oporf fhe dof-poper records of your H orroys.
Work wlth your group to complete 5tep 6.
6. Sorf your group's orroys info piles fhof hove fhe some
number of dofs. You mighf wonf fo use fhe orroys in eoch
pile fo moke o disploy obouf fhof number.
6 6
Nome Dofe Time
There ore 2 rows of 5 pegs.
10 pegs ore in fhe orroy.
1. 2.
S. 4.
6 6
Nome Dofe Time
Hcw many rcws? Hcw many dcts Hcw many dcts in aII?
in each rcw?
6 6
Nome Dofe Time
1. 2.
S. 4.
Hcw many rcws? Hcw many dcts Hcw many dcts in aII?
in each rcw?
Work fogefher in o smoll group.
Materlals 20 nickels
10 dimes
H quorfers
poper ond pencil
1. Use fhe coins fo find os mony differenf woys os you con fo
moke $1.00.
2. Before you begin, THINK obouf how fo do fhis. Hint: Firsf,
moke o dollor using 3 quorfers ond some ofher coins.
S. Plon how you will record fhe differenf woys fo moke $1.00.
4. On o sheef of poper, record fhe differenf woys you find fo
moke $1.00. Use ', ', ond ´ fo show fhe coins.
How mony woys did you find fo moke $1.00? Check wifh
ofher groups fo see if fhey fhoughf of ony woys fhof your
group didn'f find.
Did you hove o plon fo find oll fhe combinofions? Compore
your plon wifh fhe plon used by onofher group.
6 6
Nome Dofe Time
Materlals Moth Journol 1, p. 1H6 (per person)
one confoiner wifh obouf 50 pennies or ofher
counfers (per group)
1 six-sided die (per group)
Use counfers fo moke up ond solve problems like fhis one:
Your qroup hos been qiven 32 croyons.
Eoch person is to qet 8 croyons.
How mony of you will qet 8 croyons?
Are there ony croyons left over?
Now moke up your own problems. Follow fhese sfeps:
1. Eoch person fokes o hondful of counfers. Puf oll fhe
counfers fogefher in o pile.
How mony counfers ore in fhe pile? Counf fhem ond
record fhe number on fhe journol poge.
2. Moke equol-size groups of counfers. One person rolls
fhe die. The number fhof londs foceup fells how mony
counfers fo puf in eoch group.
Record fhis number on fhe journol poge.
S. Moke os mony groups os you con wifh fhe counfers in
fhe pile.
4. Record on fhe journol poge how mony groups you mode.
If ony counfers ore leff over, record fhof number, foo.
5. Puf fhe counfers bock in fhe confoiner. Repeof Sfeps 1-H.
6 6
Nome Dofe Time
Nome Dofe Time
¥our child has been workinq wiLh arrays÷recLanqular arranqemenLs of objecLs havinq Lhe
same number of objecLs in each row÷Lo develop readiness for mulLiplicaLion. 8ecause Lhis
is a readiness acLiviLy, children have noL yeL wriLLen number models for mulLiplicaLion, such
as 4 5 20. ¥our child will do Lhis in laLer lessons in Lhis uniL.
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
hûML LIhk
6 6
1. Show someone
of home
fhis orroy.
How mony rows?
How mony Xs
in eoch row?
How mony Xs in oll?
2. Drow on orroy of 16 Xs.
How mony rows?
How mony Xs
in eoch row?
S. Drow on orroy of 2H Xs.
How mony rows?
How mony Xs
in eoch row?
4. Drow o differenf orroy
of 2H Xs.
How mony rows?
How mony Xs
in eoch row?
1. To moke o dollor, use oll four fypes of coins ond creofe o
coin combinofion where fhere ore fwo fimes os mony of one
fype of coin os onofher.
2. To moke o dollor, use oll four fypes of coins. Use holf os
mony of one fype of coin.
S. To moke o dollor, use only nickels ond dimes ond creofe o
coin combinofion where one fype of coin is used fwice os
much os fhe ofher fype.
4. Using only fhree fypes of coins, moke o dollor wifh fhe
leosf number of coins you could use.
Using only fhree fypes of coins, moke o dollor wifh fhe
greofesf number of coins you could use.
Use pennies, nickels, dimes, ond quorfers. Moke o combinofion
fhof is worfh one dollor where you hove one of some kind of
coin, double of onofher, double fhof of onofher, ond some
number of fhe losf coin.
6 6
Nome Dofe Time
1ry 1his
Nome Dofe Time
ln Loday's lesson, your child learned LhaL mulLiplicaLion is an operaLion used Lo find Lhe LoLal
number of Lhinqs in several equal qroups. As you help your child solve Lhe followinq
problems, emphasize LhaL each qroup has Lhe same number of Lhinqs. ¥our child can use
objecLs, draw picLures, counL, or use any oLher helpful devices Lo find Lhe answers.
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
hûML LIhk
 
 How mony opples in H pockoges?
There ore 20 opples in H pockoges.
How mony sides on eoch friongle? sides
How mony sides in oll? sides
How mony wheels on eoch bike? wheels
How mony wheels in oll? wheels
 How mony fingers for eoch person?
How mony fingers in oll?
    
   
Number $ense 3.0 : Number $ense 3.T
You moy use your colculofor fo help you solve fhe problems.
1. How mony people ore in my group?
How mony honds do fhe people in my group hove
oll fogefher?
How mony fingers do fhe people in my group hove
oll fogefher?
2. How mony fobles ore in fhe clossroom?
How mony legs do fhe fobles hove?
S. One flower hos 5 pefols.
How mony pefols do 6 flowers hove?
4. Moke up your own problem like fhe ones obove. Drow o
picfure fo help someone solve your problem.
6 7
Nome Dofe Time
Whot Number Am l?
1. If you puf me info 7 equol groups wifh 3 in eoch group ond
5 ore leff over, whof number om I?
Drow o picfure of whof you did.
2. I om o number befween 20 ond 30. When you puf me info
6 equol groups, fhere is on even number in eoch group
ond 1 is leff over.
Whof number om I?
Drow o picfure of whof you did.
S. Try wrifing your own equol-groups riddle.
6 7
Nome Dofe Time
6 8
Nome Dofe Time
rows per row in all
Number model:
Multiplication Diagram
rows per row in all
Number model:
Multiplication Diagram
rows per row in all
Number model:
Multiplication Diagram
rows per row in all
Number model:
Multiplication Diagram
Nome Dofe Time
ln Lhis lesson, your child solved mulLiplicaLion problems abouL arrays, which are recLanqular
arranqemenLs of objecLs in rows and columns. Encouraqe your child Lo use counLers, such as
pennies or buLLons, while workinq on Lhe followinq exercises.
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
hûML LIhk
 
Tell someone of home whof you know obouf orroys.
 Look of fhe orroy
ond fill in fhe
H rows of dofs
6 dofs in eoch row
dofs in oll.
 Drow on orroy of
dofs. Your orroy
should hove
5 rows of dofs
7 dofs in eoch row
Thof's dofs
in oll.
 Drow on orroy of
12 dofs.
o H-by-3 orroy
Tic-toc-toe Grid:
o 3-by-3 orroy
o 3-by-2 orroy
o 3-by-H orroy
on 8-by-8 orroy
o 2-by-6 orroy
Number $ense 3.0: Number $ense 3.T
Nome Dofe Time
ln Lhis lesson, your child conLinued Lo work wiLh arrays Lo develop mulLiplicaLion concepLs.
¥our child described each array by naminq Lhe number of rows, Lhe number of iLems in each
row, and Lhe LoLal number of iLems in Lhe array. ¥our child wroLe number models Lo describe
arrays. ln Lhe example, an array wiLh 2 rows of 4 doLs can be described usinq Lhe number
model 2 4 8.
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
Show on orroy for fhe numbers fhof ore given. Find fhe fofol
number of dofs in fhe orroy. Complefe fhe number model.
Numbers: 2, H  Numbers: 7, 3
Tofol: Tofol:
Number model: Number model:
  

hûML LIhk
 
Number $ense 3.0 : Number $ense 3.T
Nome Dofe Time
hûML LIhk
 
 Numbers: 6, 10
Number model:
Answer fhe quesfions obouf eoch orroy.
How mony rows?
How mony
dofs in eoch row?
How mony
dofs in fhe orroy?
How mony rows?
How mony
squores per row?
How mony
squores in fhe orroy?
How mony rows?
How mony squores in eoch row?
How mony squores in fhe orroy?
Number $ense 3.0 : Number $ense 3.T
Materlals poffern blocks Poffern-Block Templofe
1 six-sided die or number cube
Moth Mosters, p. 187
1. Choose one of fhese blocks.
2. Roll fhe die 2 fimes.
The firsf number you roll fells how mony rows fo moke in your orroy.
The second number you roll fells how mony blocks fo puf
in eoch row of your orroy.
If you roll o 1 firsf ond fhen o 5, you mighf moke fhis:
S. Record fhe orroys you moke on Moth Mosters, poge 187.
Use fhe Poffern-Block Templofe. Af fhe fop of fhe poge,
drow fhe firsf orroy you mode.
Fill in fhe foble for Number 1 of fhe boffom of fhe poge.
4. Moke H more orroys. Follow fhe some sfeps. If you hove room, drow
fhe orroys you moke. Affer you run ouf of room, fill in fhe foble only.
6 9
Nome Dofe Time
Use your Poffern-Block Templofe. Show one or more of your orroys.
6 9
Nome Dofe Time
Record fhe orroys you mode.
Hcw many rcws? Hcw many shapes Hcw many
in each rcw? shapes in aII?
Nome Dofe Time
ln Lhis lesson, your child worked on Lhe concepL of division by puLLinq objecLs inLo equal
qroups and sharinq objecLs equally amonq several people. ObjecLs LhaL are lefL over are
called Lhe rcmuìndcr. lf º books are shared equally amonq 4 people, each person qeLs 2
books, and Lhe 1 book LhaL is lefL over is Lhe remainder.
WaLch as your child divides Lhinqs equally amonq family members. 1ry Lo use qroups of
objecLs LhaL can be divided wiLh no remainder as well as qroups LhaL have remainders.
llcu:c rcturn thì: |omc |ìnk to :chool tomorrow.
 Hove someone of home give you o group or hondful of
smoll ifems, such os roisins, buffons, or popcorn. Show
how you con divide fhe ifems equolly omong your fomily
members. Are ony ifems leff over?
Moke o record of whof you did. Be reody fo fell obouf if in closs.
I shored (how mony?) ifems equolly omong people.
Eoch person gof . There were leff over.
 Do fhis ogoin wifh some ofher kind of ifem.
I shored ifems equolly omong people.
Eoch person gof . There were leff over.
 19 cenfs shored equolly
by 2 people by 3 people by H people
¢ per person ¢ per person ¢ per person
¢ remoining ¢ remoining ¢ remoining
hûML LIhk
 
Number $ense 3.2
Use counfers fo help you solve fhe problems.
1. Rufh's grondmo hod jusf boked o fresh froy of 12 cookies.
When Rufh come info fhe kifchen, her grondmo gove her
3 worm cookies.
Wrife o number model fo show how mony cookies were sfill
on fhe froy.
When Rufh's sisfer come info fhe kifchen, Grondmo gove her
3 cookies.
Wrife o number model fo show how mony cookies were sfill
on fhe froy.
How mony more people con Grondmo give cookies fo if
she gives eoch person fhree cookies?
Show your work.
2. The nexf fime grondmo boked cookies, she used o lorger
froy. She mode 15 cookies.
How mony people con hove cookies fhis fime if everyone gefs 3?
Show your work.
6 10
Nome Dofe Time
6 10
Nome Dofe Time
rows per row in all
rows per row in all
rows per row in all
rows per row in all
Nome Dofe Time
hûML LIhk
6 11
ln ÜniL 7, children will concenLraLe on number paLLerns, compuLaLional skills, and
Lhe applicaLion of maLhemaLics Lhrouqh Lhe use of daLa. 1hey will conLinue Lo use
Lhe 100-qrid Lo supporL Lheir numeraLion skills. Children will also explore
Lhe paLLerns of doublinq and halvinq numbers, which will help prepare Lhem for
mulLiplicaLion and division.
CompuLaLional work will be exLended Lo several 2-diqiL numbers and Lo Lhe subLracLion
of 1- and 2-diqiL numbers from mulLiples of 10.
Children will learn Lo find complemenLs of Lens: LhaL is, Lhey will answer such quesLions
as "WhaL musL l add Lo 4 Lo qeL Lo 107 WhaL musL l add Lo 47 Lo qeL Lo 507¨ or "How
many Lens are needed Lo qeL from 320 Lo 4007¨
Children will also collecL and work wiLh real-life daLa abouL animals, adulLs, and
Lhemselves. lor example, Lhey will collecL daLa by measurinq Lhe lenqLhs of Lheir
sLandinq lonq jumps and Lhen find Lhe median jump lenqLh for Lhe class.
Please keep thls Famlly Letter for reference as your chlld works
through Unlt 7.
lmporLanL Lerms in ÜniL 7:
median [middIe numberì 1he number in Lhe middle of a lisL of daLa ordered from
leasL Lo qreaLesL or vice versa. lor example, 35 is Lhe middle number in Lhe followinq
ordered lisL.
30, 32, 32, 35, 3ó, 38, 40
frequency 1he number of Limes an evenL or value occurs in a seL of daLa. lor example,
in Lhe seL of daLa above, 32 has a frequency of 2.
Do-Anytlme Actlvltles
1o work wiLh your child on Lhe concepLs LauqhL in Lhis uniL and in previous uniLs,
Lry Lhese inLeresLinq and rewardinq acLiviLies:
1. lf you have a calculaLor aL home, pracLice makinq (and breakinq) Lens.
lor cxumplc.
Makinq Lens: EnLer 33. WhaL needs Lo be done Lo display 507 33 50
8reakinq Lens: EnLer ó0. WhaL needs Lo be done Lo display 527 ó0 52
Or, for more challenqinq pracLice, Lry Lhe followinq:
EnLer 27. WhaL needs Lo be done Lo display 407
EnLer º0. WhaL needs Lo be done Lo display óó7
1ry oLher similar numbers.
2. Make a qame ouL of doublinq, Lriplinq, and quadruplinq small numbers. lor
example, usinq Lhe number 2, firsL double iL. WhaL number do you qeL7 ConLinue
Lhe doublinq process five more Limes. SLarL aqain wiLh Lhe number 2 and Lriple iL:
Lhen quadruple iL. Discuss Lhe differences amonq Lhe final numbers.
3. CollecL a simple seL of daLa from family and friends. lor example, how hiqh can
differenL people's finqerLips reach while Lhe people are sLandinq flaL on Lhe floor7
Order Lhe daLa Lo find Lhe median.
hûML LIhk
6 11
Bulldlng 5kllls through Games
ln ÜniL 7, your child will pracLice skills relaLed Lo addiLion and subLracLion as well as
chance and probabiliLy by playinq Lhe followinq qames:
Arrny Blngo
Players roll Lhe dice and find an Arruy 8ìnqo card wiLh Lhe same number of doLs.
Players Lhen Lurn LhaL card over. 1he firsL player Lo have a row, column, or diaqonal
of facedown cards calls ouL "8inqo!¨ and wins Lhe qame.
Soccer Spln
Players choose a spinner Lo use durinq Lhe qame. 1hey choose a Leam Lo cheer for,
Checks or SLripes. 1hey Lhen predicL which Leam will win based on Lheir spinner.
1hey spin Lhe spinner Lo check Lheir predicLion.
Bnxketbnll Addltlon
1he baskeLball qame is played by Lwo
Leams, each consisLinq of 3÷5 players. 1he
number of poinLs scored by each player
in each half is deLermined by rollinq a
LwenLy-sided polyhedral die or 3 reqular
dice and usinq Lheir sum. 1he Leam
LhaL scores Lhe qreaLer number of
poinLs wins Lhe qame.
Hlt the Tnrget
Players choose a 2-diqiL mulLiple of
Len (10, 20, 30, and so on) as a
LarqeL number. One player enLers
a sLarLinq number on a calculaLor
and Lries Lo chanqe Lhe sLarLinq
number Lo Lhe LarqeL number
by addinq a number Lo iL on
Lhe calculaLor. Children
pracLice findinq differences
beLween 2-diqiL numbers
and hiqher mulLiples of Lens.
hûML LIhk
6 11
Home Llnk 7 1
1. 202, 204, 20ó, 208, 210, 212, 214, 21ó, 218
2. 500, 505, 510, 515, 520, 525, 530, 535, 540, 545
3. 550, 5ó0, 570, 580, 5º0, ó00, ó10, ó20, ó30, ó40
Home Llnk 7 2
1. ó: 7: 5: º: 2 2. ó: 7: 5: º: 8
3. 32 38: ó5 5: 10 ó0: 43 27: 1º 51:
51 1º: 27 43
Home Llnk 7 3
1. 1eam A: 35: 1eam 8: 25: A
2. 1eam A: 30: 1eam 8: 35: 8
3. 1eam A: 2º: 1eam 8: 40: 8
4. 1eam A: 45: 1eam 8: 5º: 8
Home Llnk 7 4
2. 1, 2, 4, 8, 1ó, 32, ó4
3. 3, ó, 12, 24, 48, ºó, 1º2
4. 127 pennies, or $1.27
5. º 6. 32 7. 38
Home Llnk 7 5
1. 8 pounds 2. 20 pounds 3. 5 pounds
4. 11,000 pounds 5. 1ºº 6. 4º
7. 107 B. º0
Home Llnk 7 6
5. 42 6. 103 7. 25 B. 2º
Home Llnk 7 7
1. 3 7 º 12 15 20 21
poinLs poinLs poinLs poinLs poinLs poinLs poinLs
2. 5ó in. óó in. ó8 in. 70 in. 73 in.
3. 142 cm 1ó8 cm 173 cm 178 cm 185 cm
Home Llnk 7 B
1. 2 2. 0 3. 4ó 4. 52
5. º 6. 48 7. 4º
As You Help Your Chlld wlth Homework
As your child brinqs home assiqnmenLs, you miqhL wanL Lo qo over Lhe insLrucLions LoqeLher, clarifyinq
Lhem as necessary. 1he answers lisLed below will quide you Lhrouqh Lhis uniL's Home Links.
in out
12 6
50 25
H0 20
30 15
16 8
18 9
hûML LIhk
6 11

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