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1. IDENTITY OF SUBJECT a. Name of School b. Class c. Semester d. Program e. Subject f. Times allocated : SMP Negeri 1 Banda Aceh : VIII :2 :: Chemistry : 2x meeting

2. COMPETENCE STANDARD 4. Understand the use of chemical in life

3. BASIC COMPETENCE 4.3 Describe the natural and artificial chemical in food (C2).

4. INDICATORS Describe the function of additive addition in food (C2). Differentiate natural chemical and artificial chemical in food sachets (C2). Describe the differences between natural and artificial sweeteners (C2). Plan the experiment to examine natural or artificial sweeteners containing in a sachet drink (C4). Observe and determine natural or artificial sweeteners in a sachet drink by experiment (C3). Do the experiment serially and well (P4). Describe the differences of natural and artificial color, flavor enhancer, and preservative (C2). Explain the impact of natural chemical and artificial chemical for surroundings and society by exercise (C3).

5. LEARNING OBJECTIVES The students can: Describe the function of additive addition in food. Determine the natural and artificial sweeteners in sachet drink based on experiment result. Explain the impact of natural chemical and artificial chemical for surroundings and society correctly. Apply the result of learning of chemicals in food in daily life.

6. LEARNING MATERIAL Additives in Food 7. TIMES ALLOCATED 2x meeting (4 x 45)

8. LEARNING METHODS a. Learning Model b. Approach : STAD, JIGSAW : Contextual, Deductive

c. Learning Methods : Discussion, Lectures, QA, Recitation, Experiment

9. ACTIVITIES 1st meeting (2 x 45) NO 1. Introduction Students greet and pray with teachers. Students answer teachers question about the students attendance. Teacher gives apperception about chemical matter). in daily life (previous Activities Times (minutes) 15 Life skill aspects educed

Teacher gives motivation: Have you ever drink the nature mango juice? Have you compare the taste of nature mango juice and Mangga Madu? Which one is sweeter and better?


Core Activities Students make a note and pay attention to teachers writing for the title and goal that will be teached. Students sit on their own group which had been grouping by teacher on last meeting into 2 groups (group 1 and 2), each group contain 3 students. Students get the hand-out, individual task, and group task from teacher. Students listen carefully teachers explanation about additives in food concept, especially about natural and artificial sweeteners in sachet drink, while doing individual task. Students listen carefully teachers explanation about how to determine natural containing experiment. Students collect their individual task to teacher. Students get the worksheet from teacher and report if their equipment or in artificial sachet sweetener drink by


Observe information. Skill Truth Personality test Potential of self Discipline Responsible Honest Appreciate friends Love friends Care

and material needed is complete. Students formulate the problems and hypotheses given on worksheet with teacher guidance. Students do group experiment

following the experiment steps on worksheet with teacher guidance. Students do the group task (write the result of experiment into table of result of experiment on worksheet and answer the questions). Students analyze the result according to the clues on worksheet with teacher guidance. Students collect their group task to teacher. One student from each group write their group experiment result into table of result of experiment on whiteboard. Students ask something that they dont have understood yet. Students listen carefully teachers reinforcement to result of students discussion. 3. Closing Activities Students make conclusion, determine their hypotheses are proven or not, according to worksheet. Students make report of experiment 15 Observe information Skill Teamwork

on group with teacher guidance. Every group get appreciation from teacher. Students answer teachers question, such as: a. Is the step/problem solving

applicable in daily life? b. Is that way has useful in daily life? If yes, what is it? c. How is the impact of consume sachet drink contains artificial sweeteners for body? Students have a small quiz about the matter that has been studied. Students listen carefully teachers information about the next matter that will be teached on next meeting. Students write their assignment that will be collected next meeting about report of experiment individually according to teachers explanation, and assignment to read the next matter. 2nd meeting (2 x 45) NO 1. Introduction Students greet and pray with teachers. Students answer teachers question Activities Times (minutes) 15 Life skill aspects educed

about the students attendance. Teacher gives apperception about natural and artificial sweeteners

(previous matter). Teacher gives motivation: Do you often eat snacks? Is it delicious? How can it well preserved, whereas if you cook it, it will spoiled quickly? And also the color, its so interesting, isnt it? 2. Core Activities Students make a note and pay attention to teachers writing for the title and goal that will be teached. Students sit on their own group which had been grouping by teacher on last meeting into 2 groups (group 1 and 2), each group contain 3 students. Students get worksheet from teacher. Students listen carefully teachers explanation about additives in food concept, especially about the color, flavor enhancer, and preservative. Students sit on the expert group (color, flavor enhancer, preservative) and discuss about their own matter. Students back to their origin group, one student (expert) teach the other students on group about his matter, and so on. 60 Observe information. Skill Truth Personality test Potential of self Discipline Responsible Honest Appreciate friends Love friends Care

Students do the worksheet on group. Students ask something that they dont have understood yet. Students listen carefully teachers adding explanation to result of students discussion.


Closing Activities Students make conclusions. Every group get appreciation from teacher. Students do reflection by answering teachers question, such as: a. How is the impact of consume food contains artificial sweeteners for body? b. How is impact of many sachet food/drink factories (pollution


Observe information Skill Teamwork Personality Test

caused by its smoke and waste)? c. How is the role of science and technology in this problem? Students have a small quiz about the matter that has been studied. Students listen carefully teachers information about the next matter that will be teached on next meeting. Students write their assignment that will be collected next meeting about the questions on textbook, and

assignment to read the next matter.

10. LEARNING RESOURCES Tools and materials Tools Materials Sari, Nesfruta Reading Guide Worksheet Drink Books : : Food Additives : Determine Natural and Artificial Sweeteners in Sachet : : Candle, matches, spoon, tissue, glass : Sugar solution, Water, Manga Madu, Teh Gelas, Nutri

Krisno, Agus Mochammad, Mampuono, Tri Tjanda Mucharam, Imam Suhada. 2008. Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Wasis dan Sugeng Yuli Irianto. 2008. Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Jilid 2 untuk SMP/MTs Kelas VIII. Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 11. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Types of Claims Form Charges : Individual tasks and group tasks (exercise). : Essay, report, written.

AFFECTIVE ASSESSMENT GUIDELINES Aspects of The Observed Name No of Students 1 Notes: *) Put a checklist () in the field provided **) G: Good; E: Enough; P: Poor. Teamwork G E P Potential of Self G E P Honest G E P Responsible G E P Discipline G E P Addition

EXAMPLE FORMAT OF STUDENT ATTITUDES OBSERVATION Name Discipline Activities Cooperation Honesty Ethics

The scale of assessment made by the range of 1-5. Interpretation of the numbers: 1. Very less; 2. Less; 3. Enough; 4. Good; 5. Very Good.

EXAMPLE FORMAT OF PSYCHOMOTOR ASSESSMENT No Name of Students A B Assessment C D E Score Value Aspect Remark

1 Aspects considered: a. Skills arranging tools b. Neatness set of tools and materials

No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Category Assessment 1 Holding the spoon Stirring to dissolve sugar solution Heating by using candle Observe the heating and its result . 2

Score 3

5. Total Maxsimum Score THE RUBRIC OF DETERMINE NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS Description of values: 1 = less skilled 2 = quite skilled 3 = skilled 4 = very skilled

COGNITIVE ASSESSMENT GRATING No 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 Kind of Task Answer Key Sweetener is additive that added into food or drink to make it taste sweeter. There are two kinds of sweetener based on its sources; natural and artificial sweetener. Natural sweetener is a kind of sweetener from natural sources. 3 examples of natural sweetener: sugar, corn syrup, honey. Artificial sweetener is a synthetic sweetener. 3 Examples of artificial sweetener: aspartame, saccharin, sorbitol. The different of natural and artificial sweetener is its sources, where natural sweetener is got from natural source, and artificial sweetener is a synthetic sweetener. Artificial. The function of adding sweetener into drink is to make it taste sweeter. Natural. The impact of consuming many drinks contain artificial sweetener is it will causes some diseases, such as cancer, headache, etc. Artificial. Sweetener is additive that added into food or drink to make it taste sweeter. There are two kinds of sweetener based on its sources; natural and artificial sweetener. Natural sweetener is a kind of sweetener from natural sources. Artificial sweetener is a synthetic sweetener. The function of adding sweetener into drink is to make it taste sweeter. The impact of consuming many drinks contain artificial sweetener is it will causes some diseases, such as cancer, headache, etc. Score 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

Individual Task

2 1 2 1 2 Group Task

50 50 50 50 50



Group Task

Determine Natural and Artificial Sweeteners in Sachet Drink

There are two kinds of sweetener, they are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. One example of natural sweeteners is sugar, and example of artificial sweeteners is saccharin that has sweetness level 500 times sweeter than sugar. Sachet drink circulated in society, solution or powder has several kinds. Some sachet drink that we often see, they are Mangga Madu, Nutri Sari, etc. Purpose: Examine the sweeteners (natural or artificial) in sachet drink Materials: 1. Sugar solution 2. Water 3. Mangga Madu 4. Nutri Sari Equipment: 1. Candle 2. Matches 3. Spoon 4. Tissue 5. Glass Problems Formulation: 1. How is the way to examine natural or artificial sweetener in sachet drink? 2. Which sachet drink is containing artificial sweeteners? Hypotheses:

Steps: 1. Prepare the equipment and materials needed. 2. Make some drink by dissolve drink powder into a glass of water (for powder sachet drink). 3. Flame the candle using matches. 4. Take one spoon sugar solution. 5. Heat the spoon containing sugar solution on the flamed candle about 5 minutes. 6. Observe the changing, if solution forming like caramel so the sweetener is natural sweetener, if not, it is artificial sweetener. The picture of caramel shown below:

But the result of solution heating that contain natural sweetener will not has chocolate color, just has caramel form. 7. Do step 4 until 6 to the other sachet drink. 8. Write the result on table 1. Table 1. Result of Experiment No. Sachet Drink 1 2 3 Sugar Solution Mangga Madu Nutri Sari Natural Sweetener () Artificial Sweetener ()


1. A drink containing natural sweetener gives changing like a after heating on flamed candle. 2. A drink containing artificial sweetener gives changing like a after heating on flamed candle. 3. The drink containing natural sweetener is .. 4. The drink containing artificial sweetener is Conclusion: 1. Is your hypothesis right? 2. What conclusion that can you make?

Exercise Describe about sweeteners in food/drinks (definition, kind, function, impact)!

Worksheet Purpose : to understand about natural and artificial sweetener well. Natural and Artificial Sweeteners

Individual Task

There are two kinds of sweetener, they are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. One example of natural sweeteners is sugar, and example of artificial sweeteners is saccharin that has sweetness level 500 times sweeter than sugar. Exercise 1. What is sweetener? 2. Mention two kinds of sweetener based on its sources!

Worksheet Purpose : to understand about natural and artificial sweetener well. Natural and Artificial Sweeteners

Individual Task

There are two kinds of sweetener, they are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. One example of natural sweeteners is sugar, and example of artificial sweeteners is saccharin that has sweetness level 500 times sweeter than sugar. Exercise 1. What is natural sweetener? 2. Give three examples of natural sweetener!

Worksheet Purpose : to understand about natural and artificial sweetener well. Natural and Artificial Sweeteners

Individual Task

There are two kinds of sweetener, they are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. One example of natural sweeteners is sugar, and example of artificial sweeteners is saccharin that has sweetness level 500 times sweeter than sugar. Exercise 1. What is artificial sweetener? 2. Give three examples of artificial sweetener!

Worksheet Purpose : to understand about natural and artificial sweetener well. Natural and Artificial Sweeteners

Individual Task

There are two kinds of sweetener, they are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. One example of natural sweeteners is sugar, and example of artificial sweeteners is aspartame etc. Exercise 1. What is the different between natural and artificial sweetener? 2. Aspartame and Saccharin are the examples of _________ sweetener.

Worksheet Purpose : to understand about natural and artificial sweetener well. Natural and Artificial Sweeteners

Individual Task

There are two kinds of sweetener, they are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. One example of natural sweeteners is sugar, and example of artificial sweeteners is saccharin that has sweetness level 500 times sweeter than sugar. Exercise 1. What is the function of sweetener addition into drink? 2. Corn Syrup and Honey are the examples of _________ sweetener.

Worksheet Purpose : to understand about natural and artificial sweetener well. Natural and Artificial Sweeteners

Individual Task

There are two kinds of sweetener, they are natural sweeteners and artificial sweeteners. One example of natural sweeteners is sugar, and example of artificial sweeteners is saccharin that has sweetness level 500 times sweeter than sugar. Exercise 1. What is the impact of consuming many drinks contain artificial sweetener? 2. Cyclamate and Sorbitol are the examples of _________ sweetener.

HAND-OUT FOOD ADIITIVES Food additives are substances added to food to preserve flavor or enhance its taste and appearance. Some additives have been used for centuries; for example, preserving food by pickling (with vinegar), salting, as with bacon, preserving sweets or using sulfur dioxide as in some wines. With the advent of processed food in the second half of the 20th century, many more additives have been introduced, of both natural and artificial origin. Food additives consist of two kinds based on the sources, they are natural additives and artificial additives. Natural additive is additive from natural sources. Artificial additive is synthesis additive, it is not from natural sources. There are some kinds of food additives based on the purpose of its addition, they are sweetener, color, flavor enhancer, and preservative. A. Sweeteners Two types of intense sweeteners are available: natural sweeteners of plant origin and artificial or synthetic sweeteners. 1. Natural Sweeteners Natural sweetener is food additives from natural sources added into food or drink to make it taste sweet. The sweeteners from natural sources with potential for commercial use include perillaldehyde, stevioside, rabaudioside, glycyrrhizin, osladin, thaumatins, and monellin. Examples of natural sweeteners are sugar, corn syrup, crystalline fructose, honey, fruit juice. 1.1 Sugar

Originally people chewed on sugar cane to enjoy a sweet treat. Then a method of crystallizing sugar was developed in India around 350AD. Sugar became a political hot-topic during the European settlement of America because sugar cane grew well on Caribbean islands. Because labor was needed, slaves were brought in from Africa. We can thank sugar cane plantation owners for starting the slave trade to the New World.

Back then sugar was worth as much as gold and it was considered a luxury. Even today it is a very popular food item, though now almost everyone can afford it. Our sugar supply is made from sugar cane or sugar beets.

A lot of illness is blamed on sugar including weight gain, diabetes, tooth decay, gout, and even cancer. 1.2 Corn Syrup High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) hasn't been around very long. It was first created in the 1970s and since then has become so popular, the average American consumes more HFCS than sucrose (sugar).

Corn syrup is considered by many to be extremely unhealthy for human consumption, but it is cheap and sweet, so manufacturers of processed food keep using it. 1.3 Crystalline Fructose Crystalline fructose is also called fruit sugar. According to the website of the Fructose Information Center, fructose is created by extracting cornstarch from corn kernals which through processing is "enzymatically transformed to fructose."

1.4 Honey

Honey is the pure product of honey bees. Nothing is added to it, however it is often processed with heat treatments and not completely natural.

True organic honey is rare because bees may be gathering nectar from plants treated with pesticides. Also beekeepers often use inorganic substances. For example, they may kill the bees with calcium cyanide before gathering the honey. Carbolic acid is used to remove the honey from the hive. Also beekeepers treat bee diseases with antibiotics and sulfa.

Supermarket honey has usually been processed with heat to make the honey clear and unclouded. This 'ultrafiltration' process destroys nutrients such as enzymes. 1.5 Fruit Juice

Many juices are useful in baking and for sweetening smoothies and other drink. Apple sauce is also added to muffins and other baked goods for sweetness.

2. Artificial Sweeteners Artificial sweetener is synthesis food additives added into food or drink to make it taste sweet. Artificial sweeteners that often add into food or drink is cyclamate, saccharin, sucralose, sorbitol, aspartame. 2.1 Cyclamate The use of cyclamate in artificial sweeteners was banned in the USA in 1969 because testing associated it with bladder cancer, yet over 55 other countries still allow it to be sold. More recent testing disputes this finding, and a reapproval petition has been filed with the FDA. The 1960s testing showed that a combination of cyclamate with saccharin caused rats to develop bladder cancer. More recent studies state that cyclamate is not a carcinogen. 2.2 Saccharin Saccharin is the common name for benzoic sulfinide, a sweet substance providing no nutritive value. Saccharin was discovered in 1879 by chemist Constantin Fahlberg, while researching coal tar derivitives at Johns Hopkins University. It became popular during World War I sugar shortages.

In the 1970s studies associated saccharin with bladder cancer in rats. It was banned in Canada in 1977. In the USA, a warning label was added to packaging.

In 2001 the requirement of a warning label was lifted after a study showed that rats develop bladder cancer from saccharin due to a function not relevant to human beings as our urine composition is different.

2.3 Sucralose Sucralose is chlorinated sugar and is about 600 times sweeter than sugar. It is made by replacing three hydroxyl groups with three chlorine atoms. It has no nutritive value and is eliminated from the body in the same form in which it was ingested.

Sucralose is the only artificial sweetener that maintains its sweetness when heated, so it can be used in baking.

Sucralose is an organochloride and may be carcinogenic, though not all organochlorides are. It is thought that sucralose may not be carcinogenic because it doesn't break down, dechlorinate, or accumulate in fat cells as some other organochlorides do.

2.4 Sorbitol Another name for sorbitol is glucitol. It is a sugar alcohol used in sugar-free candies and other diet food. It is found naturally in some fruits and berries, but normally is created through chemical processing.

Though sorbitol has some nutrient value, it also is known for numerous side effects including abdominal pain and intestinal difficulties, so products containing sorbitol should be used in moderation.

2.5 Aspartame James M. Schlatter accidentally discovered aspartame in 1965 while researching antiulcer formulations for G.D. Searle & Company. It has become one of the most controversial artificial sweeteners due to its connotations with side effects such as headaches, brain tumors, brain lesions, and lymphoma

Approve, Headmaster

Banda Aceh, June 16th 2012 Teacher

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(Zahraa) NIP. 0906103040001

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