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Bob. I hope I do not detect some resentment creeping into your psyche.


Hardly your most mature work - If you mean that the use of words to tickle your intellect is not evident - so be it. Political cartoons seldom make use of many words. some resentment creeping into your psyche. - As I observe the abuses of power and the fallacious claims to represent the God of Jesus Christ - resentment - you bet your ass I resent being labeled or categorized with this clown. And I say clown because that is the level of competence and maturity he has exhibited as leader of the free world. I originally was a George W Bush supporter. He has repeatedly evidenced that that confidence was ill placed. Yes I feel betrayed as a Christian constituent, and will not have it presumed, by my silence, that I continue to render or maintain that support. Im done supporting what is a show of alleged Christianity. A tree is known by its fruit, and the fruit that is evidenced here is self preserving politics.

=============================== Now if love is patient , kind, enduring, and keeps no record of wrongdoing. I fail to see how accusations somehow qualify as a gift of the spirit. But, I do try to remain open to correction.

================= Love is also responsible. And as a participant in a democratic form of government - it is a responsibility to speak. I would add a qualification, which is subject to each persons viewpoint, - hold your tongue unless you really have something to say. Love also rejoices when right and truth prevail. We can take and twist the words of the Bible into any context and configuration that most suits our purpose. This twisting and reassembling is not the Word of God. The Word dwells in you - and regardless of the intellectual gymnastics we may put our minds through and the contortions we may manufacture and call it the truth as evidenced by the (choke) (cough)(gag) Word of God - the Bible, The truth is not evidenced by these. The truth is known in you. Regardless of the religious crap you may assemble around you, The resident Word of God - IN YOU - is bearing witness to the truth. Our religion(s) construct facades of faith that keep us from realizing that truth. Religion Christian, Muslim or other, construct systems around us. They keep us from each other, and by our focus on them - keep us from really knowing God. Spirituality, knowledge of

Christ, is not and intellectual argument. But it is to the Church, or may I better say, those who would associate and propagate themselves as the Church. What is dominant in this nation (I speak as an American) is not Christianity in relation to Christ - the comprehension and realization of intimacy with the creator God, but various forms and intellectualizations of religious order. None of which are necessarily the expression of Christ. It is this religious form that now occupies the White House. We are a democracy. Our Constitution binds us together as a people. The Constitution is not the definer of faith, but it is the binder of peoples of a plethora of faiths. accusations somehow qualify as a gift of the spirit - We as the American people - are the overseers of our government. We can argue that we elect officials to perform duties and carry out responsibilities and thus delegate that responsibility. But who oversees those to whom these responsibilities are delegated too. Whether it be the White House, or the Congress, or the Judiciary - ultimately - as a Democracy - the buck doesnt stop with GW Bush (or whoever else may occupy that seat), the buck stops with you and me, the people of the United States of America. Abuse of power is all too easy, where dirty little secrets can be kept in smoke filled back rooms. Public accountability is our only real secure option. That does not mean all secrets are revealed. It means the right and responsibility to exercise the Constitutional safeguards in open and public forum. Public accountability is necessary, because this nation belongs to all of us. If theres nothing to hide, Whats the issue? - The Administration is behaving like a little boy with his hand caught in the cookie jar.

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